Capricorn man is rushing me into bed! How do I slow him down?

by Princygirl18
(Houston, Texas)

I'm a virgo, who's been getting to know a Capricorn man for the last week or so. We had met once before about a month ago. I'm attracted to him and do want to give us time to get to know each other. Specially since getting him to tell me about himself is like pulling teeth. However, he's constantly talking about sex. Even asking me when we will finally have it.

By no means am I a saint but I thought these guys were supposed to be reserved about this at first. What's the deal? Is it that he's just interested in casual sex with me personally? Any advice?

Comments for Capricorn man is rushing me into bed! How do I slow him down?

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Capricorn men and sex
by: Anonymous

Capricorns want to see at a very early stage whether you are sexually compatible or not. If not, you are a waste of his time. These guys are very black and white, and don't see the point when a woman wants to hold out. They also are very busy and don't want to talk up someone for ages and then realise that you were not on fire in the bedroom. Honestly, I don't think it will make him want you more if you delay it.

by: Anonymous

I have a Capricorn man, and even though I have known him since high school I hadn't seen him in fifteen years and we were not together in high school, we slept together within two weeks, and we have been joined at the hip every since and is now engaged, we been together four months and he has already proposed and we are deeply in love, wouldn't trade him for the world.

got a cap man
by: Kara

Been 5 mos now this good looking cap in his late 40s coming to see me. He was slow to open up but I'm a taurus so I just observe him. He come to my home day time. He sees me couple times a week. We get along really well. Don't get it why this man is like me in traits. We didn't have sex but we have our flirting. But this man don't disappear on me. After one month he told me he is ready for me for love. Strange dude. Very serious. He's a flirt and wanted to have sex right away but respected when I aid I wasn't ready yet. I just touch him touch his body and make him relax and oh boy this man is so open to me now and oh dear so suddenly protective and possessive and very vocal about his jealousy. I feel he loves me so much. He gets scared when I don't answer my phone. I think he moved near my home. I fell in love with him finally and told him this and it calmed his fear and jealousy but oh still so suspicious and insecure and when I got jealous too he was all smiling. Now when I get upset, he stops everything he's doing and come to me. He went crazy so much when he thuoght I was a prude, I surprised him by grabbing his thing and unzipped his stuff while he was standing. He liked my playfulness and flirts. And I gave him my after 5 months. And now he's becoming even closer but scared I might run away from him. I love him so much. I told this to his face when he was jealous and it shocked him and quited him. All this time I've been all distant and suddenly I popped him with the truth. When I'm sad he calls right away to calm me down. And oh Ugh! So overly protective. I'm a female taurus.

my cap man
by: Kara

I'm a taurus. And wassup with me and my cap man? We get along so well and even he's so strict and sarcastic, he never gets mad at me. It is so weird. Like I feel so safe secure and protected when I'm with him. And he makes me laugh so much; my sides hurt. This is one man who can truly wipe my tears and make me laugh by being himself. And we are both so serious but laugh together like 2 crazy people. I dated men but this cap man in his 40s so bright and strict feels like my soulmate. God almighty. And I just gave up on romance right before he came alone. What the hell. I feel everything beautiful is possible with him. I love him so much. He said to me last week "I think you're beautiful... And I love the beauty that we create together..." Coming from such a silent and serious man, what a shock... I feel so loved with him. I don't get it. I dated an aries for 4 years and he rattled my chains and I finally left him but my cap bf is amazing. He loves me so much... Won't dare raise his voice to me... And while I sing, God gave me a capricorn man that plays a guitar and great in bed! Hahaha Indeed! Ask and you shall receive... Praise God!

Thanks to All!
by: Princygirl18

Thanks for your comments! Very helpful!! I guess I really like him and I'm scared to get hurt.

by: Anonymous


by: Anonymous

LOL funny u say that cause it turned out to be the complete opposite. He wanted me to stick my finger in his a**!!! Too much of a womenizer type in the end so I didn't bother much with him. It's over, and I've been at peace since : )

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