I fell hard for the Pisces man in my life over 2 decades ago. I knew instantly when I met him that we were soul mates and would share a deep love and understanding forever. He was unhappily married at the time, and I was newly married, but this did not stop me from falling in love with him, but he will never know that because I could never tell him.
It would ruin our relationship as he is on his second marriage to a very nice person. I think we will be together in another life, but not this one. I feel committed to him in the strangest way, as if he were my significant other, but there is no feeling of possiveness or jealousy. The love I feel is so strong sometimes when we are in the same space I can feel my soul crying out for his. I sometimes think we communicate best in silence. I can feel the slightest vibrations from him, and I think he can feel mine. His eyes look inside of me and I can feel myself being undone, but there is nothing I would ever do to disturb his happiness and stability. I think he is the best lover I have ever had, but we have never touched each other.
Being the Scorpio is not easy-I have vivid sexual dreams about him all of the time, and have since we met, even though we were not together most of that time.
I hope all of your Scorpios out there are looking for your soul mate - the Picses man - this is the most harmonic combination in the entire zodiac.
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