Aquarius woman

Complete guide to love, sex and relationships

Aquarius woman personality traits and characteristics

Aquarius women are an exciting blend of mischief and deep thoughts. If you're looking for mental stimulation, fun and sexiness in one package, then this is the girl for you. Unpredictable, broadminded and often a little 'different' they are usually very intellectual and can be critcized as cold or distant by those who are more emotionally inclined, while being appreciated by those looking for an independent partner.

Aquarius women tend to come across as very self confident and independent in several ways:

She's unlikely to be interested in winning approval or compliments, making her often bold, non-conforming, and sometimes shocking. Many Aquarians are amused by narrow minded people, and aren't beyond doing or saying things purely to see the reaction they get. They aren't aggressive people per se, but they can be a little mischievous in this area!

Since she's probably not concerned as to what other people think of her, she often doesn't bother forming opinions about other people's behavior; a 'live and let live' attitude may be evident. Along these lines she's very unlikely to be into gossip, or to ever be petty.

Intellectual, radical and exciting she may view others as slightly predictable and stuffy, appreciating those who are slightly unique themselves. Aquarians are often rebels at heart. They tend to have relatively few close friends, but those they do have they will tend to have a very strong mental connection with.

Aquarius women tend to be relatively detached at the start of a relationship. Partners often wonder if she is really interested in them at all. This works well with independent partners, but can cause a lot of confusion for those who prefer regular feedback. (If I had a dollar for every Scorpio who has emailed me regarding their Aquarius woman ignoring them...)

Aquarians are the scientists of the zodiac. They tend to question most things rather than just accepting them at face value, and have a healthy disregard for tradition and social expectations for their own sake. If something doesn't make sense they are often the first to suggest changing it.

Very often they have unique views which can make them fascinating (they also make some of the best astrologers)

Aquarians can come across as detached, distant or even cold at times. This is partly because they often get distracted by their deep thoughts, and partly because they tend to to be 'big picture' people rather than 'people' people. Most Aquarians would say that humanity as a whole is more important than any individual.

Aquarius woman questions

What are Aquarius women like in bed?

Aquarians tend to be very uninhibited lovers, rarely having much concern for the normal or expected. Passionate and understanding they have a love for exploring and experimenting with the unknown.

Are Aquarius women kinky?

This is always a hard question to answer, as one person's idea of kinky can be very different to someone else's. Individuals also vary a lot, so this is a bad area to generalize in. All things being equal though, Aquarius women are amongst the more kinky, yes.

What's it like dating an Aquarius woman?

She will appreciate an intellectual and independent partner with an unconventional mind, who isn't too emotionally needy. More than anything she wants an intellectual companion with whom she can communicate, and similarly the Aquarius woman often won't consider a lover who isn't her best friend first. Due to this, the quality and balance of your relationship will largely be determined by the mental connection between you.

How loyal are Aquarius women?

She can be hesitant about making a total commitment such as marriage, or any other form of partnership, because of her strong desire for independence. However, when an Aquarian marries, the marriage is usually stable. They are loyal and faithful to their partner, although not prone to displays of public affection.

How to know if an Aquarius woman is interested in you?

Aquarians can be amongst the most frustrating people to date at the start of a relationship. Being independent and often emotionally reserved it's common for partners to be unsure of their feelings.

The good news is that Aquarius women rarely date someone they aren't interested in. They typically don't feel the need to always be dating someone in the same way that more emotional signs sometimes do. It's nearly always safe to say that if your Aquarius goes on more than 3 or 4 dates with you then she is definitely interested.

As a side on this, they typically wont consider a sexual relationship prior to establishing a mental connection with you. If they seem reserved sexually when first dating that typically isn't a bad thing. It's very important however to focus on the mental (conversation) connection between you and not press them sexually in that situation, as that will typically turn them off or push them away. For a full description of how an Aquarius woman acts when in love please see our article on Aquarius in love

How to understand your Aquarius woman

Your Aquarius will have her own unique personality traits. This article talks about sun signs, however there are many other factors. For example her moon sign determines her emotional personality which affects whether she is sensitive, romantic, loyal etc.

With her date, time and location of birth these other factors can be calculated for a complete picture of her personality. To explore this further please see my article on astrology compatibility readings.

Who are some famous Aquarius women celebrities?

I have a list of the top 400 most famous Aquarius celebrities and historical figures.

How to keep an Aquarius woman?

If you capture her mind then you capture her. If you have great conversations, she's probably already hooked, regardless of any (lack of) feedback you may be picking up on. On the other hand Aquarians rarely stay with a partner for long if there isn't a minimum level of mental stimulation. You don't need to be Einstein, but you do need to be interested in talking to her!

Aquarians tend to enjoy spontaneity and freedom in relationships. In extreme cases they can even see making plans as a form of control. "I take life as it is, love surprises, and the unpredictable excites me". Amongst other elements they often don't want to discuss living together, marriage etc too early in the relationship. This is quite normal and shouldn't be a cause for concern as it might be with more sensitive signs. Some Aquarians will commit early, but it's quite normal if they are reluctant to do so. Pressing the issue will typically do more harm than good.

How to know if your Aquarius woman is your soulmate?

Relationships are complex things, comprising hundreds of individual elements. Sun signs are one of these, however a detailed analysis of everything is required to find all the strong and weak areas. Please see the article on astrology and soulmates for more information on how astrology can be used to determine if someone is your soulmate.

Aquarius woman long distance and online relationships

Online relationships and long distance relationships have unique challenges. One of these is that you get to see one side of someone very clearly: their personality. You don't however get to see anything about other factors such as sexual attraction. My compatibility reports address this by scoring all factors alongside each other so you can see the whole picture, with any strong or weak areas highlighted. To explore this further please see my article on online relationships.

Do Aquarius women cheat?

Generally they don't. But, this is the type of generic question that often gets asked or answered whenever astrology is discussed. Individual experiences are then quoted back and forth as proof that Aquarius women do or don't. Individuals get offended by general statements that don't apply to them, and everything goes downhill fast. The diagram below shows the problem here:

Aquarius woman personality

Astrology can predict someone's personality very accurately when the placement of all their planets is calculated. In that situation we can also predict their most likely behavior.

From just someone's sun sign however we can only predict some aspects of their personality and it's too much of a leap to try and predict behavior from just those. Astrology has fairly precise limits. This is an example of an area where sun signs are just too broad and clumsy to give an answer. A real compatibility reading is required to answer the question.

How to make an Aquarius woman fall in love with you?

This is a question which is very hard to give a general answer on, as no two Aquarius women are totally identical. The key is understanding her and what she finds most attractive in a partner. Astrology can provide a wealth of information to enable this, however natal charts need to be prepared and studied to do so. Please see the article on seduction and astrology for more information on this.

What not to say to an Aquarius woman you're dating

Aquarius women tend to be deep thinkers, so generally it's best to avoid anything too cheesy or cliche with them. Honesty is the best approach, because often they will pick up on false flattery, 'random' compliments and other insincere comments. They tend to be respectful and to get along well with most people, while too much emotional drama often deters them.

Aquarius woman gifts

We have a dedicated section for Aquarius woman gifts with examples of the types of gifts which Aquarius women enjoy within various categories from naughty to practical, including reader submitted suggestions.

Aquarius woman dating advice

No advice will ever apply to every Aquarius woman as they are all unique in various ways. I specialize in offering tailored advice based on your unique personality and hers together, as one without the other isn't nearly as useful. My astrology readings solve real relationship problems for real people every day. For more information please see the article on relationship advice.

How compatible are you with your Aquarius woman?

This depends on far more than just your sun signs. The complete picture of your personality and hers is determined by numerous planet placements at the time of birth. To fully understand someone or how compatible you are with them we need to calculate those other planet placements from their date of birth, and compare them to your own, and then interpret the results. This unlocks the real power of astrology, and gives much more useful and specific information - everything from how they view you and how to turn them on to the best way to avoid arguments.

I specialize in providing fast and accurate relationship readings delivered by email. These are designed to show exactly how compatible you are with a given partner and explore everything about your relationship, including a detailed analysis of your personality and your partner's personality.

Is this article conclusive?

No, this article is based only on sun signs. Those are a convenient and fast way to generalize, but far from conclusive at this broad level. There are many other planet placements which all affect someone's personality.

To get a complete picture of someone through astrology we need to take all those other planets and their interactions into account. To do this we need to create and interpret their unique natal chart. For information on what's involved in this and the opportunity to obtain one for yourself and your partner please see the compatibility readings page.

Does this article apply to lesbian Aquarius women?

Yes, everything in this article applies whether you're straight, lesbian or bisexual. On this broad sun sign level astrology works the exact same way for everyone.

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