The word 'Horoscope' means circle of animals (though note a couple of the horoscope symbols aren't animals in the normal sense). These 'animals' were based originally on the pattern of the stars in their corresponding star constellation. Basically they represent what the earliest astronomers and astrologers saw when they looked at the night sky.
The horoscope symbol for Aries represents the head and horns of the ram. Above are some examples of commonly used styles for the Aries horoscope symbol. Each of these is equally valid - there is no 'correct' version as long as the general shape is maintained.
The horoscope symbol for Taurus represents the head and horns of the bull. Above are some examples of commonly used styles for the Taurus horoscope symbol. Each of these is equally valid - there is no 'correct' version as long as the general shape is maintained.
The horoscope symbol for Gemini represents the twins. Above are some examples of commonly used styles for the Gemini horoscope symbol. Each of these is equally valid - there is no 'correct' version as long as the general shape is maintained.
Above are some examples of commonly used styles for the Cancer horoscope symbol. Each of these is equally valid - there is no 'correct' version as long as the general shape is maintained.
The horoscope symbol for Leo represents the head and mane of the lion. Above are some examples of commonly used styles for the Leo horoscope symbol. Each of these is equally valid - there is no 'correct' version as long as the general shape is maintained.
Above are some examples of commonly used styles for the Virgo horoscope symbol. Each of these is equally valid - there is no 'correct' version as long as the general shape is maintained.
Above are some examples of commonly used styles for the Libra horoscope symbol. Each of these is equally valid - there is no 'correct' version as long as the general shape is maintained.
Above are some examples of commonly used styles for the Scorpio horoscope symbol. Each of these is equally valid - there is no 'correct' version as long as the general shape is maintained.
The horoscope symbol for Sagittarius represents the bow and arrow. Above are some examples of commonly used styles for the Sagittarius horoscope symbol. Each of these is equally valid - there is no 'correct' version as long as the general shape is maintained. It does make more sense intuitively to keep the bow line at a right angle to the arrow, but that may be getting a little picky.
Above are some examples of commonly used styles for the Capricorn horoscope symbol. Each of these is equally valid - there is no 'correct' version as long as the general shape is maintained.
The horoscope symbol for Aquarius represents water (confusing as they're an air sign, yet strangely fitting as they always have to be different!) Above are some examples of commonly used styles for the Aquarius horoscope symbol. Each of these is equally valid - there is no 'correct' version as long as the general shape is maintained.
The horoscope symbol for Pisces represents the two fish. Above are some examples of commonly used styles for the Pisces horoscope symbol. Each of these is equally valid - there is no 'correct' version as long as the general shape is maintained.
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