Well it's the craziest thing i have ever experienced in my life. I started to talking to this Aquarius man for about 2 months. He would call, email, text, send me lots of photos he would even be my over the phone dj. He would set up phone dates for specific nights and times. Send me gifts and our similarities are unbelievable. He answered his phone or called me right back when ever i called or txt. He very quickly asked me to marry him. I thought he was joking because we hadn't even spent time in person yet. But he discussed the wedding location, colors and he even picked the date after we went back and forth about when the wedding should be. I told him i didn't want a big wedding i just wanted a court house type but he was dead set on it being at a church. Well, sure enough on our first weekend together several months later, he asked me to marry him and he had the wedding ring i suggested there for me when i woke up Saturday morning. It was magical like a story book. Too good to be true and afterwards it was.
When i returned home the next week, he did not return my phone call or txt for several days. Then he just began to distance himself because he was sick. It has been a month now and the behavior has gotten worse. I thought maybe he realized he didn't want to marry me after all but just didn't know how to say it. But when i txt him he explains nothing is wrong he is just working or not feeling well. I thought he was playing games with me and i expressed that to him and i later txt'd him apologizing, but he has refused to call me or txt me back in the past 2 days.
If i lived with him maybe i could deal with it better but because we live 3000 miles away it's impossible for me to know exactly what he really wants especially since he will not talk or text me. It's most mind boggling because he spent so much money on this beautiful ring.
I am suppose to go see him next week but i'm not sure if i should cancel my plane ticket since he is not answering his phone. I don't want to travel that far and he does not pick me but i also do not want him to get mad because i canceled.
What is this? HELP! ANY BODY!
Comments for Aquarius Scorpio after he proposed