After 1 year and 2 months my Taurus finally wants a relationship. I'm nervous about this. I have been patient and recently lost hope. Then he tells me your my girl.. Mind you he has been telling me he loves me for 5 months now and just says it in passing on the phone. He moved on to saying it face to face. He has money and I don't but work hard and am educated. He pulled disappearing acts for the first year now I haven't seen him in a month but we talk and text throughout the week. I don't know what to think. I love him but the sex is not good. But my love for him makes it good. He is selfish I am a Scorpio and I'm use to really good sex. He is on the small side but its still nice being with him. I just don't know about the long run. I started having sex with someone else recently because he missed Valentines Day and didn't respond. Now he wants me to be his... I dont get it ... I do want to be with him but after all this time he has been distant and unsupportive so Im scared! WHAT SAY U THE MASSES? LOL
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