Leo Man is Making Me Crazy!

I am a Pisces woman and last year I met a Leo man. He is the typical cocky, flashy Leo and when I met him he was actually bragging to me about all the women he was dating! That should have been enough to make me run away but we have a strong chemistry and it is so hard to let him go. I made it clear to him that I was not going to tolerate being one of many women and that I wanted something serious but he never really showed me that he was willing to be serious. When I am around him, he irritates me because he is so selfish, but when we fight and I don't talk to him, I really miss him. He is so hard to read. Sometimes I feel like he really likes me but other times I just don't know. AHHHHHHH! :(

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Leo VS pieces
by: Anonymous

OMG I am a pieces female and I been through this same situation. I met this Leo MAN, there was something magical about him that I couldn't resist. We had two casual dates, and texted back and forth.Long story short, he bragged about his long list of past relationships,which was enough for me to swim away. It's been couple of months, I still couldn't forget him and almost compare each man with him. As usual, a King is a King.
it's hard to get over him. He broke my heart without even realizing. Leos are way to harsh for gentle pieces, he was the ONLY LEO in my life. I learned my lesson and will always maintain my difference with a LEO MAN.

You are SO RIGHT!
by: Anonymous

Thank you for responding to my post and I found everything you said was so on target with the experience I had. Well, I finally realized that the LEO guy did not really want me the way I wanted him and so I had to get over him but it was so hard and it took me so long. Then, would you believe I dated two Leos after him back-to-back?! The second one was very dry and robotic and was not emotional and romantic enough for me, so I let him go which was no hard because I never felt a strong emotional attachment to him. The third one was a total, selfish, womanizer, and a big-time egomaniac and so I cut that off pretty fast, too. I have really come to realize, like you said, that LEO men are NOT a good match for Pisces women (at least for s strong ones). However, it is really funny about how strong the physical/sexual chemistry can be because the funny thing is after a year and a half later, long after I had gotten over him, I found myself daydreaming about the very first LEO from my original post today! LOL (but I would not even think of trying to go back to him). Thx again for your post, the timing was perfect! :-)

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