by Jo
Well I am currently dating a Sag. I am a Virgo. An organized, shy, loving, caring, patient, "sensitive" person. My Sag is a great guy, one of the best I have been with so far. One day (or now), I was skimming through the internet looking at Sag. and Virgos compatibility, and how strong is it. Well what they say about Sag. are very true; athletic, very social, honest, ect. But they said "He (Sag) will grow tired of her (virgo) predictability and excessive carefulness". When I read that, I was scared, and maybe I might be doing everything wrong and he might think I am very irritating and a burden. I try giving him room, such as; not texting until he texts me, not being an annoying girlfriend and asking him where is he, what is he doing every five minutes, basically not being obsessed. It is very hard too since we deal with a long distance relationship(he is in the marines).
I am just a Virgo who wants to know if this relationship will last for a long period of time.
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