Scorpio woman Aquarius man advice?

I am a 30 year old Scorpio woman. I have had this Aquarius friend that I have been deeply attracted to for about 3 years. I have always liked him and wanted to be with him but he was always distant and playing the we are friends card. So I have taken no action. Been patient. Been nothing more than a great friend (who by the way spends the night cuddling with him numerous times over the course of our friendship). We have never taken any further steps toward a romantic relationship. I have dated a couple of people, he has dated one. Recently he broke up with his girlfriend. Then a few months after, my relationship ended. The very next day he took me out to eat and we have been "dating" for a few weeks now. I feel things have changed between us. We are now being intimate and not just cuddling. Something has shifted... I have always been patient and even while dating other men I thought of him. I know that he still needs his space but the signs are clear now. I WANT this s man. I do agree with previous posts that these men love their freedom and independence. They are deep thinkers, very analytical, slow to commit. I have also read on other sites that these men love to create relationships that start with pure friendship first??? I believe there is some truth to this. I don't want to mess this up??? Any thoughts or suggestions from the people who have made these relationships work? And..... yes, the sex was very intense!

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Scorpio woman Aquarius man advice
by: Scorp42

Keep doing what you are doing. The two of you have built a great friendship and believe me, if he wasn't REALLY into you the two of you wouldn't be intimate. I am sure during the course of both of you dating others you were on his mind as well. The night cuddling takes a while unless they really have strong feelings for you. The two of you are right on course. Now I must warn you, once he feels your relationship is right on course he will pull away a bit. It's not because he doesn't want you, it's because he feels secure with you and can move on to other projects in his life. He will always come right back to you as soon as he gets out of his head and thinks, it's time to see my girl. He may not call you his "Girlfriend" as that is a label for society. In his mind you are "His Girl" and don't ever betray his trust. It sounds like the two of you are on course to a successful Aquarian/Scorpion relationship.


Scorpio woman Aquarius man advice
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the comment. I am happy to report all is still going great. I am quite surprised by how much he has opened up to me. I think I have learned more in these few weeks than in our 3 year friendship. I find he is much better at communication than I, for I fear his rejection. Something I am working on as he told me all I ever have to do is ask...Recently did a birth chart on myself and found I have several Aquarius houses in my natal. Maybe the compatibility? Yes, to the heat! and thanks again scorp42.

30 year old/3 year friendship

don't get too hooked
by: Anonymous

Don't they all start relationships as friendships? I met mine in 2001 and we were friends. He is so bloody insensitive,acts like he doesn't care and then comes backs with marriage proposals which I obviously reject. I'm so sick of this man,I will never date an aquarian ever again.

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