I am a Pisces woman and have been in a relationship with my Sagittarius guy for just over a year now. On the upside he is very loving, tells me what I want to hear, fantastic in bed and just makes me feel special. We have great conversation and do lots of stuff together.
On the downside, he really gets under my skin and at times I don't have a clue what's going on in his head which really bugs me. He can be cold, distant, put everything else before me, withhold sex and just be an absolute pig.
In this relationship it's either heaven or hell but if he starts bugging me now I give him his space, do my own thing for a while (a taste of their own medicine seems to do the trick) and it all comes back to being fantastic again.
I have felt like throwing in the towel hundreds of times with this relationship but have learnt to distance myself a bit too and just go with the flow!!
Comments for Pisces Sagittarius heaven and hell!