I've been with an aquarius for a year and I love him more than anyone I've ever been with. We've been through tough times and we're still together. He really confuses me though.
1. He can be really open and then the next day he won't.
2. Some days it feels like all he wants is sex but then the rest of the time he's really sweet, perfect and we talk for hours without any sexual related things.
3.He pays alot of attention then he seems like he doesn't care
4.He never fights back. He always lets me decide which really pisses me off because I like it when he shows his manley side.
5. He always says he loves me but he flirts with alot of girls and it's like he ignores me half the time.
is this normal and what do you think. I try not to be jelouse and I'm really good at acting the role but when ever I purposefully flirt with other people he either dosn't notice or he gets jealous.(which I love....when he's jealous)
Comments for Aquarius men please answer