Aries man has me confused

I have been dating an Aries man for about a month now and he leaves me so confused! One day he will be into me and giving me compliments galore. Then the next day I might talk to him at all. After reading some of these posts, I do feel better knowing this is personality and doesn't have anything to do with something I've done. However I still have my doubts. I think this is because I have trust issues. After about a week of dating, we started to get really serious. We were talking about a future together and saying I love you. This was all started by him. He was the first to confess his feelings to me. Then one day he dissapeared and I didn't hear from him for a week. He contacted me and told me the reason was we were going way too fast and I agreed. Now it has been going more slowly and Im still enjoying every min. of it. I just want to know from anyone who has experience withan Aries or an Aries man...when he doesn't talk to me is it bad like I have convinced myself, or is it because he just wants his freedom? Is he still in love with me like he claimed before?

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Just Chill
by: Dani

I myself have been seeing an aries guy (2.5 months now) but just the same as you, I was left confused after the first month. He persued me & he is 13 years younger than me. When I asked him why he was interested, he said he'd always been with women older than he, he likes it that way as we know what we want. In more ways than 1! I got showered with his time, ph calls, texts & compliments & then it dwindled. I'm not into mind games or any relationship games for that matter & I'm gemini! An age thing I think ;) So I decided to do my own investigating. I only knew his birth month, not day, but after alot of reading (everything i could find!) I worked out for myself he just had to be aries. Interesting, exciting, frustrating (if you let it) & something I love a massive challenge! I took all advice, read absolutely EVERYTHING & just sat back & chilled out. It's all working out great, as we are both very busy people with our own lives going full steam ahead. It suits me to catch up occasionally for awesome sex & stimulating conversation. We have a competition on who will make the most money by a certain time frame. Don't put any pressure on him, don't ask the same question more than once. His first answer is THE answer, it aint gonna change! I asked my aries once about him going quiet or shutting down & he said "this is how i am when I'm tired (he works 90hrs a week) just ask my family." I've never asked him again & i have full trust. He's 25 & i'm 38 & I just feel if our relationship is meant to develop into anything more, it will. Have fun & enjoy it for what it is now.

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