by dee
Typical Aries man! Very me me me, stubborn, flirty, nasty, childish etc. We are at an impasse in that he used texts to be nasty and nice whenever he wanted which was basically when I wouldn't sleep with him or let him come to my home.
I find him incredibly sexy - there is just such attraction and he is driving me up the wall because I truly want him but know I have to play hard to get. We haven't spoken for a few weeks because I asked him not to text me because got so fed up with him being nasty and then nice when it suited. I was happy to chat to him over the phone but he didn't want that interaction, probably because he felt that he couldn't manipulate me or impact upon me if I was on the end of the phone and able to come back with a comment or two. Anyway, since then he has been silent and me too.
Sent him a text with 3 kisses yesterday purely to try and entice him. He did what I thought and hasn't reacted yet, but normally when he has been horrible and I back off he comes back in a day or two - like he can't help himself. I have to phone him in a couple or weeks to arrange to see him for a dog training session and wonder how I should be with him both on the phone and when I see him? Should I just be my normal happy self like nothing happened? He said he has previously got turned on by me, not because of anything I said or looked, but just by me being me - so obviously there is something attractive to him in little old me (lol). I don't want him to think I am a doormat or desperate for a man. I think he realizes that already else I could have slept with him a thousand times by now lol, but I would like to give him a bit more time just to see if he is a decent guy or whether he is a real nasty type. Some people have said to walk away, but I think he is just showing typical arian traits and just want to give him a bit longer but want to make sure that I make the best use of the time without causing myself any sleepless nights. Advice please especially those who have experience or arian men or from arian men themselves. Thanks
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