by Amelia
(St. Peters, MO)
Well I ask him what he thought about dating? He reply, "I'm not looking for a girlfriend right now. But I had fun with you though." So I ask him if he had time to get together before and after fool around just for the hell of it. He reply, "Sounds good to me. As long we're on the same page." Then I said, "AH did we just became F*kBuddies?! even though we didn't have sex yet." He reply, "I guess so lol ;)." Asking him how he does it like randomly or planned. He answer little of both, when we want to hang out, not schedule or anything. Then I said I like his idea, and he said he was glad I like his idea...
We've meet randomly before, and we did fool before too. Plus every time I see him randomly, he always stares the living hell out of me, till he finally comes up to me...So did I do too much??