Best way for a woman to dress?

by sharmin

Do any Capricorn men reading have a preference as to what women wear? If seducing a Capricorn man what's the best way for a woman to dress?

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Black dress
by: Anonymous

Classy. A little black dress, something with taste.

by: Anonymous

keep it formal

Women should dress like:
by: Anonymous

When trying to snag a Cappy Man, you should dress; assemble a Formal yet a tad of sexyness to catch his eye.

For a Cap
by: Anonymous

Dress classy, tight, nice. Dress your age, but not sloppily or out-of-date. Never dress for show or be too conservative. Form fitting, cutting edge, in style, feminine. Never dress in bulky baggy clothes, lazy clothes, mismatching pieces or colors, or masculine.

Skinny jeans. Mini-skirt. Short-sleeve. No low-cut neck for cleavage, only back.

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