Scorpio confused by Aquarian

So I'm a stereotype scorpio with an Aqua man and I'm so confused.
He was the first one to say I love you and he can be so loving at times but then he's really distant and I feel really used and then he makes me feel like a queen. It says that sex is a three which is the highest in the relationship but with him it's probably the least enjoyable. Which is really wierd because I LOVE sex. Do any other scorpios not enjoy sex as much with their aquarius?

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please dont
by: Anonymous

i think i know something about aqua guys that's pretty surprising...i mean, they are sometimes not as bad as they come across and sometimes they are overly demanding...but if they feel like there is someone who really cares about them...they give in

by: Anonymous

Sex is definitely not as good with a aqua man!!! Thats the truth

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