Im a Scorpio woman and I dated a Leo man for 4 years. The beginning of our relationship was the best. Both very much in love with each other. He had a lot of girl friends. (A Leo's personality is like a magnet: attracts everybody). I knew I was the only women in his life but yet I couldn't help but feel jealous, even if he was just talking to a female. I'm very secretive and I didn't let him know how I feel. Finally, as the relationship got deeper I eventually started to tell him how I felt. I got pretty demanding & he didn't like that. Also, Leos have a tendency to keep sexual secrets from you, whether its about their past of PRESENT. He will cheat & not even bother to let you know. And Scorpios are the type that need to know everything that's going on around them. He was also very possessive. He'd stare a guy down like he was going to kill him if he ever eyed me. He was more into PDA while that really wasn't my cup of tea. We were both very stubborn and had horrible communication skills because we both felt as if we were right and nobody else. Besides all the bad stuff. The physical relationship was AMAZING, and I mean AMAZZZINNNGGGG. It was very passionate and intense. We did the craziest & kinkiest things. But honestly, I would never dare date a Leo man EVER again. Too much stress. But I definitely wouldn't mind if it was a one night stand. ;]
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