Aries man seduction advice needed

by dee

Typical Aries man! Very me me me, stubborn, flirty, nasty, childish etc. We are at an impasse in that he used texts to be nasty and nice whenever he wanted which was basically when I wouldn't sleep with him or let him come to my home.

I find him incredibly sexy - there is just such attraction and he is driving me up the wall because I truly want him but know I have to play hard to get. We haven't spoken for a few weeks because I asked him not to text me because got so fed up with him being nasty and then nice when it suited. I was happy to chat to him over the phone but he didn't want that interaction, probably because he felt that he couldn't manipulate me or impact upon me if I was on the end of the phone and able to come back with a comment or two. Anyway, since then he has been silent and me too.

Sent him a text with 3 kisses yesterday purely to try and entice him. He did what I thought and hasn't reacted yet, but normally when he has been horrible and I back off he comes back in a day or two - like he can't help himself. I have to phone him in a couple or weeks to arrange to see him for a dog training session and wonder how I should be with him both on the phone and when I see him? Should I just be my normal happy self like nothing happened? He said he has previously got turned on by me, not because of anything I said or looked, but just by me being me - so obviously there is something attractive to him in little old me (lol). I don't want him to think I am a doormat or desperate for a man. I think he realizes that already else I could have slept with him a thousand times by now lol, but I would like to give him a bit more time just to see if he is a decent guy or whether he is a real nasty type. Some people have said to walk away, but I think he is just showing typical arian traits and just want to give him a bit longer but want to make sure that I make the best use of the time without causing myself any sleepless nights. Advice please especially those who have experience or arian men or from arian men themselves. Thanks

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by: Anonymous

Well the ploy worked and he texted me yesterday being coy which is unlike him. Noticed he is much better with his comments - either he has taken what I said onboard or is trying to hook me in again! Sorry but now I am more intune with his character and feel really empowered since understanding a bit how his brains works. Not ready to give up on him yet so will let you know if things progress or stagnate.

Pump Your Brakes!!!!!
by: Anonymous

Delay without clear intentions = rejection to an Aries man. If the text is to much the just say its to much and move on without the added penalty.If you want him, tell him. If you don't, tell him. Either way, he can take it. Your waiting to communicate is only creating suffering in his mind, and making it very easy for someone else to come and lay claim on him, make him feel better, just long enough to forget about you!!! Stop trying to control him and just tell him what you want, so then you can enjoy life without the constant mis-understandings. Procrastination is a Killer!!!!!!!!!!

by: Anonymous

Things are going fine - we are on a far better footing then he threw a curve ball into the fire. Asked him about an ex he had mentioned and whilst he told me its over he then sent texts extolling her virtues and saying he would always love her. I know that he did it to get a reaction because of the way he finished off the texts but needless to say it still hurt. I stayed quiet because I was upset and a few days later he texted like nothing had happened and I just ignored his text because I felt he was playing games with my feelings. Then you could see he was starting to panic three phone calls and a text saying he was worried about me. I then had to see him re my dogs and was distant with him and you could see he was really panicking and didnt know what to do. I wasnt doing this to get a reaction but I was so genuinely upset that he knew I liked him loads but was prepared to smack me in the face with those unnecessary comments. I texted him and told him why I was upset and he just said he meant what he said in the texts but it was over. This has really got to me because until those texts I hadnt given her another thought. Is he just saying those things to get a reaction that proves I care or what? I cant understand why a man would say things about an ex and then be surprised that I reacted badly. Confused and need some advice please. Should I just take it as a ploy to get me to show my feelings (which I have done) or is this guy just taking the p?

by: Anonymous

I believe he is completely serious. I think he's decided enough is enough and he's ready to move on. I'd try not to provoke him any further and just let him go peacefully. If distance is what he wants let him find out what it's really like to be without you and move on. If it's meant to be, maybe you two will reconnect in the future and his ex may be far gone by then. So, allow yourselves to separate for a bit and hopefully things will work out.
Good luck and i hope you consider what i've said.

by: Anonymous

Aries men baffle me , i tx him sometimes we talk on phone but he is good at playing mind games ,which i cant handle i dont know how he feels about me , dont think i ever will because i wont lower myself to tell him how i feel ,but deep down i think he knows,i think they tell so much lies ,but they aint good at it.i know when he is lying i think its time i moved on ,i have to coz he is messing with my head ,i also no he likes me but wont come out and say . poppy pop ,

The Aries Man Club
by: Tavros

A web site should be dedicated in their honour.
These creatures of habbit float around causing
nothing but havoc and heartache to all these
caring, loving, sensitive girls, it's about time
they received a huge taste of their own bittersweet medicine which makes them sick but they quickly recover when they realise you mean
They do not change their inbred traits consist of
creating mental combat and dramas just for the sake of it and this is how they get their kicks,
The tried and tested method is to let them have rit in style and then forgetting and ignoring them
for as long as it takes.
Adventually they come around with theit tails between their legs wanting more of the same.
So treat them Mean and Keep them Keen.
Forget playing hard to get become extremely unaproachable by leading a bussy and happy life
when they actually see that your life does not
revolve around their idiosynchrocies and egosentric attitude they stop having fun just like toddlers with temper tentrums.
Don't use persperation girls use inspiration.
How else do you deal with a man who never grows up.??? Remember he is the first sign of the zodiac and the infant so treat him accordingly!!!
So T

never a truer word said
by: Anonymous

Spot on. First aries man I fell for was strong, confident and a man's man and by the time I walked away he had become a weak, insecure, nasty and spoilt brat. As you said they like to cause chaos and havoc just for kicks and boy is this true. The one I had fallen for dropped a little nugget into a text one evening by telling me he was still in love with a past girlfriend and then went into detail about her virtues. There were a number of texts divulging all this .. and then concluded by saying he was busy and was gonna have to go now. Obviously the ploy was to drop a bomb in your lap and then disappear so that you would feel totally shocked, deflated and upset. Well he got the shocked bit right, but didnt count on me not reacting just going silent on him. For some sick reason he thought I was gonna run into his arms after that admission WRONG AGAIN!. when I didnt react he texted and rang and still I ignored him basically cos I was so disgusted with what he had said. There was simply no reason for him to do this;normal men wouldnt think that such a ploy would make me run to him, but Aries do. They aint reasoned in their thinking, being practical in how they deal with things but dont stop to think that the reactions of a woman would be different to what they so childishly thought. WRONG AGAIN. He was running around like a child not knowing what to do cos his plan had blown up in his face. Despite this he didnt learn and tried to backtrack some and then everything would be fine and then he would drop another little comment re his ex. So I told him to F... off and for some reason that maddened him cos I told him that I would rather find a real man and not his nasty sick type. He then reverted to childish text's to try and get a reaction but I never did and stayed quiet. Then two months later had to text him re something he had helped me with and he was sooooooo nasty. His vitriolic words were sheer poison and effectively all I had done was walk away because of his behaviour. SO I think that got to him - how dare a woman walk away from him even though he was behaving like a complete shit. So the moral is that they behave how they like and you are meant to stay and take the abuse, chaos and nastiness - WELL NO I DONT THINK SO...I know he is shocked that I walked away;his childish comments were really unbelievable for a man of his age So that's where I am - I WALKED. The thing that really confirmed his bad attitude was the fact that after being so nasty, he didnt even have the decency to apologise or anything. That in itself shows the shallowness and inability to behave like a man - so a child he is then. Would be shocked if I heard from him again because he was obviously too use to using nasty and hurtful remarks to women to get them to feel insecure in other words a complete control freak. NO THANKS.

The Aries Man Club
by: Tavros

That's the spirit show him who's really the boss and in control, by not permiting him access into your beatiful world. We are earth people governed by nature and all it has to offer. The only thing these twisted rams relate to is the grass they consume to keep their hunger at bay and how many ewes (female ram) they can conquer in one day, what an accomplishment??? Their world consists of volcanic rock which errupts and scorches everything in it's destructive path. Earth regenerates and flourishes better then before, nothing fazes Taurus the Godess of Love. These greedy creatures are insatiable in their quest to possess and dominate just another notch in their belt and legendary, humungus ego. Greedy to the bone and nasty to the core. In all fairness they do have another "split personality" which surfaces on the odd occasion. They are capable of immense passion during intimacy. They enter a faze where only you exist and the result is mind blowing. They are the consumate lovers of the Zodiac, Casanova was an Aries and so was Houdini so that may explain the Love you and Dissapearing act. Beneith that rough gruff exterior lies a heart of gold you just have to dig very, very deep. These men are natural born free spirited worriors, their inbred concept and perception of survival prevents them from revealing their hidden depths, once you enter that barricade and they drop their guard you discover the Real Man behind the mask of self deffense. It may take hours, days, months or years but when you finally succeed they are infectious, addictive and inascapable. Afterall they are not titled "GOD of WAR" without justified reason. And who better to challenge and possess their mind, heart and soul then the Godess of Love???

The Aries Man Club
by: Tavros

These demented shockers do not need seducing if you attempt to seduce them it will back fire. Their moto is "Iam the Alpha Male and no Woman in her right mind can resist ME". The idea is to grasp their ogling attention and tempt them by sight, that they are unable to resist. They will approch you test the waters and begin the seduction process which is allways their domain and territory. The more you resist the harder they persist. Their over inflated Ego and Macho Image will not accept rejection of any kind, especially a Woman whom is there for the taking. Should this particular woman really turn him on and be unavailabe then allarm bells begin to go off and he moves in for the kill. He will wait for ever until he captures her. Once he does she is viewed as his "territory" so good luck if you ever want to escape. The game and art of "seducton" is an implemented strategy of permiting him the privilage of doing what he does best, naturally, effortlessly in unique style which only Aries the God Of War is entitled.

A question to Tavros
by: Anonymous


I am the woman who shocked the Aries man by walking away - you commented on my post haha. My question to you is that whilst I believe I done the right thing it would be interesting to have a view on what he would think by my actions. I realise that you dont have his 'brain' but you seem to have a good insight into how they tick. So what advice or comments could you add to my situation. I havent spoken to him since June so it is nearly 6months since contact and he has shown no signs of contacting me, although I have had a couple of 'strange' phonecalls, i.e. counting off once I answer. However, from previous tantrums he has always waited for me to contact him and unfortunately I had to because of things he was helping me with (had no choice) and he knew that. So when I did approach him no matter how innocent and genuine on my part he immediately took this as a green light to start his pursuit again. I never slept with him because I was told that these guys love the chase so to hold out for as long as possible and he was absolutely smitten by this..... So do you really think he will come back with his tail between his legs or do you think he has gone for good????

To Anonymous (who walked away)
by: Tavros

Hi Anonymous,
My comments are based uppon experience and a very long history with an Aries Man whom I fell in love with, and love him unconditionally. There were no mind games involved on my part, although he sometimes resorted to using them as a ploy to achieve what ever a man whom feels threatened by??? Our relationship consisted of a "Lover's Soulmate Conection" which is a highly complex scenario and only the two individuals involved comprahand. You are right Iam not in this particular Aries Head? but Aries Men do share characteristics which are inbread "Qualities or Flaws". If your intentions are genuine then you need to accept him for who he really is because he will not change to an extreme which contradicts his nature. Pride goes before a fall so if you really want him in your life you have two options, you either contact him and tell him how you feel or you wait until he comes to you??? Either way leave the mind games out of the equation because you are fighting fire with fire. You be the Adult and set the good example. Iam a Natural Born Believer in Fate, You Can Not Create it and You Can Not Avoid It.
Good Luck and Best Wishes Tavros.

To Tavros
by: Anonymous

Thanks for your comments. I walked away not to play a game, but because of the verbal tirade of abuse he threw at me. None of us are perfect and can say and do things we later regret because of having a bad day or because of the situations life may throw at us. However, for me in saying that you need to deal with this and not just pretend like it hasnt happened because that is just denying the person an apology or seeing some remorse from you. To not even offer this is more to do with the type of man he was rather than him being an aries. If he cannot recognise when he has done wrong and want to atone for this than that is more or less an abusive person and I certainly dont want to have one of them. So no I wasnt playing a game but I know I am due some sort of remorse from him and he hasnt shown any which is what was the last straw. So that is why I walked not to punish him but because he obviously believes he can be this way. He had an affair whilst married (which was the ex girlfriend he referred to) and both his wife and mistress were needy people - i.e willing to have him at whatever cost to them. I think that is mainly why he feels he can throw shit at you and still have you there - cos he had this before. Hence why he was like a lost child when I didnt react the same.......

To Anonymous
by: Tavros

Hi Anonymous
When I read Your comment it sent shivers down my spine and my heart goes out to you. It makes me wonder if this is the same Man? See what I mean about them? I know all about the abouse I once said to him, are you aware that you are a split personality? to which he replied, Yeah Iam a real Jackyl and Hyde. During the six years I only received one appology which was after a one year seperation, He said Im sorry I know you fell in love with me and I hurt you do you hate me now? I replied I could never hate you when I love I love for Life. The point Iam trying to make here is Love is a sacrifice and the power of forgiveness does impact on the purportrator. I do believe you deserve an appology of remorse and I most certainly do not believe or condone abuse or violence of any kind. If you can stand your ground and put him in his place by using words of wisdom rather then resorting to his tactictcts, (and Iam not implying that you do) then it will make him think??? Unfortunately these Men have alot of growing up to do and sometimes we are placed in a situation where we need to teach them right from wrong. Human beings come with baggage so you have to decide wheather you are willing to take his past misfortunes on board??? Arrogance breeds ignorance and these Men posess that in abundance. He may be trying to reach out to you but he is going about it the wrong way. If you feel he is worth the sacrifice try to remove those layers of piled garbage and discover the Man whom does have another hidden persona, otherwise leave him in his missery and allow it to become some other womans problem.
Your last comment enabled me to gain a better insight as to what a lovely human being you are. Is it any wonder he is drawn to you???
Good Luck and keep me posted. Tavros

Thanks Tavros
by: Anonymous

He was very much child like which initially shocked me because he is such a man's man. I remember one time he had sent me some stupid comments in a text to wind me up and so I just didnt take the bait and left no reply and he did the normal thing of sending a further text 10 mins later when I didnt reply asking me if I was having one of my tantrums (yeh right look in the mirror for those I think). I just said that I dont do tantrums I just walk away when people are obvoiusly trying to wind me up and be so childlike since I am an adult. I also said that I thought he was comparing me with his ex wife by supposing that I was going to act in the same way as she would. I really beieve that's how he thought and from then on he was a bit softer in his tone. But his divorce was acrimonous and I would say that he is still angry about that because he assumed it was goin to be alot quicker and hassle free than it was. She did not want the divorce but he did......

by: Anonymous

He had apologised once before when he initially started the chase and had a bad evenin because of his ex wife and he turned nasty. I just told him that I couldnt believe his attitude and forwarded the txts that he had been nasty in. He realised my point of view and apologised and then rang me the nxt morning and told me he wasnt leading me up the garden path or would he hurt me. Hey presto that's exactly what he done and I reminded him of that fact the last time we spoke. So no doubt he wouldnt have appreciated that reminder haha. So he is capable of humility. It would have been easier to forgive and move on had he just come back and apologised but he never did and that is the real sticking point. I still love him but I cant let him believe he can be so nasty for no reason (I hadnt done anything to him) especially as he basically told me to piss off. So that is why I believe it is important that any olive branch has to come from him - else I genuinely believe that he will just act badly thoughout. So the way I have to look at it is that if he genuinely likes me then this distance of the past 5months will only show him positive things re how he feels or doesnt about me and what it is like not to have me in his life. If he doesnt bother than that tells me only negative things, cos if he is an intelligent man then he will realise the jewel he uncovered. So will let you know if I turn out to be a jewel or a mere pebble in his eyes in due course haha. Thanks for all you gems of advice they are appreciated.

To The Lovely Lady With Spirit
by: Tavros

When I read that you still love him I smiled, It sounds as though this guy has found a rare gem but is unable to really value it for what it's worth. Give him time and like I said fate has a way of intervention without help from anyone. Good things come to those who wait, and in due course Mr. Special will come into your life and really appriciate you. Wheather it's Him or Someone Else??? Just be yourself and stand your ground no matter what, where abuse or anything else which polutes your mind and Soul is concerned. They are your Temple and must be respected.

My Thoughts and Best Wishes For the Future. Best Regards, Tavros

Thanks to Tavros
by: Anonymous

Thanks very much for your guidance and help. Yes I am a great believer in fate and destiny and if it is meant to be it will happen. He only told me in March that he had been married for so many years yet when he met me he felt an instant connection and thought that was weird! So who knows but I think if he really is a decent man then he will do what's necessary - if he doesnt then he isnt the one for me. Thanks again and good luck in your life and Merry Christmas

Thanks to Tavros
by: Anonymous

Thanks very much for your guidance and help. Yes I am a great believer in fate and destiny and if it is meant to be it will happen. He only told me in March that he had been married for so many years yet when he met me he felt an instant connection and thought that was weird! So who knows but I think if he really is a decent man then he will do what's necessary - if he doesnt then he isnt the one for me. Thanks again and good luck in your life and Merry Christmas

To The Lovely Lady With Spirit
by: Anonymous

You see there is a connection, He has been through the emotional relationship wars and that can be a very traumatic experience for women as well as men. Even worse so because they keep things bottled up so when they do make this connection which they shy away from, they feel the need to express their feelings of anger, distrust, and disilutionment toward placing faith again. They say that when a Man goes through a painful divorce the first casualty is the kind generous soul whom takes their baggage on board. Belive me I Know. Keep the faith and most definetly leave it up to Good Old Destiny.
Patience is a vertue, in the mean time rest your karma and should he be wise and fortunate to return to this little treasure, you can start fresh. let sleeping dogs lie and foccus on really getting to know EACH OTHER which is all that matters. I have a good feeling about this so I will keep the faith for you.
Have A Very Merry Christmas Lovely Lady and May The New Year Make Your Dreams Come True Without Further Odou.
Best Regards Tavros

Hi Lovely Lady
by: Tavros

I meant to ask you your star sign so if you would like to let me know it could come in useful for future developments.
You are a feiry one so is it Aries or Taurus?
Best regards Tavros

by: Anonymous

Sorry to disappoint you but I am a mere Pisces hehehe. I do have a dreamy side to my nature (althought not deluded) and I do have a big heart and very compassionate, but I am also not a pushover. I am easy going and would do anything for anyone up to a point, but I have learnt from my past experiences that people tend to take advantage of you if you are too nice. So yes I have lots of the attributes that a Pisces girl might expect, but I am also a realist and also try to treat people as I would like to be treated myself. I did have my chart done on two separate occasions and was told two different things about my rising sign. One said it was Capricorn and the other said it was Scorpio, but I would say out of the two I would think it was more Scorpio traits that I possess (rising sign). Many thanks and take care.

by: Tavros

Hi Lovely,
Thumbs Up, You did not disapoint me in the least, infact that would have been my next guess. !!!!!!!!!
As I started to read your comment I laughed for such a long time, I needed a coffee break in order to regroup my thoughts on this facinating slippery character whom should never be underestimated for it's abilities and capabilities where their desires and goals are concerned.
My ex sister inlaw is a Pisces and she quoted 16 years ago during the turmoil we were experiencing
with the brothers Dumb. "She said the Woman is the neck that turns the head" She is still happily married to her Taurus Husband whom may be the Head in the family but she actually turns it to her advantage. They have been married for almost 30 years. That is comendable.
I used to have this Taurus Land Lady years ago with a Pisces live in Son, what a riot never a dull moment, the battle of wills were a daily occurence and dramas. This Son took crap from no-one. During an intervention on my part he became emotional and told me that the antagonism from his forceful mother was unbearable. He needed to be understood and accepted for him self not someone she wanted him to be. Adventually he moved down the street and found a girlfriend, His mother was devestated, She was way far from refined or fit to be referred to as a Lady.
I told her to be patient and sure enough within weeks she returned to her place of origin. Not long after that he called me and asked me if he could bring over his new girlfriend. I was very impressed and so was his mother they were perfect for each other. She had a way with him which no one else could master.
Pisces possess Natural Self Esteem which may appear threatening if you don't examine beyond the surface. Their depths resemble the Ocean and the beauty which lies beneith. The creatures which inhabit and dominate this world respect each others existance, and this is the image they project to others. In turn they need to be respected otherwise they display their fearsome Shark inhebited persona compared to that of a Mere Harmless Fish.
Indeed you are no push over and you possess Qualities which can only be descoverd by those brave enough whom are able to view beneith the surface and uncover what trully lies beneith.
A Pirate Tresure.
Thanks for confirming this information which I already knew but needed to be certain!!!
So Long Lovely Lady.

Comments to Tavros
by: Anonymous

Thanks for your best wishes. It is great to be in contact with someone who at least doesnt just label us Pisces as dreamlike, too silly for our own good, suffering at the othersta r signs' (being the last sign of the Zodiac). and generally a doormat with issues. I went out with a Pisces a while back and he was weak, a drinker, no direction etc and in many ways what most people conjuor up as a Pisces. I have always been told to trust my instincts as they are more than not spot on, but sometimes I get a feeling about something even though no one else does so I keep it to myself because people think you are either deluded or stupid. For instance with this man I told you about I knew within a few meetings that he liked me - nothing outwardly shown to me but a feeling I got. Didnt like him at all in that way just thought he seemed a nice man and that was it. However, my body obviously connected with him cos I just couldnt stop thinking about him and I just couldnt figure why - cos I didnt like him that way. Until one day I had to meet him and it just hit me like a bullet to my head that in fact I did like him. Seems funny now, but I was just so shocked cos I had convinced myself that he wasnt my type.....Which is why this whole meeting etc has been a strange experience and one I never thought would touch me so deeply. Thanks again -

The Beutiful Dolphin (Delfini)
by: Tavros

Hi Lovely,
I hope you are in tune with your many wonderful qualities and attributes. At the top of my list is your remarcable sense of humor. Every time I start reading your comments you never fail to make me lugh or smile.
The only other person whom has that effect is Mr.
Aries the Man whom stole my heart. see what I mean about them???
I wanted to write all this yesterday but it seemed like too much all in one day.
Are you ready to hear some real home truths???

PISCES Natural inbred Qualities and Attributes.
Self Esteem, Belief in one Self, Fate, Destiny,
Karma and God. Strength of Character, Proud,
Wise Souls, Big on Forgiveness, Respect.

The Piscien Alluring charm can make certain types to fall instantly in love with them.
Should this turn out to be a "Lovers Soulmate
connection or encounter" the emotionally undeveloped Sign "prime example Mr. Aries) will run away from it rather then embrace it for the true blessing which has found him.
Pisces are big on forgiveness providing they are not taken advantage of by preditors. They tend to hold on to past grievenses and misunderstandings. (once bitten twice shy) May describe their reluctance in placing faith toward those whom have transgressed against them.
PISCES are renouned for their compassion and kindness. They are Dreamers/Realists the duplicity of a coin, or yin/yang health balance of two very different aspects. Which also applies to their personality. The Gentle Dolphin/Fearome Shark, placid in nature but when provoked responds defensively. The underworld equips them with natural survival skills.

I did not want to mention this incase you misinterpreted it's meaning but sinse you already mentioned it I shall now explain the concept of why PISCES are unfairly refered to as the rubish bin of the Zodiac. (Holy Grail of the Zodiac is a more appropriate term).
They are the last Sign and have completed the cycle of the Oracle. They possess the best and in some cases the worst traits of all the other Eleven Sun Signs before them.
Charles Blodin The French Tight rope walker was the first and last Man to cross Niagra Falls on Stillts. How is that for an acomplishment???
He was a Pisces.
Unfortunately there are too many idiots in this world and engage their acid tongue prior to their brain. Therefore we dispose of their verbal diarohea in the toilet where it belongs.
So long Lovely and keep smiling!!!

The Beutiful Dolphin (Delfini)
by: Tavros

Hi Lovely,
I hope you are in tune with your many wonderful qualities and attributes. At the top of my list is your remarcable sense of humor. Every time I start reading your comments you never fail to make me lugh or smile.
The only other person whom has that effect is Mr.
Aries the Man whom stole my heart. see what I mean about them???
I wanted to write all this yesterday but it seemed like too much all in one day.
Are you ready to hear some real home truths???

PISCES Natural inbred Qualities and Attributes.
Self Esteem, Belief in one Self, Fate, Destiny,
Karma and God. Strength of Character, Proud,
Wise Souls, Big on Forgiveness, Respect.

The Piscien Alluring charm can make certain types to fall instantly in love with them.
Should this turn out to be a "Lovers Soulmate
connection or encounter" the emotionally undeveloped Sign "prime example Mr. Aries) will run away from it rather then embrace it for the true blessing which has found him.
Pisces are big on forgiveness providing they are not taken advantage of by preditors. They tend to hold on to past grievenses and misunderstandings. (once bitten twice shy) May describe their reluctance in placing faith toward those whom have transgressed against them.
PISCES are renouned for their compassion and kindness. They are Dreamers/Realists the duplicity of a coin, or yin/yang health balance of two very different aspects. Which also applies to their personality. The Gentle Dolphin/Fearome Shark, placid in nature but when provoked responds defensively. The underworld equips them with natural survival skills.

I did not want to mention this incase you misinterpreted it's meaning but sinse you already mentioned it I shall now explain the concept of why PISCES are unfairly refered to as the rubish bin of the Zodiac. (Holy Grail of the Zodiac is a more appropriate term).
They are the last Sign and have completed the cycle of the Oracle. They possess the best and in some cases the worst traits of all the other Eleven Sun Signs before them.
Charles Blodin The French Tight rope walker was the first and last Man to cross Niagra Falls on Stillts. How is that for an acomplishment???
He was a Pisces.
Unfortunately there are too many idiots in this world and engage their acid tongue prior to their brain. Therefore we dispose of their verbal diarohea in the toilet where it belongs.
So long Lovely and keep smiling!!!

Lovely Dolphin, Delfini
by: Tavros

Hi Lovely'

If you think those comments were bad about Pisces you should read about what this Aries
Guy has to say on Taurus Woman Are Stable.
You can be sure I sorted him out.
But the coward didn't reply. which only means he is not the real God of War, he is just a poor imitation. Plenty of those floating around. Talk about Mutton dressed in Lanb???

There is a Memorable Greek Song which I heard as
a child but hadn't thought of until just after my last comment.
This is a beautiful melody which describes the story of a Man whom went on a ride aboard a Dolphin and toured the world in an attempt to forget his Sweetheart.
But was unable to do so and returned back to her.
Out of sight is definetly not out of mind where
Love is concerned.
Which brings me to mention something,

Personally I do not believe you should look for a particular Sign based uppon Astrology but I was
married to a Leo and eventhough we connected by being in tune with each other on just about every level, there was something missing on my part.
Something which involves being in love. It was what I wanted deep inside but something I chose to ignore during our ten years of marriage and ten years following seperation and devorce.

Until Mr. Aries came into my life and I conected with this missing link, which made me feel whole.
This is the reason his flaws make no differense regarding my feelings.
Infact I have become so immuned to them, I find them amusing. But it takes time, I used to take them seriously and one day I said "are you aware of the fact that you have a very dark sense of humor?" He replied "yes I Know".
They do not intend to be mean and antagonistic but this is how they express themselves. They engage their tongue prior to their brain. What can I say these Aries Men and so many others just refuse to grow up. Where Women are Concerned
they must confuse us with the mother they always wanted and never had.!!!
My youngest Son is an Aquarius and just as much a handful as An Aries, I spoil him terribly, so hopefuly he won't need his mother when he grows
up but then again you never know???

Lovely Dolphin, Delfini
by: Tavros

Hi Lovely'

If you think those comments were bad about Pisces you should read about what this Aries
Guy has to say on Taurus Woman Are Stable.
You can be sure I sorted him out.
But the coward didn't reply. which only means he is not the real God of War, he is just a poor imitation. Plenty of those floating around. Talk about Mutton dressed in Lanb???

There is a Memorable Greek Song which I heard as
a child but hadn't thought of until just after my last comment.
This is a beautiful melody which describes the story of a Man whom went on a ride aboard a Dolphin and toured the world in an attempt to forget his Sweetheart.
But was unable to do so and returned back to her.
Out of sight is definetly not out of mind where
Love is concerned.
Which brings me to mention something,

Personally I do not believe you should look for a particular Sign based uppon Astrology but I was
married to a Leo and eventhough we connected by being in tune with each other on just about every level, there was something missing on my part.
Something which involves being in love. It was what I wanted deep inside but something I chose to ignore during our ten years of marriage and ten years following seperation and devorce.

Until Mr. Aries came into my life and I conected with this missing link, which made me feel whole.
This is the reason his flaws make no differense regarding my feelings.
Infact I have become so immuned to them, I find them amusing. But it takes time, I used to take them seriously and one day I said "are you aware of the fact that you have a very dark sense of humor?" He replied "yes I Know".
They do not intend to be mean and antagonistic but this is how they express themselves. They engage their tongue prior to their brain. What can I say these Aries Men and so many others just refuse to grow up. Where Women are Concerned
they must confuse us with the mother they always wanted and never had.!!!
My youngest Son is an Aquarius and just as much a handful as An Aries, I spoil him terribly, so hopefuly he won't need his mother when he grows
up but then again you never know???

Lovely Dolphin, Delfini
by: Tavros

Hi Lovely'

If you think those comments were bad about Pisces you should read about what this Aries
Guy has to say on Taurus Woman Are Stable.
You can be sure I sorted him out.
But the coward didn't reply. which only means he is not the real God of War, he is just a poor imitation. Plenty of those floating around. Talk about Mutton dressed in Lanb???

There is a Memorable Greek Song which I heard as
a child but hadn't thought of until just after my last comment.
This is a beautiful melody which describes the story of a Man whom went on a ride aboard a Dolphin and toured the world in an attempt to forget his Sweetheart.
But was unable to do so and returned back to her.
Out of sight is definetly not out of mind where
Love is concerned.
Which brings me to mention something,

Personally I do not believe you should look for a particular Sign based uppon Astrology but I was
married to a Leo and eventhough we connected by being in tune with each other on just about every level, there was something missing on my part.
Something which involves being in love. It was what I wanted deep inside but something I chose to ignore during our ten years of marriage and ten years following seperation and devorce.

Until Mr. Aries came into my life and I conected with this missing link, which made me feel whole.
This is the reason his flaws make no differense regarding my feelings.
Infact I have become so immuned to them, I find them amusing. But it takes time, I used to take them seriously and one day I said "are you aware of the fact that you have a very dark sense of humor?" He replied "yes I Know".
They do not intend to be mean and antagonistic but this is how they express themselves. They engage their tongue prior to their brain. What can I say these Aries Men and so many others just refuse to grow up. Where Women are Concerned
they must confuse us with the mother they always wanted and never had.!!!
My youngest Son is an Aquarius and just as much a handful as An Aries, I spoil him terribly, so hopefuly he won't need his mother when he grows
up but then again you never know???

To Tavros from the Dolphin
by: Anonymous

No I definitely didnt take anything you said in a personal way. I am very honest at heart and so appreciate hearing the same back. I have always said that "Knowing the truth I can deal with, it is the unknown that becomes my nemesis". That was an attraction to this Aries man, his straight talking. I am very Piscean in many many ways but dont bear grudges and just move on - that is until I met this man. I dont bear him any grudges at all, basically because I realise just how much I do care for him and miss him too much. He was very much a deep thinker and I have never met a man who sent so many texts whether they be good, indifferent or bad in their content. Even one of my friend noted (like me) that he always had to text me. For instance, when he was just so awlful in not only how he spoke to me but what came out of his mouth I never said anything bad back to him because he was fraught because of the divorce and said as much. So I listened and said I could understand a little bit what he was going through, and it was at this point that he exploded and said so many awlful things to me and slammed down the phone. I returned to him a small token gift he had given me for a good deed I done, simply because I was just so annoyed/upset and didnt want to be beholding to anything he had done - simply because of what he had said to me that day........

by: Anonymous

He was so shocked when he received it back and promptly texted me saying he had given it as a present for my help. As my friend said, why do that. It would have been easier to say nothing especially as he had told me to ........ off and dont come back..... I told him that after his vitriolic remarks and what he had said it was appropriate to return it. No-one could understand why the need to still text me when he could just have left it. His tone was less dramatic than previously, but nevertheless he still wasnt happy..... I have left him alone as he has wanted and he hasnt contacted me. I do though want to send him a text just before Christmas to wish him a happy one simply because I would rather he felt he could contact me even if he doesnt, then have him sit there feeling I am unapproachable and pondering should he or shouldnt he. He may not want to know me anymore but for me this would bring some closure if he doesnt come back to me. I mean I wont wonder whether I should have left 'the door slightly ajar' so he knows he could return that way. Else I will probably always wonder whether he never come back cos he felt the door had been slammed in his face. I suppose you could call it a tiny olive branch. What are your thoughts on that dear Tavros? Is it a good idea - your advice and guidance is appreciated. Sometimes we can overthink things, but I am mindful of the fact he told me to ....... off and leave him alone basically so dont want to come across as Glenn Close in that film with Michael Douglas haha. Yes I am known for my Sense of Humour, even Aries man said he was so turned on by it; me just being me as he put it. My best friend also says that I say such funny things and even better is the fact that I dont try to be that way - I guess me just being me hahaha. Thanks so much foryour time.

by: Tavros

Hi Lovely,
I burst out laughing when I read your new title.
What ever Iam about to reveal now is the Gods
honest truth.

First of all I have been pondering on something sinse Sunday, but did not want to advise you in doing something which may end up hurting you, if he were to respond unfavourably or not at all??

But it appears we are in sinc on this Act of good will. which is eerie. but Iam not surprised sinse I think about you and feel the connection.

What I wanted to tell you was that Perhaps you should take the Christmas Spirit in Stride and send him a Christmas Card with your wishes or anything else which may open the lines of communication. In case you did not have his address then a text would have been fine.
I prefer the personal touch my self because the
visual memmory of a hand written card lingers in
their eyes and mind.
I was going to say that it is up to you and I do
not want to push you in the wrong direction but
this action of forwarding Christmas Wishes toward
A Man you really care about regardless his response??? The Good Karma is on your side.

And no matter what the out come??? the result is an amicable action on your behalf, and even if he chose to keep his distanse, at least it gives you closure. Believe me there is nothing worse then longing for someone whom may never return.
False Hope is a useless energie which torments our mind heart and soul.
I also read your cards and I could tell you what
they say if you would like me to, but like I said
Iam a natural and very firm believer in fate, destiny and Karma.
Another thing I was going to do the next time I
wrote to you would have been to ask you for a very personal favour of Addressing yourself as
DELFINI or DOLPHIN but you beat me to it!!!
I fell in love with dolphins when my untys took me for a cruise on a Greek Island when I was a
And just for the record the word Annonymus does
not exist in my vocabulary, especially from the
Lovely DOLPHIN DELFINI I have grown to really care for even if I can not see you I can feel you.
My very Best Lovely, and keep the faith

To Tavros from Dolphin Delfini
by: Anonymous

Hi Tavros .... Again haha hope you aren't getting tired of my posts?
That is so spooky me thinking of the two things that were in your mind but you had yet to speak about - how eerie as you said... However, in saying that I have often done this to my friends, i.e. raise someting out loud that they had in their mind and they just looked at me like I was some kind of psychic....
My dilemma is that yes I know his address and would prefer to send a card - as you said an actual piece of goodwill to hold in his hands even if he does bin it. He is a deep thinker so if he does bin it, the process of having him think about it and me will definitely be achieved. However, my only problem is that I am not sure if he is still there and worse still cannot check as he would see me driving by and knowing my luck I would probably meet him coming the other way on the road. So I was thinking to send him a card which is personal in that it is written by me and he can actually hold it and just say something simple so it doesnt seem like I am pursuing him or coming across as a 'bunny boiler' and then just text him on Christmas Eve saying 'Merry Christmas'. As my guardian angel Tavros, does that sound over the top, obsessive or just fine? Your thoughts and guidance would be appreciated. I prefer the card route but as he could have moved I want to cover this with a short text also. As we both seem to be on the same 'page' re bringing closure in some shape or form and allowing the door to be left slightly ajar; so that if he does want to, he feels able to approach me. I have offered the olive branch however small. Thanks again. Dolphin Delfini

by: Tavros

Lovely, You are simply Irresistable and Toooooo
Much for an ordinary Man to digest your true Depth and Spirit. But we are not talking about an ordinary Man we are talking and Analysing the
The one and only "Mr. Aries The God Of War".
Again Thumbs UP Beautiful Dolphin, with Shark
Survival Skills. Such Awesome Natural Beauty
which is Free in Spirit.
I laughed so much when I started reading your post, which I anxiously awaited but needed a coffee break in order to group my thoughts.
Last night I was talking to my male friend
Vasilli of 30 years. A true friend and confidant.
An excellent source of information regarding
Men. He is a Libra like my Beautiful, Imposible
to balance Daughter, whom has currently blocked me from her Face Book due to my comments.
I told Vasilli about our eerie thoughts and he thought it was right on the money.
For him to say that it means we are heading in the right direction. He said your new Delfini
Friend sounds very special. If It doesn't work
out with Mr Aries perhaps you may introduce us???
I replied it doesn't work like that but if the
subject arises I shall mention it.
This Girlfriend of mine had the hots for him and
commented that he looks like a Greek God, but he
wasn't interested. The Chemistry was wrong. I do
match making on the side but that's another story.
Now where was I??? Oh that's right Mr. Aries what
a fascinating subject.!!!
I especially laughed when you mentioned the part of him seeing you in his street.
Glen Close eat your heart out. The street incident happened to me on more then one occassion, where I felt busted and blew my cover
but he took the letter from my hand and stuck it
in his pocket, after he told me not to go down to
his f*****g street where his children could see me.
I replied It was O.K. when you turned up at
and my Son answered the door and Saw You!!!
He clammed up and I walked home feeling great.
I used to derive such enjoyment from leaving love letters, poetry, food, or any other trinket
which stirred my Imagination In his Truck at Night. Knowing he would receive it the next morning. He loved it.

by: Tavros

Lovely, You are simply Irresistable and Toooooo
Much for an ordinary Man to digest your true Depth and Spirit. But we are not talking about an ordinary Man we are talking and Analysing the
The one and only "Mr. Aries The God Of War".
Again Thumbs UP Beautiful Dolphin, with Shark
Survival Skills. Such Awesome Natural Beauty
which is Free in Spirit.
I laughed so much when I started reading your post, which I anxiously awaited but needed a coffee break in order to group my thoughts.
Last night I was talking to my male friend
Vasilli of 30 years. A true friend and confidant.
An excellent source of information regarding
Men. He is a Libra like my Beautiful, Imposible
to balance Daughter, whom has currently blocked me from her Face Book due to my comments.
I told Vasilli about our eerie thoughts and he thought it was right on the money.
For him to say that it means we are heading in the right direction. He said your new Delfini
Friend sounds very special. If It doesn't work
out with Mr Aries perhaps you may introduce us???
I replied it doesn't work like that but if the
subject arises I shall mention it.
This Girlfriend of mine had the hots for him and
commented that he looks like a Greek God, but he
wasn't interested. The Chemistry was wrong. I do
match making on the side but that's another story.
Now where was I??? Oh that's right Mr. Aries what
a fascinating subject.!!!
I especially laughed when you mentioned the part of him seeing you in his street.
Glen Close eat your heart out. The street incident happened to me on more then one occassion, where I felt busted and blew my cover
but he took the letter from my hand and stuck it
in his pocket, after he told me not to go down to
his f*****g street where his children could see me.
I replied It was O.K. when you turned up at
and my Son answered the door and Saw You!!!
He clammed up and I walked home feeling great.
I used to derive such enjoyment from leaving love letters, poetry, food, or any other trinket
which stirred my Imagination In his Truck at Night. Knowing he would receive it the next morning. He loved it.

by: Tavros

Lovely, You are simply Irresistable and Toooooo
Much for an ordinary Man to digest your true Depth and Spirit. But we are not talking about an ordinary Man we are talking and Analysing the
The one and only "Mr. Aries The God Of War".
Again Thumbs UP Beautiful Dolphin, with Shark
Survival Skills. Such Awesome Natural Beauty
which is Free in Spirit.
I laughed so much when I started reading your post, which I anxiously awaited but needed a coffee break in order to group my thoughts.
Last night I was talking to my male friend
Vasilli of 30 years. A true friend and confidant.
An excellent source of information regarding
Men. He is a Libra like my Beautiful, Imposible
to balance Daughter, whom has currently blocked me from her Face Book due to my comments.
I told Vasilli about our eerie thoughts and he thought it was right on the money.
For him to say that it means we are heading in the right direction. He said your new Delfini
Friend sounds very special. If It doesn't work
out with Mr Aries perhaps you may introduce us???
I replied it doesn't work like that but if the
subject arises I shall mention it.
This Girlfriend of mine had the hots for him and
commented that he looks like a Greek God, but he
wasn't interested. The Chemistry was wrong. I do
match making on the side but that's another story.
Now where was I??? Oh that's right Mr. Aries what
a fascinating subject.!!!
I especially laughed when you mentioned the part of him seeing you in his street.
Glen Close eat your heart out. The street incident happened to me on more then one occassion, where I felt busted and blew my cover
but he took the letter from my hand and stuck it
in his pocket, after he told me not to go down to
his f*****g street where his children could see me.
I replied It was O.K. when you turned up at
and my Son answered the door and Saw You!!!
He clammed up and I walked home feeling great.
I used to derive such enjoyment from leaving love letters, poetry, food, or any other trinket
which stirred my Imagination In his Truck at Night. Knowing he would receive it the next morning. He loved it.

by: Tavros

Lovely, You are simply Irresistable and Toooooo
Much for an ordinary Man to digest your true Depth and Spirit. But we are not talking about an ordinary Man we are talking and Analysing the
The one and only "Mr. Aries The God Of War".
Again Thumbs UP Beautiful Dolphin, with Shark
Survival Skills. Such Awesome Natural Beauty
which is Free in Spirit.
I laughed so much when I started reading your post, which I anxiously awaited but needed a coffee break in order to group my thoughts.
Last night I was talking to my male friend
Vasilli of 30 years. A true friend and confidant.
An excellent source of information regarding
Men. He is a Libra like my Beautiful, Imposible
to balance Daughter, whom has currently blocked me from her Face Book due to my comments.
I told Vasilli about our eerie thoughts and he thought it was right on the money.
For him to say that it means we are heading in the right direction. He said your new Delfini
Friend sounds very special. If It doesn't work
out with Mr Aries perhaps you may introduce us???
I replied it doesn't work like that but if the
subject arises I shall mention it.
This Girlfriend of mine had the hots for him and
commented that he looks like a Greek God, but he
wasn't interested. The Chemistry was wrong. I do
match making on the side but that's another story.
Now where was I??? Oh that's right Mr. Aries what
a fascinating subject.!!!
I especially laughed when you mentioned the part of him seeing you in his street.
Glen Close eat your heart out. The street incident happened to me on more then one occassion, where I felt busted and blew my cover
but he took the letter from my hand and stuck it
in his pocket, after he told me not to go down to
his f*****g street where his children could see me.
I replied It was O.K. when you turned up at
and my Son answered the door and Saw You!!!
He clammed up and I walked home feeling great.
I used to derive such enjoyment from leaving love letters, poetry, food, or any other trinket
which stirred my Imagination In his Truck at Night. Knowing he would receive it the next morning. He loved it.

by: Tavros

Don't allow these minor details to interfere with
the tast at hand. You have a mission Girl show your True Shark Spirit and do what you must regardless the consequenses. "All is Fair In Love
And War".
Make sure you try the Card and Text aproach. If you are determined to do something go all the way . Do it Whole Heartedly or not at all.
Believe me even if he does "BIN IT" as you say
the Seed Has Been Planted, and the Mission has
been Accomplished.
Now this is my Que to Reveal what Your Tarot Cards Had To Say On Sunday.

The Tower
The breaking down of an outworn sense of values.
A Sudden Shock that is never the less a Blessing
in Disguise. Freedom from Old possibly self imposed Restrictions. Sudden Disruptive Change
is Inevitable, but nothing to be feared. Sinse
You Will Come Through this Experiense a Better
and Stronger Person.

The Queen Of Wands
Physical Description: A dignified woman of Fiery Temprement. She is likely to be fair with blue
hazel eyes.
A freedom loving woman who is lively, active and creatively gifted. She is warm natured and practical orginiser of others. A lover of nature.

The Nine of Cups
Key word Pleasure
Excellent social life. Parties, good friends and fun places where people meet, good health, happiness and popularity. Relationships will be
very fulfilling. Ease of communication and the
flow of ideas.

The Six of Pentacles
Key word Generosity
Money put to good use. Help from someone else, charity gifts and benevolense. Do not waste this bounty but put it to good use. Someone sees hidden talents in you. Financial support, outstanding debts will be paid.

Page of Pentacles
Physical Description
An Introverted boy with black hair and eyes. and a swarthy or tanned complection.
A conscientious pereson, thrifty and capable, someone who has little money but excellent prospects. A petient person . Also there may be
good news about money.

The Queen of Pentacles
Physical Description
A large matronly woman with a strong constitution and cheerful demeanour. Her colouring is dark.
A sensible matronly woman who has a good head
for bussiness. Kind Hearted and charitable. She also has a taste for luxury. Sometimes moody,
Her general personality is very caring.

This is Me Tavros talking now.
Show your True Dolphin/Shark Spirit and Iam cerain, no matter what his response you will emerge STRONGER, WISER, and a BETTER HUMAN BEING
Never fear Tavros is Here. In Spirit and in Thought.
I Bestow uppon you during this holly festive season All the Good KARMA which is rightfully yours, My Beautiful DOLPHIN/DELFINI.

Bey for Now Lovely, God Bless and Nothing but
the Best. Love Tavros

by: Delfini (The Dolphin )


Well this has been a real strange day Tavros. I had been watching tv and there was nothing on and so I was switching through the channels and saw one called Psychic interactive. So I thought this is strange as I had never seen this channel before. Well you can phone in and speak to a psychic. I sat and watched for 5 mins and then one came on that has got a really good reputation for being spot on so I thought why not for what it will cost me it may be worth it. Oh my god she blew me away seriously. She got him spot on, his situation and everything and said that he has been going through so much stress and isnt eating because of what he is currently going through and has been this year. He desperately wants to contact you and offer you the olive branch (remember that is something we spoke of) because he has fallen far more than he imagined for you. It's just at the moment there is an obstacle and ithasnt been removed......

To Tavros
by: Delfini (The Dolphin)

She carried on by saying that basically he is having such a shit time because he just wants to be with me and he is scared that someone is gonna come along and take you off. I remembered what you said about the grief that both men and women go through when they are getting divorce even when they are the instigator of it. The woman commented on the fact that there is guilt on his part, and I could see that myself when he spoke because he was fixing stuff around the house even though he had no intention of being there. She said that he would be coming back to me sooner rather than later so be patient - 4wks or 4mths she said. It really freaked me out because she was so specific and even spoke of him having an issue with his son which is only adding to his stress. So yes I will send him a card and just write a short passage in it that is fairly innocent so that he cant take offence or accuse me of being Glenn Close hahaha. Then I will probably send him a text to wish him a Happy New Year so that there is space between the card and text. I really appreciate all you guidance because there have been times that I have cried my eyes out over all this. So thank you my new found Guardian Angel Tavros. Best wishes and say thank you to Vasily, but my heart is spoken for and as you know about Pisces we are loyal. So until I know that I have no hope my heart will still be into Mr Aries.... Have a great evening and dont drink too much Coffee hahaha.

by: Tavros

GIRL You are HILLARIOUS and funnier then ten
commidians put together.(I just finished another
coffee) I needed a BREAK from Laughing sooo Much.
See what You do??? You naughty Girl You.

If this Mr. Aries of Yours Isn't wrapped in you
already, he is just another FAKE Let's give him
the benefit of the doubt and SEE Shall We???

I haven't seen Mr. Aries in Six Months Iam too
bussy having fun, and the best is yet to come.
One of these days when I have nothing better to
do Like talking to You, I might take a walk down
the Golden Mile and see his Irresistable Face.

The last time I saw him I said Do you Know what
your problem is? He said What? I replied You
Have a Head Full of F**K He wasn't the least bit
surprised. Then I added Do You Know What My
Problem Is? Iam In Love With You.

There is a Song by one of my all time favourite
singer's Robbie Williams which is entitled
"THE TROUBLE WITH ME" What a perfect song.
I dedicated it to Him and he loved it. I Love
it too. It's the Perfect song for The God Of War.

Do Me a favour and go to Compatible Astrology
the same sight and go to Taurus Woman then
scroll down to comments Taurus Women Are Stable? by Aries Guy here and have a read.

I told you Lovely that the Good Karma is on your
side, if you don't believe me wait and see what

Yasou Delfinaki


Hi again!

OMG what a dickhead that so called 'Aries man was'. How rude and nasty he was but I agree he wasnt a real Aries simply because he never came back and responded. Well you certainly gave him food for thought and your comments were spot on!!! Talk about being a comedian, your comments were all so funny and I was laughing my butt off everytime I read on. Some people are so pathetic when they write these comments on sites like this and just use it as an excuse to sound off. I was always taught never to tar people with the same brush, and this guy was certainly really pissed off with a Taurean woman and had written off all Taurean women as a consequence. That just says to me that he is a shallow man. I have a really close friend who is no doubt my best friend but she had a really bad experience with an Aries. So when she heard the man I spoke of was an Aries she was very negative and tried to warn we off and then when he started behaving like a child she thought she was proved right. So people have a tendency to label others very quickly without looking a little deeper. As you said, at first the Aries man you fell for was antagonistic in his ways but after a while it had little effect because you learned how he ticked. With me it was the same. I thought this guy was something else when he started coming out with all this stuff; like he was really matter of fact about the words that were coming out of his mouth. I then started to look at the traits of Aries and it was like a lightbulb being switched on in my head and I could identify with so many of the similar things I had seen fromthis guy. So then I just started to think differently in my dealings with him and it was so empowering and it made things much better between us like a common ground. So knowing a little about his traits was a godsend rather than a hindrance and my reactions eased because I knew it was him just being him, with that typical foot in mouth syndrome.
I will leave you in peace, but will keep in touch with you and I hope you do the same with me. Thank you for your time and for the 'reading' you gave me too. Till we chat again Tavros my Guardian Angel haha

by: Tavros


What ever am I going to do with you GIRL???


When I Started reading your comment I was laughing and admiring You for Your unbeatable
sense of HUMOR and INTELET. Why is it that
SPECIAL HUMAN BEINGS are my Specialty in Life???

Thank you Lovely for doing me justice. But I feel
Sorry for this Man whom must feel so trapped in
his emotionally turbulent world.
Who Knows perhaps one day if he is fortunate a
beautiful soul will come into his life and add
the beauty and sweetness which is missing???

DO You Suppose It's Fatal Attraction???
I had to give Glen Close Credit for Standing
Her Ground and Fighting for a Man whom she
belived was worth the sacrifice.

I read this post last night on How to Make an
Aries Man Obssessed With You?

I ended up in tears from laughing for such a
long time. This girl is a classic, it was a
one nightstand fuelled with Sex, Sex and more
Sex. at least he stayed the night. but her
problem now consists of the FACT that he won't
contact her and she is going CRAZY!!!

She is in desporate need of help toward luring
him back. What can I say lovely there are women
out there whom go "HEAD TO HEAD" with men when
it comes to physical gratification. Oh well at
least she's honest.

I Love the rain it has been raining non stop
sinse yesterday poor Mr. Aries must be getting
wet in and out of his truck all day.

So long for now Lovely and be sure to keep in
touch, Love Tavros

by: Tavros

Hi Lovely,

This Poem which I wrote a few weeks ago

Being in Love is Beautiful and indeed Blind
Why do we ingnore each and every Sign???
Do we ever learn with the passage of time???

The Sacrifices we make the Pain we Endure
for that Special Someone we place on a
Pedestall but Whom is Far From Pure.

It Matters not, not to us we continue to
Forgive them, eventhough they Hurt us Time
and Again until the Sweetbitter End.

Listen to Me to what I have to Say, I have
Learned Something from this and Days of

What is it Wise one exclaims their Psyche???

I Shall Never Love Again That Much I Know
For Love May Be Beautiful and Indeed I was
Blind, but now I Have Seen the Light Which Shines Ever So Bright.

Love May Have Had Me Fooled But Iam No Longer

Perhaps So Exclaimed Their Psyche!!!

But Do You Think You Can Erase The Memmories
It Left Behind???

by: Tavros

Hi Lovely,

This Taurus Sister, left me a post which touched
uppon the pain I endured, that's what that poem
was about. At the time I wrote it I was no longer
in pain, I had mangaged to desguise it by foccusing on excusing his actions, regarding his
infentile behaviour.
But her comment made me cry and cry and cry,
it was as though we were sharing the same memmory
of pain from this same man.
I do hope your story has a happy ending but I
have reached a point where I have now lost faith
toward a man whom I sacrificed so much without
him returning any real love.
Perhaps he is just not capable of it.
I asked him one night during Chrismas about five
years ago, if he loved me???
He replied NO. I said NO??? He said I don't even
Love my self!!!
So after that I never questioned his Love again,
Because during intimacy I did feel the love!!!
And words are unessasary.
I was raised to belive and witnessed that Men do
not speak of LOVE so it was easy for me to live
without the verbal expressions.
I do not know what destiny has instaled???
But Iam sure as hell not tolorating any garbage
from him. Iam going to practice what I preach and
make him go one step further by at least proving
to me what I really do Mean to him???
Otherwise He can take the High Road.!!!

Please do not allow this to interfere with what
we spoke about regarding your Act of GOOD WILL!!!

This is my highly complicated story with a Man
whom is not Free, and maybe never will be???

Love Allways Tavros,

by: Tavros


You have to check this out.

These women are a DIGRACE and an IMBERACEMENT
to the FEMALE race.

Go to How TO Make an Aries Man Obssed with you.?

Regards, Tavros.


Hi there! Thank you for the poem - it is really beautiful and I am honoured that you revealed all that you did and thought you could do so to me. THANK YOU!!!! Yes my situation wasnt so complicated. Yes he was married when we met, and is going through he divorce as I write this - and yes he is actually doing what he said as their relationship was over before I came along!!!! However, that was the reason I held back because once I knew that I felt for him I knew that I could easily end up broken hearted if I did what I wanted haha! I couldnt find the link that you referred to re the women who are an embarassment. However, I was reading some posts last night re Aries men and was laughing so much. There were so many posts where girls had obviously just slept with the Aries man straight off and then they had disappeared - wonder why??? They were going mad and didnt know what to do and some of the responses they got back from other Aries men were so funny. The gist of the majority were basically saying that they should have kept their legs closed and not given it up so quickly. Aries men want the chase and not an easy lay - after all they were saying that if you cant respect yourself then why would an Aries man or any other man respect you and want you. I laughed so much because some of the responses were so direct and not what the women who posted would want to hear........


...... I have a family member who reminds me so much of some of those women and is definitely an embarassment. No matter how much I try to tell her that she is deluded if she thinks a man will treat her right when she behaves so loosely she doesnt learn. So now I let her get on with it, but definitely do not venture out with her for an evening out because she is just a man-eater. I always think of the saying that "people judge you by the company you keep". In other words if you surround yourself with people whose morals are that loose then people looking on will think you are the same. I just find some of the posts are so funny because they are talking about love like it is a commodity and not a real emotion. I will keep in touch and let you know how my 'act of good-will goes (either way). As we both know, the 'seed' will have been planted if nothing else and I can rest easy that I have offered that infamous olive branch. Have a great Christmas and New Year and thanks again for your kindness, your own good will and your honesty and affection. X

by: Tavros


Talk about still waters rnning very, very deep!!
What a Pirate Treasure you turned out to be???

This was the funniest, wiser then wise and most
touching mesage toward a human being whom has
grown to care about you sooooooo much, and I wish
I could protect you from the possible risks of

This is the reason Iam trying to expose you to my
personal good and bad experience or anything else
which may come in useful.

When it comes to happy endings where Love is
concerned??? I do not have the answers???
We take it day by day and do what we can, but
ultimatelly it's a roll of the dice!!!

Just be sure to be The Lovely Dolphin with Shark
Survival Skills and Iam sure you will handle
anything Love has to throw at you???

This Prayer served as my Guide during my times
of turbulence.

Dear God Please Give Me Stregth To Accept The
Things I Can-Not Change.
Courage To Change The Things I Can.
And The Wisdom To Know The Differense.

May the Good Lord Give those Blessings to you
in your endeavour to suceed in Love.!!!

I will not make further Christmas Wishes at this
point because I will talk to you again before
the Festive Season.


Your Guardian Angel Here On Earth

by: Tavros

Hi Lovely,

This came to my memmory following my post.
Somehow I had not placed this whilst I was
writting to you.

He did turn up one evening and it was the
only time he expressed emotion, regarding
his feelings which really surprised me
considering the fact that he was always
so reserved.

He began by saying that he doesn't love his
wife, he loves me. Not as much as I love
him but he does love me.
I replied it makes no differense because
I have enough love for both of us.
Then he said If I were going to be with
someone it would be with you because even
when Iam with her I think about you.
But the problem is the children. I would
have to leave my children.
I replied, I would never permit you to do
that, they are your priority.

And the fact is I never wanted him to choose
me over his family.

They had been seperated, and his wife was
living with another man, but that didn't
work out so she came back.
He felt that because of the children he
had to take her back, It was a very messy
situation and that was the anger he needed
to deal with.

By then I was too far gone to turn around,
I had invested too much emotion and the
love I had for him, enabled me to endure
this turmoil from which there was no escape.

He resented his situation but the guilt
of not being in his childrens lives was
even worse.

I distanced my self on so many occasions but
every time we seperated he would become more
misserable. I told him to try and work things
out with his wife but he kept insisting that
there was no love there. Not for him.

So six years later here we are. I have chosen
to distanse my self again, and Iam deliberately
keeping him away because it has taken it's toll
and I have reched a cross road, which I can
only deal with on my own.

I think about him every day but it's something
which I must do for now.

This is what I meant about sacrifice, where
Love is concerned. When A Man is in pain he
behaves very badly and if you don't comprehend
the reasons??? You can not figure out why
he expresses, himself the way he does.

This is my story and I felt I should tell you
because once you decide to become a part of
this Mans life, the ex-wife and the children
will still be there, they never go away.

You just have to make the best of what ever
situation life throws at you.???

Love Tavros. Y.E.G,A,


Wow you know in so many ways some of our life's experiences are comparable on so many levels - it is really strange! Years ago I fell for a man and by the time I found out he was married it was far too late to turn around. The whole experience nearly wrecked my life because he told me he was going on a trip and when he returned he would be without her and on his way to being divorced (he was a Virgo). Needless to say, I rang up a day or so after his supposed return to be told my his office that he had gone for good. The sheer lie nearly broke me, so I can understand some of your pain. However, it is strange how things come full circle. Last year I saw that he was on FaceBook and contacted him purely out of curiosity really and he was delighted to hear from me. My reasons were purely selfish; I wanted to know whether he ever did divorce and also what he had been up too. So yes he had but life had been really hard on him since he vanished from my life. I have never been one to be vindictive etc, but on so many occasions I have seen people do other's wrong and then karma seems to kick in and the perpetrator seems to have an awlful time. That's why I always say that those that do wrong will always get their comeuppance, whether it is now or in the future. This man wanted to keep in touch but i didnt, and he has been trying to get in touch ever since (without success I might add)....


Wow you know in so many ways some of our life's experiences are comparable on so many levels - it is really strange! Years ago I fell for a man and by the time I found out he was married it was far too late to turn around. The whole experience nearly wrecked my life because he told me he was going on a trip and when he returned he would be without her and on his way to being divorced (he was a Virgo). Needless to say, I rang up a day or so after his supposed return to be told my his office that he had gone for good. The sheer lie nearly broke me, so I can understand some of your pain. However, it is strange how things come full circle. Last year I saw that he was on FaceBook and contacted him purely out of curiosity really and he was delighted to hear from me. My reasons were purely selfish; I wanted to know whether he ever did divorce and also what he had been up too. So yes he had but life had been really hard on him since he vanished from my life. I have never been one to be vindictive etc, but on so many occasions I have seen people do other's wrong and then karma seems to kick in and the perpetrator seems to have an awlful time. That's why I always say that those that do wrong will always get their comeuppance, whether it is now or in the future. This man wanted to keep in touch but i didnt, and he has been trying to get in touch ever since (without success I might add)....


Wow you know in so many ways some of our life's experiences are comparable on so many levels - it is really strange! Years ago I fell for a man and by the time I found out he was married it was far too late to turn around. The whole experience nearly wrecked my life because he told me he was going on a trip and when he returned he would be without her and on his way to being divorced (he was a Virgo). Needless to say, I rang up a day or so after his supposed return to be told my his office that he had gone for good. The sheer lie nearly broke me, so I can understand some of your pain. However, it is strange how things come full circle. Last year I saw that he was on FaceBook and contacted him purely out of curiosity really and he was delighted to hear from me. My reasons were purely selfish; I wanted to know whether he ever did divorce and also what he had been up too. So yes he had but life had been really hard on him since he vanished from my life. I have never been one to be vindictive etc, but on so many occasions I have seen people do other's wrong and then karma seems to kick in and the perpetrator seems to have an awlful time. That's why I always say that those that do wrong will always get their comeuppance, whether it is now or in the future. This man wanted to keep in touch but i didnt, and he has been trying to get in touch ever since (without success I might add)....


.......... Your situation re your Aries man is certainly a hard one to be in and sadly I have no answers for you. As you said it is complicated, but you obviously love him with your whole soul and him you. The situation though is difficult because of the children. With my Aries he had an affair for about 3/4 years albeit it was a long distance one so they never saw each other regularly as such. He said it was the distance that broke them up and when I asked why he never divorced his wife he told me because his children were still at school and he didnt want to mess up their heads and the consequences that might inflict on their education. However, he has stayed 7 years on and I honestly believe that meeting me has been the catalyst that has given him the incentive to actually divorce her. He said that he decided in October that enough was enough; we met in September, although it wasnt til end of October that I realised that I liked him. He never revealed this until December when he started his texting sagas. He stated that he had told her he'd had enough and was divorcing her and he didnt love her. She went mad and attacked him which only made him realise it was the right decision. His problem is that he thought he was just gonna be moved out and starting his new life by now and was naive enough to think that it was that easy.


..... So yes I realise that the ex and children will always be around in some shape or form. Once you have children there is always a tie by to the wife/husband because they share something unique and wonderful - children!!!! So I am under no illusions even once divorced that she has gone off the scene. He told me that she is possessive and constantly questioning him and did everything to stop the divorce from going ahead which is why the hard time during the divorce procedures. Even after I think she will never let go because some of the things she has done show she hasnt accepted it. I do feel sorry for any wife/husband who has divorced especially if it wasnt their choice, but holding on only makes it worse on yourself. I would hate to have someone stay with me out of duty or pity because it only delays the inevitable and being in a relationship which isnt mutual isnt healthy. So yes I can understand why you have kindof let go because I think you couldnt do anything. It may just be a case of him not doing anything until his children are a lot older, which is what a lot of people do. I mean they want to finish the relationship but stay just not to disrupt the children's lifes, but that in itself can be self defeating because if you are arguing etc then that will affect the children. It's a hard call and one that is unique to each situation. So no I am not deluded or seeing through rose coloured spectacles regards Aries man once he has moved on because he could prove to be a dickhead even so. You never know someone until you live with them or spend a lot of time with them so I wont be running before I can walk rest assured. I know compromise will be called for, but am happy just to see if the good will and vibes that have come my way via you dear Tavros and that psychic the other day pan out. I never thought it was finished even when he told me to more of less leave his life, because it didnt add up. I have never heard him so fraught and anxious and realised that it was the divorce and his circumstances that were leading the nasty remarks. Although in saying that this doesnt make them right and dandy. I wish you well in your situation and hope you keep in touch. The prayer you so kindly offered me is one I have heard before so I smiled when I read it. Take care my dear guardian angel Tavros. Delfini Dolphin your new found friend x

by: Tavros

Hellow My Lovely Angel,

When I began reading your reply I couldn't help
the tears which engulfed my eyes, I needed a
break in order to stop from crying.
You have certainly experienced the actions of a
coward and a loser, but Iam not at all surprised
in the fact that you reacted with wisdom and pride, following all that came to light.
This Virgo will recive his just dues, so consider
yourself furtunate that his true colours were
revealed to you sooner rather then later.

I was about to write to you regarding the Ex-Wife
situation when I came across your latest post,
and needed to address it first.

Iam the Ex-Wife and therefore Iam able to provide
you with this information which I feel is important when you become involed with a Man whom
does have a history involving family and above
all children.
Even though I was the one whom pusued the divorce
I paid the high emotional cost of wanting to brake free, from a Man whom I Loved and Valued
but also A Man I Needed to escape from due to the
fact that his Love toward me was engulfing my
Leos Are extremely Possesive and above all Proud.
He always lived in fear of losing me and this
created an insecurity in him which manifested in
low Self Esteem, which in turn became emotional
abuse toward the very person they Loved but felt
that they must use any method, which would ensure
this person continued to remain their possesion.

I was made to feel trapped and considered my self
to be A Hostage.


PRIDE GOES BEFORE A FALL was the biggest shock my
Ex-Husband endured, and still does to this day.
His pride prevented him from letting go of the
woman he loved, and becoming Another Mans possession. Even though there was no other Man when I ventured toward my quest, for FREEDOM.

My Lovely Angel
by: Tavros

I Fought for My FREEDOM tooth and nail, due to the fact that I had drifted away from him and
no longer wanted to be this Mans Possession.

I was no longer the 23 year old girl He married,
even though she had told him in the begining that
she knew what she wanted, which was not him but
someone whom resided in her immagination.

I felt my destiny from the time I was a child, but unuble to find it until Mr. Aries breezed
into my life, unexpectedly, uninvited and unanounced. It happens when you least expect it.

I was 43 years old, Married for ten years and
seperated and devorsed for a further ten years,
with no escape from this vicious cycle, with my

Mr. Aries turned out to be the Man whom resided
in my imagination, for for 43 years, It was not
recognition or Love at first sight, infact there
was no attraction on my part until Three Months

I told him that I was not interested in that respect but I did want to be friends. He didn't
like my response but chose to be patient until
I was ready.

Mr. Aries Resqued me and I resqued him in return.
only Him and I Comprehend.'

In Greek Mythology Aries God of War and Afroditi
Goddess of Love were Lovers. Their Union Produced
A Son named Eros, which means "Love Making".

This Greek Psychic Told me 16 years ago that I
was going to have three children. I had two at
the time with no intentions for a third because
I considered two to be enough.

She also told me that my husband was going to
face huge financial destruction, and that I was
going to Love for a second time, and this time
it would be very strong. She also added that my
problems will end in 2010. This was 16 years ago
and each of her predictions have come to Life.!!!

My Lovely Angel
by: Tavros

I gave MR. Aries this Poem on the 19th June, 2005

I can see clearly now the darkens is gone, for you have enabled me to break through those barriers and really move on.

From a place which was cold to greener pastures
that are warm. For years I dreamt of but never
dared to tread uppon for I were never very bold.

To this day Iam unable to fully comprehend, how you managed to trasspas through those walls and entered that special place, the one no-one dares
to enter or able to trace.

My well guarded world of imagination, full of passion, lust, desire and grorious temptetion.
where everything is beautiful, tranquil and serene, with endless pleasure I observe scene after scene.

This was my escape, during twenty years of imprisonment whilst someone elses hostage.
I accepted my reality for life dealt me those
cards and I had little choice, but in my mind
and in my heart, resided the perfect Man whom
I knew would come along and resque me from my
captor, who also appeared as my saviour which
I knew was wrong, but gravitated toward him
because he was so very strong.

Escaping his clutches was no easy feat, I was
surounded by ghosts which kept me in my place,
until the day you appeared whispered those
seven magic words and took me into space.

An even better place then the one I imagined
for this one is full of stars surounding those
planets which make life fun.

There is no gravity, you are free to float around
and do as you please, the heights of ecstacy are
now within your reach, for you have finally
discovered that the best things in life are free.

So satiate your appetite by eating from the tree
the one which blooms ubundently whith forbidden
fruits, of desire and lust enabling you to dream
by living each moment as though it were your last

Life is too short Baby don't waste it by living
in the past, embrace the future and break that
viccious cycle which torments your soul.
Only you can make that happen and when you do
you will experience the inner freedom and joy
which accompanies liberation of the SOUL.

This Poem was dedicated to Mr. Aries God of War
whom holds Pride of Place in my Mind, Heart and


When I read your last post I just couldnt believe how much of a connectionwe have. What you went through in many ways is what this Aries man seems to have encountered. He told me that he had been unfaithful because there came a point after so many years when her insecurity came out (why Idont know) and she began phoning him constantly whilst he was away from her. His hobby takes him away about 3/4 times a year with other like minded men and this has been a part of his life since he was in his early twenties! So on one trip this became such that he just got so pissed off with the constant phone calls and took the offer from another woman and the affair started. It would be unfair of me to comment on the rights and wrong on his choices because I only know a small part of the facts. He basically said that he felt everything had been fine untill the green eyed monster or jealousy and possessiveness appeared and it was suffocating. Somebody once told me that there is never any smoke without fire, but i know in life nothing is ever that simplistic. I myself once had a boyfriend whom became obsessive and jealous and listened to my phone calls, wanted to know who was texting etc etc and i had not done anything to cause this change in behaviour. Which is why I try not to judge people so quickly, because the only people that know what has really happened are the people concerned. So things aren't always as straightforward as others may think - you have to be in the situation from start to finish to be in a good position to form a proper judgement. Anyway my guardian angel Tavros, I have a card to send him for Christmas and it is specific to us as it involves his hobby which by the way is also mine (this was how I met him - looking for advice on it). I am going to write a short progress report (dont really want to be more specific as this is a public website) just so that it plants the seed of making an effort but isnt emotional. I still think he is living there but as that also means the whole process of divorce is not yet over I obviously dont want it be misinterpreted if the soon to be ex sees it. So long for now my Guardian Angel Tavros and I hope you continue to be strong and life brings you as much goodwill and love as you bestow on others .....

Tavros my Guardian Angel
by: Delfini Dolphin

You are now beating me to my responses haha. I was writing a response to your first post and then came across your poem. It is one of those poems that can only touch you because it speaks the truth and comes from the heart - what more could anyone ask for! He is a lucky man and I hope one day he realises it and acts upon it. I can understand some of your pain because the Virgo man whom I spoke of before touched my life so much - I was young and it impacted so much. I suppose that was why is was coming full circl when I contacted him and then walked away no longer under his spell. It was very cathartic and only proved to me what I already knew - that the love I had felt for him and what nearly broke me had died. I was not sad at all when I contacted him last year because it only reinforced the choice I made with regard to him. It was the right one and his spell had gone. With Aries man as I told you there was no initial spark for me - it was purely a common interest and his knowledge that I was after. However, I now know it has become a lot more and much more than I ever imagined and It has shocked me how much we have connected. I see some of these posts on this site and the connection they have is purely related to sex - nothing deep at all; purely lust... For me there is obviously the chemistry but I truly felt that is was way deeper than that - we just were so easy in each other's company and he spoke as openly to me as I did to him. So you have already met your soul mate and if nothing else, you must regard yourself as lucky. Some people go through life without meeting anyone that they really connected with on any level other than sex. So yes it is painful but is also inspirational that two people can just more of less become one. Goodnight my Guardian Angel and I truly wish for you all the good karma and good will that you so deserve. Until we speak again...

My Lovely Angel
by: Tavros

When my Ex-Husband found out he threatened to hurt him. I said why what did he do to you???

He replied, He knew me and he didn't ask for my
permission. He went and confronted him but
Mr. Aries denied involvement of that nature so
that eliviated the problem. The idea of him
hurting the Man I loved terrified me.

Not long after that he became involved with my
girlfriend. which came as an initial shock, due
to the fact that she is 15 years younger then
him, and that she used to refer to him as a
control freak because of his possessiveness
toward me.

This is what I mean about destiny. They kept it
a secret for two years, but adventually I found
out. She said she was sorry, that when he first
interogated her about myself and Mr. Aries she
denied it but he kept pressuring her so she told

She desporately needed my consent regarding her
involvement with My Ex-Husband and I gave her my
blessing. In fact it came as a blessing toward my
involvement because he no longer possess a threat
not unless he is that stupid.???

When he refused to let go I said to him. Don't
you want to find a Woman whom loves you for your
self??? He replied you find one for me.
I didn't actually find her but they did come
together through me.

She Loves him, takes care of Him and our Children
My eldest Son lives with them because he works
with his father. He said He is her baby. You can
not expect or ask for more from such a wonderful
human being. Our relationship continues to be one
of friendship and respect.

Mr. Aries wife and my self were friends whislt
our daughters were in Kindergarten. But the we
had a falling out over the girls and it wasn't
until ten years later that Mr. Aries and myself
got together, following their marriage woes.

His wife knows because I told her one night, when
I went over there not knowing she was home.
It didn't surprise her in the least or seemed to
bother her???
We live in very close proximity and when we do
run into each other our interaction is one of

This is my story Angel and one which I hope will
shed some light into these complicated relationships, which do work and function, providing everyone is respectful, and considerate
toward the other.

Your Guardian Angel Here On Earth, Tavros.

by: Tavros

Do you know something Lovely???

This connection of ours is beyond eerie, It
is on a par with Psychic, Soulmate, Words are

This is how soulmates relate. They are so connected and in tune that Thoughts and body
language becomes, the unspoken communication
between them which no-one else is aware of???

I honestly believe there is this Soulmate
Connection between yourself and your Mr. Aries.

These Men are highly intune with their higher
perception and sixth sense. They sense your true
feelings just by observing you.

When the Soul arrives on earth, it consists of
a whole, it then splits into two and they continue their jurney toward life, experinsing
growth, development and relationships, as two
different people.

Should these two souls meet, it can be a very
frightening experiense during the merging process
this is why these soulmates, may chose to run
away rather then merge with their other half.
Should this not happen in the previous life time,
or the present it may be the next. The SOUL never

So you see my Angel there is hope, You need alot
of patiense and even more compromise if you really want to experiense a SOULMATE encounter.

Thank you for saying Mr. Aries is a lucky Man,
My Ex-husbands girlfriend said the same thing.
I was lucky myself due to the fact that it is
better to have loved or not loved at all.

The Chemistry you mentioned is the essential
element which is not only shared by the two
people whom experiense it, but it is also
witnessed by others.

My Taurus Land Lady at the time, and a girlfriend
of mine commented. What is it between you two
tell us your secret???

I repied It's the CHEMITRY ladies it's the

And when it comes to sex what I say is anyone can
have sex but it takes being in love in order to
make love. Otherwise it is just performed for the
sake of having sex, and something I can not relate to.

I had been saving my self for 43 years, and gave
Mr. Aries my most prized possession. My spiritual
virginity. Which he values and respects.

So long for now Angel and may this Mr. Aries of
yours be fortunate enough to have a treasure such
as yourself to call his own. Y.G.A.H.O.E.XXX

by: Tavros

To be honest lovely, I don't know if a living arrangement would work between us, due to the fact that my 16 year old Son lives with me and he is my priority.
Second of all he and I are very different in so many respects and we are set in our ways, so this would present a new challenge and compromise
and one I do not look forward to, if it came to that that is???
Iam a very private person and sharing my time or forgoing my interests would be difficault. I tend to immerse myself in litterature, art, hobbies and so many other things which he would feel excluded from.
Afterall you canot expect another person to take up your likings nor you theirs. So you see that is where the real test comes in, and one I would rather not deal with. Not unless I absolutely have to.
Over familiarity breeds contemt and kills passion
in a relationship, this is the reason so many couples drift apart.
I have been living on my own for so many years and the only compromises I make is with my Baby which is easy, because it doesn't feel like a compromise it is a mothers duty and pleasure to ensure her Babys needs are met.
Like I said I spoil him terribly, but of all my children he understands and relates to me the most. I have alot to be greatful for in life so the fact that Mr. Aries and myself are apart makes no major differense. This is the reason I was able to deal with all the challenges.
I have always been happy living on my own, even when I was married my husband was married to his work. He still is. This is so funny, he came over with his girlfriend the other day and he was telling me how she goes along on the building
site, how helpful and productive she is.
I said to him youve trained her well. Then I said to her do you enjoy it? she said yes I do.
The fact is she doesn't like being on her own and
wants his constant companionship.
A match made in heaven or by Tavros the match maker. Mr. Leo and Miss Capricorn. I haven't checked with Astrology but I don't have to I have
witnessed it first hand.
My marriage was the product of a matchmaker, I was never in Love with Mr. Leo but I did Love him
and still do. He is the same, our connection never goes away.
I told Miss Cap to come down for Christmas so Iam
looking forward to having the family together.
Must go now Lovely My Mother just called and it went to the answereing machine.
That is another relationship I have to tell you about on another day.

So long Angel Love your Tavros.

by: Tavros

I remember this card I had purched following the
First time of that memmorable night. It said,
TO SOMEONE SPECIAL and I wrote, It takes a very
special Man to Make a Woman feel Special and loved, during intimacy. I honestly believed I would go to my grave without experiensing the
beauty of "FALLING IN LOVE" Thank You.

Actions speak louder then words this is the reason it made no differense when he with-held
expressions of emotion regarding his feelings toward me.

The first Christmas I purchased A Card which reads. Merry Christmas to Someone Who Taught
me Everything I needed to Know about Being
Nice. There is a puppy dog with a hailo on
top of it's head.

Your good will gesture needs to speak from the heart. So you need to place thought and apply
your special personal touch. Which in turn will
touch him by SEDUCING HIS MIND.

A friend of mine commented a few years ago.
"you have him by the short and curlies"
I replied "That is not what Iam after, it is
his MIND Iam interested in".

These Men may be sexually promiscuous, but that
is just window dressing and bravado. You need
to foccus on "CAPTURING" his MIND.

I remember in the begining when I told him that
I had Studdied Psychology. He said,
"Are You Messing With My Head ?" It was six years
ago but I remeber it as though it were yesterday.
He is so cute and funny, I love teasing him and observe his reaction, one of innocense and inquisitiveness???

Those my Angel are the rewards when you fully connect with your Soulmate. Mr. Aries brought
alot of happiness into my life with an equal
amount of sadness. And that's what LOVE is all
about. Otherwise it bears no Meaning or LEGACY.

So when you venture out to purchase that "CARD"
make sure it sends a very loud and clear message
just so there is no further confussion???


Tavros my Guardian Angel
by: Delfini Dolphin

Thanks again for your endearing post. Yes I have already started thinking of what to put in the card. You are so spot on, this Aries man has the sexually chemistry but he sure isnt shallow. He is a very intelligent man and writes so I know that still waters run deep with him. As I said already, he is a deep thinker and when I use to leave him I would always see him looking at the ground in deep thought. This may sound stupid, but it was almost like a child that was sad..... He just looked so forlorn and sad, and I always used to wonder what was exactly going through his head. My main problem is that as I said, think he has not yet moved out which is why I have to say stuff that will plant the seed and impact his mind without being obvious to anyone to may pick up the card. There is also the point that he would have been going through a fraught and traumatic time withthe divorce so I dont want to throw more emotion at his door, which is why I am thinking to keep it to our common interest but add some things that we both understand but no-one else will misinterpret.
Take care my Guardian Angel Tavros. x

by: Tavros

Hi Lovely,

This post has taken me back. Do you mean to tell
me he is still living with his wife whilst going
through a Divorce???

In that case the horizon appears very cloudy
in my view. You still have such a long road
ahead of you, and it won't be easy.

You do what you feel is best and follow your
instincts. But how do you reach a Man whom is
yet so out of reach???

I was under the impression he was living on
his own??? Iam Sorry Lovely but I do not
like this it doesn't feel right. How is he
supposed to break away from someone whilst
still living under the same roof???

Bloody Men why is it they never get their
act together first before making claim on
a woman whom is free and does not come with

They are very emotionally weak, and need to
make sure they have someone to fall back on
before they leave their nest from which there
is no escape. It makes me sick. I have to be
honest and direct because it is not him I
care about it's You. And I do not want you
to end up hurt.

And what ever became of the previous girlfriend
that's another thing Iam wondering about???
Is this Man on the level or is he telling
stories??? How much do you really know about
him??? Aside from what he has told You???
Is there any way you can check out the facts???

Why don't you just call him and see what his
reaction is??? Before you get in any deeper.
Don't walk in the dark make him shed some
light, which will enable you to see as to
wheather there is a future or he is just
stringing you along???

I could keep going all night but I must stop,
other wise I will get really mad.

Iam allways with you in spirit and in thought
Angel, you are like a daughter whom lives far
away. And Iam very protective because I love

Y.E.G.A. Tavros God Bless Angel XXX

by: Tavros

You know something Lovely something just sprang
to mind following my post.

When Mr. Aries put the hard word on me I replied
When I place things in perspective given your
circumstances I do not see where things will

He replied if we were to have sex or made love
and feelings developed then I would be with you.

Feelings did develop but the fact is he could'n
be with me which is just as well because I was
in no position to be in a living arrangement
with him either.

But you are and there is a very big differense.
So tread very carefully Angel and look out for
your best interests not his.

Good Night.XXX

by: Tavros

Lovely I have been meaning to ask you
how old you are and how old this Man is???

I asume you are in your thirties due to the
fact that you are so very mature and wise.

Please include that in your next post.

Love allways Y.E.G.A.XXX

Tavros my Guardian Angel
by: Delfini Dolphin

Please dont worry about me because I will try and put your mind at ease. I am just well aware that this is a public website which is why I dont want to be too specific. He had planned to move out in March when he had told her he was divorcing her, because the house was gonna be put up for sale. Wife didnt want to move so the plan changed whereby he would stay a bit longer as her family were gonna help buy out his share of the property. This is where I think he has been very naive. I personally think he thought that having this agreement meant that her family would be giving him the money whereas we all know that it has to go through the legal route and wont be received until the end. He also had to change jobs, being self employed and working from home so that was another wrench. So November was the date he was suppose to move out. I know it is going through and he aint bullshitting, because he advertised his services (workwise) in the phone directory. He told me that he would not be placing another advert at renewal in October because he wouldnt be staying there. So we got the new directory which came out in November (but only got it last week) and his advert is removed which confirms what he told me. He did say that he couldnt start anything with me until he had moved out because if her family found out they would refuse to buy out his share and he would be up shit creek. The housing market is bad here so basically he would not be able to move on financially. That was another reason why the Psychic who gave me a reading the other evening was so scarey because she said that he desperately wanted to be with you, but he couldnt - there was an obstacle and he was just so frightened of what he would lose (having her family renage on buying him out)if he pursued you. He wasnt sleeping or eating right and was really down. He likes you alot, infact he likes you more than he realised but at the moment he cant move forward. He is dead frightenend you are gonna find someone else I think he has stayed until November, if not still there because of the financial situation. He did get a part-time job, but his main income was from being self employed and it offered him the freedom to work part-time with all the benefits of chosing as and when and also obviously he was able to have some of that income as cash in hand which is also useful. He had already found out the costs of renting a place because he told me, but he has loads of animals which he has to home aswell so he has the added difficulty of finding somewhere whom will allow these. So I think in June when he got stroppy he had probably found out that he wasnt getting any money probably til end of year/early 2011. You know yourself how the atmosphere can change once you involve legal people; this is when it tends to get a bit nasty. So that's why I dont know if he has moved out yet and I because of the position of his home I cant check else I would have.


. Earlier in the year I had sent a text legitimally with no familiarity etc. She saw it and went mad and he got the third degree. He had left his phone down because he knew I wouldnt send anything which wasnt genuine or relevant to our common interest. I showed my text to a friend who is going through a divorce herself (where her husband cheated) and she said there was no reason to react because it was purely businesslike. He told me that she just doesnt want any woman to talk to him especially now she knows he is divorcing her. I know it must be hard for her following his affair, but I have never understood why you would want your man/woman back if you couldnt trust them because that is just so draining and harmful to you. I mean being on red alert all the time and whenever they went out or were late back. Personally, I couldnt live like that and would hate to become so intense no matter how much I loved him.....His children are more or less grown, but it must still have an impact upon them because they pick up on the arguments and your anxiety too....
So he could have moved out and the fact that the advert has been removed only vindicates what he said. So I dont want to text incase he is still there but sending him a card which is specific to our interest and updating on my progress I genuinely feel is ok. That's why I said that it will be relevant to him but the fact that I sent it when I havent contacted him since June will plant a seed. When I returned the token gift he was still at 'home' and he contacted me because I dont think she opens his post or anything like that. So as I said I think the delay has been down to the financial side of things - he has already lost out by having to get a part time job rather than his self employed home working and he would never have stopped doing this (as it was lucrative) and start a job which mean longer hours and less time to himself. I truly believe that he thought he would just get him money and wave goodbye, but you know divorce is not so simple and as he is reliant on her family buying him out he has to some degree have to sit and wait and if he screws up then his money will be tied up for years..... So please dont worry about your delfini dolphin because her head is well and truly screwed on the right way. I know it is easy for anyone to say he is divorcing etc etc, but so far what he has told me has panned out to be the truth and from everything he revealed to me and entrusted me personnally speaking, I have no reason yet to doubt it. So we will see. I wished I knew whether he had moved out, but if I take what the Psychic said as literal, then she seemed to think he had 4 weeks - 4 months before he could remove the obstacle, because it was at this point that she told me to be patient and that he was so worried I was gonna find someone else and he had realised that he liked me, but didnt realise just how much......

to Tavros my Guardian Angel
by: Delfini Dolphin

..... So no this isnt a case of a man just telling me he is getting divorced and then reeling me in with his fishing rod and then staying put and having his cake and eating it too. The things that he has said he would do re the divorce have happened, but I am under no illusions and just living my life. I do love him, but I have to live my life and if I end up meeting someone else then so be it. I obviously want him and to be with him and at leaat have the chance to see whether it would work out with him or not and that's probably why I havent met anyone else. My heart is still very much with him and there isnt a moment when he isnt in my head. So my Guardian Angel dont despair, I am not deluding myself here but I know we both have a connection and only time will tell whether it was genuine or not.... Take care and I will update you as and when. Your delfini dolphin X

Tavros my Guardian Angel Here on Earth
by: delfini dolphin

Hello Guardian Angel,

I forgot to answer your question on our ages. Delfini dolphin is 39 and Aries man is 46. He has one child at home (17) and another who is 21 and left home............ So my angel here on earth I will keep in touch and let you know any news. Dont worry about your dolphin she has her shark head on...... XX

by: Tavros

It's a very messy bussiness when it comes to money, It turns into dog eat dog and they will
do anything and everything other then just walk
away with their dignitity and FREEDOM.

First of all in the eyes of the court, there needs to be at least a one year seperation prior
to filling for divorce, so this scenario is going
backwards. Regardless the fact of his current
relationship status the courts do not base their
judgment and compensation toward finances of wheather or not he is involved in a new relationship.

It is based on how much the wife is entitled and
that is a complicated and exhausting prossess,
where the lawyers representing each party are
having a field day.

Thank Graceful Lord I did not live to see that
day. My Ex-Husband kept his building bussiness
and everything he aquired through seperation
and left me the house with everything in it.
Our children whom were our Most Valued Possessions, lived with Me and he would continue
to visit as though it were still his home.

This was sorted out amongst ourselves and we never spoke to Solicitors or Saw the inside of
a Courtroom. This is the reason we continue to
love and respect each other.

Even if He were going through these dramas and
he were concerned as to wheather someone might
come along and take you away???
What is preventing him from contacting you throughout these past months as opposed to
before when you were incontact???

Sorry Angel it doesn't add up.

True Love Conquers All I Say, So if in your
Heart the above wise phrase resides then time
and patiense will prove your virtues.

Love Allways Y.E.G.A. Tavros

P.S. You still haven't told me how old you are???
I take it you do not have children because you
never mentoned it.

by: Tavros

Hi Angel,

I recently began to wonder about your age due
to the fact that although to me you felt like
you were a little girl (that's the mother talking). You were infact so mature and wise.
You may be A woman of 39 but to me you will
allways be my little girl whom I will feel
very protective toward.

I especially laughed and liked your shark
quallities which will prove very useful.

I have been doing research on married men who
promise things to women once their divorce
comes through but they never deliver. Even
when and if they ever get there, their plans
change dramatically.

If a future with this Man is what you desire
Angel, make sure he is in a position to offer
you one. He has been there and done that where
marriage and children are concerned, but I can
only asume you haven't???

My Eldest Son is here he is nearly 25 another
Aquarious, and a reall blabber mouth. He keeps
talking to me and Iam losing my concentration.

My Daughter is 22 and a Libra, My youngest Son
is nearly 17 and another Aquarious. I canot
believe my Baby will be 17 Iam trully panicking.

Where have the years gone Angel??? At 49 years
of age I feel as though I have achieved so much
and at the same time I feel that I could have
done more??? I chose motherhood instead of a
career, and this is the reason I feel as though
I could have accomplished more.

Oh well you cant have everything. You just have
to be greatful for what you already have. And
I feel trully blessed having my children they
are my LIFE.

So long My Angel Child, Y.E.G.A.XXX

by: Tavros

Hi Lovely,

Another thing Mr. Aries mentioned that time when
he came over and expressed his feelings of Love
and the reason of staying because of the children
he also said that he had Plans for Us.

I did not ask him what those Plans Consist Of???
due to the fact that I already know that my plans
do not involve a living arrangement, because that
will interfere with my Lifestyle, which does not
revolve around Him and it never Will.

I value my FREEDOM and SPACE. I allways have and
I allways will. My Mother deprived me of it and
so did my Ex-Husband. I faught very hard to be
FREE of those whom suffocated me with their overpossessive Love, which prevented me from experiensing my own Life.

They both held the same fear which was losing me
to Someone Else. They have finally realised that
I haven't gone anywhere. Iam still here for them
and allways will, but all I wanted was to be FREE

The point Iam trying to make here is that Mr.Aries has allways known that about me and he
respects it. He also feels Safe knowing that
even though Iam FREE, Iam not going anywhere.

I also respect the fact that his family will allways have priority above all else, Just as
mine does. This is the unspoken Connection which
He and I share, along with so many other elements
which consist of the SOULMATE UNION.

The Two Seperate Halves which Reflect Eachother.
Two Opposite Individuals Comprising of a WHOLE.
That is the REAL BOND.

I remember in the begining when I tried to reach
his SOUL He felt Afraid and I said, "is it the
bonding???" He replied "I don't know what it is?"
He ran away from the Emotional Bonding Process but he allways came back. Just as I knew he would

I didn't know about the "SOULMATE" Relationship then??? I found out later when I became interested in Astrology, and began to use it as
a Guide to Understand the Mechanisms of The Star
Signs of The Zodiac.

You are able to gain an INSIDE LOOK of the Person
rather then what they Project from the OUTSIDE.
I Combine Psychology along with Astrology, because those two go Hand in Hand. Just as

And Allways bear in mind that to place Your Happiness in the Hands of Semeone Elses Future,
and Not Your Own is Unrealistic.

Above all Else To Despair is to Turn Your Eyes
on GOD.

Good Bey Lovely,
Y.E.G.A. Tavros

by: Tavros

How are you my Angel???

I have been very bussy but I think about you
and MISS you.

I hope you have plans for the holidays.
Your cards had predicted parties and
friends. The Festive Season is a Very
Special time and it should be enjoyed.

I Hope Your desires and wishes for what
ever you want come true for you, but I
really needed to emphasise the facts which
involve such complicated issues.
But like I said Destiny is the real breaker,
the only trouble is how long do you place
your life on hold???

You know what is best for you in your HEART,
and therefore the only one in Control.

I Love you and Miss You. Take Care and Keep
in Touch.

Y.E.G.A. Tavros.XXX


Hi My Dear Guardian Angel!!!

Thanks for your posts. I have been busy too and also was sick with flu which is why I havent posted for a while. I am now well on the road to recovery and feeling like myself.

You have no fears re me and my love for Aries man because as I said I truly believe in Karma. I have sent a csrd which he should get Tuesday. It was just a simple act but if it doesnt plant a seed within him whereby he wants to contact me then so be it. It is my little olive branch and so if he doesnt take it then that is his loss. It would bring closure because I know I have given him the opportunity to right his wrongs and show some goodwill his end. I am not putting my life on hold at all - I am getting on with it. I have a job interview tomorrow and so life goes on and I am focusing on what I want and my goals/aims. If they dont include him then as I said, it is truly his loss and I will find someone who does value me. I am not gonna send him a text in the New Year because from what the Psychic said and what I my gut feeling says, he is still living at the house and wont move out until nearer the time when things are nearing the end of the process. A friend of mine who has just been through a divorce herself said that she understood why he hadnt left immediately because financially it could be taxing. If the divorce takes 18mths and he is renting then that is money going out of his life. She didnt leave her home either until she knew when she was gonna get her money and left 6mths before that. She couldnt afford to do it anyway because her money was tied up in her investment of the home they shared. So affordability can be a limit and a chain around people's neck which holds them in a position they would rather be removed from, i.e. away from the home they shared with the one they are divorcing. I really am fine - I knew what i wanted to do and have done it. Whatever, the outcome my actions cant hurt him or more importantly myself. It does though show him that I think of him - a piece of goodwill to all men even nasty Aries haha!

So no more to tell you Tavros, I have a busy week ahead and an interview tomorrow so my head will be focused on things that are important to me and my future. The other bits are up to him, but he wont be given any more olive branches!!!! So long my dear Guardian Angel until we chat again. X

by: Tavros

Iam So Very "PROUD OF YOU" I would be very hurt
if You were to raise your HOPES only to end up
Disapointed and left with a Wounded Heart.

I feel Safe Now Knowing that My Little DELFINI
Is Taking Such Good Care of Herself and LOOKING

Iam Sorry to hear you were not feeling well but
you recovered and Iam Glad.

I hope you end up with the Job of your choice,
which you will do great.

Allways remember that YOUR EARTH MOTHER GUARDIAN
is here for YOU thinking about YOU and Hoping,
Wishing Only the Best for YOU.

Bey For Now My Angel Child, and My Best as Allways.

Y.E.M.G. Tavros.XXX

by: Tavros

When Two Hearts Colide They Merge And Intertwine
Beating Together Toward The Passage Of Time.

There are Storms To Be Faced As Well As The Sun
But You Shall Conquer them and Overcome them as
Long as You Stand as ONE!!!!!!!!!!

May You Be Blessed With Descendents Throughout
Your Lives and Continue to Grow Older and Wise.

The Rewards You Shall Reap Will Be Felt Very
Deep and Your LEGACY Shall Continue to Shine

THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by: Tavros

Christmas Comes But Once A Year. May the SPIRIT
Of The Festive Season Fill Your SOUL With Christmas CHEER!!!!!!!!!!

Family, Friends and Special Loved Ones are so
Very Dear So Don't Hold Back During this Special
Day When You Welcome Them With Open Arms and
Express Your LOVE which is Very Loud and Very,
Very Clear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Very Merry Christmas to You Angel,
and May ALL of Your Wishes Come True
Without Further ODOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y.E.M.G. Tavros.


Hello my new found Earth Mother and Guardian Angel.

Well what a strange week I have had. I have received 3 email reminders to contact that dickhead I told you about - remember the one that broke my heart years ago. I laughed so much because it was so funny that the shoe is now on the other foot and I am not interested. A classic example of a man being able to give out medicine (ie ignoring you and your feelings) and now I have ignored him and returned the complement he cant handle the silence. So I hope he gets the message and allows his ego to be bruised because this woman is not interested period.

Then today I was out driving and was gonna go to the Mall but decided against this because of all the people out shopping for Christmas like the end of the earth was nigh. So I changed my mind and shopped nearer home and so went home a different route. I came up to a junction with two cars in front and guess who was driving the lead car - ARIES MAN haha. It was just so surreal. The two cars and myself were all heading the same way ande because there was a car between us I kinda hoped it would turn off. So was amazed that the car between us turned off and then yours truly was driving directly behind ARIES MAN. I stayed in Shark mode and just drove without showing any recognition of whom was directly driving in front of me. We came to a junction and again he was heading in my direction and I then had to turn in the gas station for fuel. He definitely knew it was my car behind him then because he slowed down and crawled long as if he was gonna park up - only there was no room to do so. Now what were the chances of this happening - very remote that I should find myself driving directly behind him without even trying. So we will see what other coincidences happen.

I didnt get the job, but I had already told friends that before I got the letter. They told me I was mad to say that, but I knew as soon as I left. No reason other than a gut feeling that the job wasnt mine........ I have this knack of not listening to those gut feelings normally, because half of the time there are no physical reasons to think something. However, there have been so many occasions when I have been right if only I had listened to what my body was telling me. So I have resolved to take more notice.... I have had so many gut feelings with this ARIES MAN and so far they have turned out to be so much truth in them. I genuinely believe that it isnt over, although now I have offered him an olive branch it has to come from him. So have a great Christmas and New Year. I have a family member coming over for the holidays and i shall be cooking for her - so will have fun. Take care until we speak again. Your Delfini Dolphin xx

by: Tavros

WELL WELL WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is my Angel Something or WHAT!!!!!!!!!

You Make me Laugh, You Touch my Heart and you

What goes around most definetly comes around.
Patience is a virtue!!!!!!

Iam So Very Pleased the Tables Have Turned and
it Will Continue to Get BETTER!!!!!!!!!

My Girl is a WINNER!!!!!!!!!

You have made me VERY PROUD AND VERY HAPPY!!!!!

May Your Stars Continue to SHINE and May You
Reap the Rewards whilst in Your Prime!!!!!!!!!

Until we chat again Angel Y.E.M.G. Tavros.

by: Tavros

I forgot to send you my kissess AngelXXXXXXXXXXXX

May You Have the best CHRISTMAS DAY EVER TOMMORROW whith your family member!!!!!!!!!!

I will be thinking of you whilst with my family
and friends!!!!!!!!!!!



by: Tavros

Hi Lovely,

I Have been killing myself laughing for so long
I need to RECOVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MAN OBSSESSED WITH YOU And Read All The Comments




Sorry I havent been in touch but have been so so busy and can't believe how fast January has flown by. So I will recap on when we last chatted and where the situation is now... So I sent him a card not to get a reaction per se, but to plant a seed. As u said, a personal touch that he can hold and think about. He is a deep thinker and for me that was such a good ploy. So heard nothing. N Y came and went and was busy, ended up driving behind him and played Miss Cool. Then last week had a bad week, car got pranged, cell phone broke etc. So felt a bit fed up and really missed him loads. So thought right I was going to send a text for the NY anyway but didnt want too much in too short space of time so held off. So I sent a belated NY text - just short. Said hoped he was well, been busy so didnt get to wish him a HNY and hoped he got the card. Within 2 minutes not only had he read, composed a reply but sent it too. Was so so shocked but obviously laughing cos it worked. Told me he had deleted me on phone so couldnt thnk me for card. So I didnt reply after all I am now in Shark Mode Tavros, haha. Just left it too because he still owes me an apology I think but will let that come from him. So within another 5 hours another txt from him saying he had hoped I would txt him cos he needs help with a problem. Something to do with our mutual interest, but more importantly one that requires that we meet haha. Told him he shouldnt have deleted me then cos he could have sent me an SOS (said jokily). Told him would need to see the item in question so up to him whether he wanted me too and left it like that. So friendly,helpful but not clingy or chasing him. He replied saying that he often deletes people and tidies up stuff he doesnt mean to and he always regrets it, believe me he said.... A hidden meaning there I think. So Tavros waiting to hear his next text cos the next move is his haha. I wont pester him cos he obviously hasnt moved out yet.. So let me know what you think and whether I did good or not. Your thoughts and guidance would be appreciated. Love Delfini Dolphin XXXX

by: Tavros

Well Fiiiiinally Miss SMARTY KNICKERS!!!!!!!!

Iam Sooooooo MaaaaaaD AT YOU I COULD SCREAM!!!!!
How could you forget Your Tavros??? I have been
thinking about your bad ass and checking for messages to NO Evail!!!!!!
Iam Overjoyed for you my CHILD. I have a feeling that this is your year of good fortune. It appears as though everything is going in your favour. But keep the dry humor in check and don't dwell on appologies. Actions Speak louder then words and so far this Man has been doing exacly that so let sleeping dogs lie and foccus on the FUTURE NOT THE PAST!!!!!!!

You are making a FRESH START so keep moving forwad by playing NICE whilst still holding back
on showing over enthusiasm plenty of time for that once the ball really getts rolling. In the meantime inject plenty of GOOD HUMOR in your TEXTS by Teasing Him and being Affectionate. Afterall No Man wants to cuddle up next to a cold fish. Just some Tavros Humor My Delfinaki.
Because you are not a mere fish remember???

You didn't tell me if you visited the site I wrote you about??? How to Make an Aries Man Obssessed With You. That is where I have been spending my time. I started there just before I did this Site as Taurus. It has been one Drama after Another and alot of FUN. Be sure to visit and Go to OLDER COMMENTS.

GIASOU(BEY) For now Angel Child and write back real SOON LOVE YOUR TAVROS. XXXXXXXX


OH Tavros - how could you think I would forget about you. January has just flown by and there has been so many dramas to deal with (unrelated to Aries man). So sorry if I disppointed you - you know us Pisces aim to please haha...

So 8 days after our initial texts I heard nothing so I just sent him a text just small talk about the mutual interest that he had used as a ploy to send me his 2nd text. He answered more or less straight away and everything was fine. There was an opening line in their about females so I chose to make a subtle joke - he never commented but it was a bit of banter so it didnt do me any harm.

Thanks for the advice - yes a friend of mine said the same thing ie hook him in and they were sure the apology would come later. The best thing was that during our texting last Friday he actually took a picture of my Xmas card that I had sent him and put 'See I got your card' and texted it to me. I was shocked because I never thought he would actually hold onto the card especially given his situation. Just shows that the personal touch held dear with him. My only concern now is do I wait for him to text or do I have to instigate the texting again? I dont want to come across as chasing him or in his face and also dont want him to think he only has to bother when I do first. As I said he got a card and New Year text and then I texted him last Friday... What does my Tavros think - really appreciate your input. I know you can overthink things, but I dont want to give off the wrong vibes of being clingy or being this bunny boiler.........
Yes I looked at your site but I have had problems in locating a lot of the comments from these sites for some reason. In fact I didnt get any notification that you had posted a comment to my response - it was only me checking on the off chance that I discovered it so there is a problem somewhere I think. Anyway hope you are well and life is good for you - look forward to your guidance because you are always spot on. I will take onboard what you said and know you are right. Speak soon Love your Delfinaki XXXX

by: Tavros

Hellow Miss Smarty Knickers!!!!!!!!

Good to hear you are in such Goooood SPIRITS and
on TOP of the SITUATION!!!!! Just be sure to STAY there by Keeping Him on His TOES!!!

Like I said Keep it FUNNY, SHORT and SWEET!!!!

Nothing Wrong with KEEPING the FIRES BURNING by KEEPING UP THE TEXTS!!!! Every Now and Again. It does NOT Mean you are in His FACE or Boiling Bunnies just because you are COMMUNICATING!!!!
And making a FRESH STRART!!!!

The SITE I told You about is How To Make An Aries Man Obssessed With You and it's SASSTROLOGY
Not This One. It's a Different One. So Give it Another Try because You will find a wealth of Information Where I Began Writting My Story and Had Excellent Response. Iam TAURUS Over There And It has been Full of Drama and HUMOR!!!

Giasou for Now Angel Child Love Tavros XXXXXXX


Hi ya my dear Tavros my Guardian Angel!

Thanks for all your advice. Was going to wait til next week before I texted but he beat me to it and he texted me off his own back today. Was a bit shocked to be honest,because I thought he was going to play it a bit cool which was why I was concerned about how often I made an effort to text him. Anway he brought up our interest and has offered his help again. This was one of the areas he got really nasty on last year. Then he told me he wasnt going to help me anymore and was simply awlful. So I've found that my humble, friendly and lighthearted attitude to him now is paying off because he is going out of his way to be all nice and helpful....I also made a point of finishing the conversation off because I was busy in all honesty plus i dont like it when he is always the one to break off. So all in all a good day - my friend is absolutely dumbfounded over the progress that has been made in a week and even commented on how well I can read him. So thank you Tavros because your advice and guidance has been so crucial to me and I really cant thank you enough....... I know there is far to go and many more hurdles and I do still have my feet on the ground because Aries arent the type of men who give you a straightforward run haha, but I do feel more confident in myself. It also helps because the last 10 days there seems to be a magnet exuding from me because I have had 4 different men attracted to me and I havent even tried. So that helps with my confidence and as I believe in karma - what happens will happen and we will see what the future holds. Yes I looked at your site, but in truth havent had the chance to spend a long time taking a look at your input, although it is on my list of things to do over the next few days. Just life seems to be so so busy. Take care my dear friends and lots of love from your Delfini Dolphin XX

by: Tavros

Hi there Miss Smarty Knickers!!!!!!!

Sooooooo good to hear that my input and your new
perception and worthwhile efforts have finally paid off. Afterall there's more then one way to sheer a twisted, demented SHEEP.

Never underestimate as to how they change and go back to their old ways once they think they have the upper hand again. So you have to remain one step ahead of him the whole time. I know it sounds like what the fuck??? But that's how they are. Single minded dumb Rams who will go to any length in order to have their own way. Not to mention eat the cake by eating it at the same time.

What will come in useful once things really take off, would be some letters and poetry. That really hits the spot. It makes them think???
In the meantime make your texts sexy and funny.
Try and come up with something really juicy for Valentines day. And let me know what your planning to compose???

I will see what I have in my book of seductive tricks and will forward them on to you.

Giasou for now my Delfinaki. Live well Love well and Keep SMILING. Love your Tavros.XXXXXXX


Hi my dearest Tavros

Well I texted him yesterday because I had a couple pieces of news so took the initiative and rather than hold off and wait. I noticed that very quickly our texting is getting more frequent and he likes the banter between us too. So he is definitely getting more confident with himself and me and I noticed yesterday some of the old Aries man coming through. Not nasty but a bit flirty and generally nice so he obviously is still in fishing mode and not sure whether he has caught me on his hook. I am trying to be funny, a bit flirty and making him think but not in a bad way or make him jealous. My interest is mainly a man's domain and something he said to me yesterday made me think that he is a bit jealous of what or whom I may have met in his absence. I knew this would come up because he is protective on what he thinks is his..... So I was subtle about stuff - basically I think he wants to find out if I have met someone through our mutual interest but doesnt feel able to because of how he behaved before. Actually he is lucky that the interest I have received during his absence hasnt been from men I was interested in, but he doesnt have to know that. So whilst I would never try and make him jealous he has to remember that unless he offers me something by way of a relationship than obviously in time I will fly away cos i wont have any other choice. I am not gonna sit around waiting and waiting and getting on with my life is what I am doing.
Yes I did wonder about Valentine's day but as he isnt perceived as the romantic type I wasnt sure how to play it. I definitely would not get him a card or go overboard but I would love it if you could find a poem that is a bit romantic and witty at the same time. Humour seems to hit the spot with him and so does nice words - obviously his ego gets a good massage and the humour will make him smile too. He definitely is a thinker and I said to a friend that because he knows I go to a particular place every week to do with my interest where there are mainly men, that will get to him and he will think about this. Sure enough the question came yesterday over why I went there so it definitely did what I wanted... He needs to think rather than just assume I am sitting waiting for him. I aint clingy but independent and I know that appeals to him, but at the same time life goes on and this whole scenario has caused me way too many sleepness nights as it is. I dont want to be holding out for someone who is only going to make my life a misery and ruin any self confidene I have. That is why I still am very grounded when it comes to him because he is still the same man no matter how nice he currently is. Speak soon my dear TAVROS and thanks a million XX


Hi my dearest Tavros

Well I texted him yesterday because I had a couple pieces of news so took the initiative and rather than hold off and wait. I noticed that very quickly our texting is getting more frequent and he likes the banter between us too. So he is definitely getting more confident with himself and me and I noticed yesterday some of the old Aries man coming through. Not nasty but a bit flirty and generally nice so he obviously is still in fishing mode and not sure whether he has caught me on his hook. I am trying to be funny, a bit flirty and making him think but not in a bad way or make him jealous. My interest is mainly a man's domain and something he said to me yesterday made me think that he is a bit jealous of what or whom I may have met in his absence. I knew this would come up because he is protective on what he thinks is his..... So I was subtle about stuff - basically I think he wants to find out if I have met someone through our mutual interest but doesnt feel able to because of how he behaved before. Actually he is lucky that the interest I have received during his absence hasnt been from men I was interested in, but he doesnt have to know that. So whilst I would never try and make him jealous he has to remember that unless he offers me something by way of a relationship than obviously in time I will fly away cos i wont have any other choice. I am not gonna sit around waiting and waiting and getting on with my life is what I am doing.
Yes I did wonder about Valentine's day but as he isnt perceived as the romantic type I wasnt sure how to play it. I definitely would not get him a card or go overboard but I would love it if you could find a poem that is a bit romantic and witty at the same time. Humour seems to hit the spot with him and so does nice words - obviously his ego gets a good massage and the humour will make him smile too. He definitely is a thinker and I said to a friend that because he knows I go to a particular place every week to do with my interest where there are mainly men, that will get to him and he will think about this. Sure enough the question came yesterday over why I went there so it definitely did what I wanted... He needs to think rather than just assume I am sitting waiting for him. I aint clingy but independent and I know that appeals to him, but at the same time life goes on and this whole scenario has caused me way too many sleepness nights as it is. I dont want to be holding out for someone who is only going to make my life a misery and ruin any self confidene I have. That is why I still am very grounded when it comes to him because he is still the same man no matter how nice he currently is. Speak soon my dear TAVROS and thanks a million XX


Hi my dearest Tavros

Well I texted him yesterday because I had a couple pieces of news so took the initiative and rather than hold off and wait. I noticed that very quickly our texting is getting more frequent and he likes the banter between us too. So he is definitely getting more confident with himself and me and I noticed yesterday some of the old Aries man coming through. Not nasty but a bit flirty and generally nice so he obviously is still in fishing mode and not sure whether he has caught me on his hook. I am trying to be funny, a bit flirty and making him think but not in a bad way or make him jealous. My interest is mainly a man's domain and something he said to me yesterday made me think that he is a bit jealous of what or whom I may have met in his absence. I knew this would come up because he is protective on what he thinks is his..... So I was subtle about stuff - basically I think he wants to find out if I have met someone through our mutual interest but doesnt feel able to because of how he behaved before. Actually he is lucky that the interest I have received during his absence hasnt been from men I was interested in, but he doesnt have to know that. So whilst I would never try and make him jealous he has to remember that unless he offers me something by way of a relationship than obviously in time I will fly away cos i wont have any other choice. I am not gonna sit around waiting and waiting and getting on with my life is what I am doing.
Yes I did wonder about Valentine's day but as he isnt perceived as the romantic type I wasnt sure how to play it. I definitely would not get him a card or go overboard but I would love it if you could find a poem that is a bit romantic and witty at the same time. Humour seems to hit the spot with him and so does nice words - obviously his ego gets a good massage and the humour will make him smile too. He definitely is a thinker and I said to a friend that because he knows I go to a particular place every week to do with my interest where there are mainly men, that will get to him and he will think about this. Sure enough the question came yesterday over why I went there so it definitely did what I wanted... He needs to think rather than just assume I am sitting waiting for him. I aint clingy but independent and I know that appeals to him, but at the same time life goes on and this whole scenario has caused me way too many sleepness nights as it is. I dont want to be holding out for someone who is only going to make my life a misery and ruin any self confidene I have. That is why I still am very grounded when it comes to him because he is still the same man no matter how nice he currently is. Speak soon my dear TAVROS and thanks a million XX

by: Tavros

Hi miss Smarty Knickers.!!!!!!!!!!

Glad to see you are on Tavros wave length way of thinking. You need a strategy where these demented, twisted, absent minded Rams are concerned so you need to bring them up to date and up to speed regarding Matters of the Heart and EMOTIONAL CONNECTEDNESS. Just so there is no confusion on His Part.???

I say you should start off by texting poetry as a New introduction to your updated new found communication which will be greatly improved by speaking the same language and staying on the same emotional wave length!!!! Don't think about him being Mr. Macho??? Leave that to his male counterparts. You are speaking from a Girls perspective and a Girl whom is Falling in Love.!!

Your next text should be this poem. Wait for his
response and then I will send you the next one.
And after that I will send you the Valentines day one. But you have to start now so get cracking by taking initiative and make him think???

Never Have I Fallen.!!!!!!!

Your Lips speak soft sweetness, your touch a cool caress. Iam lost in your magic my Heart beats within your chest. I think of you each morning and dream of you each night, I feel
your masculine arms around me and cannot express my delight. I can hardly wait to see you and show you just how much I miss your sexy body burning against mine.

You have to be Proactive because that's what being a clever Girl is all about??? You are communicating with a Man remember??? So you have to tell him what he really wants to hear??? So go ahead and be confident and daring.!!!!

I want prompt action from my Delfinaki. So do as your Tavros tells you. XXXXXXX

by: Tavros

Hi miss Smartie Knickers I left something out before so here is the poem you need to text.!!!!

Never Have I Fallen.!!!!!

Your lips speak soft sweetness your touch a cool caress. Iam lost in your magic my heart beats within your chest. I think of you each morning I think of you each night. I feel your masculine arms around me and cannot express my delight.

I can hardly wait to see you and show you just how much I miss your tender touch. Your hand resting on my breast, our burning bodies merging our hearts on fire within each others chest.

Never have I fallen but Iam quickly on my way you hold a heart within your hands that has never before been given away.!!!!!!!

by: Tavros

Hi miss Smarty Knickers. You need to create CHEMISTRY.!!! And this Chemistry is a FORMULA which consists of combining Mind, Heart and Soul which in turn leads to SEX.!!!! If he feels there is no REWARD??? Then he will lose interest.

These Men are Governed by thought provoking idealism so you need to appeal to his MIND.!!!
They are creatures of HABBIT and SEX is on top of their list of Priorities. Which is Natural and very normal for a MAN. So your job is to connect with his mind in a way which enables you to stay on the same wave length.!!! So don't hold back by thinking in Shark mode because you need to enter Delfini mode for now in order to accoplish your Goal.!!!!!!!!! Think outside the square??? And foccus on the BIG PICTURE.???

Which is.??? Boy and Girl doing what comes naturally.??? Not deep and meaningfulls they are a threat when you are trying to connect.!!!!!!!


Well have been thinking about what you are saying and it gave me a few ideas. Instead of sending him verse now what i intend to do is to burn a CD of a song that I feel he will connect with because it hopefully will touch a spot in his heart. It isnt heavy! Then I am thinking of sending him a verse with the CD which is lighthearted but with a sexy twist so hopefully that will appeal to his mind and loins lol. Let me know what you think. I just thought that sending him verse out of the blue would scare him a bit esepcially if it is too deep because he is going through a tough experience so I want it to be a bit lighter but one that will stroke his ego and also get those loins of his on full alert hahaha. Lots of love Delfini Dolphin XX



Found out from him that he has moved out - last September. He seems to be ok but obviously still suffering from the stress of the whole thing and I dont think he is ready for anything yet. So nothing will be sent to him because I dont know where he lives and I think it would be too much. He seems ok but you can see that there are still stresses in his life and he aint ready for anything. He is nice enough and still showing interest so at the moment I think just keep the lines of communication open and make an effort but nothing too strong!!!! As my friend said, he needs time but there is obviously lots there on both our sides else it would have faded. Yes I think loads of him but I know he was suffocated by the way he spoke before and I know from my own experience what it is like to be free from this. I used to still think my ex boyfriend was going to walk through the front door even after months of getting rid of him so it does leave a mark and takes time. As a friend said, he is doing the right thing because if he is still stressed from the whole divorce thing (not yet final) then you will bear the brunt of it and he seems to want to keep me away from that which seems to be the case, So I think he needs some space and who am I not to give him that. So that's the latest. Just glad I didnt send him anything else to his old home cos she is still there and obviously opens his post......... Speak soon from Delfini Dolphin XXX

by: Tavros

Hi Miss Smarty Knickers,

You do what feels right and appropriate just as long as you are connecting with his twisted, demented mind which works in mysterious ways.???
These Men are renouned for their Psycho verbal expressions, behaviour and turbulent emotions which need to be analysed via someone whom knows them better then they know themselves.

Oh well what can you do other then deal with it as it comes and goes.??? Because once you get on the roller coaster of your one and true love there's no turning back. You just keep moving forward and await to see what the future holds and what unexpected surprises are instore.???

You go Girl.!!! Cheers for now love your Tavros.XXXXXX


Well three pieces of news since my last post. He is happy to text me and I noticed that these are getting more frequent. Then he texted me this morning and asked whether he could call me and so he did and then rang again. So about 25 mins in total on the phone - nothing sexual etc just about our mutual interest but it is moving in the right direction and I know he is using this as a lever to work his way back in. Then he revealed that he lives within 3 miles of me - well I could have fallen on the floor. So he has moved down the road from me which was obviously out of choice and easier for him to see me. I never thought he would do that. He said we will meet up next month, but I dont think he means next month the way it is moving forward. My friend said the same - yeah think he means next week haha. I was a bit put out when he revealed that he left the house and set up home by himself 5 months ago and I think he realised that with the number of men I am mixing with (re our mutual interest) he is going to miss the boat if he doesnt move his arse!!!!!! Cos since I planted the seed in his head that I go to this particular place he has picked up speed. As my friend said, you dont have to give a big explanation with him; just a small nugget and his deep thinking does the rest. I know he would have needed time to adjust and would need space cos I felt the same when I kicked out the boyfriend, but to me he had had plenty of time to adjust and I think he realised that I wouldnt hang around so to speak for much longer. So that's an update for today Thursday and now he has broken the ice by phoning me then he will have more confidence to do so again. I got the feeling that he wasnt confident at all re how I would feel about him and now he knows he can that can olny help. Dont worry I realise that he will go back to type so just take each step as it comes.... For now take care my dear Tavros XXXX

by: Tavros

Hi Angel How are you all is on the up and up I hope.??? Have you made much progress in the love department lately.???

On the other site I have been working on there is this woman whom I referred to as Miss Famous due to her media coverage about a month ago during the floods in Queensland.

Well after a month of my addressing her as miss famous now she decides that I shouldn't call her that because I sound Jelous and Sarcastic. Can you believe this garbage.??? You can be sure I sorted her out that's for damn sure.!!!

People can be very weird but what the hell each to their own I suppose. Anyway New Zealand took a really bad hit with the Earth Quake which is very sad.

Let me know how you are doing even if theres nothing exciting to report. I still want to know that my Angel is doing well on her own BRAVE SELF.!!!!!!!!

Cheers for now love your Tavros.XXXXXXXX


Hi Tavros!
God that other lady seems a bit strange - some people are so hard to work out it isnt worth wasting your energy I think!
Well things have come to a standstill with me and Mr Aries after a great start. As I thought, he texted me the following day & asked if we could go for a walk. So I made him wait till last Thursday and he invited me for a coffee at his home before we headed off in his car to a woodland. Nothing happened but the one thing I am sure about is that he isnt confident as far as me - he seems nervous and even gave me the wrong directions to his new home and was really embarrased. He wouldnt sit near me and made loads of comments about the weight I had lost. In my eyes I look better than I did the last time we met, but whether he thinks the same is still a questoin I cant answer!. So his texts and his chats have included personal comments from him, not something you would do if he were just interested because of our mutual interest. Then I texted him after and thanked him for a great day and he came back & said maybe we could go for lunch next time & he came backwith a strange text which you could read two ways. Either he was saying he would help me re our mutual interest but wanted nothing personal or he was referring to last year when he got nasty and personal (with me to a much lesser extent doing the same). I took the first meaning and was gutted, so I've told him that if his willingness to see me is purely related to our mutual interest than seeing him would just complicate things. So he's in a corner cos whichever way he answers or doesnt means he has to show himself. There is no way I would see him if it was solely to do with our mutual interest, so he has to decide which way he wants to go. In any way I am not having the carrot dangled in front of me just to hold me there. He doesnt like me mixing with the men that I meet re our interest but I am not sitting waiting for him just so he can sit and look at me. I need action and a relationship including sex and if it isnt with him then fine. So he hasnt texted back yet and may not so that is how it has been left. Any advice or guidance??


There is a mistake in my previous post.

It should say that I texted him after and thanked him for a great walk and suggested that maybe we could have lunch next time we did it and he came back with the really strange text that could be taken two ways.

by: Tavros

Hi Angel, Remember when I said to you that once they obtain their hard earned Freedom their plans change dramatically.??? These demented RAMS
are hell bent on having their cake and eating it at the same time. This is the reason he is sending you these mixed signals.???

It sounds as though he wants the friendship because it inflates his EGO but at the same time he is keeping you at arms length because he wants to keep his options open. Very confusing but this is how they behave because being single means playing the field and if they make a commitment it means losing the options of having to pick and chose.???

You can either play along with how he wants it.??? You could be up front and tell him what you want.???

Or you could call his bluff and say you just want friendship and nothing more at this point in time. And see how he reacts.??? By using reverse Psychology you are placing him in a position of making a choice and a decission on his own.

You have alot to think about and how you are going to proceed so let me know your thoughts and feelings on this matter.???

Love your Tavros.XXXXXX


As you said he is sending mixed mesaages. There has already been loads to be happy about and which point to him still liking me lots, but he is sitting on the fence too. I do also think he isnt as confident as we think because there have been a few occasions recently when he was just so so nervous...... I have already made the decisions to leave him alone, which I know he wont like one bit. I told him that I liked him alot but as it is now obvious his sole interest is only to help me in our mutual interst and not anything more than that, it was better if I stayed away. He is a deep thinker and whilst I beleive he will come back to me it has to be in his own time. So I am getting on with my life and If I meet someone else so be it. I aint sitting waiting until he makes him mind up which seems to be his ploy, i.e. to do enough to hold my attention and keep me away from other men until or unless he decides..... Sorry but that isnt enough for me and I think if I sit and wait all I will be doing is giving him more time to procrastinate and it wont go in my favour. Plus I have needs to and I am not his puppet - so he can put up or shut up... So for me, to stay away from him is showing him that I am losing interest in him so he has a choice. A friend told me that whatever he does (stay silent or come back) will tell me loads, because if he stays silent then that has to show me that he doesnt want me!!!!. So it isnt looking very promising and last week I was so so upset about the whole fucking thing!!! To like him for so long and have him piss around really was awlful. However, now I realise that it is his choice and also his loss and that if this man cant make a decision or a decision that doesnt include me then there is someone better out there for me!!!!!! So your thoughts Tavros when you have time. Many thanks and a hug X

by: Tavros

Hi Angel, It doesn't sound good infact it has all the signs of a Man who is selfish and wants everything on his own terms and in his own time.
Whenever that may or may not be.???

He could keep you waiting for months or years if you do not confront him and make him give you the answers you are looking for.??? So I think you should talk to him and tell him that you have waited long enough but now you need to move forward with or without him.

Unless you are honest and up front you will just keep placing your life on hold for a Man who may never give you what you need or want.??? Perhaps you could write him a letter. Sinse he is a deep thinker that will make him think and if it's in writting it holds more leverage because he can see it and make sense out of your thoughts and feelings.

Avoiding something will not make it happen on it's own especially when dealling with such an indicicive Man so you make him answer his intentions where the future between you is concerned.???

Love your Tavros.XXXXXXXXX

by: Tavros

My beautiful Angel, I wish I could wave a magic wand and make all your wishes come true but I do not possess that power. And being from the very old school of falling in love once and believing in strory book romances perhaps we need to be more realistic in love relationships which may or may or may not exist.???

All we can do is follow our instinct and our hearts yet we need to use our mind to guide us. The only trouble is our mind does not function as accurately as it should when we have fallen for someone whom does not value us the same way we value them.

The timing screws up because he was in a relationship which he wanted out and by the time he earned his hard earned FREEDOM he is not about to give it up.

I faught for my FREEDOM and I know how much it means to me due to the fact that my ex-husband Mr. Leo was so overpossessive and suffocating that once I gained it I never wanted to lose it.

I value it more then anything. I even wrote about it in one of my letters to the God of War so he is aware of the fact that my FREEDOM means everything. Which can be a hinderrance when someone is thinking long term but I was being honest.

by: Tavros

I can understand where this Aries Man of yours is coming from and his fears toward entering a commited relationship. So you either wait or you move on.???

I think and believe what would be useful and consructive would be a letter which explains your feelings but also the fact that you are moving on with your life due to the fact that somehow the timing is wrong and things are not working out but you wish him the best.

You need to throw the proverbial emotional curve ball in his court and take it from there.???

I do not want you to become stuck in my time worp Angel. This is a delema in which Iam trying to find answers for the past six years and Iam unable to move forward because this Man is the only one whom I fell in love with and it happened when we were 43 years of age. We are 49 now but the fact is I have been married had my children so Iam not missing out on something which every Woman needs to experiense and have at some point in her life. He is not depriving me of those things so I can afford to wait.

But you need to accomplish so much because you are still at an age where you haven't and there is your choice. If he can not give you those fulfillments which are natural cravings and needs for a Woman then so be it.

You can not place your life on hold because he is not prepared to make a commitment and he is sitting on the Fence.

Love your Tavros.XXXXXX


Hi Darling!

I think this guy is mixed up hence the mixed feeling signals he has given me. I wish you could see the texts I got from him which show a real interest. However, I believe his problem is that having got his freedom he doesnt know what he does and doesnt want so whilst he decides he wants to hold me there in the wing with the preverbial carrot dangling in front of my face. From meeting him last Thursday it was obvious that he had everything worked out in his brain. Comments "like well in June we will do this and I'll show you how to do that later and in the future" etc etc. When I left he said "I will see you next week". Instead of asking he seems to tell me stuff that he envisages in his mind that we will do. I dont think he is being nasty, I just think he does it this way because in telling me rather than asking he feels more comfortable that I wont reject his plans outright. He does it in such a way that you cant take offence or look at him in a bad way. As you said he is being selfish and I do know this guy enough to know that I have done the best thing by walking away. He wont have expected that because it has messed up the plans he had formulatd in his head. As you said he wants to keep me within his sight until he decides what he does want and thats another thing that i feel is good about walking away. He has shown his dislike for me attending this club where lots of men are (re our mutual interests)and he is definitely jealous that I am mixing in these circles. So the text he got back from me was direct albeit friendly. I told him that he had confused me because whilst I liked him alot (as he knows), what I felt had come out of his texts were that his only interest was re our mutual interests. For me that wasnt enough and so to see him albeit re our interest, would just make it complicated for me. I got a friend to look at it and she said that there was no way he could read anything other than what I had intended into it (which is the main thing with some of his texts). So if he doesnt get back to me then in my eyes I was right to walk away and the text he sent which could have two meanings (one good/one bad) was obviously the bad option. As I said, he wouldnt pick me if I stayed around cos he is being offered time to sit on that bloody fence he has been pinned to. So I am just getting on with life now and the rest is up to him. If he doesnt want me for sure then it is evident by his lack of response. I am fine although obviously sad, but I know to stay and wait would be a grave mistake for me!!!!!!!



Thanks for your posts. Yes I am going to send a card which tells him why I am walking away and it will be friendly and not bitter and I will ensure that there is an emotional curve ball in there for his brain to consider. That will bring closure to me and something for me to move on from. As we know he kept my Christmas card and still has it which is something that obviously means something to him because men arent renown for keeping anything like that. So he will keep reading and reading it and he wont be able to misinterpret it either. As I said it will be a nice card and nothing nasty...... Will let you know if I get a response but it will be better than the text method........... Love your Delfini XXXXX


Well I took your advice and done the card and posted it to him so he should have it by Monday. I took it around to my friend's home and we went through what to say so I had someone removed from the situation to ensure it didnt come across as clingy. It just says that I got this message from his texts last week and that in effect he was telling me that he was only interested in a professional relationship. Went on to say that this wasnt enough for me as I thought it had been a bit more than that so I was walking away from the situation. Told him that I was saddened to do so but that is life! That I liked him and that in the next few months would find someone else to help me with our mutual interest. I wished him well in his life and finished by saying that I hoped what I had told him now led him to understand me a bit more; ending with my name and a kiss! When I read it out to my friend she said that it sounded friendly, to the point with enough emotion not to sound detached but at the same time not too gooey. He will sit and read and re-read the card of that I am sure and because it has a nice touch he cant be under any misconception or misunderstadnings over how I feel or why I am walking away. At the same time there is no bitterness in it either! That gives me the closure I need because I cant sit there wondering if he misunderstood what my last text said. The card makes it plain as the nose on your face and allows me the good grace to move on with my dignity; albeit very sad!!!!! So he knows where he stands with me and why I walked away - after all men think very differently to women. He doesnt have that excuse anymore because he has been told.............. Onward and upward and let's hope the rest of the year improves. So far January and February have been terrible months for me, with only two things that can be considered good happening. I hope that God grants me a better remaining 2011 as so far its been crap!!!!! Love Delfini XX

by: Tavros

Hi Angel, Your actions and approach toward this delema he has presented you with sounds very wise. This response you have presented him with should get you some results so you at least have more clarity as to where things stand and where you are going in the future.???

FREEDOM is something we want so badly because we are deprived of it and yet when we obtain it we don't know what to do with it unless we are placed in a possition where we have no choice but to make up our mind one way or another otherwise we may lose someone we really do care about. So we take ACTION.

Continue to live your life by staying involved in your "Interest" which brings you pleasure and exposes you to other Men who may very well take a genuine interest in you romantically or otherwise.??? I consider it a very good and constructive social interaction which very well makes him feel uncomfortable and concerned regarding another Man who may very well beat him to it if he doesn't get his act together.???

You are doing good by being true to yourself and wanting to move forward regardless of the disapointment which you feel but unless you take affirmative action then you can not possibly achieve results.???

I honestly believe that his intentions are good but his new found FREEDOM is preventing him from getting off the fence and forming a relationship which involves a whole new commitment whith a Girl whom he does want but he is still not fully ready to commit to because of his fear of losing his new found FREEDOM.

Time will tell so in the meantime stay bussy and happy away from him and allow him to make up his mind and give you the answers you are looking for.???

Love your Tavros.XXX

by: Tavros

Hi Angel, I hope this helps and always bear in mind that Iam with you in Spirit and in thought.

If you love something set it FREE.
If it comes back it was meant to be.
If it continues to FLY let it soar.
Have Faith that GOD has something better in store.!!!!!!

Y.E.G.A. Tavros.XXX

by: Tavros

Hi Angel, From my understanding he was originally
pursuing you for Sex back then but you didn't go through with it because you were not ready due to his circumstances. But now that he is Free and living on his own he is telling you he wants friendship or a business relationship.???

This sounds as though it has all the makings of a Man who is already involved either with the girlfriend he had whilst he was married or someone else or both.??? Is there any way you can check things out by doing some spy work sinse he lives so close.??? Which will save alot of time and throw some light on this confusing subject.??? What is he doing for Sex these days.?

These demented Rams are real players so you need to think and stay one step ahead of them otherwise they just keep spinning their yarn and getting away with their garbage. So let me know what you think.???


It did occur to me that he may have a girlfriend, but I dont think he has. I really dont think he would be so stupid to invite me back to his own home and let me know where he is located if he had a girlfriend. The girl he had an affair with basically dumped him and got married fairly quickly by what I have managed to gleam and he said it has been over with her for a long long time!. She has a son and lives hundreds of miles away so I dont think that is a option. I think he is using his right hand at the moment haha.
Personally he was so so nervous when I saw him and before this when he rang me - he rambled on not even allowin himself time to breathe. I dont think he is the confident man he was last year when he was pursuing me, and it could well be a case of the whole divorce process taking lots more out of him then he thought. After all when I rang him last June and he was being a nasty bastard he was so so fraught and I found it shocking to see how the confidence and self assured man had withered and was drowning with the pressure of his situation.
So yesterday evening I cried my heart out to be honest and it doesnt help when you have friends telling you that you will meet someone else. It is the last thing you want to hear. I am still very upset but at least either today or Monday he will know why I have walked. He is a great thinker and works things out in his head first and foremost so that will give him food for thought as they say. I definitely dont think he would get off the fence though if he thought he could see me regularly in respect of our mutual interest. So maybe knowing I have walked away may instil some urgency in him - either way life has to go on; although at the moment I feel very down about the whole thing.........

by: Tavros

Hi Angel, It appears as though he has been dumped
for good reason and this woman has made a life for herself without him. Which would make him think of the fact that people do move on with their lives.

This could very well work in your favour because he will be left behind again if he doesn't get his act together and hold on to a Girl whom really cares about him but the fact is you can not sit around for ever waiting. Life does go on and even though you feel bad and down about it you must do what is right for you.

I believe if you are honest with him and tell him how you feel and what your expectations are it will save further grief. I realise that the last thing you want to hear is that you are going to meet someone else but your friends care about you and want what is best for you.

I know how hard this is for you and how tough it can be when you have to be strong because you need to prove a point and get results. When you weigh your options what choice have you got.???

Stay strong Angel and hopefully he will wake up to himself and make a decission otherwise just leave him to it because he will continue to waste your time and keep you waiting for something which may or may not happen.??? He is Free now so there's no reason for him to hold back and not make a commitment whith such a special Girl whom trully cares about him.

Cheer up my sweet Angel and tell your Tavros how you feel.???

Aries or Immature?
by: Anonymous

I believe in the attributes of the Aries personality. The man I'm connecting with is an Aries. What I don't understand is this: why so many hateful attitudes. Yes, Aries from what I know of them are a bit self-centered at first. They like to control the show but they're fiercely loyal once they connect. The Aries I've known (I seem to be drawn to them overall and I'm a pisces) seem to be more genuine when they do say something. The only problem I have is with getting them to communicate. My current friend has been a good friend in some ways and not in others but he stays constantly busy and is afraid of how he feels. Overall I find Aries men to be quite the best of the bunch. I was married to a Taurus and he was anything but a "charmer". Of all the signs I've known Aries seems to have the best overall character. I would say to some that have made comments here that maybe it's the type (ie:immature) or age of the men you are talking about and not the fact they are Aries. I adore my Aries, even though he has his challenges, and hope it leads to more then friends in the long run but what I'd suggest is that you look at yourself for the answers to being attracted to what sounds like it's not the fact they're Aries but rather the fact that they're not mature at all.

aries or immaturity
by: Sarah

To the lady who made the comment re immaturity rather than Aries. From reading your posts you should be familiar with the fact that Aries are the 1st sign of the zodiac and known for their childlike manner, so whilst your Aries man may notnhave revealed his childlike manner no doubt he is hiding this for now. Going out with an Aries man is also a little different to actually dating one or wanting to date one so i feel u r abit premature with your comments and may wish to amend them once you actually start dating this guy if you do.................... So keep your judgements until you are in a better position to comment is what I am saying......

Imaturity or Typical Aries Characteristics.???
by: Tavros

Bloody hell are we under attack here for voicing
our opinion which is based uppon experiense and
wisdom regarding these Aries Men who happen to be
well into their 40s.!!!

A Man of that age does not fall into the immature
category but rather a victim of his own making due to the fact that he refuses to communicate or
behave in an adult mature manner. So long as they
are permited to get away with such garbage there
is no need for them to change or alter their behaviour which distressess and causes grief toward those whom care and love them.

Your point is well taken Sara due to the fact that you have hit the nail on the head by pointing out that this Anonymus lady needs to actually be in an intimate relationship with this Aries Man where he will actually show his true colours.

During the aquintense or friendship stage they tend to place their best foot forward which can be deceiving and misleading. If a Taurus Man is
not considered a charmer then she is in for a very rude shock and awakening by this Aries Character who may turn out to be a huge disapointment and the worst of the bunch.

Being honest and precise due to experiense and wisdom does not constitute hateful attitudes and
I have yet to come across a post which has nothing but the worst to say about Aries Men and the grief they cause toward the Women who love them.

RE: Aries or immature?
by: Anonymous

While I respect your opinions, though I do not necessarily share them, I have dated more then one Aries man, and have not found them to be much different then any other men I have dated. They're far less immature then my dear (and charming only for a show) Taurus husband who once we had children abandoned them and me both physically and emotionally, or the Sagittarius long term relationship who chose infidelity as his way to deal with life.

I'd take any of the Aries men I have dated (3 to be exact, 1 "intimately" and 2 less so) anyday!

And by the way, to the one who said they were under attack because I disagreed, hardly. Everyone will have their own opinion. My experience tends to be different. I just find that the maturity level of each individual has a lot more to do with it in all signs. Just my thoughts.


HOLY BLOODY MOLY - WORLD WAR HAS BROKEN OUT IN MY ABSENCE (That's a joke hehe). Feeling a bit better because today I know he has definitely got the card that tells him I have walked away, which I think will come as a bit of a shock. He had so obviously planned in his head the method of holding me in the wings until he had decided which direction to take - so now he would have realised that his strategy has been sunk!!!!!!
I have to say to anyone who has been reading these posts that TAVROS has truly been spot on in so many ways as to how this Aries man works and whilst yes not everything was 100% accurate the vast majority of her comments were correct. So whilst I appreciate all those other reader's comments, I will stick to my Guardian Angel on Earth TAVROS for all her guidance; a remarkable lady she is!!!!
So it is too early to hear back from him, if I do at all. The way I look at it is that if he truly cares he will be back and if he doesnt then he wont. Simple - actions speak louder than words! So onward and upward and if he isnt the man I thought than there is another one out there who WILL treat me well and appreciate the real me!

by: Tavros

Hi Angel, Iam deeply touched by your expression regarding my viewes and I thank you.!!!

Actions indeed speak far louder then words and if he wants you then he will take the appropriate measures by proving how much you mean to him. If not then it's his loss and something he will regret but it will be too late should you decide to move on.???

Like I said you need to be true to yourself and stay strong otherwise you will not get results.
There comes a time in our lives where we are forced to make decissions which affect our future
no matter how difficault it may be because we are left with no other choice.

He is in a possition to offer you commitment now due to the fact that he has chosen to move on with his life but he can not keep you waiting for who knows how long before he makes up his mind.??? So hopefully now that you are indicating
your intentions it should clear up the confussion on his part and enable him to prove how much you mean to him and what he intends on doing regarding future commitment with you.???

I hope it is good and positive and you get a good out come Angel Love your Tavros.XXX

Anonymus Lady
by: Tavros

I take great pride in my Taurus nature and I must say that what your husband did by abandoning your children and yourself is low and inexcusable even for a Taurus whom are supposed to be loyal and dependable. Not to mention strong
honest caring loving human beings who stand by those they value.!!!

I must admit that the Aries Man I have been involved with happens to be a very loving and loyal Father whom would never abandon his Children and resposibilities. So I can understand where you are coming from because you have experiensed the bad and good points from these different Men.

We are all entitled to our opinions and I more then respect anothers point of view and never fail to give credit where credit is due.!!!

I hope your friendship with this Aries Man really
does develop into what it is you want and it is good you have positive things to say. Please feel
free to speak your mind.

Cheers Tavros.

by: Tavros

Just because I care and love my Delphinaki does not mean Iam biast in my perception and views regarding Aries Men. All I want and care about is the fact that my Special Girl is appriciated, honoroured and loved by this Man whom she trully cares and loves for himself.!!!!!!

His actions will speak for themselves sooner rather then later and my Angel is able to come to a decission as to how to procceed from here.???

I wish I could spare you so much but unfortunately we must all face our destininy which is inascapable and can not be avoided. My best wishes are with you Angel and may this Aries Man of yours take action in claiming a very
Special Girl whom is able to provide him with the happiness and fulfillment any Man desires.

Like I said stay strong and true to yourself because I believe in you and I have hopes for you no matter what. My little Delphinaki is a very Special Girl and deserves nothing but the best as far as Iam concerned. But then again Iam very biast toward those whom hold a Special Place in my Heart and Soul.

Y.E.G.A.H.O.E. Love best wishes and thoughts your Tavros.XXX


HI DEAR TAVROS! I am doing fine and no I havent heard a thing! One thing is for sure is that he is really pissed off that I told him that I have walked away. When I saw him in February I told him he could have something (to do with our interest) because it was of no use to me. So I posted it to him over a week ago and he never even texted me to thank me haha! I didnt have to send it, but that's me; if I say I will give you something then I follow through even if we fall out etc. The fact that he hasnt even acknowledged its receipt said to me that he is pissed off that all the plans he had made in respect of how to keep me interested, have blown up in his face. Two of my closest friends who have both been through divorces (self imposed like him) have said that whilst it was his choice he will still be mixed up with feelings of failure and remorse for the failure of that marriage. They both said that he isnt ready for another relationship yet which is why he isnt commenting. On the one hand he wants you and doesnt want you to meet someone else, but on the other hand he isnt ready to get into a relationship because his head is up his arse and he is coming to terms with his failed marriage. That's there views. I still think I made the right choice, because knowing him a bit I dont think he would hurry himself with his decision if he felt that he had me eating out of the palm of his hand and I was prepared to sit and wait. They both sympathised with him, but they also said he couldnt expect you to hang around amid all this uncertainty and because he wasnt saying yes or no (re a future together) he was only making himself appear more vague. They both felt that if he definitely didnt want me then he would just have told me either to piss off or he wouldnt have bothered answering my text in the first place. He writes an article in a quarterly magazine and ironically after he received my Christmas card decided to write an article which people have commented was directed at me. He talks about wanting to help people with our interests and left his mobile no requesting that people contact him and he would help. It was so directed at me I couldnt believe it - he wrote the article days after receiving my card....


....... Now he has another thing to deal with in the next few weeks. As he has sent mixed messages to me I obviously cant allow him to piss me around so am having to find another person to help me in my interst that we mutually share. So I am about to email another man asking to help me find some other man to help me. Ironically, the man I need to make contact with to achieve this is his friend, so I am laughing to myself because he will definitely find out about this and wont be happy that I am doing like I said I would and find another person to help me in my goals (re our interest/hobby). My friends are laughing because he will be extremely jealous hahaha! I obviously will just say that my Aries man isnt in a position to help me due to time constraints so that he isnt dropped in the shit, but he will become even more frustrated with this. Both my friends who have themselves been through tubulent divorces said that they believe he will come back to me, but not until the divorce is signed and it is over cos that is when they feel he will be happier and ready to move forward. So time will tell, but i will keep you updated. Bye for now my dearest Tavros. XXXX

by: Tavros

Hi Angel, I had been wondering and meaning to ask
you what came of it but you answered me and just
as I thought he has cold feet. Divorce is a big deal for anyone to come to terms with and I suppose in his case it explains the reason as to why he is unable to open up to you or give you some indication as to what the future holds.???

You did well in adressing your intentions which will save further anguish. You did even better in asking this friend of his to help you out and it will definetly make him stand up and take notice. What ever you do keep moving with your life because waiting around is a waste of time.

If he wants you he knows where to find you so let
him make some choices and prove what you mean to
him. I wish it could have been different for you but unfortunately that's life. However do not give up hope. You should still stay on friendly terms with him just to keep the communication lines open for the future. Just incase he decides
he is ready for a relationship. So don't burn your bridges just yet.

Bey for now Angel and I wish you the best. Tavros
XXX Stay strong and keep smiling.



Well it was his birthday last week and initially I wasnt going to bother to send him any good wishes.... However, I followed the advice of Tavros "not to be burning my bridges" and therefore sent him a simple text saying H Birthday (nothing else). I wasnt expecting a response but I got one. He seemed happy that I had remembered, even though he knew already that I knew when it was. He then told me he was away for a week's vacation and where he had gone. I didnt text anything back and then 15mins later he sent a photo on his cell phone to show me where he was staying and I just sent him a text saying have a great time. Then I got a further 2 photos. I was a bit taken aback because it was like he wanted to let me in a bit into his life. As a friend said, he didnt have to respond to my initial H Birthday text and even more add to it by divulging info about where he was. So at least he knows that if he contacts me then he will get a response. This guy used to be so confident (or appeared so) but he definitely seems more vulnerable now than I remember, which was why your piece of advice was spot on. I think it doesnt take much for him to feel overawed, so maybe the fact that he was married for a while and therefore out of the loop re relationships has dented his confidence too.
I had an email from his friend re finding another man to help me with my interest and I am meant to be getting a phone call next week so that will be interesting. It is obvious that Aries man isnt aware of this as yet, but he will be soon (whoops). That will show him that I meant what I said re finding another instructor to help me. I do think that this Aries guy has previously not had to do much by way of making an effort and so to come across a woman who is independent and not reliant upon him to achieve my goals will be new to him. I know he admired me before, because when he got nasty last year and told me he couldnt help me anymore, I didnt sit on my butt and stop. I found someone else and carried on despite the fact that it involved travelling much much further and was not only more costly in time but in gas too.
So the lines of communication are open and so will be interesting to see his next move. A friend thinks he will text me next week just about his vacation just as an opener for conversation. She has been very much spot on in the past, but we shall see.

Take care dear Tavros and speak soon XXXXXXXXX

by: Tavros

Hi Angel, It sounds as though you are making good progress and Iam very proud of you for taking the right approach in dealing with his indiciciveness regarding a relationship.

Just give him time so he may adjust to his new status and in due course he will be able to come to terms with the fact that just because his marriage failed it does not mean that a new relationship will have the same consequenses.

Keep the communication lines open but continue to live your life by beeing involved in whatever brings you happiness and joy in your life. This interest of yours sounds like a really good common bond which enables you to have him in your life but also exposes you to so much more which makes him feel threatened. So that should make him wake up to himself if he doesn't want to loose
you to someone else who may be able to make a commitment toward you and then it will be too late for him to do anything about it.

Keep the faith Angel lots of love and best wishes


Hi ya! TMGA!!!

Last weekend I remembered that I hadnt told Aries man something about this product that he should get hold off so I just sent short text to tell him this and wished him well. So texting started and then he started to open up a bit, which to be honest completely shocked me; cos typically he is proud (like me I might add). He said that he was staying in a few days a week to saVE dollars that were needlessly spent. obviously the costs of getting divorced are kicking in. He said that if he stayed in a few days then he had to get out else he got depressed. I texted back and empathised with him, albeit with a bit of humour in it.

Then on Thursday got a text from him, so he started conversation this time. Remember I told you that I had planned to get myself a new trainer to assist me and was using Aries man's friend to do this (unbeknown to Aries man). Well the man found me someone but the guy didnt work the way I wanted so I told the friend of Aries man to keep looking for me. I knew that there was going to be a meeting at the Club that Aries man and friend are members of and it was being held a week later. All part of the ploy Tavros, cos tit would be fresh in the mind of the friend and no doubt I would be discussed at meeting. HAHAHA plan worked a treat! I had forgotten about the Club meeting until last Thursday (it had been held the previous Wednesday).

I remember it because Aries man texted me out of the blue which is something he normally doesnt do. He was just being generally friendly and then the confirmation that my ploy had work. In a response he just started being complementary and saying he was glad I was well and I had helped him a lot in the past and then he went on to tell me that if there was anything he could do to help me in any way in respect of our mutual interest he would, especially as he was only a short distance away. I couldnt work out why he sent the text first as it was completely at odds with the previous texts. So why come back and say that? My friend said he was obviously aware of this and thenremembered about the Club meeting and the reason became clear. He had heard from friend that I was looking for another trainer and DOESNT want me to find another trainer cos that closes the door to him. So he is trying to use the training again as a common denominator between us. So I thought stuff this so I thanked him and said if he was ever passing by where I live then provided he gave me notice then he could come round for a coffee and a chat. Well within minutes he waa accepting it and being all humble haha. So there has got to be something from his prospective that he finds attractive cos I made it clear that I was looking elsewhere for another trainer as I couldnt deal with just seeing him on a professional basis. So that's it for the moment. Hope to hear from you soon my Guardian Angel XX

by: Tavros

Hi Angel, It sounds very good to me. You are making progress and your ploy was a very well thought and executed plan. Keep up the good work.

I think you should definetly allow him to come around for the training sessions even if it is on a proffessional basis which is not because he has already proven and shown you that he has a personal interest in you. So let's not confuse that with dog training.

Any idiot knows that when a Man offers his services to a Girl he has eyes for there is alot more to it then just a working relationship. He certainly feels threatened and so he should so keep dangling that in his face so he can really snap out of it and get down to romancing you.

Keep up the texts and make them really seductive.
Bring him out of his shell because he needs some incouragement Angel so don't hold back. When you see him make sure you keep the conversation flirtatious and don't talk about the past. They really hate that and believe me they do not look back only forward.

Iam sooooo happy for you my love and I know things will work out for you. Pride goes before a fall so don't be proud where love is concerned. just show him that you genuinely care and you enjoy his company. Pay him compliments and make him feel important and good about himself. It works wonders with those Rams who love having their EGO STROKED.

All my love to you Angel and keep smiling. Y.E.G.A


Well things are moving on and he is regaining his confidence. Today he texted me again off his own back - just telling me what he was doing and then he started the first signs that he is getting back to his usual confident self. One thing he did say which I think was a red herring is that he loves wealth, intelligence and position in a woman. From what I know of them they like the power, are generous and not money grabbing and they like a woman who knows her mind but not leader type? Am I right in thinking that he was saying this to test me?????? Said he thought I was intelligent and found this a turn on. I was a bit coy but flirty, without being in his face and just myself, confident and funny! One thing I did want to ask you is that I know that everyone says that you should let them wine and dine and wine and dine before getting into bed with them. Does this apply in my case or does the fact that I have known him over a year show him I aint an easy lay? Just wondering cos it looks to be moving in that direction and I dont want to fuck up by letting my guard down and doing what I have dying to do for over a year; get his pants off haha. Any advice X


Hi Tavros!

Well it is definitely moving very fast my Guardian Angel Today I texted him and his response can best be described as a bit disrespectful (at least the start of it) Typical Aries trying to being cocky but failing badly so Pisces lady here put him well and truly in his place and boy did it work a treat Never seen him so apologetic and he even put a kiss at the end of his apology which I nearly died from the shock. I wasnt heavy handed but you know us Pisces, we like to be respected and this isnt the first time his comments have been a bit too near the taking the piss mark. At least now he knows that I want to be respected, and for me it is no more thn I deserve. He then spent ages wooing me and the text's got sexual without being nasty or smutty or seedy. I was left in no uncertain terms that he definitely wants me but my dilemma is how long do I make him wait? I get the feeling that I might see him within the next few days and whilst I dont think he is the type to be forceful but nevertheless I need some guidance. Actually it is good to be able to be open with him as we were today without feeling it is bad, if you know what I mean He is sooooooo funny too which makes it easy to discuss what some other men would find difficult or uneasy to chat about. So Tavros HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look forward to hearing from you and thanks again X


Well Tavros more news!

Got an invite today for a drink, so yes we have kinda had a date, although only for one drink cos he had to get back but its a start. Noticed too tht he has started putting the odd kiss at the end of his text, which is really something cos he just isnt the type (or never was).... So that's another update Tavros and have to say he has been very respectful and endearing lately. Cant believe it to be honest but lets see if this continues and what's next.......x

by: Tavros

Hi Miss Smarty Knickers.!!! Time to stop the analysis and get down to business or should I say pleasure.??? A year is along time and if you leave it any longer it will get stale and won't have sponteninty or romance so it is not advisable to wait any longer. Go ahead and take the plunge.!!!

Let the Man take off his Pants and see what he has to offer.??? It will add a whole new dimention and this is when you really connect and feelings develop for a Man.!!! Without the SEX it is just a friendhip and Men do not really connect unless they are able to prove themselves where their MANHOOD AND MASCULINITY takes pride of place where a Woman is concerned.

As for the money yes they like having money and wealth what kind of Man doesn't.??? But they do want to be ahead of you so you look up to them. As for the Intelegent comment they do admire Women with BRAINS just as long as she respects them and does not rub her brains in his face.

It is time to take things to the next level which will add a huge dimention in your relationship so go ahead. Invite him over and cook something sumptious, fuss over him and have romantic music playing in the background. Relax and allow nature to take it's course. One way or another you have to find out what this RAM is all about.??? Let's see how good he is in BED.???

Hope everything works out for you Angel and keep smiling. Love your E.G.A.XXX


OH definitely building up to it. That's 2 days in a row that he's texted and loads of them too. More sexual talk but I still think he isnt confident enough because when he texted yesterday I rang him because I couldnt have ansnwered the question in a text (boring stuff but needed his input too). We chatted for 1/2 hr but it was all about our interest and he seemed nervous so I think he is doing this all to build up his confidence before he jumps on in. I gave him plenty of ego boosts today so he should be sitting pretty polishing that ram ego big time. All part of the ploy to get him to move on and hopefully too me. Personally I dont think it will be too long but I dont want to force the pace cos he seems quite happy setting it himself and if confidence is an issue then better in his time. Dont think we are talking weeks here, more like days. Thx Tavros and yes anticipating seeing the manhood bit haha. CANT WAIT............

Aries men Beat me
by: aries woman

Hi I met this aries man a couple of month ago and thought he was okay.
I am an aries woman and I know they say we are not matched we seemed to get on really well.We like the same things,eat the same foods and even have the same items in our homes.
We met one night and after this I was at his place every night eatting and chatting constantly,then suddenly he would drop me and say Im out all weekend etc but would phone to see how I was then I wouldnt hear from him for a few days then he would ask me over to dinner.
I could feel myself getting closer to him, but he would then blow hot then cold.Never knowing where I stand with this guy.
If I said anything he would say he needs his space.
I made the mistake of sleeping with him although he was so sweet and sexy I feel I did the wrong move.
Something happened recently where I called him a liar and told him not to phne me which he hasent.
I really miss him but what sort of relatioship is it.
I feel really bad about it because he was everything I wanted but he really did make me cross as he said one thing and did another which made him look a liar.
What do I do.


Well more textes flying my way today and again instigated by him. He said he was gonna take a look at what they say about us little fishes and he did just that. Was expecting him to relay the negativities about being dreamy, flaky etc etc and he did just that. Almost certain he was trying to see the reaction to his comments and whether they fitted to what he had read. It was like he was going out of his way to try and get reaction after reaction but this woman didnt take the bait and responded with banter rather than annoyance He said we wouldnt get on well etc etc because I would be too sensitive and tht Aries are too harsh and tactless compared to the fish. So I think I handled it all well in a light hearted way and he then added some more sexual overtones. My question to you Tavros is that is this normal for Aries to try to get reactions by saying reactive things cos I have noticed in the past tht he has dropped curve balls into the texts like he is digging for a reaction? He is definitely moving along nicely! x

by: Tavros

Hi Angel, You would be surprised as to lengths they will go to in order to get a REACTION.!!! It gives them some dark thrill only they are able to comprehend which makes no sense but if you ignore it or come back with a witty and smart come back adventually they stop or slow down because it no longer feels good.

They engage their acid tongue prior to their pea sized brain so you have to always stay one step ahead of them by treating them like the mindless toddler whom thrives on attention and temper tentrams. They are real drama Kings and everything revolves around them and their needs.

You are above that Angel and since you care and love him those are the issuess which you either ignore or you amuse him by puting him in his place or make a joke out of their stupidity. They are tough nuts to crack but once you get the hang of it it's childs play and you can both have some fun.

Don't take him seriously for he probably just does it because he wants to see how strong you are and how you will respond.??? He needs to see that you can handle this so called Mr. Macho whom his wife obviously couldn't and this is the reason they are no longer together. He just wants to make sure that accept that aspect of his persona.

When Men go through break up or divorce the last thing they want is to get involved with a Woman whom is like the previous one in the bitching department. They hate nagging and whinning they want someone fun and entertaining whom is their friend not their guardian and authorotarian.

Just let him get it off his chest and answer him in a lighthearted humorous blaze tone which shows him that you are not intimidated or afraid of him but don't put up with his garbage either. Remember the toddler.??? Sometimes you humor them other times you are firm with them. It's all about balance and good communication.

They learn to adept and respect but it takes time. So don't worry about it and just go with the flow. Tell him you are not a Fish you are a Dolphin and a Shark. See how he reacts to that.???


Hi there Tavros!

Thanks for confirming what I had already thought. It is always good to get confirmation that I am dealing with him in the why he should be dealt with. Yes as I said, I responded to his remarks rather than react. I put banter into it and teased him about being childlike in believing everything he read or was told. So lots of humour there to show him that I wasnt the feeble and self pitying and pyscho Pisces he was trying to make out. I used the humour to deflect him away from the perception of being touchy and clingy Pisces as I am not like that in anycase. So yes was very careful not to appear to be reacting to anything I said. Yes he is definitely child like in many ways and whilst he thinks he is totally 'man' he misses the childish persona that is inside of him. So I found the entire thing good, because I had already said to a friend that he would react how he did and it is satisfying that I got him spot on......Now he has raised the negative traits no doubt he will drop them into a conversation at some point; to which I will just smile and bring humour into it again. So thanks again for you input and I am especially pleased that I seem to be seeing hin from the same stance as my dear Tavros. Til we speak again XXX

by: Tavros

Hi Angel, You cannot change a persons NATURE and their FLAWS this is where people go wrong in relationships and this is the reason they FAIL.!!!

You learn to live with it by taking it in your stride and focus on their positive qualities rather than the negative. If you are determined to make it work then you have to make allowances for all the things which may not appeal to you but you can still work around them by not allowing them to get the better of you. Otherwise you will be facing ongoing conflict and turmoil.

These things take time but adventually they are sorted out when there is good communication and respect toward each other. Show him how strong and clever you are for not falling in the same trap other Women do when it comes to dealing with Men especially those Twisted Rams whom mean well but tend to place their foot in their mouth since they are the first sign and that means child like.

You teach him how he should be talking and behaving toward you by being honest with him and neve being afraid of him. Stand up to him and show him what you are made of. He will learn and then you will be able to really understand each other and where each one is coming from without taking offense toward things which cause misunderstandings and ruin relationships which can be saved when you are constructive rather than destructive. I have faith in you Angel and I know you can do it.XXX

by: Tavros

Hi Angel, Hasn't he come after you for SEX yet.???
This is very strange for a RAM because that is on their top priority list and you have to fight them off. This is what drives them and they have no patience all they want to do is cut to the chase and get into bed.

Something doesn't add up and Iam thinking why is he not trying to have Sex with you and what is preventing it.???

Why would he choose to use his hand as you mentioned when he can have the real thing.???
Unless he is already getting it somewhere else.???

by: delfinaki

Well wish I could pass on some good news, but for the moment it has reached an impasse!!!!. He was using our interest as a way to spend time with me and we had drinks on two occasions. He then became very into me - wanting to text me everyday and see me and even turned up at my home with very little notice and drove up behind me and stopped me. However, he still didnt take the bait and I did what you said about being honest and sincere, sympathetic to his circumstances and giving him some space and still no sex. So I mentioned this issue to him, albeit in a subtle way, after all he was giving me the come on big time in his chat and textes and wasnt following up. His behaviour was erratic at best; one minute he wanted me the next he was pushing me away and then when I backed off he would panic and come after me again. In the end he told me I wasnt his type, so I have backed off completely. As friends said, he is in denial. He has pursued me in every sense, even confiding in me that he was down and I tried to be there for him. So his head is up his butt and personally and it seems to be the general consensus that this guy isnt in the right place mentally and emotionally to be starting a new relationship. Afterall, his old one whilst finished practically, isnt tied up legally. So I have left him too it because I dont think he will bring me anything good until or unless he settles his mind and direction. So being around him is only helping him because he is becoming more needy of my company (as was the case already) and yet he doesnt take the big steps. He now has time away from me and if it is permanent so beit, but he wont realise his feeling until he has time away. So he has been given this time and I am getting on with life. Luckily for me I have loads to be getting on with, so havent really had too much time to think about our parting. XXX Your advice Tavros. XXX

Delfinaki mou my little Dolphin
by: Tavros

Hi Angel, Aries Men are PSYCHO to say the least and I can vouch for that one because I have been there where he was unable to make up his mind as to whether he wanted his unfaithful wife or me so I just put a stop to it because after six years I have had enough and to hell with him and his mind games which no longer work.

This Guy is not only confused but he keeps stringing you along and for what.??? Bloody hell it makes me mad but the fact is you have feelings for him which don't go away and I know where you are coming from because Iam the same but there comes a time when you say enough is enough and no more.!!!

Just distance yourself completely otherwise you will not be able to bring this Man to realise what he had unless it is gone. You must exclude him from your life because this is not going anywhere since he is fucked in the head just like all the other Aries Men. I swear there is something seriously wrong with them because they do not recognise a good woman whom genuinely loves them but they are stuck somewhere between a rock and a hard place in their dumb stupid head.

You have to be very strong Angel and not give a fuck about a Man whom does not value and appriciate you otherwise you will just continue to suffer for someone whom does not deserve your beautiful kind heart.

Let it go and get on with your life if he wants you and is serious about you he knows exactly where to find you so no more pathetic mind games and no results because he is wasting your time.

When Men get their freedom from a woman for what ever reason may be they just want to live it up for as long as it takes and the last thing they want is commitment so let him go out there and find what he is looking for which doesn't exist but let him try and see what happens when you are no longer there for him.

Don't worry Angel things will get better and you will meet a Man whom is worthy of your love and devotion. In the meantime stay bussy and keep him away from you because he doesn't deserve you.

I love you and Iam here for you so stay strong and keep smiling for me always Y.E.G.A.XXXOOO

by: delfinaki dolphin

Well Tavros thank you so much for your advice and yes I am doing well.

The news is that already is back - so less than 2 weeks and he couldnt handle being away. I have laughed my butt off though cos in one week he has called around 3 times; once leaving me a message as I was out and again I was out the second time he called. Finally on the 3rd time he found me in and I invited him in for a coffee which he was happy about. We chatted about an hour and then he left but he has started texting again, although not on the same level as before. He is now texting in the evening, which he never did before so wonder why he has started that. In saying that I am still removed from the situation to be honest because having him come back only shows me that he missed me. It doesnt though satisfy my sexual needs so I can see myself telling him to fuck off soon. I definitely thinks he likes me alot but he isnt in the right place to start anything; maybe because the divorce is still going through. However, I certaintly wont sit and wait and that is why I am geting bored with it because I aint wasiting for no man. My friends say I am in a better pleace than last year and that they feel I am the one whom is easy going about the whole thing and I agree with them. I can take it or leave it because it has been going on too long and I am now bored with the whole fucking thing. So that's the latest and will update you again soon. Much love Tavros xxxx

Delfinaki mou my little Dolphin
by: Tavros

Hi Angel, He sounds confused and indicisive as to what to do or where to go from here now that he has been gaining his freedom from one woman but the fact is where does he go or do next.???

He doesn't want to let you go but at the same time he is not commiting fully to the relationship which has been going on for so long and it is long overdue as to what happens next or where do you go from here.???

His words say one thing his actions say another and you just keep going around in circles so the best thing is to talk to him be honest and direct by telling him what it is you want and expect from him if you are to continue and if there is something which enables you to have a relationship where the future is concerned.???

One way or another you need to resolve this and find out whether there is something for the two of you or if you are just wasting your time with a Man whom is unable to commit and is preventing you from moving on toward something else which could be meaningful if only you can put him behind you. Afterall how much longer are you prepared to allow this to go on since it isn't going anywhere and you are just waiting around for him to make up his mind.???

It's a hard one but you need to make some choices if you intend to just wait around for him or move on with your life.??? Love always Y.E.G.A.XXX


Apologies for being away from you for so long my Tavros but I have had tons of stuff to be dealing with in my family and so posting comments had to take a back seat.

Well my news is that about 2wks ago I basically told him not to contact me again. I got fed up because he was all talk and no action and whilst his texts were increasing in number and on a daily basis, that was it. I was fucking furious with the guy because I did like I said and left him be and it was him who came back to me like he wanted to be around me; albeit if not immediatgely than soon. Then I found out tht actually he hadnt even signed the divorce papers and I was fuming. So he had left her 9months ago and was still fannying around because he wanted things to settle down first. To me it seemed like he was stalling and whilst he is quick to tell me what a typical Ram he is; to be honest I think he is too too indecisive and cowardly to be a true Aries.
I told him not to bother to contact me because he hadnt even signed the divorce papers and I felt like he was trying to keep a foot in both camps. He said I was wrong because his texts do say that he will sign the papers, but I couldnt get the fact that he was so derogatory about her last year and how he couldnt wait to get away. Now he has he is pissing around like a child who cant decide whether he wants an Oreol or a Cookie. Dickhead!!!!!! So yeah told him dont contact me again and that I felt he was trying to keep the fringe benefits going until he made a decision. Interestingly, he sounded shocked that I done this and instead of saying that he wouldnt contact me he merely said he wouldnt be texting me. So reading between the lines he has left the door ajar from his perspective. In any case I am alot happier because I have loads to deal with in my life other than him and he wasnt bringing me anything other than loads of texts and innuendo. I think he is the type that will only realise certain stuff once Im out of the picture cos he didnt seem to value me when he thought he had me eating out of his hands. He does sound very mixed up and his head is up his butt, which is no good to me and hence why his behaviour is so so erratic. So I have done it now and have no regrets; after all it was him that was shocked that I done it for sure so he wasnt expecting that. Im not saying it is over for good, but your Delfinaki is moving on with her life and unless he comes back and wants to wine and dine me then the door is closed. Life is too short to waste it on people that dont value you and expect you to hang around whilst they decide what they want to do. Let him have the needy wife because I will never be like that and she is a prime example of why so many women get shit upon; because they come back for more. Take care XX

Delfinaki mou my little Dolphin
by: Tavros

Hi Angel sorry to hear about his stupidity but
like you said it all so very well and without
confusion on your part you need to move on or
keep waiting on the sidelines for crumbs of his

Like you said if he wants you bad enough he can
prove it but somehow I do not see that happening
any time soon because he is still emmotionally or
financially preocupied with his wife whom should
have been an ex by now but he somehow isn't doing

They can be very troubled, cowardice and dumb when
it comes to the wife because they feel guilty and
need to play the hero at home even though he is
unable to do it with you.

The divorce papers mean nothing to me so that is not a good enough reason since he is now free to have a relationship with you until the divorce does come though since there is nothing stoping him but his indicisivness which is also cowardly.

In any case you did the right thing so keep him
at arms length until he comes to his senses and
decides to grow some backbone and prove to you
what you really mean to him and how much he values you.

Keep your spirits up and don't worry about him
just care for number one and enjoy life and your
work. Leave him out in the cold and keep moving
forward. You never know what the future holds so
don't waste your time with his stupidity.

All my love Y.E.G.A.


Hi Tavros!

Thanks for your words of encouragement. I am very well and havent felt down at all because I know what I've done is the right thing. Yes I havent stopped caring about him but I always find that when someone annoys you enough it makes it easier for you to stand your ground. As you said he is a coward and fucked up in the head and he needs to discover what he wants from life. However, I wont be around waiting for him because he could be an old man before that happens. Life is too short and with the amount of baggage he is carrying inside of him he isnt worth anything to anyone. Obviously the wife is quite willing to sit and wait around and take the scraps he has to offer her, whereas I am a different person and more confident and know what i deserve. I do think that he has had it easy with women in that they have always been willing to hang on his every word, so I do think I am a total different entity that he hasnt tamed haha!. Luckily I have loads going on in my life, a lot of it being directly linked to our common interest and again I dont think he has accepted that I have gone. He normally waits to see if I contact him after we have fallen out but he will soon realise that the silence says everything. Strangely, about 2wks after I told him not to contact me again I was out and walking near the park and he drove past and honked his horn. I didnt realise it was him because he was driving from behind me and not towards me, so it took a while before I recognised his car plates as he had gone passed. As my friend said, why do this when you have been told to not contact me again? So that's another reason why I think it is just a matter of time before I use an excuse to get in touch with him. It has been over 4wks now since I let go but whatever happens unless he wants a relationship and explains himself then there is no way back. I am not going to be just a texting friend who entertains him in his boredom. So will chat to you as and when I hear anything else but it may be a long time so dont think I have forgotten about u my dear Tavros. I have no complaints about my life and have more important stuff that is worthwhile investing in than a man with bad case of yellow belly!!!! xxxxx

Delfinaki mou my little Dolphin
by: Tavros

Hi Angel, Iam very proud of you for being so very
brave,logical and wise about his fucked up head which obviously has no direction and I seriously doubt if he will any time soon. So the best thing to do is just keep moving with your life and even
start dating other Men because you can not be expected to sit around morning for this jerk.

It's hard to move on but you must make a start somewhere and if you were to date or befriend other eligible Men it would make the process easier and much faster because in a way you are focusing on you and something other then him.

I don't know if I mentioned this before but something tells me that he has problems in the genital department or maybe gay.???
I have come across too many stories and nothing surprises me any more. Infact if he contacts you again just tell him that he has a problem down below and he is not Man enough for you. I want you to at least have the last laugh so he doesn't think that he had you eating out of his hand and you were depending uppon him for something which he obviously was not prepared to give you but still led you on regardless.

You can do so much better but you must try and socialise O.K.???

I love you and I will be thinking and wishing the best for you always. Bey for now my sweet and keep up the good progress.Y.G.H.O.E.

Forget or go for?
by: Anonymous

Hey I had arias he kinda had crush on me and i had it too. But he is really shy type of guy. He was very open with me but not with the rest. I arranged part for our common friends and he like came there rushing and admitted that I was the only reason for him to come. On the party he dance with me an was very attentive. Next days I was waiting for him to text but he didn't. Then I was busy at work and it happened that I messaged him after a month. He was furious totally freaked out. I freaked out too :D. After that I decided to vanish and I did. I stopped arranging meeting. Going out with our common friends and that lasted for 6 months. Two weeks before I came across him in cinema he was happy to see me, but he got very anxious he couldn't talk and behave normally. From all this he even lost control and fell on stair while walking away from me. Two days later I messaged him on FB we had 3-4 hours talk. He wasn't mean as he usually was and the conversation was too general. So i got not insight about his feelings. It is almost two weeks since our conversation. He has not messaged me. He comes onine every day on the time I messaged and stays online for an hour. Well, he is a little bit shy but still that is strange. So should I text him again or just stop, maybe I just misunderstood all that scene at the movies.

Any updates on Delfinaki and Tavros
by: Anonymous

I was reading about aries and i came across Tavros and Delfinakis conversations. I really enjoyed reading your stories and got a lot of insight about aries men.
I was picturing your stories like a movie but i haven't seen how it ends. Any updates on your interesting and complicated love lives Tavros and Delfinaki??

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