Love related websites you may enjoy

This is a list of some of the newer and more interesting websites we've found related to love and romance.

Each of these sites contains useful or fun content and minimal advertising. It can happen that sites are sold or moved, so if you find any of these links don't work, or have an unreasonable amount of advertising, or are unduly offensive (like we aren't!) please let us know so we can remove the link. Similarly, if you find a great new site which other readers might enjoy, we'd like to hear about it.

Note, all sites will open in a new window, so if you have pop-ups blocked you will get a warning


What women want from men
Women want certain things in their love relationships with men. Anything and everything about what women are looking for from their guys.

Love your boyfriend
An online boyfriend guide for women: relationship basics, tips and advice, gift ideas...Learn the secrets of creating an amazing relationship with your man. Expand your capacity to love.

Healing Love notes
A site full of inspirational ideas for love notes and love poems.

All related site categories

Dating, flirting, self confidence advice | Love and romance |Metaphysical
Sex and sexual health

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