Scorpio and Aquarius thanks for the advice!

Hello my Scorpio women. I am deeply in love my Aquarian man for a year and a half now. Ladies and the Aquarian male you have said it all. I have been asking so many questions to people trying to figure out and understand my Aquarian man and it was not until I started looking into his sign do I now have a better understanding of my Aquarian man. We have come so far in our relationship and my Scorpio ladies my Aquarian man has one major problem with this Scorpio it is my SECRETIVENESS! In many ways I have trouble communicating with my mate so I keep a lot of what I really feel from him... I tend to talk to those other than him and especially when I am going through a tough situation.. When he finds out about it he tends to get very mad at me... I also don't know what the response is going to be or reaction so I tend to keep it from him... I'm glad that I am not alone when it comes to loving an Aquarian male.. If you ladies have any advice for me please reply to my post! Oh, does anyone have any advice on a Leo I struggle to get along with one but want to be friends.... any advice?

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by: Anonymous

another aquaman here.

try bridging that gap between you to, take the plunge and let him in, it may not be a big secret but, give him something to work with and something that you can live with him knowing, from there you can both learn to trust each other, as many posts have said. communication is key in this type of relation ship.

As an aqua man, i am rather lucky in that i have learned not to run away, face my fears conquer them. i don't seem to suffer like most of the other aqua's i have read here with them being to close. without rehashing what every one else is saying. communication and put some skin in the game.

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