by Meek
(Pasadena, TX)
In the beginning we met and wondered where we had been all of each others lives. We talked on the phone constantly and really enjoyed each other and then one day things changed for no reason at all. When we first met, I did my research on Aqua men and knew that he needed his space so I went out of my way to make sure he had it. Things were fine... but after about 6 months it started to bother me that we would only see each other 1 or 2 times per month and we lived about 5 miles a part and spent so much time on the phone. One of us could have went to see the other.
Also, if the smallest, I mean smallest issue ever pops up, he disappears completely for about 3 weeks or until I call him - I think that's drastic. When things are good, they are good, but any little small argument takes place, he disappears. I have to walk on eggshells and hate it. I'm in so much pain inside when I'm waiting for him to call. He's a good man and I KNOW he cares about me, but dealing with him being so distant and his disappearing acts tear me up on the inside... Not sure if I can deal with it much longer. I wish I had someone else to spend time with when he disappears... then it wouldn't bother me at all when he when he does it.
All my friends have arguments with their men that last from 1-3 days and our lasts for 3 weeks for something small (sometimes I never even know why)... but it just hurts so bad. I want to leave him because of this, but other than that, we're inseperable. This really hurts... should this be a deal breaker?
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