Scorpio mind games

by taurus

I'm a Taurus guy. I dated a Scorpio girl online, I haven't seen in ages (about 3 years since I last saw her @ high school) and still haven't seen yet. I found her on facebook, she had this really stunning profile picture, amazingly enough her image changed a lot. After adding her I commented on her profile image, we
started chatting and I asked her if she'd like to date. She said "YES!", she texted me called me sweet names, but then that all stopped. For some strange reason, she text me much later. I use to ring her, but then I decided to lose contact, because she felt cold. She texted me last week (which feels too late),
and that last week I felt that all this me contacting her was a game to her. So I told her that my cellphones on sale, she text me "how are we suppose to keep in touch".

Scorpios play nasty manipulative mind games!

Comments for Scorpio mind games

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not true
by: Anonymous

I'm a scorpio n I don't play mind games

by: Anonymous

May b she is too demanding... u gtta undrstn dear wtz on her mind is exctli nt inside i mean is... she wnts u to cum aftr her n please her .. scorpion gal lives in a fantasy wrld.. high tym u realize it

by: Anonymous

I don't know about it being a mind game. Maybe she just has a lot going on?!?! Or maybe you said something or did something that made her feel like you were going too fast? That has always been my experience with Taurus.

by: Anonymous

Hey..she needs time. Just to make sure you don't play her like a doll, because she's not.

A lil advice
by: Anonymous

Hello Taurus man,
I'm a scorpio woman, so hopefully I can give you some insight. Scorpio woman do not like headgames, quite the contrary. Respect is huge to us, and if we are disrespected in any way, we back away. Is there possibly anything you said or did that from her perspective may have been disrespectful, or did you ignore any of her communications, or anything like that? We need to feel extremely important, there again, be respected and not ignored. Her backing away may have had something to do with any of those things. We give everything until we feel like we aren't important enough to others. I hope it all works out well for you. Take care

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