true sagittarius female

by Arma
(Dayton, Ohio)

I'm a 41 old Sagittarius married female. everything is true. im very intelligent, loyal, fun, adventurous, out spoken & blunt, very honest, see the future and the big picture, a realist, helpful, caring, loves freedom, and very good in the bed who loves sex, and i get bored real easy. but if i befriend you i will be there for life and we are forgiving people like jesus to a degree lol.. Peachy in Dayton ohio

Comments for true sagittarius female

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Traits - as a Saggi female.
by: Anonymous

Honest to a fault, loyal, fun, adventurous, philosophical, compassionate, need to see the big picture, love sex and/or sensuality, sports/outdoors, mental stimulation and needing to be with people who see humour in life and are interesting. Love travel, different cultures, and feeding all senses (esp music and food). Although this can probably be likened to all signs to a lesser or greater degree, (also needing to take rising and moon signs into account). Of course, when running low on energy, need to lie low, and be lazy to recharge!

The extreme of this can be: outspoken, impulsive, quick to flair up, opinionated, hedonistic, idealistic and too flippant at times!

sagittaruis girl
by: Anonymous

im a true Sagittarius girl.. everything thats said about us is very true. and some of these comments that i read from other sagi girls are really me. i love everything about us.. like we're very optimistic, philosophical, and love love adventure etc.. but one of the traits i really hate is being so blunt and honest straight forward and straight shooter.. i don't like that.. is there way to change that?
how many of you don't like that trait as well? or is it just me?

Frivolous Sags
by: Anonymous

We love you the way you are, It's just your natural frivolous side that gets on our nerves sometimes and leads to misunderstandings, confusion, mistrust and breakups. Watch the excessive freedom and casual flirts you like to have away from your partner as nothing can be hidden, and spare him the doubt and deception.
I'm a man who speaks from experience, I've come many times very close to ending my relationship with my Sag lady precisely because of that, while I've been faithful and respectful to her.
We can overlook your uncareful and untactful way of expressing yourselves and many times find it amusing, but when it comes to behaving lightly when on your own, it's a whole different issue and usually ends up with the Sag lady being dumped, contrary to what she may have to say.

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