Capricorn Men Like it Rough

by Leeroy

I will admit, Capricorn men are reasonably difficult to get into bed. I remember, three years ago I had the pleasure of enjoying a Capricorn man. It is true that he did not want to rush into things. However, once things got going, he was REALLY rough. He enjoyed hardcore bondage as well as impaling me with his stiffys (if you know what I mean). In the end it was a great experience and I plan on fooling around with other Capricorn men in the future.

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little kinks:)
by: I'm a cap ..girl

Oh. I'm a Capricorn girl and I recently found out I was a bit kinky which is weird because my personality doesn't really match that! Awkwardd... In fact I have too much water and I have those dumb mood swings anyway so usually I am soft sensitive and at weird times I'm a crazy mean b!tch even though I don't mean to be that way. Ugh. But yeah sometimes you sit and ask yourself "What if" and that's how I found out! I 'm apparently a boring sign, but I'm
Not a boring person if you know what I mean! I have a Leo rising if anything and I would rather be playful in bed other than romantic, rough /soft when needed IT actually it says cap girls are adventurous loves, it's true. and the kinkyness...dang the things I would do if I really love him! okay haha I'm not gonna go there. I need to fall in love first LOLZ .Either way I agree we like it to be exciting. has to really move our soul strings!

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