Continual Of Silly Aquarians

by Scorp42

Anonymous, I must say that your comments sounded almost like they were coming directly from my Aquarian. It would be nice if once in his life he could look at me and tell me how he feels. He could run for a week after that. LOL... I got a phone call from my Aquarian last night. He talked about a lot of stuff last night. He felt my frustration big time. It had been 3 or 4 days since I made contact with him first. He said that he really needed to sit down and talk with me, so tonight he is supposed to come over and spend some time with me. I sure hope he reveals a bit more of where he is with me or how he feels. If not nothing will change. I have never changed who I am with him. I am always the same loving person, however when I have something to say I say it bluntly and then I'm done. I then either listen to what he has to say or I change the subject as if I didn't say what I just said. I give him time to absorb what I have said. Now to your comment anonymous about not worrying about keeping him, I have him. No I don't! I know our relationship is unconventional and I like that, however being a woman and a Scorpio I need to know from time to time that we are both going in the same direction. I have no idea if he is taking me and another women for a "test drive" so to speak to decide which model he wants. He is a catch I must admit, but then again so am I. He pursued me and I have to remind him of that every now and then. Just the thought of him deciding between me and someone else infuriates me. I am the type of woman that will walk away and let him have someone else. Maybe that's a flaw within myself but I am who I am. I will keep you posted and let you know how the night goes. I must say that I am hopeful because this man is the love of my life.

Comments for Continual Of Silly Aquarians

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by: Scor888

I've read a lot of your posts on here & I must say I can relate to you alot. You go from feeling one extreme to the do the same thing when I'm confused. I'm currently dating a Aquarius male, but very early in the stages.

by: Scorp42

Good luck to you. Let me tell you they will bring out every emotion you have and some you didn't know you had.

by: Scor888

I know what you mean...he has already pulled the distant thing on me, and I just let him be. Idk if it's because we are so early into our "talking" phase (even though I've known him for over a year), but all I know for now is that I just enjoy having him in my life and have fun when I'm around him. Other than that, I have no idea where it's gonna go & for once I'm not worried about it...weird.

I hate being with my Aquarius
by: Scor1024

He's such a great man in every way. He'll go a month calling me 8-10 times a day and then just disappear completely. I have read about giving him his space so I just let it go. Sometimes he'll disappear for 2 weeks and then come back. I know mostly people would say I don't need someone like that but other than that he's such a great guy. It's almost like he can't get enough of me. I hate being in a relationship with him and can't wait until I find someone else so I can leave him. His unemotional side is the worst thing ever. I feel terrible when he distances himself and disappears

by: Scorp42

I know all to well how you feel. I haven't had to deal with my Aquarian disappearing for so long, however I will say that you have to be blunt and upfront with how you feel. The relationship can be the worst experience ever or the best. I have concluded that the disappearing act is because they are not ready for commitment and still have a lot of growing in the relationship department. I could pull my hair out sometimes but I will not be lonely or go without spending quality male time with someone else. You can bet the Aquarian isn't.

by: Dazed

So I'm dating an aquarius and we've known each other for a while before actually finding the time for each other. However, I've noticed that before we actually started "talking," he was always available and always was in contact with me. Now that we've gotten closer I see he has pulled the distancing act. We're going on over 2 weeks without seeing each other, and last Sat (8.4.10), we had plans but he said he wasn't sure if he could make it because he was still wrapped up in what he was already doing (coaching). I thought he was bs'ing me (due to not seeing or hearing from him in 2 weeks), so I told him directly that if he's not interested, he's not interested and there's no point in wasting time, but that I still adored him as a friend, so no hard feelings. So he told me that it wasn't that, but he has committments rights now. I'm confused because I don't know if he's being genuine or if he's just trying to not hurt my feelings (as I heard they don't like to do). He barely contacts me or makes an effort to see me. Usually these are definite red flags for a guy who's not into you. I understand one's need for freedom, as I have sag rising and a whole lot of it in my chart...but I'm just losing patience at this point. I'm wondering how long I should give him before throwing in the towel. Any advice?

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