by Nina
I've been seeing this Taurus man since July he pursued me and admitted to me he had strong feelings for me and that he really loves me. And for me to admit all the sexual chemistry between us. He kissed me I was shocked I was married at the time but the marriage was on the blitz and he knew this. We have been friends for over 32 years. My husband and I separated and the Taurus man was calling me all the time. we did get together and we were seeing each other every week he was calling me i was calling him and we started dating. everything was going well. One night in November he called me when i got home from going out with my friends to make sure I got home ok. I ended up going to his house and we had relations it was great we were hugging each other holding each other he told me he love me but he cant commit right now the sex is great. we please each other tremendously.
He started backing off not calling me as much I saw him thanksgiving made his favorite dessert and bought him his favorite beer and a card. HE told me he really cares about me and he really loves me but we need to take it slow.and he cant commit right now and I asked him if he would ever commit and he said yes just not now he hugged me real tight kissed me a lot and wouldn't let me go he said he would call and he didn't. I did call him after a week and he said he has too much on his plate and that he feels i want a commitment and he doesn't want it.
What should I do? I did everything he wanted me to do. I backed off gave him his space. I'm confused. I love him so much.
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