by Sandyhyllgrl
I immediately felt an UNCONTROLLABLE, UNDENIABLE, AND VERY OBVIOUS connection from the first day I set my eyes on my Leo man. There was just something there. Period. I wanted him from the start. I could never pinpoint to the exact degree why I was SO VERY attracted to him, but I felt immediately drawn to this man. I could simply not look away. Not once. And he, within two weeks, confessed that I was "getting under his skin"
There was just something so undeniable there, between us, and may I point out that that was only through guided communication and social chatting and picture exchange, even before I put my arms around him
And once I did , I simply did not want to ever let go. Ever.
I am just astoundedly, undeniably, no-holds-barred stuck on this man like a fish needs water. And, this comes from a scorpio woman who always prided herself on being very independent.
God, how I love everything about him.
Comments for Scorpio woman and Leo man is the best there is.