My Scorpio man and I just married. I can honestly say I've found my match. I mean, of course I'm still a Gemini and I still have that flip flopping, but he's such a wonderful companion and he is very supportive and hard working. We always have such good conversations and it's just comfortable together. We both love travel and went to Europe for our honeymoon. It was lovely. He's so sexy and always he surprises me. He's not the most romantic, but I can totally tell that he's head over heels for me. I know I can never match his feelings for me, but I do love him with my whole heart and being. Yeah, sometimes I still long for the other side, but that will always come and go, and I've accepted it. I have my own boundaries I won't cross and that's it. I do think he has a hard time being spontaneous, but that does keep me out of trouble, lol. When I think about us growing old being with our son and being a whole family now, I just feel so happy!
Maybe our rising signs help. Mine is Taurus, his is Virgo.
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