Sagittarius relationships

Partners of different zodiac signs bring out slightly different facets of the Sagittarius personality. Some elements however are fairly common to all Sagittarius relationships.

Common features of Sagittarius relationships

A Sagittarius in love is a sight to behold. Aggressively fun, this sign usually moves full speed ahead once they have their love target 'locked'. They enjoy a challenge and especially are attracted to confident outgoing partners.

A Sagittarian's zeal for life is quite contagious. Their curiosity about life is enticing and they view relationships as adventures to be enjoyed to the fullest. Expect to be spoiled by your intense Sagittarius and get ready for a roller-coaster experience.

Starting Sagittarius relationships

Sagittarians are sometimes famous for being slow to commit in a relationship. They can easily become lifelong "bachelors/bachelorettes", which of course is an enticing challenge in and of itself. This exuberant sign that is larger than life can be quite a prize and as such sometimes some effort is required to secure their affections and capture their heart.

Sagittarians are usually over achievers and very ambitious, this will translate into their being very attracted to successful people. If you can love your Sagittarius for their achievements and show them how proud you are of them, they will love you for life.

Day to day Sagittarius relationships

Sagittarius values education and enjoys having a partner who is cultured and sophisticated. Loving a Sagittarius can be the experience of a lifetime, as they will shower you with affection and can be very intense in the beginning of a relationship. The flip side is that a partner must be able to hold their attention as Sagittarian's intensity means they could tire easily if neglected or ignored.

When in a relationship, they are likely to always be up for a vacation to unknown territories and will do their part to keep things interesting. They enjoy change and adventure and are always keen to mix things up. Socially, expect to be surrounded by the Sagittarian's friends, likely friends they've had for life. When their partner embraces their lifestyle and friends, Sagittarians really blossom and open up, thus creating an enduring bond of shared friendships and histories.

Sagittarius relationships in the long term

Sagittarius lovers can be very intense and attentive, generously planning special things just to please their beloved. They dream of big futures and openly discuss plans of the future. It is very easy to fall head over heels for a Sagittarius as their openness over what exactly they see you and them doing in the future can be a refreshing change from other sign's privacy issues. This openness comes only once they are fully sure of their feelings and the relationship itself. Until then, they are sexily elusive and keep you guessing.

Sagittarius relationships with each of the other signs

As mentioned earlier different zodiac signs bring out slightly different facets of the Sagittarius personality. As these are fairly detailed I have a separate page for each combination:

Sagittarius and Aries
Sagittarius and Taurus
Sagittarius and Gemini
Sagittarius and Cancer
Sagittarius and Leo
Sagittarius and Virgo
Sagittarius and Libra
Sagittarius and Scorpio
Sagittarius and Sagittarius
Sagittarius and Capricorn
Sagittarius and Aquarius
Sagittarius and Pisces

For a comparison of average compatibility scores of each Sagittarius match please see the Sagittarius compatibility table.

Sagittarius men and women also tend to handle relationships differently. My Sagittarius man and Sagittarius woman have details for each.

Use astrology to explore your unique Sagittarius relationship

I specialize in providing fast and accurate relationship readings delivered by email. These are designed to show exactly how compatible you are with a given partner and explore everything about your relationship, including a detailed analysis of your personality and your partner's personality.

Further reading on Sagittarius relationships: