by taurus
I'm a Taurus guy. I dated a Scorpio girl online, I haven't seen in ages (about 3 years since I last saw her @ high school) and still haven't seen yet. I found her on facebook, she had this really stunning profile picture, amazingly enough her image changed a lot. After adding her I commented on her profile image, we
started chatting and I asked her if she'd like to date. She said "YES!", she texted me called me sweet names, but then that all stopped. For some strange reason, she text me much later. I use to ring her, but then I decided to lose contact, because she felt cold. She texted me last week (which feels too late),
and that last week I felt that all this me contacting her was a game to her. So I told her that my cellphones on sale, she text me "how are we suppose to keep in touch".
Scorpios play nasty manipulative mind games!
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