I started seeing my Taurus a few months ago. He seemed into me at first and then fell off the face of the earth. After some time I realized he was trying to push me away so I left him alone for a while. I was crushed because I really liked him. After a break we ran into each other and he explained that he does push people away because when he loves someone he loves very deep and is afraid of getting hurt.
We go back and forth week to week. I am reassuring letting him know that I am a solid investment and that I really care about him and would never hurt him. I feel so safe with him and love the fact that he is so masculine. There is something about a man that cannot be swayed that is a huge turn on. After all if he is with me its because he wants to be not because I convinced him. Anyway its been about 4 months and last weekend he introduced me to his whole family, he talks about marriage and how he would be as a married man. I am truly falling in love with him and can picture a life with him. Its been a long road but I think we are on the same page..
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