Questions about astrologers and how we work!
Doing this for your own chart keeps things interesting, whereas reading 15 pages on the meaning of venus in the first, second, third etc house can be both overwhelming and slightly dry (though from a technical standpoint the patterns within the patterns will become more apparent via the later approach)
At the other extreme, professional astrologers often have decades of experience. The main difference between novice and amateur is the identification of the patterns within the patterns, which can be used to extrapolate from to ensure accuracy (as compared to a pure reliance on memory).
The main reason is because there's no certification yet for astrologers, so anyone can read a book for a few months and label themselves as an astrologer, competing immediately with someone who has devoted most of their life to study. It's the same reason that a doctor can earn more than a hairstylist.
Also, as with any field, technical skill and the ability to earn money from it are independent. Often the very best practitioners do so out of passion and love for the subject. Conversely some approach the field from a 'marketing first' standpoint, often more concerned with their brand name or logo than any end product.
Add together a page of such writing style and the overall impression can sometimes be substantially different. This is a particular danger with authers who prefer a more verbose and 'flowery' delivery.
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