by Tony A.
(San Fernando Valley)
Hello...I am an Aries man and I have to say to the Libra women that you definitely have not met a enlightened mature Spirited man. The traits that you are describing are of immature young Aries that have a lot to learn.
I can tell you that your men will do anything if you just ask in the right way. If you demand from them, it will not go well for you. Remember that we have horns and we are not afraid to use them.
As with any true Love, treat them with kindness and patience. You will not find anyone that is more Loyal or Courageous. I know that we can overpower and that is a trait that when channeled correctly is very powerful and positive. If you can't keep up, then just back off and give us space to run free. It doesn't mean we don't love or respect you.
Secretly, we admire the traits we see in you and feel inferior. This can generate a lack of confidence and manifest in immature or inappropriate behavior. Just remember that Aries men "need" to be reassured and stroked constantly and sometimes they need to run off and play. Understand this and don't get frustrated or impatient. Learn this lesson well and you will get a pay off that is 100 fold. Forget this and it will send him looking elsewhere.
Given a chance to "adjust" to the Libra woman you will find that there is no better relationship you can have. You each have what the other lacks. Learn to draw on it rather than fight it. An Aries man cannot become Libran anymore than you can become Arian. Don't try to change us, but rather learn from us as we are there to learn from you. Be a patient teacher, not one who wants to hit you over the knuckles with a ruler (yes, I had a Catholic upbringing...LOL)
Just remember that there is a reason why you two are together. It is the greatest opportunity for the both of you to grow in ways you never thought and achieve heights that are unattainable.
Oh, and one more thing... Aries lovers will send you to new heights too. We love to please and achieve. We are full of fire and with your air, sparks will soon fly. After making love is the best time to achieve communication as our hearts are open and our shields are down.
I am trying to woo a Libran woman and I have to force myself NOT to overpower her with my drive. Wish me well as I will need all the help I can get....
Comments for Aries men get a bad rap.