Dont rush with Cancer men

by Ella

I am a cancer woman and I'm dating a cancer man right now, we first met 7 months ago, and it took me a lot of courage to ask him out, I did feel a connection first time I talked to him and really wanted to see if there was more, our first date, we spent 4 hours talking about random things, and I've never had anyone understanding me at the same level. we didn't see each other for about 2 months, but I always felt that there was this really sensual connection but none of us took the courage to take the first step, every time we met it's like the first date again. we stare into each others eyes for hours before some get the gut to kiss the other one.

It's definitly ups and downs, he's very fickle and I need a lot of affection which, when he gives it, i get plenty, but when he's not in the mood i'm not getting anything.

I say take time with a cancer man, he needs to know he can trust you.

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by: cancer man

how cancers are different...
i have cancer gf also but i am the one who to talked to her first.
i asked her to give me her number and she did.

it is crazy how our relationship became serious in such small time but i really like her a lot

mmmmm good luck for u

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