Virgo man makes me feel secure.

by Jasmine
(New York, New York)

I am pursuing a relationship with a Virgo man. I have never felt more connected or attracted to someone as much as i am now. i felt it instantly. I met him about four years ago but never really thought of the possibility. We recently reconnected and the attraction was there instantly.

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Completly true!
by: Anonymous

It's true, once a cap establishes that connection with a virgo man it lasts a very long time! I'm the same and i noticed that no matter how much time goes by everytime we talk it's just there! it never goes away. It's intense and very long lasting.

by: Anonymous

I am a Capricorn woman and I have an old Virgo friend (with benefits) that I can't seem to move on from. We were friends long before the benefits kicked in, but the attraction was instant. We now live on different continents and have both moved on to other relationships, yet the attraction will not die!! I worry that I won't ever be able to find that level of passion in another person. Perhaps it just takes time but it's literally been 3 years. :(

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