Aquarius man gone forever?

by Life is Good

I have been friends with an Aquarius man for 2 years. Things seem to be going well until recently he kept saying that he wanted me to trust him and he thought by him opening up to me about his past, it was scaring me. We were suppose to meet to spend some time together but I had to cancel. This is when the questions came up. I told him that I wasn't scared and wanted to be there for him. (I had fallen in love with him and was getting very scared that if I told him, he would leave. I think he was sensing this and that started all the questions.)

I couldn't hold it in anymore and then told him that I was in love him. I haven't heard from him since. Have I lost him for good? I have even tried to reschedule our time we were suppose to spend together and he still hasn't responded. I still send him emails/texts to let him know I'm thinking about him. Should I just give up?

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Aquarius man gone forever?
by: Life Is Good

I would really like to hear from Hope, Scorp42, or anyone on this subject...especially an Aquarius man's point of view. I really do miss my friendship with him. :(

Re: Aquarius Man Gone Forever?
by: Hope

I'd really love to hear from some Aquarius men as well on this post.

Life is Good, in one of my earlier posts I talked about how I did what comes naturally for me and told my Aqua I was falling for him. Only I did it in a way that only a Scorp can do - lots of detail and examples. He did not respond for two days and then when he did email back, all he said was that I was "a little scary"

That comment is what started me researchinig the Aquarian male personality and read how uncomfortable that makes them. No, I don't think he is gone forever. You two have a 2 year friendship and he trusted you with private information about himself.

I think he is avoiding you because he doesn't know how to respond. I'd make light of the situation, make a lighthearted joke about not meaning to run him off, and talk about something else for now.

He'll be back once he thinks the heat is off. However, that still leaves that gaping one-sided confession of love between you-with no answer from him. What do your guts tell you about how he feels about you?

Life is good...
by: Scorp42

When I first told my beau that I was in love with him he was thrown back by it. It scared the hell out of him as he thought he was going to loose his freedom. I told him that I didn't choose to feel this way, it just happened. After our talk I didn't hear from him for a week. It took him time to process it all and it is very scary to them. take your time now and don't contact or text him for a while. Give him time to miss you. If he thinks now that you love him you will become possesive he will run. Give him his time to process it and get a hold of his feelings for you. Missing you will let him see what he really feels for you. He's not gone, but give him space. Don't keep telling him you miss him, it only makes him feel bad. He will think he can't give you what you need. It is frustrating as hell I know. Been there done that... I cried, yelled, screamed all to myself for days. When he does contact you or sees you, DO NOT bring it up or tell him how much you missed him or how you feel. Act as if it never happened. trust me he knows how you feel. go on with your relationship the way it was. He will gradually change. They like to be in control and you loving him was not his plan so to speak. He wants it all to progress at his pace. They LOVE thier freedom. You can let him know that regardless of how you feel you can walk away and at no time would you ever think of taking his freedom from him. Keep us posted.

Re: Scorp42
by: Hope

Lol, thanks for that reminder Scorp42. Yes I do remember feeling a little disconcerted when he vaporized into thin air after my premature proclamations of love. And by disconcerted I mean terrified, then later humiliated.
I did a lot of self-talk during that agonizing period remembering that giving my love to someone is a gift, not a punishment. Although the object of our affections is under no obligation to feel the same way, there is no shame in telling someone how you feel.
I now look at it like compromising to obtain the larger goal. My Aqua figured out early on what was needed to get and keep my attention. Then he did it. I am learning about how he functions and his idiosyncrasies. We are very different when it comes to matters of the heart, but I look at it as an opportunity to learn patience.
I be checking back for updates Life is Good.

Thank you Hope and Scorpio42
by: Life Is Good

Yes, I too would love to hear from an Aquarius man. This has been one relationship/friendship that has been above all the rest DIFFERENT. I have continued to email/text him, but I will stop and give him his space. If I hadn't started researching his personality, I would have left him/given up a long time ago. He fits the description of aqua men described on this site as well as others. This one, of course is the best because I can relate to the real life situations. I really do love him and only want what's best for him. I told him that I hope he one day find a woman who can truly love him for him and not what he can provide for them. If its not me, I pray he really does. That's what true love is about. You know the old saying..if you love something let it go. If it comes back...hold on and love it forever. If it doesnt , it wasn't meant to be. Well I'm letting go...and letting God do His thing. My gut is telling me that he is running scared and thinks I am trying to take away his freedom. Even though I explained that to him.
Will keep you posted.

Re: Aquarius man gone forever?
by: Hope

*Pokes head into thread an looks for Life is Good...*

Nothing yet...
by: Life Is Good

Thanks for checking back in Hope. I actually went a whole day without emailing, calling, or texting him. LOL. This self control this a little out of my zone, but I know its for the best. I started journaling when I have a urge to communicate with him. Maybe one day I will bbe able to share it with him. :)

Hang In There LIG
by: Scorp42

If you don't communicate for a couple more days I think you should hear from him. However he may be one of those Aquarians that disappear for a month or so then resurface as if nothing happened. I have a feeling that you will hear from him in a couple days. He will wonder why you have stopped communicating with him. He may think that you have given up on him for not responding, which is good. That is the only thing about Aquarian men that ticks me off! I went through a period where my guy didn't respond to me for 2 days. I was highly angered at that point. I sent him a text after 2 days of no contact from either of us. I told him to let me know if he was alive, tell me to leave him alone but tell me something. I promptly got a phone call wondering what the fuss was about. He hadn't even realized that he hadn't talked to me in 2 days. In those days I had to remind him of his distance. Now he knows it doesn't make me happy and contacts me every day. It was a long time coming though. Hang in there Life is good.

Thanks Scorp42
by: Life Is Good

Thank you so much for the encouragement. It looks like he is the Aqua man that takes a month to catch on. I too have had to ask him if he's still alive and then he'd respond. That was before he felt like he had a reason to run, since I was brave enough to share my feelings. I think he may have communicated before now but I continued to communicate with him. I am looking at this as a bump in the road. I pray that this is the only major hurdle we will have to tackle of this magnitude. We will see...

To send or not to send?
by: Liffe Is Good

Quick question...I had purchased my Aqua man a Father's day gift, should I still send it to him? He still hasn't communicated and I haven't contacted him either.

Father's Day Gift
by: Scorp42

LIG, If it were me I wouldn't. I thought long and hard about what Hope said. Being loved IS a gift. One thing I would do if I were you, only because that dissapearing trate Aquarian men have makes me so mad, is I would send him a text message and express to him this. Okay I get it that you are freaked out by me telling you that I loved you, however being loved is a gift and it isn't something I chose. Sorry that you feel the need to totally dissapear from my life and I wish you the best. Then I would kindly move on. I would find someone or something to keep me busy and him off my mind. I am patient LIG however I am not that patient. I expressed to my Aquarian a while ago that after a couple days of me contacting you and you not contacting me back tells me that you are not interested and it is really rude. I will gladly move on. Uhh... just thinking about being ignored makes me angry all over again. I tell you one thing, I had to do the same thing back to my Aquarian for him to realize what that felt like. Trust me he was not happy about that at all. If I am not there when he needs me it angers him. I wouldn't wait another lonely day, I would find another friend to fill my time. That's just me...

Scorp42- Father's Day Gift
by: Life Is Good

Thank you Scorp42. I just sent him the text. And right now, I am feeling a little weird...Part peace, the other part I can't explain. The gift that I purchased was specially for him so I have decided to send it to him but I will no longer initiate communication with him. I still feel that I am suppose to be patient, call it crazy, but I am moving on. If you saw the email I wrote to him when I told him that I was falling in love with him, I think you would understand the tidal wave that hit him. LOL. But that's life and it's still good!

With a tear in my eye and a pain in my heart...thank you all for the encouragement and advice. I guess its time to close this chapter. Be Blessed!

Chapter Not Yet Closed
by: Scorp42

LIG, trust me the chapter is not closed your Aquarian has just put it on hold. When you least expect to hear from him he will surface as if nothing has happened.

Re: Aquarius Man Gone Forever?
by: Hope

Hi Life is Good. I know how unbearable the waiting can be. Trying to decide if he is hinting at waning interest on his part? You wondering if you should walk away with your dignity intact? You wanting to take the high road and simply ask him what he is doing (or needs right now)? Trying to squelch the anxiety. And finally trying to find a balance between seeming too clingly, yet not wanting to appear disinterested.

I still don't think it is a matter of him not caring, however an absence this long goes beyond common courtesy. When he does resurface, (and at this point I think he is hoping for the easy way out and that you will contact him first) I would let him know about your reasonable expectation that if he needs some time away longer than your normal contact pattern, that he let you know he'll be gone for awhile.

He'd worry about you as well if you bruptly stopped responding to his calls and emails.

Big Hugs to you Life is Good.

Guess Who Came out the Woodworks??!!
by: Life Is Goog

Hope and Scorp42,

You were right. I received a short email from my Aqua Man today. I am not holding my breath for anything special. I had sent him an email earlier that I thought we'd be better off friends...don't know if that made him stop running and make a U-Turn or not. He made a statement that he loved me too and he hoped that made me feel a little better. He also said that if I gave him the chance he'd explain everything to me. For some reason, one part of me is not very enthused about this...

Don't know how to take him saying he loved me too...I'm not feeling that right now! LOL. I am happy to know that he is ok though.

Life is Still Good!

Ok...Starting Over and He's Back
by: Life Is Good

Ok...nervous energy is starting to flow. I heard from my Aqua Man and he has explained in his own words why I hadn't heard from him. He really didn't act like nothing ever happened and in his own way, apologized for not communicating for the last month. He was in his quiet zone and was also had to take some time off work due to an injury. He has been doing some soul searching and hopefully will make some decisions soon. He said that he still wanted me and that hadn't changed. After having a good night's sleep, I am starting to feel a little anxious because I want to see him, but yet I see this as a starting over point in where I think we need to move very slowly because he still has some decisions about his future to make. I have just a few layers of protection around my heart to help me stay focused and not lose control right if ever I needed advice from the experienced ones...I do now! LIfe is Good!

In Similar Situation
by: Scorp42

LIG, I don't know if I can give you advice but I can share what I am going through that is similar. My Aqua is going through something very deep and financially taxing. He expressed to me a couple weeks ago that he didn't want me to think that he didn't want to be with me, but he needs time to get himself 'Right' before he could ever make me truly happy. We still communicate via phone calls or text every day, however we only see each other once maybe twice a week. It may seem like a lot to you, but remember we were spending time together ever other day. I can't say that I agree with how they handle emotion or stress but I do understand it. LIG if you want to be with this man then yes take it slow but stand by him through this. It will for sure proove to him that you are the "One" that will stick by him through thick and thin. They are not like up Scorpio's, when things get tough they disappear into their own world. We tackle it head on with a smile on our face. This is yet another of our differences that we have to embrace. Hearing from you helped make me not be so angry at my Aqua for our situation and for that I thank you. The one piece of advice I can give you is to please "Not take it personal." If that man said he loves you too then trust me, HE DOES! They do not use that word freely at all! He won't be saying again anytime soon. Trust me it took him all this time to work up the nerve to say it then. Keep us posted.
Hope - I so love your words of wisdom. You always give me things to say to my Aqua that are crafty and oh so true. I love the way you word things. I'm thinking it but can't find the right words and low and behold there you go with the exact words I want to say. (Scorp42 smiles)

Slow and Steady
by: Life Is Good

Thanks Scorp42. We commmunicated several times today and YES I can say he's back. I am taking it very slow and am trying to think, REALLY think first before making any responses to our conversations/communications. I spoke with a family member of mine today who is an Aquarius and he told me just to continue to do my homework and look at only being his friend. His wife told me to remember that they don't like a lot drama so for me just being there for him is good. I have no expectations right now...just taking it one day at time. I did email him and asked what it was that he needed from me as a friend when he is stressed or whatever that makes him want to retreat to his world. I will see hopefully tomorrow what his response is....

Life is Good

LIG's Reconnection
by: Hope

Glad to hear it, Life is Good. I can't remember what your sun sign is, but can tell you I have felt every emotion from exasperation to exhilaration with my Aqua (Velva) man!
June 2
I am convinced I could not have done this successfully in my younger years. I was far too impatient and my tongue was razor sharp. I am learning (by lack of alternative choice) to go over all possible motives for his behavior before responding. And I'm starting to realize - unless it is an act on his part to deliberately injure or humiliate me, who cares??

It is important for me to express my concerns and desires, but beyond that, his willingness to compromise will emerge as a clear pattern in the long run. So far he is earnestly working on the big things. And so am I!!

Re: Scorp42
by: Hope

June 24, 2010

Thanks for those nice comments, but as you well know, I am definitely the rookie in the world of Aquarius men.

I'm pulling for all of us!

Like Wine...We get better with time...
by: Life is Good

Hi Hope,
I think you are right, I would not have been this patient when I was younger either. LOL Taking it one day at a time with much prayer and trusting God for us all. It has been a blessinng be able to understand his quirks because of the experiences shared here. I think we are going to try to see each other one more time and hopefully I won't have to cancel again. If things are meant to be, it will be.

I can say that wisdom has nothing to doing with be a rookie. LOL. It's a given. :)

Thank you two again! Would still like a male Aquarius to respond to all that has transpired. Will keep you all posted. Many blessings to you and your Aqua Men!

Life is Good!

LIG and Hope
by: Scorp42

Ladies, thanks so much for the prayers. I extend the same to the both of you! This week has been the hardest yet for me. I have not seen my Aquarian in a week or heard his voice in 3 days. We had been in contact with each other so much before his issues started that I had forgotten what it was like. I think it is harder now than it was in the early days. I don't think I have ever missed a person so much as I do him. I guess I will have to keep myself as busy as possible through this one.

Time Will Tell
by: Life Is Good

Hey Ladies,

I think we will make it! :)

I think I'm going to call us the Three Scorpioettes instead of the Three Musketeerettes!

Much Better Weekend
by: Scorp42

LIG, I like the 3 Scorpioettes! I finally saw my Aquarian this weekend. We had a long talk. I put a lot of things out there that I had never said before. I called him and let him know that we needed to talk and soon. Of cource he told me at first he thought I was 'tripping' in his words. After I said what I had to say he told me I was right and that he had no idea how I felt about his distance among other things. I have a really good female friend that I had no idea is an Aquarius. I told her my situation and she told me that what I was feeling I needed to say to him. Once you back an Aquarian into a corner you will get all the answers you need, the blunt truth! I did exactly that and things are better. He saw a side of me that he didn't know about. This weekend was a make or break us weekend. Thank GOD it didn't break us.

by: Life Is Good

Hi Scorp42!

I am so happy for you! I am hoping to see my Aqua Man, but I am going to let it be by his request. I am not trying to rush him with what he has been dealing with lately. I know that if its meant to be... our special time will come! :)

By the way, our relationship has been platonic...nothing more than a pure unadulterated friendship and it's really nice.

Life IS Good

Re: Better Weekend
by: Hope

Hi Scorp42,

I'm glad you were able to talk with him. I try weigh all the information I am learning (researching) about Aquarius men against what I know is important relationship communication.

In my case it's harder via phone and email because I can't see (or "feel") his real reactions. It takes us longer for me to sort through my own Scorpio interpretation of what he is saying, before I'm satisfied that all is resolved.

I'm still getting used to his quirky sense of humor. In person it was easier to decipher when he was joking. I have less success with his one-liner emails and text.

Eye to Eye
by: Life is Good

Hi Hope!

You are right about seeing them face to face. I can't wait until we can just talk and look into each others' eyes and say what's on our hearts and minds.

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th!
by: Scorp42

LIG and Hope I know exactly what you mean by needing to be face to face for full communication. I must say that after my "talk" on Saturday my relationship has been very different and for the better. One thing I did learn is that Aquarians sometimes forget, okay often forgets that we do not think like they do. We have to remind them of that every now and then. I revealed that I am not a mind reader, however I do read into actions and behaviors. I shocked him by telling him I knew about a few things he was doing that he thought I had no idea. the look on his face was priceless! He asked how I knew, I told him that I notice everything, I know his behaviors.It made him smile and feel so releaved that he did not have to explain things to me. He said in the past he always had to explain things because women always thought it was one thing and it wasn't. My ex-boyfriend told me I was a freakin detective. I guess in a way we are. We look at things and put things together when others can't. Thank God we have that skill or I would not be able to maintain a relationship like this.

Det. Hope
by: Life is Good

LOL... Isn't it something how we have been blessed with that 6th sense. I am trying to stay really calm right now. Talked with my Aqua man yesterday and he wants to see me. I so want to see him, but don't know if we will have the time we need to really talk like we need to. Being in two different states is a blessing and to our disadvantage also.
I know our time is closely approaching and we will have the time that we need to get everything out in the open. Until then, LIFE IS GOOD!

Inspector LIG signing off to hopefully see some beautiful FIRE WORKS!

Not a Scorp, But really confused!
by: Aqua Girl Confused

Hey Ladies. I'm not a Scorp, I'm actually an Aqua female. I am so freakin confused right now. I met an Aqua man a few months ago. I approached him at first & then he asked me out. I went, but we both seemed shy and didn't say too much. I didn't think he was interested so A few weeks later I contacted him. I had got out of a strange relationship a while back & I made up my mind that I didn't want a relationship right now. (I told the "Ex" how I felt about him & he ran for the hills.) I am scared to tell anyone how i feel now, so Basically If I found a man I was just going to get to know him better and have fun & if it turned into more, then fine. Not several men, Just 1. I have never done this before. I always wait until I'm in a relationship before I take it to that level, if you know what I mean, but I'm tired of getting hurt so I figured I would try something new. We "Hooked" up and had a great time. He contacted me pretty often to hook up, but I was so upset at myself for what I did, I blew him off for a couple weeks. Then I finally caved in. (It's the Aqua in me) lol. I tried to convince myself that I wasn't going to fall for him. I told him in the beginning that I wasn't in a hurry for a relationship & that I needed my space. He seemed to like that idea. We hooked up a few times after that, but we would talk, laugh and joke around for hours before anything happened. After it would happen, he would get up and I would leave. The last few times he has been snuggling with me & falling asleep. Kinda seems like he doesn't want me to leave, but I still do as much as I don't want to. We never talk on the phone, always text each other. I try to ask him how he is in the texts & turn the convo to something other then "extra" but he always takes it to that topic without fail! However, the last time we Hooked up (About 2 weeks ago) it was different. I even caught him staring at me a few times. Then the next day he said he enjoyed the whole night. I text him a few times after that & of course he responded as he always does "Extra". Then for the 1st time, Silence for a whole week! I finally text him after the week was over & he was sweet as pie & never 1 time mentioned "extra". I was shocked & happy. Said he wanted to see me. He ended up texting me to tell me he was too busy that nite, but earlier made it seem like he was available the next nite as well incase it fell thru that nite. So I text him the next day and he was VERY short with his response and said he was busy. I do understand the whole space thing, because I am the same way & I do get the mood swings when I like someone & I'm not sure they like me. I just hope I didn't put him off for telling him in the beginning that I didn't want a relationship. I mean I do and I don't. I want one without losing my freedom and friends.. Aquas go figure.. lol Any advice? I think I'm falling for him & I'm freaking out! This is NOT what I had planned. He is just so Freakin CHARMING and he has a good heart!

Aqua Girl
by: Life Is Good

Aqua Girl, I have to say that I may not be as much help as Scorp42 and Hope. I, too, have experienced the not talking on the phone much, but a lot of IMing, chats, and emails. There have been times that were suppose to see each other but he was a no show. But he finally did show up and because I was a little busy and he became a little impatient and jealous, he left. I told him how I felt and things were ok until he felt the need to go run off for a month. He seems to be back now, even though he is going through some things. I am trying to give him his space and time to clear his head so he can make some very important decisions.
The only thing different about my relationship from Hope's and Scorp42's is I don't live in the same state and we still haven't had sex. We both know that we want to, but there has been something that has keptt us from doing so. I am thinking that this is a blessing in disguise because it let's gives us the opportunity to really get to know each other first. Even though some Aqua Men show that they want you by having sex, it is really nice to know that I have had the opportunity to get to know him and fall in love with him and his emotions, not just his physical side. If its meant to be, things will work out. I hope Hope and Scorp42 can help. I've learned a lot from them.

Hope and Scorp42, we decided not to see each other while I was on vacation, but we did get an opportunity to talk some about us and what I was concerned when it came to him not communicating and leaving me in the dark from time to time. He apologized and explained some of what he's been going through. The funny thing is...I knew before he told me. Call it the Scorpio's intuition/6th sense. LOL. I am giving him time and space, even though Ireally want to see and talk to him. Trying to be OH SO PATIENT!!! Hope you both had a great 4th of July!!

For Aqua Girl
by: Scorp42

Well... I am not so sure I can really help you as you should understand him better than we can being an Aquarian yourself. You both repress how you really feel and freedom is the most important thing to you both. I can tell you about the way Aqua men draw you in and hold you there with kindness and charm. One thing I always preach is patients, patients, patients. If you don't have any then move on. Aqua men will disappear into thin air at any moment. After a year friendship and a year of seeing each other in a close relationship I finally had to put him in a corner so to speak and let him know that the distance and disappearing was no longer acceptable for me. You and your friend are in the early stages. I can tell you that when they act as if they don't like you anymore is when they are almost hooked. I don't know if you Aqua girls do the same thing or not. that is one Aqua trait I don't understand. With Aqua men you have to be blunt and to the point. Without emotion involved tell him you want to see him more and talk to him more. Let the work begin... I really want to know how this one turns out. I don't know of any Aqua, Aqua pairings.

Taste of my own medicine
by: Aqua Girl Confused

Yeah. We are confusing that’s for sure. I know with myself, I don’t like rejection so I’m afraid to express how I feel, But when someone walks away from me or doesn’t show interest, I freak out and have to figure out what’s going on. Most people we meet pretty much like us, so if someone acts like they don’t, we flip. A lot of guys want to be with me, but I get freaked out because they are too clingy at first so I RUN! But then when they ignore me, it hits a nerve because I’m not use to that. I may not even like them in that way at first, but just because they are ignoring me, I have to find out why!
It’s like we have to be the ones in control, then its ok. I think the Aqua men are pretty much the same way so this is going to be a battle for sure. I have never even had an Aqua man as a friend, so I can’t even say I have any experience with them. I guess my best bet will be to NOT call him ever, for a while anyway. I will just let him come to me. The Funny thing is IF he does come to me, if he comes on too strong, then I might run again.
( I doubt that at this point though) I don’t wait around for long though. Kinda like an Out of sight out of mind type person. If I’m making an effort to see you and you blow me off a couple times.. I’m gone. I still care, but you won’t know it.

I’m afraid of being hurt and losing my freedom. A lot of guys get jealous of girls with a lot of guy friends and expect them to ditch them. I do have a lot of guy friends. All of my friends of very important to me and I will never sacrifice the friendship we have just because some guy says so! I don’t have those kind of feelings for my guy friends so I don’t see it as being a threat to anyone.
I guess I need to look deeper within myself and I will be able to figure him out.. lol We do run when we feel closed in, but we also run at first when we like someone. We have to figure out if what we are feeling is real, then we have to figure out if the other person truly likes us and is not crazy. It’s a long process we go through. But once we are in. We are all the way IN, for good! Until someone does something to betray that trust. I guess for the most part I understand where he is coming from, I just don’t have much patience when I want something and the ball isn’t in my court. The men are the same way. Uggghhhhh! This makes me sick. Don’t like tasting my own medicine. lol

I will keep you posted for sure. Thanks for your comments. I hope everything works out for all of you. On a side note, I dated a Scorp Man once. He was AMAZING!! A little too emotional and clingy though. For me anyway… lol
Hope you all had a Great 4th.

Aqua Girl
by: Life Is Good

Hi Aqua Girl, Scorp42, and Hope!

I, too can't wait to see future posts from this Aqua Pairing.

When I read your response Aqua Girl, I have to say that is what was partly going on when my Aqua man was AWOL for a month. The process IS really long, but I love him and know that I have to be patient with him. He is coming around SLOWLY and I communicate to him when he seems to be going back in his shell. I would love to hear from him daily but would settle for a little less for now, especially with our schedules.

Time will tell and I think is on our side. :)

For Aqua Girl
by: Scorp42

I guess for the most part I understand where he is coming from, I just don’t have much patience when I want something and the ball isn’t in my court. The men are the same way. Uggghhhhh! This makes me sick. Don’t like tasting my own medicine. lol

Aquagirl, think how we feel! Not only does it make me sick but because it doesn't make much sense to me it makes me want to run. Today must be a bad day for me but I tell you I am sick of the Aquarian game! I guess I am reaching the point where my patients is wearing thin. I know my Aquarian has a lot of obligations and issues, however getting a fraction of the attention I need is not there. I am starting to look at him in a much different light. Especially after reading your last comment. I must say thank you for saying it. It made a lightbulb go off in my head. I just don't see the "All In" ever happening. He tells me all the time that he doesn't do for other women what he does for me, however sometimes I think they are just words and other times I beleive him. Uhh... I guess I am just tired right now. I may feel entirely different tomorrow. It's as if he has this radar that detects when I am sick of our situation and then he does something that blows my mind! It makes me feel a bit manipulated at times even though I am on a natural high from his actions. I guess the manipulation thing comes in my head because as a Scorpio women that's what I used to do. I was always in charge and could put a spell on a man so to speak that you wouldn't believe! So I understand a taste of your own medicine. Wow, I just vented on this blog. Classic. (Scorp42 laughs)

More confused then ever
by: Aqua Girl

Scorp42- All I can say is, if he is doing things for you that he doesn't do for anyone else and is actually spending time with you, there has to be something there. We Aqua's don't waste our time on just anyone. I'm not sure how long you have been with him, but I would try to be patient with him if he is someone you truly care about. My BFF is with an Aqua. I watched her go thru the same thing with him. They would only see each other once a week or so but she NEVER called him. He always called her. It was basically a sexual relationship, then they started really becoming friends then after about 9 months when he noticed other guys were hitting on her and she went out on a date, he really started to come around. After all was said and done, he told me that he was glad she gave him his space and never tripped out about his distance. He was kinda seeing someone else before my friend and it gave him time to realize who he really wanted to be with. Now it's been 5 years or so and they are still together and happier then ever. I honestly think my Aqua was/is dating someone else. I seen some evidence of that a few weeks back but never said anything because I don't have the right to. It's been 6 days and I haven't heard anything from him and almost 3 weeks now since I've seen him.
Now here is the worst part. My Ex (Virgo) just popped back up in the picture for the 3rd time in the past year. I hadn't seen him for 4 months and now he is acting strange and contacting me again. Arrrggghhh. Not sure what that is all about. I will keep you posted.

And Yes, we Aquas can sense anything! It scares people some times. And I mean anything. And if we feel like we are losing something or someone that we care about, we freak and have to try and fix it!

Re: AquaGirl
by: Hope

July 11, 2010

Welcome AquaGirl,

I appreciate your perspective as an Aquarian and appreciate your willingness to share your experience. Your Aqua’s behavior sounds similar to other situations I have read, including my own.

I have to admit, I do not understand the motive, but I am gradually accepting that I simply part of the Aquarian personality, and they can’t change it anymore than Scorpios can give up our compulsion for privacy.

Overall, I wouldn’t trade my Aqua for a thing!
Hi Life is Good and Scorp42. Hang in there.

The Count Down
by: Life Is Good

Hello Hope, Scorp42, & Aqua Girl,

I pray that all is well with you. As for me, I am nervous as heck. In 2 weeks, I will be spending a wknd with my Aquaman. I have butterflies & nervous energies flying all over the place. I was invited to a function in the state that he lives & asked him did he want to attend. He stated he only wanted to spend time with me. Well I was happy to hear that, especially after all the drama from last month & us deciding not to see each other while I was on vacation. I am in the process of planning a wknd that is about him & not me. I know my emotions have been on a rolller coaster ride these past few months but to think that we may have the opportunity to get to know one another on another level is almost like a calming effect. To be able to look in his eyes when we talk is just icing on the cake. LOL
We have both agreed that we will see where things go from here & the fact that he's ok w/ me telling him that I loved him, I am praying is a plus. Scorp42, your advice was right on when I sent him the text about my love for him being a gift. He is a lot like this site describes him (not responding @ times, evading some questions, etc.), but he has other characteristics that are so emotionally deep and caring. When he shares his world with me, I just want to melt. One thing I haven't shared with you is I am getting a divorce. It will be final this week. When we 1st started communicating we were both married. We would communicate via email/chat. We have both gone through similiar situations in our marriage & were each other's sounding boards...which later we started concentrating on each other. He said that he was more interested in me long before I showed any in him. I was pleasingly shocked. When I realized I had fallen for him, I was afraid to tell him and he sensed it. Especially since he would use words like You are a GREAT friend, I am a true friend that means the world to me, and the latest was he now realizes that I am an honest and true human being who means the world to him and will always have a special place in his heart. And to top it off with he's not ready for a commitment Right could understand why I would be confused. His actions were saying differently than his words. Coming to this sight has made me see and understand his quirkiness. But being who I am and questioning him straight up has also helped. I wonder if my divorce becoming final has anything with his change in attitude?? The one time he told me he loved me, left me a little puzzled in where he really meant it the same way as I did. When I read that they don't use words like that loosely, it gave me hope. I want to take the chance with him.

I would like to thank you Hope and Det Scorpio42 (when going back and reading a previous post I realized I called you Hope..Sorry). If I didn't have your real life experiences and advice, I wouldn't have made it this far. 12 days and counting... wish us all the best! Will connect afterwards...

Flipped the script on me
by: Aqua Girl

Hello everyone.
LIG- You are probably right about the divorce thing. I had something of a similar situation a while ago with a man that said he was getting a divorce. I fell head over heals for him and he ended up staying with her. Then I ran into another one getting a divorce and I couldn't allow myself to get close to him (Or tell him that anyway), until I knew for sure it was final. I even ignored him for a while. Well it ended up being final, but he waited so long to get back with me to tell me he was In Love with me, I had moved on. I never knew he felt that way for me until it was too late. Sad Situation. But if he would have stayed in contact with me during that, then once it was final I would have expressed my feelings for him, but I wasn't about to go over board until I knew for sure he was done with her.
WELL, After I posted on here last night, I went back and read all of your stories again. Something in my gut told me to at least text Aqua Man. I won't go into all the details but by some of the things he was saying, made it seem like he thought all I wanted was sex. Like that was the only reason I was contacting him or something. I told him that I didn't want that at all, I was just checking up on him and I kinda missed him. (It took me A LOT to say that) He said he kinda missed me too. I almost fell out my chair. I was so relieved. We went back and forth for a little while and then Silence! There was some things going on with him that's why I haven't seen him and I completely understand, but this distance is for the birds... lol Now I know how my Ex's felt with me. I guess I understand, but I don't like it!
I hope to see him this week. We will see. Maybe this was all a mis-understanding and a major lack of communication on both our parts. Wish me luck!

Mean-While, Virgo Ex is acting stranger then ever. I'm not sure if he just wants to be my friend or if he is Analyzing me (thats what Virgos do) to get back with me. It's really starting to scare me, but I pretty much let him go the last time he left me. Once I'm gone, I don't go back and I've told him this before. He is VERY sensitive and I don't want to hurt his feelings so I'm pretty much ignoring him, hoping I'm not the one he has his hooks on. The only problem is, the more you ignore them, the more they fall. When he started contacting me a couple weeks ago, I told him about Aqua Man and he didn't seem to take to that very well, but I did tell him. Well I say He should have never left me! OMG I feel like Bella in the Eclipse Twilight movie. lol
I hope everything works out for you ladies as well. This forum kinda makes me feel a little better. Pretty sad when ya gotta have an Aqua Man Support group.. Damn Aquarians. LOL

To; Life Is Good
by: Anonymous

Hi Life is Good,

I sending you my best thoughts for a great visit with your Aqua. I hope the two of you have some much needed conversation and lots of fun as well.

My Aqua is flying out next month for a week so I'm a bundle of nerves as well.

Later he started up again with the issues regarding our age difference and how I would be better off seeking someone younger. Of course I have been analyzing this since he said it - wondering if that means he is giving me the brush off.

by: Hope

Hi Scorp42,

I certainly understand your frustration. I am torn right now as well. Mr. Aqua is coming in August. We have not yet been intimate, but I was considering it on this visit.

My guts tell me his pulling away and talk of me needing to meet someone younger have something to do with his own insecurities.

With anyone else, talking about this stuff and getting to the heart of the matter would be easy. With him, I seem to worry far too much about not damaging his ego or hurting him in any way. Why do I feel as though he is too fragile for normal relationship conversation? We talk so well about everything else!

I hope he does something wonderful to get you encouraged about your relationship again.

Doing My Own Thing
by: Scorp42

I decided a few days ago that I wsn't going to stop my life because my Aquarian wasn't in it. When I decided that and stopped contacting him all together, out of the blue he starts calling me and texting me. I know for sure that there is someone else in his life, we talked about it. He said that there are women that call him and text him. He thinks they may want to be with him. He also told me that it's not like he has been spending time with them, he spends his free time with me. UNACCEPTABLE in my eyes. So because he can't make the decision for himself I decided to make it for him. I still don't contact him, he contacts me. I got text's from him last night. It was just a kind of "check in" if you will. He used to spend every Sunday night with me and not he has been checking in to let me know that he was home and he was alone and fill me in on what he was doing. I can honestly say that at this point him contacting me and filling me in makes me angry. I am better off when he doesn't contact me at all. It gives me time to "get over him" so to speak.

Aquagirl, my Aqua and I have been seeing each other for about a year and we have been friends almost 2 years in November. Too darned long to be at the point we are at. He makes sure that he spends every holiday with me, however in the early days I remember being the girl waiting to see him and not getting his time on the holidays. I am sure he spent them with his last relationship, which I know is over but there are others now. the thing I am afraid of is that if he takes too long to make up his mind it will be too late. I am close to that point now,but God keeps giving me these signs to not give up. I won't see anyone else or date anyone else. I have put my focus on God and helping young adults learn about God. It takes my mind off him and is rewarding at the same time.

My Aqua has put a lot of focus on God as well so we encourage each other that way but in my eyes the relationship is almost over. There is one big problem, he has the keys to my place and has had them for quite some time. I won't ask for them back right now as that would be a clear sign that I have given up. God has given too many CLEAR signs that this is the man he has chosen for me so if we are done, done It will be on him and not me.

For Hope
by: Scorp42

Hope, he isn't too fragile for relationship conversation they just don't want to do it. I had to back my Aquarian into a corner to get the answers I wanted. He was 100% honest when I did that. I must say that for as wonderful as they are they can be twice as much work until they get to the "All In" stage that Aquagirl talks about. I have noticed that Aquarian men often are very soft and sweet with us. However there is a highly intelligent, analytical person behind all that. They sometimes act as if they don't realize what is going on or how we feel. As Aquagirl said, the notice EVERYTHING! They know what we are feeling to a certain point and they play off of our feeling a lot. That is what has me so angry about their behavior. I would rather be left totally alone by him than go through this "process" they have to go through to decide what they really want. I totally know why so many Aquarians are lonely. They have people that adore them and love them deeply, but because of their issues they ruin it and end up alone. I can't say that I feel sorry for the lonely ones. Aqua Men an Women alike, their world is so comlicated.

Re: Doing Your Own Thing
by: Hope

Thanks Scorp42,

Interesting that your Aqua still has other women so closely immeshed in his life. I am learning that Aquas have lots of people in their lives, all of whom fit either in the friend or family category.

When I visited my Aqua in June, he introduced me to so many people, many of whom he introduced as friends, but who I would consider an aquaintance in my own world.

That is one of our biggest differences. I have lots of acquaintances and very few close friends. He considers everyone a friend (owner a his favorite pub, bicycle repair shop guy, the woman where he buys his fresh vegetables, coworkers, etc.) Many of them were women.

I saw no cause for alarm at the time, but I wonder how I would feel about them contacting him frequently by text or phone once we get to the place in our relationship where the two of you are.

Wish I had something reassuring to say.

Thanks for the timely reminder that they are not fragile, but rather acutely aware of how their behavior affects us.

by: Aqua Girl

Ok first let me apologize for not addressing any of you in my writings. As an Aqua I am kinda all over the place so sometimes I forget who I'm talking to. But the message is what counts, right? LOL

One thing my Ex told me was "People want what they can't have" I think that is true especially when it comes to Aquas. Looking back at some of my relationships & the guys I fell Really hard for, I realize that they were the ones that kept their distance in the beginning. They would say they cared, but their actions weren't saying so much. They would show just enough to keep me around, but for the most part they acted like they didn't care. It drove me insane! It didn't make sense. They were saying they cared, but why weren't they showing it all the time. IT made me want to chase them & find out more! IT was a mystery & I LOVE mystery. And maybe in the beginning they didn't care so much (because I know these guys wouldn't be smart enough to play the game), but when I finally got to the point that I was sick of it & realized I was putting too much energy into them & started walking away, they would start coming around & end up falling in love with me, but at that point it was too late for me. I guess with us Aquas, you have to pretty much be a person that can take it or leave it. You have to show us that if we don't act right you have no problems leaving us, but at the same time be there for us when we are acting right. It's a terrible cycle & personally I hate it myself, but this Aqua Man is for sure making me look deeper into myself & making me want him even... OMG! Wait 1 freakin minute! That little Snot! We talked about this on our first date. I was saying how people put a lot into someone in the beginning & then when they don't see any results & start getting distant (he finished my thought) and said " Yeh the other person wonders what's going on & they start chasing you"... I told him I didn't want a relationship & I just wanted to have fun. If it happens, it happens. But I never asked him what he wanted & he never told me. I did all the talking! He must have really started liking me & because I was being distant with him he flipped the script on me to get me to fall for him. That's got to be it! Because if he didn't want me around he wouldn't even talk to me at all on that level. He says sweet nothings to me & makes plans, & then breaks them but feels bad and keeps apologizing. He knows it drives me insane! Then I always pop back up & he knows it. He even flipped the whole sex thing on me. Like I was the one that always wanted it! NO that was him. My Ex did this to me. He told me he didn't want a relationship & it made me fall hard for him, then I thought I would be slick & start being distant with him to make him change his mind... Ooooh he is Evil! lol I don't like losing at my own game! Time to play hard ball now! Sorry for all the rambling, but I hope me telling a little about myself, helps you ladies some how. GOOD LUCK. Stay tuned.

silly aquarians
by: Anonymous

hello everybody first thing is you all have to relax thats how an aquarius man wants you to be because he is probably over the moon crazy about you but he doesnt wear it on his sleeve. above all he wants you to be yourself. remember how you were when he fell in love with you thats how he wants you to stay. that fun exciting interesting sexy lady. women dont realise that they have a tendency to change when they are in love and its usually not good its not good for either one of you. dont worry about how to keep him you already have him so be yourself he loves you. dont worry about his commitment he wouldnt be with you if he didnt want to be. when he distances himself its mostly because he thinks you are getting intence and he thinks you are changing. when he comes back like nothing happened its because you are back to being what he loves about you. just remember you dont have be intence to get what you want just be what you are. because he wants the same thing as you he wants you to be his queen. he is every bit as loyal and when he makes a decision he will stick to it. he wants you to be having fun with him. but he needs to know that you need him and that will make him do what ever he has to for you to feel safe and secure. yes he knows you can do that yourself but he still wants to do it for you.

Re: Random Thoughts
by: Hope


Bless you AquaGirl. I will read this again and again over the next couple of days.

Thank you again. I'm not into playing insipid games when it comes to affairs of the heart, but I do enjoy an artful game of chess with a skilled opponent.



Re: Silly Aquarians
by: Hope

Hi Anonymous,

Thank you for your comments and perspective. We're still at the "getting to know one another phase, but this is good information to consider if and when we get to the actual "love and commitment stage".

I think the underlying commonality among women who are dating Aquarian men is that we are feel "something" from our Aqua men. However we can never say with certainty what that "something" is. It's the "hot and cold", "here today gone tomorrow" behavior that is misleading and confusing.

It's a challenge for people like me who need parameters and a "bottom line" in order to plan and function.

Re: Silly Aquarians
by: Hope

Hi Anonymous,

Thank you for your comments and perspective. We're still at the "getting to know one another phase, but this is good information to consider if and when we get to the actual "love and commitment stage".

I think the underlying commonality among women who are dating Aquarian men is that we are feel "something" from our Aqua men. However we can never say with certainty what that "something" is. It's the "hot and cold", "here today gone tomorrow" behavior that is misleading and confusing.

It's a challenge for people like me who need parameters and a "bottom line" in order to plan and function.

Plans may be changed
by: Life Is Good

Hello Everyone! And hello and thank you Anonymous... :)
I have to say I have been an emotional mess this past week. I didn't realize that I would have these emotions coming out of no where the closer I get to my divorce. In two days I will be single and in 8 days I will be spending time with my Aqua man...well that's what I am praying for. Meaning, I realized that my love for my Aquaman goes deeper than it has gone for any man. I told him that I wanted us to spend our time together but w/o sex being involved. I don't want this relationship to be rushed and/or destroyed because of lust. I want to know that when we do make that decision its because we are both ready. I told him that I would still come but didn't want any misunderstandings or my intentions. If he agrees, then he will show up. If not, for him to email and say he wasn't coming. So far no email. To me a true friendship/relationship shouldn't be based on lust but love.

For Life is Good
by: Aqua Girl

Funny you say that... I was thinking the same thing. I was going to try that this week, if I get the chance to anyway... I think I will see him, but who knows! Sure it was fun in the beginning, but that's not all I want. I still don't want to rush into a "Relationship", but I don't just want a Play buddy either. Should be interesting to see his reaction or Non-reaction. lol Hopefully it goes over well. I just don't want to be one of those women that get used only for "extra". That's not who I am.

I don't know all of your situation with the Divorce and such, but you will be ok. It will take time and you will have patches of Emotions, but over time it will get better. Just take it easy and think positive. Good Luck!

Hopefully I will have good news to share this week. We will see.

Advice Well Taken
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl and Anonymous thank you so very much for snapping me back into myself so to speak. If I didn't know better I would say that my Aquarian wrote Anonymous' comment. Last night was a great night for my Aquarian and I. It was as if our relationship moved to the next level. I didn't have to say anything to him, he just knew. He knew I wasn't happy with him and he knew exactly why. We had this unspoken communication that both of us rather enjoyed. He poked fun at me last night which he has never done before. Ahh... What a relief for him to finally start treating me like the true friend that I am. He was a little hesitant to make jokes at my expense at first but that opened the flood gates for my retaliation and before you know it we were laughing at each other histerically. I guess that is what Anonymous ment by getting back to having fun. I can't believe how much getting advice on this blog has really helped me and in turn I help others. Ironically he said to me last night that it will be one year for us in our relationship in 2 weeks. I was floored! There is so much that he forgets but he remembered that? You could have bought me for a quarter at that moment. Well just wanted to update you all on my situation. All is good in my world.

P.S. No phone calls or text's from his other female friends last night. He WAS listening during our last intense talk a couple weeks ago.

by: Aqua Girl

OMG... I swear when I was reading that anonymous comment I thought it was my Aqua Man too... I guess us Aquas just have a magical way about us... lol The only difference was I know I wasn't being too intense with him because I was hardly giving him any emotion at all. I was the one being distant. That's why I think he has been doing a little research himself and trying to trick me into liking him or feeling something. Silly Aquarians. LOL

I'm glad to hear everything went well. I'm hoping to have my night tomorrow. We will see how it goes.

by: Scorp42

Hope, LIG and Aquagirl. I am interested to know what each of you Aqua's do for a living. The reason I am asking is that all the Aquarian men I know have jobs that they either work alone at their own pace or they are in charge. Just curious to know.

Life is Better
by: Life is Good

Thanks Anonymous for the words of encouragement. I pray all goes well for you and the rest of us.

Scorp42, my Aqua has a job in which he is in charge.

Aquarian Power
by: Scorp42

My Aquarian is in charge as well. It was fun to watch how fast he went up the ladder to the head man in charge. My boss is a VERY powerful man and hold 2 titles as VP and CIO and wouldn't you know it he is an Aquarian as well. That God for this site, it helped me thrive at my job being able to understand my boss so much better. He is fun to be around as well. Other people at my company don't get his quirky humor while I am laughing my head off because I get it. It seems in the last few months all of the people I have been spending time with are either Scorpios of Aquarians. Life has been quite interesting lately.

In Charge baby!
by: Aqua Girl

Yup. Mine is In charge too. And myself.. Well I have my own business and I work for a large company, but I pretty much do what I want. My production is so good and I'm well liked that they don't question me... EVER! One of my co-workers just laughed at me because she says I have my own agenda. I don't go by the dress code, I come in when I want and... Well i won't give it all away, but you get the point.

P.S. I'm writing this while at work.. HEHE

Not So Anonymous
by: Hope

I'm laughing because for an instant I also thought it might be my Aqua responding. Mine even emails in a similar fashion with all lower case with limited punctuation. It’s quite a huge contrast to his professional writing style.

There are other Aquarians who have posted on this site that share a remarkable resemblance to my Aqua's casual writing style, and the way he responds to threads. It keeps me a nervous wreck! We both have Scorpio moons, so neither of us would be thrilled about being the topic of an internet discussion, due to our private natures.

He and I share the same profession. In fact we met, on a related listserv. We're not CEO's, but are both members of the executive management team at our different locations.

Going Aquarian Crazy!
by: Scorp42

I tell you, this Aquarian experience has been like no other I have ever had. Hope, I agree with you that my Aquarian would be a little upset about being talked about in this thread as well. However I think he would be a bit flattered too knowing that I take so much time talking about him to "do the right thing" so to speak. He is aware that I talk on a Scorpio women Aquarius man blog. He drives me NUTS! Anonymous said to "relax." OMG, he has no idea that as a Scorpio women the internal 'craziness' IS who we are. We are suspicious of everyone. I listen to every word and notice every gesture. My problem is I spend way too much time analizing those words and gestures. We Scorpios are very deep emotional creatures. That is one part of me that I must say I love. I can go to the ocean and listen to the waves and dream up and entire movie scene in my head. I am very internally dramatic, so when my Aquarian is holding me close or saying sweet things to me I feel like I am in a romance movie. I can hear music in the background that fits the moment. I sometimes smile and my Aquarian wonders why. I enjoy my life and all that is in it. I can be calm as ever on the outside and internally be flipping off the walls! One thing that helps me when I am on an emotional trip is I write. I have several unfinished novels. It is therapudic for me. Now as a Scorpio ladies I am sure you understand what I am talking about. It would kill me to be like the Aquarian and surpress my emotions all the time. When I am alone let the emotions flow. I can laugh and cry all in a minutes time. So I say to Anonymous that we Scorpio ladies are being who we are. We don't know any other way to be, at least I don't. I was just sitting here at work thinking what the future holds for us 5 or 10 years down the road...

No words can explain how I feel : (
by: Aqua Girl

Hey Scrop42. I love being an Aquarian. We rule! Lol But yes we do hold our feelings in a lot. I think because we are so scared of someone leaving us or hurting us. We tell ourselves (Well I do anyway) in the beginning we are not going to get attached, especially if it looks dangerous, then BAM! Out of the Blue we are so Full of emotions we don’t know how to handle them.

I finally got to see him. I was so sick all day. I was anxious to see him yet I was scared to death he was going to cancel again. On top of all that I have family issues going on and I haven’t been getting much sleep. I was a Wreck. I finally got there and the first 5 minutes was fine, but I think I started saying some off the wall things because of my nerves. Then he started saying some strange things. I know he was tired and we are not happy Aquas when we are tired, but he was giving me dirty looks all night and kinda had an attitude. Making strange comments about me not calling or something to that effect. I don’t even know what that was about. I don’t know if he is done with me at this point or what I really think it is, Is the famous Aqua Mood Swings! That happens when they really like someone and doesn’t know what’s going on.. Trust me. I KNOW.. lol
I was trying to get into the Convo about how I feel, but I was so nervous and I didn’t want to ruin our night. I tried to get him to talk about what he thought about me when we first met, but he flipped and changed the subject. I was trying to ease into it. (We kinda talked about it in the beginning and he had no problem with it then) It’s like I understand the space thing so I give him his space, plus I don’t know him that well and we are not together officially, so I don’t want to come off as a Stalker. I’m SO far from it… I’m not sure how this is going to work. I’m so ready to RUN for the Hills, but I just can’t do it. One minute I say I’m done and the next minute he sends me something so sweet then I’m back at it again. I would text him everyday and tell him how much I miss him if that’s what he wants… GEEZ. What gets me is when I do say something sweet, it takes him a minute to respond, if he even responds at all. That’s what scares me. I think I need to say something soon before I get too attached and really get hurt. I guess it would be better to say something now, then hold it in and find out later.

Oh Aquagirl...
by: Scorp42

I feel for you right now. Obviously he feels something for you or you wouldn't get the dirty looks and the comment of why didn't you call. Perfect example of the "Aquarian Game" I was talking about. Both of you are so busy analizing each other and making sure you don't give the other too much that you may miss out on a really rewarding friendship/relationship. We are all afraid of being hurt. When I finally let down the wall to my heart and let my Aqua in I thought long and hard about it. But in the end I thought he was worth the risk. You will never know if this was meant to be if you don't give in a little. I know it is usually us women that have to give in first because of male pride. But when it is real love it doesn't matter what sign you are or how strong you think you are, you are powerless to the feelings. You can tell yourself all day long and keep the feelings hidden but they are there. It sounds to me like the two of you are truly in an Aquarian battle. And I complain sometimes about my situation. You are in my prayers for sure and I hope it was just being tired. The things we do for love...

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

Thanks for the kind words. Made me feel better. You are right. I want so bad to tell him how I feel, but I'm scared to death that he will run, but I guess if he does it's better to know now.
I was acting a little strange too with my mood swings. It's the worst feeling ever. I know it's because I said one thing in the beginning and now I'm starting to act different then my words because I do want a little more. So it's very confusing for him. Like I said my Ex said the same thing about not wanting a relationship and then acted like he wanted one sometimes. It freaked me out, but I was so scared to tell him how I felt because I was trying to respect his wishes and not scare him off. I have a feeling Aqua man is feeling the same about me. Although, somewhere in the back of my head makes me feel like he doesn't want me at all and he probably has a girlfriend. I really don't believe the latter, but it still lingers in my head. I'm so sick but I really need to say something because soon he will get sick of feeling that way and walk away.. At least I do anyway. I just don't know how to say what I want to say without being to over whelming. Maybe It's too soon to say something since I just started noticing these mood swings in the past couple weeks.?. And how the heck do I say it? I don't know when or if I will see him again and I obviously can't say it to his face. It's too long for text and I don't have his email... I don't want to seem childish with a letter, but that may be my only option. Ok I'm sick. Gotta take a break.

useless rambling
by: Anonymous aquarius

hello everyone i had a weird feeling i was being lured out of my hole so ill play. scorp42 aquarians have a constant internal conflict going on in our heads so if we didnt suppress our emotions we would get sent to the asylum in a straightjacket, but i have to say that i do in fact know about the deep emotions of scorpios because my moon is in scorpio and my rising sign is scorpio. i just have a way of being blunt and insensitive even when im trying to help. anyway i came on here because i have a certain scorpio friend that im interested in. i think her and i would make a great couple. well have fun everone.

Re: Useless Rambling
by: Hope

Hi Anonymous Aquarius,

Thank you for taking the time to read through these posts and add your comments and reflections. Your ramblings are far more useful than you can imagine!

I am dating an Aquarian man with a Scorpio moon and Scorpio rising. Based on sun signs alone, the Aquarian and Scorpio approach to life is quite different, although we both lean toward humanitarianism, and are idealists.

I stay in a state of confusion around him because as a Scopio woman, with a Scorpio moon and Aquarius Mars, I have an initial reaction to his one-liner bluntness (usually feeling hurt), but then look deeper as I remember he also have Scorpio tendencies and is usually trying to help.

After 10 months of non-physical interaction, I am still not sure about his feelings for me. There is no doubt about the friendship and I am certain he is attracted to me. I know he likes and admires me. Just not sure is he is contemplating a serious relationship with me.

Somedays I am certain of it, and other weeks I feel his distance and get discouraged. Scorps like and need solidity and security from a serious partner (a reliable financial system, commitment, trustworthiness, loyalty and a willingness to work "power through" problems).

We need spontaneity in the other playful parts of life (surprise weekend getaways, trying new experiences together - things that rock our adrenaline to the core and leave us panting and begging for more).

I don't need a partner who tells me he loves me every day or week, but I do need to see and feel it in his actions, smile, gestures, etc. I'm not sure if it is his Scorpio influence that makes him so hard to read, or if that is the nature of the Aqua and he is working extra hard to be unreadable.

I would enjoy hearing more about your Scorpio friend - how you met, what drew you to her, what you find frustrating and endearing about her, etc. It may help me understand my Aqua a litte more. I'd be willing to share from a Scorpio perspective, as I am sure others on here will as well.

To: AquaGirl
by: Anonymous


Again, thank you for sharing. I realize that each of us are individuals in our thinking and reactions, but it really does help me to read about alternative perceptions.

You know how we "fixed" signs get stuck in our conclusions.

There is no doubt in my mind that he is attracted to you. The behavior you describe is consistent with what I am experiencing, and what I have read from others on here.

I think we all are wondering about the level of attraction)friends, versus casual lovers, versus something serious. Nice to be able to share my elation and angst with like-minded others.

TO: Anonymous
by: Aqua Girl

Thanks for sharing. It's nice to know I'm not the only one having internal conflicts. Starting to think I was a little loopy myself. lol

I know he is attracted to me, just don't know how much. I know it's still early so I'm trying to be patient. I really don't want to jump into anything serious right now anyway. Plus we are both so busy in our own lives it's hard to make time for each other, but some how we figure it out. Now he is starting to get the Goofy, clumsy, airy way. It's so cute. I get like that too. One minute I'm having my crabby mood swings & the next I'm running into walls & tripping while standing still. Sometimes the feeling gets so intense I want to just walk away & call it quits, but then he says or does something to make me smile & forget about the craziness. For a little while anyway. I'm sure I do the same with him. I can almost sense when he is having doubts or feeling a little off & that is usually when I send some silly off the wall text. (Like, the sky is blue, just thought you would like to know). The one thing I don't know about is, I know when I don't call a lot or I'm being kinda distant, he makes some smart comment about it, but my thing is I don't want to over do it. I know we need our space as Aquas & I get freaked out if someone starts coming around like a stalker, but I also like to be remembered sometimes. I pretty much understand his moods I just haven't been able to find a happy medium on the closeness vs distance thing.

Since I'm not a Scorp, I don't think I can help you much with your situation, but if you could enlighten me on how you handle things I would appreciate it. Like, how do you draw a line between just sex, just friends & a relationship?

To: AquaGirl
by: Hope

Hi AquaGirl,

Sorry, the post directly above your last one is from me. I forgot to type my name in at the top before sending.

Again, I appreciate your comments regarding not knowing how much is too much, versus trying not to appear too aloof, or too anxious.

I tend to take his delayed responses or flat out ignoring my contact as, "I'm bothering him.” I do not text during the day, and we have a set time to video chat in the evenings, unless one of us has other commitments.

He has the freedom to text, call, or email whenever he wants and I usually respond within 24 hours.

I agree in that I am not sure where the balance lies with him so it makes spontaneity and the normal ebb and flow of friendly exchanges awkward.

Aquarian on the Run
by: Aqua Girl

Oh Ok. Thanks Hope. Thought that was our new friend. : )

Yeh, I've been thinking of letting it go for a while. I'm sure I'll feel different tomorrow, or even in an hour.. lol But I really need to let this one go. I really don't want to get hurt and if I keep going in the direction that I am, It's going to happen sooner then later. I'm starting to get a strange feeling and that's not a good thing. I'm not giving up completely yet, just going to dive into my Aquarian Cave for a bit until I can "try" to figure this all out or at least feel a little better. Maybe this is what the Aqua dudes go through and that's why they become distant. Who knows. If it's meant to be, it will be. If he wants me, he knows where to find me. If a man wants a woman, he WILL chase after her no matter what and if he really loves her he will keep trying no matter how many times he gets rejected. It's just in their nature. Unless you're a Virgo Man.. lol

I know I am a strong woman and I don't NEED anyone, especially a man to dictate my happiness, it would just be nice to have a Buddy to tag along with me in this journey we call life.

For Anonymous Aquarian
by: Scorp42

Thanks Anonymous for your input. I have to say that as much as it pains me to be so relaxed, that is exactly what I am doing. The reason it has been so hard to relax in my situation is unfortunately as a Scorpio women I always think the worst. When I don't hear from him I cook up these scenarios in my head which then brings on a flood of emotion. I always think about what I am capable of and know he is capable of the same. However in my head I think he is not just capable but doing it. It drives me nuts. Then I find out that what was in my head could not be further from the truth. I know it's silly but true. And the process starts all over again. I wish there was some way to stop that! So when those thoughts pop up in my head I have to redirect my thoughts. It's the redirection that is so much work. Anyway just thought you should know that I read your posts over and over again. Each time I absorb something new. So PLEASE do not stop posting here, we need you! LOL You may want to come up with a screen name for yourself though. Anonymous Aquarian is a lot to type. LOL... Hope, Aquagirl and LIG what's been going on in your worlds?

Just Checking In
by: Life Is Good

Hello Ladies and our Friendly Aqua Male,

Just stopped in to say hello. Its two days before I leave for my QT time with my Aqua man. Things are going well and I am trying to contain my excitement by staying busy. It feels so good to be able to hear from him a little more. I am not taking it for granted because I never know when he will need to return to his shell. lol

I pray all is going well for each of you. I thank God for my Aqua everyday. :)

for what its worth
by: Anonymous aquarius

hello everybody.
hope i would think the non physical interaction is the biggest reason your not sure of how serious he is. 10 months would be a commitment to me. i dont believe he would be in contact with you for 10 months if he wasnt serious. i know its hard for me to try and give any reassurances if im not physically present maybe he feels the same way. physical expression is a big part of my communication, i feel like i need it to be understood, so i have never liked talking on the phone but when i do i like to keep it brief. i also send the least amount of words possible in text messeges.
aqua girl i dont know where i draw a line between just sex, just friends, relationship. i can say that i have to be friends before i would get into a relationship. i can also say that i can have sex with a friend with no emotional attachment.
well here i go rambling on again so i bid you all farewell

This Week
by: Hope

Hi All,

Thank you again for your camaraderie and support. I've been really busy these last weeks and it looks as though that will continue for while.

My Aqua is getting equally busy with work and service committees, etc. Oddly enough, now that we both are super busy, he seems much less distant and more eager to chat. We eat dinner together most nights now (via video chat) to visit, and then shorter chats just before bed.

I love this kind of interaction with him, but I know it won't be long before he changes gear and is back to pulling away for awhile.

I appreciate the explanations and encouragement from the Aqua posters and those with experience dating an Aquarian. It helps me understand the pattern and makes it less worrisome for me.

Best to everyone and a special hug and wish for a great time to Life is Good as you head off to your Aquarian Adventure. Can't wait for the details when you return!

Hey Scorp42, you have to stay in the game and keep blazin' the trail for the rest of us.

Ramblings of My Own!
by: Hope

Hi Anonymoys Aquarian (A.A.),

The more rambling the better! Please continue to comment when you feel the need or urge.

Interesting point about the distance thing with my Aqua. We live 1500 miles apart so the best option we have is phone or video chat to create a connection.

I hear you about his need for physical expression (hand holding, touching, my back or shoulder, sitting close, etc.). He did a lot of that when I went to visit him. Never inappropriate, always respectful, yet nice.

He will be here to visit in mid August. Of course I am excited about that.

Tapping Out
by: Scorp42

Well I have reached the end of my rope. I love that man with all my soul but it is killing me to wait and wait and wait and wait... I don't see him enough or get a fraction of the attention I need. A.A. said that we women tend to change when we fall in love. However I am the same with him now that I have always been. If I change it is to adapt to his change. Anyway a year of giving it my all is long enough. I'm tapping out. I will always be his friend and who knows what the future may hold. Now is just not the time for the two of us to be together. I think I will do it Aquarian style and just not respond or reply to him any longer. When it gets to the point that I am ignored it's time to go. I hope the best for all of you and I am praying for a better ending than mine. I will still post here from time to time as I am sure my Aquarian and I will remain friends, only after I have had my time alone and to myself to get over him and rearrange my life. Bless you all.

I Understand....BUT
by: Life Is Good

Hi Scorp42,

I am so sorry to hear that you are tapping out. :( I pray that he does settle and you two can make it work permanently. I have been having mixed feelings also, but I love him and see so much of life in him. Only time will tell...

Almost finished packing and should be on my way. When A.A. said that we change, I wonder if he means our intensity? I was just in the room making my final decision in what I wanted to wear. I thought about something that would really knock him totally speechless and I realized...we are not committed yet and put it back. I have always been me and as I said in an earlier post, my Aqua man only makes me strive to be a better ME! I want him for a lifetime partner, but it can't be that way until he is ready to commit fully first. I am blessed to have him as a LIFETIME FRIEND!

Well I am off...Keep your head up. As you once told me he's just out for a while. He will be back and I pray for you that if he does...It'll be as a lifetime partner. :)

Oh My- Don't give up!
by: Aqua Girl

What did I get started?? As soon as I give up everyone goes out the door. Come on now. We all have to stay strong if this is what we want. Love is never easy! It's always going to be work no matter what sign you are with... Not that I Love my Aqua Man at this point, I hardly know him, but I do care for him deeply.

I haven't heard anything yet, but I'm not giving up faith.

Just keep in mind this: "Anything worth having... Is worth trying over and over again until you get it right..."

Trying My Hardest
by: Scorp42

Thanks for the support. I changed my mind and decided not to just disappear on him. He contacted me last night, which made me angry because he was being his usual give me a little bit then leave me hanging thing. I woke up this morning and text'd him that we need to talk. I let him know that the distance game is over now. We need to either get it right or forget about it. I'm pissed and I can't pretend that I'm not. He hates when I put serious things in text but I told him that I didn't care. S*&^ or get off the pot kind of thing. We will have our talk tonight when I get off work. We'll see where it goes. I do know and I let him know that I WILL NOT continue on the way it is. I am wasting my time waiting for him to make up his mind. He told me about an hour ago that he wasn't mad at me and that we do need to talk. I'm fed up and when I get to that point it either has to be right or not at all. I know relationships are work, was in a 10 year relationship that I had to walk away from for my health. My Aqua was the first man I let "in" and I sometimes feel it was a mistake. I am too old to be going through this kind of crap. I'm tired of tip toeing around his feelings, hoping not to do or say the wrong thing that will make him run. Enough of him being wanted by as many women as he can and putting me in that category. The ball is in my court now. If he decides to walk away his loss. Yes I would love to spend the rest of my life with this man as he makes me a better women as well. However I make him a better man and if he thinks someone else would do a better job then have at them. I have a lot to offer and if he doesn't want it then so be it. It's too bad he let it get to this point because I have one foot out the door. You can't give me the best of you then stop all together because you get busy. I don't ask for much but the unhappiness is too much for me to bare. Aquagirl you didn't start anything as far as my situatuion is concerned. It's been brewing for quite some time. My Aquarian thinks I am a submissive woman, and I am so far from that. He doesn't know the deep inner me becuause he moves so damn slowly. In the mean time I am getting resentful of the Aquarian games. Sorry for the vent but geez how much can a woman take?

by: Aqua Girl

How did it go?

My Weekend Talk
by: Scorp42

Well we had our talk. I said everything I needed to say and told him exactly how I felt and what was making me so unhappy. He agreed that he has been way to occupied and busy and had not really taken out the time for me that he should have. He started to be very vauge at first. I let him know that I could not continue on with things the way they are. I let him know that I needed more attention than I was getting and if he had too much on his plate that it wasn't going to work between us. He said that our friendship was very important to him and that he didn't ever want to loose that. I told him that friendship means two different things between us. I explained my version of friendship and what it was to me.

I said that timing was everything and right now wasn't the time for the two of us to be together. He didn't comment on that. However he did say that he would make sure that he would be better at spending time with me and that he would try harder or do better than he has been doing. He did say that he couldn't give me what I needed right now because he just doesn't have the time. After talking for an hour or so he said he had to go as he had a few things to do. He said he would try to get back to see me later if he could. I told him it was no big deal if he couldn't as in my mind I was ready to let it all go. As he was leaving he gave me a hug like usual but this hug was much harder and longer than any he has given me before. He held me so tight as if he didn't want to let go. It made me cry.

Later that night he sent a text that he was in a lot of pain. I took it as an excuse not to come back and text him back good night. Well that wasn't what he meant at all. He said whatever to my good night and that he was on his way. He really was in a lot of pain but still made my night! It was more romantic than it ever was and more affectionate than he had ever been before. Maybe I read it wrong but I got the feeling that he didn't want it to be over or take a break. I nursed him out of his pain, which took 3 hours before he was able to sleep. In the midst of his pain he still romanced me like never before. He has responded to every text since then, even while he was out of town for 24 hours.

All this to say I haven't given up and decided to see where this all goes. I know he listened to every word I said and even repeated back a lot of what I said. I just have to stop reading into his words so much and take a longer, deeper look at his actions. Only time will tell...

It's Over
by: Life is Good

I am happy for you. As for me, I chose to end my friendship this weekend. That's all I will say for now. I will be checking in from time to time and will continue pray for each of you. Life is STIll Good! :)

Scrop42 and LIG
by: Aqua Girl

Oh My. Well Life is good I wish you the Best. You are very strong for making that Decision. Maybe things will take a turn for the better. Just stay strong and keep it moving Girl...

Scrop42- WOW. I wish you the Best as well. Your post made me cry. I still haven't heared from mine yet, but I may make a move today. It's obvious that he cares for you very much. See what I mean about the Take it or leave it? Sometimes that's just the way you have to be with us Aquas...

Hopefully you both will continue to post here.
Take care...

HOPE- What's going on with you?

Will Always Keep In Touch
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, I will continue to post here. It's as if we all have this great connection and I love the support. I have known for quite some time that he cared for me very deeply. I was a real mess in the beginning of our relationship. We were friends for a year before the relationship thing. If he didn't care he would have ran and fast back then. Everything I have asked him to do that makes me happy he does. I guess I never addressed everything until now. Let's see if he continues with his pattern of doing what I have asked him to do. I went through something pretty rough yesterday and he was his wonderful supportive self. I guess I will just have to relax even more and stop looking to what it will be and enjoy what it is for now.

LIG I hope he wakes up soon and realizes what he is missing.

Will Be Keeping in Touch
by: Life Is Good

Hello Ladies and Aqua Men!

Thanks for the encouragement. My aqua man isn't ready for a commitment and doesn't realize that he is sabotaging a possible relationship that he could be finally happy and content because he is loved and respected for who he is and not judged on his shortcomings.

He decided to retreat into his own world at the wrong time and I concluded he's not ready for me to be in life so I decided to make it easy on him and me and remove myself from the equation all together. Did I want to?? No! But did I need to?? Yes. I ended it by saying when he realized what he wanted then he could call.

But to end on a good note: MY WEEKEND ENDED IN A WONDERFUL! Wouldn't have changed it for anything!

Calling All Ladies
by: Aqua Girl

Hello Ladies...

Ok I have read back into this post and I see that it started after you had been with your Aqua for a while, but can any of you enlighten me on the first few months with him? Did it start as friends, Relationship? How did you act? How did he act?

Sick and Tired!

Miles of Smiles
by: Hope

Hello to LIG, AG, Scorp42, and Anon Aqua,

Okay, very strange. We are back in Happy Land again after a little relationship meltdown on Saturday night/Sunday morning. He sent me another one of his infamous, “I think am too old for you messages”, followed by a lot of flattery. I of course took it to mean that he was looking for a way out and not really interested in moving beyond our friendship.
I sent back an email letting him gracefully off the hook.

The fingers began flying across the keyboard and my phone ringing. He spent the next 5 hours apologizing and talking about his own insecurities about our age difference and how he was fearful I would get bored. We worked through it all very respectfully and with humor, rather than drama. That was particularly impressive to me.

So his planned visit is back on, and I am grinning from ear to ear again. For now that is.

There is just something about these Aqua-Velva men!

Will respond to other happenings after I finish a project due in the morning.

RE:Calling All Ladies
by: Life Is Good

We started as friends. We could communicate via email/chat and just talk about any and everything. Didn't start flirting with each other until Feb/Mar of this year. He has always retreated when there was something going on that he was stressing or nervous about. I have pretty much stayed the same...I tell him what I am thinking/feeling and don't really hold punches. Our friendship was pretty much drama free up until June when he pulled his longest disappearing act.

Calling All Ladies
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, My Aquarian and I met almost 2 years ago. In my eyes we were just friends with benefits at first. We saw each other and talked to each other every once in a while. I didn't think about him much back then. He had something really bad happen to him while I was in a bad state as well. We got through our bad time together as friends. We really started to look at each other in a different light. I would call him every now and then on weekends only. I moved and asked him to help me. He did and out of the blue asked me why I never called him during the week. I had no answer. Anyway after a week or two I told him that I was no longer interested in the "thing" we had together. I was ready for a relationship and he wasn't. He said we need to talk so we did. He told me that maybe it was time for him to settle down and that he was really attracted to me. In my mind we were on the way to something wonderful. Once that happened he would ignore text and phone calls from me and only come around periodically for short periods of time. I was confused and that is when I started to look up Aquarian behavior. Is said that when he started to act as if he didn't care that he was almost hooked. After about 3 weeks of sure torture for me he started coming over every day or wanted me to come to him every day. We spent the night together every day for 2 weeks. Then I would see him maybe once or twoce a week. He said he was afraid it was too much. He said he wanted us to be friends instead of lovers so we stopped having sex for weeks. He would still ignore some of my contact or take hours to get back with me. After a while of that is when I cornered him and told him enough of that. And that pretty much got us to where we are now. Of course I am leaving a lot of the inbetween out like the most memorable valentines day ever. Aquagirl go to the home page of this site, most of the other subjects are myself, Hope and LIG. It tells a lot of the early day stories. I was anonymous for a while but all the information is there.

Thanks Ladies
by: Aqua Girl

Thanks for the responses. I can't do this anymore. This is the whole reason I stopped dating all together because I am so tired of the games!
I am better alone! I don't need a man at all but that doesn't mean I can control what I feel. It just happens. He broke plans again! I guess that's his way of saying he doesn't want me around. I don't understand why someone can't just come out and say it! It's not hard to say "I don't like you on that level, leave me alone!" I say it to people all the time.. I have no problem telling someone they are not for me! Better that then play with their freakin head! One day he is nice and sweet and the next time I talk to him he is giving me dirty looks and blows me off! WTF?? I guess it's my own fault. I wasn't even into him after our very first date, but I ended up contacting him a few weeks later to give it another shot. Now Look! I don't even care if we get into a relationship at this point anyway, I don't want that right now myself. I just HATE it when someone continues to break plans or ignores me! It's B.S. I understand things come up like work and important stuff, but DANG.. When it happens this much in a short period of time and you don't even get a Sorry out of it, You start to wonder if he gave a heck in the first place.
Before I met him I was about to call it quits on ALL dating for good because I didn't want to get hurt.. But Noooo! I just couldn't keep my mouth shut! All he has to say is to leave him alone and I will walk away quietly.. I'm not a crazy person as it may not seem that way right now because I'm venting, I just don't have time for BULL. Arrrggghhh He is a bunch of BOLONGA!

Aqua Girl
by: Life Is Good

WELCOME TO THE CLUB!!! LOL...I am not being funny, but if you feel like this, how the HECK do you think we feel?? How about multiply what you feel by 100+!!!

For Aqua Girl
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, I know your frustration all too well. Here is why you are going crazy. We Scorpio women have this inner patients that Aquarians just don't have when it comes to matters of the heart and emotions. We are such emotional creatures that we deal with a lot more emotional drama than you can. Just remember that the way you feel right now is probably the same way you made men feel about you. If you get nothing else from this, you should know how not to be when someone is really into you. It doesn't feel good at all. However you Aquarians are not the best at communicating and saying what you feel so both of you are assuming things and not verbalizing anything. I thought it was work for us Scorpios but you have it twice as hard. I think Aquarians give up too early hense why I said in a previous post that I understand why some Aquarians are lonely. In my opinion Aquagirl you need to find a mature Scorpio and let him know that you don't like jealousy or clinginess and give him time to adjust himself. I think it would make you happier in the long run. Just my opinion.

by: Life Is Good

Ok Ladies and Aqua Gent,

I am so not so happy and confused right now. I may have left something this weekend while on my mini vacation... Have contacted my Aqua to see if he has it... Why won't he respond?? Will someone please answer that for me? I wouldn't have contacted him if it wasn't important. You can say what you want about they retreating when they are almost hooked or whatever! I am calling this latest act, just down right mean!

by: Aqua Girl

Scorp42- That just hurts. lol But you are right. I actually had a scorpio man once but it didn't work out. I think I need a Gemini.. Oh well. I think my Aqua may have had a woman or just isn't into me. Oh well. I'm over it. I have bigger things to worry about right now. It's really not that serious, I just like him a little. I just hate being stood up and ignored.

I'm not gonna stress about it. If it's meant to be he will come back. Hopefully I'll still be here if he does. Probably not though. Depends how long he waits.

LIG- What in the world did you leave there? He is probably mad and is going to make you wait as long as possible before he responds. He knows it's driving you insane. But I could be wrong.

Hope it works out for all of you. I'm gonna stay on here though cause it's nice to vent about things and see how you are all doing. You're my new Friends.. LOL

Aqua Girl
by: Life Is Good

LOL... You are probably right. I had something for him and something for another friend of mine. I think I may have pack the gift in his box and was checking with him to see if he received it by mistake. I just don't understand that if he's not feeling me, why can't he just say that. He wouldn't be hurting me by being honest. What's bothering me is his attentiveness being on mark, then when I start to reciprocate he runs for the hills. All I wanted was to spend some QT with him and have some. It wasn't like I was ready to make any long term commitments. I love him with all my heart, but I know that neither of us is ready for a serious relationship.

The signals he's been sending lately have been really confusing. I told him that if he was stressing or need to vent, I'd be there. Up until the day we were suppose to see each other he was very attentive...right up until it was time he was suppose to leave from work. Then complete and utter silence. Nothing!!! I text him and told him that it looked like he wasn't going to show, I was going out to have some fun and did just that! I had a ball...but a little part does which he would have been a part of it. I refused to take his gift back with me and dropped it off too his job. This may be one of the main reasons for his extended silence...But I was so PEED with him for pulling his disappearing act.

What now??? I don't have a clue... :(

Aqua Girl
by: Life Is Good

LOL... You are probably right. I had something for him and something for another friend of mine. I think I may have pack the gift in his box and was checking with him to see if he received it by mistake. I just don't understand that if he's not feeling me, why can't he just say that. He wouldn't be hurting me by being honest. What's bothering me is his attentiveness being on mark, then when I start to reciprocate he runs for the hills. All I wanted was to spend some QT with him and have some. It wasn't like I was ready to make any long term commitments. I love him with all my heart, but I know that neither of us is ready for a serious relationship.

The signals he's been sending lately have been really confusing. I told him that if he was stressing or need to vent, I'd be there. Up until the day we were suppose to see each other he was very attentive...right up until it was time he was suppose to leave from work. Then complete and utter silence. Nothing!!! I text him and told him that it looked like he wasn't going to show, I was going out to have some fun and did just that! I had a ball...but a little part does which he would have been a part of it. I refused to take his gift back with me and dropped it off too his job. This may be one of the main reasons for his extended silence...But I was so PEED with him for pulling his disappearing act.

What now??? I don't have a clue... :(

by: Aqua Girl

Honestly I would say. Forget about the gift, Stop ALL contact no matter all long it takes and see if he comes back. But if he does, don't make it easy on him. Don't just go back to him with open arms like he can keep doing this to you. I know I'm not the best on advice, but I guess this is what you have to do with Men in general. They don't want anything easy anyway. If they have to fight for it, then more then likely they will keep it. If he really cares for you, he will fight until the bitter end for you. That's the kind of man we all want anyway, because then we know they are serious. I went through this with my Ex, but I couldn't let my wall down to let him back in so he ended up marrying someone else, but was still in Love (and still is) with me. He just knew I wouldn't budge an inch. That went on for about a year.

Honestly I am done with mine. If he wants to contact me or come back to me that is fine, but I'm not chasing him. I don't chase people. I have too much going on in my life and I have too much respect for myself to chase after a grown a&& man!

by: Life Is Good

Thanks for the response. Running after or fighting over a man has NEVER been my forte. I was all ready not to have any communication with him on my part until I realized the gift for my friend was missing. But thank God I found it about 30 minutes ago! :) When and if he wants to contact me he knows how and where to find me.

If its meant to be, it will be.


Don't I Know It
by: Scorp42

LIG you are oh so right. If it is meant to be it will be. I did a lot of soul searching this weekend and decided to change my situation with my Aquarian. He had been doing everything I wanted, however he said something to me this weekend that made our situation change. I let him know that it would be better to keep our "friendship" platonic because all the other stuff was misleading and hurtful to me. I have not contacted him for a couple days and I don't plan to. I hate to say it but I am done, done. I would love to say that in the future things will be right but my wait is over. It was fun for the most part while it lasted and now it's time for me to concentrate on me and move on. It's all been more work than I can handle right now. I have even been questioning my love for him. I guess I saw what I chose to see and dismissed the rest because he was so good to me. I had to realize that being good to women is what they do. I wasn't special at all. Of course he said that I was and that I was in a different category than others but what does that really mean when you break it all down. Oh well...

foolishly optimistic
by: Anonymous aquarius

it sounds pretty bad for aquarian men right now. we give our love and its just not enough well thats why most of us dont like relationships. well theres always two sides to everything. personally ive always hated giving my all to have it thrown in my face like it wasnt good enough, but that was my viewpoint. im sure it was different for the other. i guess neither one ends up being right, just end up thinking about themselves. hopefully itll be different this time.

Scorp42 and AA
by: Life Is Good

Scorp42, I haven't given up on him...BUT I'm not going to chase him like some sick puppy either. He said that he's not ready for a relationship/commitment right now and probbably for a long time. Then he puts a spin on and says that he could be wrong and fall in love again. Well when your actions continue to say that you don't want to be bothered, then I have nothing else to go on. I do still love him and for now will see if his words and action finally meet and he realizes I am the one he wants to be with for the rest of his life. Keep your head up! Dreams still come true!

Some of you guys are tooooooo much for us to take. I think if I hadn't just gotten divorce and he wasn't someone who had played a very important part in my decision, I would have called it quits a longgggg time ago with him. I am so trying to be patient but when he keeps making plans and then cancels without even an explanation and or an apology (which is later and doesn't always seem really sincere but something to say just because I'm upset), what is a person to do or think. It is just common courtesy to pick up the phone or text or email, Plans have changed, I can't make it. Duh??!! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. I have told him time and time again that I am not like the women he has none in his life. Being honest, I mean brutally honest (straight up without a twist, cut throat, brutally honesty) will have me respect you more than anything. Some people want you to tell them what it is they think you want to hear...I just want to know what it is you're thinking from the heart.
Heck, we live miles away from each other. How would having a relationship or communicating with me make him feel that he doesn't have freedom??? It seems like he has this battle going on within himself that maybe he'd like to see if there is something there but when the opportunity arrives he retreats back in his shell because he doesn't have a definite answer for the future, he doesn't want to hurt me, or thinks I may hurt him. Its a little emotionally draining. In my heart I think we could be great together. He once said I was his alter ego and I think we compliment each other in the right areas. In where I am weak, he's strong and visa versa.
I love him and only want what's best for him...PERIOD! Whether that's me, another woman, or him to stay single is his call. I just need to know where I stand and if he can't figure it out, its best I move on and not waste my time. Never have wanted to be where I'm not needed or wanted.

by: Scorp42

LIG, I am getting just the opposite of what you are getting. He is saying not now and his actions are "right now" so to speak. Not more than 2 hours after I made my last post I got an unexpected call from my Aquarian. He was wondering what was going on with me and how I was doing. I said I was doing fine and he could hear in my voice I was fine. He then told me that he was coming to see me. Mind you he had just spent the night with me 2 days prior. We decided to keep our relationship platonic, or so we thought. We had a romantic night drinking wine, watching movies and laughing together. The platonic thing went out the window and that was on both our parts.

This morning he said it was his fault and I said it was mine. All that to say I finally get it!!! Yes I love him with all my heart, however I don't feel the same way I did about him and I no longer put all my focus on him. I don't text him or call much at all and have started seeing other people so to speak. Now I get where he is coming from. I have fun with my new friends but when it comes to romance,sex, passion and spiritual closeness that's what I get from my Aquarian. He's not ready for the full commitment and now neither am I but we still keep coming back to each other. I finally feel what he feels and understand.

Wow and it took a whole year for me to get it. When he's ready I will be here and in the mean time our friendship is growing so very strong. He said I am the only one he can really talk to w/o judgement and he needs that. AA I get the "relax" part finally. I feel so liberated today. I haven't given up I just woke up!! He does have a women in his life that contacts him constantly and it drives him nuts. I've noticed the more stalky/clingy she gets the more he wants to spend time with me. I REFUSE to be like that. He may get a text from me every few days if he doesn't beat me to it, which he usually does. I get a phone call from him almost daily. I have noticed that he does love the attention, not sure if it's a self asteem thing or not but he does not get that kind of attention from me and it's drawing him closer. When he comes around I am happy to see him and treat him the same way I treat my other close male friends. It is all unintentional it's just the way I feel now and it works. Now I get why he would vanish for a day or two or say things to push me a way a bit. It made my feelings change for him and I think I am now where he wanted me to be before. Funny how things happen. I wish I could explain in more detail but my post is already too long.

Re: Scorp42 WOW
by: LIG

I am happy for you and wish you the best. :-D

As for me, time will tell. I feel like we haven't been given a chance because we still haven't sat down face to face and really talk and spend time together like everyone else has. Maybe it will happen and maybe it won't. I haven't initiated communications with him for a few days and think that's how I'll keep it.

Other than that, it is what it is...

BUT Life is still Good!

by: Aqua Girl

I know I haven't been too intense with my Aqua. I Don't contact him anymore and he doesn't contact me. I'm ok with it. I did what I could. We were never really that close anyway. Still getting to know each other. Seems like he was starting to like me, not sure why he would just run for the hills. Guys are too much work.

by: Anonymous aquarius

scorp42 im happy for you. i was trying to tell you that it would be better for you to be yourself. you dont need to worry about your aquarius you just need to take care of yourself thatll make him love you more. so yeah just relax and have fun it makes it easier and probably move faster

lig you seem too sweet for this guy to be pulling this nonsense he must have been hurt real bad by someone and now hes gonna end up hurting himself if he doesnt snap out of it. i hope it gets better for you

as for myself im done with my foolishly optimstic relationship i knew it was doomed but i thought it could work but now im getting ready for my scorpio friend
i bid you all farewell

Re: Relax by AA
by: Life Is Good

Thank you for the kind words. Hopefully he will snap out of it before its too late. Only time will tell. I pray that all goes well with your Scorpio. :-D

For Anonymous Aquarian
by: Scorp42

AA, just be aware that with your Scorpio mean what you say and say what you mean. If you are going to be your charming self she will start to fall deeply in love with you. Make sure you tell her that you are not ready for any commitment and explain yourself. It will save you and her a lot of grief. Then you should have smooth sailing.

AA...I agree with Scorp42
by: Life Is Good

AA, I have to agree with Scorp 42. Please, PLEASE Always be honest and open with her. If you care for her, and I think you do, be willing to put what you feel in action even when you feel like going the opposite way at times.

My Aqua was hurt very badly and when he will be willing to let it go...I don't know. For now I will just enjoy my life and take things one day at a time.

I wish you the best.

lig and scorp42
by: Anonymous aquarius

thank you ladies i will definatly make sure i cumminicate clearly. im hoping this will be the last time i have to do this because im tired of being disappointed and i sure dont want to disappoint her because her and i always got along great.

may god bless you all

For Anonymous Aquarian
by: Scorp42

AA please keep us posted with your situation with your Scorpio. I am sure there will be instances that you will wonder what in the world is she thinking. We can help you with that. I feel like a little kid, I am so hoping that you and you Scorpio make it. If you two are anything like me and my Aquarian the smiles just won't stop. And to think I had to wait a year and cause myself so much suffering to get to the place of fun and bliss I am at now! I feel like I owe all of you for the support, advice and entertainment. One day we will all have to pick a vacation spot for a weekend and all meet. I feel as if I know you all anyway. Here is to AA and the wonderful ride he is about to take with his Scorpio. I wish my Aquarian had a Scorpio to give him advice in the early days. Oh well... Everything happens for a reason.

To All
by: Aqua Girl

Hey Everyone. I wish you all the Best as well. I'm still trying to hang on. Haven't heard anything yet. Very strange if you ask me. Oh well... : (

For Aqua Girl
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, it may be time for you to give in a little and contact him. Both of you are being very stubborn and someone has to be the one to give in a little. With all this time he may think you have absolutely no interest in him now. If I were you I would go so far as to give him a call. Come on, if you think he is a good guy give him a little chance. Both of you are probably thinking the same thing about each other and both of you will never contact each other.

Hope, we haven't heard from you in a while. What's happening in your world?

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

Thanks Girl. I appreciate the response. I seem to be the one that always has to make contact first. It was never that way in the beginning. I'm tired of it. The last time I did, we had made plans and they got broken, again. I know it was for a good reason, but I never made contact after that and still haven't heard anything.

I do like him and we laugh like crazy when we are together, but I am sick of chasing people. When you get blown off more times then you actually see each other and no return calls, it's time to give up. At least that's how I feel.

If he really liked me why the heck wouldn't he contact me? Even if it was just to say hi...? Usually if you don't hear from someone, that means they don't want to be bothered...

Then Again he was getting the mood swings and crazy questions. WTF??

Dang You Scorp42...! LOL FINE! He has one more chance, but that's it! ;-)..

For Aqua Girl
by: Scorp42

There you go. Aquagirl here is my philosophy. If I want to know if you are interested in me or don't want to be bothered, "I ask." I am blunt and I let them know, listen if you are not interested or don't want to be bothered let me know. I learned that assuming things doesn't get you anywhere. I felt the same way you are feeling in the beginning. It was more of a pride thing with me. I had the attitude that if he didn't make all the effort forget him. There were more fish in the sea and his loss. But internally I knew that I had to bend a little and work at it because this man was different. I refused to settle for the half/@$$ed men that tell you what you want to hear and are under your feet all the time. But when they weren't around they were whores and being a gentleman was something they had no clue about. I had to think do I want to go back to that or probe into this man that was different. I swallowed my pride and contacted him and let him know that he was important to me and I wanted to know more. I know I am rambling but something inside me tells me to let you know that as sick of being the one to contact men makes you, realize that we women think differently than men do. Hang in there and bend a little. Then if he persists with the breaking plans don't just get angry about it, let him know exactly how you feel and that you feel there is no need to talk to each other because he is not being a true friend. Then move on. Aquagirl say what you mean and mean what you say. So important. Hope that helps.

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

Yeh you are right. All I can do is try. It's just very frustrating. I do kinda miss him. I guess at this point I have nothing to lose. It's just hard knowing how to say things around these darn Aquas... We take things so much different then other people and we get scared quick! I just don't understand why it has to be this hard.

For Aqua Girl
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, If the tables were turned what would you want him to say to you? That's what I would say to him. Just do what you would want him to do for you. I bet it will work.

Hardest thing I have had to do in a while
by: Aqua Girl

OMG... Ok Scorp42 I took your advice. I told him how I felt! That was a BIG step for me and almost did me in. I still feel like it was a dream. I was sick about it. Now I regret it. He said he really likes me, but he isn't ready for a relationship right now...

And that was it. Nothing else.

I feel like I'm in high school. I never get like this. I'm always the one that runs for the Hills.

Well I guess that's all folks. Probably just his way of letting me down easy. I should have known, because I am always the one that contacts him first. He will respond most of the time, but he hardly makes any effort to contact me.

I guess I'm a little disappointed because I know how great we would be together, but at least I know now. Before I got too head over heels for him and really got hurt. Funny thing is, I didn't even want anything serious until I got to know him better. Oh well. His loss. I wish him the best and pray he is happy doing what he does.
I feel relieved now.

For Aqua Girl
by: Scorp42

Okay Aquagirl, I don't understand why you regret telling him how you felt and you are releaved at the same time. I would rather tell someone how I really feel and take a chance that it may work then spend my life wondering what could have been if I had only spoken up. If I want something I go for it. If I fail oh well, no regrets on my part and on to something else.

I know this has nothing to do with anything we have been taking about but I have found that Gemini's are a great match for me as well. Anyway just had to throw that in.

by: Aqua Girl

Oops. I meant to say I regret not saying it earlier. Guess I forgot to finish my statement.. lol

Yeh. It will be okay. If it's meant to be, it will be. The timing is just alittle off I guess.

Just Stopping Through
by: Life Is Good

Hello Everyone!
Just wanted to stop by and say hello. Things are the same with my Aqua...But its ok. I did email him though because there is a Scorp who has shown some interest in me and he was questioning me about my Aqua. He asked why we still weren't communicating if we were just friends. I had to laugh to myself and said I really don't know. So I emailed my Aqua and told him what was going on and asked him to be honest about what he thought of me and our friendship and what it was that I did to make him go into his shell. I am awaiting his response. Do I think he will?? I would like for him to do so...BUT I am not holding my breath. LOL

Even though I still love him and miss communicating with him, I am finding my way back to me and the person I am/have become over the past 14 years. Now that I am single again, I am learning to not be in marital mind mode but start to enjoy what "ALL THE SINGLE LADIES" do! LOL

I am beginning to enjoy the scenery...

Life is Good........ :-D

Feeling Hurt
by: Scorp42

This weekend has been such a turning point in my so called relationship with my Aquarian. There has been a guy that has been relentless wanting to get to know me and take me out. I talked to my Aquarian about him this weekend. My Aquarian told me to start dating and that it was okay. It hurt me so badly when he said that to me. He said that we would talk more about it today, but I haven't heard from him yet. He sent me a couple text messages last night. However I didn't respond to either of them. I couldn't talk to him last night and i am not sure I can talk to him anytime soon. Ironically I gave my number to the guy that has been relentless wanting to be in my life. After talking to him for an hour last night turns out he is an Aquarius too! Uhh... He is older and is the total opposite of my Aquarian. He has all the gentlemanly qualities and all that stuff but he is as clingy a man as I have ever met. OMG! 16 text's and 4 phone calls last night. 6 text's and 3 phone calls today. I explained my situation last night and how much in love I am with my Aquarian and I am not ready for all of that. I have been hanging out with male friends of mine but not dating, dating. I think I will forget about dating all together and go back to the single life. It's all been way too much for me to handle. I'm exhausted and emotionally drained. I have no more love to give.

Feeling Hurt
by: Life Is Good

Awww Fooooey!
Us Scorpios ALWAYS have love to give! It seems we are all going through this phase...this is my only explanation. Whatever/WHOEVER God has for us, is for us!!! If things are working, its because there is something better. Believe that!

Now go pout, scream, kick, cry....get it all out and then get up brush your self off and then LIVE LIFE LIKE NEVER BEFORE!!! :-D


by: Aqua Girl

Yeh... What she said. lol

OMG Another Aquarian... Geez. Mine did all that calling stuff in the beginning too, but it didn't mean anything. That wears off after a while.
Especially when you start to show interest in him.

Anyway, I'm sorry that happened. Just enjoy your life and get out there and see what you see. You never know, this new guy could be the one or the old Aqua may come back. What ever is meant to be, it will be. Just make sure you keep your eyes open... You have given me a lot of great advice and I really do feel better now that I have told him how I felt. At least I know now. I was upset for a little bit, but I'm not about to waste my time on him and miss out on a great opportunity some where else, and you shouldn't either.

Put your F**k'em dress on and get out in the crowd again... LOL

Cheer up Sweetie.. It must just be the "Aqua Man" down time right now, cause they are ALL trippin.

Thanks Ladies
by: Scorp42

Thanks Aquagirl and LIG. Each day I feel a bit better and better. The new Aqua is a nice guy but... I am so not ready to start anything up with anyone at this point. I know my Aqua is going through some really deep things again and is such a lost soul. I'm angry with him but I now understand why he said that. He told me earlier that he can't give me what I need right now, which he can't so I have decided to just lay low and devote my energy into a couple projects I have going on. It just hurts and I will soon get over it. Life is good and it may take me a little bit but I will be okay soon. I will keep you posted as to my situation. My Aquarian still has the keys to my place and has a lot of his things there as well. I will need some closure or gosure soon so we will see.

Ahhh.. and he returns
by: Aqua Girl

Silence is GOLDEN!... lol

How are you ladies (And Aqua Man) doing? What's going on with everyone..?

Crazy Week
by: Scorp42

This week has been so crzy for me. First off the new Aqurian... NO WAY!!!! He scares me. I just gave him my number 5 days ago. This man has already told me that he is ready to settle down and get married and that he will wait till he is gray for me if he has to. He has described the things he likes to do including sexually etc... Eeeek... I haven't so much as shook this guys hand. SEX? Oh hell No!!! LOL.

Anyway my Aquarian has been texting me everyday asking how I am doing. For the last 3 or 4 days he got one word answers from me. Well yesterday he asked what was wrong. I asked isn't it obvious to you? Later in the night I text'd that he broke my heart. He said he is still here for me and always will. I didn't answer so 2 hours later he text'd again that he was there. I replied and asked if he really meant it when he told me to see others. He sent a lengthy reply that yes I deserve someone that will be there for me every day when I get home and someone to take me out every weekend and give me all the affection I needed. Of course I lost it a bit and kind of let him have it and told him GoodBye. I said I wanted my keys and I would give him his things right away. I think it surprized him but I meant it. He told me to calm down and that he never said he didn't love me or that he didn't want our friendship. F----NG FRIENDSHIP! I hate that word. I replied a lot of stuff some of it was about him being locked up in his world and not allowing me to love him etc... Anyway, we both went to sleep after that and I got an early morning text good morning and he will be at my place to see me after we both get off work. I still have mixed feelings about the whole thing and am prepared for the worst still. I will let you know tomorrow what becomes of tonight.

Scorp42 & Everyone
by: Aqua Girl

It's like he is afraid to lose you, but he isn't sure in his own head that he is ready for all of the emotional demands of a relationship.
That's why when you start getting close and more emotional towards him he backs up because it scares him, but then when you back away, he gets closer to you.

I realized today I have an issue and it's gonna take a very special man to deal with me. (Probably another Aqua) In my head what I consider a "relationship" is more like a Best Friend to others. I want the fun, playfulness, affection, kisses, Great Sex, going out and having a great time. The laughs and joking around, But what scares me is giving up my freedom. What I mean by that is, I have a lot of friends and most are guys. I know with most men, they don't like a girl that has a lot of guy friends so they get controlling and want you to make a choice between them or your friends. I don't feel for my guy friends other then a friend so I don't see it as a problem. Not everyone feels that way. I also don't want all the questions about where I have been and why I haven't called and blah blah blah... When I want to be alone, I just do it just because I need a break and I don't want someone stuck up my tail end 24-7 wanting to know what the heck is wrong with me. If something was wrong I would tell you.
I guess when I say I want something more serious, it's a little different then what the average person would think.
I finally heard from my Aqua today and pretty much told him the same thing. I haven't heard back yet on my last response to him, but I know he gets it. I can tell he misses me and I miss him to death... I just hope we can find a happy medium.

i need to relax
by: Anonymous aquarius

hello all
aqua girl i feel the same way when it comes to relationships. its feels like after the attraction and the begining of the relationship are established its like they expect me to change who i am like i were a good starting point for them to finish. well i say i gotta be what i am i dont fit in the box theyre tring to stuff me in. its not totally fair for me to feel that way because as scorp42 said about her aquarian i know i havent been able to let someone love me back, for me it was always what i could do and give. i have been thinking about that lately and im just gonna have to relax and let love in. the waterbearer has to learn he needs water like everyone else.

by: Aqua Girl

Yes you are right. They try to mold you into some little puppet that they have in the back of their head... I hate that. I am me! I'm gonna continue to be me and if you want to ride along that's fine, if not you need to kick rocks. I would rather be alone then be controlled.
I understand changing a little and letting love in and all that, but I shouldn't have to change who I am. I have also been the one that always gives and gives and don't want anything in return, but I'm learning to let that go a little. Just a little. lol

I think that my Aqua man is the same way and he doesn't really know me yet, so he probably thinks I am one of those very people that I can't stand myself.

I'm hoping after today he gets it. I don't want to change and I don't want to change anyone else. It's very scary to let your guard down like that. I know it is. We both just need to relax a little and see what happens. I miss my Aqua so much, but I know we are both on the fence right now..

Hope it works out for you all.. Scorp42- I can't wait to hear what the heck happened tonight...

LIG and Hope- Where the heck are you???

I'm Here
by: Life Is Good

Hey Everyone,
I can't speak for Hope, but I am here. I too, heard from my Aqua man. LOL. Will the pattern for us ever end?? Just when I was getting used to him not being in my life, he pops back up. Only this time, I actually get it. He apologized for actions and actually explained why he has done the things he's done. Well, I actually knew and understood before he told me. Its nice to know that my intuition wasn't off. But as for my feelings...I still love him and want to be there for him and I told him that. BUT he has to realize that I am not like the other women he has had in his life. I am not trying to change him and don't want him to try and change me. I just want a true friendship in which we are their for each other in any situatiion. I told him that I am not ready to share with others about my life what I shared with him. My wall is up and I just plan to enjoy being me, meeting people, and enjoy the scenery. I now will be playing it by ear. No expectations... Life is Good!

I pray all goes well for everyone.

Hey Hey
by: Aqua Girl

Hello All,

All Aquas must run on the same time. Must be something in the stars... lol Seems like they all come around during the same time and they all Poof during the same time. I guess I'm no different. lol

I do have a Sag man that is interested in me. I read up on his sign and he seems very clingy. I talked to him and he is indeed clingy. One of those nice types that wants to do everything under the moon for a lady. lol I guess that's not a bad thing, but I can't handle too much. I like it when a man is a man and does nice things for me, but not over the top. He seems very serious about being with someone, so of course it's freaking me out! I knew this was going to happen. As soon as I take my mind off my Aqua Boo, someone else would pop up and then Aqua would come back into the picture. I wish he would just STAY in the picture. What I love about Aqua man is he gives me the space I need and doesn't stress me, but it's too much space. If he could just pull in closer, just a little closer it would be a nice touch. I don't like too many people so he should feel special that I even changed my mind about getting closer to him. I love spending time with him. He makes me laugh so much. We just chill and there is no stress. I'm not even asking for every single day, but this once a month or 2 stuff is for the birds. He just doesn't know what he is missing! The way we both feel about losing are freedom and space.. We would be perfect together. I know something is there, just wish he could open his eyes.
Oh Well. I care for him and I miss him, but it looks like I need to keep it moving. If I can't get what I want and need, looks like I need to let it go. Just hope he wakes up before that happens.

Glad to hear everything is good with you LIG.
Scorp42- I'm still waiting... lol
Where the Heck is Hope????

by: Scorp42

Aquagirl I'm still waiting too. He worked late last night and when he contacted me I was already sleeping. He called me twice today at my lunch time. We didn't really talk about anything. He said he would call me back when things on his job settled down. It's 8pm and I still haven't heard from him yet. Not holding my breath waiting either. I reconnected this week with someone that is very special to me and if things were different in his life right now I don't think my Aquarian would even be an issue. After talking to my long lost friend again I asked what sign he was as I had forgotten. He is a Gemini and the one thing we had was a serious connection. He just gets me. The fun we used to have was incredible and I didn't have to try and figure him out or tell him things that made me unhappy. He knew what made me tick and did it. He (Gemini Man) is trying to work out a way to come see me and it has me soooo excited that My Aquarian is now in the back of my mind. If he comes around then fine and if not oh well... Each day I feel less and less for my Aquarian and more and more like the old me. Even if my Gemini doesn't come see me I am still okay and the hurt from my Aquarian is getting less and less. If Aquarian would just disappear for a couple months that would be enough time for me to totally get my head on straight and things would be good. I guess some of the hurt is from a touch of loneliness, which I need to address. Besides that I think I am good.

Scorp42 & Everyone Else
by: Aqua Girl

Gemini's are fun.

Heard anything yet? Hope all is well. Speaking of HOPE where the heck is she???

Thought I had more to say tonight, but I guess I don't. Going back into the cave for a while.

Finally Had the Talk
by: Scorp42

Okay, after talking to my Aquarian I realized that I let my emotions get the best of me and almost made a huge mistake. I did clearly ask him if he wanted me to start dating someone else. He said to me when he read that he thought 2 things that I had either thought about seeing someone else or that I already had someone in the works. He said he answered my question based on that. He said after talking to me that he realized that it wasn't what I meant at all. He said I probably wanted to ask him if he still wanted me. I agreed with him as I sent the text purely on emotion. He explained that he has 3 really big things going on in his life right now that will change his entire life and he can't give me what I deserve right now. He did say that just because he can't give me what I deserve now doesn't mean he will never be able to. So I guess I am not the only one with patience. He has been extremely patient with me as well. He said he understands that I am an emotional person and he can deal with it. We decided to take it one day at a time. I understand his position and he understands mine. I told him that missing him and my emotion made me unhappy and the rest snowballed from there. It's a bit uncomfortable for us right now but we are good. The man loves me and I couldn't be more sure of that now. I will keep you all posted as to what happens next. I made a confession to him about something I wanted he and I to do that I wasn't clear on before, so let's see if we can get our stuff together and get it right.

I Do See a Pattern...
by: Life Is Good

Hello All!
Scorp42, isn't it funny that just when we decide to call it quits, we find out it was OUR emotions that almost made us mess up?? Well, this is why I say that 1-1 in the face communication is so important. Something I am still waiting for...sadly to say. The pattern we have is the one thought too many that has us to act out and/or think too deeply and it sends a negative/confused message to our Aquas. My Aqua said that when we had our BIG misunderstanding in June. I gets that's where our emotional side and their practical side meets/clashes. And the other pattern I see is that we were both talking about other men to them. You were talking about seeing other men and he had his spin on it, but it made him think about the possibilities of not having you in his life. He then still responds honestly, play on words, I call and let's you know he doesn't want you to go. My Aqua on the other hand, I communicated with him that there were 2 guys interested in me. One made a move that pissed me off that could have effected our relationship if we had spent time together a few weeks ago and I let the guy have it. And the other guy (a Scorp) and I had been having a few nice conversations, but he, meaning my Aqua, became the center of our conversation...therefore, I needed to know what I was doing that made him go into his shell and why we weren't communicating anymore if we were just friends. His explanation this time was clear and concise. I didn't have to guess or interpret what he meant. Both our Aquas; I think, saw there was a chance that another man may infringe on their benefits and had to put up or shut up. Your talk clarified what was going on and things were resolved. My communicating with my Aqua that I wasn't ready to share things that I had only told him with another man made him see that he still had a special place above the rest and he had to be straight up. They both saw we were at the breaking point and they had to do/say something to clearly express that they do care.
Don't get me wrong...I love that fact that my Aqua has been communicating with me more, BUT my wall is still up and I don't see it coming down for him or anyone else for a while. I am learning to contain my emotions/excitement with him because I never know when he is going to run back to his shell. If I was a woman who used profanity or wished illwill on other women who have hurt good men, I would be saying lot right now. Our Aquas are complicated men, but they are wonderful, loving, and giving. They really do need women like us to make them see their worth and feel loved and understood. For now...I plan to be their for my Aqua whether he's in or out his shell and he knows this.

AA and Aqua girl, what is your opinion of this pattern??

by: Aqua Girl

Scorp42- Thanks for sharing. Glad to hear things may be getting better for you... ; ) YEAH

Pattern.. Yes, like I said before. People want what they can't have! Especially us Aquas. This is in general: See You can say all day, I don't care or I won't miss him, I don't need him, Blah blah blah, not see him for a long time, and as long as there is no change in his world, you will be fine with that. But as soon as you hear of him with some girl or he has moved on... Oh No buddy. Not having it! Your stomach starts doing flips and there is a world of emotion that runs through your body. They feel the same way, but 10 times worse. Most all people are that way, but Aquas are worse. We can shut off emotionally and not look back, but as soon as we feel we are losing something that we care for, especially to someone else, we get put into check. If he didn't care, TRUST ME.. You would know it. He wouldn't be there. You would be cut off so quick. And that's the other problem. We can cut people off with a quickness. Even ones we care about. Of course they would have to do something pretty awful to get us to that point, but once we get there, it's done and we are gone. Now later on (Depending how much we really cared in the first place) we may feel bad about it, but because we are so damn stubborn, we will not be the first one to make a move. Most of the time anyway. That's how I am. I have a lot of stubborn pride.. lol

I haven't said anything to my Aqua about another man because I really don't have one at this point and I'm not going to make one up. Yes I have been approached, but I get approached everyday... I'm really not looking for anyone and I wasn't when I found Aqua Boo. He just happened to make me change my mind about where I wanted to spend my time.

Hope that helped.. Sounds more like I was rambling. Us Aquas tend to be all over the place at times.. lol

by: Life Is Good

Thanks Aqua Girl!

I do and can understand that...I think. LOL. Just seem like too much wasted energy for me. But if it floats your boat, then do what you gotta do. :-D

I am glad that this website is here because it does help when the level of frustration is rising beyond what I think I can bare. My Aqua Man is a great friend in whom I can laugh and be myself. I wouldn't change him or our friendship for all the money in the world.

Life is good..and its even better with him and all his stubborn and quirky ways in it!

Have a great weekend eneryone!!!

Crazy people in the world
by: Aqua Girl

LIG: Trust me. That's not how we "want" to float our boats.. lol That's just the way we are. It's not fun by all means and it's very emotionally draining, but it's who we are. (Most of us Aquas)

On another note, I have met a few guys in the past couple weeks. They are just coming out of the woodwork and They have all convinced me to stay in my cave... lol I have never in my life met so many men that were So emotional, clingy and sensitive in my life! WTF? They are suppose to be MEN! I said one little thing to someone and he went off on me with a 2 page email about how offended he was and indirectly calling me names and saying that some of the stuff I said was high school... I don't know him so I told him I wasn't comfortable giving him my Facebook page and he flipped.. Are you freakin serious..? That doesn't sound high school to me so I don't know why he would take it that way. That's just being careful. There are a lot of scary people out there these days, I don't want them knowing everything about me until I get to know them and even then they won't know it all...

Spiritual Journey
by: Scorp42

Well all, I am hanging in there. My Aquarian and I have been in contact with each other every day. We have been keeping it light and pleasant. Last night he revealed a bit more about what it is that he is doing. He is on a serious spriritual journey and can not be around me like he would like to. I am a temptation which I totally understand and accept. I am all for anyone getting closer to God!! He came to my rescue this weekend and drove 2 hours to help me. It took him and hour and a half to complete what I needed from him then another 2 hours back home. I was so thankful for what he did and I also got the joy of watching him do it. He said later that night to me via phone as I was thanking him again for what he did that as he said before he will ALWAYS be here for me! He still answers all my text in a timely manner and always answers my calls or call me right back. Surprizing but refreshing. I miss him like crazy because we no longer spend nights together but because of his absence my walk with God has become that much closer as well. All things happen for a reason and I must be thankful.

Pattern and Spiritual Journey
by: Life Is Good

Hey Everyone!

I have just returned from my last official vacation of the summer and I am really feeling rejuvenated. I spent a few days with a few of my Family and friends and communicated with My Aqua Man the whole weekend which you know was the icing on the cake for me. He initiated conversations and that made me feel that he finally was settling down some. I am taking everything at face value now and trying not to read anything into what he does or saids. I know he may still go in his shell and I am starting to make myself comfortable with that. He knows that I am here for him as a friend and confidante and that's how it will be until he wants more OR I am pursued by a more worthy male who is worthy of my undivided attention. Right now I am going to concentrate on my walk with God and work...while having fun and enjoying LIFE!

Now for you Scorp42...I am happy for you and your Aqua Man. Growing closer to God is the BEST thing either of us can do. I know now that my spiritual life had a lot to do with some of the confusion my Aqua and I was having. He wanted what he wanted but was trying to respect me at the same time. I think we are more closer to being on the same page when it comes to us understanding each other's way of life. He knows I am who I am because of the Love I have for God, therefore we both benefit. I pray for him every day and night and don't mind telling him that I do and I also share Godly wisdom that I have learned. He understands that I am not trying preach at him or make him into this MAN OF FAITH before he is ready. I still want him to be him and learn to love God as much or more than I do. I think you having a man of faith will be the answer to your dreams... :-D. Just imagine having an Aquarius who loves the Lord....Umh! Umh! Umh! You ain't seen nothing yet!!!
LOL. Life will be more than you could imagine! Life is Good!

Spiritual Journey
by: Aqua Girl

Awe. That's awesome for both of you. I'm glad things are starting to turn around for you both.

I still haven't had much change with mine. I have been focusing on me and doing my own thing as always. I don't think about him as much because I have been keeping myself busy.

I do miss him so much, but I'm starting to get use to the distance. Even if nothing comes of it, I'm just thankful that I had the time with him that I did. It has taught me A LOT of patience and understanding that's for sure. He is the first one in a while that even made me want to get closer to someone. I guess that's what hurts the most.

Thanks Scorp42 for pushing me and giving me the courage to say what I had to say to him. I was so scared to tell him how I felt, but at least he knows and I do feel much better. I know now if nothing happens between us, it wasn't because I didn't speak up.

by: Scorp42

I have done a lot of soul searching this past week and weekend. My Aquarian/Scorpio romance is over for good. I still love him and will be his friend until the day God snatches me off this earth. I came to the conclusion a while ago that love is not supposed to hurt. I have shed more tears for my Aquarian than any other man in my entire life. Yes he is a GREAT man and when he decides that settling down is what he really wants to do then he will make someone a damn good man, just not me. The yearning for him that I had is gone and I can't get it back. I smile because I had the chance to have such a wonderful man so closely in my life. Problem is if I was faced with the decision to be with my Aquarian or my Gemini, I would choose my Gemini every time. He just gets me in every way. I am single and not looking to get involved with anyone anytime soon but God has given me such an inner peace now that there is no way I would ruin it by jumping back on the emotional rollercoaster. I know I have said before several times that I was done, however I am not done with my Aquarian I will treasure him for the rest of my life just not romantically ever again. Man I'm tired, this experience has been one for the record books.

I remember reading a post on another site from a few Scorpio women on dating an Aquarius man. All of the said RUN and fast. I was thinking these women are crazy! Now I know exactly what they meant! LOL What a story I have to tell. Love all you guys and I will still read posts here daily. I feel so damned free now. I can't explain it but for him to not have that hold/spell on me anymore feels so freeing. Don't get me wrong I am thankful for the experience but I am more thankful that it is finally over in my heart! For the first time EVER he asked if he could come over and spend some time with me last night and I said NO. I didn't explain why or elaborate on it, I just said NO. He sent back OK and I went on with my night. I pray for the best for all of you and still support all all of you with whatever comes your way.

by: Anonymous aquarius

scorp42 this sounds a little cold to me. now that you found your gemini suddenly you realise your aquarian isnt good enough. i hope you were blunt and honest and told him he wasnt good enough for you. because come on if the gemini didnt come along you would still be talking about your aquarius. my guess is the same thing will happen with your gemini youll get tired of him as well and turn it around on him.

Many Blessings Scorp42
by: Life Is Good

All I can say is I wish you all the best Scorp42. I know this Scorp/Aqua combination can be a rollercoater ride and draining, so if you have someone whether he be an Aquarian, Gemini, or who...I just wish you many blessings. Everyone deserves to love and be loved in the manner that desire.

Now, Aqua girl I am like you....Where is Hope??? And how are you doing?

AA, how are things with you and your Scorpio?

Since I am back to work, I am trying not to think of my Aqua too much. Yesterday, I was a little stressed and attempted to contact him in hopes of a little stressfree time, but he was quiet on the scene. I was a little disappointed but I'm OK now. Will just be in MY SHELL for a few days. I'm sure he has plenty of friends who he can call on. LOL. Well, gotta get ready for my day. LIfe is Good!

by: Scorpio 29

found this forum last week by chance... and followed your thoughts since... just wanted to say: I understand your last comment one hundred percent. AA doesn´t really know what these men make us go through. Yes we love their honesty, their naivité in many things and yes: they do make wonderful friends but romantically? I´ve been on and off with an Aquarius for 5 1/2 years... and yes I do love this man dearly but I also thought this we that I just can´t do it anymore,,, I know that he loves me but I also know that he´s not really aware of it. It´s always about him and though he calls and sees me regulary whenever he talks of his future - I´m not in it. I gave so many things up for him.. and if I get involved with somebody else.. I guess he´ll suffer like crazy... but even if I would "return" to him.. after two weeks- he wouldn´t be able to deal with it anymore... and disappear.. been there, done that..
I don´t know if I´ll ever love sb as much as I loved him.. but this "relationship" needs so much attenetion and bears so much frustration, lonliness etc..
and I know I canbe a much better friend to him again when I AM HAPPY again..
so to cut a long story short: Scorpio42: I understand you perfectly, your words could be mine.. and even if the Gemini might not be Mr Perfect.. for some time it´s as least Fun, easygoing... and not energy-draining-rollercoaster-riding!

by: Scorpio 29

found this forum last week by chance... and followed your thoughts since... just wanted to say: I understand your last comment one hundred percent. AA doesn´t really know what these men make us go through. Yes we love their honesty, their naivité in many things and yes: they do make wonderful friends but romantically? I´ve been on and off with an Aquarius for 5 1/2 years... and yes I do love this man dearly but I also thought this we that I just can´t do it anymore,,, I know that he loves me but I also know that he´s not really aware of it. It´s always about him and though he calls and sees me regulary whenever he talks of his future - I´m not in it. I gave so many things up for him.. and if I get involved with somebody else.. I guess he´ll suffer like crazy... but even if I would "return" to him.. after two weeks- he wouldn´t be able to deal with it anymore... and disappear.. been there, done that..
I don´t know if I´ll ever love sb as much as I loved him.. but this "relationship" needs so much attenetion and bears so much frustration, lonliness etc..
and I know I canbe a much better friend to him again when I AM HAPPY again..
so to cut a long story short: Scorpio42: I understand you perfectly, your words could be mine.. and even if the Gemini might not be Mr Perfect.. for some time it´s as least Fun, easygoing... and not energy-draining-rollercoaster-riding!

by: Scorpio 29

found this forum last week by chance... and followed your thoughts since... just wanted to say: I understand your last comment one hundred percent. AA doesn´t really know what these men make us go through. Yes we love their honesty, their naivité in many things and yes: they do make wonderful friends but romantically? I´ve been on and off with an Aquarius for 5 1/2 years... and yes I do love this man dearly but I also thought this we that I just can´t do it anymore,,, I know that he loves me but I also know that he´s not really aware of it. It´s always about him and though he calls and sees me regulary whenever he talks of his future - I´m not in it. I gave so many things up for him.. and if I get involved with somebody else.. I guess he´ll suffer like crazy... but even if I would "return" to him.. after two weeks- he wouldn´t be able to deal with it anymore... and disappear.. been there, done that..
I don´t know if I´ll ever love sb as much as I loved him.. but this "relationship" needs so much attenetion and bears so much frustration, lonliness etc..
and I know I canbe a much better friend to him again when I AM HAPPY again..
so to cut a long story short: Scorpio42: I understand you perfectly, your words could be mine.. and even if the Gemini might not be Mr Perfect.. for some time it´s as least Fun, easygoing... and not energy-draining-rollercoaster-riding!

by: Scorpio 29

found this forum last week by chance... and followed your thoughts since... just wanted to say: I understand your last comment one hundred percent. AA doesn´t really know what these men make us go through. Yes we love their honesty, their naivité in many things and yes: they do make wonderful friends but romantically? I´ve been on and off with an Aquarius for 5 1/2 years... and yes I do love this man dearly but I also thought this we that I just can´t do it anymore,,, I know that he loves me but I also know that he´s not really aware of it. It´s always about him and though he calls and sees me regulary whenever he talks of his future - I´m not in it. I gave so many things up for him.. and if I get involved with somebody else.. I guess he´ll suffer like crazy... but even if I would "return" to him.. after two weeks- he wouldn´t be able to deal with it anymore... and disappear.. been there, done that..
I don´t know if I´ll ever love sb as much as I loved him.. but this "relationship" needs so much attenetion and bears so much frustration, lonliness etc..
and I know I canbe a much better friend to him again when I AM HAPPY again..
so to cut a long story short: Scorpio42: I understand you perfectly, your words could be mine.. and even if the Gemini might not be Mr Perfect.. for some time it´s as least Fun, easygoing... and not energy-draining-rollercoaster-riding!

by: Life Is Good

Just want to say hello and welcome to our world Scorp 29! Please continue to share with the ones who are still trying to be patient with our Aquas and Scorps! :-D

For Anonymous Aquarian
by: Scorp42

AA, you are totally misunderstanding what I said. Let me recap a few things for you and maybe you will understand a bit better. I had not spoken to my Gemini friend in over 3 years and had not heard from him until long after I decided to let it all go with my Aquarian. If you remember my Aquarian told me a while back that he could not give me what I needed and I needed to start dating and find someone to give me the attention and affection that I needed. He could not give that to me. He said I deserved better. That broke my heart but I had to face reality. It took me a week to come out of my massive depression from that. All the while I had not seen my Aquarian, a text here and there or a phone call here and there. I am not blind nor a fool. He loves me yes but does not, AA I repeat does not want a commitment. We have known each other for 2 years and were in a so called relationship for 1 year. How damned long was I supposed to wait while I got affection and attention rationed out to me as he saw fit. Sometimes he would go a couple weeks before he would see me. I made effort to see him but it's not what he wanted. He would always talk around things instead of being direct and saying what he needed to say. You will never understand AA because you are not a Scorpio. Aquarians want what they want and when they want it and if it can't be the way they want it they run. You know exactly what I am talking about. The relationship was emotionally too much. The only thing I can compare it to was the ups and downs of dealing with a sibling with alcoholizm. When she was sober it was a natural high for me and I just knew in my heart that she was done with alcohol and I got my sister back. Then all of a sudden back to drinking and the emotional toll was far too much. AA I am not knocking Aquarians they just are not for me. I am crying right now as I type this because it still hurts so deeply. One day AA when you have an emotional meltdown about something, and trust me it will happen, think of how it feels to you and you will know what it feels like to me. I am dying inside but I have to do what I have to for my sanity and heart.

For Scorpio 29
by: Scorp42

Thank you so much for understanding where I am coming from. You having been through the rollercoaster ride yourself for 5 1/2 years. I am a patient person but at my age it was all too much. I was less lonely when I was by myself. AA doesn't understand that us Scorpios crave to be with the ones we love and often. I would have walked mikes barefoot in the rain just to be in the same room with my Aquarian and he never understood that. He thought that it was a woman thing to want to be with the one you love and the man needed space. I gave him space and space and space and space and space. How could it have been a man thing when all the other men I know that have had great friendships with me actually wanted to spend time with me and often. When someone makes you happy when youare with them why wouldn't you want to be around them. Being happy is a good thing. Oh well what else can I say. Scorpio 29 it's comforting to know that there is someone else that is going through what I am going through so I am not alone, even though it is horrible. Lord help us and help the Aquarian men to understand just a bit better.

by: Anonymous aquarius

scorp42 im sorry if that post was a little blunt. i really wish you the best. i must tell you i dont do long absences in relationships so i dont understand why other aquarians do it but trust me were not all like that. im a scorpio rising and a scorpio moon so i have a lot of scorpio tendancies and emotions. my problems have always been giving everything in a relationship and being let down by a girl that was never happy it seems the more i tried the less she cared. but that was me. i think my scorpio and i will do well. scorp42 ill say a prayer for you because i think your a sweet lady and i think the only happiness you can have for a while is with God. take care scorp42.

by: Aqua Girl

Can't we all just get along???? LOL

Glad you made up. I was getting worried. ; )

WHERE THE HECK IS HOPE??????? Hunny where are you??

by: Life Is Good

Aqua Girl, You are too funny! LOL Things must be going well for Hope.I think she has been converted to a FULL BLOWN AQUARIUS!!! LOL..

AA, I wish some of your ways would rub off on my Aqua friend. He's in one day and out the next- just like a revolving door at IHOP at breakfast time. LOL Even though I do understand and can sympathize, it still hurts when you just want to have someone to chat with and they go the opposite way. It seems that the mood has to hit them just to be sympathtic to someone who's always there for them. If I didn't love/care for him...HE would have been history 6 months ago.

by: Anonymous aquarius

aqua girl i think i came off sounding a little mean. i didnt intend to. i just totaly saw her relationship ending after she said that she found out geminis are a good match for her. it made my suspicious mind go off and that was before she mentioned her gemini friend. im not saying she wasnt right for getting out of her relationship, but i think her relationship ended because of a third party, well isnt that how most people break up it doesnt come down to an astrological issue but a human issue. it sounds like she was test driving the two and she said that would infuriate her but she did it. i do wish her the best and i will pray for her.

by: Aqua Girl

No no.. If you look at the past posts.. Way back.. That's not how it was at all. Gemini's are good for me too though.. lol
Anywho, I know what she is feeling. I'm kinda going through the same thing with my Aqua Boo. We are still in the early stages. I wasn't ready for a relationship in the beginning, then I started feeling something for him and it made me change my mind. I told him how I felt and he said he wasn't ready. All of us girls on here have gone through almost the same things with our Aqua's. It really is rough and very emotionally draining. The only difference with me is, I kinda understand the Aqua way because I am one. Still doesn't make me feel any better. I do the same thing to guys, now I just know how it feels.

The strange part is, I don't want anything more serious with anyone else in general. He is the only one in a LONG time, that has made me feel this way. I haven't heard much from him, but I'm dealing with it. If he isn't ready, he just isn't ready. I can't force it.

I know Scorp42 can tell you better then me about her own situation, but I know she has been through some pretty emotional stages with her Aqua and for way longer then I have. I can understand why she is emotionally drained.

AA and Aquagirl
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl thanks for trying to explain the situation to AA. AA I am not mad at you at all. This forum is made to speak our minds. I guess I need to give a little background on my Gemini. There was no need to test drive him as I have loved that man for 4 years but due to circumstances beyond both of our control we had to end it 3 years ago. My Aquarian was the first man since my Gemini that I took down my wall for and let in. In the middle of me and my Aquarian's relationship he was doing everything right. Attentive, loving the whole 9 then things started to happen negatively in his life and instead of inclluding me he turned into a recluse. I got all of the hell that he didn't show anyone else. I had no problem with that becuase that is what you are supposed to do. I was 100% supportive of everything in his life except the masses of women calling and texting his phone.

Continual of my last post
by: Scorp42

I didn't really want to get into details before because my emotion was too raw. The real turning point for me was when my Aquarian was in bed with me and took a call from a women. UNCOOL! I let him know about how I felt about a few days later and of course him being who he is took it as jealousy. It was a matter of respect to me. So unlike him but I took it as a sign that he was trying to tell me something. Anyway inbetween time he was involved with the issues he was having so he came around less and less etc... The last time he was at my house he did it again and took a call from a women who had been texting him back to back for 30 minutes because he wouldn't respond. He didn't say anything when he took the call except that he was busy right then. It infuriated me that he disrespected me yet again. That's when I called him on everything he did that pissed me off. Well of course it was all probably too much for him but I had had enough. I made up my mind then I just needed to build up the strengnth to let him go. During this time he revealed that he couldn't give me what I needed etc... You all know the story. So once I decided to call it quits, return his things and get my keys it was very hurtful but we were nice to each other. He has no idea what was realling going on with me because I felt there was no reason to go into it with him. After about a week and in my darkest hour I got an email out of the blue from my Gemini. We talked about a lot of things including my situation with my Aquarian. He has been very supportive and a true friend to me. It just confirmed what I was already feeling and didn't want to admit. My Aquarian didn't really want to be in a relationship with me anymore and didn't want to tell me to save my feelings. I still resent the fact that he didn't have the balls so to speak to just tell me that. I have always told him to be upfront with me. He told me in several texts last week that he is still here and will always be here for me. WTH does that mean? Whatever! Anyway I am doing quite well. I have my good days and my bad days but all in all I know I did the best thing. I'm tired of love games and want to be with a man that actually wants to be with me. He was 100% right when he said I needed someone else. He did say he knows he can't be replaced but that I had needs he couldn't fill. Now that I have told a little more information I hope more of my story makes a little more sence. One should not be lonley if you have someone in you life. That just doesn't make sence to me and even though he would make me so high I would fly he would also snatch me out of the air and slam me to the ground over and over again.

I Understand...
by: Life Is Good

I am really feeling what you are saying Scorp42. Wow... I wish you all the best with your Gemini, I really do. I know having a relationship is hard work, but it shouldn't be hard labor.

My Aqua is back to his shell self and I am just trying to do me. Are there any Aqua Males out there that can answer these questions????...Why do some of you accept the women who aren't right for you and ignore the ones who are??? Why are you past dwellers??? And what does a woman have to do for you to finally get it that they are there for you no matter what?

by: Anonymous aquarius

scorp42 i just want to say that i was wrong for saying what i did. i did know that you were emotionally drained i didnt need that explained. i was just stuck on the idea that there was a lot you didnt say and i have a suspicious mind and i always try to figure out the things that arent said so as i was aware that your aquarius was hurting you and i dont think it was right, i just thought there was something going on with you that wasnt honest either and that was what i was get at. but now that you said more it makes more sence to me.

i will tell you scorp42 i have had an emotional meltdown before and i cried buckets full. it was the day i realised i was an alcoholic. that was a horrible brutal feeling i was devistated the pain i felt was horrible. i lived quite a few years feeling like i got out of heartbreaking relationship everyday. i was in a constant state of hurt and pain, and i know it hurt people around me, it was crushing to have to account for that but by the grace of god i am sober now. i only said this because your story about an alcoholic sibling, and i gotta tell you its not easy to find a person willing to be with me because i gotta tell them im an alcoholic but im sober and i go to aa meetings, but its what i gotta do. well God bless all

For AA
by: Scorp42

Oh AA, thank you so much for being so open. This may sound horrible but it is the 100% truth. Every Aquarian that I know and I am close to are alcoholics. The females and the males. That includes my Aquarian as well. It makes me wonder if alcohol eases the pain of holding in all of the feelings kept so deeply inside. My heart goes out to anyone that has that life long battle. I was going down that slippery slope myself in my 20's. It's so easy to get caught up and before you know it it's too late. I'm kind of speechless because it's a pattern that disturbs me a little. Not that I don't understand but I wonder what it is in the Aquarian that finds solitude in alcohol. After spending 2 years with my Aquarian I know that his mind is ALWAYS going and it must be really hard to turn that off.

My Aquarian sent me a text today asking how I was doing. I said I was good and asked him how he was doing and he said good as well, and that was it. Of course I cried for an hour after then. It's still so fresh and fragile with me. I have been keeping myself busy and talking to my Gemini via phone everyday for support. My Gemini does not live near me which is a good thing right now. I don't want to make any quick unthought out decisions because I am vernarable. Jesus keeps me strong and each day the sun gets a bit brighter and brighter. Thank you to all of you wishing me the best. As long as you have God in your life it can't stay dark forever.

Scorp42 and AA
by: Life Is Good

Hello Everyone!

Ok...I think I am ok now that I'm not so emotional after reading what AA and Scorp42 has shared. I just wanted to wish everyone well, especially you two. I was married for 9 years to an alcoholic and know the struggles and pain all too well. I commend anyone who has fought and been victorious over that demon. AA, I will keep you in my prayers. And for you Scorp42, you are going to be alright! I chose the screen name Life Is Good because God is Good and without Him, I don't know what would or could have become of me. Be blessed everyone!

by: Aqua Girl

Well it's not just alcohol. Could be cigarettes or weed too. Mine is cigs. I use to drink, but it never got that bad. I smoke like a fish when I'm stressed out or thinking too much. (which is almost all the time) I had a very bad time with stress a couple years ago. One of my ex's stressed me out so bad, I was sick for about 4 months. I had chest pains, my arms and legs felt numb and tingly. My throat felt like is was closing up. I was sick to my stomach and I ended up getting a small ulcer. I was a hot mess. None of the doctors knew what the heck was wrong with me so they just kept feeding me pills for a pinched nerve. That's how I got the Ulcer. I ended up figuring out what was wrong with me on my own and was able to snap out of it. It still comes back sometimes when I really get to thinking about things, but I can catch it in time.

I never get a good night sleep because my brain won't shut off. Sometimes I get a couple hours of sleep and some nights I just lay there all night. Depends what happened that day. And that's just on a daily basis so you can imagine when something like a love interest or something major is not going the way it should.

I don't think it's really about holding things in. I think it's just the way our brain works. I have learned the hard way to talk about how I feel and whats going on with me. That doesn't seem to help.

I know it sounds really crazy, but all the Aquas I know, go through the same thing. No one would ever know it on the outside though. We stay pretty calm to others as much as possible, but on the inside we are so full of emotion it's very draining.

by: Life is Good

Hey Aqua Girl,
Draining is the vocabulary word of the month. LOL. My Aqua friend and I have been discussing that word and how that's what we've been feeling. When is it going to stop??? I actually feel when he's stressed and that has been draining me, even though we haven't communicated.

There are two things that make this friendship testy at times. One, he's a man and what he communicates whether verbal or nonverbal, has and can be misunderstood because all men don't communicate like women and 2. He has that Aquarian nature of going into his shell when he's stressing. I want to be there for him but I get a little frustrated because I don't want to be wasting my time. When I support him, I want the same in return and don't always feel that he's capable of being supportive all the time. I have wanted to end this friendship so many times because of his complex nature but after everything is all said and done..I feel in my gut that I am suppose to be there for him because I do care and understand. Right now I am trying to retrain my heart and brain not to react when I hear and don't hear from him. I guess you can say, I am trying to understand by attempting to live in your world of Aquarius. Don't know how successful I'll be. LOL. Makes your head spin.

by: Life is Good

Hey Aqua Girl,
Draining is the vocabulary word of the month. LOL. My Aqua friend and I have been discussing that word and how that's what we've been feeling. When is it going to stop??? I actually feel when he's stressed and that has been draining me, even though we haven't communicated.

There are two things that make this friendship testy at times. One, he's a man and what he communicates whether verbal or nonverbal, has and can be misunderstood because all men don't communicate like women and 2. He has that Aquarian nature of going into his shell when he's stressing. I want to be there for him but I get a little frustrated because I don't want to be wasting my time. When I support him, I want the same in return and don't always feel that he's capable of being supportive all the time. I have wanted to end this friendship so many times because of his complex nature but after everything is all said and done..I feel in my gut that I am suppose to be there for him because I do care and understand. Right now I am trying to retrain my heart and brain not to react when I hear and don't hear from him. I guess you can say, I am trying to understand by attempting to live in your world of Aquarius. Don't know how successful I'll be. LOL. Makes your head spin.

by: Aqua Girl

Hello Everyone.

Well LIG: It's hard I know. I believe in making sacrifices and all for the ones you love, but you shouldn't have to change who you are. I have always believed in doing what makes you happy, so if that makes you happy then go for it, just don't lose sight of who you are and what you stand for.

Sometimes we "think" we are "in love" with someone or they are the "best" thing that has ever happened to us. Most of us are just "in love" with the "idea" of Love. Not necessarily the person. I have learned the hard way that it takes space and time away from the person you think you love, to see if that love is really there. Because in the beginning, we are always blind... So many people try to change a person into what they want or how they want to be treated. They always complain about what the other person isn't doing or how they are acting and get upset when they don't "change" to how they want them to be. Then when they give up on trying to change the other person, then they try to change themselves to make it work. It shouldn't be that way at all. You should love that person for who they are and who you are when you are with them. If you can't, then you may need to re-think the situation, but keep in mind that there will never be 2 people that get along 100% of the time. Think about your BFF. Everyone has one right?? I love my BFF to death, but at the same time I can't stand her.. lol But I have never tried to change her.. I never get mad when she doesn't call me everyday or says she is gonna call and doesn't. I don't get mad at the fact she NEVER comes to my house and I always go to hers.. We have been BFF's for 20 years now and had maybe 3 BIG blow out fights in those 20 years.. We don't always agree. Actually we just got into it the other day, but at the end of the day we can laugh it off and go back to how it was before the fight and not end up hating each other.

I know I'm rambling. Had a bad day. Hope some of this made some sense.

For Aquagirl
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl you are so right! I have spent this week really searching my soul to see if it was really love that I feel for my Aquarian. I have come to the conclusion that yes it was real love for me. However I have also realized that we were not good for each other as a couple. He was fun, the sex was great but after really looking at it I only got what I really needed in small doses and that was not enough. I consider him to be a great friend and that's all he ever truly was. I still feel he is a great man and with the right women they will have bliss. After talking to my Gemini these past two weeks and soul searching, the two of us have a passion for each other that surpasses anything I have ever felt before. We had 2 years together and what we have now is so much stronger than anything I ever had with my Aquarian.

My Gemini and I have planned to see each other soon and I can say that we are truly best friends. He gets me and I get him. It is the way I wish it would have been with my Aquarian, but like you said it would have been changing who he is for him to be what I wanted and needed. I saw myself changing to fit what he wanted and lost a bit of myself in the mean time. I have myself back now and have gained the streghnth to even be able to see my Aquarian and have a good laugh. Wow I never thought I would see the day that I would say that. LIG, it's okay to think like an Aquarian to understand them better but do not change who you are. When you get your Ah Ha moment you will know what I mean. I wish you all the best! I will keep you posted on me and my Gemini, it's getting crazy!

by: Aqua Girl

It's amazing to me how someone can do things to you emotionally and make you feel crazy, but some how turn the whole situation around, like you were the one that did it to them, and you actually get tricked into feeling bad about it... Only an Aquarius... Gotta love em.. LOL
It's a talent of ours I suppose.

Hope all is well with everyone!!

HOPE WHERE ARE YOU???? Even Aquarians come back once in a while.. So you can't be converted yet.. LOL

Re: Everyone
by: Hope

"HOPE WHERE ARE YOU???? Even Aquarians come back once in a while.. So you can't be converted yet.. LOL"

I'm right here AquaGirl. Love your comment about being converted!

I’ve been holed up with the Aqua Velva man for two weeks and now am completely ruined for any other romance.

Yes, they can say things so astute and/or endearing that you forgot all else but that boyish look of love in their eyes. Sudden nothing matters except wantingto completely engulf them in love. Of course, they will never let that happen beyond the immediate moment. They are truly the best of love, and the worst of love!

Can you tell I am completely sprung?????
BTW, welcome Dazed to the boards as our newest partner in crime!

by: Aqua Girl

You're alive!!! lol

We were all worried about you. Well I am glad to hear everything is ok... SOooo. What's the story?? You actually spent 2 weeks with him??? OMG. How did that happen? Did you tie him to the Bed? HAHA (They do like that ya know)
I'm lucky to get 2 words in one day.'re so funny! (8.25.10)
by: Dazed

Hello everyone...
I've been following these threads for a while now & it's so interesting what you guys are going through because I'm going through the same thing right now!

Scorp42 - Girl...I'm honestly glad you left your aquarius & I hate to say it because it really seemed like you were in love with him. I don't think it's too much to ask to be included in his life (being you were together for two years), especially when he's "dealing with things." and really that's all you were asking for. Since these posts don't have dates on them...I could totally be responding to something that's old news. However, I'm glad you have your Gemini, and most importantly yourself.

Aquagirl - What ever happened between you and your aquarius?

A.A. - How's the relationship with your scorp going?

My Story
by: Dazed

Just in case you guys were's my story that I posted to Hope.

So I'm dating an aquarius and we've known each other for a while (1 yr) before actually finding the time for each other. However, I've noticed that before we actually started "talking," he was always available and always was in contact with me. Now that we've gotten closer I see he has pulled the distancing act. We're going on over 2 weeks without seeing each other, and last Sat (8.4.10), we had plans but he said he wasn't sure if he could make it because he was still wrapped up in what he was already doing (coaching). I thought he was bs'ing me (due to not seeing or hearing from him in 2 weeks already), so I told him directly that if he's not interested, he's not interested and there's no point in wasting time, but that I still adored him as a friend, so there's no hard feelings. He told me it wasn't that, but he just has committments rights now. I'm confused because I don't know if he's being genuine or if he's just trying to not hurt my feelings (as I heard they don't like to do). He barely contacts me or makes an effort to see me. Usually these are definite red flags for a guy who's not into you. I understand one's need for freedom, as I have sag rising and a whole lot of it in my chart...but I'm just losing patience at this point. I'm wondering how long I should give him before throwing in the towel. Any advice?

Note: Due to reading this thread...during his distancing I didn't reach out to him but once a week to throw out a hello text. I'm definitely not a clingy person.

Re: AquaGirl
by: Hope

Hi and thanks AquaGirl. My Aqua and I are involved in an online relationship. We live over 3,000 miles apart so the first 8 months were solely online, phone, and video chat. He started making online dinner dates that were very fun. We would sit at home with our laptops and eat dinner together. Too cute!

In June, I took vacation time and we finally met face to face. We had a great visit although I stayed at a hotel for my own safety and because I was not ready to be intimate.

As pre-planned, he took his vacation this August and planned to stay for a week. I was getting worried because he started seeming distant and less responsive in July. I was wondering if I should cancel and asked him about it. We had a very raw conversation about his fears and the way he addresses them in a relationship. I could tell he was trying harder, which made me far more understanding and empathetic.

He arrived and I cancelled his hotel reservation. I was clear I wanted to invite him to stay in my home. After an incredible week, he asked if he could stay another. I took another week off and enjoyed showing him around and all the laughter, and great conversation. Aqua men possess an innate sensuality without even trying.

I understand what so many other women have described as an emotional roller coaster and now understand. This is the hardest relationship I have had to get off the ground, but none compare to the joys and highs I experience with him. Nor have I ever longed as deeply for someone.

He left Sunday night and right now, all I can think of is getting on a plane. Help me!

Catching Up
by: Hope

So much has happened with all of you. Scorp42 I am reading through all of your postS trying to figure out how you got to the Gemini.

Life is Good, it seems as though you are genuinely trying to give your Aqua the benefit of the doubt, but he still has his walls up.

AquaGirl, I like hearing about your journey because coming from an Aqua woman who is with an Aqua man, I realize I am not just imagining things or being "too sensitive". They do indeed withdraw and we feel reluctant to mention it because, afterall, we aren't really in a relationship yet. What right do we have to ask for a status report or for more together time.

Pretty good game there, Aqua men.

Dazed and Hope
by: Scorp42

Welcome back from Aquarian bliss Hope! Okay a little more background on my Gemini. I was in a FANTASTIC relationship with my Gemini for 2 years. He was my best friend, I got all the attention, affection and anything else I could want from him. 3 years ago he had to move far away. Nothing either of us could do about it and we were not at the stage of us moving anywhere together. So after my sad, sad... Did I say sad? breakup with my Aquarian, in my darkest hour something inside told me to check my email. I got an email from my Gemini after not talking to him for 3 years. I responded to his email and received a phone call from him. Since that call I have talked to my Gemini everyday for 2 to 3 hours since then. I never lost my love for him and my Aquarian was the first man I let in my heart since my Gemini. All that to say yay me and my Gemini are a couple again and doing the right way this time. He said he was a fool to not take me with him and is now moving to be closer to me in the next week!

Dazed, I still cry every now and then missing my Aquarian but I know that I would have never received the affection and attention that I really need from him. I sent him a text yesterday (08-25-10) and told him that when he decides to settle down and pick the "right" woman that she will have one hell of a man! I told him I have moved on but despite me moving on I will always be here for his as well because true friends are forever. He sent me back a text thanking me and called me sweetheart and said that helps. He said he always thinks of me. I had no idea that me ending it was so hard on him. He has been texting me for the past week just saying hi or good morning. Yes I knew he missed me but geez. I'm not sure if he thinks he made a mistake by telling me to go ahead and start dating or not, but I do know that he was surprized that I did not contact him at all for a few weeks. Yesterday was the first time I contacted him since I needed his help a few weeks ago. I still love him and always will but he is not my soul mate. Man that hurts to say that out loud. LOL I'm GREAT these days and will keep you posted on me and my Gemini.

Looks good
by: Dazed


I'm glad to hear that things between you and your aqua went well, especially being that he wanted to stay an extra week and spend time with you...too cute!


I know what you mean about the emotions of letting's very hard & the intensity of emotions don't help either. I think you're doing the right thing because it wouldn't be right for you to settle. I'm still having a hard time with his reasoning for not being able to provide you with what you need...and him being ok with you dating other people is something in itself. On another note, I'm glad things with you and your Gemini are working out. I actually read an article of a study that was done & it showed that scorp and gemini have the lowest divorce rate amoung signs scorps get involved with...kinda interesting.

by: Aqua Girl

Welcome Dazed.
Glad to hear from you hope. I knew part of your situation, but the latest sounds even better. That’s awesome.
I wish you all the best! I can’t wait to hear more.

Before I forget... Not sure this will hit home with anyone, but because of my Aquarian Pride I told my Ex after 1 year of breaking up that I didn't care if he dated someone else, because he asked me. I was too stubborn to tell him I did care, but I knew at the time I was scared to be with him and get hurt. SO... He went and got married because I stomped my foot up and down that I couldn't give him what he needed and I cried like a little baby. I thought I lost everything. It was the worst pain in the world that I had lost him after 6 years. I was so mad at him for not trying hard enough to keep me around no matter how stubborn I was being. It still hurts me to write this actually. New topic.

As far as my Aqua Boo goes… I’m done! I haven’t hung out with him in the past month or so, (some his fault, some my fault), but I just ran into him and of course he was SO sweet. I almost passed out! Lol It was so nice to be near him again for those few short moments. We hardly even said anything to each other. We didn’t have to. We could read each other minds. That’s why I can’t be around him. I know what I want and he is not ready, so I can’t give in to what he does “want”. That’s not fair to me. That doesn’t help the situation at all. I have looked out for others in the past and always put myself on the back burner for others and I’m Tired of it! It’s all about me now. Some people think that sounds selfish, but ya know what. I don’t care anymore. No one else is going to look out for me, but me! I’m tired of being played with. I know he likes me, but It’s not enough. We don’t even talk like normal friends do. I’m sorry, but If I’m not even worth a phone call, you can kick rocks! Really… He knows what I’m about and he knows enough about me, to know if I’m what he wants… So.. If he really wants to be with me, he will have to try harder then this! I’m worth way more! I understand he may not be ready in his life and that is fine. I would love to be his friend and be there for him, but he doesn’t even let me in, So I’m not going to BEG to be his friend. The only little issue is, I freakin lose ALL focus when he is around. Then I have to put my guard up and I end up being a little snippy with him, because I’m trying to hold it together. Like I said before, if a Man loves you and wants to be with you he will do anything!!! Not saying we are at that point.. But ya know what I mean. So unless he is standing on my door step with some dandelions (Cause I’m not an expensive flower person.) then he can forget it. When he gets himself together and wants to try it again, and I’m still around, then I would be more then happy to.. But I refuse to put my life on Hold for anyone again!!!

Re: All
by: Hope

Thanks AquaGirl for opening up that old wound and sharing with us. That's the kind of reality that Scorps see in Aquarians - because that part of your personality is like looking into a mirror for Scorpios. It makes us feel safe because we also understand that you know that about us as well, but would never use it against us.

Yet we are both stubborn and would risk losing it all rather than to cry "uncle" and expose our vulnerability.

We read what you want, but then you all cover it up again so quickly that we begin to doubt what we intuitively know. Culling Aqua man emotion is like dropping a ring into a sand dune. The faster and deeper you dig, the more it gets buried.

Thanks again, really. Those kinds of revelations and confirmations make it easier to hang on. It's the doubting and second guessing ourselves that gets frustrating.

Welcome Back Hope
by: Life Is Good

Hello Everyone!

Welcome back Hope! Glad to hear you enjoyed your visit. Also hello to Dazed...welcome aboard!

Aqua Girl, thank you for the advice about BFF. :-D. I actually got it! LOL. I am not communicating with my Aqua as much now. He did contact me a few days ago, but I am just taking time out for me. With summer vacation being over, I am really busy and not really trying to have a serious relationship with him or anyone else. I still love him and wish him nothing but the best.

And to clear something up....BY NO MEANS would I change myself for someone else...I CAN ONLY DO AND BE ME! I was just trying to understand from an Aquarian viewpoint.

Well have a great one...until the next time! LIFE IS GOOD!

by: Dazed

Hello all & thanks for the welcome!


I completely understand where you're coming from and I honestly don't feel you or anyone should sell themselves short. This guy said he isn't ready for a relationship and I would take that for what it is...not because he is an aqua, but because he is a guy. If there's anything dating has taught me, it's to take statements like that at face value and move on. I don't doubt that he likes you, but I feel it's very possible to like someone but not want to be committed (as aqua's are notorious for). I would want nothing more to encourage the relationship you have with your aqua, but I don't want to sell you short either. Trust me when I say I totally agree with your statement of "if a guy likes you he will chase you," and that's how it should be. It honestly all boils down to what you think you're worthy of. I'm not talking about the kind of self-worth that's validated by how other's respond to you or the love you give them, but by what you truly feel and know you deserve....a self-worth that comes before the needs of others, a self-worth that is selfish. When those needs are met, it's way easier to let down your guard with someone and love intensely without being scared. I don't know if that made any sense... That being said, I think you know what you're doing Aquagirl & I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that.

LIG, Hope, and Scorp42...same goes for yall as well.

by: Aqua Girl

"Culling Aqua man emotion is like dropping a ring into a sand dune. The faster and deeper you dig, the more it gets buried." ~HOPE- I LOVE this!!!
You always have a way with words when the time is right..

Thanks Ladies for the kind words and support. I just can't hang on anymore. I have way too much going on in my life right now to worry about someone that could care less about me. I am a very Independent person and I don't really "need" anyone around anyway. If they are.. cool, if not.. that's cool too.

The only problem with me getting this way, is very soon I will be completely done and I won't be able to go back. Once I'm done, that's it. There is no turning back. I know most people can break up and keep going back and trying to make it work, but it's like someone gets 1 chance with me and that's it. Now that 1 chance may last 6 months or 6 years, but once I decide in my head that its not going any where, I'm fed up and it's over... That's it! I have too much pride to go back no matter how much it may hurt me. But I can detach myself from the situation like no other. We can be friends of course... (That's the Aqua way... right?) but things will never be the same again. That's the problem I keep having. I give so much of myself in the beginning and the guy wants to run for the hills, but then When I pull away because I'm tired, they want to finally come around and fall for me... But at that point it's too late.
So to break this awful cycle, I tried not to give too much or do too much for Aqua Boo. It was hard for me because I am just a giving and caring person by nature, but I had to get it under control so maybe this time I won't be so quick to throw in the towel when HE runs for the hills... I know I'm still ok at this point to go back if need be, but only if he is ready. I really don't want to pressure him into anything. I just wanted to get to know him better and see if it would even go anywhere, but he doesn't even give me that! Arrrggghhh. Stubborn Ass.. LOL

Here is my theme song..

There you go- By PINK..

Just thought it was funny, but very true! Goes along with what I said above..

Hope all is well with everyone..
Now that Hope is found... WHERE THE HECK IS A.A.??
He has been MIA for a while. Oh nevermind.. Silly me. he is Aqua.. hehe LOL Just teasing.

So Confused??
by: Pisces

So I have been seeing this aquarius man on and off again for the past year. We did split up once b4 but he at least had the nerve to end things the first time. We still seen each other every couple months and hung out. We always got along very well. He left town for a couple of months and then when he came back we started hanging out again. He intrigues me so much as I did him so he always said. So after 4 months of hanging out every weekend and talking every other day if not every day he invites me to meet his family then as we are out that night he tells me he loves me and I say the same to him. The next morning he was acting kinda funny towards me now he has cut off all contact with me which is a pretty mean thing to do. If he needed space that was all he needed to say. So anyways I sent him an email saying goodbye and that he will always have a piece of my heart. Still nothing so I am moving on...Anyone have any thoughts on this i'm still really hurt by it all!

by: Dazed


The only thing I can suggest is to give him his space until he comes back around. When he does...just explain to him rationally & with logic (using facts not feelings to explain) why what he did wasn't cool and confusing. There's no point in trying to cling to him harder to get what you want, or trying to beat an answer outta'll only push him away. If he said he loves you, I'm sure he meant it. Good luck!

by: Scorp42

Today was a hard day for me. My Gemini and I have been doing quite well. However I had received a few text messages from my Aquarian 3 days ago. He just wanted to make sure everthing was okay with me. It was nice to hear from him but it made a few feelings resurface. Well the following evening I received a phone call from my Aquarian. He sounded so bad as if everything was going wrong for him. I felt so bad about it as I was really the only person he talked to about his issues. He didn't really want to talk about what was going on he wanted more to make sure I was okay and just talk about nothing really. I got a feeling that he wanted to see me but I was not ready to talk about those feeling things yet. Last night I got a text about 10pm asking me what I was doing. That was his way of seeing what's up and that he wanted to come over. I didn't respond. I couldn't as I was with my Gemini and I really didn't feel like explaining anything to anyone yet. Of course my Gemini is aware of my Aquarian etc... Well today my Aquarian and I sent text messages for 3 hours back and forth. I told him I needed to talk to him and tell him what has been going on with me. He replied okay and that it was okay if I had a boyfriend. I told him I did and that I still valued the our friendship dispite. He took an hour to reply. He told me he understood and that he will always be here for me and if I ever decided to change my situation that he was there for me. Of course because he is such a sweet person it made me cry my eyes out but I still know the decision I made was best. If I didn't have these feelings for my Aquarian everything would be perfect in my world. Will is ever go away?! No one answer that question, just venting a bit. I know I will love him forever...

by: Dazed

Well I haven't seen my aqua in almost a month...going on 2 weeks since I've even spoken to him. I can officially say that it is O.V.E.R. How sad :( but tomorrow I know I will still smile :)

To Dazed
by: Aqua Girl

Hello Everyone! Welcome Pisces!

Can't say much right now. Kinda busy, but I had to say this to Dazed....

It's NOT over yet! It has only begun. As long as you were on good terms the last time you spoke that is and he likes you. I haven't had much time to read these posts and really get into your situation yet, but I will make time this weekend.

I haven't spent quality time with my Aqua in almost 2 months and we go 1-2 weeks at a time without communicating. That's normal. See to us Aquas 1-2 weeks only feels like 1-2 days. To everyone else, it's a lifetime.

PISCES- You may be a bit to much for Aqua Dude. My stomach did flips when I read your post. RELAX. LOL Don't give up yet. He needs SPACE!!! He just told you he loved you and intoduced you to his family.... He is Freakin out right now wondering what the heck did he just do!!! This is going to be a rough pairing. We Aquas don't do so well with Pisces. You will need a LOT of Patience and You CANNOT be too needy. I need more info.. How long has it been, what was going on in the beginning.... Has he SAID you were in a relationship? I need more details.

Gotta run.

by: Pisces

Sorry this is so long winded! Thanks for your responses very much appreciated... Well it has now been 6 weeks since I have heard from him. I still think about him everyday. We have never actually claimed to be in a realtionship it we always just said dating. We have always had a great relationship from the beginning we actually me online but we live in the same city. Not long after talking on the phone and instant messaging and what not we decided to meet. The first time we met was awesome we sat and talked for like 5 hours. We just got along very well with each other and enjoyed the company.We started seeing each other in Jun of 2009 and we were together every weekend and I usually seen him once or twice during the week. Plus we would text everyday just seeing how each others day was going. Then in the beginning of November we had gone out had a great date great sex I new at that point that I had fallen for him but I never said a word then the next day he even called me and said what a great night we had together. So a coupl of weeks go by and he starts to get kinda distant I new something was up I could feel it that Pisces sixth sense plus he is not a good liar.. So by the end of November I find out he is talking to somebody else and he is a man and ends things with me but says he still wants to have a sex relationship with me. I was like really propbably not. I'm just not built like that to be able to handle that sitaution.

Confused?? cont...
by: Pisces

SO we quit talking Thanksgiving weekend and what do u know the day after Christmas I get a text from him and we text for like 3 hours then he asks is he can see me. I know I should be saying no to him but I give in and we had a great time as we always did. So about another month goes by I haven't heard from him besides the little comments that he would post on my facebook when I would put up new pictures. I text him the end of January to say Happy Birthday. HE is like how r u how hav u been can I see u blah blah blah he is just getting back in town. I never new that he had left but anyways I pick him up from the bus station when he gets back and we go out and pretty much spend the entire weekend together. HE says he missed me and that he was glad that I was there with him on his birthday. So then once again I don't hear anything from him not even on my Birthday in February and he knew it was because he had instant messaged me like 4 days b4 and asked if I was ready for my celebration because my friends were doing a big thing for me because it was my 30th. So in about the middle of March he sends me a message on Facebook and wishes me a Happy Birthday and how sorry he is for not telling me Happy Birthday and even more sorry for missing it. He said I hope your next 30 years are just as joyful Happy Birthday baby girl. I was like ok really a month later but whatever.

Confused?? cont. 2
by: Pisces

So I don't hear anything now for 2 months come April 2010 he messages me on facebook we talk as everything is cool as always I find out that he had moved away with the girl who I found out he was talking to in Nov. I'm like really. HE says he can't stand her they fight all the time and what not. So the day he gets back in town he is messaging me. So that following Monday we met for breakfast and just talked for like 2 hours and then spend the entire day together. Then the pattern begins again we start hanging out every weekend a couple times during the week an he finally expresses to me that he has feelings for me that is why he left in the first place the first time. But he loves being with me that I intrigue him so much. He said he has never met anyone like me he is always thinking about me and that he was always on facebook looking at my pics when he was with her and what not. I know this might not sound like a big deal but it meant alot to me. The only thing he ever said when we would talk about the realtionship stuff was that he wanted to be able to give me more and he wasn't in a place to do that so he would not commit to that fact which in some weird way made sense to me. HE knew that I had been through alot of stuff with my ex husband and he wanted to make sure that he was never a burden to me. So then we get to July 2010 and after we have had a great summer together did so much stuff and just enjoyed one another's company we go out as we always did on the weekend and that's the night I met his family and he said that he loved me. Then split on me 2 days later. As far as me being the Pisces and being needy that is one thing that I can say that I was not I do me and my kids b4 anyone else. Do I have a kind heart yes but I knew how he was about emotions so that is one thing that he definietly taught me was how to keep my emotions in check. We connected on so many levels and just got each other. The time we spent together was always awesome if we were out or just hanging out at home we always had fun together and we could talk about anything which was great. I was not only in love with him but I really condidered him one of my best friends. Which is a great thing... Ok i'm sorry this is so long thought u should hve the full story...Any feedback would be great.....

by: Pisces

One thing that I forgot to add was that he had opened up to me so much not only verbally but with those nice physical jestures that make a realtionship so wonderful. I had noticed all of these things and new that he was falling for me but I never lead on or even mentioned it. I just enjoyed all of it and him while it lasted.

Pisces & Aquagirl
by: Dazed


I hear what you're saying...but it's hard to keep holding on to something that's so unsure. I don't want to settle on the attention I know I deserve. But I posted my story, so if you scroll up you'll find it & you can check out our situation.


I so feel for you...aqua disappearing acts feel like straight rejection, not cool. My only advice to you is to continue waiting if you feel he is worth it. I think he got freaked out & is probably tryna rationalize every emotion he's feeling for you right now...aqua's try to make their feelings logical, which us water signs know is not possible. I think that's why we are better at dealing w/our feelings. However, I do believe that he meant it when he said he loved you...but I think he might be tryna figure out if he really meant it or if he just spoke in the moment. I think it's his defense mechanism if that makes sense.

by: Pisces

Thanks Dazed it makes sense that it's a defense mechanism but it sure does not make the hurt any better as u r well aware of. It's just so hard to believe that somebody that u care about so much can just cut u out of their life like that. But I have to move on for my own good but I just wanted some thouhts from others on the situation. I so think that he is worth waiting for but I just can't wait for my own good. He is like no one that I have ever met in my life and I love different but the running away stuff just doesn't work for me.

by: Dazed

I know what you mean & how you feel. However, I think when he does come back around maybe you should voice your opinion about his disappearing acts...or try and find a compromise for his need for freedom and your need for respect.

Just Stopping Through
by: Life is Good

Just wanted to say hello and wish everyone a safe and happy Labor Day Weekend! Be blessed!

Controlling our emotions/being real (1)
by: Newbie

I had come upon this website months ago, when I was trying to understand my interactions with my Mr. Aquarius. Months later, this entire comment chain sprouted, and WOW so much excellent information and so incredibly similar.

I wonder whether these patterns are typical of general relations between men and women or because of astrology. My only other experience had been with Libras. And while my emotions, passions get to the point of obsession (intense), these Libras are still in my life (if I allow them to be, as they have made it known to me that they want me part of their lives) after I no longer have feelings for them.

This year has been intense for me because I have an Aquarius and while I had kept it cool for the most part on the surface, I'm brewing/stirring/wound-up deep within.

The Aqua and I have been in contact at least three times a week and seem to get along really well. Clearly, I'm incredibly fond of him, and apparently he has been very open and honest with me. Yet from the very beginning he told me that he was not ready for commitment, but he found me to be a good friend.

As a Scorpio as many of you had addressed, we have many acquaintances but very few close friends. He made it into my inner circle FAST. Yet, now I'm so jealous of his other women. He has many other women who call, text, and e-mail him.

I got upset at him recently for not getting back to me when he had been really good at replying within a day. It took him a MONTH to get back to me on something, and during this time I tried to play it cool. Because of reading all about Aquas I tried my best to not follow-up or even contact him ... which I did for a month, but once the month was up I couldn't hold it.

Controlling our emotions/being real (2)
by: Newbie

... this is a continuation to my other post ...

I told him I was upset, and I asked him whether I was smothering him (b/c he had been silent for a month). He didn't even know why I was upset, and that he didn't sense that I was smothering him, but that he was busy. We both kept on apologizing to each other (which I think is a bad sign, because if we were truly compatible even as friends we wouldn't need to have misunderstandings).

Our conversation ended that I told him that I was giving him space. He told me that he still didn't understand why his one month of silence upset me ... he told me that he got carried away with his life. (Remember that he isn't looking for a committed relationship) Right now I miss him dearly, because it has become an obsession for me. I cannot help think that there was something there between us ... as he told me that he has backlog of other friends to catch-up with, but clearly he had been keeping up our conversations. (So he did care? and enjoyed our talks?)

I feel bad for having overreacted, but I also felt that he did his silence for a reason.

I'm trying to move on ... as I believe that Aquarius are too much work for Scorpios ... many of my friends have noticed that I've been putting in so much energy into this 'black hole' ...

... perhaps it is because I am Scorpio that I cannot let go so easily??? I didn't mean to get my emotions running ... I didn't even expect to have feelings for him ... but it happened.

... I've been trying to let go for months now, to let my emotions build and let it get the better of me leading to the confrontation ...

... yet even that has not allowed me to let go; because here I am reading all your posts, and now writing out my pain.

It's crazy that all my other men have been Libra's only ... there had been a Sagittarius (who had been intense but he's in hiding now) ... yet it's been this Aquarius that remains, as he's been there as a 'filler' keeping me company until his silence (which sent me to emotional chaos).

I don't want to hurt him, but I think I might have ... he doesn't get that I really have strong emotions for him, because the other women that he's been with tell him straight out and get physical with him immediately ... yet I've been different ... just chatting with him, but he doesn't understand that he's on my my 24/7

Please hope for me that I'll get out of this bind and find perhaps a Cancer or another more compatible sign ...

by: Dazed

Hope everyone is having a good Labor Day weekend!


I can honestly see why your aqua got confused about you being upset over not hearing from him in a month. If he said that he wasn't looking for a relationship but saw you as a good friend...then he wouldn't understand the need to be in constant contact with you, as he only views you as a friend. I can see why you got upset though being a scorp myself...but I don't think the miscommunication/misunderstanding was on his part. Please don't take offense to this I'm just trying to be honest and give an objective view. Does he know that you have feelings for him past just being friends...& if so, did he express those same feelings towards you? I'm also curious about the reason why you think he was silent for a month...please share.

Controlling our emotions
by: Newbie

Thanks Dazed.

Boy, do I know now. I COMPLETELY overreacted to his silence ... though before his silence, he had been so good for the longest time keeping me company and getting back to me promptly; ALWAYS. When I informed him about me being upset, he promptly met up with me and we talked briefly. [Even during that meeting I didn't talk about my feelings and just hawed and hemmed to apologize for misunderstanding.]

I was insecure, and given my feelings for him (which I guess he had no clue over, because I never told him or acted upon them) I completely went bonkers when he stayed silent.

I felt that I had already been smothering him b/c I'd call, e-mail, text to the point that I told myself I'd have to stop b/c I was the one initiating such communication. He was just replying.

With his silence I thought that he was telling me that he's had enough and is exiting my life ... but the truth was that he got occupied with other things ... i.e. he wasn't looking for a committed relationship.

I know. I know. I need to move on, but I'm really drawn to this man -- he's incredibly fun to be with. It's just that it's so intoxicating that I cannot let go; like my fantasies. Perhaps this is beyond being a Scorpio.

by: Newbie

He is attracted to me BUT he cannot commit right now and is enjoying his single-life free from relationship-drama. I don't know about his feelings for me though ... can't tell. But clearly, I'm NOT on his mind since he left me hanging for a month! (No other men in my life has taken that long to get back to me; sure, I've been spoiled I guess)

While I haven't told him straight out that I have intense feelings for him ... I sense that he senses my body language has changed ... in fact, his body language has changed too.

We used to be so confident with one another. He used to give me cute looks or I'd catch him looking at me and we'd hold our gaze. Now, we both tend to divert our eyes, especially him.

There's tension ... and as you had alluded to ... perhaps it's just all my tension and he's just resonating what he's picking up from me. :(

Any advice on how Scorpios can tame our intense emotions? While I might have ruined this friendship ... I want to learn from my mistakes and be more careful next time. :)

by: Dazed


Don't you hate how emotions can totally skew your sense of frustrating! I think it's a good sign that he cared enough to meet up with you to talk about whatever issues you guys were having...but I wouldn't take it as far as to think he has feelings for you unless he voices it.

I think the reason why you feel it's awkward now between you two, is due to the confrontation, and him being totally blindsided by you being also doesn't help that he doesn't understand why. He also could have figured out that you might like him.

Aquas a very flirtatious and it can be misconstrued as feelings. I had an aqua friend who was super flirty to all her guy friends...but she genuinely thought it was just being friendly and nice. Then she would be baffled as to why all of a sudden the guys would pursue her or think they were "talking"...when in her mind they were nothing close to that.

I don't really know what advice to give regarding how to control your intense emotions...maybe it comes with age and/or experience. I know that for me personally I try to keep myself busy and try not to be alone with my thoughts for too long. I also try and think about what I want and how I feel (what's best for me), rather than thinking about what the other person wants/needs. Hope this helps!

To All
by: Aqua Girl

Hello Everyone. I have been in my cave for a while.
Well I must be honest and say I'm not really in any kind of mind frame to touch on any of your situations right now. If I did, it just wouldn't come out right. : (

I got to spend some time with Aqua Boo and things felt different. I was not so nervous around him and I think he was more relaxed too. Whatever happens, I can honestly say I'm ok with it. I'm going to continue to focus on me and enjoy my life. I have goals that I want to accomplish in the next couple of years and he does as well. Neither one of us is going to let anyone or anything get in the way of that. If we happen to be going the same direction at that time and we are still cool then fine, if not... That's fine too. I'm putting it all in Gods Hands. If it's meant to be it will be. All I'm worried about right now is getting myself together... No one else can do that, but me.

Getting It Together
by: Life is Good

Hello Everyone! I pray that you are/have enjoying/enjoyed your Labor Day weekend. I have been sick the whole weekend, so I haven't had the opportunity to go out and enjoy the sun and festivities.

BUT what I have had the opportunity to do is reflect on my life and friendship that I had with my Aqua man. I have decided to just focus on me and me only. There is a time whe n what one wants might not be in the cards and after the dust settles, reality is sitting there looking you square in the eyes. The dream is over and you have to get up and dust your self off and move on.

I am no longer looking at life in rose-colored glasses... It looks like my friendship with my Aqua was intended for a season and that season appears to be over. I am not a person who can live in the past and that is a characteristic that some Aquarians have. When I move on, I move on and try to let the hurt, pain, and disappointment go because its not good for me physically, mentally, or emotionally. We Scorpions have a thing about nurturing and protecting the ones we love/care for...but there is also a time when we know we must get to stepping also. Don't want to live a fantasy life and thinking that my Aqua is going to change would be me living a fantasy. So ladies, if a man won't attempt to make you apart of their life....MOVE ON!

Now the type of person I am, if he contacts me, I will be polite and communicate, but I have nicely stacked and sealed my brickwall of my world of trusting for a while. I still care deeply for him, but I love me and don't want to waste my time and energy unnecessarily.

This has been an eye opening experience and I don't regret it one bit. Hope, I pray that your Aqua is different and wish you two the best. Scorp42, you keep doing what you do. I pray your Gemini is the ONE! Aqua Girl, you are alright with me. AA, you seem different, so stay that way...its a good thing! For the other ladies, don't waste your time and energy no matter how good it feels at the time. You have to know without a doubt that your relationship is worth it and that Aqua or man period will have to show that he wants you all the time, not just when it suits him.

Well I am out! Will check back from time to time. Going to do and be the only person I can do and be..ME! :-D


Going Crazy!!!!
by: Scorp42

Hello all. Things for me had been going fantastically with me and my Gemini. Yesterday (Sunday)I got a text message from my Aquarian and I missed it. I was busy and didn't respond. A few hours later I got a voicemail from my Aquarian just a bit upset about me not responding and to call or text him to let him know I was okay or he will have to pay me a visit. I was shocked but sent a text to tell him I was okay. An hour later he sent a text to call him he needed to talk to me. He was upset that I have not been in contact with him and he needed to know everything was okay with me. I told him I was good and that I was not by myself. He said yeah he knows I am not by myself and that he would talk to me later and he hung up. I can't begin to tell you the turmoil I feel on the inside. I am supposed to meet my Aquarian today so that I can talk and tell him where I am and what's going on with me. I also need to know what is going on in his head. I need some real closure so all pray for me to be strong with this.

by: Dazed

Hello all...

I'm beginning to wonder if dealing with aqua's even have happy endings...

Good luck Scorp42!

by: Anonymous

dazed thats a cheap shot, sure sometimes things dont work out but we are all human when we go to bed not zodiac signs.

scorp42 i hope all goes well. hes probably really hurt and he doesnt handle emotions the way most people do. he ll probably always love you the way you were when you were the closest. aquarians never forget the one they loved the most.

by: Dazed


You're totally was cheap. I apologize :)

This Sucks!!
by: Scorp42

I had my 2 hour talk with my Aquarian yesterday. AA you were right, he is very hurt. It killed me to see him hurt like that. He said things to me that he has never said before and for the first time ever he said outright that he loved me! I told him that it took me all this time to build up the strength to see him again. He said after I left in a text that he still isn't strong enough yet. He had no idea just how weak he was when it came to me. This hurts soooo bad... Why couldn't he have said these things earlier? Why did he tell me to find someone else and that I needed better? It feels as if I am dying inside all over again. This feels horrible! Being in love with 2 people is just horrible!!! I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Here is the crazy part, after reading what Aquagirl had to say about the one she had that got away and married someone else; My Gemini has asked me to marry him. He said he made the mistake last time and he will not let that happen again. Jesus please help me!! This is truly awful!

by: Aqua Girl

OMG. See. And the one that I said went and married someone else and confessed his love to me after the fact was my Gemini... And actually he is coming back around again. He said he is still in Love with me and made the biggest mistake of his life, but there is nothing he can do about it now. The only reason he moved on is because he thought I had moved on. Actually I had 2 ex's do this to me that I talked about here. I just hope he doesn't do something crazy like get a divorce... OMG. I don't even want to think about that right now.

It is an awful feeling! Trust me. But I also know what your Aqua man is going through because of my last Ex that I told him to move on and he sure did. I guess in my head I just didn't think it would happen. (He is Capricorn). Then when he did, I was crushed, so I know how your Aqua is feeling right now! I actually shed a tear reading your post. Most people, especially us Aqua's want what we can't have. We never open our eyes until it's too late or we feel we are losing something! That's why I refuse to date anyone else or at least get involved with anyone until I know for a fact my Aqua Boo has moved on. I'm just going to continue to work on myself and see what happens, because I know in my heart he is going to come around and I want him to be the one! I refuse to let this vicious cycle keep happening to me.

I don't know what to tell you. At this point you are in a tough situation. At least you haven't got married yet, so you can fix the problem, but being in this situation myself, I must say you are going to have to get away from BOTH of them and do some soul searching!!! And this is NO JOKE. It takes time away from someone to really see what you are missing or not missing. I thought I was falling for this one guy I was dating last year and we split for a few months. I thought I was going to die, but then after 3 months we hooked back up and I realized, I only felt that way because I was losing him not because I loved him. The time away gave me a chance to think about everything. You need to break ALL CONTACT with both of them for a little while to figure this all out. I know it sounds harsh and it is going to kill you, but you have to do it. Once you get past the pain of not seeing or talking to them, then you can start figuring out what do. I know this sounds crazy, but I have had to choose between 2 before and I had to write down all of their good and bad qualities and go from there. It just helps you sort things out and really think about it. Especially if one is talking about marriage. That isn't something to play with. It's sad, but someone is going to get hurt and the axe is in your hands. It's not fun but you have to decide.

Re: Scorp42
by: Life is Good

OK...Scorp42! This is me keeping things real with you as best I can. First of all don't ask Jesus to help you if you really don't want him to help, BUT I hope you know that He is the only one who can. Not me, Aquagirl, AA, Hope, or anyone else can. This crossroad is ALL yours alone!

Take time to really think about this. From someone who just went thru a divorce, you have to KNOW for sure you are making the right decision. Think about your past relationships and which one made you not doubt your security in that one person. Don't think about sex or that emotional feeling that came and went. Look at the whole picture and not just the small individual pieces. Know that whoever you choose, you will have to accept their imperfections for the rest of your life. DIVORCE WILL NOT AND CAN NOT BE AN OPTION!!!

Do not come back on this website until after you have made your decision. I am begging to really look at the whole picture...REALITY NOT FANTASY OR WHAT WE DESIRE!

I will be praying that you make the RIGHT DECISION.

by: Dazed


It's unfortunate that loss can bring about a sense of perspective...because the joy of gaining something wears off faster than the pain of losing something. I found out today that a friend of mine was killed in a car accident. Reality slaps you in the face when you realize something you had is no longer there. How is one suppose to deal with such regret of not appreciating what the universe has aligned for us...?? only advice to you is to make your choice out of pure love, passion, and a reason for living. Forget the fear...because if things don't end up working out, at least you know you made a decision that will make you think..."I would have rather lived that time with them and then dealt with the pain, then to have never had them in my life, just being content...just simply being."

Sorry for Your Loss
by: Life is Good

Sorry to hear about your loss. What you do is remember the good times and pray that if blessed with another friend and/or have a current friendship, you will life to the fullest so there will be no regrets.

To Dazed
by: Aqua Girl

Oh Sweetie I'm so sorry to hear that!! May God bless you during these tough times!

Thank You All
by: Scorp42

I have spent a lot of time and a lot of tears trying to make the right decision. I have weighed the pro's and con's of each of them. I know that my Gemini is the right decision because he fulfills every need and desire w/o me having to ask. It hurts to give up my Aquarian but after talking to him a couple more times it is all clear to me. Regardless of what I feel for him he will never be able to give me what I truly need to be happy. We finally put it all on the line and it's just what Aquagirl said, he wants what he can't have. If he had me again he still would not give me what I need. I miss him yes, but I am sure in the future once our wounds have healed I won't feel so hurt about it. My Gemini makes me so happy that when he is around I don't think about my Aquarian. When I am with my Aquarian all I can think about is my Gemini. That said a lot to me once I realized it. I am going to take the advice given to me and not contact either of them for a while and see how I feel. I have already talked to God about this and have been given the clear signs. I will also get to see the reaction and what they both do after I disappear for a while. I will let you know how it all pans out when I resurface. I can tell you this, my Gemini loves me much deeper and with more passion that my Aquarian. He misses me if I am away for an hour. It's in the eyes.

Re: Scorp42
by: Life is Good


I am so happy for you!!! Right now I am sitting here smiling with a good feeling that EVERYTHING IS WORKING OUT FOR YOUR GOOD. Be blessed always and forever... 1 of the 3 Scorpioette has found true love, 2 more to go! :-D

Hey Hope where are you???

This morning I told my Aqua that I would not be contacting him for a while, meaning everything is over. I can't be his friend knowing that I have feelings for him. I, like you Scorp42, have a peace and know it's better to sever all ties to be able to move on. I still believe God has a husband, not just any man, out there for me. :-D

For Life Is Good
by: Scorp42

LIG I like you too! I don't know what I would have done w/o you guys there to talk to. My Aquarian journey has been eventful to say the least. I have been writing a book on this experience. I will need a title when I am done. Only a Scorpio would understand. LOL After reading what everyone had to say it made me feel so much better about my decision. All in all it boils down to he had his chance and decided a committed relationship was not what he wanted. I came to the conclusion that it's okay for him to get what he wants but It's okay for me to have what I want as well. Too bad we didn't want the same thing. I still gained a life long friend and for that I am thankful. Here is to true love!!!

Sort of Sad to Read
by: Hope

Hi to Scorp42, Life is Good, AqauGirl, and Dawn. I'm still around--mostly trying to get caught up at work after taking two weeks of self-indulgent bliss.

I also feel sort of sad in reading your posts, knowing that you are right. Some of us really need to feel a connection with our partner, whether or not we have daily contact with them.

Things are going great with my Aqua, except that is miss him terribly. I got spoiled while he was here.

My thoughts are definitely with you all and I am wishing that things work out for each of us in ways that far exceed our imaginations and expectations! I'm still around and still cheering for all of us. I am also hanging around because this site provides a wealth of information on all of the signs.

by: Aqua Girl

Scorp42- Sad but true about us Aquas. We want what we can't have then when we have it, we don't want it so much! It's a pride issue I suppose. I'm trying to work on it for myself. I know I drive people crazy with it and then when my Aqua Boo does it to me, I get upset.
I'm starting to think this Aqua-Aqua pairing isn't going to go so well for me. It's too much push and pull. I hope it all works out for you though. Honestly, My Gemini was the BEST match for me too... Too bad he realized that AFTER he married someone else.

HEY HEY HEY and what's all this scorpio talk all about???? Don't forget about me now.. I'm the one letting you all in on all the Aqua secrets.. LOL

I am happy I found this site though. I feel like we are all so close. Plus it makes it easier to vent to complete strangers.. LOL

Hey! Hey! Hey!
by: Life is Good

Hi Everyone!

Hey Aquagirl, didn't mean to leave you out by no means!!!! :-( I am sorry. Its just that when I came up here it was just Hope, Scorp42, and I. And we kind of meshed so I just always related to them first. But when you and AA came along it really helped tremendously. I just never could think of a catchy title for us 5. I think I just thought of one...Two A's to the Scorpio Rescue! LOL.

Life with an Aqua can be a roller coaster ride, but just like at the amusement park, you have to get off once the ride is over. For Scorp42 and myself, the time has come. And for you Hope, Girl, its your luck looks like you have received a lifetime season pass to your amusement park....ENJOY YOUR RIDE!

Remember Life is Good!!

Thanks Life is Good
by: Hope

I am enjoying this. The word ride is a good analogy, as I realize from my interaction with all of you and other postings, that nothing is constant with an Aqua. Just when we think we get one of their patterns, they change things up.

That is definitely part of their charm, but also the source of much frustration. We shall see. Thanks for your encouragement and I hope something wonderful is in store for you before month's end.

Hello All
by: Scorp42

I certainly hope that someone will be telling us soon that they are either moving in with their Aquarian or getting married. I must say that I am just now at the point where I can think about my Aquarian without crying. My Gemini and I are doing quite well and every day gets better and better. I hate to compare but after spending so much time with my Gemini and receiving his affection and attention had just shown me that I made the right decision. It's still hard at times but okay. I do know that I CAN NOT see or talk to my Aquarian right now. Going to see him a couple weeks ago set me back so much. It was hard for the both of us. I don't want that to happen again. It made me second guess my decision for a few days. Anyway I hope all is well with everyone on here. Hope hang in there, if my Gemini hadn't come along in my darkest hour I would still be clinging to whatever it was my Aquarian and I had. Let me exhale now and reminisce.

Still doing me
by: Aqua Girl

I'm glad to hear you are doing better Scorp42.. That's a blessing.

I'm still doing my own thing.

Hope everyone else is well.

Switching Strategies
by: Hope

Hi Scorp42. It really sounds as though your Gemini is a better overall match for you. Not to discount the many qualities that you appreciated in your Aqua and all the great times the two of you shared.

Life is Good I am glad you are stepping back to assess whether or not you have the desire to pursue things with your Aqua. I know it is hard when you realize the incredible potential between you two.

AquaGirl, so interesting to learn the there are similar dynamics even between an Aqua man and Aqua Woman. I hope he wakes up soon and realizes he is missing out on a treasure.

by: Life is Good

Just stopping thru to say hello.

This weekend will be the first time I will have an opportunity to possibly see my Aqua since I have stopped all communication with him. If he decides to show, it will be something to see how he acts because I already told him that I could make his life drama free and did not have to even acknowledge him while there...and I meant every word of it. It is not in my plans to initiate any conversations with him...and believe me I am a Pro at it. There will be other men there from my past that can occupy my time. :-D

Don't want to be where I am made to feel not wanted or respected.

For Life Is Good
by: Scorp42

LIG, I hope seeing your Aqua doesn't set you back emotionally like seeing mine did. We both agreed that we were not strong enough to be around each other. I must admit though that I do miss the laughter we used to share. Stay strong and put on your best outfit. Nothing wrong with showing him what he's missing. I know, I know I'm bad. I was dressed to the nines when I went to see my Aqua and I could tell he was impressed. He had that I want to take you look in his eyes. LOL

Re: Scorp42
by: Life Is Good

LOL...You are a mess Scorp42! I am packing right now. No baggy clothes this weekend! LOL. I hope seeing him makes me realize that I made the right decision. I do still love and miss him but not being on the same page is torture. All I wanted was a close friendship and if something came out it, that would have been ok. He chose otherwise... oh well life goes on.


I did it again
by: Scorp42

Well, I talked to my Aquarian on Thursday 9/16/10. We both wanted to see each other badly so I paid him a visit. Of course dressed to the nine's again. It was a really nice freindship visit. We laughed a lot and it was if he was one of my best friends again. I talked crap about his messy apartment and helped him with his work a little. I was there for a couple hours then I went home. Well after I arrived at home I got a few text messages about how much he missed me and that he wanted to do a few things to me while I was there. Yes I was tempted as ever but he said even if I did give in he would not let me do it. I told him that it showed that he did truly love me and cared about my situation. He is such a good guy and I think our friendship is going to survive and be okay! Damn he was looking awful good... Anyway... LOL

by: Aqua Girl

Hello All
This is kinda for Scorp42 and Kinda in General too.

What I don't understand is why someone says they are done and have moved on, but still go back?? I do understand being done with the Aqua Mans distance and the craziness they make you feel, I get that, But to say that you have moved on to another guy and yet still go to visit Aqua Man?? That puzzles me. I feel like that would be SO hard for you and Aqua AND if the New guy finds out (unless you told him) that may throw a wrench in things. I'm all for being friends with Ex's.. I'm Aqua so of course I'm for it.. lol But that's ONLY after the feelings have faded and you honestly don't want that person that way anymore and they don't want you. It's obvious that there are still DEEP feelings for you both, and the tricky thing is the distance that you are giving your Aqua and the fact that he knows you are with someone else, is only going to make His feelings stronger for you! (Remember, People, Especially Aquas want what they can't have.) So by you going to visit him during this critical time, it's going to get his hopes up that he still has a chance at getting you back... And he is going to put every inch of effort into trying to win you back! Trust me.. It's what we do. If he ever got you back, Trust and Believe you would have him forever!! We like to fight for what we want and when we finally get it after a long and hard fight, it's not going anywhere as long as we can help it! That's why this Aqua vs Aqua pairing is so hard. When we both need to fight for what we want it makes it hard because we are both fighting, but then we both get distant when the other one starts coming around. Since I am the one that realizes this, I have to out Aquarian him. I'm not "Done" yet, but I'm getting tired. I have removed myself from the situation for a while. If he comes around that's ok, but I'm done trying!

I hope everything works out for everyone, just be careful.

For Aqua Girl
by: Scorp42

I understand where you are coming from and I don't expect you to understand why I still see my Aqua on occation. As far as my Aquarian hoping he can get me back, I don't think that is the case. He is not doing what he can to win me back at this point. He is a great friend and we talk about things in my family that he is going through as well. Now if I am being honest I can't say that somewhere deep inside that I would never take him back. I am living my life day by day and going where the tide takes me. NO, I will not cheat on my Gemini but he has unfinished business in his life as well. I can't say what the future holds but I do know this, the devotion you are talking about that I would get from my Aquarian if I took him back is all I wanted to begin with. I am far too old to wait till this part of my life to make a big mistake that I will regret forever. I just want to be happy and that is what I am doing. Aquagirl I am not trying to be mean or anything but at this point in my life I don't really care what other's think about what I am doing. Only I am responsible for my happiness. If I didn't get the Aquarian games to begin with I wouldn't be with my Gemini in the first place. I have no guilt. Maybe I'm wrong for feeling that way but it's the truth. I'm not mad or anything and am glad you tell me how you feel. It lets me see things from a different perspective.

by: Aqua Girl

Hey Girl. Everything is all good. I was having a moment.. lol I guess I thought you were meeting up for other reasons. Who knows. I'm glad you are happy though. Sounds like things are going in the right direction for you.

I'm in Blah land right now so I won't say much!

Hope everyone else is well too.

For Aqua Girl
by: Scorp42

What a difference a day makes. Okay maybe you were more right than I wanted to admit. I think my Aquarian's fight has really kicked in. I got a text message from him yesterday telling me that I was moving way to fast with my Gemini. I told him that my feelings for him are still there and I did what I thought was best because I thought I had been dumped in a nice way when he told me to start dating blah, blah, blah... Anyway, early this morning I got a good morning text in the sweet way he used to. In the middle of the day I sent him a text wanting to know where his head is and if he was in my spot what would he do. He told me he would not have gotten into a full fledge relationship. Then he sends me a picture of him that still has my heart racing. It was so not something he would have done before at all!!! Wearing something I bought him, followed by a text that simply said "Hi!!!!" I guess it is payback for me being dressed to the nine's when I went to see him twice. Oh my word this is getting crazy now. He said he wanted to talk to me after work today. Now on the Gemini side of things, my Gemini has been bending over backwards doing things for me and with me to make me as happy as he possibly can. He is the sweetest person I have ever met. Never in a million years would I have ever thought my Aquarian would be the way he is now. That man can have any woman he wants or multiple women. I have a headache about the whole thing. I wish I had not gotten into such a serious situation with my Gemini. I think part of it was because of my broken heart and the other because I still had a strong love for my Gemini. Anyway I am still going to enjoy my relationship with my Gemini and keep everthing with my Aquarian on the frienship level that I have been. I need lots of time and prayer to sort out my feelings and what is best for me. I bet I sound like a crazy person now.

For Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

HAHA.. Sorry to laugh, but I knew it!! Ok let me say it... "I told you so"... Now I feel better.
; )
You scared me for a minute, I thought my magical Aqua mind-reading gift was starting to fail me. lol
I had to chuckle a little when you said that Aqua man was saying u jumped in too fast with Gemini man. I did the same thing 2 my Cappi Ex that got married. When he started dating her I was okay, but when he started talking about marriage & more serious stuff & started ignoring me, I started questioning him: Did he love her, was he "in love" with her, Did he still love me-Because if he did he couldn't possibly love her, Is he sure he knows what he is getting into, maybe he should take some time away and get his feelings together, blah blah blah... I told him I was happy for him & gave him my blessing, but then I keep the questions coming. THEN I put up a bigger wall then I had before. I got kinda defensive and mean with him, but that came later. Before that I was sweet as pie.

See this is usually what happens with Aquas. We (Aquas) are SO afraid of losing our freedom and getting involved with someone crazy, so when someone is trying to love us or get close to us in the beginning we freak... but then when they get tired of us and walk away we Freak.. lol and have to fight our way back in. That's usually when we start to realize we really do love that person even though we had to tell ourselves 8500 times that we didn't love them & that it just couldn't be. Most of the time we end up losing that person to someone else & have to start the grueling process all over again... It's really exhausting. One thing I am not sure of is if the other Aquas realize they do this. It took me a LONG time & a lot of research to realize this about myself. So now I try to control it before it goes to far. Doesn't always work though. Now that I'm playing this awful game with another Aqua it's really exhausting! But it's a great learning experience for me. I'm learning more about myself & how the others see me in this type of situation. Anyway, I really feel for you but like I said before... You are going to have to figure out WHO you want!! But one little bit of advice. If you do decide to choose your Aqua let him fight a little before you give all the way in. Just give him enough to keep him around but keep him fighting. Don't get TOO distant though, because once he thinks he has lost you forever, he will get so distant in his mind that he won't allow himself to go back.

Scorp42 Continue...
by: Aqua Girl

Also just as a little warning and this may or may not happen with him, but be careful... At this point and forward is when you may really start seeing the Aqua Mood swings!! If he is like most.. They are not fun to deal with. Almost scary... The more nonchalant you are with him when he is expressing how he really feels about you, the more angry he will get. That is why you really need to figure out what you are going to do. If you try to just be his "friend" right now it's going to be really hard for both of you, especially him. Remember he analyzes EVERYTHING! So any move you make or anything you say, he is running it play by play in his head and he may some how in his mind try to figure out what you meant by that and twist it around to his favor. Such as: If you start seeing him or talking to him more one week he will think he is really starting to make progress in getting you back, but then you pull back the next week or 2 because you are busy or whatever and he will flip. He may not be like this, I don't know him, but most of us Aquas are like that.

But I could be wrong... lol

by: Life is Good

Hello Everyone!

Just stopping through to say hello. Well my Aqua didn't attend the function but we did have a nice chat the day I returned home and today. He has this project that he has been interested in doing for a while and I had been encouraging him to pursue for a while. When we chatted today, he told me he had been working on it which made me very happy. He even asked my opinion about it and I was honest and shared it. It was nice to just chat like old times, meaning the beginning of our friendship. Before he ended the conversation he told me thanks and that I was his inspiration. My response... Yeah Right!.. LOL...You see I am not taking anything that he saids to heart because that's how I got in this mess in the first place! LOL

Aqua Girl, I wish we could chat more...I would love to pick your brain on a few things. LOL

Scorp42, I understand what you are going through. Just continue to look at both situations closely and carefully. Remember you want to have a wholesome relationship in which both of you are on the same page.

Hello Hope, AA, and the rest of the gang!

by: Aqua Girl

Hey LIG.. Glad to hear from you. You can pick my brain anytime. lol I can't promise I have all the answers, but I may have a few. ; )

Scorp42- I think you met up with your Aqua Man..? What happened??? Hope you are okay.

Hope, Dazed, AA and anyone else I missed... WHERE ARE YOU?? What's going on with everyone.

I met another Capricorn!! Pretty nice guy. Makes me laugh. He actually calls me!.. LOL
He wants to meet in person, but I'm not sure about that! I can already see this turning into a heartbreak situation and I don't think I'm ready for that. Plus I don't want anyone getting hurt. Normally I wouldn't think about it like that, but because of my past experiences and now Scorp42's situation, I'm re-thinking the whole situation. We'll see what happens. I'm still on the fence.

For Aqua Girl
by: Dazed

Aqua Girl...

Hey I'm still here. No much going on over this way. Two questions for you...

First - Why do you think you and your new cap will be a heartbreak situation, and for or him?

Second - Not to put a time limit on things, but how long should one give an aqua man his distance before seriously moving on & taking it as him just not being interested? I know since you're a female your answer might be different but worth a shot.

Thank you!

by: Aqua Girl

Hi Dazed.
I really don’t have all the answers, if I did, I wouldn’t be in the situation I am in now. lol
All I can do is share what I have experienced. The reason I said it may be a heart-break situation is because usually when you walk away from an Aquarian for another mate, the Aquarian wakes up and opens their eyes and realizes what they are losing, but at that point it is usually too late. I have been in that situation before & I really don’t want to go though it again. Plus right now I am focused on myself & trying to accomplish the goals I have set for myself, that I really don’t need anymore distractions. Basically the same situation Scorp42 is going through is what I am trying to avoid.
As for the 2nd part. You really can’t put a time limit on anything. It’s hard to say. I guess it depends on how “into” you he is. All I know is, if we are spending quality time with you pretty often then there has to be something there especially if we are being intimate with you, because if we don’t like you somewhat like that, you won’t get much of our time, if any, let alone affection. When someone ignores us & we are into them, that’s when we start sniffing around wondering what’s going on. But if we are not that into you, we usually just walk away quietly. The problem is, the other person never really knows what’s going on. I know it sounds like a bunch of games, but if you are not an Aquarian you will never really understand it. Most Aquas don’t even realize they do this, but I have taken the time to learn more about myself. I would never suggest “Waiting” around for the unknown. I know some people say they would wait for the ones they love & some would just walk away then to deal with it. I guess it depends on how you feel & what you decide for yourself. Most women will meet someone, really start falling for them & then start complaining about what he Isn’t doing & hope that he will change after they get into a relationship. Most likely your Aqua isn’t going to change all that much. See we are not looking for what everyone else is looking for! We look for someone that is a friend, a buddy. Someone that we can play with, joke with, be sarcastic with, kick off the couch, someone that we can just be silly with & have intellectual conversations with & then throw something at them all at the same time, without them getting mad or all the emotional deep stuff. We like affection & being told that we are missed, but not the “I can’t breathe without you in my life” missed. That’s TOO MUCH emotion. We don’t want the questions about why haven’t we called in 2 days or 2 hours. We didn’t notice so why should you? I don’t know if that answers your question or not. You can always ask him if he is into you. We are honest. If he isn’t he will tell you, but if he is & he isn’t all that sure about his feelings he will probably say something like “If I didn’t like you, You wouldn’t be here”. In a sarcastic tone of course. lol

Aqua Girl
by: Anonymous

Aqua Girl...

I see what you're saying about another heart-break situation. I know that it's important to work on yourself and accomplish what you want in life, but sometimes I think people use that as an excuse to avoid actually dating and allowing someone into their lives. Not saying that you're doing that, but just make sure that you aren't...this guy might be worth a look.

Yes you did answer my question somewhat. But thing is, I have asked him if he was interested & he said that he is...but he's just busy. I noticed that he was getting distant, which is what prompted me to ask. So since then, I've just left him alone to give him space, but that was a month ago & he hasn't reached out to me, and I haven't seen him in 2 months either. I txt him for the first time over the weekend and simply stated "goodnite" and his response was "Hi. And goodnite" Mind you that we knew each other for a year before we started "talking" (he approached me and pursued me during that year, but I just kind of kept him on a friend level). However, when we did start talking he was very open with me...he would talk to me about his family and his relationships with mom, dad and so on, his goals for himself, his passions, etc. I also notice he would analyze me and say things like.."I can tell you're this way..." and just ask me questions about what I thought of him...I could tell he was trying to picture me in his future so to speak. Can you see where and why I'm kind of confused....? If he's still interested like he says he is...why no contact?

by: Aqua Girl

Even though our sun signs play a big part in our personalities, we are still individuals. So I can't really answer your question or give you advice on what to do, because I could be wrong and I wouldn't want to steer you in the wrong direction and then feel responsible if something went wrong.

I'm not really sure what's going on in his head. I know that if someone asks me if I am interested I will be honest with them about it and I have used the "busy" line before. He could be trying to let you down easy without hurting you and hoping you slowly walk away, but still remain a friend or he may really be busy. I am very busy myself most of the time because I choose to be, but when I am into someone, I MAKE time for them.
A lot of times, sadly enough, it takes something to ruffle our feathers to make us realize what we are missing or are going to miss. Like in Scorp42's situation.. Another man stepped in and now Her Aqua feels threatened so he is steppin his game up.

I wish I had all the answers. I don't know why people do what they do. I'm honestly tired of all the games myself. I know I get a little strange in the beginning too when I first meet someone, but once I'm into someone, that's it. I know my Aqua Boo is special (he is Aqua so of course he is and I care for him very much!! I miss him something awful, But will I call him first or tell him that??? HECK NO. Not unless he says something first. That's because HE has to be the one to make the first move. It has to be HIS idea. Sure he will respond to me all day. I could call or text him everyday and he will respond because he is a nice guy and enjoys talking to me... But for him to actually be the first one to initiate the call or the meeting up... Now THAT really means something! For HIM to take time out of HIS busy life and get past all of that inner emotion to actually pick up a phone and make the first move.. That's priceless! I have been the one initiating everything recently and I have stopped! It's not going to go anywhere if I continue to do that. I don't chase people and I refuse to chase him. Not because I don't think he is worth it, but because I think he IS worth it! I'm still going to continue to focus on myself and do what I need to do and I am going to date other men. I'm not going to stop my life. He may not be into me.. Who knows, but I'm not going to put my life on hold waiting for the answer. If it's meant to be, it will be. I'm not even mad about any of this, because I understand it. Just hope he wakes up soon.

Aqua Girl
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your comments. Everything that you said is absolutely valid and I appreciate the honesty. It's funny because everything you said I already think to myself...but sometimes hope for what your heart desires grabs a hold of you and clouds everything. But way to kick my ass back to reality! Thank you.

by: Aqua Girl

(Don't forget to put your name in the box so we know who it's from) lol

You're welcome.

Scorp42- What's going on?? I hope you are okay. I can't imagine what has happened since out last convo...

For Aqua Girl and Others
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, it has been a bit of a rollercoaster of emotions for me the past few days. Today is Tuesday 9/28. I had no contact with my Aquarian since he sent me the most AWESOME picture ever last week until yesterday. I sent him a good morning. I told him a bit of what had been going on in a text and said the two of us need to talk later. I need some Aquarian advice from him on a few things. I told him about something that has been bothering me and he told me that he was here for me, to pray on it and let it go. He also followed it up with a text that Jesus loves me and so does he!!!! It seems now everytime we contact each other he tells me he loves me. Who in the world is this man?? Me and my Gemini are going through a bit of a rough period lately as his issues are now spilling over into my life. I am not happy about it and it makes me want to see my Aquarian all the more. However I will not initiate a visit right now as I may break my cardinal rule and I will never be able to recover from that. I have decided to take everything one day at a time with my Gemini and keep my Aquarian in my loop with contact via text or phone call every now and then. I think I need a bit more fight out of my Aquarian. I love that man soooooo much but he needs to earn me!

by: Aqua Girl

Seems like now the pressure is off Mr. Aqua, he feels comfortable telling you how he truly feels. Funny how that all works. Wonder what would happen if you were free again? I wonder if he would get scared off again or if he would take you in??

I hope it all works out for you.

For Aqua Girl
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, I know my Aquarian is still not ready for me. It may be a cpule years before he is truly ready for me who knows. I do know that I am not making any life decisions based on my Aqua anymore. I am living my life and enjoying it. I enjoy having my Aqua as my friend and if the future brings us back together then it was ment to be. If not then it wasn't. I do know that my Gemini is bending over backwards for me and I appreciate it and am embracing it. I did slow things down a bit with my Gemini so we can focus on our friendship and let things grow. Because of our history it's easy. Bringing my Gemini into my world has helped him grow tremendously, however I am a bit to handle and he is having a hard time trying to keep up. Never had that issue with the Aqua as it was I keeping up with him. Oh well... :-)

Hmmm... Well well well
by: Aqua Girl

OMG!!! That's all I have to say right now.. : )

For Aqua Girl
by: Scorp42

I know Aquagirl, I am a real mess right now. I keep telling myself that everything is the way it is supposed to be. My biggest problem is that no matter how many times I tell myself and no matter how great things are with my Gemini, he is not my Aquarian! Emotionally I can not let my Aquarian go. He called me today on his lunch break and said he will call me after work so we can really talk. I don't think I have ever been more confused in my life. Of course I am leaving a lot of the full story out concerning me and my Gemini. Right now he needs me and my support. He was there when I needed him years ago and I feel obligated to be there for him now. But in all reality all I want is my Aquarian. I won't tell either of them that right now because it would complicate my life even more. I thought in the beginning because I get all the attention and affection I could ever want from my Gemini that things would be flowery and good. It is all of that but like I said it is not my Aquarian. Had I known long ago that it would be like this I would have NEVER started up a romance with my Gemini! I would have been better off alone. Geez, I can't win for loosing. I am still embrassing my life right now and making the best out of it. I don't want to hurt my Gemini as he is a GREAT man. My Aquarian is such a great guy that he makes sure he gives me just enough to keep me there but won't cross the line and disturb what I have going on with my Gemini. This sucks!!! I know Aquagirl OMG!!! For real. After reading my posts over the past year I must sound like a real lunatic! LOL I won't ask for any advice because I know what to do, I just don't want to do it. My Gemini has been in the same spot I am so he would totally understand, but I have never hurt anyone like that before and I just can't bring myself to do it right now. I don't want to loose the friendship of either of them, but I know I can not continue doing what I am doing. Uhh...

For Scorp42
by: D

I knew it! I knew you were secretly longing for your aqua over your gemini! What a tough situation. I know you said that you're still just doing you right now, but have you talked with your aqua about whether a real future for you two is possible? I think that might help you with a decision. Just a thought...

by: Aqua Girl

I was saying OMG because of what happened to me yesterday.. ; )
But yeh your situation is crazy too. That is what I am trying to avoid. I have been down that road before and I refuse to go through it again. I hope you can figure out what to do. Emotions are not something to play with. One of them needs to s**t or get off the pot! It sure isn't making it easy for you either.
I wouldn't want to have to make a decision like that so I am keeping it low key for now and focusing on me.

Every time I see him there is a sense of calmness inside of me. I stress out everyday, all day in my head about random things and when he is around, all of that goes away. I can tell I am getting more comfortable around him. Everytime we get together, we learn something new about each other. It doesn't get boring because we never just let all of our business out there at once. We just get little by little every time and it's awesome. He is still a mystery to me, which is a good thing, because I love to figure things out on my own. There is so much about him I don't know, it keeps me guessing. I love that. He loves to try and figure me out too. He watches and observes my every move and then tells me something about myself that I didn't even know or realize. It's the best, but I love doing that to people too. lol I am a very hard person to get close to on that level and I think he is starting to get his hooks in me... And I think I am actually ok with it.. ; )

by: Aqua Girl

What is going on with everyone?

Too Silent on here. Had to crawl out of my cave to see what was happening... LOL

All Is Still Crazy But Good
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, I just got back from a visit with my Aquarian. He told me today that he loved me and always will. He got me all caught up on what was going on in his life and we laughed a lot. He said he is patient and will wait for me when I get tired of my Gemini. He went way out of his comfort zone and was unusually affectionate. So I am officially going crazy but I am still smiling. My Gemini situation is getting crazy as he may be moving away for his job. He will be 3 hours away and said he will still visit me often but he has to relocate. He wants me to go as well but I informed him I couldn't. He said he will wait for the time when I can move there with him. Lordy, lordy... I wouldn't wish this situation on anyone. LOL

by: Aqua Girl

Of course I don't like suggesting things to people, because if they take my advice and it blows up in their face then I would feel awful...
But that to me is a BIG sign!!

If it was my situation this is how I would think... But this is just me: People come into our life for a reason. Again I don't know ALL of the story, but you were really wanting to be with Aqua man and you were putting so much focus on it that it was almost scaring him away because he wasn't too sure how he was feeling. It was draining you emotionally and making you go crazy in a sense. You needed a Strong force to snap you out of it so the NEW Aqua man showed up... That didn't work, you needed a Stronger force so that's when Gemini man pops up and gets your mind off of your Aqua. You weren't being so Intense with him and it was giving him time to realize what he was feeling for you. Now Gemini man has to leave and Aqua is finally able to tell you how he really feels to your FACE! We HATE to show emotion that is true, once something happens though that gets those emotions brewing we don't have a choice and it just comes out. With me the more I can express those emotions to one person the easier it gets overtime... Sometimes. But it takes something to ruffle my feathers to get me to that point.

The other thing is I know he said he would wait for you, and maybe that is how is feels "Right now", but just like anyone else, he will not wait forever and it wouldn't be fair to him if he did or if you let him.

You were longing for Aqua Man when you didn't have your Gemini and you were longing for him when you did have Gemini. And I'm just going by what you have said on here... And just from what you have said and the love you have for him.. (And our situations are almost the same, You are just further ahead then me time wise).. You would be crazy to leave that man.. (Aqua) But that's just me. I'm not trying to sway you one way or another and I have been wrong before.. lol I'm just saying... Look at the whole picture.

by: Dazed

I agree with AquaGirl regarding not putting so much focus onto things. I finally talked with my aqua via text and we were just updating each other on what's going on in our lives. He could tell I was going thru some things without me having to mention it and said that if I ever needed to talk, he has really good ears. That meant a lot to me and snapped me back to where things were most important. I was completely relieved because at that moment I realized how much of a friend he was to me and my focus completely shifted. I feel like a weight was lifted and I can go back to interacting with him how I use to before...when I didn't have so many demands or expectations in my head.

Scorp42 - I wonder if it's a sign that your Gemini is having to move...right when you feel you're stuck between having to choose between two men......

Aquagirl and Dazed
by: Scorp42

Ladies, you couldn't be more correct. There is a level of happiness with my Aqua that I don't get with my Gemini and I have known that for quite some time. I just didn't know what was really going on with my Aqua. I must say that GOD really does love me becuase it makes it much easier for me to let the Gemini go w/o crushing him emotionally. It has also taught me how to calm down and not put so much focus on my Aqua. I feel releaved and happy that things are going where they are going. I will keep my freindship with my Gemini as that had always been the most important part of our relationship. Yesterday proved to me that no matter who I am around he (Aqua) is the man that moves mountains for me. He touched my arm yesterday and it was like he was touching my soul. I don't get that with my Gemini. All that to say I reacted with emotion when me and my Gemini got together instead of really thinking it through. My Aqua knows my situation clearly and he knows my plans and why I am doing what I am doing. All things happen for a reason. So today is a new day for me and I have a bit more clarity in my life.

I have put my whole situation out here and on the outside looking in I know it sounds crazy but you guys have been there with me for a while so you all get it and I THANK YOU!!!!!

by: Aqua Girl

That's so awesome!!! I hope it continues to work out for you. Have you talked to him yet about making any final decisions or about being together officially?

I know what you mean about the "touching your soul" touch they give you. It's a feeling you can't describe for sure.

I'm getting a little discouraged myself. Some days I'm ok and others I'm not. I have been talking to the Capricorn for a little while now and he really makes me laugh, but it's not the same. I just feel like Aqua Boo is giving me the brush off so I'm not about to stop my life. Arrggghh.. Then again, everything happens for a reason.. lol

by: Dazed

Scorp42 - I'm glad that you finally realized what you wanted...even though the rest of us already knew ;) I'm also curious if your aqua knows that you've made your decision so to speak...or will you keep him in suspense?

AquaGirl - I know how you feel. It's hard to try and develop feelings for someone when you don't feel like things are finished with someone else. I would go with your gut feeling and what your intuition tells you regarding your aqua. You stated that you don't want to make the same mistakes again, or end up in the same situation as Scorp42, but do you think it might happen with the Cap if you don't seize the opportunity with him before it's too late? He makes you laugh...and I think that's a great start. But then again, you can't force something that's not there...and that's something else I also understand.

To Dazed
by: Aqua Girl

All I am saying is, I'm not going to stop my life for anyone that is unsure themselves. If Aqua Boo truly wanted me and wanted to take things a little further then of course I wouldn't be talking to anyone else and really I don't do that anyway. I'm talking to the Cap, not dating him, but that doesn't mean it isn't possible for that to happen. For the most part I try to stick to one person at a time. I'm usually too busy to have too many dudes running around anyway and that's just not my thing.
I'm not too sure about Cap boy anyway. He makes me laugh, but he kinda gets on my nerves. That's the other thing, I like Aqua Boo cause I can stand him. lol He is the first in a long time that doesn't get on my nerves and he "gets" me. As most of you all know us Aquas can say some really harsh things at any given moment, but we don't really mean to hurt you, we are just blunt or being a smart A&&... I know I have said some random things to him and he either laughed at it or just blew it off. He didn't get all sensitive about it and wonder why I said what I said. I love that. A lot of people get really upset with me when I joke around because they think I'm too harsh and they take it personal when it wasn't meant to be that way. He doesn't (well he doesn't show it anyway)and I'm the same way with him. If we don't want to comment on something, we just don't, without any questions.

I'm not asking him to sign his life away, I just wish he would come around more often. I have fun with him and I know we would have a great time together no matter what we were out doing.

I was thinking that maybe he isn't brushing me off and maybe he is thinking the same way I am, about trying to give me MY space and not contact me too often. That's for the Birds! At this point we have passed that phase. I'm not going to get scared off now. If that was the case, I would have been gone a long time ago.

by: Dazed

Your so funny when you said that Cap gets on your sounded like a friend of mine who also happens to be an aqua. It is hard to find someone that 'gets' you. I also have a very harsh and sarcastic sense of humor, but I think it's all in fun, however, some people think I'm just being a bitch. I've only met a few people who can hash back what I dish out & get laughs out of it.

I have a question for you, or something I wanted to point out. I think I remember you mentioning in previous posts that your aqua stated he didn't want a relationship. Unless he stated differently after that, I think that could be a lot of why he isn't coming around, or at least not how you like he would. If he has different expectations or views of how he wants relationships in his life to go, it's going to effect how available he is to you, but I don't think it's personal towards you or intentional...just him doing him.

Another question...what do you want from him exactly?

To Dazed
by: Aqua Girl

Yeh he doesn't want a relationship right now, I am aware of this. I'm not trying to pressure him into one, I don't really want one myself. I never said that! Plus that has nothing to do with being a friend and coming around as a friend more often. I was just simply stating (venting) that he makes me laugh and I miss being around him. We can be friends all day, I don't need to have a "Title". I view things differently then most I suppose.

Dazed and Aquagirl
by: Scorp42

Dazed, you have to remember that Aquagirl is an Aquarius. You know how they are with "Friendship." It doesn't mean the same to them as it does to us. We Scorpio's don't get intimate with our friends unless we call them friends with benefits. LOL Aquagirl it has been the best thing ever to have you give us advise and tell us your point of view. It's funny how much Aqua's think and act alike. My Aqua and I have been communicating every day since Sunday. He has been sending me random text's about what is going on in his life or events he has going on. A bit more than he was when we were "together." I seen to have this sense inside me that knows when things are rough for him and he needs me. On the flip side he has the same sense about me. It's crazy. He told me today that I probably didn't know it but my visit to him changed everything for him and it helped him so much. He said that he had been really sad and was so alone. It made me cry. I promised to be a better friend and check on him as he does me. When I got to his place and we started talking his whole face lit up and I knew from then on things would never be the same for me. My Gemini is excited about moving and I am excited for him. Things are working out just the way God intended. I prayed about it and asked God to work it out and help me with my emotion.

I am a living witness that prayer WORKS! I can see my Aqua every now and then and not yearn for him the way I did in the beginning. I know the situation with my Gemini will work out because God has already moved him to another city. I will still continue our friendship w/o guilt and concentrate on being me. Nothing wrong with having 2 fabulous men as true friends. Either of them would do anything for me if I asked. I just won't ask. :-) Boy I tell you Aquagirl you Aqua's sure can be stubborn. I guess it's what makes you you. Lol We love you Aqua's I know that!

To Scorp42 and Everyone
by: Aqua Girl

Thanks for explaining. I'm sure you could tell I was getting a little irritated. lol

I'm glad I have been able to help a little on here. We are very stubborn. That's for sure. Something I have been trying to work on.

I got a strange call today from My Scorpio from the Past!! Not sure what that was all about.

I was thinking about what Dazed had said above and some of it made sense. I have been thinking a lot about my situation. I understand me and Aqua Boo are not together and maybe we never will be, but I do care for him very much and I can honestly see him being a potential "Best Friend" lol... That's when I decided that I need to let it go. He doesn't want that right now and there's nothing I can do to change that. I'm not going to fight for someone that doesn't want to be won. I figure if I don't walk away now, it's going to be harder on me in the end. I have done everything I can at this point. I have told him how I feel and I tried to stick around as long as I could. I don't want to fall head over heels for him when that isn't what he wants. Commitment scares me, but for the first time in forever I can see him in my life. I'm not sure what that means, but It kinda scares me a little. Since we are not on the same page, that tells me I have to go. Of course God keeps giving me signs that I should stick around... That's the only thing that has kept me going this long. In fact the other day when I decided all of this, I was ready to let it all go, I was listening to a song that reminds me of him and he freakin text me out of the Blue!! It was at a odd hour and on an odd day! Kinda made me mad because when I think I'm done, he pops up! But this time was very strange the way it happened. I had asked God to give me a sign the day before and that happened!

It's too bad it has to end like this. Kinda liked the dude... lol

For Aqua Girl
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, the Aquarian ride is the most dramatic thing I have ever been through. I know where you are with the giving up thing. Of course from experience I can say "It ain't over till it's over!" I don't think I will ever not love my Aquarian. We are in a place right now that is good for the both of us. I've never loved like this before. Sometimes I feel like a crazy person with the on and off an on again thing with my Aquarian. I chalk it up as a learning experience and keep on moving. Who knows what the future has in store. I hope this site is still around when I tell you that me and my Aquarian are getting married. LOL that will be in 2020. :-)

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

HAHA Married?? Not if he can help it.. LOL

I still care about him, I'm just tired. I'm done trying until he can put some effort into it. Being friends with someone shouldn't be this hard.

Where is everyone??? Hope, Dazed, AA, LIG, Whoever else I forgot... Where the heck is everyone?????

by: Dazed


I saw my aqua this week and had a great time with him. We caught up with each other and just enjoyed one another's company. He couldn't stop kissing me! I never noticed how affectionate of a person he was. Anyways, things are much easier with him and a lot smoother when I just enjoy what I have with him. I realized that he'll always be there for me as a friend or whatever else as long as I allow him to be.

I agree with AquaGirl...where is everyone else at?

by: Aqua Girl

Note to self: Don't walk away.... RUN like hell!!

My Aquarian Man packed up and moved
by: LostScorp

I read each post from the begining. I sure need the support. I lost my love (libra) to cancer and had not dated for 4 years. One night at a club this man caught my eye and he received that ever famous scorpio stare- Laughed and asked for my number, and called every day for a month before I one day called him and asked him to go out for a drink,(the ride starts)....This man had a key to my apt, and lived with me on the days he was not in school (thurs thru Monday morning 530am) for the last year. 2 months ago I came home from work early and found his email open and read communication from a ex, expressing how much they missed each other. I then learned he was planning a trip to visit her. (originally from a different state). Of course I confronted him, and decided he was here and she there, no worries... Last month, (3 wks later) I call him on wednesday to find out if he was coming thursday and he tells me yes, but next weekend he will not. He will be going out of town. I flipped and told him he need not come this weekend. I get home from work the next day and he has moved everything (which I purchased for him)out. When I went to his sisters where he stayed during the week, he threw my apt keys in the car and said it was over...
Understand, I supported mr aqua during this year, claimed him on my taxes, provided everything for him. The rejection was mind blowing!!! From that day, he would not call nor return my calls or text. I became so angry and did the scorpio retaliation... and did some really childish things, all the time, going by to see him, wanting him to come back. After much begging and some stalking, I have now relented. He changed his telephone number, and I have not texted him or emailed him in 2 days ( thats how bad it has been). During this, he has said some mean things to me, but at the same time he has shown sadness. I know I have to totally stop contact, and it is so hard. OPEN TO ALL ADVICE!!

My Aquarian Man packed up and moved
by: LostScorp

I read each post from the begining. I sure need the support. I lost my love (libra) to cancer and had not dated for 4 years. One night at a club this man caught my eye and he received that ever famous scorpio stare- Laughed and asked for my number, and called every day for a month before I one day called him and asked him to go out for a drink,(the ride starts)....This man had a key to my apt, and lived with me on the days he was not in school (thurs thru Monday morning 530am) for the last year. 2 months ago I came home from work early and found his email open and read communication from a ex, expressing how much they missed each other. I then learned he was planning a trip to visit her. (originally from a different state). Of course I confronted him, and decided he was here and she there, no worries... Last month, (3 wks later) I call him on wednesday to find out if he was coming thursday and he tells me yes, but next weekend he will not. He will be going out of town. I flipped and told him he need not come this weekend. I get home from work the next day and he has moved everything (which I purchased for him)out. When I went to his sisters where he stayed during the week, he threw my apt keys in the car and said it was over...
Understand, I supported mr aqua during this year, claimed him on my taxes, provided everything for him. The rejection was mind blowing!!! From that day, he would not call nor return my calls or text. I became so angry and did the scorpio retaliation... and did some really childish things, all the time, going by to see him, wanting him to come back. After much begging and some stalking, I have now relented. He changed his telephone number, and I have not texted him or emailed him in 2 days ( thats how bad it has been). During this, he has said some mean things to me, but at the same time he has shown sadness. I know I have to totally stop contact, and it is so hard. OPEN TO ALL ADVICE!!

To LostScorp
by: Scorp42

Oh my goodness... I know I am not anyone to give you any advice on this situation. However I do know that the retaliation and stalking pretty much put the last nail in the coffin of the relationship. Wow and I thought my story was out of control. I feel for you because I know what that "hard" feeling is like. Living together... Wow. Maybe I shouldn't ask but are the two of you in your twenties? I can say that ending a loving relationship no matter what sign you are is hard and hurts like nothing else. Time heals all wounds, it just seems as if getting over an Aquarian takes double the normal time.

Oh Boy
by: Aqua Girl

Well being an Aqua myself I can say it's pretty much over. He may forgive you at some point (I doubt it) and agree to be friends, but I don't know. I had 1 Ex do the same thing to me, even worse and we were together 5 years. He stalked me, checked my email, searched the garbage, followed me, begged to get me back, but I was done. I never stayed friends with him either. We have run into each other at a couple funerals and it took everything I had not to punch him in his jaw!! OMG It makes me mad to even think about it.

You may as well chalk this one up and move on. Once you betray our trust like that, there is NO fixing it! EVER! It doesn't matter what you did for him and how much you gave him. Once you go that far, you can forget it. Of course he looked sad because he probably really did like you, but no matter how much he likes you, it doesn't mask what you did to him. The sad thing is, yes he may have been talking to his Ex and telling her he missed her and even planning to go see her, but it may not have been anything serious at all. We stay friends with our ex's. We can do that with no Emotional attachment to them.

Of Course I can't say for sure, I could be wrong... he may be different and it may all work out. But Since he has already packed his bags.. That's not a good sign, especially if he did it when you were not there. That is a clear sign he doesn't want to be bothered with you and probably thinks you are a little loopy.

it doesn't mask what you did to him
by: LostScorp

Of course he looked sad because he probably really did like you, but no matter how much he likes you, it doesn't mask what you did to him.

This is the part I dont understand... What I did to him... he became angry and packed his clothes because I told him not to come that weekend, and threw the keys in my car b4 any of my retaliation started. What about what he did to me?
Does he really not hold himself responsible for some of this?

We are in our 40's.

it doesn't mask what you did to him
by: LostScorp

Of course he looked sad because he probably really did like you, but no matter how much he likes you, it doesn't mask what you did to him.

This is the part I dont understand... What I did to him... he became angry and packed his clothes because I told him not to come that weekend, and threw the keys in my car b4 any of my retaliation started. What about what he did to me?
Does he really not hold himself responsible for some of this?

We are in our 40's. I asked him if he hated me and he said no.

Lost Scorp
by: Dazed

Lost Scorp...

It seems like your aqua just wanted a way out and seized the opportunity when he saw it. I could be wrong...but that's the feeling I get when reading into the situation you presented. I'm sure you both are responsible for how it was handled, but I think it might interest you to just move on. I'm sorry things didn't work out for you...and aqua or not, I'm sure you deserve better.

For Lost
by: Scorp42

I spent some time with my Aquarian last night and talked about your situation. He said to me that in his mind (my Aqua) he would have tapped out after being confronted about the email. He said that everything is not always what it seems at first glance. My Aqua explained that yes he is still friends with quite a few of his ex's and misses some of thier freindship but that's all it is. He said that reading the email is one thing but confronting him on it was something entirely different. He said that you should have let it play out and see what happened. He felt that all trust was gone after the confrontation.

I learned a while ago to ask indirect questions to get the answers I needed from my Aquarian. I would not talk about one situation or person inparticular but ask questions about the ex's and how he felt about them etc... He was brutally honest and I got the answers I wanted. I can't say if he is the type of forgiving Aquarian, but if he is it will take him a lot of time to get past this one. It may have turned out different if there wasn't any retaliation or stalking involved. My Aquarian said after all that he would walk away no matter how much he loved or cared for you. He said that would be way too much for him to handle. Just wanted to give you his take on it all.

gone ...
by: LostScorp

Let me explain the stalking... When he 1st left, that evening when I saw he moved out, I went to his house, The next day I went over and he came back her with me (needless to say why), 2 days later b4 he left town, I picked him up and we came to the apartment but took him back that same night, he didnt want to stay over. (all my suggestions). We havent been together since he has come back, he changed his phone number, I have gone by his house 3 times in these 2 weeks. The first time we talked, is when he said he didnt hate me, the second time he ignored me,and was upset because I indicated that I would come back the next day, but didnt. the last time he wouldnt come out to even talk to me. I havent tried to email, text,call or go by him since. Thats been 1 week.

Lonely Aquarius
by: CrackaSmile

It's really hard for us aquarian men to really feel loved. We are lonely and sort of enjoy it. I have many experiences with scorpio women and it becomes a disaster. good luck, chin up and peace bewitch you.

Lost Scorp & Everyone
by: Aqua Girl

Yeh The email is what I was talking about when I said what you did to him. That would have done it for me! It doesn't matter if he left it up or you came home early and found it. You had NO business going into his personal information and reading anything AND the fact that you comfronted him over it... Bad bad bad. At that point it was probably over in his eyes or getting close. If you have been the one initiating contact with him and going to his house, of course he is going to be nice and talk to you, because he is probably trying to keep the peace with you so nothing crazy happens. I know that's what I did with my Ex Crazy. I never made contact with him, but when he contacted me I just tried to keep the peace so he didn't go all crazy on me. It didn't work all the time. I was hoping he would just walk away and give up on me but it took 2 years of him stalking me and me having to call the police everyday for him to get the point.

Update: Not sure what is going on with my Aqua Boo. Haven't spent quality time in a while and he blew me off again. I kinda thought we were past that phase. I'm pretty sure he has a Girlfriend or something taking up his time. He doesn't seem very interested anymore until he runs into me then he acts like I'm the one blowing him off. I did get him a card for Sweetest day, but he blew me off prior to that and didn't even contact me on Sweetest day so I didn't make contact either and I "filed" the card! I know we are not together, but he does hold a special place in my heart and I just wanted to do something sweet to show him that. Oh well. Never again!

To: CrackaSmile
by: Aqua GIrl

Welcome Mr. Aqua.

A couple questions for you:

What do you mean it's hard for you to feel loved?

If you like someone and she was always the one to initiate contact with you in the beginning and then just stops, but still seems into you, do you start contacting her more often or just let it go?

Scared to walk in here :)
by: Aquarian118

Aquarius man here checking in. I recently broke up with my Scorpio so wanted to offer an opinion because I loved her and still do. This thread reminds me why we split up:

It started out light and fun. Everything was perfect and we were all over each other. As time went on she became more and more intense. It started out feeling flattering but after a while it just wore me out. It was like an emotional boxing match. Just too much work eventually.

It seemed like as the relationship settled into a pattern I became the focus of her world, while she became just an important part of mine. I think that's the problem with Scorp and Aqua relationships. Different priorities. I can love someone without needing to know what they're doing 24/7 or seeing them every day. Space is good. It's healthy.

To: Aquarian118
by: Aqua Girl

Welcome Aquarian118,

Don't worry, come on in! We don't bite.. Not too hard anyway... lol We certainly can appreciate an Aqua mans perspective on things.

I am not a Scorp, but I do understand where you are coming from. As an Aquarian myself, I feel the same way about relationships. I believe that is why I am having such trouble with my Aqua Boo. We are too much alike. We get along great, but then when one of us gets closer, the other backs up and we keep going around in circles. We both really like each other a lot, but then if it gets to intense we pull away. Right now he is pulling away and it drives me insane, but then when he gets closer I freak out or think I have something to prove and then back away from him. But when we are actually together we don't think about it and we have the best time ever. Although right now, I think he may have someone else... ; (

I was with a Scorp man once and he wanted to be up under me ALL the time. Like you said, it was cool in the beginning, but then it gets scary and exhausting after a while. There has to be a happy medium between the two.

Well welcome to the site. You will learn a lot from the Scorp ladies on here. I know they will love to speak with you and the other Aqua man that joined. Just give them some time to re-surface. I think their Aqua's have brain washed them... LOL


by: Dazed


Aquarian 118 - I'm sorry to hear about your break-up. What you're saying makes complete sense and I think it's very important for two people in a relationship to have lives outside each other. Sometimes my aqua will want to see me while I'm studying..and even though I fein for his company, I purposely tell him no because I need to focus on my life without him. We scorps feel things very intensely and it's hard to keep it all bottled up inside. I can see how it would have been easy for your scorp to make you her world...says a lot about you as well. However, I can see where the problem is, especially if you feel unnecessary pressure put on you. Try talking to her, or encourage her to go out with friends or take up hobbies. I hope you're able to work things out with your scorp. The aqua, scorp dynamic can be a rollercoaster...but worth it.

AquaGirl - The tug-of-war thing can be exhausting...but someone has to give. I'm a VERY prideful person and don't like anyone to know how I feel about them because I feel it gives them the upper hand, but really it's just about exposing yourself and being vulnerable...which can be really uncomfortable. However, when I let all that go...I noticed a big difference in my situation with my aqua. He's way more responsive and I see him a lot now. Next time your aqua comes around, be there because there's really nothing to prove other than you like him. There were times I felt completely rejected by my aqua and my pride just wanted to say fuck it and move on. However, I noticed the rejection was just my ego being bruised because I couldn't get what I's not like my aqua really did anything wrong or purposely hurt me. I'm curious...why do you think your aqua has another girl? Well I hope a perspective of my situation can help you with yours.

It is what it is
by: Aqua Girl

That's the problem. Whenever he comes around I am Always there! It's when I come around, he isn't. I'm tired and I'm making this into a bigger deal then it should be. It's getting way too emotional for me and I can't take it. I'm moving on. I know that is easier said then done but I have to do it. Now if I can just get myself to the point where I'm standing directly in front of him and can still say I'm done.... Now that's a different story.

There is a Cap and a Leo that is trying to get my attention. More so the Leo at this point. It makes me sick to even think about it, but I may give Leo a chance. I know I said I wouldn't go there, but honestly I don't see Aqua Boo coming around any time soon. I care for him so much but if he isn't into me, there is no point in waiting around. In fact I usually just walk away from people quietly, but I have been thinking about telling my Aqua Boo next time I see him that I'm done. The only thing is, he did something last week that I pretty much predicted he would do because he hadn't heard from me in a while. It was the sweetest thing ever, but I had to play it off like I didn't know why he did it. Then when we tried to make plans he blew me off. So it threw off my whole thought process. Like why would he go through all that just to run into me, but then blow me off when we make plans. Maybe that was his way of saying he was mad at me for not contacting him for a long time. Yeh that's got to be it. He had to feel in control again.
What a snot! Well his "In Control" days are about to be over because I can't deal with it anymore.

by: Life is Good

Hello Everyone!

I have been in my shell lately, but I have been reading the posts. What's up Aqua Girl! I see you been holding things down for us. Sorry I haven't been up here but I have been doing some reflecting and all that other good stuff when it comes to life's up and downs.

Just wanted to say hello and let you know I'm still here.

You know it's been almost a year since I started this post and we finally have more than one Aqua male responding...LOL...

I just came out of my shell for a minute...will really get INTENSE later...LOL

by: Life is Good

Hello Everyone!

I have been in my shell lately, but I have been reading the posts. What's up Aqua Girl! I see you been holding things down for us. Sorry I haven't been up here but I have been doing some reflecting and all that other good stuff when it comes to life's up and downs.

Just wanted to say hello and let you know I'm still here.

You know it's been almost a year since I started this post and we finally have more than one Aqua male responding...LOL...

I just came out of my shell for a minute...will really get INTENSE later...LOL

by: Life is Good

Hello Everyone!

I have been in my shell lately, but I have been reading the posts. What's up Aqua Girl! I see you been holding things down for us. Sorry I haven't been up here but I have been doing some reflecting and all that other good stuff when it comes to life's up and downs.

Just wanted to say hello and let you know I'm still here.

You know it's been almost a year since I started this post and we finally have more than one Aqua male responding...LOL...

I just came out of my shell for a minute...will really get INTENSE later...LOL

by: Life is Good

Hello Everyone!

I have been in my shell lately, but I have been reading the posts. What's up Aqua Girl! I see you been holding things down for us. Sorry I haven't been up here but I have been doing some reflecting and all that other good stuff when it comes to life's up and downs.

Just wanted to say hello and let you know I'm still here.

You know it's been almost a year since I started this post and we finally have more than one Aqua male responding...LOL...

I just came out of my shell for a minute...will really get INTENSE later...LOL

by: Dazed

Aquagirl - I think you should give the leo a shot! I love leo's...I think they are so fun, and very open and upfront people. I'm surprised you're willing or even said you would give him a shot considering Mr. Cap was a no go. I can see why you're getting tired of the situation with aqua...seems like there's a little game playing going on, which can get old real quick. Either way, do what will make you happy!


Something New
by: Aqua Girl

Soooo. I ended up going out with the Cap last night for the first time. (I know, I Know..) Very interesting, but we had a great time. He is real cool. There wasn't any of that opening the door, mushy stuff. He was a gentleman of course, but It was just friendly and relax. We joked around and threw paper at each other all night. It was fun. We went out for a few drinks and I went home. He said the next time we will have to do something different like Dinner or Bowling.

To All
by: Scorp42

Hi All. Sorry I have been away so long. A big welcome to the Aquarian men that have joined us! Aquarius 118 you sound just like my Aqua. I bet he was feeling the same way when he told me to start dating others. The great thing about him telling me that and me moving on "sort of" woke me up a bit. I realized that my mind and my emotion had way more power over me that I thought. Of course i am still emotional and intense but I have learned to use it in different ways with my Aquarian. Oh Happy Birthday to my Scorpio ladies birthday past and coming!!! Once again my Aquarian did it again and suprized me on my birhtday. He brought me the most beautiful roses and the sweetest, cutest card to my job!! Things are going quite well now that I stay busy and have to make time for my Aqua. The Gemini situation is fizzling out and in a nice way. Things worked out just like I had hoped and no one got hurt! Thank you Lord!!! Aquagirl you were right, being busy and not having much time for my Aqua has made his love for me grow tremendously! i have finally settled in to it and I kinda like it this way. I make it seem as if I am sneaking around to see my Aquarian and it seems to turn him on a bit. Not a problem, I can play this game for years! Loving the drama so to speak myself. After visiting him I act as if I have to leave as soon as possible so I don't get caught. It's thrilling to the both of us. Anyway, I hope things work out for you and the new friend Aquagirl.

by: Aqua Girl

Well I'm glad things are going good for you. I am always busy myself, but it doesn't seem to get me any where with Aqua. I'm so tired of this game and being blown off. It would be different if we seen each other a lot and he broke plans once in a while, but when we don't even see each other and he continues to make and break plans, it makes me sick. Clearly he isn't that into me, so I have to let it go... I'm done trying.

Cap Man is cool. I talked to him today. We will probably go out again soon, but Honestly I'm not really feeling it right now.

by: Dazed

Aquagirl - I'm glad you had a good time with your Cap. Hopefully the good times will continue. He sounds pretty adventurous, or at least creative in places to choose for dates. Fun!

by: Aqua Girl

Where the heck is everyone??

Just checking in.

I'm Here
by: Scorp42

Hey Aquagirl, I am here. I guess no one has anything going on. Things are the same here. I still see my Aqua once a week, lately twice a week. We are back to communicating with each other every day again. I still keep it short and sweet, which seems to draw him in even more. I think I get it now. My Gemini will be leaving perminantly in a few weeks and I have gotten very involved in my church so things are looking up. Can't say that my Aquarian and I will ever take this any further than it is but I am having fun in the mean time.

Aquarian guys where did you go?

I'm Here Too
by: Life is Good


I'm still here! Choosing to have nothing going on my way. I don't communicate with the aquarian I cared for. He had death in his family and I texted him to see if he was ok. He called me to let me know that he was and I haven't heard from him since. I decided that I don't ever have to initiate communication with him again. We were never on the same page and I choose to leave it at that. I found out that he never was interested in me and I will never let him know that I found out. You see I am a Scorpion who can live life true to me and accept otherrs who haven't matured failures. I have never wanted to live a fantasy life and be with anyone that didn't want to be with me. That's just me and I don't see me changing. At this point, I believe in actions speaking louder than words and anything that Mr. Aqua ever told me, whether he was flirting, exaggerating, lying, or being honest is considered null and void to me now. I never thought it would come to this but I had to make a decision to love and respect myself and my feelings and not expect him to do so!

On a good note...I will be celebrating my 42nd birthday tomorrow and I can still say that through these last 2 years of BS and lies with Mr. Aqua....LIFE IS STILL GOOD!

Still will check in from time to time. Until blessed!

I'm Here Too
by: Life is Good


I'm still here! Choosing to have nothing going on my way. I don't communicate with the aquarian I cared for. He had death in his family and I texted him to see if he was ok. He called me to let me know that he was and I haven't heard from him since. I decided that I don't ever have to initiate communication with him again. We were never on the same page and I choose to leave it at that. I found out that he never was interested in me and I will never let him know that I found out. You see I am a Scorpion who can live life true to me and accept otherrs who haven't matured failures. I have never wanted to live a fantasy life and be with anyone that didn't want to be with me. That's just me and I don't see me changing. At this point, I believe in actions speaking louder than words and anything that Mr. Aqua ever told me, whether he was flirting, exaggerating, lying, or being honest is considered null and void to me now. I never thought it would come to this but I had to make a decision to love and respect myself and my feelings and not expect him to do so!

On a good note...I will be celebrating my 42nd birthday tomorrow and I can still say that through these last 2 years of BS and lies with Mr. Aqua....LIFE IS STILL GOOD!

Still will check in from time to time. Until blessed!

To All
by: Aqua Girl

Well I don't know about anyone else, but I'm still here!! Hope everyone is good.

I haven't spent quality time with Aqua Boo for almost 2 months now and haven't talked to him in a couple weeks. I can pretty much say it's over at this point.

I never went back out with Cap boy. I'm just not feeling it.

Leo Man on the other hand won't leave me alone. He text me everyday to say Good morning or he will send me some goofy picture. He is really trying hard with me and I won't budge. The sad thing is and I realized this later on, that I'm doing the same thing to him that Aqua Boo is doing to me... I didn't do it on purpose either. I guess I'm just not putting much effort into Leo Man because I'm into Aqua Boo.

ArrrggghhhH! Yeh I know.. Any girl would die for the treatment that Leo man has been trying to give me, but NOOOO not me!! Not Miss Aqua Pants. I have to want what I can't have!!!

For Aqua Girl and LIG
by: Scorp42

You make me laugh Aquagirl. Happy belated birthday! I just turned 43 in late Oct. myself. Well My Aquarian and I still stay in contact almost every day. He was going to visit me last night but it was too late and we were both tired. Gemini and I still talk on occation but nothing is going on there. I went out on a date Friday night and had a great time. I will continue to date others but nothing intimate except with my Aquarian. I have not seen my Aquarian in a couple weeks now and I am starting to miss him. I told him I missed him a little and wanted to see him. I hope I see him sometime today. The Friday date was more of a hang out. I don't know what sign he is, and the way he behaved with me makes me think he is an Aquarius as well. I won't ask at this point though. Don't want to do more with him than hang out or see a movie or two. It is a bit of an adjustment for me not to have Gemini around a lot but it's kind of nice.

LIG, I bet when you go on with your life and don't contact your Aqua for a long while he will resurface. Don't you just hate it?

I've started to take a different aproach to my Aquarian. When I contact him I tell him things I would my best friend. I say what I have to say and move on. He still contacts me if he doesn't hear from me in a bit and makes sure all is okay with me. There are many times I want to contact him but I don't am I am okay with that. I can now see him about once a week and still keep my sanity. I know that he loves me because he tells me on occation and I know if I need him he will be there. He knows the same about me. Since Gemini re-entered my life I have only told my Aquarian that I loved him once. I keep my emotions to myself, which I should have done from the start with my Aquarian. You live and you learn right?

To Scorp 42
by: Aqua Girl

Hey Question for ya. Did you ever tell your Aqua that you were done with him via email or text (Since they don't use the phone much) and he didn't respond right away? If So, how long did it take him to respond? And what did he say?

For Aquagirl
by: Scorp42

Remember he decided I needed to date others. I did tell him via text that he broke my heart. That got immediate response being that he never wants to hurt anyone. If I ask something he doesn't like I may never get a response. I wouldn't tell him I was done I'd just tell myself over and over again

For Aquagirl
by: Scorp42

Remember he decided I needed to date others. I did tell him via text that he broke my heart. That got immediate response being that he never wants to hurt anyone. If I ask something he doesn't like I may never get a response. I wouldn't tell him I was done I'd just tell myself over and over again

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

I told him I was done. You would think that if he cared, he would have responded right??

by: Dazed

I think he would have responded to at least reassure you that he would still be there. When I told my aqua in the beginning that if he wasn't interested to just say so...he responded right away and reassured me it wasn't that.

I think you're doing the right thing by moving on.

Must Be That Time
by: Scorp42

I kid you not, it must be that time of year for Aquarian men. my Aqua and I still stay in contact almost every day but... I don't know. We haven't seen each other in three weeks now. I do know that he has been busy as ever now and trying to get things moving and shaking in his life. I miss him but i am keeping my distance.

Aquagirl, you are an Aquarian and you know all too well the kind of pride you have. He has not responded because he has too much pride. You said you were done and you know how easy it is for you Aquarians to walk away. However this time around you are getting a taste of your own medicine. I hate to say it that way but you Aquarians are so stubborn. But like I always say, you can't stay away from an Aquarian. Geez it's like an addiction or something. I am trying my best to walk away slowly and sweetly. It's not easy. One day at a time is what I say.

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

Yes you are right we are stubborn.
And I'm sure he is thinking the same thing about me. The thing is... I already came back once. I cut it off before without telling him and he got the hint, then I came back and now I'm gone again but this time I told him about it.
I didn't do it to hurt anyone, I did it so I wouldn't get hurt anymore then I am. Really he did nothing wrong. I just got tired of being blown off. Why even try to make plans when you know you can't or won't follow through. My time is very valuable to me and if I put aside a few hours of my time for someone, they better respect it. I understand things come up and emergencies happen, but when you are doing it because something better came up, I have a problem with that.
I know we were not together, but he didn't even treat me like a real friend until he wanted something. I was ok with it in the beginning, but it's getting old. It's crazy because I kinda understand it since I have been accused of the same thing before, but I don't like it! lol

I'm crushed and pissed off at the same time. It took a lot out of me to send that message. Made me sick! Then after I sent it I wanted to take it back so bad, but then I thought, We keep going in circles. I just can't take it anymore. It sucked because just before then he was being so sweet to me... but I had to do it.
I didn't want it to get to this point. I know he will reach his breaking point and call, but it will take some time. I know he cares a little. I just don't think it's enough to matter.

I miss his crazy a&& so much, but he makes me so angry. Poor guys, I must have put them through hell. lol

by: Life is Good

Hello Everyone!

I've been trying to keep up with all the posts, but wasn't in the mood to really respond. Scorp42, you were right as usual...LOL...My Aquarian friend has resurfaced. But this time I have decided that I will just look at him as a friend from now on. I am not pushing anything romantic with him. It's really nice to hear from him when I do and if I think I need to check up on him...I do.

Aquarian men and any man has their quirks, as do Scorpio women and any other women. I read astrology and I read the responses that come to this site, but I have learned that Life is full of ups and downs, surprises, happiness, and sadness. My experience/relationship with this man who happens to be born under the sign of Aquarius has changed my life for the better and Good. Having someone of his 'in his shell'/'out of his shell' type personality has made me look at who and what is important to me, how my present has been affected by my past decisions, and how I have to be patient with people and life itself. I have put my trust in God that He will lead and guide me in this friendship that we will be there for each other, learn to understand each other's ways, and be able to communicate with respect, admiration, but most of all STRAIGHT UP HONESTY!

My Aquarian friend has been going through a lot and I have chosen to be there to listen as a friend. Whenever we communicate, I tell him I love him and I'm praying for him...which is the truth. I think he realizes that I accept his different mood swings and will not take it personally. I share things that's going on with me and this friendship has grown. I am thankful that he has chosen me to be a confidante and a friend. We both have gone through a lot with our past marriages and other situations and it's a blessing to have him as MY FRIEND!

Be blessed everybody! LIFE IS GOOD! :-D

To All
by: Aqua Girl

Hey Hey LIG... Glad to hear from you and see things are going well.

Hi Dazed.. I think I missed your post last time around.. I have been kinda out of it. I'm sure you can understand. Hope all is well with you.

How is everyone? It's funny how certain people, especially the guys will drop in and say something, then they never come back.

I know some people think these sites are cheesy, but it has really helped me. It's a good way to vent about things anonymously and since I don't tell my business to my friends, it works for me.

I'm still out here standing my ground!! lol
I refuse to give in this time!!! No way.

To All
by: Aqua Girl

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Hope you all have a Blessed day!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!
by: Life is Good

Thanks Aqua Girl! And I have to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone else as well! Today was a great day and I am/was very happy about spending time with friends since I wasn't able to spend it with my family. I even had the nicest chat with my Aqua friend! :-D Couldn't have ask for a better day after all! Be. Blessed!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!
by: Life is Good

Thanks Aqua Girl! And I have to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone else as well! Today was a great day and I am/was very happy about spending time with friends since I wasn't able to spend it with my family. I even had the nicest chat with my Aqua friend! :-D Couldn't have ask for a better day after all! Be. Blessed!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!
by: Life is Good

Thanks Aqua Girl! And I have to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone else as well! Today was a great day and I am/was very happy about spending time with friends since I wasn't able to spend it with my family. I even had the nicest chat with my Aqua friend! :-D Couldn't have ask for a better day after all! Be. Blessed!!!

by: Aqua Girl

Stubborn Ass!!!!!

That's all I got right now...

by: Dazed

Hey...Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.

Well my aqua has pulled another distancing act. We were doing really good for a while...seeing each other every week and also keeping each other updated. We've even talked about 'us,' in that he said that he likes me, but is just a very cautious person. I told him I understand because I am the same way, and he said that we just need to be more open with each other. I realized that I just can't take it anymore. I'm going to have to tell him that I'm just not cool with how he goes about needing his space. He poofs with absolutely no word and ignores me when I reach out to him. I don't demand any of his time, I don't pressure him into shit, when he has other shit going on or is busy I don't complain...but now I just feel like I'm being disrespected. I know he's not trying to intentionally hurt me, and I have no problem with him needing space (I like my freedom too!)...but I have to start setting boundaries for what I expect and need because if not, this will begin to set the tone for whatever me and him can potentially develop. It's not all about's about me too and he needs to know that. He needs to know that it's not ok to simply ignore me all because he wants space. At this point I have no problem walking away if he isn't willing to accommodate my feelings. Any suggestions or advice?

Oh My
by: Scorp42

Dazed please don't do that! I will explain later today.

Oh My
by: Scorp42

Dazed please don't do that! I will explain later today.

To Dazed
by: Aqua Girl

STOP!!! Dazed, don't do that. Say nothing.... OMG He will be gone forever.. I know it's frustrating, trust and believe I know... But once you step on our tails and play the Need more time card, it will be over. You think he is distant now, wait til that happens. Don't confront him at all!! The best thing to do with these guys is act like you don't care.. I mean You can care, but don't act like his distance act bothers you. It will take some time and he will come crawling around, but he is stubborn!!! We want what we can't have and it takes a lot to ruffle our feathers, but once we get to that point he will show he cares. Trust me! I know I'm in a battle with mine right now, but that's because we are the same sign. It's awful and I miss him so much, but I have to stay strong. Something really crazy happened to me yesterday and it was yet another sign not to let him go, even though I already told him I had to. Just try to keep yourself busy, don't always give into him and make him "think" he is not ALL you think about and need! Once we feel someone Needs us we get nervous. He will always be a little on the distant side though and always busy. Even if he starts warming up to you, he will always have his distant side, so if you know for sure it's something you can't handle, then you may want to rethink some things. Just take a deep breath and try to deal with it. Let it ride out for a little while. See what happens.

For Dazed
by: Scorp42

Dazed the first thing you need to know is that giving an Aquarian man an ultimatum will be the end of your relationship FOREVER!!! If you remember from my posts long ago, when an Aquarian man is really falling for you hard he will act as if he doesn't even care about you. He is aalmost hooked then. Stop thinking like an emotional Scorpio, I know what you are going through all to well. You must remember that you can make suttle suggestions long down the road when you start seeing him either emotionally open up to you or he starts to reveal emotions to you. What you need to understand as a Scorpio is that yes we all call it space, however when he is not with you trust me you are on his mind. But then again so is a million other things.

Aquarian men need to be alone and often to get their heads together and think through their life. When you think he is living it up and spending his time with a million other women, usually that is so far from the truth. When he is not responding to you he is deep in his head. If this man is worth it you have to have patients. It took me a long time to get it. please do not take his not being around or not responding personal. I, after quite some time with my Aquarian did say to him clamly and sweetly that not responding to text messages or phone calls is very rude. Now you must also not send text after text when he doesn't respond. You do know it is test to see if you have a life outside of him. Read what Aquarius 118 said. Chill and find yourself outside of him. it's hard but dooable.

by: Dazed

Hey everyone...

I think I was just trippin' earlier. I get what both of you are saying. First let me say, I would never give him an ultimatum...I wouldn't give anyone an ultimatum because I think it's just an unfair way about going things for any situation. I do care about him, and it's not about me not seeing him that gets to me, it's the fact that I get ignored. Trust me, I don't send text after text or blow his shit up. I sent one text earlier last week to see what he was up to, no response; then I sent another text on Thanksgiving to wish him a happy one and no response. Since then, I haven't reached out to's quite obvious he needs space.

I have a life outside of him and he knows that because this is something he has mentioned to me before...he stated he knows that I am different. When I'm too busy to see him I let him know, I'll pass on plans to see him because I have to study, I won't cancel girl's night to be with him...I do make sure to have a life of my own, as this is something that's very important to me in general. It's funny because right when I slightly let my guard down a little, he got distant. I wonder if it was something he sensed...he felt me opening up to him more, so maybe it freaked him out a little. Who knows...

Anyways, I guess what worries me is that he's gonna pull one of those disappearing acts where he poofs for as long as a month. How fair is that to me? This is what I wanted to clear up about my earlier post. I don't plan on saying anything to him as of now because he hasn't disappeared for too long. I meant to say that if he disappears for a can I respect that?

by: Scorp42

Remember what I said about the almost being hooked part. He is being distant after you two spent time talking about you two in general. Remember they disappear after those talks. Now when he does resurface you may notice a very attentive and sweet man. Giving you just a bit more of himself then he did before. I usually happens that way. Also you have to give him time to close any open "relationships" so to speak before the two of you go to the next level. Remember he never wants to hurt anyone. He leaves relationships very slowly and gets into them very slowly as well. Don't take what Aquagirl and I said personal. I knew it was just a huge vent session. I have had quite a few in this thread myself. LOL You have to do something. You were clearly feeling a lot of emotion when you wrote that. Emotion, it's our big blessing and curse all the same.

To Dazed and Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

I love you Scorp42... lol You always know what to say... ; )

See we are tricky people. Aquas I mean. But she is right, when he comes back each time he will be sweeter and sweeter. The other thing is I'm learning, that when we hear something we don't like, it goes in one ear and out the other! And the fact that we want what we can't have comes into play here. I told him twice that I was done. He was stubborn for a fews days and I didn't hear from him, but now he is right back at it again. : )Just like I never said I was done. He didn't hear that part I guess. lol

The thing that really irritates me is when we do see each other he is sweeter then the last time, but then the distant afterwards is longer as well. It's like the closer he feels to me, the further away he goes for a while.
I know when I don't see him I get very upset and I feel defeated, but when I see him again I'm on cloud 9. I have really learned a lot about myself during this whole process and How I come off to others. I am just like him and it's annoying. lol If I can just learn to keep my emotions in check this time and keep my mouth shut, we will be alright...
This is a great site for venting.. It has helped me so much. Just make sure you check in with us before you make any dumb moves... LOL

Take care ladies.. GOOD LUCK! The ride has just begun.

by: Dazed

Hey guys...

I have heard that saying about aquas that the more distant they get the more they like you. I guess I'll just wait it out and see.

Thanks for all the advice and insight. This place really is a good outlet for venting, you have no idea! I was really on one earlier! Anyways, I'm going to take your guys advice and just play it cool, and just continue going about my life. I'll make sure to check in before I do anything impulsive or dramatic.

Thanks again!

by: Scorp42

Aquagirl I love you too! If it weren't for your Aquarian insight I may not have lasted this long with my Aqua. I just tell it like I see it. After a couple years of truly studying my Aquarian I have learned a lot and don't mind telling it. My Gemini is totally out of the picture and I thank God for him. He came when I needed the attention and affection. It also showed me that I was still deeply in love with my Aquaraian and I needed to keep the faith of all the signs God have given me that my Aqua was the one.

We are doing quite well these days. I think me being with another woke my Aqua up a bit. We are finally at the place where I don't need to see or talk to him all the time and I don't have that anxiety about not seeing him. Well now that I don't have that any more we talk every day and have been seeing each other regularly. I guess I am where he wanted me to be all along. He isn't the focus of my world and it is really nice to take a break from my norm and have him to spend time with. It feels good to know that he didn't write me off nor I him. We just recently spent a lot of time together doing the things we used to do. It felt nice to be in that place w/o all of my drama. I think of him often but not as crazed as I used to. If he is there cool and if he is busy then finally that's cool too. I appreciate our time together so much more now. He owes me nothing and I owe hm nothing. I used to think that he owed me the time I was asking for because I gave him what he was asking for. I realized it was my fault for always giving him what ever I could and I didn't get the same in return. It was my choice then to always be available. Oh well... We live and we learn right? I must say that I am really smiling these days.

by: Aqua Girl

Yeh We do live and learn and I learn something new everyday about Aqua Boo, but if I just look into myself a little deeper I will find it as well. Another new tip and this may not be for all Aqua's but it sure is for me and him and the other few that I know. We like a little excitment. That's why when we can't have something we have to fight for it. It's exciting to us. There has to be some kind of excitment in our lives or we get bored and move on. It's hard to explain. We don't like fighting and drama, but a little attitude once in while from our loved one helps a little. lol We love fantasy things... Things we can't have. Like for me, I like the guys that have a little roughness to them. I'm kinda fiesty myself so I need a man that can handle me and put me in my place at times. Not beat me But put me in check. Just depends what he is checking me about. As long as it doesn't have to do with my freedom and space Im ok. I can't stand someone that backs down during every argument and lets me have my way. I need someone to stand their ground. I need someone with some backbone! Also need a little role play or excitement in the bedroom and in all areas of my life. I don't know what your guys like or are into, but try doing something you don't usually do. Maybe walk in the bedroom with some TALL heels (and nothing else) and red lipstick... Or something like that. ALL guys love that. But that's what they look for. Especially Aquas. That's why settling down is so hard, because we don't want to lose our freedom, but we also don't want to fall into a routine and get bored. You HAVE to keep it exciting. But that's only after you get past the beginning stages. If you do it in the beginning he will freak and run. Just slowly work your way into it. You have to NOT be availble all the time. His mind needs to wander and wonder where you are, why are you not answering, are you with someone else, why didn't you kiss him like you always do just before you leave.... It ruffles their feathers and makes them want you even more. DO NOT get into routine!!!! and if you ever live with him or are with him a lot! Don't just come home from a long day and slip into old Grandma PJ's... Keep those dress clothes and heels on while your making dinner or whatever..
Oh and the more you say you don't need or want something... the more of it you will get.. LOL

To the Aquas!
by: Anonymous

I’m not sure how it happened
And now I just don’t care
I just know that I love you
With a love so rare

I know you are uneasy
Of this you want no part
And so I promise you’ll not see
These things that rule my heart

I promise I won’t tell you
Your mystery stirs my soul
I’ll never look into your eyes
And lose my self control

I won’t reach out to touch your hand
No matter what the urge
I’ll never tell you how I feel
When my emotions surge

I’ll promise not tell you how
My heartbeat always skips
When I dream I’m kissing you
Upon your so sweet lips

I’ll never let you know that you
Reside in all my dreams
And when my tortured soul feels pain
It’s your name that it screams

And last I’ll never ask you why
You can’t love one like me
I’ll never make you tell me that
Our love can never be

I ask for nothing in return
Just please let me stay near
Do not remove me from your life
It's now my greatest fear

To Aquagirl
by: Dazed

I'm glad that you mentioned having a backbone because there was a topic I wanted to get opinions on. I've heard that aquas sometimes use their distance as a test, possibly to see how much you care, and they like to test how much you'll let them get away with.

Sometimes you kind of feel stuck between a rock and a hard place because you realize someone's need for freedom, but at the same time wonder if they're trying to test you. So how exactly are you suppose to go about it? I've heard mixed responses...some say to ignore it and eventually the aqua will follow suit wondering what's going on. I've also heard that aquas like people who stand up for themselves and don't let them get away's good to have boundaries with them or else they'll be bouncing all over the place. Any thoughts?

To Dazed- PART 1 of 3
by: Aqua Girl

It's kind of hard to explain and this is going to be long... But try to follow me. I have to use one of my experiences, because it's easier for me to get my point across, but this is tough for me to talk about, so bare with me.

Lets look at Gemini's for a minute. They are the best match for an Aqua. They are very nice people, very smart and on the INSIDE their emotions run pretty deep, but they don't show it too often on the outside, just enough to prove their love and they also have a "bad boy", "Bad girl" attitude. That's what us Aquas like. I cannot stand guys that do not have any confidence in themselves!! The ones that are always walking on egg shells because they are afraid you won't like them if they say something wrong. The ones that NEVER get mad about anything because they just side with you and let you have your way. That is SO weak and annoying!! I don't like to fight with people, but not everyone is going to agree on everything. If you believe in something, Fight for it.. Don't just back down because you are afraid someone is going to leave you. I long for the man that I can fight with (when it happens) and get over it and not hate each other when it's said and done. I had a Gemini and that is how we were and we are still the best of friends ever. If I start spouting off at the mouth about something even if it wasn't about him, he will tell me to shut up and get me quite so he can help me with the situation or he would just tell me to shut up because he didn't want to hear it... lol But either way it goes, he would put me in check and calm me down and make me see another side of the situation. If not, I will just get more mad and keep on going off.. He knows how to handle me and I love him for that. Plus during certain times, he would turn into a tough guy and boss me around a bit... NOW, I love it.
See the first day I met him, he had a "Bad boy" look and feel to him. It kinda scared me at first, but it was also a thrill. After the first day of meeting him, he wanted to come over and hang out with me. I let him, but I was really nervous that he was going to hurt me or something. It was a strange feeling. Then after that day he would call me every day or every other day to "check in" and see how my day was. When I wouldn't respond for a couple of hours because I was at work, he would keep calling or texting. He wasn't saying anything mean, he was actually being VERY sweet to me, but it scared me. He also popped up at my apartment unexpected. It scared me to death, I went and hid in my closet and a couple weeks later I checked him about it. (No I wasn't hiding for 2 weeks) This was all within the first 5-6 months of meeting him. During all of this, I stopped calling him and stayed distant. I still talked to him once in a while when HE would call, but I wasn't into him at all. I was kinda annoyed.

To Dazed- PART 2 of 3
by: Aqua Girl

I would spend time with him about once every 2-3 weeks, but most of the time I "ACTED" very busy like I was always doing something and when we would hang out I was either in a bad mood when he got there or tired and acted like I didn't want to be around him or I was nervous and would sit stiff as a board in one spot the whole night watching his every move. I didn't do it on purpose, it just happened. He would come over and sit in my chair and act like he ran the place. I hated it, but once in a while I still let him come over because he actually was cool and pretty funny and sexy. lol Then I blew him off for about 2 months. Not sure why, I just did. (I was kinda going through some things at that point when I met him and working on getting out of a tough/sad relationship with someone.) I would actually talk to him on the phone, but I wouldn't let him come over because I was SOooo busy.. One day he asked me why I was so busy and angry all the time and didn't invite him over anymore. I remember playing it off like, "It's not like that, I have just been busy and stressed out". CONTINUE>>>>Then it happened!! He stopped calling me! After about 2 weeks I noticed, then after a month I was really curious... Sooo I called him. I just had to know what was going on. The first time I tried to call he didn't answer and it took him about 2-3 days to get back to me. Kinda bothered me a little, because when I'm ready to talk to someone and they don't answer it makes me mad. Then he started blowing ME off once in a while. (This was about 7-9 months into it.) The more he blew me off, the more I came around, for a little while anyway. We seen each other once in a while, but he gave me just enough to keep me around and not scare me off. We still argued sometimes about my "anger" issues and Distance, but it never lasted long. The issue at this point was, because of me blowing him off so much in the beginning he got sick of it and kinda started talking to another girl. (That is why he stopped hanging with me at that point, but I didn't know that until later on.) (At about 1 1/2yrs) Then I started asking him out on dates. I was really sweet to him and slowly started doing things for him, but he would say that he wasn't ready for a relationship, but we were still cool. See all that time of me saying the same thing to him, he had moved on. So when I was ready to get closer to him, he wasn't anymore. The days we would talk turned into weeks, and then months. Once I was ready to get closer to him and he continued to blow ME off, sooner or later I started getting more and more distant again. THIS was a little bit of a test to see if he cared. I figured if he cared, he would call! It was also because I don't chase guys! I do for a little bit, but if they don't budge, I'm done! So when I'M ready and they are not, I walk away! So it got to the Point about 4-5 months went by and he didn't return my calls so I gave up and kept on moving.

To Dazed- PART 3 of 3
by: Aqua Girl

(at About 2yrs) I met someone else. We weren't really together yet, just talking about it. Then one day out of the Blue, Gemini called me. I had took his number out of my phone so when he called, I had to ask who it was, because I didn't remember his voice. He was heart broken by that.. I was on my way to my BFF's house totally out of his way and he said he wanted me to meet him because he had something important to tell me. I missed him so much and was so happy to hear from him, I made a U-turn and met him right away at the park. He looked very sad and had tears in his eyes. I usually hate that, but it was so not like him so it didn't bother me too much, but I was freaking out on the inside because it's hard for me to handle other peoples emotions and I didn't know what was wrong. He did a recap of our whole situation and told me that he was IN LOVE with me, but he thought I was involved with someone else because of how I was treating him so he moved on. He said that he had been saying my name in his sleep for weeks. I asked him how the heck he knew that and he said his WIFE told him about it and that is when he showed me his ring!!!! He had got married and the reason he was SO distant towards the end was because he had no idea how he was going to tell me. I didn't cry even though I wanted to, but my insides were doing flips! I was SO sick... I didn't even know what to say, I just kept asking questions and asked him if he knew what he was doing... And why didn't he come to me and tell me how he felt before he went and did this stupid thing.. I was So hurt... But I also knew, in a way it was my own fault. It still bothers me, but we are so close now. He still bosses me around and sometimes we get emotional together and fight about why he made a dumb decision and why was I being distant.. but we get over it and deal with it. It's only been a year since the day at the park, so it's still fresh to me. This is the Whole reason I understand what Aqua Boo is going through and the main reason I won't go off dating someone else enough to get serious. I don't want to be the Gemini in my story because I know that if Aqua Boo does come around and I'm the one he wants, I need to be ready for him when he is ready and I don't want to crush him like Gemini did to me. WOW, Just by writing this, really helped me understand what has been happening to me and Aqua Boo. Well that was an eye opener. Hope this all makes sense. Please feel free to ask questions if I missed something. I tend to just ramble..

To Aquagirl
by: Dazed

Your story seems very familiar. I had an aqua girlfriend do the exact same thing, and act the exact same way towards her gemini. She would make plans with him, then break them for no reason. She would ignore his calls for no reason, but always seemed to know exactly how long they haven't talked because she was keeping track. She would even nick pick at him and say she didn't like this about him, or she wasn't liking that, but for some reason I think that was just her way of denying to herself how she really felt about him. I asked her one time if she worries about pushing him away with all the blowing off she was doing, but she said she never really thought about it. Then she finally broke down and stated that was her way of seeing how much he cared...I think she wanted to see how much 'chase' he had in him. She said that she just needed a lot of reassurance because she was so scared.

I don't know if your reasons for blowing off your gemini are the same, but why would you just ignore him if you liked him? I also noticed that you didn't seem ready for him until he was pretty much moving on. Do you think that if he was ready when you were ready that you would have kept pursuing him and being sweet to him like you were, or would you have gone right back to being elusive...continuing the cycle over again? It's tricky when your dealing with people who want what they can't have (no offense intended by that statement because I am the same way).

I just don't know what to do. For now, I'm not going to do anything about it because I need to focus on finishing up my fall semester of school and then I leave for Hawaii on the 21st, but I would be lying if I said it's not hard. I just don't want to walk away thinking I didn't do everything I could, but at the same time I won't go chasing after a man who's ignoring me...that's just crazy.

To Dazed
by: Aqua Girl

I liked him in the beginning, but then he started getting too clingy and calling all the time to check on me and it scared me so I started not liking him. But this was all in the beginning before I even knew him. If he would have stayed distant the whole time from the beginning and then slowly warmed up to me, I probably would have fallen for him right away.

We are known rebels. So we like to do the opposite of what people tell us to do or expect of us. It just happens that way. Example: If my boss tells me it is mandatory to answer the phones between 12p-2p every single day, more then likely I'm not going to do it, even if it means getting in trouble. That means I have to commit to sitting at my desk for 2 hours everyday and answer the phone. That means I am TRAPPED for 2 hours... EVERYDAY!! Now I may answer the phones during a different time or maybe for 30 minutes or so just to make my boss happy, but when I'm done I'm done. That's why most Aquas are managers or in a high position. We fight hard to get there so we can have our freedom to do as we please.

Your Quote: "I could, but at the same time I won't go chasing after a man who's ignoring me...that's just crazy."

That's just it. You don't chase after him!! You walk away and live your life. The thing is if you walk away you will see his true colors, and that's for any man. But especially with Aquas. We fight for what we want and what we are losing, but if it is there all the time every time, we start to take it for granted. We don't do it on purpose or to hurt anyone, it just happens. We REFUSE to lose something that we care about! It just won't happen if we can help it. On the other side if we feel that we have given all we have to get what we want and it's not working at all.... Then that is the time we give up and walk away and more then likely never come back. But if we are trying and trying and making more and more Progress along the way, then it keeps us around to keep trying because we see that we are making progress. As long as we are in the Safe Zone and everything seems to be going smoothly, we just bounce around doing whatever we please, but when we feel threatened again about losing something, it ruffles our feathers and we have to fix it!

To Aquagirl
by: Dazed

Everything you said is right.

My aqua text me today, but I didn't reply back. I figure I'd take your advice and let him lay in his distance for a little bit. We'll see what happens.

Thanks for the help everyone!

To Dazed
by: Aqua girl

See with my situation I'm at the point where I'm ready to give up! I have already given too much of myself with nothing in return. I'm not about to chase someone that doesn't want me or "acts" like they don't want me. I understand it, but I'm still guarding my heart. And if things don't change soon, I will be out.

To Aquagirl
by: Dazed

I know how you feel. Dealing with an aqua (an aqua male at that) can be frustrating! You just need to get your aqua to sit still for a minute so he can hear what you're saying. Also, if you tell him you're through, you have to stick to that. Any man will come back around to test if you meant what you said. If you allow him back in and he sees that you're still there...he'll go right back to doing him.

Aquagirl and Dazed
by: Scorp42

I tell ya, the cycle never ends. Things are still good with me and my Aquarian, however let's face it we will never have the kind of time or attention we are used to with and Aquarian. What I have done is gotten myself involved in a lot of things that keep me busy. At first I felt as if I were being too selfish but it seems to make our situation click finally. My Aquarian and I have spent some quality time together this past week and for the first time it is enough for me. It takes a long time to get there though. I have been in contact with my Aquarian every day. Here is the kicker, I don't contact him much at all. I may send a text message once or twice a week but that's it. I have been getting phone calls and text now that he sees I don't need all that attention I did before. It's like once we decide and start feeling less and less dependant on their attention we get more. Go figure... I don't understand it but after being with my Gemini I sure do appreciate it. I DO NOT miss my Gemini at all. I will take the Aquarian distance over the Gemini's split personality anyday.

I guess I had to see what the grass was like on the other side to appeciate and get where my Aquarian was coming from. I still think about him a lot and knowing I will see him soon keeps me going. I did have a time that lasted about 3 weeks or so that my Aquarian texed and called me and I did not reply. Boy did I get a reaction out of that. It may be that situation that made my Aquarian see that we really are good for each other.

To All
by: Aqua Girl

Dazed: That's the thing. Mr Aqua is Not ANY man. I get what you are saying about any man will test you to see if you come back, but it's not the same with these guys. The more you pull away, the more they DEMAND you to come back.

Scorp42- Good to hear from you. I'm so glad you have stuck it out and things are working out for you. I'm just curious. What was your excuse to him for not returning calls for 3 weeks? I'm sure he was just a pistol. lol

For Aqua Girl
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, I didn't give him any excuse. He was texting me to make sure I was okay. I got a message from him that sounded like he was not to happy with me and that if he didn't hear from me soon to let him know I was okay he would break his pattern and find me. I knew then I had to contact him. He didn't ask me any questions bout anything, he was just glad I contacted him. I am still undecisive as to whether I will only date him or date others as well. I don't want to make the same mistake I made before. I am just taking it one day at a time. Of course my love for him is stronger than any I have ever felt before but I have a new found freedom now that I haven't had in quite some time. I plan on living my life to the fullest and keep my Aquarian as a very important part of my life.

Who knows what the future holds. I am just embrassing every moment as if it were my last.:-)

by: Dazed

I want to break down and contact my aqua so bad! I miss him and really want to see him, but I want to wait it out and see how he goes about this. Decisions, decisions....

The ladies
by: Aqua Girl

Scorp42- I see. So what is it that you are looking for exactly? What do you really want from him? You also have to be honest with yourself. Do you want to live with someone? Do you want to get married? What is it that you want? If you Love him, why not be patient and wait it out to see how things go. If you truly love him you won't long for anything else with anyone else. I'm not saying you do, Just asking. You have come so far with him to turn away now. I know it's frustrating, but you are making progress. I guess you just have to sit down and figure out what you want.

Dazed- How long has it been since you have seen and spoke with him? How long have you been ignoring his last text that you spoke of the other day? I know it's an awful feeling. Like I said in earlier posts, My friend went through the same thing with her Aqua Man. She NEVER called him at all from the beginning. He always called her once a week or so. It would drive her completely insane. She would call me every 5 minutes asking what she should do and if she should tell him how she felt. Of course back then I wasn't so in to the signs, but I told her to let him come to her. So she did. She never called and she hid her emotions and within 10 months he was practically moving in. Well he did.. They have been together 6 years now.

It's strange dealing with another Aqua, because I am the same way, but since I have been dealing with him, it seems that I have turned into the calm rational Aqua.. If there ever was such a thing. lol I miss him so much, but I'm ok. It's a good thing. Because I am the same way, it's good to have a little distance from him so I don't get bored and irritated myself. If he was stuck up under me the whole time, before I actually fall In Love with him, I would be tired of it quick. I think that once I am In Love with a person, It's a different story. This distance makes me want him even more and hopefully is the same for him. I just know I'm tired of putting all the effort into it, so I'm not trying too hard anymore. I'm scared to death to get hurt so I'm playing it cool for a while.

Just get some more friends and find something to do. Once you take your focus off of him, he will return. I'm always busy anyway, so it doesn't get to me as much. You just need to find out first how he really feels and distance is the only thing that will do it!

To Aquagirl
by: Dazed

The last time I saw and spoke with him was a week before Thanksgiving, so that would make it a little over 2 weeks ago. The last time he contacted me was this past really it's only been 3 days of me ignoring his text. I'm not gonna lie, it feels like I haven't seen him in a while, but I think it's because I want to see him real bad. I do try and keep myself busy, but I still think about him....I can't help it. I was doing ok without seeing him because we would only see each other about once a week anyway, but it was him ignoring me that was upsetting. Now I just want to see him and get my fix...but I know I have to resist and keep myself occupied.

To Dazed
by: Aqua Girl

Yeh it takes us a few days to realize what's going on. Unless he is Really really into you. If he is he is probably doing back flips at this point wondering why you are not responding and debating when he should give you a call. If he is concerned he will cave in soon enough. For most of us it takes about 4-6 days. Some take longer though. He doesn't want to over do it and bother you so he is trying to wait it out to see if you call him first. Just Hold on Girl.

Just Stopping Through
by: Life is Good

Hello Everyone!

Just stopping through to say hello. I hope all is well. I've been a little under the weather so I had to take a few days off. I've been catching up on the latest with you all. I wonder where Hope is??

I continue to communicate with my Aqua friend and I'm feeling better about just being his friend and nothing more. He continues to confide in me and things are good with us. Its like I have become his personal therapist LOL...but I don't mind. He was there to see me through when I was going through my divorce and he knows that I am there for him now.

There are times that I want to be brutally honest with him about his situation, but I have learned to just sometimes answer his questions with a half answer and/or question so he can make his own decisions the way he needs too. He's in a tough spot right now, but I know he will have to be the one to make the decisions that are best for himself only. I JUST WISH HE DIDN'T TAKE SO LONG!!! SMH. Why do you Aquas like self abusing yourselves?? You know something isn't working and/or in your best interest, but decide to stick with it because it is familiar?? Sometimes I just wonder???

Well I am going to go mess around the house for a bit...then take a nap!

Have a great day!

Just Stopping Through
by: Life is Good

Hello Everyone!

Just stopping through to say hello. I hope all is well. I've been a little under the weather so I had to take a few days off. I've been catching up on the latest with you all. I wonder where Hope is??

I continue to communicate with my Aqua friend and I'm feeling better about just being his friend and nothing more. He continues to confide in me and things are good with us. Its like I have become his personal therapist LOL...but I don't mind. He was there to see me through when I was going through my divorce and he knows that I am there for him now.

There are times that I want to be brutally honest with him about his situation, but I have learned to just sometimes answer his questions with a half answer and/or question so he can make his own decisions the way he needs too. He's in a tough spot right now, but I know he will have to be the one to make the decisions that are best for himself only. I JUST WISH HE DIDN'T TAKE SO LONG!!! SMH. Why do you Aquas like self abusing yourselves?? You know something isn't working and/or in your best interest, but decide to stick with it because it is familiar?? Sometimes I just wonder???

Well I am going to go mess around the house for a bit...then take a nap!

Have a great day!

For Aqua Girl
by: Scorp42

I know what I want Aquagirl all to well. My problem is I don't think that is what my Aquarian wants. He may want it way down the line and I am still being patient. My problem is there are things I am going through and need someone to talk to abiut it. My Aquarian is familiar with the situation and we always talk abut it, but I also want to give him his space and not contact him. In the mean time my insides are doing flips with anxiety and I am a bit stressed. I need support right now and don't want to ask my Aquarian for it because he will see it as me using the situation to contact of spend time with him. In all reality no, I don't want to see anyone else. It may have been a bit of venting I was doing in my last post.

Oh well, tomorrow is another day.

by: Dazed

Aquagirl - I'm gonna keep holding out even though it's hard. I now see why scorps mantra is "I desire," cause man....when we desire something, there is no stopping us!

LIG - Aquas are hardheaded, just like scorps are. I think people just like to figure shit out on their own, not to's hard to realize for yourself that something isn't working because then that means in a way you failed.

Scorp42 - I think you should ask him to help you. You guys are waaay beyond the point where asking for his help poses a problem or compromises his need for freedom. I think he'd be more than willing to help you out if he could. Men need to feel needed sometimes...that's why the 'damsel in distress' tactic works, it makes them feel macho and manly. Yea men want a girl who's independent, but they also want to feel they have a place in a girl's life....or else why stick around if someone doesn't need you.

For Dazed
by: Scorp42

Yes, I know he loves to help me in every way he can. It makes him feel needed. What I am doing is giving him some space. We just spent a lot of time together last week and we need a break from each other. When he comes around again I will ask him to help me with my issues, I just don't want to ask for it now because we need this break period. Remember I just ended the Gemini situation and I don't want to jump in with my Aquarian as if it never happened. He knows why it ended with the Gemini and why it even began with him. Yes I think my Aquarian faught for me and he has shown me that no matter what he is still here for me. I don't want to put any expectations on him or go back to the way it was because it's not.

The Gemini would have never been in the picture had it not been for my Aqua telling me to start dating others because I deserved better. I think it has shown both of us that we really mean more to each other than we thought, well at least it has shown him. I have always felt the same. He has a big issue going on with him right now and he NEEDS to handle it and fast. I don't want to interfere with that until it is handled. I helped him with it in the beginning and he needs to focus and get it done. I will be right here when he takes care of it. If it's one thing I have learned, is that and Aquarian has to handle their problems on their own. If they want help they ask for it. I will ask for my help when his mind is more clear.

For Dazed
by: Scorp42

Yes, I know he loves to help me in every way he can. It makes him feel needed. What I am doing is giving him some space. We just spent a lot of time together last week and we need a break from each other. When he comes around again I will ask him to help me with my issues, I just don't want to ask for it now because we need this break period. Remember I just ended the Gemini situation and I don't want to jump in with my Aquarian as if it never happened. He knows why it ended with the Gemini and why it even began with him. Yes I think my Aquarian faught for me and he has shown me that no matter what he is still here for me. I don't want to put any expectations on him or go back to the way it was because it's not.

The Gemini would have never been in the picture had it not been for my Aqua telling me to start dating others because I deserved better. I think it has shown both of us that we really mean more to each other than we thought, well at least it has shown him. I have always felt the same. He has a big issue going on with him right now and he NEEDS to handle it and fast. I don't want to interfere with that until it is handled. I helped him with it in the beginning and he needs to focus and get it done. I will be right here when he takes care of it. If it's one thing I have learned, is that and Aquarian has to handle their problems on their own. If they want help they ask for it. I will ask for my help when his mind is more clear.

For Dazed
by: Scorp42

Yes, I know he loves to help me in every way he can. It makes him feel needed. What I am doing is giving him some space. We just spent a lot of time together last week and we need a break from each other. When he comes around again I will ask him to help me with my issues, I just don't want to ask for it now because we need this break period. Remember I just ended the Gemini situation and I don't want to jump in with my Aquarian as if it never happened. He knows why it ended with the Gemini and why it even began with him. Yes I think my Aquarian faught for me and he has shown me that no matter what he is still here for me. I don't want to put any expectations on him or go back to the way it was because it's not.

The Gemini would have never been in the picture had it not been for my Aqua telling me to start dating others because I deserved better. I think it has shown both of us that we really mean more to each other than we thought, well at least it has shown him. I have always felt the same. He has a big issue going on with him right now and he NEEDS to handle it and fast. I don't want to interfere with that until it is handled. I helped him with it in the beginning and he needs to focus and get it done. I will be right here when he takes care of it. If it's one thing I have learned, is that and Aquarian has to handle their problems on their own. If they want help they ask for it. I will ask for my help when his mind is more clear.

by: Aqua Girl

HEY LIG... Wow haven't heard from you in forever! WHERE IS HOPE???

I haven't had much time to really go through all of the posts, but I did read them at least once.
Not really in the mind frame to respond to anything right now, but glad things are ok with everyone... Had an interesting, but good night.

Something hit me this morning so I thought I would share. I'm crazy! lol
I see things are Slowly getting better for me and Aqua. I'm very happy about it. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for sure. It's been a long ride to get to this point... I guess me giving up on him, put a fire under his butt. However, I'm scared! This morning I felt the need to walk away again and be done with it. Of course I didn't tell him that and I won't ever again! I was trying to figure out why I felt that way and the only thing I can think of is because I just simply don't want to get hurt. I am afraid of the unknown! Us Aquas can walk away from someone with a quickness and never look back. I'm not saying I would do that to him, but because I know that, I'm afraid he will do it to me. And it really doesn't matter if he is Aqua or not. I just can't stand getting hurt again. This is way I stopped dating for a while in the first place.

Now that I'm thinking about it, Scorp42- you got the right idea about giving your Aqua some space after each visit. I wonder if this is what he goes through right after. I know I do every time, but then after a day or 2 I'm right back to normal and wanting to see him again. I know he can sense when I get like this, because he plays off of my moods a lot.
The crazy thing is I have been waiting to get to this point, I have been waiting for things to get better and now that they are slowly moving in that direction I want to RUN for the Hills! This is EXACTLY why the days, or week in between visits is very important. If I knew for sure how he felt about me and that he wasn't going anywhere, I would be ok. But since he has ran so many times in the past, it makes me sick that it might happen again so i don't want to get to close.
Sorry just had to get that out. gotta go

by: Scorp42

Welcome back LIG. I am wondering myself where Hope is.

Aquagirl, you are making me laugh over here. This is the part of the Aqua-Aqua paring that makes me say you both deserve each other. He is probably going through that same thing you are, thinking the same way you are and this makes me laugh. I have learned from expeience to let my Aquarian have his space for a few days after visits. There was a week or two a while back that he spent every night with me. Looking back at that now it makes me wonder what in the hell was going through his mind back then. I have learned how to avoid getting "ignored" so to speak with the phone calls and texts. After spending time together I will contact him the next day and reflect a bit or continue a subject we talked about the night before. Then I don't contact him at all for a day or two. I noticed that I get responce if I contact first, which I usually don't and he is very sweet and loving. I guess each Aqua has their own patterns, and I have studied mine and that is his usual pattern.

Now things are a bit tricky for me since Gemini came into the picture. I did ask my Aquarian a while back if he had a girlfriend and he said no. I give him exra space because he may have found another to replace me. I don't feel that way in my gut but you never know. The times we spent the night together he got no late night phone calls or text which surprised the heck out of me cause that is his time of day for the ladies. I don't want him to think I am jumping right in and move over anybody else. We both made some choices that in my eyes were not too wise. Funny thing is don't tell a Scorpio women to move on. Once she gets over the hurt and shock that is exactly what she will do. Don't say it if you don't mean it with me.

by: Dazed

Hey Everyone...

It's so funny about the needing space thing after seeing each other, because my aqua does the same thing! I remember I would text him the next day or so just to say hi, and I would get either a very short and cold response...or no response at all. I could tell that I needed to back off...and it became a pattern that he always acted that way after we spent time together. But if I gave him close to a week of no contact...he was back to being sweet and engaged. I always figured he needed time to digest every feeling, moment, or thought he had while with me. You aquas are a crazy bunch for sure!

Just Thinking Aloud
by: Life Is Good

Hello Everyone!

I pray that all is well....I wasn't going to comment, but I have had something on my mind that last couple of weeks that I wanted your opinion. As I stated previously, I had been a sounding board so to speak with my Aqua friend and some issues he been trying to wor through. This week I decided to give him some time and space that I think he really needed to make a decision about his future and me not intefere/give any of my thoughts. Well in doing so, I emailed him and told him that I felt like he had already made his decision and that I would let him do what he needed to do without me. I told him that I was going to send him his Christmas and Birthday gift and I wished him all the best. He quckly emailed me back and said that he had not made any final decisions so for me not to think that he had. I kindly responded that if he needed me, he knew where I was and how to contact me.

Well he emailed me yesterday to let me know he had received his gifts and he loved it to death! He kept talking about how I have been there for him and what a GREAT FRIEND I've been and how I've been his ROCK....SMH.... My question is why do they talk in what it seems like CIRCLES?? I try not to read into what he is saying and really take to heart because this time around I needed to protect my heart from anymore craziness/hurt/disappointments! He ended the email with Love YOU!! Now some of you might say aww that's sweet or why am I complaining/bringing this up?? Well I remember someone saying that Aquarians don't use the words LOVE YOU loosely. I am trying to move on and just want your opinion...what is going on in his head?? He has yet to tell me what his final decision was... I have decided not to contact him for a few days and see if he will finally tell me without me having to ask. We have gone through and shared so much, that for him to finally make a decision about his future and not share is a little disheartening. My mind is in a whirlpool of thoughts... :-(

Just Thinking Aloud
by: Life Is Good

Hello Everyone!

I pray that all is well....I wasn't going to comment, but I have had something on my mind that last couple of weeks that I wanted your opinion. As I stated previously, I had been a sounding board so to speak with my Aqua friend and some issues he been trying to wor through. This week I decided to give him some time and space that I think he really needed to make a decision about his future and me not intefere/give any of my thoughts. Well in doing so, I emailed him and told him that I felt like he had already made his decision and that I would let him do what he needed to do without me. I told him that I was going to send him his Christmas and Birthday gift and I wished him all the best. He quckly emailed me back and said that he had not made any final decisions so for me not to think that he had. I kindly responded that if he needed me, he knew where I was and how to contact me.

Well he emailed me yesterday to let me know he had received his gifts and he loved it to death! He kept talking about how I have been there for him and what a GREAT FRIEND I've been and how I've been his ROCK....SMH.... My question is why do they talk in what it seems like CIRCLES?? I try not to read into what he is saying and really take to heart because this time around I needed to protect my heart from anymore craziness/hurt/disappointments! He ended the email with Love YOU!! Now some of you might say aww that's sweet or why am I complaining/bringing this up?? Well I remember someone saying that Aquarians don't use the words LOVE YOU loosely. I am trying to move on and just want your opinion...what is going on in his head?? He has yet to tell me what his final decision was... I have decided not to contact him for a few days and see if he will finally tell me without me having to ask. We have gone through and shared so much, that for him to finally make a decision about his future and not share is a little disheartening. My mind is in a whirlpool of thoughts... :-(

by: Dazed

I'm confused by what you mean when you say 'his decision.' Does it have something to do with you or include 'you and him'? Sorry, I just need clarification because you stated that you emailed him and mentioned that you thought he made his decision is it a decision between you both.....? I just wanted to get that cleared before I give my two cents.

My Ramblings
by: Life is Good

Hi Dazed!

I am sorry for my rambling...The decision that he had to make is about his future and what he wants in get his family back or not. Yes..that's what I said. LOL. He doesn't like change and wants to be in control...but he can't let go of the past, no matter how bad/painful its been. He said that its not for love...if you can believe that... but he was willing to try again if she was willing. They have a child and I know that is one of the main reasons he's been torn. I am working on me and rediscovering who I am after a 9 yr marriage that included an alchohlic and abusive spouse. My Aqua has been there for me these last 2 years and I made a decision to be there for him. He has shared many things with me as I have with him and I felt like he may have come to the conclusion of what he wanted finally. I know it sounds crazy, but there was something inside me that felt like I was doing the right thing by sticking with him throughout all this. I never talked negative about her because I don't know her...I would just say how I would do or think as a woman/friend and would just give scenarios for him to think through in his own way. I love him for who he is and want only what's best for him and I told him that. I also told him that just settling wasn't a good idea because it could lead to more confrontation later...But eventually a decision had to be made and I was stepping aside for him to make it without me. Any other time, he would have told me what happened, but this time he said nothing. So I concluded that he chose to go back and try to work things out. If that is the case, I will miss him, but he had to stop self abusing himself. I did it for so long and didn't want to see him do the same. SO THAT'S PRETTY MUCH THE SHORT VERSION IN A NUT SHELL! Go ahead and tell me I was crazy for being there for him...How could you be so foolish to be there for him and he be contemplating going back to his family...knowing I was in love with him??? I have asked myself that so many I got myself in this and I keep coming up with the same conclusion....I fell in love and whether he feels the same way or not, I had to be there for my friend...putting my feelings a side.

My Ramblings
by: Life is Good

Hi Dazed!

I am sorry for my rambling...The decision that he had to make is about his future and what he wants in get his family back or not. Yes..that's what I said. LOL. He doesn't like change and wants to be in control...but he can't let go of the past, no matter how bad/painful its been. He said that its not for love...if you can believe that... but he was willing to try again if she was willing. They have a child and I know that is one of the main reasons he's been torn. I am working on me and rediscovering who I am after a 9 yr marriage that included an alchohlic and abusive spouse. My Aqua has been there for me these last 2 years and I made a decision to be there for him. He has shared many things with me as I have with him and I felt like he may have come to the conclusion of what he wanted finally. I know it sounds crazy, but there was something inside me that felt like I was doing the right thing by sticking with him throughout all this. I never talked negative about her because I don't know her...I would just say how I would do or think as a woman/friend and would just give scenarios for him to think through in his own way. I love him for who he is and want only what's best for him and I told him that. I also told him that just settling wasn't a good idea because it could lead to more confrontation later...But eventually a decision had to be made and I was stepping aside for him to make it without me. Any other time, he would have told me what happened, but this time he said nothing. So I concluded that he chose to go back and try to work things out. If that is the case, I will miss him, but he had to stop self abusing himself. I did it for so long and didn't want to see him do the same. SO THAT'S PRETTY MUCH THE SHORT VERSION IN A NUT SHELL! Go ahead and tell me I was crazy for being there for him...How could you be so foolish to be there for him and he be contemplating going back to his family...knowing I was in love with him??? I have asked myself that so many I got myself in this and I keep coming up with the same conclusion....I fell in love and whether he feels the same way or not, I had to be there for my friend...putting my feelings a side.

by: Dazed

Thanks for sharing the gives a better perspective of what's going on. One thing I've noticed about aqua men is that once they fall in love, it's very hard for them to fall out of it. I think it might have something to do with the fact that it takes so damn long for them to fall in the first place, but once they've made the decision to allow themselves....they go all in. That being said, I can see why your aqua is having a hard time deciding what he wants to do...not to mention he has a child with this woman. The child probably plays a huge factor in his decision making because that's a life he is responsible for, and remember that aquas are the humanitarians of the he'll feel very inclined to put that child's needs before his own.

It sounds like you and him have a great friendship, and I wouldn't doubt that something more could develop between you two if all the other circumstances weren't in the way. I think he truly loves you as a friend, as you do him. However, for him to think of anything else than what is already going on with him might push him over the edge. I can see why he needs time to decide where he wants to go with his life because that's pretty intense and overwhelming stuff. Remember that us scorps can navigate thru those situations a lot easier because we're better equipped to deal with intensity, emotions, and drama. One thing I heard about aquas that I thought rang very true is that they need to mull over a huge amount of info in little bits and pieces at a time. They think about one aspect one day, and once they've figured that portion out....the next day they'll move on to another detail. It's all a very slow and calculating process that has to be thought of in the most logical terms. That being said...I wouldn't doubt if it takes your aqua more than a few days, if not weeks, to figure out what to do in a situation as crucial as this.

Just give him some time and space to think things thru. When he's ready to talk with you, he will find you.

Thanks Dazed!
by: Life Is Good

I know and you are right. I will just miss the conversations...After a while you get used to thee pattern and then another one forms. It's almost Christmas so I will be trying to really just stay busy.

You know when I told him that I loved him...I wonder iff he really understood how much?? Oh well...Life is still GOOD!

Thanks again!

Thanks Dazed!
by: Life Is Good

I know and you are right. I will just miss the conversations...After a while you get used to thee pattern and then another one forms. It's almost Christmas so I will be trying to really just stay busy.

You know when I told him that I loved him...I wonder iff he really understood how much?? Oh well...Life is still GOOD!

Thanks again!

by: Scorp42

Hi LIG. Wow your situation is quite deep. Okay, one thing I do know is that if your Aqua said to you "Love You" that is what he meant. He didn't say love you as a friend. He is in love with you for sure. As far as his decision, here is one thing you need to know and be prepared for. If he does go back to his wife and child rest assured it won't take him long before he is back in touch with you. He loves you and won't let you go easily. If things start to go a bit sour with he and his wife he will surely contact you. From experience with my Aqua, if he said he wouldn't be going back for love then that is exactly what he means and I believe that. I am sure he doesn't want anyone hurt but if he does go back it is because he wants to right a wrong.

If he were going back to his wife for love and wasn't "in love" with you he would have already been gone. This decision is extremely hard for him and giving him his space would be my suggestion. As far as the self punishment, all of us Scorpio women do it even when there is nothing bad going on. We self punish when we don't talk to them on a regular basis. But that's just it, it's "self punishment" and we need to work on that. After a couple days of no contact with my Aqua I start talking to myself about him and go through stages of emotion. I have started to take an Aqua's approach about my emotions though. They do not trust their emotions and think logically about things. It's work for me but that is what I do and it puts my emotion in check. Every time I go emotionally overboard I am usually wrong. Think about it and find a friend or friends you enjoy spending time with and engulf youself in them. Works for me.

Thanks Scorp42
by: Life Is Good

Thanks Scorp42,

You know I really appreciate your words of wisdom and encouragement. I do believe that he cares deeply for me and I do for him. I am going to give him his space and time that he needs. I am a little more focused this morning and have plenty of things I can do here and at work. lol. We will see how things unfold...

He knows that I want him to be happy and not settle, as well as be there for his child and that I will remain here on the sidelines as a friend, when and if he needs one. We both seem to be going through self-abuse and you are right he is trying to right a wrong. I have spent many days and nights praying for him and his family and I would do it all again. Dumb huh?? I never thought i'd feel like this for another man, but I do. 17 years ago, I was in love with this guy and I let him go because he got this girl pregnant. He told me that he wasn't going to marry her just because she was pregnant. I made a sacrifice and told him that I wanted him to be the full-time dad that he never had and walked away. He married her 2yrs later...and we are still the best of friends today. If she only knew... I say to myself sometimes. LOL. There are times that I think she knows that she will never have his whole heart and I am the reason. But hey, that's all good with me. The day I realized that I loved my Aqua was the last time I ever told my 1st love that I loved him. I had just gotten off the phone with my Aqua and my 1st love who is a Taurus, called out of the blue. We chatted for a bit and usually after every call we usually say...Love you. This time I just said, Ok...I'll talk to you later. I hung up before realizing I hadn't said that I loved him. He was so used to me saying it...he automatically said you too. LOL

I guess this is why it's been hard for me to just settle my emotions lately...I don't want anyone who is rebounding, still dealing with issues from there past, and still want to do their own thing. I've been through all that craziness and I am just preparing for the life that I believe God wants me to have. Will it be Mr. Aqua, I don't know. I can't say that it hasn't crossed my mind a time or two or three or 20! LOL I just want him to be happy, content, and not settle...that's all! Well I have to get ready for work...after being out sick for a week...I am moving a little slow even though my mind is saying Get Moving Girl! Have a Blessed and Great Day EVERYONE!

I sure would like to hear from our Male Aquas on this subject. :-D

by: Aqua Girl

Hey Girl. Well I'm not a Male Aqua, but pretty much what Scorp42 said is true. That child is his world and he will do anything possible to make sure he gets the best of the best! (I think you said he had a son) He doesn't want to hurt anyone so it's going to take him some time to figure this out I'm sure. However most of the Aqua Men that I know that have been in that situation, just ended it with the wife or girlfriend on a good note because they were not happy, but they stayed very close with their children and stayed friends with the ex. I guess if I was in that situation, I would have done the same. If I wasn't happy I would leave and take the kids with me, but If I couldn't take them I would still leave and be there as much as possible for the children. I refuse to live an unhappy life with anyone for any reason! I don't know his whole situation, but regardless of his Sign, you do need to give him space to figure it out. You don't want him to make a decision just because he feels bad and doesn't want to hurt anyone and then regret it later. I can't tell you what to do, but if it were me I would tell him that I will be there for him as a friend until he figures it all out. I wouldn't get much more involved then that. No intimacy or a lot of time together. That will just make it hard on both of you. Also knowing how I am I probably would expect the worse to happen, that way if he did come back, I would be happy.. lol You sure can't be mad at the man though. Not many men are willing to step up and take care of their children or family no matter what. If he said he loved you I would trust that. Like Scorp42 said, if he was going back to her because he was IN love with her, he would already be gone. There's no doubt in my mind that he does have love FOR her because of the history, but I would take his word for it. And the fact that he even told you about it is Big.. He didn't have to explain anything. I know it's hard. Just keep praying and take it one day at a time. Whatever is mean to be will be...

Update: Mine is back to the ignoring game again I think. I really believe that it's just a "visit" situation for him. I doubt he cares at all!! He sure had me tricked though. Oh well.

For Aqua Girl
by: Scorp42

Now Aquagirl you know as well as I do that it has to be more than a visit situation. Let me tell you, when me and my Aqua began we were hooking up and that was all for a while. Then he started opening up about things and me as well. The friendship began to form and the hooking up almost came to a hault for a long while. The more his feelings began to develop for me the longer he would not contact me or reply to my contacting him. I made up my mind to forget about it and that's when the real ride began. We started to really grow our love for each other. Mind you all of this moved very slowly. Aquagirl because you and your Aquaboo think a lot alike neither of you will budge more than a 1/4 inch. If a Scorpio/Aquarian paring takes a long time geez you two might take years before you even start opening up to each other. Because of the similarities in scorpio men I can't date them. They drive me totally crazy! It's like dating the male version of myself. Ugh... LOL

Thanks Aqua Girl
by: Life Is Good

Hey Lady!

I felt like you would respond that's why I asked the males to do so. Thanks for your response. I did tell him that if he needed me, he knew where I was and how to contact me. his son is his world and I would never want to come between that. That's why I let my Taurus go years ago. He's been blaming himself for some of his son's acting out lately and she has made sure she's used that card lately...a few times. I don't know why women do that?? It pisses me off!! You've been blessed with a child and then use them as pawns...SMH!

I am going to be patient and just continue to do me...I think based on our history he knows I'll continue to be here if he needs me as a friend. As he said the other day... I have been his rock throughout his wild and crazy ups and downs! LOL

Yes, if its meant for us to be...It will be!

As for your Aqua, if he's anything like mine...I felt like I was being tested every other month to prove myself to him. I finally had to call him on and told him about himself! LOL. It must have had some affect...he started sharing more after he came back from his Disappearing Act! LOL

I wish you the best though with whatever you decide...BECAUSE they don't make it easy on a sista! LOL

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

I swear I can always count on you to pull me out of this! If it wasn't for you, I would have given up a LONG time ago! Although I tried to give up twice now, but he wouldn't let me.

How do you think I feel with another Aqua. It is like a Male version of myself, but I love it! We are both silly and we "get" each other (for the most part). lol

The thing is he started being sweeter then ever when he came back this time around then all of a sudden he had a mood swing out of the blue and I haven't heard from him since. He didn't really say much, just a lot of nasty looks and was crabby. He did this before just before he disappeared for a long while. I thought we were finally past that phase, but I guess not. He ignored me once so I stopped all contact right away. Actually the last time I seen him I was a little strange myself. I guess I kinda sensed it coming some how. Maybe he sensed it too. We have been opening up to each other a lot more about a lot of different things. He seems a little more comfortable around me that's for sure and he is more observant of what I'm doing and EVERY move I make. Usually that would bother me with anyone else, but when he does it, I love it. It's like he has a built in Radar. I have one too. lol I just don't understand the crazy mood change all of a sudden. Maybe he was tired or something. Who knows! I kinda understand because I go through it too, but it makes you feel like you did something wrong and Usually I don't care what people think, but he makes me feel like I wronged him. I won't tell him again that I'm done, but walking away is always an option. Of course not in his eyes! Every time I try to get away he has a way of Pulling me back in. I don't want to walk away, I just figured he was done with me so I let him off the hook. Oh what to do, what to do???

Side Note: I am talking with a Scorpio now online. It's so funny. But he is driving me Insane because he sounds really clingy and controlling... lol I haven't ran yet, but I'm getting my shoes on. Uggghh he is SO DEEP! and won't stop talking and Questions EVERYTHING! LOL

by: Aqua Girl

Hey Sorry about that LIG. We must have sent our responses at the same time. I get what you are saying. They sure don't make it easy! I guess I'm to blame for that too. lol Maybe I'm driving him crazy too and don't even know it. Hmmm Never thought of that.

I hope things work out for you and your Aqua. I hate it when women do that too. I'm sure it makes him feel bad because of the kind of person he is. Hopefully he will be able to see through the wool. He doesn't need HER to take care of his SON, But some women will try to take the children away or threaten the men with their kids. It's really sad.

by: Life Is Good

YOU SAY WOOL...I SAY BS!...SMH LOL..have a good night!

by: Scorp42

LIG I must be stupid. Please tell me what SMH means. LOL

by: Life Is Good

LOL...this is too funny. I just had to explain to a friend of mine 3 times what it was before she caught on..

Its just the acronym for Shaking My Head. LOL

by: Scorp42

LMBO, thanks for bringing me up to date. I spent the longest time trying to figure it out w/o having to ask.

by: Life Is Good

That's all good... I see you know LMBO! LOL

by: Life Is Good

That's all good... I see you know LMBO! LOL

by: Dazed

Hey everyone...

So my aqua reached out to me again this past Friday and wanted to see me. You were right took him about 7 days which is what you basically predicted! Anyway, I told him no because I had stuff to do but we could arrange another time. I asked how is schedule was looking and he said he was available any day (go figure). We saw each other this past Monday and had a really good time. I noticed that he was more emotionally open and felt more comfortable expressing how he felt towards me. We're hoping to see each other before I leave to Hawaii for xmas vacation.

On the flip side...I also have bad news. He will be leaving in Feb for 4 months to play football out of state! I kind of knew it was coming because he went and played last year, but the circumstances between me and him were different. I'm definitely not looking forward to it, but it's something he's passionate about and I'm happy for him. I just curious how it will all play out when and while he's gone.

by: Scorp42

LIG, I have been laughing so hard this morning. Today is Thursday 12/16 and I was watching the Today Show. They were explaining to the country what SMH means. I have tears in my eyes I've been laughing so hard.

For Dazed
by: Scorp42

Dazed, I know exactly where you are with your feelings on the inside regarding your Aquarian. Here is where you have to put your emotion away. You are going to drive yourself totally crazy if you don't. You need to think of it like this, if he didn't get away and do things that he loves to do you wouldn't want him anyway. If they don't the sweet loving man you know will disappear and he will turn you off just as strongly as he turned you on. Think of him being away as time for him to enjoy life and rejuvinate himself so he can continue to be the loving man that he is. It will also give him time to miss you and realize what you really mean to him. I go through a similar thing twice a year that lasts a month or two. Embrace it, knowing what I know now I welcome my Aquarians departure because it makes him a fantastic man when he returns.

by: Life Is Good

Hey everyone!

Just stopping through to say hello!

@Scorp42- LOL...I had to explain it again to some ladies at work. Its funny how they would have to put it on TV so everyone would understand.

You know I just played my first big prank on My Aqua! It was well received! Afterwards I went back to life as usual. I think I am really getting the hang of this. LMBO!

Have a good one... because Life is Good!

by: Dazed

You're right, and I know I have to support him in doing what he loves. I would never complain to him about it or make him feel bad because I don't think it would be fair. Four months is just such a long time! I swear it feels like he just got back from his last trip. I guess we'll just see how we both handle it, being that things have progressed between us beyond anything to compare to from the last time he went. I guess then we both will know how we truly feel about each other.

by: Aqua Girl

Hope all is well with everyone. Scorp42 you are a mess with that SMH... lol

Dazed- Don't worry about the break with you and your Aqua. You will really know where you stand when he comes back.

I'm so confused!!!!

by: Life Is Good

What's up Aqua Girl??

Don't like it when you say you are confused...Neither do I like it when My Aqua is like that either, but with him that's a different story. LOL. So what's going on with ya??

by: Aqua Girl

Hey LIG... I'm good I just don't know what to think anymore. One minute I want to let it all go and the next he says the cutest things that make me want to stick around. No one has ever got to me like this before. I hate not being the one in control!! And I HATE being ignored!! I get myself all ready to walk away and just be done with it, then I see him and it changes everything! I don't want to get hurt Damn it!

by: Life Is Good

Man...don't I understand what you're going through all to well AquaGirl! But you can't live a life of being afraid of being hurt....If there was never sadness, one wouldn't know happiness, joy for pain, ups with down....Get what I'm saying?? You can only be who you are and he can only be himself. If you really like this dude, just go ahead and put it out there. If he runs, then let him go. He may or may not come back, but you'll never know until you try.

I am thankful for this website and the wonderful people who have given me insight on the Aquas in this world. I have been in love and I have been hurt...I have learned that I am not going to let my fears no longer determine my future. I love my Aqua and always will. I really don't think he understands the depth of my love for him and I have decided that I am ok with it for now. I took a chance and laid it all on the line with him months ago and he didn't stay gone... Will he decide to come back and stay for good?? I don't know. BUT what I do know is I am glad I let him know and don't regret it one IOTA! I loved him enough to let him know it and wouldn't change it. He IS like no other man I have ever known and I'm happy to be his friend.

I am just me..I don't know much about Astrology and have only learned about the Zodiac signs from you all. CRAWL FROM OUT OF YOUR CAVE...LET HIM HAVE IT AND THEN MOVE ON! If he runs after you, let him catch you and enjoy each other. I'm just sayin... LOL

A Deeper look inside me...
by: Aqua Girl

So I realized that I have to have things my way! When I want to do something I expect people to be ready when I am and if they are not, when they finally come around they have to wait on me. I am very impatient and hate it when someone says they are going to do something and don't follow through with it or if they give me a certain time and don't stick with it. Like they say they are going to be ready in 10 minutes and they run over... Drives me Nuts! I never call my friends. I expect them to call me and if they don't, we just don't talk. If someone gets mad at me, I could care less what they think. I expect a guy to prove his love for me, after I get to the point that I want to be with him. But some how he has to figure that out, because I don't tell.

I am a very sweet and caring person. I will do anything for just about anyone until they wrong me! I hate seeing people in pain or hurting. I can't handle it when people cry or something bad happens to them, I get sick. Can't handle too much emotion. When I am in Love with someone, I put my ALL into it until I have nothing left to give. I hate rejection so I usually wait for someone to make the first move depending on what it is, Unless My heart isn't all into it, then I get too impatient to wait for them to make the first move and have to do it myself. OR If my heart is into it and I am being rejected I jump all in and try to find out what's wrong.

When I'm in love with someone or really really like someone, I act like a child. I can't think straight and I usually trip standing still or run into walls and drop things. I get very nervous. I mumble random things that no one understands. (Well except my Aqua Boo, He gets me. cause he does it too. lol)

When I get mad it takes me a few days to forget about it, unless I end up going into my Zone then I usually don't snap out of it for about 3 weeks or so.

One minute I can be all happy and talking like crazy, the next minute I'm quite and keep to my self!

by: Aqua Girl

Well I did tell him a while ago I liked him and wanted to see him more and he backed away and said he wasn't ready for a relationship. Then when I pretty much told him goodbye after that, 5 days later he came running because he hadn't heard from me. When I reach out to him or get closer he runs away from me, when I run away he comes running after me! I decided I am not going to flood him with how I feel anymore, he should know. If he wants to come around that's fine. Seems like the further away I go, the closer he gets... Of course until recently! Now I'm getting the mood swings and crazy attitude from him when I don't follow "his" way. I think because we are so similar he may be going through the same thing I am at this point and I don't know how to break it! It drives me insane when I can't figure something out! He already thinks I get "My" way all the time which I don't see how he figures that!

He has been so sweet, funny and nice this whole time, but now I'm starting to see the other side!
And boy do we have a "Other" side! Whew.. I thought I was bad. lol
I'm ok with that because I can handle it, but dang.. I may end up snapping before I end up confessing my love.. lol

by: Dazed

It's funny that you mention having someone 'prove their love' to you. I get the very strong feeling that my aqua does this to me and I see that it gets us nowhere because I feel in return that he should be proving himself to me. My aqua made a comment that he knows sometimes I wait for him to call, while in turn he admitted he waits for me to call. I told him that if he wants to see me all he has to do is pick up the phone, and that I'm not going to sit here and jock him because that's just not how I roll.

I was talking to my cousin the other day and she asked how everything was going. I told her that I didn't know if it was going to work out between me and him. You might be able to relate Aquagirl. I told her that me and my aqua are too much alike, in that we both are very cautious about entering into a relationship and slow to show our feelings. I said that when you have two people who are like that...shit is not gonna go anywhere. I feel that people like me and him are better off dealing with someone who is opposite of us...someone who kind of forces us to take that giant leap forward. If not, we'll be going at this rate for years. I think I need someone to give me a swift kick in the ass to get me going because in all honesty, that's what I want.

I know my aqua feels the same way I do about him, but we're both to prideful and scared to do anything other than take baby steps. Its also frustrating because one minute I'll think we've broken down a little emotional barrier between us, but then he'll do something to get me feelings that we're right back at square one. I'll let my guard down a little....but then his behavior makes me put my wall right back up. It's never ending.

Time Out / Thinking out loud
by: Aqua Girl

I think I'm on punishment. I Kinda upset him I think. Which it shouldn't have. It wouldn't have upset anyone else, but we are not dealing with just "anyone" and then when I turned the situation around, I guess I would have been a little miffed myself. I didn't do it on purpose. When you really break it down and look at the situation, it was just a mis-communication and bad timing. THEN again, He has done the same thing to me in the past, if not worse and more often... I was pretty angry too! Hmmm. Oops. Well damn, I didn't do it on purpose. Ok I get it now. I guess I need to give him a few days to cool down. It took me a few days to chill out and Boy was I mad!! I am just concerned because I got him some things for Christmas and I'm starting to think I shouldn't have. I mean, I wanted to, I just don't know if it's too soon. Oh forget it, It's freakin Christmas! He is getting it anyway. It's nothing over the top. I get everyone something so why should he be any different... It may even get me off the S**t list. I just don't want to freak him out, but he may appreciate the thought at this point.

Boy oh boy. Ya know I was just thinking, I haven't seen him angry yet, but just thinking about how I get and I am a woman.. Oooh I can't imagine how he gets... Emotions Suck!

Hope all is well with everyone else.

To All
by: Aqua Girl


Reply to ALL posts before (lol)
by: GemScorp

I sincerely love you ppl. All of you. I have been reading the posts religiously because for the first time in the 5 years I have been with my own very peculiar specie of the Aquaman cult, things started to make sense.

I'm a gemini with scorpio rising and cancer moon. Yeah, I'm trouble all right! Even more so considering I am hopelessly and very much in love with this..this creature from all things perfect and horrendous at the same time.

I love this man and he is in love with me. We went to the same high school but became sweethearts afterwards. I'm afraid I was too skeptical when after all the pursuing and assertive communication that we scorps are well known for on my part, he would vanish and reappear and ignore me and have double standards that when he finally came around to telling me that I was the only one he wanted - asking me to marry him even though we were in a long distance relationship (i'm talking continents here) it all just seemed too little too late, and a tad insincere.

by: GemScorp

I didnt know. I didnt know that aquamen were this way. So when he called me and we'd talk for 6+ hours on the phone, and when he'd get quiet when I had to go, i didnt know that was him not wanting me to go.. wanting me to stay longer. That he was really hooked. Same way I was surprised when he revealed to me that he had gone shopping with his sister for a well belated birthday present for me (we're talking 2.5 years), one i had completely forgotten about because I knew he liked to micromanage the ppl in his life into categories..friends vs family. I was shocked that he was letting ME bridge the divide. But I didnt realize how BIG of a deal that was for him.. because of who he was. I didnt know that aquarius side was strong. Same way I felt confused when after smiles and goofyness and intellectual discussions and wonderfulment after another phone call, he went silent for 10 minutes and then cried for an hour. He cried for an hour on the phone!!!! I cried with him, just hearing him, intuitively feeling this pain that he had no other way of communicating to me, it just broke me,it broke my heart that i couldn't be there, that i could hold him tightly or kiss his brow and make it better. that i couldnt read his mind. we just cried and in between sobs i would ask him, "what's wrong?!? talk to me, why are we cryng?!!?"

No doubt we love each other but it has been 5 years of back and forth, never knowing what's happening, it has really taken a toll on my self esteem coupled with the fact that after he had confessed he was too jealous to have an open relationship with me because of our distance (i always knew about how much his freedom meant to him seeing as i love my personal space myself, so i was ready to go that way if he needed it, i knew it would be hard to convince the possessive cancer in me but i loved him and i could be logical about certain "needs"), so we decided to be monogamous but then he cheated. He took a disappearing act and cheated with an ex of his. How do you cheat and go against your word after you have just confessed something like that? How? I couldn't wrap my head around it. And I knew it before he even opened his mouth to nervously explain that "nothing happened".I just knew. And dude, a half lie is a full lie. And lies I can not tolerate. I'm not over him but I think I need to stay away from him and heal. I battle with myself everyday, should i call, should i email, a text maybe and IM? but I know I have to do this. For my sanity and for my heart. Don't you agree?

My post is getting too long now but I just needed to thank you all for confirming that I was not CRAZY. I wish you all the best of luck with your lives because when it comes to matters of the heart, we expecially need all the luck we can get.

smooches! I'll be around here.. that is if you amazing lot would have me :oD

by: Life Is Good

Welcome GemScorp! You are welcome to stay as long as you like. We drop in from time to time still after going in and out of our shells/busy please continue to share.

What's up Aqua Girl! I'm here. Actually visiting my parents for Christmas. I hear you about your Aqua Boo...I'm kind of glad that I gave my Aqua his Christmas and Birthday gift already. Go ahead and give him the gift! I'm trying to find closure all the way around as we come to the end of 2010. This year has been one wild and crazy year all the way around. I just want a clean/fresh start. If Mr. Aqua decides he wants me in his life, that's all good...if he doesn' was fun while it lasted. His time is limited...that's how I'm feeling right now

Well wanted to wish everyone a Blessed and Merry Christmas...and most definitely a Blessed, Prosperous, and Happy New Year!

by: Life Is Good

Welcome GemScorp! You are welcome to stay as long as you like. We drop in from time to time still after going in and out of our shells/busy please continue to share.

What's up Aqua Girl! I'm here. Actually visiting my parents for Christmas. I hear you about your Aqua Boo...I'm kind of glad that I gave my Aqua his Christmas and Birthday gift already. Go ahead and give him the gift! I'm trying to find closure all the way around as we come to the end of 2010. This year has been one wild and crazy year all the way around. I just want a clean/fresh start. If Mr. Aqua decides he wants me in his life, that's all good...if he doesn' was fun while it lasted. His time is limited...that's how I'm feeling right now

Well wanted to wish everyone a Blessed and Merry Christmas...and most definitely a Blessed, Prosperous, and Happy New Year!

Hey All
by: Scorp42

Welcome GemScorp. I read the thread almost daily. I have not had much to say lately because I am in a very vunerable and confused state right now. I sat back the other day and took a long look at myself and my situation. I am with you LIG, I need a new fresh start myself. I have been busy lately and doing a lot of soul searching. I think I've had enough. The mixed messages and the not saying what he means has taken it's toll on me. I smile at the memories and all the fun me and my Aquarian had and am thankful to have experienced it.

Everyone have a very blessed holiday!

To All
by: Aqua Girl

Welcome GemScorp! Glad to have you. All my other ladies have been ignoring me!! I need some new friends. HAHA joking. I love you guys.

LIG- I'm good. Just wondering where everyone has been, but I guess it is the Holidays. I did give him his Gifts and I think it got me off the Naughty list, but I haven't heard anything yet. It went well and he was shocked! I will never forget his face. Priceless.

Scorp42 and LIG you both know all too well that this "Fresh Start" as you call it, won't last long. You can run from him if you want to, but we all already know what will happen. He isn't going to let you go anywhere! Not if he can help it. Although I am feeling the same way about now, and reading some of these people's posts about being with their Aqua 5-6 years and still nothing, that is crazy! I don't have that much time to waste! I care about him, but I need to see that he feels the same. What Gemscorp said about her Aqua getting quite and upset when she leaves makes sense cause mine does the same thing. It makes you feel like you did something wrong, but I know better then that. ; ) I do that too when it's time for someone to go. I get really strange. I won't say anything, I guess I just expect them to read my mind.

Anyway, I hope you all have a great Holiday!!

Fresh Start
by: Life Is Good

Hello Everyone!

Wanted to say hello and see who survived Christmas Right now we are battling a blizzard, but I am thankful I made it home before it got too bad. I enjoyed being with my family and friends even if I did have to leave a day early.

Scorp42 and Aqua Girl... I have to say that what I've been feeling lately about my Aqua...I really DO NOT like... I still haven't heard from him and I want to so bad. I don't like the feeling of feeling obsessive in wanting to communicate with him and not knowing he's ok. I have never loved a man like I have him and it hurts because I don't think he cares half as much as I do him. I try not to think of a future with him and/or about him at you can see I'm not doing too well with that! Ugh! I have to let this man and this situation go and/or just bust! I want to tell him to tell me to leave him alone...if that makes sense?? I'm not HAPPY AT ALL!!! I feel like a boiling teakettle bout to boil over. I hate this! He's probably home chillin with his family feelin all warm inside because he's home in his own house with his son for the holidays....because he settled! SMH! Did I say I DON'T LIKE THIS AT ALL???

Crazy Me
by: Scorp42

Hi All. I made it through the holiday OK. I tried to not contact my Aquarian and when I thought I had it together and going in the right direction I heard from him several times. It was nice to hear from him and of course he was being loving and sweet as usual. I call myself crazy though because I thought I had the stregnth to resist him. HaHa. I got a surpize request from my Aquarian and went running to him as usual.

Aquagirl you were so right! He's not gonna let me go quite yet. I don't contact him much anymore and have been living my life. It may be what he wanted from me all along. It makes me angry because I just wish they would say EXACTLY what it is they want instead of assuming we can read their minds. It had been a long time since the two of us had seen each other and it was beginning to get easier and easier. Oh well... I am still concentrating on me and I have shifted my priorities, so I am not putting too much thought into our time together. It was what it was and today is a new day. I am at the point of whatever. I don't have that sparkly happy feeling inside I used to have after we spent time together, so I know I have made some progress.

Re:Crazy Me
by: Life Is Good

I'm glad you had a great holiday...I understand what you mean all too well. Keep doing you...God's going to send you your King when you at least expect it! Happy New Years to you and everyone else. Can you believe there is only 4 days left in this year??

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

Hope everyone's Christmas went well. Mine?? Not so much! But I am blessed!
Scorp42- Of course I am right, I am Aqua! LOL
What you & the others are not understanding is this: We don't WANT you to be distant from us. So when you say why can't Aqua's just tell you.. It's not the way we think about it. We are not thinking in our heads. "I just want him/her to be distant so I can chase them" No no no that's not it at all! See I hate to say this, but we are very full of ourselves! We expect people to be right at our feet when WE want them to be and we believe in our heads that everyone (the opposite sex) wants to be with us. And most of the time that is true.. Just happens that way, sorry. lol Sooo, Since every guy I see looks at me and grunts and groans over me when I walk by, I give them the worst look ever and keep it moving! I hate that. Or when I start dating a guy and he is all sweet and nice and over the top trying to impress me, it drives me insane and I am distant with him... But when a man Like Aqua, Doesn't try to impress me with fancy-ness or do anything to get my attention, I go NUTS! Aqua Boo did ask me out on the first date and when I got there and we finally met, He was the most boring person I had ever met and he didn't seem interested in Anything I had to say. He never once tried to Over impress me with anything like most guys would have. After that date I didn't call him for 2 weeks. I wasn't into him at all. In my head I was saying oh yeh this guy is going to call me non stop now and try to get in my pants and I am going to have to find a way to blow him off without hurting his feelings... Well well He didn't call! 2 weeks went by and I was floored! Why wouldn't he call ME?? Everyone calls ME... Why not him?! So of course because he flipped the script on me and I wasn't used to it, I called him and that's how this mess all got started! We are afraid of losing things especially what we care about. Like i said before and I keep saying, but no one is hearing me... CONTINUE>>>>>

by: Aqua Girl

We want what we can't have! You have to remain a little untouchable to keep his interest. You always have to have 1 foot out the door at ALL times. If at any second I don't like something he is doing, I will get up and head for the door.. Oooh it drives him crazy! but he gets the point and straightens up! The problem I am having is the push and pull. When he is happy with me and giving me what I want, I back away and then when Im happy with him, he backs away. I have to remain distant for this to work! It's kinda like a lion or any animal that fight to declare the dominent one. People do it too. Basically you have to find out who is wearing the pants! Aquas of course want to wear the Pants because they are so full of themselves, but they will be more then happy to give those pants up if you are about to walk out that door! That's when ALL the emotions come out, right before we lose you. However, we will play stubborn for a while because again we are thinking in our head... Oh he/she will call in a couple days.... Then when you don't, we freak! It might take us a few days before we even notice (usually 4-6 days) but when we do, we are right on that phone and if you don't answer!!! Watch out!

Re: Aqua Girl
by: Life Is Good

You know Aqua Girl....I hear all that and to a certain degree understand it! My Aqua can be emotional and all that...but I think its time for a fresh start because I want someone who will be there for me when I need them. You have opened my eyes to so much and I just want to say thank you.

I have come to the conclusion that there isn't a future for us...and I am really rethinking our friendship too...I really feel sad right now. :-(

by: Aqua Girl

I know it's frustrating to people that we are this way and that is why we end up lonely most of the time because they get so frustrated and leave us because they can't take it anymore. We don't do it on purpose or to hurt anyone, that is just who we are. I hate being this way because I have lost some in the past that I didn't want to lose but it happened. Now I'm trying to learn from it and fix it.

Dealing with Aqua Boo as really made me see how I am with other people. It has really opened my eyes.

I can understand why you feel the way you do, but it's not going to be as easy as you think. You can say you are giving up all you want, but if that man decides he wants you, You won't get too far out of his reach. If that is something you decide to do, to leave him alone, you have to Ignore every single communication for a very long time for him to get the point. And even then, he will still "check in" from time to time. It will break his heart more then anything, but after a while he will get over it and move on to the next mystery, but you will always hold a special place in his heart! Believe that.

And just when you think he is gone just because he stops calling for a bit, watch out for the occasional "pop up" visit or drive by. If you are driving down the road and think you just seen him ducking down in the passanger side of some strange car, you are probably right!

Re: Aqua Girl
by: Life Is Good

LOL...Drive By...that I won't have to worry about.

I hear you though. Sometimes I wish I never fell for him....but then again, I wouldn't have made it through these past 2 years without him. I just need a break from me! If that makes sense.

Reading Made me Tired
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, just reading what you wrote wore me out and made me a little angry too. LOL. I must say that at this point in my... Whatever you call it with my Aquarian having one foot out the door is easy because it truly is. I'd rather he find another mysteryj and drive her nuts. But then I began to think, wait a minute I dealt with much worse in my last really long term relationship and Lord knows I would never deal with that again. So with all that said I get it but it's so hard sometimes to be this cold when all I want is to be with him. For me to have one foot out the door I have to continually think of all the things he does that pisses me off. In the past couple of days he has been doing some really unexpected stuff. I have been standing around with my mouth hanging open totally dumbfounded. I did do something the other day that was not our norm and through him for a loop. It was one of the most important things that we always did and I walked away from it. I think he knows that I am serious and ready to give up. Just the thought kills me inside not to mention the hurt, butI'm at my breaking point. I'm sure he thinks I am seeing someone else because I don't call or text anymore. I will respond most of the time if he contacts me, if I feel like playing the game. Mind you he has been very passionate in the past telling me he doesn't play games. Oh how blind we are when we are so full of ourself. What I fear now is that it's getting easy for me to not contact him or respond to him. I used to tell him how I felt from time to time and he loved it, now I tell him nothing. I'm not doing it to bring him closer, I'm just growing tired. Issue is it's bringing him closer. CONTINUED>>>>

by: Scorp42

I give him an "E" for effort but damn how old do you have to be to realize that what you are doing is not working. As I got older I realized that if I didn't stop doing what I was doing I would be alone for the rest of my life. I had to make several adjustments and it worked out for the better. Aquagirl I commend you on you seeing what you did to others as your Aquaboo does it to you. To put it bluntly "It's Awful!" I used to break hearts in my younger days, and not on purpose and soon realized what goes around comes around. A rude awakening for me. It made me start to relize what was truly important. I've learned to appreciate relationships with friends and lovers more. I also understand Aquarians a bit as when everything is handed to you all the time you can be picky and pretty much do whatever you want because there is always the next one around the corner to kiss your feet so to speak. There is no better feeling then to be truly loved for who you are and know that that person is there for you no matter what without judgement. I had that kind of relationship and will again. This experience has also taught me that I don't have to be around him all the time or talk to him all the time and have a very healthy relationship. But when I am in need and I mean real need my guy better damn well be there for me the way I am him or I will run and fast! This is why I try not to ask my Aquarian for anything because the first time he blows me off when I really need him will kill everything. I have asked in the past for things I really needed and he was right there for me. But now that we are not so close I won't ask. I've started building that wall back up and fear that the love of my life is going to wait and it's going to be too late. Sorry, I am rambling on. I am kind of venting a bit as well.

Re: Scorp42
by: Life Is Good

Man, don't I get what you just said. I've always been the giver in my previous relationships and its who I am. It hurts to love someone and not feel/receive it in return. I am just trying to not think about him, but its really hard. In the past, I've been able to let go and move on...but there is something that is making me want to stay. This has never been me by no means....I don't like this at all!

by: Aqua Girl

Liking an Aqua is like getting caught in a trap. Once you get in, it is hard as hell to get out!!

I'm so busy giving you ladies great advice I never take it myself! I wonder if he sits at home mad at me wondering why I never call him??? Like I do.. lol

I am a little angry with him right now for reasons I won't mention, but same ol' same ol' crap!

Oh well. What do ya do... I actually went a whole day without thinking about him though. That can't be a good sign...

I beg to differ
by: Firecracker

Aquagirl, Ok I KNOW you are the aqua here and therefore have insider info that these ladies need and you've been spot on on sooooo many things but girlfriend, I have to object to the notion that aquarians need you to have one foot out the door for them to come to their senses because they want what they cannot have. I think they just really have to like you and see you, as the one they can't imagine losing. The one that’s not predictable, gives them space, has intellectual conversations on all and everything with them, is honest, multifaceted, intriguing, and most importantly is confident and has a strong sense of self.

I’ve been dating an aquarian on and off for 4 years, we’ve been exclusive for 2. I got crazy once and decided to put all my chips in with my aqua… get things off my chest, have a talk it out, put him in his place and the dude expressed some feelings I had no idea about. He spoke of how one thing that has always frightened him was similar to those scenes from movies where after two lovers have spent a magical time together, one morning one of them disappears and the other is left wondering where they left. And from what you've been expressing about your own feelings aquagirl it seems aquarians secretly have abandonment issues and that's the reason they get so seemingly detached, aloof, and unemotional. Sort of like scorpios, but unlike scorpios, they make themselves think that if everything ever falls apart, they'll be ready and well equipped to jump ship and go with the flow, so risk losing nothing. Unless that is, they've met someone they can't stand the thought of losing. Thereby making the alternative of continuing life without them, not worth the facade. Sometimes they might even tell you to go date other people not because they actually WANT you to but because they’re trying to prove something to themselves.. That they’re above jealousy or what not. Which they are so NOT above.. Once they get wind of lovers they were not aware of, they become tigers. Aquarians are weird.. lol.. and sometimes you have to deal weirdness with weirdness.. pleasantly delicious if you ask me. Gotta love it!

My aqua has a hard time expressing emotions, which is difficult because I’m very expressive of what I feel. But I learnt to play suggestipedia where I try to see things from his point of view and give ideas to things he might be feeling. Instead of asking “do you want to talk about it?” I start with “what are you thinking?” because he is very cerebral. His eyes dart back and forth even when staring straight at you.. he’s thinking.. also when they get silent maybe on the phone or through IM or in person… he’s thinking.

I beg to differ
by: Firecracker

Aquagirl, Ok I KNOW you are the aqua here and therefore have insider info that these ladies need and you've been spot on on sooooo many things but girlfriend, I have to object to the notion that aquarians need you to have one foot out the door for them to come to their senses because they want what they cannot have. I think they just really have to like you and see you, as the one they can't imagine losing. The one that’s not predictable, gives them space, has intellectual conversations on all and everything with them, is honest, multifaceted, intriguing, and most importantly is confident and has a strong sense of self.

I’ve been dating an aquarian on and off for 4 years, we’ve been exclusive for 2. I got crazy once and decided to put all my chips in with my aqua… get things off my chest, have a talk it out, put him in his place and the dude expressed some feelings I had no idea about. He spoke of how one thing that has always frightened him was similar to those scenes from movies where after two lovers have spent a magical time together, one morning one of them disappears and the other is left wondering where they left. And from what you've been expressing about your own feelings aquagirl it seems aquarians secretly have abandonment issues and that's the reason they get so seemingly detached, aloof, and unemotional. Sort of like scorpios, but unlike scorpios, they make themselves think that if everything ever falls apart, they'll be ready and well equipped to jump ship and go with the flow, so risk losing nothing. Unless that is, they've met someone they can't stand the thought of losing. Thereby making the alternative of continuing life without them, not worth the facade. Sometimes they might even tell you to go date other people not because they actually WANT you to but because they’re trying to prove something to themselves.. That they’re above jealousy or what not. Which they are so NOT above.. Once they get wind of lovers they were not aware of, they become tigers. Aquarians are weird.. lol.. and sometimes you have to deal weirdness with weirdness.. pleasantly delicious if you ask me. Gotta love it!

My aqua has a hard time expressing emotions, which is difficult because I’m very expressive of what I feel. But I learnt to play suggestipedia where I try to see things from his point of view and give ideas to things he might be feeling. Instead of asking “do you want to talk about it?” I start with “what are you thinking?” because he is very cerebral. His eyes dart back and forth even when staring straight at you.. he’s thinking.. also when they get silent maybe on the phone or through IM or in person… he’s thinking.

differ contd.
by: Firecracker

I tell him to just tell me one by one where his thoughts are going, stream of consciousness-ish. If that doesn’t work, I suggest things/emotions. People will contradict you, especially if it’s something they’ve got an investment in. If he cares about what it is you two are talking about and you guess wrong, he will correct you. He wants to know you actually care about what he thinks and wont be offended or get defensive if it’s something you didn’t want to hear…and most times they want to be treated the same way too. You ladies need to stick to your convictions. If you want to tell the man off, please tell him off and if he runs, he’s not worth it. Who has time to play cat and mouse forever? Be honest, be gentle but if he plays dirty, call him out. Just make sure it’s not an imagined slight and you’re fine. And what’s with needing phone calls and not seeing these men in days or weeks?? Why are you getting so upset about these things??! For two years my aqua was away from me on business and we made due with technology the best way we knew how. And sometimes my phone stayed under my bed for months. I got phone calls but friends know that downtime is downtime, I don’t want to talk to anybody during downtime and that’s just the craic. My space is my space. Know yourselves, set your own limits but reasonably. They’ll love you for that…Respect you even more. I don’t believe in wasting people’s time and I have a feeling if you let your aqua know, might speed up the making up mind process. Know where you stand ladies!! Reading your posts is making me insane!!! Giving me heart palpitations and migraines.. Haha… love you lot though…
YAY to confessional culture!

i'm gemini by the way. Hope you all have a Happy NEW YEAR!!!! WHOOOP!

by: Dazed

Hey everyone...

Looks like a lot has gone on since I was on here last. How was everyone's xmas?

I do agree with Firecracker in that, you should always be able to speak your mind whether good or bad to your aqua or any man in general. I've been thinking a lot about how much tip toeing seems to be going on with respect to ensuring aqua's get their space and freedom. Quite frankly, I'm tired of it. So much so, I told my aqua flat out that I don't like the way we communicate with each other and it's not going well, because it's practically nonexistent when we aren't together. This isn't the kind of intimacy I want with someone. I was thinking over xmas how other couples are spending quality time together and doing special things for each other...and I thought about how I didn't have that with my aqua. It definitely opened my eyes. It was then that I realized how much I wanted that kind of relationship and how I knew it was something that was very possible for me. Whether or not it's something my aqua can give me is irrelevant at this point because I know that if he can't someone else will.

I've decided I'm going to lay my cards on the table with my aqua and at least allow him the opportunity to step up before I walk. Unfortunately I'm not going to consider how he could possibly react to it, because I just don't care anymore. Aqua or not, if we're not compatible, we're not compatible and that's perfectly fine. I know what I want and the intimacy I desire. I know I'm not this demanding, clingy, needy I don't feel like my standards of a relationship is unrealistic or asking too much. However, if he views it that way...then we just aren't going to work out and that's the bottom line.

I don't know what happened while I was away and out of town, but it definitely did something to my spirit. I literally don't care anymore on how things will work out with him. My desire for real love has overpowered my desire for him.

Remember Me?
by: LostScorpio

Hi all and Happy Holidays. I have been keeping up with all of your post and have to admit, I was upset that you guys told me there was probably no chance of my aqua and I reconciling. After a few weeks, I did take you guys advice and stopped contacting him after he would never reply to any of my emails, texts or calls. Lo and behold after about 3 or 4 weeks... he texted me the day after christmas. He told me if I planned on filing him on my taxes, that I must first ask him..???? OK... I returned the text and asked him. He never answered. Is this his way of opening communication between us, or am I being wishful? After the 'intense withdrawals' of not contacting him, I have decided I am not going to send him a message asking for an answer, but to wait to see if he contacts me again. But I cant wonder what's happening here.

by: Aqua Girl

Yes Gemini is right! Everything I have said is wrong! If he really wanted to be with me, he would be. I'm walking away from him! I'm tired and I can't do this anymore!

**Funny the catch phrase below this that you have to type in is BLOWUP.
Go figure.

by: Dazed

I would try not to put too much thought into it either way. He could have been trying to open communication, or it could have been a legitimate concern he had regarding taxes. If he was trying to open communication, the fact that he didn't respond when you asked him the question he asked you to ask is pretty immature. I wouldn't reach out again, and if you do want to claim him on your taxes, I would just shoot him a txt when you actually do them and simply let him know that you are...without asking him permission.

For Aqua Girl and Others
by: Scorp42

Okay Aquagirl, do not even say that you were all wrong because you were NOT! Now my feeling with Gemini is that yes she has a lot of insite into her Aqua, however I have lived with a Gemini and the Gemini thought process and the emotional side of Gemini is nothing like Scorpio. So of course what we have been saying makes her insane, she doesn't understand. Let me give you an example of Aquagirl's advice being right on point. Because I have had one foot out the door it gave my Aqua plenty of time w/o conatct from me to decide what he really wanted. Yes he does have abandonment issues but he also knows if it doesn't work out there is one around the corner. Because of my foot being out the door my Aquarian has stepped it up big time. Even to the point of getting a bit annoyed with me for not contacting him for weeks. Sometimes you have to prove that you can move on too. I have no problem telling my Aquarian off. I say what's on my mind maybe too much. That's why Aquarian's think we are way too intense.

Now to address Gemini on us being upset about not seeing or hearing from our Aquarian's. We require much more attention and affection than Gemini's do. We also process emotion much differently than Gamini's as well. We tend to take things much more personal than other people. We understand all to well that it is a flaw we have to work on but don't down us because we feel things much deeper than others. It's what makes us appreciate things that other people take for granted.

Man I'm all fired up now! LOL

My My My!
by: Life Is Good

Well, well, well!

What have we here?? LOL... Scorp42, I'm with you on this one. I think Gemini doesn't realize we don't share everything up here. We can be and are very emotional and have told our Aquas what were on our minds a time or two. I don't and won't hold my feelings in...that's how I ended up here. LOL... The way I'm feeling today, the door is hitting the back of my other foot. Like I said, I want someone who will consistently be there for me as I am for them when I'm having a rough day or just need someone to listen. He doesn't realize but his rock is about to be swept out to sea.

My My My!
by: Life Is Good

Well, well, well!

What have we here?? LOL... Scorp42, I'm with you on this one. I think Gemini doesn't realize we don't share everything up here. We can be and are very emotional and have told our Aquas what were on our minds a time or two. I don't and won't hold my feelings in...that's how I ended up here. LOL... The way I'm feeling today, the door is hitting the back of my other foot. Like I said, I want someone who will consistently be there for me as I am for them when I'm having a rough day or just need someone to listen. He doesn't realize but his rock is about to be swept out to sea.

but we love scorpios!
by: Firecracker

but scorpios, geminis love you! Your passion, loyalty and intensity makes us feel SAFE and truly wanted for all that we are. I dated a scorpio for 2yrs before my aqua and there's nothing like having those eyes tell you they love you without him needing to open his mouth. I have dated capricorns as well, also a different process.

To be honest, gems and aquas are very similar, being air signs. They just know how to micromanage what emotions they let ppl see and what they don't. ALWAYS ruminating on things that happened when no one's looking. Ppl think we're not shy or reserved but we're very protective of our true selves. i have a ton of friends and acquaintances but my "support system" i can count on my right hand. My aqua has said the exact same thing to me. To hit it off with a scorpio you dont have to necessarily appeal to their mind or intellect initially, but with gems and aquas, you do. It's a must. Scorpios love geniuneness, which i deeply admire, but they can be impatient and cuss out the world if things dont seem to go their way. Gotta love that fiery side. just temper that emotion and perceptiveness with logic and a little faith and you're set.

I'm not putting a downer on scorpios at all. Yes the way we process emotion and deal with it has its differences. But every human being has history and has a system that works for them. I'm just saying you have to know who you are and where you stand and be confident enough to set your limits and own your convictions. Respect yourself and ppl (silly aquarian loverboys included) will respect you. Whatever sign you are, life flows better this way. I was trying to make things light.. the "heart palpitations and insanity" jab was nothing but a friendly punch on the arm... the "to love or not to love" dillemma is something we should all learn to laugh at - just a little self deprecating humour. Scorpios, we know what it feels like to be misunderstood. Don't dismiss me because of my sign please, you would hate that be done to you. :0)

you know you're dealing with a gemini when they go ahead and explain your head right off! haha. toodles!

by: Firecracker

Honey, sit down and think about all the strings you have invested with this man. Weigh them in your head. Be honest about how it's making you feel and let your famed intuition do the rest. I sense you're not happy about the situation and the hurt emotions are still raw and fresh. Take your time to deal with it. Do you really need to file him? If you do, what do you stand to gain and lose? Take care of yourself too girlfriend, pay attention to your emotions and feelings as well. The answer will come. Only you know the entirety of what's going on and only you can decide what's right for you. If everything burns to a cinder, don't forget the phoenix associated with your sign lives to burn fervently again. You're strong. You can deal with this. DON'T freak out to an emotional pulp. Scorpios are not famous for that :o)

Just reading your posts made me feel so tender towards you.

Good luck honey!

by: LostScorpio

I am not sure what Scorpio you have had contact with but you are absolutley wrong when you say a person doesnt have to inspire my intellect. If one didnt, he or she would barely get an hello out of me. What I can not take is ignorance...period.. in any person, I have a very low tolerance. I think each of us scorps would agree. Also, I have very high standards for myself, and wont give many people the time of day,if I feel they didnt respect my opinion, or me. At the same time, what you are witnessing here is our deep emotions expressed anonymously among people with the same traits that can relate to how deeply our love lives affect us. To see this as disrespect for ourselves, weakness, or the allowance of another disrespecting us is a mistake on your part. (((whew)))

by: Firecracker

I'm not GemScorp, but from the content I think it is right to assume that message was for me. (GemScorp if I stole your message and assumed wrongly, I'm sorry. Forgive me.)

I think I may have ruffled a couple of scorpio feathers unintentionally. Which is VERY interesting, but I know how this is going to end. I never insinuated you were weak and didnt respect yourselves, but it's good to know anyway...was just giving my own two cents to the aquamale discussion. Aquagirl seemed to agree so my job here is done. I find astrology fascinating but I am a human being first- a social creature with history, and a zodiac sign way way later. Just think about it, if zodiac explanations didnt exist today (which was true once upon a minute since the earth's existence), would you all still be...nevermind.

Good luck with everything.

Get em Girls!
by: Aqua Girl

Oooooh. Let the claws come out! Let me get some popcorn.....

I kinda got offended myself when Gemini said that about the intellect and what scorps look for. Bad Move there.

Thanks Ladies for having my back! Sometimes I feel I give bad advice and I try not to tell anyone what to do in their situation. I just explain my experiences and you can take what you want from it.
I just wish I could figure my own situation out!

Gemini Lady we are not trying to dismiss you at all, but you have to understand you kinda came in here and started picking at certain traits and aspects of Scorpios in a room FULL of them right off the bat. We were All Like WOW where did this come from!!? (I'm sure)

This site is basically been for venting and clearing the air and maybe getting a little advice. Or better yet when one of us is emotionally overwhelmed and ready to jump ship, the others all jump in to save the day. We have our own little support system here and it works! Funny thing is when I go through day to day situations I think of these Ladies when something relates to what we have talked about. I don't even know these chicks and I talk about them to my friends like we have been friends for years!! lol

Geminis are great people, don't get me wrong, but you are not perfect by far! You have your issues too with your own personality traits and please don't let me get started on that! My brother and my Ex are Gemini... Whew! lol

Well Said...
by: Life Is Good

Thanks Aqua Girl...that was well said. Its funny that you said that you talk about us because I do the same. Sometimes I wished we had a way communicating other than this open forum (It's the private side of to discuss a situation. My first love was a Gemini and I found out later just how much he really cared for me...too bad he was trying to be Mr. Lover back then. lol He never in no way disrespected me because I had/have high standards and he knew it. But how he was with the other girls, I was like you all are stupid to just sleep around with him and then fight about it. I'm not saying that I'm a lover...but I know I'm NOT a fighter when it comes to a man.

You know I sent my Aqua a message today..but with my impatient gave him about 5 minutes to respond. Whether he was right there in his office or had stepped out, it didn't matter all of a sudden. Something told me to just forget it and I did. I have been feeling emotional this past week and I am learning when I get like this, I need to just stay to myself. One day I will have that special someone to share these feelings with...I am just that confident. :-)

To Gemini Lady
by: Aqua Girl

Just like a Gemini... You didn't pick up on my Sarcasm! Heck No I don't agree with you!! That was my way of blowing you off. But if you understood Aqua's as much as you say you do, you would have picked up on it! I am Aqua!! I should know us better then anyone.. Yeh we are all individuals and differ a little, but for the most part we are our sign and that's just the way it is!

I don't down you for having your own opinion at all, but don't come in here thinking you are bigger and better then everyone else and trying to get something across to us! I understand you have to battle with fancy words to feel good about yourself, but don't do it here! This is not the place for it. If you can't respect us then leave! I get your little sarcasm and the real meaning in-between the lines! I'm not dumb. And the earlier comment you made about Aquas not needing someone to have 1 foot out the door. HA You are full of it! Plus Geminis Always have 1 foot out the door anyway, so that is why you don't notice it!

by: Firecracker

See, this is why I don't need forums to help me figure my life out or worse...vent. Thank fate, chance, freak occurrences, and near insanity, I'm not part of this support system. They'll ruin my life sooner than later. I'm intelligent. I have a good vocabulary. I'm sorry you'd get intimidated by my "fancy words" as you put it. My eyes nearly rolled right out of their sockets with that one. Would you rather I use IM speak to make you feel secure? Like I said, I DID know how this was going to end. Predictable and downright B.O.R.I.N.G. Can't say loverboy didnt warn me. He has GOT to read these posts!! WOW!

I never claimed I understood Aquas or scorpios silly, I just know what astrology says about them and what I read about their personality. Anything I've said here is from reading your posts and what I know about astrology. I don't know you lot, you're not my friends, but I know how you interact here and what's going on in your minds. I know MY AQUA. But he doesn't believe in astrology either and neither of us hold it as a tell all for all humanity. Clearly not all aquas are the same. Thank GOD.

Why the hell would you be sarcastic when you can just be honest and straightforward about what you mean? No wonder YOU have problems. I'm honest. I tell it as I see it. And you're absoutely right. I best leave you and your scorpio friends to play mind games with each other.

Wow...Just Wow! lol

by: Dazed

I've honestly found Aquagirl's advice to be useful and it did benefit me in the particular situation. So I have no complaints there and I can see the logic in what she is saying.

I can also see where Firecracker is coming from because all she is really doing is stressing how much we should put our feelings first before our aqua men...which should be true for any man really. However, I think in reading the thread it might have been perceived that we (us in the forum) are selling ourselves short, when in reality we're just searching for a compromise. Yes we scorps are emotional, intense, and demanding...and we know this about ourselves, so it helps to seek advice on when we might be pushing the envelope. It's nice to be logical about emotions sometimes...however, I know and accept the fact that they almost always aren't....this might be the difference in Gemini/Scorp thinking. Living life where emotions are constantly logical seems boring and very passionless, but that's just my opinion. Geminis and Aquas aren't the only signs that are intellectual and I also think that one's perception of intellect is subjective. People will find each other boring if their intellectual interests don't match...but that doesn't mean one person has less 'mind power' than the other.

by: Dazed

Overall, I think there just seems to be a big misunderstanding.

by: LostScorpio

Yes, my post was meant for you. My question is why you ended up in a forum titled ‘Aquarius man gone forever’. That speaks volumes. If you don’t need forums to help figure out your life, what bought you here? Curiosity? How did you find this forum? What were you looking for? Please don’t tell me your Aqua has disappeared. (Sarcastically stated) Not only to read - but you commented. You are dealing with an aqua man, why not just read what is said, you might notice some similarities or advice on how to relate to a certain situation. Why would you post something when you-yourself stated,"you do not claim to understand aquas or scorpios". This is a forum for scorpio women and the aquarian male relationship. Then you say you know how we interact here and what is going on in our minds. (come-on dr. firecracker). Hey, just Keep an open mind and do not be so quick to judge what’s happening here. I myself posted my situation months ago and haven’t commented until now. My comment was seeking opinions, not EVALUATION. I came here with ears not words, and have not noticed any mind games along the way. Try it. Although you see yourself as intelligent, hold back on your advice. As you say, You know your aqua and he doesn’t fit in with the traits discussed about the aquamen discussed here.(hmmmm....) Try starting from the beginning of the forum, you will see there has been the same people here for a very long time. I love this forum. But everything is not the same for all, right?

by: LostScorp

I thought him not answering the question was leaving a reason to contact me again. I received a notice that my internet was requested to be turned off, I texted him and asked did he do it, (in his name) he said no, not him. I called and they stated it was some system error. He did not ask me to change the name on the account. Hey… I want him back and don’t want to make any mistakes in pushing him away. Remember, I was the one to cause his anger.

Ok, Ok...
by: Scorp42

Let's all not take all this personal. Firecracker in my comments yes I was fired up. The reason I was fired up is because you took what we say in this forum as who we are in a sence. You must remember that we don't tell everything here, we voice what is on our minds and a few situations at the time. Some of us instead of talking to people we know enjoy telling the people here a small synopsis of what is going on. The reason we do is because us Scorpio women all feel the same way about certain situations and help each other to keep our emotions in check. So of course to you it would seem a bit crazy. Now trust and beleive I have my situation with my Aquarian under control. However sometimes I get overwhelmed with emotion and as you said you keep your emotion hidden. This is not something that we Scorpios are very talented at, it is a learned skill for us. So while keeping my emotions hidden from the world I let them out here. I feel better afterwards and it helps me to tap back in to the logical side of myself. I tend to think a bit too much and cook up scenarios in my head that drive me crazy, this is why us talking here snaps me back into place. Now that you (Firecracker) and your Aquarian have your relationship in a good place all of this would obviously seem silly to the both of you. Continued>>

by: Scorp42

However most of the women here are in the early stages of their relationships with their Aqua. In the early days I am sure it was easy for you and you didn't need to really understand your Aquarian because the two of you are a lot a like. For us Scorpios not so much. I didn't dismiss what you said Firecracker, you did have some very good things to say. I was just commenting on the couple things you said that I didn't agree with. I too talk to my Aquarian about things we talk about in here and listen to what he has to say. He doesn't believe in the Astrology thing either but he does admit that certain signs do have similar traits. After seeing my Gemini and mind you I still have a strong love for him, I can see how Aquarian's and Gamini's get along so well. You both love the alone time to get into your own worlds and totally forget about each other in your down time. Issue with us Scorpio's is that no matter where we are and no matter what we are doing if we truly love our Aqua's they are always on our minds. It is something we can not control. I hear a song or eat something fantastic and immediately think, Wow my Aqua would love this or the song reminds me of a situation between me and my Aqua. It is part of the reason why we are so loyal. Once we love we are committed until the bitter end. Most people would find other lovers as you talked about earlier and move on until things were right. Well me as a Scorpio am very capable of doing just that, but while doing so feels as if I an betraying my true friend and love. NEVER would I ever betray a true friend for any reason. That is unforgivable to me so in the rocky hours I emotionally go through my changes. I don't stay that way long though and venting helps me tremendously. The unfriendly sarcasm is not nessasary here from anyone, myself included. Firecracker it's all about intension's. If your intension's are to help those of us that are not where you are with our relationships then great. If not then we have a problem. We support each other here and share our good times as well. As long as you understand how we think and feel then this all will make more sence to you. So all let's get back to where we were.

Alrighty Then
by: Scorp42

Ladies, I had to update you on what my week has been like so far. Now that My Aquarian and I have put my Gemini situation behind us, we are getting back on track. He brought up to me a couple days ago out of the blue that this Christmas is the 3rd one since we first met. He thanked me for being there for him when the average women would not have stuck around. I was floored and didn't know what to say so I said nothing. He turned to look into my eyes and knew exactly what I was feeling. He then jumped up and lit several candles and put on a movie. I didn't show it but I was fllipping on the inside. No man on earth has ever made me feel the way he does. It's as if he knows what I need and when. I didn't have to say a word that I was ready to give up. That Aquarian sense is powerful! Of course now that my crazy situation with my Gemini is over old friends(men) have come out of the woodwork and they all want to see me. Whatever... I kid you not, when I finish my novel it is going to be one heck of a story.

by: Life Is Good

Again I have to say I agree with Scorp42... This is for ANYONE who reads this forum. We have been supporting each other for a while and have an understanding of each others' situations. Please don't insult us with negativity and bashing because your relationship is working and/or you don't agree with what we're sharing. We are open to your thoughts if you are trying to be helpful....but if you aren't please don't comment.

But I do wonder..if your relationship is working....why would you be surfing the internet and reading sites of this nature?? Oh well, whatever floats your boat!

One more day ladies and it will be 2011...

by: Life Is Good

Again I have to say I agree with Scorp42... This is for ANYONE who reads this forum. We have been supporting each other for a while and have an understanding of each others' situations. Please don't insult us with negativity and bashing because your relationship is working and/or you don't agree with what we're sharing. We are open to your thoughts if you are trying to be helpful....but if you aren't please don't comment.

But I do wonder..if your relationship is working....why would you be surfing the internet and reading sites of this nature?? Oh well, whatever floats your boat!

One more day ladies and it will be 2011...

by: Dazed

I see what you're saying and it could very well be a possibility. My suggestion is to let him come to you. Don't beat yourself up because you feel you're the one that upset him and possibly caused him to leave, because I don't see that being the may have been the catalyst, but not the complete reason he up and left. He may be thinking about getting back together with you, or he may be thinking about how much you mean and done for him and doesn't want things to be on a bad's not something you can really tell right now. Just keep your guard up and stay distant.

Back on track
by: Aqua Girl

Scorp42- I'm glad you had a good night with him. That does not surprise me that he said it's the 3rd Christmas. That's a Good thing. We keep track of EVERYTHING! We know how many days it's been since we talked to you, how many Minutes in between text messages, we keep track of it all! You may think we forgot, but we didn't. but if you bring it up to us or ask us how long, we will act dumb in a heartbeat.. lol We would never want you to think we actually keep track of that stuff... Question: Do you ever catch your Aqua staring at you, but then when you look at him he walks away or turns around and act like he wasn't... I love that.. lol Sometimes I keep doing what I'm doing just so he keeps looking. He watches me put my make-up on.. I think it intrigues him.

I think everything will be ok. I honestly think that I think too much about the situation. I know when we are apart I get so angry that he ignores me or doesn't call, but when I see him I forget all that ever happened! I also think he gets angry with me when I don't call. I also know how absent minded we both are so missing a text or forgetting to respond to it is normal. Well for me anyway. My friends get so irritated with me. I have gotten to the point where I'm not walking on egg shells with him so much anymore so If I don't get a response the first time I may text again and then I get something back! Usually!

I have also been able to call every move he is about to make and I can sense when he is going to call me or want to see me. It's crazy. I mean I can usually do that with anyone, but not in this way. With other people it's hit and miss but with him, it's like we talk to each other in our minds even if we are miles away from each other!

I think things are going in a good direction. I can't believe how fast this year has gone! The New Year is almost here. I have been looking back on this year and everything I have been through and I honestly don't have any regrets! Usually I have a list of negative things that happened, but not this time! There were bad things that happened, but they were lessons learned.

I hope you all have a Great New Years and BE SAFE out there!

To My Pals
by: Aqua Girl


Its 2011
by: Life Is Good

Happy New Year Everyone! May we be blessed in all we do!

To my Buds.
by: Scorp42

Happy New Year!!! I hope this year brings us all we desire!!

by: Dazed


Anything New??
by: Aqua Girl

It is New year!! What's going on with everyone? How was your New Years? Did you see your Aquas???

Any Thing New
by: Life Is Good

Hello Everyone,

Well we have been blessed to see 2011 and a blessed year it will be!

To Aqua Girl:

Hey Lady, Nothing going much going on my way... I think I am going to have a great year because it has started off without Mr. Aqua. I haven't communicated with him and don't plan on it. Living a life that's not all about him is getting better each day. I had to do this for my sanity! LOL 2011 IS GOING TO BE MY YEAR...with or without him in my life. The funny thing is...there is a function that we both are suppose to attend in March that we attended last year...the one in which he left because I wasn't giving him the time of day. Well if he thinks he didn't get it last year, he shouldn't be surprised this year....I'm just

This year I am focusing on me and my needs...he WILL NOT be the center of it. No more Free Advice...I am all out of free advice and it feels good. Life will continue to be good without him in it! LOL

Happy new Year
by: Scorp42

LIG, I know how you feel and I hope 2011 turns out to be great for you.

Aquagirl, I have talked to my Aqua every day for quite some time now. The one foot out the door has been working quite well for me. My Aqua and I have spent a lot of time together over the holiday break. Things are going really well and he has been more affectionate and intimate to the point that I am in shock. He contacts me often now and I no longer freak out about his distance, as it only lasts a day or two anyway. He gets a bit irritated with me if I don't contact him (reply to him)in 24 hours. We have taken our reltionship to a whole new level this past week. I don't know if he has decided that I am who he wants but it sure feels like it. I can't begin to tell you how wonderful it feels for him to be showing me in more ways than one that I am very important to him. The new intimacy (and I don't mean sex) has been overwhelming to me in a good way. I don't feel the crazy emotions inside like I used to, it just feels good. I still think about him all the time and low and behold I see he has been thinking about me all the time as well. I hope it never ends. Since I changed myself everything is falling into place. I don't need to see him everyday now and becuase I don't I have been seeing him every day. Go figure...

by: Aqua Girl

LIG- You will be fine. You seem like a very strong person and you will get through this with or without him. Chances are he will be back though.

Scorp42- I'm glad things are finally working out for you. I feel like I can relate to your situation more then anyone because it seems like our situations are so similar with our Aquas. The last post you wrote about the way he looked in your eyes and jumped up... I shed a tear. Sounded just like mine.

Since I had both of my feet out the door and came back, he has been more comfortable around me and more affectionate when we see each other, but still his normal distant self. He still doesn't respond all the time and it seems like he gets irritated with me when I don't call much. I can tell he is actually starting to get deeper feelings for me. That's very obvious and very cute. I know what he must be going through on the inside because of course I go through it myself and it is the most nerve wrenching feeling ever, but it's cute to see him fumble his words and get all discombobulated. (however you spell it)

I haven't heard much lately, so I'm hoping we are still on the up and up. I hate it when he ignores me! Actually I hate when anyone does that. It is so Rude!

I hate being so emotional on the inside and not able to show it on the outside. I think I would feel better if I could show more, but I just can't get myself to do it. We had a Tear Jerker moment last time (and that may be the reason for his distance this time around) and my insides were flipping around and I thought I was going to blow up! My throat had a big lump in it and I couldn't speak! All I could do was fake it and not say a word. We both had watery eyes, but didn't say a word! He could sense something was wrong before he even looked in my eyes. Then He touched me in the most amazing way I could have passed out! I kept staring at his cat and pretending to admire him... LOL I wanted so much to get up and run like hell, But I didn't.

Sounds like your Situation Scorp42 this past week. AND my Friend and her Aqua man went through a similar situation. I don't know if it's the Holidays or something in the air, but we are all acting strange this month.. lol Aqua's that is.

I have some good feelings about this and some bad. If I could just get past the fear of getting hurt I would be ok! I think... Oh well, Only time will tell.

Hey Ladies!
by: Life Is Good

First I have to say how happy I am for Scorp42 and Aquagirl I pray that everything continues down the happy ever after path. I WILL be cheering for you both!!

As for my Aqua... I am strong Aquagirl and I KNOW I will make it without him! NO DOUBT!

and the point of it all
by: scorpio44

Im a Scorpion who has an Aqua guy and you know, i have read this all day, i wish it was a film - a little like bridget jones, so interesting. In all, I really liked and empathised with all the comments. I especially liked Firecrackers comments, she threw a firecracker right into this outpouring. Everyoneou is so close to their individual situations that, like a firecracker she came in and shook it up. My Aqua guy is the most gorgeous thing in the world. Its been 2 years of absolute beauty and hard slog with on and off aloofness but we are getting there. I get it with him because I am Aquarius moon, but I also understand just how powerful I am as a woman. Come on ladies, lets not get crabby because the lovely Firecracker has shook it up, just because we hate confrontation, she wasnt confronting this she was giving her point of view. She has every right to that and as humanitarians isnt that what its all about, listening to differing points of view and sorting the wheat (ie: what we individually agree with, from the chaff ie: what doesnt resonate with us)we as Scorpios love that. We laugh in the face of adversity most of the time because we have depth and we have dug in the deepest recesses of feeling. Much love to you all and thank you Firecracker for your insight. You have every right to comment, you have an Aqua guy and you thought you could help this discussion. I hope you ladies dont take my comments wrongly. Scorpio44 Liverpool England

Aqua Girl and Scorp42
by: Life Is Good

Hello Everyone! I hope all is well! :-)

Scorp42 and Aqua Girl,
Just checking in! A few days ago I heard from my Aqua... He filled me in on what had been happening in his life. I have not responded yet and I am really thinking about not doing so for awhile. I'm just not feelin it... Crazy huh??

I hope things are well with you two... TTYL

by: Aqua Girl

Hey there. I'm tired too!!! Haven't heard anything so I guess he is starting the New Year without me! I'm tired of trying and putting myself out there. If he really wanted to be with me or have me in his life at all he would call!! He wouldn't let me get away. That's just the way it is.

Aqua Girl
by: Life Is Good

Aqua Girl....I know what you mean. Before the New Year, I emailed him just to check on him because he was on my mind. When I didn't hear from him, I decided that was it and emailed him to let him know I was making some serious changes in my life, one being I was cutting people and things out of my life that I didn't need. Well, to say the least, he never responded to the I cutting you out my life email, but instead to the first one. Typical...SMH... He did let me know that he had death in his family and this is the only reason I will respond to his email...just to pay my respects. In the past I would have responded, called, or texted him by now, but something has changed and I can't explain it. Oh well...Life goes on!

Question: If I knew something about someone you were seeing that was negative, would you want me to tell you?? The reason why I ask is my BFF said I should tell my aqua about something I found out about his son's mom. I just said that I'd stay out of it. He made his decision to go back and I don't think I should interfere with it. What do you think??

by: Aqua Girl

Hard to say... You are in a strange position to tell him anything about the lady he went back to. That is a decision you are going to have to make. The same thing kinda happened to me years ago after I had broke up with someone and I found out the girl he started dating after me was cheating on him. I told him because we were friends before we starting dating, but he got angry with me and said I was making up things because I was jealous.

So I guess it's really up to you. I guess it also depends on the information. If it's something that is going to harm him or his child then Someone needs to know... Geez I'm not sure how to answer that.

If it were me, I would want to know. I don't think I would think that person was jealous, but I would investigate the situation just because I have to get to the bottom of everything. I guess if it were me, I would appreciate the info if I found it to be true. But then if I found out it wasn't true, then I would probably go back to thinking the person that told me was jealous or full of it.

by: Dazed

I've also been in that situation before. A guy that I use to date, well his current gf was talking to other men and exchanging phone numbers with them via social networks. I was really good friends with his sister, so I told her about it and even showed proof of the messages sent back and forth (knew one of the guys). Needless to say, he's still with her and rationalized her behavior.

Personally, I would want to know as well...but only if proof could be offered or I trusted the word of the person telling me. I definitely wouldn't want to know about something I had nothing to go on because there really is no point to the info if it's not verifiable. Putting yourself in his position, would it be something you would want to know or is it something you know you could live without and be fine knowing in hindsight that you were never told?

Staying Out Of It
by: Life Is Good

Thanks Aqua Girl and Dazed....I've decided to stick with my original decision and not say anything. Like I said, he made a decision to go back to her with his eyes wide open. Whatever happens, it just happens.

I have told him in the past the only reason I'd speak up about a situation is if it had to do with his sons. The adults can take care of themselves. If she continues to use him, she does. I'm staying in my place....PERIOD!

Thanks Ladies!

Good Decision LIG
by: Scorp42

I wouldn't tell him anything! He made his bed so let him lay in it. Of course as women we tend to be protective of the ones we love, however in this situation what is done in the dark will eventually come to the light. He made a mistake and now he has to live with it.

Aquagirl, boy don't I know the emotion you are feeling all too well. However it makes me think back to the early days of me and my Aqua. It seemed once we were really into each other he just disappeared into thin air. It was if he didn't care. But he was contemplating what he really felt for me and needed to be by himself to test if what he was feeling was real or not. you know he will be back and when he does you should do as I did and tell him how damned rude it is to ignore or take forever to respond. I don't know why men think like that but if you don't tell them how it bothers you he will think all is okay. It has been almost a year since I had that talk with my Aquarian and he still makes sure he responds to me in a reasonable amount of time. He messed up once and didn't respond to me until the next day on a question I asked a few months ago and got ignored for over a week. He knew he messed up and bent over backwards to make up for it. You've really got nothing to loose if you tell him. He will either act right or continue doing what he is doing.

Re: Scorp42
by: Life Is Good

That's how I felt when I made the decision...He has to deal with whatever comes his way. I have to deal with me and only me right now. Later on I may check in on him from time to time...but not right now. I will send my condolences, but that's it.

This really feels good to not be all crazy inside! LOL

Re: Scorp42
by: Life Is Good

That's how I felt when I made the decision...He has to deal with whatever comes his way. I have to deal with me and only me right now. Later on I may check in on him from time to time...but not right now. I will send my condolences, but that's it.

This really feels good to not be all crazy inside! LOL

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

You are such a Life saver! Yeh I'm a little concerned about him, but I'm irriated as well. We have been doing good for a little while now and after we had our emotional melt down he has disappeared again! Trust me after that day I wanted to disappear too, but I got over it!

I am at that point now where I don't really care what I say to him and I'm not walking on egg shells anymore with him. I know we are not Offically together, but even my friends don't treat me like this because they know better...

Ok I gotta stop or I'm gonna get angry. Today is a great day!!!

To All
by: Aqua Girl

Still Nothing! It's over!

Okay Aquagirl
by: Scorp42

You are gonna make me quote you now. So now that you have decided it is over do you REALLY have the strenghth to make it stick. Remember you are both Aquarians so you are both doing the same thing. Have you tried to contact him and tell him how pissed you are about him not responding? My second question is does he know you are truly done? I know you are really mad and fed up, been there done that. It is the most frustrating thing ever, however you know that when they disappear and avoid you all together is when they are pretty much hooked.

Relax Aquagirl! Your problem is you are used to the man hunting you and etc... You know how you Aquarians like it. Well now that you have met your match you are freaking out. It's the full of yourself thing. Geez how long has it been? Some of us have waited for a single word for months. The longest I had to wait was 3 weeks and I was so done and PISSED!! You have the inside into how you Aquarians think however you don't into how a man thinks. Patients, patients, patients Aquagirl. More patients then you have ever given anyone. The Aquaman will make you want to choke the life out of them one minute and when they resurface you are in the darn clouds. Gotta love them for being different. Would you rather deal with the dishonest, cheating, lying, unreliable men that are out there waiting for your attention. NOT ME! LOL I am working on 3 years knowing my Aquarian and I worked to damned hard to get where I am with him to strt over.

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

I'm not all the way done yet, but I think he is. It's been a couple weeks, but what concerns me is either he is upset with me because of the last time we were together and the emotional melt down we both had or he thinks I'm upset with him and that's why he isn't responding. No I haven't told him I'm done because I'm tired of going through that and then going back on my word. Doesn't make me look too good. One minute I think I'm done and tell him that I am and then he has the power (and he knows this) to pull me back in... Makes me look weak.

I sent him a text last week about something random and got nothing in return so I gave up. I have an issue with rejection and I don't want to get hurt. Plus these guys are not the type you can just tell how you feel about them without them running for the hills, so since I know that I'm for sure not saying anything.

I feel like at this point it would be easier to walk away and forget it ever happened. See if I initiate the call now after it being so long, he will be mad at me that it took me so long to call and he won't respond until he is ready, then when he does he will have a smart ass remark!
If I wait for him it will be a better result for me, However, who knows if that will ever happen at this point. That was our first meltdown and even though to most people it wouldn't have been a big deal to me and I'm sure him, it was a BIG deal. A lot of emotion on the inside and I know he felt it too. I can't even explain how it felt!!
This just makes me sick. I'm not even mad, I'm scared. This is exactly why I stopped dating for years!

For Aqua Girl
by: Scorp42

Wow, you are making me really feel sorry for Aquarians. I can't imagine living life w/o being able to express my feelings. I tell my Aquarian how I feel about things. I had to learn how and when to express them. Of course after I express them we don't talk to each other for a couple days. I let him have his time to process it. The next time I talk to him I act as if I never told him anything and it seems to work for us. I know he listens to everything I say to him and thinks long and hard about it. He has gotten to the point where he expresses his feelings to me as well. He usually keeps it light and cute, in cards or text. I am sure that is so he doesn't have to see or hear my reaction in person. I think you need to contact him and let him know that the both of you need to talk. Say what you have to say then make a decision from there. If he gets mad about you waiting to contact him let him be mad. If he has the feelings for you I think he does he will get over it. Sometimes men want to hear how you feel. I can't fathom going through life assuming and guessing everything. I would go crazy.

To Scorp 42
by: Aqua Girl

I get what you are saying, but why in the WORLD do I have to be the one that gives in!!!!!>

The more I tell him how I feel or do nice stuff for him, or buy him gifts for Christmas he BACKS AWAY!! So if I keep telling him that I like him or I want to move further that isn't going to work. That goes against the Whole 1 foot out the door process. It's only when I'm high tailing it for the door that he notices me and STOPS me!!

The only way I would or could tell him anything is if I tell him how I feel and then say I can't take this anymore- GOODBYE! It shouldn't have to be this damn hard! I get it now! I have told him how I felt about him before and I have also walked away from him and came back. That is NOT like me. I never tell people how I feel and I NEVER go back!!! I love him! and I hate how it feels when I'm not with him.. OMG I'm sick.

by: LIG

Aqua Girl,

Did you just say that you loved him?? WOW!!! You have officially stepped into our world....and I'm not LOL.

I know this goes against everything you believe but I can only say this...Put yourself out of your misery...Just tell him how you feel, what you want, and then give him a chance to respond. If he wants time, give him a week and then that's it. If he comes back, enjoy it. If he doesn't, MOVE ON!

You are alright with me and I hate seeing you in agony over situation. I know you don't want to be the one to put it out there first and if it makes you feel better...I don't blame you. But for you to be this anxious and not good for you too. I'm not looking at you as an aquarian, but as a friend who has given me advice that made things better for me.

I wish you nothing but the best!

by: Dazed

I have a story that might help you because I'm kind of going thru a similar issue...

I saw my aqua the other night. I told him that I don't know if we should see each other anymore because we're not looking for the same things. I told him that I am looking for a relationship and I don't see a point in wasting time with someone who isn't trying to work towards the same thing. He seemed a little caught off guard and asked if that's how I really feel....I told him yes. He stated that he does want a relationship, but doesn't see the point in entering one if he's about to leave for 4 months. I told him that I understand and it makes perfect sense, but that wasn't my concern. My concern was simply wasting time on someone who wasn't open to the possibility of commitment PERIOD.

I almost want to say that he was nervous about it all, to the point where he tried to cover it with humor. He said what he had to say, but I got the feeling that he was trying to avoid the topic all together because he didn't want to think about it. He did tell me that he loves talking with me, and he shares things with me that he doesn't with anyone else.

We ended the night with no particular understanding of where we stand with each other, but I made it very clear to him what I'm looking for. Based on his response and his actions, I can see that he's open to what I'm open to. I guess we'll see with time.

Aquagirl - Basically I agree with everyone else when they say that you should speak to him about it. Maybe it'll be easier to tell him what you're looking for rather than telling him how you feel...I think there's a difference and you allow yourself to be a lot less vulnerable. Before I spoke with my aqua, I was already mentally and emotionally moving on because I had no idea what he was going to say. However, I did know for a complete fact that if he wasn't trying to walk down the same path as me than I was moving on without looking back...that's how prepared I was to walk away.

Everyone - Has anyone heard this nonsense about the signs changing because the earth's axis has changed? Apparently we might be Libras now. Yea right! Here's a link.

by: Aqua Girl

Looks like me and him should be Capricorns now, but we will always be Aquarians at heart. Stubborn and Emotionless on the outside. LOL

Thank you LIG and Dazed and of course Scorp42 for the comments. I get what you are all saying but lets not forget I already told him a while ago that I wanted more and he said he wasn't ready for that right now! I know that was a while ago before he actually had feelings for me, but you would think he would know I felt the same way now. You would think!! He only reacts when I say I'm done! Seems like he is afraid to lose me, but when I'm showing feelings towards him he runs.

I'm tired of it. I can't put myself through this anymore! It makes me sick. But the crazy thing is when I get myself ready to tell him how I feel in person, I choke! I don't want to ruin the time we are together and I forget about all the bad times when I am with him. Then when I leave, the cycle starts all over again!

If he is running this long after a minor emotional meltdown and I can't imagine what will happen if I tell him how I feel!!

by: Aqua Girl

I have finally realized this whole process is going to take a LONG time. But I'm starting to get it. We never really were "Friends" before, Now we are starting to get to that point. It's a very slow process, Did I say Slow process..., but it's moving forward to some kind of meaningful something. lol I don't want to jump into anything either, but the distance just about knocks me down. We are finally starting to develop trust and understanding for each other.

I know during our distant days, I have my venting moments and I damn near drive myself insane with emotion, but I am not about to rush anything! If it happens, it happens. Things that start fast, end fast anyway. It takes time to get to know someone, which isn't a bad thing. I do want to tell him how I feel, but I think I will wait for him to come around, if he does. If he doesn't then it wasn't meant to be.

I'm not a controlling person at all, so for me to tell him that he can't ignore me, or take forever to get back with me isn't right. Yeh it's annoying, but I do it too. And he is just about as scatter-brained as I am so I'm sure it's not done on purpose. People text me all day and I look at it, and if I'm doing something I will set my phone down, then within seconds I forget about it until hours later. I do that all day everyday! It drives people insane. I just have to be patient with him, Which is hard because I'm not! But I would want the same respect from anyone else. I always said, I want to be with something, that isn't going to check my phone, tell me what to do or when to do it, Look over my shoulder or ask me 1000 questions as to where I have been or what I've been doing. If you let me be me and do my own thing, I will be the most faithful person and come back to you every time. But when you start restricting me, that's when the rebel and attitude comes out and I will distance myself quick or I will play along with it until I get tired and just disappear. I can't stand controlling people and I am not about to turn into one!

Re: Aqua Girl
by: LIG

Hey Aqua Girl,

I think I finally understand... I think I really get it now. Thanks and I hope your Aqua Boo gets it and you two can make it.


by: Aqua Girl

Thanks Girl! I believe we are going to be ok. I know he likes me and I hope he knows I like him!Boy if he only knew how much. lol
I know we both have our own insecurities which effects how we act around each other. We are both trying to play it safe so we don't get hurt. We are both unsure how the other feels, I can clearly see that now. So I am just going to continue to be me. If he comes around then he does. I can't pressure him too much or he will run, but I can't run to far myself or he will get hurt. And I don't want to hurt him. Most Aqua's male or female always get the guys/girls that want to start a relationship RIGHT NOW or just get in our pants or whatever. People try to start things SO fast with us and it scares us so we always have our guard up! So when we actually find someone that doesn't stress us or pressure us into anything it takes a while for us to wrap our heads around it because that is not what we are use to. And in the back of our minds we are worried that the person may change all of a sudden and get controlling. He truly is everything I have ever hoped for. He doesn't stress me, he doesn't treat me like he is my father figure, he doesn't freak out if I take a call while I'm at his house and it's late...Etc. I honestly feel I can tell him anything and he will support me! He lets me come and go when I please and I have always wanted that. I get a little concerned that he doesn't care sometimes, because I'm not use to people being that way. I'm use to them trying to control me and everything I do.
I'm going to continue to be there for him and be there when he needs me, but not over do it. I have to keep reminding him I am here for him, but the best way is with Actions. I don't think he really believes that I'm here for him. I know if it were me, I would think negative about it and think it's too good to be true. lol

I really think it's going to be ok. At the least I will get a really great friend out of it. If it goes further, that would be nice too!

Re: Aqua Girl
by: LIG

Yep, things are going to be fine with you two, I can feel that.

I just wished I could meet someone who didn't have a lot going on. I finally responded to my Aqua and like in the past, he didn't respond. I know he's busy at work and still have a lot of things going on especially with the death in his family and other things he shared. It kind of made me want to reach out more, but I am just trying to stay in my own lane. Sometimes I want to ask him to tell me that he wants me out of his life and I would just move on. I know it sounds crazy, but I had email him last night and told him about an incident that happened w/ my ex and me this weekend. At the end of the email I told him I needed for him to just tell me he wanted me out of his life point blank. I found closure with my ex, why can't I get it with my Aqua?? Its crazy and I hate. To be in love with someone and support them when you know its only going to cause hurt and pain for him later is torture. He saids there is no love for her but I just can't see and/or understand why he would stay. I want can I end it for good?? I am serious!

Re: Aqua Girl
by: LIG

Yep, things are going to be fine with you two, I can feel that.

I just wished I could meet someone who didn't have a lot going on. I finally responded to my Aqua and like in the past, he didn't respond. I know he's busy at work and still have a lot of things going on especially with the death in his family and other things he shared. It kind of made me want to reach out more, but I am just trying to stay in my own lane. Sometimes I want to ask him to tell me that he wants me out of his life and I would just move on. I know it sounds crazy, but I had email him last night and told him about an incident that happened w/ my ex and me this weekend. At the end of the email I told him I needed for him to just tell me he wanted me out of his life point blank. I found closure with my ex, why can't I get it with my Aqua?? Its crazy and I hate. To be in love with someone and support them when you know its only going to cause hurt and pain for him later is torture. He saids there is no love for her but I just can't see and/or understand why he would stay. I want can I end it for good?? I am serious!

Re: Aqua Girl
by: LIG

Oh yeh, I deleted the email, so I never sent it.

by: Aqua Girl

Your situation is a little different then the rest of us. It doesn't matter what he tells you or why he went back there. The point is, He went back! I believe 95% of the reason was for his child! Who knows if he loves her or not, but he is going to do whatever it takes to be there for that kid. That's one thing us Aquas don't play around with. Nothing in this world will Ever come before our children! I hate to tell you what to do because I can't even get a grip on my own situation, but honestly the only thing you can do at this point is tell him how you feel and then let it go. Easier said than done, I know. Let him know that you care for him and that you will always be there for him and support him no matter what decision he makes (If you mean it of course) but you have to move on with your life. He will understand. It may be a kick in the pants for him, but he won't hate you for it! Then you just have to walk away. Don't tell him your done or will never take him back, just keep it light and silently walk away. He needs to feel welcomed back into your life when and if he is ready, but that's only if that is what you want! Don't say you are done just off of pure emotion because you are frustrated. People that are really DONE with a situation, don't talk about being done! All the talk is, Is trying to convince yourself that you are done and most of the time isn't doesn't work anyway. Actions speak louder then words.

I would say that would be your closure. Don't ask him anything, Don't ask him if he wants you to go away, because chances are he won't respond (like mine did) and then play it off the next day like you never said it, OR he will tell you no he doesn't want you to go away. Then you are right back where you started, frustrated and waiting around for something that may never happen. So don't ASK him anything. You take control of the situation. Trust me, If you let it go first you will feel WAY better in the long run then if he says, Yes Leave me alone! It always turns out better if we end a situation first because we can rationalize in our own minds why we did it. If it happens to us or someone ends it with us first, then we are wondering why, What did I do wrong? How can I fix it? blah blah blah

And he will respect you for it! He may be hurt, but he can't say you stressed him out and tried to force him into anything. All he will be able to say is. "Wow. she is a really true friend. She was there for me when no one else was, She understood what I was going through, never forced me into anything and gave me time to get my mind right." So maybe when and if he is ready for a new chick he will come to you. If not, It wasn't meant to be. But at least this way you will earn some brownie points.

If it were me I would write an email, but that's cause I'm a chicken to do it in person and I would probably not be able to talk right anyway and mess it all up. lol

Re: Aqua Girl
by: LIG

WOW! Aqua Girl, you just said everything I was thinking! Thanks for everything!

LIG and All
by: Aqua Girl

Glad I could help someone. lol

Where the heck is HOPE??? DAZED?? SCORP42? But really where is HOPE???? She is always disappearing on us. I think she may be converted to Aqua for sure... Nah, it's too much work to be an Aqua. lol

It's so funny going back and reading my old posts. You can really tell when I have been on a dry spell with Aqua Boo and when I get my Aqua fix, I'm so logical after-wards.. LOL

Rubbing Off
by: LIG

I think we have communicated so long that we are starting to rub off on each other. I was getting ready to ask the same question...Where is everyone, especially Hope??

Well I sent my email and its time for my healing process and closure.

Thanks again everyone for your support. I'll still be checking in from time to time.

Until then remember LIFE IS GOOD!!! LOL

by: Aqua Girl

Don't you dare leave us!!! Heck half the time I think I'm the only one on here!! lol
This is the only site I use for venting so ya'll better not leave me!! Aqua man or not..

So you wrote the email huh? That's good. It will take time but just try to stay busy and positive.

He will come around ya know, but don't let him suck you in unless you know he is ready. Just be there for him, check on him from time to time and lets things be.

Time will tell.

Re: Aqua Girl
by: LIG

LOL...I am not going anywhere! This experience, as crazy as it's been, has made a positive change and direction in my life...believe it or not. You all are like family and one of the best support system. :-D

Yes I wrote the email...and yes only time will tell. I should have wrote it a long time ago...but its all good.

Well..have to get ready for work. Have a good one!

Still here
by: Scorp42

Ladies I'm still here I just don't have anything to say right now. Once I get past what I am going through I will update you. I still read daily. Let's just say I have silently walked away. It's hard as hell but I had to do it for me. It's been 7 days and I'm still struggling. Each day gets easier and I still have my really down moments but I'm hanging in there. I had to face the fact that it will never be the way I need it to be and seeing him as a friend right now is not productive for me.

Still here
by: Scorp42

Ladies I'm still here I just don't have anything to say right now. Once I get past what I am going through I will update you. I still read daily. Let's just say I have silently walked away. It's hard as hell but I had to do it for me. It's been 7 days and I'm still struggling. Each day gets easier and I still have my really down moments but I'm hanging in there. I had to face the fact that it will never be the way I need it to be and seeing him as a friend right now is not productive for me.

Still here
by: Scorp42

Ladies I'm still here I just don't have anything to say right now. Once I get past what I am going through I will update you. I still read daily. Let's just say I have silently walked away. It's hard as hell but I had to do it for me. It's been 7 days and I'm still struggling. Each day gets easier and I still have my really down moments but I'm hanging in there. I had to face the fact that it will never be the way I need it to be and seeing him as a friend right now is not productive for me.

Still here
by: Scorp42

Ladies I'm still here I just don't have anything to say right now. Once I get past what I am going through I will update you. I still read daily. Let's just say I have silently walked away. It's hard as hell but I had to do it for me. It's been 7 days and I'm still struggling. Each day gets easier and I still have my really down moments but I'm hanging in there. I had to face the fact that it will never be the way I need it to be and seeing him as a friend right now is not productive for me.

No! No! No!
by: LIG

Aqua Girl!

Oh no he didn't email me back and say he still wanted me in any way he could have me. What the heck??!!

I have had a rough morning... I can't deal with this right now!

Scorp42, I understand and I'm praying for you.

by: Scorp42

LIG, please don't take what I am about to say wrong. I have to be brutally honest with you. You have to let him go. The truth of the matter is that he made his decision and went back to his wife. I know it hurts like hell and cuts like a knife, but you are going to drive yourself crazy. I know when we are around our Aquarians they make us feel higher than we have ever been. One thing you must remember is that that is the way they make ALL women feel. It's what they do. He may love you very deeply but he chose to go back. You have to move on. I cried for 3 days straight about my decision to walk away, but I had to do it for me. I miss him like I have missed no other but I do know that this too shall pass. I think holding on to a friendship only hurts us more. We want to just hear their voice or see their face or get a text or email from them to keep us going. In reality all we are doing is making it much more in our minds then what it really is. The rejection is what hurts the most and being their friend makes us feel not so rejected. I know I CAN NOT be his friend right now because it makes me take several steps back and then I am back to square one and hurt all over again. The thing I had to look at long and hard is the friendship aspect of it all. My friends don't ignore my correspondance. My friends are there for me when I need them most even if just to listen to me. I made a consious decision to stop the madness. If and when he decides he wants to be with you he'd better hope you still have the same degree of love for him. I love my Aquarian and always will, however we want two different things. I am not getting any younger and I am way too important to me to settle. Settling is exactly what we are doing because these men are of such great quality. They don't pull us back to them when we stray because they deeply love us and want to be with us, they do it like a game to see just how far they can push us and pull us back. They only treat us the way we allow them to.I had to stop the madness while I still could. I spent too much time worrying about how he felt and forgot about how I felt. 5 minutes of bliss then days of misery and over and over again.

Aquagirl, you are still in the earlier days so you still have the wonderful blissful days ahead of you. Maybe because you two think the same way you two will make it. I think you will. I just could not drive myself crazy anymore. Yes they do some pretty stupid ass things sometimes but we put up with it so why would they ever change?

by: Dazed seems like everyone is jumping ship! I'm still debating if that's a good or bad thing.

LIG - Was there a typo in your message? Did you mean to say that aqua DID write you back or that he DIDN'T?

Scorp42 - What happened?! I thought things were going well! I know how it feels to fluctuate with what you feel you deserve and what you're willing to sacrifice. It's such a tough thing to find a balance because sometimes our expectations/standards can be unrealistic or very demanding, but yet...we don't want to short ourselves either.

Aquagirl - I haven't sensed that you're ready to give up on your aqua yet. Hope that doesn't change anytime soon.

Hey Dazed
by: Scorp42

Haven't heard from you in a while. Dazed I don't really know how to explain it but I will try. Yes things were going really well, however I had an overwhelming gut feeling that I needed to back away. It wasn't anything he said directly but I am pretty good at reading between the lines. There were a few things he said and a few situations that happened that gave me the gut feeling. Once I just sat back and thought about this past 6 or 7 months it all started to make sense to me. Of course he was good to me and he always had been but Aquarian men are like that with all the women in their lives. He used to share a lot of things with me that was going on in his life and the sharing became less and less. He started to explain things that were happening as if to not hurt my feelings and I felt a distance from him even while we were in the same room together. Yes he was more intimate with me but it was kind of like a goodbye intimacy if that makes sense. No direct words, of course he would never really say what was on his mind anyway, but just a feeling that I felt in my core. Anyway I know I am doing the right thing w/o anymore self torture. I can't explain it but I have had enough. Maybe one day we can be friends in a real sense of the word but for now I choose to not have him in my life at all. I know what I need to do to heal and that's what I am doing. I am on the upswing though.

Re: Scorp42 and Dazed
by: LIG

Hey Dazed,

You read it right...I said Oh NO he didn't email...meaning he did and gave his response to me removing myself from the situation.

It seems like we are both going thru the same motions. I am sticking to my original plan and taking a break from him so we can hopefully salvage our friendship in the future. I'm not doing it quietly, but told him straight up why. I'm not blaming him because he was honest about what he wanted and didn't want. I fell in love and that's that. Now I will take this time to heal and move on...PERIOD! And to correct you, she's not his wife, she's his son's mother in whom they have been together for years. He still chose to go back to her and I accept that. Whether it will last, I don't think so, but right now that doesn't concern me.

Its just the way it is!

by: Aqua Girl

WOW. Everyone came out of the woodwork at the same time! but where the heck is HOPE???

Scorp42- I thought everything was going good? What the heck? I don't know what bliss days you are talking about, but I hope you are right. We will see. I don't have much patience left, but I'm dealing with it. I wish you the best. Just take it day by day.

Dazed- I haven't given up yet, but I'm not putting my all into it either. Not until he shows something in return that he actually cares. I hope he's got it in him.

LIG- I understood what you said.. hehe I can't believe that. Of course that's probably his way of trying to cover up how he really feels!

I'm trying to keep my cool and not go over board. I want to express how I feel to him, but I don't want to get hurt so I am just playing it cool. If he asks me then I will let him know, but I'm not volunteering any info. lol

I think I can tolerate more of the distance act because I am Aqua and that is what we do. I do want to say though, that we don't push and pull people around on purpose. We really don't. The men may be different, I don't know, but when we get close to someone it is very scary for us. One day we are happy and feel great about it and then the next we are scared as hell and want to RUN, Leaving you in the dark! But not on purpose. Look at my past posts and the things I have said. One day I'm ok and the next I over analyze something he did or said and I'm ready to jump ship because I'm scared. Then I leave him in the dark for days or weeks. Not because I want to, because I don't want to get hurt. It is very scary dealing with our emotions.

Re: Aqua Girl
by: LIG

LOL...I have to say I was a little blown away with his full response, but I stuck to the original status quo.

I think he's rethinking his decision...Oh well, that's on him.

And to answer your statement about the male aquas emotions...yes they have go thru the same motions/emotions that you stated you go thru...or at least my aqua has shared he does.

Re: Aqua Girl
by: LIG

LOL...I have to say I was a little blown away with his full response, but I stuck to the original status quo.

I think he's rethinking his decision...Oh well, that's on him.

And to answer your statement about the male aquas emotions...yes they have go thru the same motions/emotions that you stated you go thru...or at least my aqua has shared he does.

Sorry Ladies
by: Scorp42

Sorry for spreading my negativity. That is something I don't like to do. I usually keep it to myself until it passes. Thanks Aquagirl, you made me feel a little better about the situation. It even showed me what it was that made him act the way he did. The statement I made was really minor but I can now see his fear. I am taking it day by day, I don't know any other way to make it through this. I still haven't changed my mind though, this is wayyyyyy too dramatic and hurtful for me. My biggest issue is that I have NEVER had any man in my entire life be as good to me and really concerned about my well being before like my Aquarian. That includes my father that was present in my home my whole life. I feel like I am going to crack if I don't walk away now. It's breaking my heart and it took me a long time to trust him to begin with.

LIG, I feel the same way you do. We have been supporting each other so long that it does feel like we are family.

by: Dazed

Scorp42 - You say that the past six months he has been sharing less and less...but wasn't that about the time Gemini came in? I'm also wondering if he's reacting off you, mentioned numerous times that you don't text or reach out to him anymore. Do you think he's backing away because he feels you are backing away? Only you know your situation so if you feel something is off, then that may be true. Have you tried sitting with him and confronting him? I believe he will give you an honest answer. I know you probably don't want to bug him about it and it's understandable. However, I feel that considering how long you've known and dealt with him, you deserve an explanation if you want it (that's only if you feel like it's tormenting you and you need the closure).

Update- I have none lol. Haven't seen my aqua in a week, only light communication. He'll be leaving in three weeks for his 4 month stint. Guess we'll see how that pans out.

For Dazed
by: Scorp42

Dazed, I was talking of his sharing since Gemini left. For the last 2 months that Gemini was around my Aquarian and I were spending a lot of time together. I was completely honest about the whole situation. The less sharing was as of the past month. I have talked to him about a lot of things so he knows exactly where I stood. As far as me not communicating with him, I was. He would contact me first and I would respond as well as spend a lot of time with him. I would contact him from time to time first and for a long while we would talk every day. The gut feelings I got were from the last time we spent the night together. I don't think he has ever held me closer or been so intimate with me as he was that night. As I said before we took our relationship to a whole new level. He whispered very sentimental things in my ear that still blow me away. He did a couple things in the morning while he was getting ready for work that was out of the ordinary to and for me. More like a traditional couple situation that has me thinking that is part of what has made him run. Each time we spend time together we get closer and closer and do something new. He knows the Gemini situation was part his fault so that isn't an issue. The issue is this time he has ran too far. I don't feel the same way about him anymore. If he were around I would tell him about it and explain why. I sent a text that wasn't deep or emotional. I kept it light and to the point about something that was going on in my life. I still have not gotten a response from it. I could excuse it if it were deep and emotional but it wasn't. The rude no responding thing I will not tolerate. I told him this long ago and he agreed that it was rude and he wouldn't do it, not to me at least. So, no he is not reacting to me I am reacting to him.

by: Scorp42

I know it sounds like I am being unreasonable. He and I had a clear understanding that we discussed a long time ago. There were a couple things he didn't like and he asked me to stop doing. I have done so and respected why he asked me to stop. There are a lot of things he does that I am not so fond of but the not responding thing was one that we agreed upon. All the other stuff was trivial and I could overlook. I explained why being ignored bothered me so badly. I told him that not contacting me for a while was okay, I understood that about him. The distance thing I understand as well. Even if he was just like all my other friends the not responding thing won't fly with any of them either. It's the only thing I have asked of him and if it were too much for him to respect that I would have understood and went my own way long ago.

by: Aqua Girl

I'm going to smack you!!!! LOL

That man is falling deeper in love with you by the second!! Stop the silly-ness right now! He is probably pulling himself away for a minute because he is trying to get his mind right. You have already told me before, everytime they get a little closer, they pull away for a little while. HELLO!!! That's what we do. PATIENCE!! Remember that word?? lol I don't, cause I don't have any. lol

Go back a few posts and read mine. Everything was starting to get better for me and Aqua Boo. He started doing and saying things that he never did before. He actually started responding to me on a regular. I wasn't even sure who this man was. I could tell he was starting to fall. He was so sweet and concerned about me and my needs and then we had that minor emotional Meltdown. When I left, he held me so Tight and wouldn't let me go. Now that did scare me a little, because the way he did it was like "The Goodbye" hold. I do that too. 2 days after the meltdown I text him something random and got nothing. Then a week later I text another random and got Nothing! for 2 weeks I was freaking out! Then I ran into him and he was still a little strange. A couple days later everything was fine! I can tell he is doubting how I feel about him. I would normally turn things up a bit and make it very clear how I feel, but this time I can't do that. I learned my lesson the hard way. When they start getting concerned about how you feel about them, then they REALLY care. Because most guys don't give a rats butt.

Don't you dare run away from him now, you will just crush him!!! I know it's rough on you, but you need to relax! This is a very critical time right now. You have to be more patient then you ever have before! He is trying to figure it all out and if you show him ANY signs of running or not being there for him, he will run further then ever!! I told you before when he gets to this point, the playing hard to get games stop! It is very scary for us. We want to get close to you, but no matter how much you say you care or show us you care we doubt it! We are afraid you will leave us at any minute. Just keep letting him come to you and except him with warm arms. It's getting more scary because the feelings are getting deeper for both of you. This is NOT the time to RUN!!!!

For Aqua Girl
by: Scorp42

Oh how I needed to hear that from you. I thought long and hard last night. I talk a good game but if he would have contacted me this week I would have responded. I don't know how to be mean or cold to him in this kind of situation. I broke down this morning and asked if he was alright. We will see if I get a response or not. If I don't I will be sooooooo pissed! AAUUUGGGHHHH!!!! This crap makes me so mad!!! LMBO!! All I can say is whatever. What would I do without the support of you ladies and the guys that pop in from time to time? Okay Aquagirl I will have to take you slap because I needed it. :-)

On a different subject. I am sending out a search team for Hope!!

by: Dazed

Scorp42 - I agree with Aquagirl. If it makes you feel any better, there was a time that I text my aqua twice in a row (not within the same day or week even) - he ignored the first one and ignored the second one! I was very pissed because I HATE being ignored. I've read that's the worst thing you can do to a Scorp - ignore them. I think because I'm so good at getting back to people, I expect the same in return. I simply think it's rude to ignore someone that has took the time to reach out to you, friends/family/boyfriend, it doesn't matter. Anyway, he did this to me a while ago and it's not something I feel that defines his feelings for me or what we have. I remember during xmas while I was in HI I text him with no response. I txt him the next day and wrote "I wish we communicated more, but that doesn't seem to be working out too well." No response to that either. Well when I got back, the first night we saw each other his intentions were just to talk with no plans of sex in mind. I remember thinking "We always have sex...why would he say that?" Then it dawned on me that he was responding to my text! I thought it was very sweet, even though he took it the wrong way. I meant communicating more, as in when we aren't together but he took it in the general sense. Needless to say, we talked and had - win. That night I also mentioned in passing that he ignores my next, but I didn't scold him or even say it was something I disliked...I just brought it up. Now if he takes too long to respond he gives explanations, something he never did before.

In short, don't go to the extreme with his no response. I just take it as a sign to back off and leave him alone. I'll usually wait it out and let him reach out to me at that point. He usually does and your will too.

by: Scorp42

I'm not going anywhere. Of course part of it was venting and the other part was that I was really ready to give up. I guess it takes someone on the outside to see what is really happening. You are right about the being ignored thing. It makes me furious and I tend to take it very personal. Me reaching out to him today and ask if he was alright is something I felt deeply that I needed to say. He is going through something quite deep and by me asking if he is alright lets him know that he still has my support. Today is the first contact I have tried to make in 8 days. Longes damn 8 days of my life. LOL Anyway, I am not giving up on him or us. The thought of dating someone else and all that getting to know you hoopla makes me sick. There isn't a man out there that can come close to my Aquarian's love anyway so why try. Sometimes I need a kick in the butt to get my head together. I guess I was in a bit of panic as well. We have never not contacted each other this long before. A couple days tops. Can you imagine what the people that just read this thread think of us. LMBO!! It takes a Scorpio or an Aquarian to even understand. :)

by: Aqua Girl

Also keep in mind if we Aqua's are really going through something we tend to keep to ourselves for a while. I know when I am really upset about something I want so bad to call my Aqua and tell him what is going on with me and get his advice, but I stop myself because I like him and I don't want him thinking I have a bunch of Drama in my life. Even though the things I go through, everyone goes through at some point, but still. I like to take care of things on my own and I don't want to put my issues on someone else. But as soon as something bad happens, he is the first one I think about calling, but I don't. I usually just keep to myself. So he may be going through that as well.

He may or may not respond to your Are you alright question. In the past when I thought Aqua Boo was going through something or he was mad at me I would tell him I was there for him and ask him if he needed help and he would NEVER respond! Drove me nuts. I think it was too much for him. So now I just keep it light. I just say if you need me let me know and I let it go. Or if he is gone too long and I just can't take it anymore I will say something silly in a text like a joke or something just to see if he responds. Usually that works. I always give him at least 4 days after our visits or communications to say anything unless he contacts me first. If I wait too much longer then that he starts to get a little irritated with me. Then we start the whole process all over again! It's very exhausting.

Time passes differently for us too. I remember one time I was with a friend and I was trying to decide on something. To me it seemed like only about 5 minutes passed by, but my friend said it was an hour.. lol I didn't notice.

by: Scorp42

To my surprize my Aquarian replied to me tonight. We talked for a while and it was good. I was sweet and I kept it light. We laughed a bit and ended it with a good night. I'm still not happy but I'm not sad.

by: Aqua Girl

What more do you want from him?? I'm confused!
Sounds like things went pretty well. That's a good thing chick! ; )

What exactly are you looking for from him? Just asking.

by: Dazed

I'm sure relieved is how you're feeling, but also a little guarded now as well. Isn't it funny how they can do something so small to make you put your wall back up? I always wondered if aquas feel the same way. If they don't receive the response they were hoping for from us, if they go putting their wall back up. It's hard to deal with those kinds of issues if no one speaks on it. But at the same time, it's not fair to project these expectations or fantasies on someone and then get mad when they don't fulfill them - they're not mind readers. It's just so confusing all the way around. Anyway, I'm glad that you spoke with aqua and now feel a little ease of pressure.

by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, I said I wasn't happy but not sad because I was glad to hear from him and talk to him but missed him like crazy! Dazed, yes guarded is the word, however he still makes me melt. Well... After I made my last post I guess good night wasn't enough. Needless to say it is early morning and I am just getting home from his place. So now I am happy. He knows me better than I thought and like I said always surprizing. Wow, talk about over-reacting. I need to practice getting out of my head again. Thanks Aquagirl and Dazed!!!!!

Wow Ladies
by: Scorp42

Okay Dazed and Aquagirl, I know I was having one of stupid moments but you don't have to abandon me out here all by myself! LOL What's been going on? You must be tired from saving me from making the biggest mistake of my life. Shoot I'm exhausted. During my meltdown I noticed that on my craziest day there was a full moon. Typical for me. maybe I'll start drinking again and keep a bottle of wine on hand at all times. LOL I had an epiphany this morning that changed a lot in my life. I just made two MAJOR changes in my life! Non of which involves my Aquarian directly. One is career based and the other family based. Thanks ladies for supporting me the way you have. It's rough when you have no one to talk to that you trust to give you solid advice. Funny how we trust each other in this forum. This site was one of the many things that God brought to me. I wish I had the time to tell you how he has been showing me and giving me things that have dramatically changed my life and others lives as well. I had already known about a few of you in this thread before I even saw it. What blows my mind is there has been advice given to me in this thread that was shown to me on paper over a year ago. I have the chills as I am typing this. Anyway hope all is well.

LIG, I have been praying long and hard for you. As crazy as it may seem coming from me, I think your situation is going to change and rather quickly. I don't know how but my gut tells me so.

by: Dazed

I don't know what to do! I saw my aqua last and we had another talk. I asked him flat out if he likes me...he stated yes and I know he does, but the reason I asked was because I feel like when we aren't around each other he could care less - it's something that really bothers me. I've also noticed that I've done more to maintain the relationship, i.e. reach out to him or make plans to see each other. He told me that he has other priorities (football, school, etc.) and he knows that when he's not with me he can be a different person but it's because he has a million things on his mind. I already knew this but then he stated that 2nd priorities he kind of just lets go - this is where I fall. He says there's so much in his life he wants to get together that he feels he needs to accomplish those things.

He said that he can't be emotionally available like he should and he doesn't know when he'll be ready for a relationship. He said that he remains distant to "protect" both of us. I asked him to tell me if I'm wasting my time and he said no. He said that he likes me and he's not dating, sleeping with, or seeing anyone else but me....and all his free time is spent on handling what he needs to take care of. I told him that I'm not worries about a relationship right now, but I just don't want to be the girl who dates a man for years without it ever going anywhere and it stays this way the entire time with no progression...or else what's the point. I told him that he is leaving for 4 months so there is no point for anything serious...but I don't understand why he feels he has to choose between having someone in his life and his goals - why can't he have both (this is a general statement). He said that he sometimes thinks he punishes himself but also that he doesn't know where he's gonna end up. Because he plays football, he might be out of town for months a lot and he knows it would be hard to maintain a relationship if he's always leaving for a portion of the year. He doesn't like long distance because he'll know he'll always want to see the other person but he knows he can't.

Guys - I don't care that he has a life, I don't care that he has something he's passionate about (I actually like it) and he puts it before me....but I just don't want to waste my time. I understand he's busy and all, but I feel that he is hiding behind that to actually avoid risking all the potential hurts that can come from opening yourself up to someone. All the points he made are very logical reasons but if you look at it - they involve no risk at all...everything is so guarded. I'm just confused. I don't know if I should leave or stay.

Re: Scorp42
by: LIG

Hello Everyone!

It's Friday Jan. 21 and I think we officially start saying Happy Birthday to the Aquarians!!! LOL I pray that it will be a blessed one!


Thank you so much for the encouragement and prayers. It does mean a lot coming from you. :-D. Its really frustrating sometimes, but I know I will make it through this and find true happiness.

You know my Aqua said that he didn't know how long he could stay in a love-less relationship anymore... My response....I DIDN'T RESPOND. I am trying to just do ME... PERIOD! Plus there are so many other crazy things going on in my life, I couldn't keep adding salt to an open would. I am just praying and believing God to do His will and not mine. I'll be better off that way.


I hope everything works out for you.


by: Scorp42

LIG I knew it, I knew it. I could feel it. Mr. Aqua was putting it out there for you to see how you felt and if he could come back to you. Men in general always do that crap. Not responding from me takes a lot of hurt on my side to do it. I hear you on the salt in the wound.

Dazed, Wooo... I can identify with your situation. I would say in the early days with me I was so angry that he had other things going on and I wasn't priority that I started dating. Not seriously but spending time with people and having some real fun. I saw a lot of movies and ate a lot of free dinners. I wouldn't take it there sexually but it damn sure kept my mind off my worries. I think Aquagirl will have to kind of decode what he is saying. I agree that yes he is hiding behind having to be away. One thing I do know is that for him to say you are not wasting you time shows he feels a hell of a lot more for you than you think he does. It's hard for us to compute that becuase when we love the other person knows by our actions and words. Aquarians you have to read between the lines. It seems like crazy situations bounce from one of us to the other. I feel like a fool for being in a panic/angry state. It's so much easier to see someone else's situation but not apply to your own.

Re: Scorp42
by: LIG


At this point, I can honestly say...I didn't get excited about his comment. He knows I have feelings for him and I know based on his comment that we are special together. Please tell me what that mean???

I can't go there and won't go there! He will most definitely have to say and do more than this.... My mind is out of the clouds and I am not trying to read his mind or be an interepreter anymore.

by: Aqua Girl

Ok... Scorp42. Well I can't speak for anyone else but I'm not tired of helping out. You have given me great advice I don't know how may times and you always know what to say to pull me out of one of my MOODS. Just be patient.

LIG- I wouldn't read too much into what he said about the Loveless relationship. Just be there for him and in time if he is ready and wants to be with you, he will. Soon enough he will wake up and realize he is miserable with her. Just keep doing your own thing.

Dazed- This is a hard one! And I don't want to sway you the wrong way. I would hate to be at fault or wrong about something. But I kinda put myself in his situation and I have been in a situation like that before. I don't like to hurt peoples feelings at all so sometimes I will hide behind everything else that is going on to get out of a situation. I use to mess around with someone that I didn't want to be in a relationship with so I would stay busy or look to be busy all the time. Then I would only come around when I wanted to come around, but I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I would blame it on having a lot going on in my life. Basically I would make up or find every excuse in the book. Then when he got tired of it and disappeared I FLIP OUT and ended up falling for him but it was too late. He was gone. The point is... When an Aqua kinda likes you or isn't sure about their feelings, the ride is a little bumpy and we make excuses and stay distant at times, but the truth is when we are In Love... We want to be with you all the time. We MAKE you number 1. Later on that may die down a little because we finally realize we really do have other important things to take care of like our jobs, school,.. whatever. But that's the way it is. We also start being ourselves again when we know we are in the safe zone. That's why having one foot out the door is so important with us. But to get us to that point it takes someone or something to ruffle our feathers and the fear of losing you will for sure ruffle our feathers.
I think he may be thinking there is no point since he is leaving, but I don't know. I would say leave him be, don't get to caught up with him and see what happens if and when he comes back.

Hope that helps.

Re: Aqua Girl
by: LIG

Thanks AquaGirl,

Like I said...My mind is out the clouds...Not trying to read into anything with him anymore. He is going to have to be transparent from now on. If he is capable of being so?? LOL

Doesn't make sense
by: Aqua Girl

None of this makes any sense!!!! One day I get ignored, the next Day, I get a response and get ignored in the same night!!! As soon as I respond and make it clear that I'm ticked off, then I get a response! Does he want me to treat him like crap and be angry all the time. Does that turn him on??? WTF? If you don't want me leave me the hell alone!!!

Re: Aqua Girl
by: LIG

I know you're just venting...BUT...why would one do that?? Do some Aquas just get off on seeing the reaction of the person they are ignoring??

Re: Aqua Girl
by: LIG

I know you're just venting...BUT...why would one do that?? Do some Aquas just get off on seeing the reaction of the person they are ignoring??

by: Dazed

Aquagirl - Don't trip..just leave him be. That's the same advice you gave me.

Quick question, has anyone ever tried comparing charts with your aquas? Seeing how your other planets might be affecting compatibility. I know you can't take astrology to that extreme and rely on it 100%, but it's just interesting to see the differences or similarities.

by: LIG

Hi Dazed,

Yes I compared charts with my Aqua and we were alike in some areas and were we weren't, it was ok because it would keep us balanced. Crazy huh??

by: Dazed

I've compared charts as well, and it seems to be pretty good. But doesn't it seem like the sun sign plays a HUGE role when compared to all the other aspects? You can definitely feel the incompatibility of sun signs more than all the other stuff, even if it does make compatibility better.

by: Dazed

Perfectly describes the reason for your "one foot our the door" theory...

"on one hand,
he ain't ready to give up on the amount of freedom/space he's used to,
to fully adjust to the relationship.

on the other hand,
he isn't willing nor ready to end the relationship.

every time he feels like he's losing you,
he's going to give you the amount of attention you're "demanding" to not consider ending things.
as soon as he has reassured himself you aren't leaving him,
he can stop worrying and be more of his detached self"

To Dazed
by: Aqua Girl

Yes I know. I have said the same thing myself and of course I understand it, but I'm tired. Well I have one foot, half of the other foot and the rest of my body out the door! I'm not even asking for a relationship!!! Just a little more... That's it! Just stop ignoring me! I can handle the distance... That's not the issue.

We will see what happens this week, but it doesn't look good!

Oh My Dear Aquagirl
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, I have been bitching about the ignoring thing for so long that my head aches on that subject. On the other hand if we ignore them, Oh Lord! So just to throw some spice in the game I every once in a while ignore him on a text that he just knows for sure I am going to respond to. It kind of makes me giggle to think about it. After no response from me he will wait about 45 minutes to an hour and send me another text. If nothing after a few minutes then he will call. I answer the call and act as if I wasn't even aware of the texts. I know it's a bit cruel but damnit they need to feel a bit of the bull@#$% that they dish out every once in a while. It makes him either do one of two things, he requests to see me and gives me lots of affection or it makes him a bit irritated with me and keeps the conversation real short and acts as if he really has to go. LMBO!!!! I got you now Mr. Aquarian, you can dish it but you don't much like taking it. Wow, what has gotten into me? :-)

by: Aqua Girl

Yeh i know the game all to well. I play it to.. What text Boo? I didn't get anything.. Hmm, Must have had a bad signal.. hehe

He does the EXACT same thing to me too if I ask about a text I sent him that he didn't respond too. OOOOOH it drives me insane!! I haven't been able to ignore him all the way yet, but it's coming! I can feel it. And I won't feel bad about it. I'm just getting tired and I don't have time to play these games with him!

I Feel You Aquagirl!
by: Scorp42

Everything else I can tolerate but the ignoring thing. The only thing that keeps me from really getting mad is that I know what goes around comes around. Maybe not from me but he will soon find out/feel from experience just how rude that is. So any Aquarian men that read this thread, STOP IT!!!! It's really messed up. It's because of the ignoring that I stopped calling my Aquarian and only initiate text if it is something I really have to say. I will let all the other women in his life get ignored. I was at his place a few weeks back and one individual called him. He saw who it was and ignored the call. This person hung up and called right back 4 times and left a voicemail. He was getting so mad. I looked at him and laughed so darned hard I had tears in my eyes. I laughed so hard that he started laughing too. I said out loud as if I were speaking to the phone, "If you want to run him away for good keep doing that." He shook his head to agree. After I blew that off and went on to the next subject like it didn't happen he began to stare at me for a long time. Once I turned to look at him he grabbed my hand and led me to the bedroom. Let's just say that was the beginning of us taking our relationship to a whole new level. Now when I am at his place his phone doesn't ring any more. My gut tells me she was the fill-in while Gemini was in the picture for me. Boy phase two is turning out to be even crazier than phase one was. I will tell you that I look at him differently this time around though. It's not a bad thing just a different thing.

by: Aqua Girl

I don't know if there will be a phase 2. He looks at me so strange now and pushes me away if we hug or touch too long. Then I get the stares when I'm doing something or talking to someone else. He just Stares really hard and smiles! Whenever I show him any kind of affection he acts like he doesn't want it. I think he may have a fill in as well, or a couple...

by: Dazed

I'm still confused. I keep going back and forth between not caring about the relationship factor because I'm not ready for one anyway, but I still know it's something I'm gonna want eventually. It's so hard. I'm really looking forward to him leaving because I know I'll be able to detach could not have come at a better time. Maybe it's a sign.

If I do decide to walk, do you think I should tell him or just quietly slip away?

by: Dazed

I'm still confused. I keep going back and forth between not caring about the relationship factor because I'm not ready for one anyway, but I still know it's something I'm gonna want eventually. It's so hard. I'm really looking forward to him leaving because I know I'll be able to detach could not have come at a better time. Maybe it's a sign.

If I do decide to walk, do you think I should tell him or just quietly slip away?

by: Dazed

I'm still confused. I keep going back and forth between not caring about the relationship factor because I'm not ready for one anyway, but I still know it's something I'm gonna want eventually. It's so hard. I'm really looking forward to him leaving because I know I'll be able to detach could not have come at a better time. Maybe it's a sign.

If I do decide to walk, do you think I should tell him or just quietly slip away?

by: Dazed

I'm still confused. I keep going back and forth between not caring about the relationship factor because I'm not ready for one anyway, but I still know it's something I'm gonna want eventually. It's so hard. I'm really looking forward to him leaving because I know I'll be able to detach could not have come at a better time. Maybe it's a sign.

If I do decide to walk, do you think I should tell him or just quietly slip away?

To Dazed
by: Aqua Girl

Slip away.. That way if you decide to go back you won't look like a fool for saying you are done and then going back on your word. lol

Aquagirl and Dazed
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, of course or Aquarian's have other women that they "talk to." I had the conversation with my Aquarian a while ago. He said there are other women that he talks to and some of them want to be with him. He also said that what we have is different and I beleive that. We have been through some things together that he hasn't even shared with his mom. However if you think about this whole thing logically, there almost has to be other women around them and in their lives or there is no way they could be so distant with us.They need attention too. What our problem is, is that we have not done the same and started seeing other men at least to occupy our time. I did it before by going out to dinners and movies. It truly does work if the guy you date is cool and understands what it really is. If the only male time we have is with our Aquarian's then we are doomed to feel neglected. I have no problem with the other's (women) at this point because I know he is not ready for the deep relationship thing. I also know that none of them are a threat to me or my relationship with him. I know it sounds cocky but it really isn't, I can't really explain it. It is sort of a spiritual/Jesus thing.

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

I hear what you are saying, but the problem with all of that is... If I'm in love with someone I am not about to date, sleep with or entertain any thought of another man in my life... I have tried a date or 2 before and all I did was sit there in misery thinking of my Aqua... I can only be with or have feelings for 1 at a time. I know you don't mean to have feelings for the others, but it just isn't the same. I'm just not interested in that at all. I would rather be alone!

Actually this whole experience is pushing me to be alone and never date again! I was almost to that point before I met him and he has made me cross over that line. I hate games and I can't take it. I know I'm truly about to be done soon because I actually said something to him that I wouldn't normally say. I just don't care anymore, it's too much to take.

Aquagirl & Scorp42
by: Dazed

No...there won't be no going back. He's leaving for 4 months, that's ample amount of time to pick up the pieces and move on. I've decided I'm not going to "break up" with him...but just wish him well on his trip and leave it at that. He's smart enough to catch on to the rest.

by: Scorp42

I feel the same way you do. I am at the point with my love that I can't date anyone else either. I was just saying in the early days I was getting nothing. Now as far as you not dating ever again, it makes me understand even more why we are going what we are going through with our Aquarian men. Not dating anymore sells yourself short. Aquarians make loving another so damn complicated and it's not that hard. Shoot we have hella fear too, but if we don't try and put up with a little bad to get to the good we will never know what it feels like. Aquagirl you and all the other Aquarians I know make me so sad sometimes. It's when you talk like that that makes me want to give up with my Aquarian. It truly is not supposed to be this much work!

TO Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

I'm just tired of putting myself out there. It seems the more I try the more distant he is, but then if I act like I don't care I feel bad because he wonders what's wrong with me.. I hate it!
I don't want to act like I don't care all the time because I do care. Maybe I only need to act that way until he falls... I really don't know and I'm tired of trying to figure it out. I mean I already know the answer, but I don't want to accept it. lol

by: Aqua Girl

Hey everyone. I have decided to date other people! I know I said I wasn't going to, but I have been asked out and I turned the poor soul down before because I didn't want to go through with it and know he has come back into the picture. But Scorp42 is right. I'm not about to make myself miserable and stop living my life because men are idiots! lol

The only problem is, this new guy is clingy! Yuk! I'm gonna try really hard to deal with it and see how it goes, but I can' t make any promises. lol

Sooo. Do I tell him or not????? How do i approach him with this, or do I not say anything. I know he would never tell me, but I want to be honest with him. It's a tough decision because we are not together so really it is non of his business... However, I don't want to hurt him!!! What do I do???

by: Dazed

I don't see the point in telling him. It's none of his business and you guys aren't obligated to each other. I don't think telling him will change anything - I mean it might, but that shouldn't be the reason for telling, does that make sense? If you're dating because you truly want to then there's no need for explanation...but dating or saying you're dating just so you'll get a reaction from the other person is a different story. I'm not saying that's the reason why you want to tell, but letting him know can work against you just like it might work for you. Just do you...just like he's doing him.

Re: Aqua Girl
by: LIG

Hey Aqua Girl!

If you aren't a couple, then you really don't owe him any explanation...but since you Aquas have the thing about not hurting someone....LOL...then do what your gut is telling you.

by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, don't tell him anything! Please is he telling you anything. See that is our problem as women, we are always thinking of their feelings and not concerned about our own. If he asks if you are dating then yes tell him but if he doesn't ask and you don't tell him how can that hurt him? It's the same philosophy they take with us. Right now your relationship is platonic, you just haven't realized that yet. It's okay to date, that doesn't mean you are hopping into bed with the man. Calm down it's okay. It will give you something to do as well as some male attention that you have been missing. I am sure he feels that the two of you are casual at this point. When you start hearing from him on a daily basis or seeing him on a somewhat regular basis then that is when it is just you and him. It's still early, have a little fun and for God's sake please don't spend the whole date thinking about your Aqua Boo. You know good and well he has other things on his mind. Now if you feel guilty about the whole thing then the issue is with you and not your Aquarian. Hope that helps.

by: Aqua Girl

Thanks Ladies. I was thinking the same thing. I already don't think it is any of his business because if he was concerned about me, he would be here! But I wanted to double check. I really don't like hurting people, but he is doing it to me. I hate to say it, but I think it is really over!! I don't see him coming back this time!

by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, just when you think all is lost they reappear. However I will say to you once again you need to call the man. I know you think you should not be the one to make the first move, however he is a man. Please tell the man how you feel, please! Then you can run as far and as fast as you want and go puke. LOL Both of you are assuming and it will get you nowhere! Tell him how you feel, I know he said he isn't ready for a relationship right now. Whatever, they all say that and think that until they find someone that makes them happy. Even if you have to tell him via text, TELL THE MAN! Stop all the sillyness like you told me.

TO Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

That doesn't make sense to me. When I try to be extra sweet to him, he acts funny, when I get a little closer he pushes me away. So how is telling him how I feel gonna make a difference?? If he really cared and wanted me around, he wouldn't let me get away! Especially if he loved me.. He wouldn't let me get far! I have already text him once this week and got nothing so I'm done trying.

He is afraid of women who try to settle down with him or want to get married and trap him. He has told me this before.. So by me telling him that I like him is not going to do any good. He knows I like him. That is obvious and I think that is why he is running again.

I just have to write this one up as another loss. The more I don't talk to him, the easier it gets so this is probably best.

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

I don't know what happened to the other post I wrote..

Anyway, That doesn't make sense to me, because he knows I like him and I think that is why he is being distant! When I get close to him or show any kind of affection towards him, he runs for the hills. When I say I want to see him, he Ignores me. He is obviously not interested. We haven't spent time together in almost a month and when I do see him, he acts strange. Things have not been the same at all since our Emotional Melt down a month ago! I already knew this was going to happen after that. When we use to run into each other he would inquire about seeing me later that night or that week, now he doesn't and he acts like I'm a stranger or something, but he keeps staring in my eyes! Before he couldn't even look me in the eye.

He is scared of girls that want to settle down or get married so by me telling him I like him isn't going to do any good. It has to be at his pace and when he is ready. But I honestly don't think this man is EVER going to be ready or want a relationship with anyone. I think this is a lost cause! I can't keep going through this and the longer I don't see him, the easier it gets. Ok not really, but I'm hoping!

I sent him a text the other day and got Nothing back... So It's over!

by: Scorp42

Okay... I see your point quite clearly now. You are right there is no need to tell him anything at this point and he is not responding to you and treating you like a stranger. That's really detatched. I know that hurts. But you know me the optimist. The only thing I have to go on is my early days. I was feeling my Aquarian something awful and I got the same crap. He wouldn't respond to my text and wouldn't answer my calls. We only saw each other once in a blue moon and it was like talking to a stranger. It pissed me off so bad that I said forget it. I spent a lot of time crying and kicking myself for allowing myself to fall in love again! Well little did I know he was falling too! He was scared to death. The only difference is we never frequented the same places so I would never run into him. It's been almost 3 years since I met him and still have never seen him anywhere. Anyway when I finally did see him after his disappearing act I let him have it! I told him what was on my mind face to face and let him know that I didn't need that crap in my life. If he didn't want our relationship he should be man enough to tell me so and move on. Looking back at it now makes me laugh a bit. If I knew then what I know now... Cont.>>

by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, I said all that in the last post to say this. Don't spend anymore time thinking about what is going on in his head or what is up because 9 times out of 10 you will be wrong. You also have to think about this,maybe he feels more than ever that you will run out of his life as soon as he lets you know he has fallen for you. He has to have in the back of his mind that you told him twice that you were done. Trust an beleive he is interested but has the strongest will I have ever seen! Now I can only speak for me as a Scorpio. There is no way I could have held out as long as you have not telling him directly from my mouth how I felt. I bet you have him as confused as he has you. Go on some dates girl! It will take you mind off him and you just may have some real fun in the mean time. As soon as you think it truly is over and you have sort of moved on so to speak, "Guess Who??!!!!" If not then God has someone else for you and needs you to let go so he can send him to you.

thoughts and pieces
by: Scorpio29

Ladies! I´ve been following you for some time..
I´ve been involved with an aqua for 6 years now. So I´m kind of an expert :-)
Aquagirl- he will reemerge: and behave like nothing happened, being sweet and nice and just irresistible in his naivite.
I don´t think they ever understand what they put us through. They are somehow selfish being occupied with ALL the things they want to do which stresses them enough... they don´t really think about what this does to others. With all their positive traits and characteristics there is one thing they just aren´t able to do: CARE ABOUT SOMEBODY ELSE´sfeelings.. think about what their behaviour makes others (emotional) people go´s not even meant in a bad way, it´s just the way they work.

So many times I thought I´m done, but then I was just so hooked on him. Mine is a long story and I don´t want to get on you guys (girls :-) ) nerves. It doesn´t have a happy ending. It´s rather that after six years he thinks he should become involved with another girl and thinks that I´m blocking him on his search.And he lied to me which I never would have thought to be possible,
For understanding I would live to ask you girls something: Do you know your Aqua´s friends? My aqua´s friends mean everything to him (he has 4 really close ones and a couple of loose ones). Although I spent an incredible amount of time with him these last years: I don´t know them. He always kept them away (or rather me away) like I was in some parallel world.
Is that typical? Or is it understandable as we together behaved like a couple (which of course we officially weren´t : no responsibilities!!!) and he couldn´t make his friends see the lie he was living. He also spent anormous amounts of time with his two best friends and their girlfriends... 5 people in total!). it even hurts writing this, It kills all your selfesteem.
another thing I want to ask: has any of you girls got a real happy end? we spent months moving back and forth and back and forth saying it´s over and then he reaperars: we´re happy and over the moon- he disappears, doesn´t react, whatever... AND IT NEVER CHANGES.
MAybe I´m just venting here. It´s just so frustrating.
Another thing that was typical for my auqua: whenever I texted on weekends there wouldn´t be a reaction. HE only called me back on Monday morning. It´s really frustrating when you got a very challenging draing job and would so much wish to see him on weekends and he´s just busy with all his friends.
Anyways: BON COURAGE to you ladies,,, I really got fond of you and your honesty in this forum!

thoughts and pieces
by: Scorpio29

Ladies! I´ve been following you for some time..
I´ve been involved with an aqua for 6 years now. So I´m kind of an expert :-)
Aquagirl- he will reemerge: and behave like nothing happened, being sweet and nice and just irresistible in his naivite.
I don´t think they ever understand what they put us through. They are somehow selfish being occupied with ALL the things they want to do which stresses them enough... they don´t really think about what this does to others. With all their positive traits and characteristics there is one thing they just aren´t able to do: CARE ABOUT SOMEBODY ELSE´sfeelings.. think about what their behaviour makes others (emotional) people go´s not even meant in a bad way, it´s just the way they work.

So many times I thought I´m done, but then I was just so hooked on him. Mine is a long story and I don´t want to get on you guys (girls :-) ) nerves. It doesn´t have a happy ending. It´s rather that after six years he thinks he should become involved with another girl and thinks that I´m blocking him on his search.And he lied to me which I never would have thought to be possible,
For understanding I would live to ask you girls something: Do you know your Aqua´s friends? My aqua´s friends mean everything to him (he has 4 really close ones and a couple of loose ones). Although I spent an incredible amount of time with him these last years: I don´t know them. He always kept them away (or rather me away) like I was in some parallel world.
Is that typical? Or is it understandable as we together behaved like a couple (which of course we officially weren´t : no responsibilities!!!) and he couldn´t make his friends see the lie he was living. He also spent anormous amounts of time with his two best friends and their girlfriends... 5 people in total!). it even hurts writing this, It kills all your selfesteem.
another thing I want to ask: has any of you girls got a real happy end? we spent months moving back and forth and back and forth saying it´s over and then he reaperars: we´re happy and over the moon- he disappears, doesn´t react, whatever... AND IT NEVER CHANGES.
MAybe I´m just venting here. It´s just so frustrating.
Another thing that was typical for my auqua: whenever I texted on weekends there wouldn´t be a reaction. HE only called me back on Monday morning. It´s really frustrating when you got a very challenging draing job and would so much wish to see him on weekends and he´s just busy with all his friends.
Anyways: BON COURAGE to you ladies,,, I really got fond of you and your honesty in this forum!

thoughts and pieces
by: Scorpio29

Ladies! I´ve been following you for some time..
I´ve been involved with an aqua for 6 years now. So I´m kind of an expert :-)
Aquagirl- he will reemerge: and behave like nothing happened, being sweet and nice and just irresistible in his naivite.
I don´t think they ever understand what they put us through. They are somehow selfish being occupied with ALL the things they want to do which stresses them enough... they don´t really think about what this does to others. With all their positive traits and characteristics there is one thing they just aren´t able to do: CARE ABOUT SOMEBODY ELSE´sfeelings.. think about what their behaviour makes others (emotional) people go´s not even meant in a bad way, it´s just the way they work.

So many times I thought I´m done, but then I was just so hooked on him. Mine is a long story and I don´t want to get on you guys (girls :-) ) nerves. It doesn´t have a happy ending. It´s rather that after six years he thinks he should become involved with another girl and thinks that I´m blocking him on his search.And he lied to me which I never would have thought to be possible,
For understanding I would live to ask you girls something: Do you know your Aqua´s friends? My aqua´s friends mean everything to him (he has 4 really close ones and a couple of loose ones). Although I spent an incredible amount of time with him these last years: I don´t know them. He always kept them away (or rather me away) like I was in some parallel world.
Is that typical? Or is it understandable as we together behaved like a couple (which of course we officially weren´t : no responsibilities!!!) and he couldn´t make his friends see the lie he was living. He also spent anormous amounts of time with his two best friends and their girlfriends... 5 people in total!). it even hurts writing this, It kills all your selfesteem.
another thing I want to ask: has any of you girls got a real happy end? we spent months moving back and forth and back and forth saying it´s over and then he reaperars: we´re happy and over the moon- he disappears, doesn´t react, whatever... AND IT NEVER CHANGES.
MAybe I´m just venting here. It´s just so frustrating.
Another thing that was typical for my auqua: whenever I texted on weekends there wouldn´t be a reaction. HE only called me back on Monday morning. It´s really frustrating when you got a very challenging draing job and would so much wish to see him on weekends and he´s just busy with all his friends.
Anyways: BON COURAGE to you ladies,,, I really got fond of you and your honesty in this forum!

thoughts and pieces
by: Scorpio29

Ladies! I´ve been following you for some time..
I´ve been involved with an aqua for 6 years now. So I´m kind of an expert :-)
Aquagirl- he will reemerge: and behave like nothing happened, being sweet and nice and just irresistible in his naivite.
I don´t think they ever understand what they put us through. They are somehow selfish being occupied with ALL the things they want to do which stresses them enough... they don´t really think about what this does to others. With all their positive traits and characteristics there is one thing they just aren´t able to do: CARE ABOUT SOMEBODY ELSE´sfeelings.. think about what their behaviour makes others (emotional) people go´s not even meant in a bad way, it´s just the way they work.

So many times I thought I´m done, but then I was just so hooked on him. Mine is a long story and I don´t want to get on you guys (girls :-) ) nerves. It doesn´t have a happy ending. It´s rather that after six years he thinks he should become involved with another girl and thinks that I´m blocking him on his search.And he lied to me which I never would have thought to be possible,
For understanding I would live to ask you girls something: Do you know your Aqua´s friends? My aqua´s friends mean everything to him (he has 4 really close ones and a couple of loose ones). Although I spent an incredible amount of time with him these last years: I don´t know them. He always kept them away (or rather me away) like I was in some parallel world.
Is that typical? Or is it understandable as we together behaved like a couple (which of course we officially weren´t : no responsibilities!!!) and he couldn´t make his friends see the lie he was living. He also spent anormous amounts of time with his two best friends and their girlfriends... 5 people in total!). it even hurts writing this, It kills all your selfesteem.
another thing I want to ask: has any of you girls got a real happy end? we spent months moving back and forth and back and forth saying it´s over and then he reaperars: we´re happy and over the moon- he disappears, doesn´t react, whatever... AND IT NEVER CHANGES.
MAybe I´m just venting here. It´s just so frustrating.
Another thing that was typical for my auqua: whenever I texted on weekends there wouldn´t be a reaction. HE only called me back on Monday morning. It´s really frustrating when you got a very challenging draing job and would so much wish to see him on weekends and he´s just busy with all his friends.
Anyways: BON COURAGE to you ladies,,, I really got fond of you and your honesty in this forum!

thoughts and pieces
by: Scorpio 29

Ladies! I´ve been following you for some time..
I´ve been involved with an aqua for 6 years now. So I´m kind of an expert :-)
Aquagirl- he will reemerge: and behave like nothing happened, being sweet and nice and just irresistible in his naivite.
I don´t think they ever understand what they put us through. They are somehow selfish being occupied with ALL the things they want to do which stresses them enough... they don´t really think about what this does to others. With all their positive traits and characteristics there is one thing they just aren´t able to do: CARE ABOUT SOMEBODY ELSE´sfeelings.. think about what their behaviour makes others (emotional) people go´s not even meant in a bad way, it´s just the way they work.

So many times I thought I´m done, but then I was just so hooked on him. Mine is a long story and I don´t want to get on you guys (girls :-) ) nerves. It doesn´t have a happy ending. It´s rather that after six years he thinks he should become involved with another girl and thinks that I´m blocking him on his search.And he lied to me which I never would have thought to be possible,
For understanding I would live to ask you girls something: Do you know your Aqua´s friends? My aqua´s friends mean everything to him (he has 4 really close ones and a couple of loose ones). Although I spent an incredible amount of time with him these last years: I don´t know them. He always kept them away (or rather me away) like I was in some parallel world.
Is that typical? Or is it understandable as we together behaved like a couple (which of course we officially weren´t : no responsibilities!!!) and he couldn´t make his friends see the lie he was living. He also spent anormous amounts of time with his two best friends and their girlfriends... 5 people in total!). it even hurts writing this, It kills all your selfesteem.
another thing I want to ask: has any of you girls got a real happy end? we spent months moving back and forth and back and forth saying it´s over and then he reaperars: we´re happy and over the moon- he disappears, doesn´t react, whatever... AND IT NEVER CHANGES.
MAybe I´m just venting here. It´s just so frustrating.
Another thing that was typical for my auqua: whenever I texted on weekends there wouldn´t be a reaction. HE only called me back on Monday morning. It´s really frustrating when you got a very challenging draing job and would so much wish to see him on weekends and he´s just busy with all his friends.
Anyways: BON COURAGE to you ladies,,, I really got fond of you and your honesty in this forum!

thoughts and pieces
by: Scorpio 29

Ladies! I´ve been following you for some time..
I´ve been involved with an aqua for 6 years now. So I´m kind of an expert :-)
Aquagirl- he will reemerge: and behave like nothing happened, being sweet and nice and just irresistible in his naivite.
I don´t think they ever understand what they put us through. They are somehow selfish being occupied with ALL the things they want to do which stresses them enough... they don´t really think about what this does to others. With all their positive traits and characteristics there is one thing they just aren´t able to do: CARE ABOUT SOMEBODY ELSE´sfeelings.. think about what their behaviour makes others (emotional) people go´s not even meant in a bad way, it´s just the way they work.

So many times I thought I´m done, but then I was just so hooked on him. Mine is a long story and I don´t want to get on you guys (girls :-) ) nerves. It doesn´t have a happy ending. It´s rather that after six years he thinks he should become involved with another girl and thinks that I´m blocking him on his search.And he lied to me which I never would have thought to be possible,
For understanding I would live to ask you girls something: Do you know your Aqua´s friends? My aqua´s friends mean everything to him (he has 4 really close ones and a couple of loose ones). Although I spent an incredible amount of time with him these last years: I don´t know them. He always kept them away (or rather me away) like I was in some parallel world.
Is that typical? Or is it understandable as we together behaved like a couple (which of course we officially weren´t : no responsibilities!!!) and he couldn´t make his friends see the lie he was living. He also spent anormous amounts of time with his two best friends and their girlfriends... 5 people in total!). it even hurts writing this, It kills all your selfesteem.
another thing I want to ask: has any of you girls got a real happy end? we spent months moving back and forth and back and forth saying it´s over and then he reaperars: we´re happy and over the moon- he disappears, doesn´t react, whatever... AND IT NEVER CHANGES.
MAybe I´m just venting here. It´s just so frustrating.
Another thing that was typical for my auqua: whenever I texted on weekends there wouldn´t be a reaction. HE only called me back on Monday morning. It´s really frustrating when you got a very challenging draing job and would so much wish to see him on weekends and he´s just busy with all his friends.
Anyways: BON COURAGE to you ladies,,, I really got fond of you and your honesty in this forum!

thoughts and pieces
by: Scorpio 29

Ladies! I´ve been following you for some time..
I´ve been involved with an aqua for 6 years now. So I´m kind of an expert :-)
Aquagirl- he will reemerge: and behave like nothing happened, being sweet and nice and just irresistible in his naivite.
I don´t think they ever understand what they put us through. They are somehow selfish being occupied with ALL the things they want to do which stresses them enough... they don´t really think about what this does to others. With all their positive traits and characteristics there is one thing they just aren´t able to do: CARE ABOUT SOMEBODY ELSE´sfeelings.. think about what their behaviour makes others (emotional) people go´s not even meant in a bad way, it´s just the way they work.

So many times I thought I´m done, but then I was just so hooked on him. Mine is a long story and I don´t want to get on you guys (girls :-) ) nerves. It doesn´t have a happy ending. It´s rather that after six years he thinks he should become involved with another girl and thinks that I´m blocking him on his search.And he lied to me which I never would have thought to be possible,
For understanding I would live to ask you girls something: Do you know your Aqua´s friends? My aqua´s friends mean everything to him (he has 4 really close ones and a couple of loose ones). Although I spent an incredible amount of time with him these last years: I don´t know them. He always kept them away (or rather me away) like I was in some parallel world.
Is that typical? Or is it understandable as we together behaved like a couple (which of course we officially weren´t : no responsibilities!!!) and he couldn´t make his friends see the lie he was living. He also spent anormous amounts of time with his two best friends and their girlfriends... 5 people in total!). it even hurts writing this, It kills all your selfesteem.
another thing I want to ask: has any of you girls got a real happy end? we spent months moving back and forth and back and forth saying it´s over and then he reaperars: we´re happy and over the moon- he disappears, doesn´t react, whatever... AND IT NEVER CHANGES.
MAybe I´m just venting here. It´s just so frustrating.
Another thing that was typical for my auqua: whenever I texted on weekends there wouldn´t be a reaction. HE only called me back on Monday morning. It´s really frustrating when you got a very challenging draing job and would so much wish to see him on weekends and he´s just busy with all his friends.
Anyways: BON COURAGE to you ladies,,, I really got fond of you and your honesty in this forum!

thoughts and pieces
by: Scorpio 29

Ladies! I´ve been following you for some time..
I´ve been involved with an aqua for 6 years now. So I´m kind of an expert :-)
Aquagirl- he will reemerge: and behave like nothing happened, being sweet and nice and just irresistible in his naivite.
I don´t think they ever understand what they put us through. They are somehow selfish being occupied with ALL the things they want to do which stresses them enough... they don´t really think about what this does to others. With all their positive traits and characteristics there is one thing they just aren´t able to do: CARE ABOUT SOMEBODY ELSE´sfeelings.. think about what their behaviour makes others (emotional) people go´s not even meant in a bad way, it´s just the way they work.

thoughts and bits
by: Scorpio29

Ladies! I´ve been following you for some time..
I´ve been involved with an aqua for 6 years now. So I´m kind of an expert :-)
Aquagirl- he will reemerge: and behave like nothing happened, being sweet and nice and just irresistible in his naivite.
I don´t think they ever understand what they put us through. They are somehow selfish being occupied with ALL the things they want to do which stresses them enough... they don´t really think about what this does to others. With all their positive traits and characteristics there is one thing they just aren´t able to do: CARE ABOUT SOMEBODY ELSE´sfeelings.. think about what their behaviour makes others (emotional) people go´s not even meant in a bad way, it´s just the way they work.

thoughts and bits
by: Scorpio29

Ladies! I´ve been following you for some time..
I´ve been involved with an aqua for 6 years now. So I´m kind of an expert :-)
Aquagirl- he will reemerge: and behave like nothing happened, being sweet and nice and just irresistible in his naivite.
I don´t think they ever understand what they put us through. They are somehow selfish being occupied with ALL the things they want to do which stresses them enough... they don´t really think about what this does to others. With all their positive traits and characteristics there is one thing they just aren´t able to do: CARE ABOUT SOMEBODY ELSE´sfeelings.. think about what their behaviour makes others (emotional) people go´s not even meant in a bad way, it´s just the way they work.

thoughts and bits
by: Scorpio29

Ladies! I´ve been following you for some time..
I´ve been involved with an aqua for 6 years now. So I´m kind of an expert :-)
Aquagirl- he will reemerge: and behave like nothing happened, being sweet and nice and just irresistible in his naivite.
I don´t think they ever understand what they put us through. They are somehow selfish being occupied with ALL the things they want to do which stresses them enough... they don´t really think about what this does to others. With all their positive traits and characteristics there is one thing they just aren´t able to do: CARE ABOUT SOMEBODY ELSE´sfeelings.. think about what their behaviour makes others (emotional) people go´s not even meant in a bad way, it´s just the way they work.

thoughts and bits
by: Scorpio29

Ladies! I´ve been following you for some time..
I´ve been involved with an aqua for 6 years now. So I´m kind of an expert :-)
Aquagirl- he will reemerge: and behave like nothing happened, being sweet and nice and just irresistible in his naivite.
I don´t think they ever understand what they put us through. They are somehow selfish being occupied with ALL the things they want to do which stresses them enough... they don´t really think about what this does to others. With all their positive traits and characteristics there is one thing they just aren´t able to do: CARE ABOUT SOMEBODY ELSE´sfeelings.. think about what their behaviour makes others (emotional) people go´s not even meant in a bad way, it´s just the way they work.

So many times I thought I´m done, but then I was just so hooked on him. Mine is a long story and I don´t want to get on you guys (girls :-) ) nerves. It doesn´t have a happy ending. It´s rather that after six years he thinks he should become involved with another girl and thinks that I´m blocking him on his search.And he lied to me which I never would have thought to be possible,
For understanding I would live to ask you girls something: Do you know your Aqua´s friends? My aqua´s friends mean everything to him (he has 4 really close ones and a couple of loose ones). Although I spent an incredible amount of time with him these last years: I don´t know them. He always kept them away (or rather me away) like I was in some parallel world.
Is that typical? Or is it understandable as we together behaved like a couple (which of course we officially weren´t : no responsibilities!!!) and he couldn´t make his friends see the lie he was living. He also spent anormous amounts of time with his two best friends and their girlfriends... 5 people in total!). it even hurts writing this, It kills all your selfesteem.
another thing I want to ask: has any of you girls got a real happy end? we spent months moving back and forth and back and forth saying it´s over and then he reaperars: we´re happy and over the moon- he disappears, doesn´t react, whatever... AND IT NEVER CHANGES.
MAybe I´m just venting here. It´s just so frustrating.
Another thing that was typical for my auqua: whenever I texted on weekends there wouldn´t be a reaction. HE only called me back on Monday morning. It´s really frustrating when you got a very challenging draing job and would so much wish to see him on weekends and he´s just busy with all his friends.
Anyways: BON COURAGE to you ladies,,, I really got fond of you and your honesty in this forum!

To Scorp42 and Scorp 29
by: Aqua Girl

Hello Ladies and welcome 29.. Not sure what is going on with this site lately, It's kinda acting strange.

Well I kinda got a scare today. I can't go into it right now, but as much as I wanted to take your advice Scorp42 about dating others.. I just can't do it. I want him! And after what happened today, I know that more then anything now and I think (I think) he does too. I think you are right about him thinking in the back of his head about me letting it go twice and I probably shouldn't have done that, but I just couldn't take it anymore! I won't do it again.

I'm so crushed right now, but happy at the same time. I think there was a small break-through, but of course it took something to ruffle his feathers for him to see the light! It was unexpected and kinda ruffled mine too, but I believe everything happens for a reason.

We both freeze up when the other mentions the "Feelings" stuff.. I think I'm all ok with it and have no problem approaching him with how I feel but he freezes up then when he comes to me like that, I freeze up. lol We are crazy!

I think as long as we both keep it light it will be ok. I have an awful headache from all this today and I need to lay down. Hopefully the next few weeks will tell a good story!

Scorp29- I can't speak for all of them, but the few Aqua men that I know and myself as Aqua.. We bring the people we care about around our friends. If we plan on being with that person and really care about that person they MUST be a apart of our circle. I hung out with my BFF every weekend and with my Last boyfriend, I wanted him there with me as well so I could be with both people that I cared about. yes I needed my Girls nights and time away too, but for the most part I wanted him with me! hope that helps

Interesting Questions
by: Scorp42

Welcome Scorp29! To address a few of your questions. I have met 2 of his friends. Never hung out with him and his friends, as he doesn't really hang out anymore. God is taking him on a journey so hanging out is not something he does anymore. I have never met his 2 best friends so to speak. He tells me that he really doesn't have any best friends, the only person he really talks to about his private/embarassing things to is me. One of his really good friends is a female and he talks about her from time to time. His closest male friend I have never met. He talks to him on the phone alot when he is around me and often talks about me to him and I am right there in the room with him. He tells him things I say and do as if I am not in the room. Don't know what that is all about. We have been spending a lot of time together lately and he is still very intimate with me. However I still look at our situation as I am still free to see and do whatever I want to do. I will not sell myself short and not date others until he says to me or shows me that we are exclusive. I won't sleep with anyone else but I damn sure enjoy my life. I have made him a very important part of my life but not as important as he used to be. We love each other and we both know that but as I have said before, he is not ready for me right now. He is ready for a piece of me and that is all he is getting from me. I can tell you this, I am not waiting 6 years dealing with the situation the way it is. We have been progressing quite nicely lately but I am not reading too much into anything he does at this point. He will have to make everything crystal clear to me for me to change how I live my life. I know I can count on him to be there for me when I really need him and when I really want him but the rest doesn't phase me anymore.

Aquagirl, I will be patiently waiting to hear what has been going on with you. I have to say that I used to care if my Aquarian ever found this site and started reading it. Now I don't care if he does. It's funny the things I used to worry and think about where he is concerned I am no longer concerned about. I am like if he is there GREAT and if not whatever. I still keep smiling. God has blessed me so much that that is all that matters now.

by: Sorpio29

sorry ladies that my last post appeared so many times. I tried again and again cause I thought it wasn´t working..
thanks for replying.

It´s not easy. I´m always astonished that - at least the scorpio ladies always seem to stay calm and don´t have emotional outbursts.. unfortunately I had quite a few of them. I react impulsive and emotional and this was always a bad thing.. leading to discussions and hard feelings and frustration on both sides. Later on Imostly thought: was this really worth it? but unfortunately me is me and I couldn´t really do it any better.
One tip, advise...: Aqua´s do have a pure heart. They tend to come back. Sometimes it takes soe time but they always do. The thing is it´s on term terms. It doesn´t matter when you need them or think it´s important to see them- it´s about them. And they don´t understand why you´re angry. Thery didn´t even realise it´s been 10 days since they last saw you.
If you´re strong enough to live the: it´s great when you´re there but I never have any expectations you should get along perfectly. And when you really live this they tend to come around more often because it´s easy.
This works as long as you´re very stable with the rest of your life. Unfortunately I wasn´t. I was always drained by demanding jobs and sometimes just couldn´t bear it and wanted to do sthg when I wanted. But of course he was mostly booked out.
I read a lot about aquas the last years. Once in a book I read that aqua´s are the sign most likely not to be there when you really need them and to show up when you don´t. Unfortunately I find this to be true. They don´t want to deal with difficult situations. They don´t want to deal with YOUR problems. And mostly they don´t understand that all you wantedis not to be alone on that particular evening but to have them around. Their reation would be/or at least "my aqua´s reaction" would be: Why didn´t you call somebody else because I was busy.
I often wish I was more mature, more relaxed, more self fulfilled, less needy of exchange.
And I often wish I could have dealt with many situations better. Accepting that - though it feels like a relationship when we´re together (once a week, then 4 days in a row, then again after 2 or 3 weeks) that it´s ok that he´s officially "single" .... going everywhere by himself.
He has- and I guess all aqua´s do- a pure heart. But I was too young or too insecure to deal with most things. I didn´t understand why- when a female friend who moved away- visits him for 4 days it´s unthinkable for him to call me because she´s his friend and he doesn´t see her alot and spends his time with her. He later told me it was a principle thing. I don´t get that. Especially as I was sick. I would always check on him if he was sick by calling and asking. Even if I had somebody living over.

by: Scorpio29

There are really two very different natures colliding. I guess I was too young when I met him (I just turned 24). You have to know who you are. And it takes time to dechiffre them. By the time I knew it wasn´t meant in the way it would be if I did the same thing (if I don´t answer or call back or disapear for a long time it really shows a lack of respect!) I had already produced some drama. And whenever we were apart for a few months and I was getting myself together again he bounced back- with so much love. But I couldn´t go from no contact to being madly in love immediately, which made him feel insecure and made him disappear again.

Enough of me. One thing I want to say to Dazed: 4 months is not so long. It´s up to what you want. Usually distance makes the heart grow fonder. Especially his. Trust me.
wishing you a great we!

by: Scorpio29

There are really two very different natures colliding. I guess I was too young when I met him (I just turned 24). You have to know who you are. And it takes time to dechiffre them. By the time I knew it wasn´t meant in the way it would be if I did the same thing (if I don´t answer or call back or disapear for a long time it really shows a lack of respect!) I had already produced some drama. And whenever we were apart for a few months and I was getting myself together again he bounced back- with so much love. But I couldn´t go from no contact to being madly in love immediately, which made him feel insecure and made him disappear again.

Enough of me. One thing I want to say to Dazed: 4 months is not so long. It´s up to what you want. Usually distance makes the heart grow fonder. Especially his. Trust me.
wishing you a great we!

by: Dazed

Hey everyone!

Welcome Scorp29 - I hear what you're saying, but it's more complicated (for me anyway) than it simply being 4 months. My worries have nothing to do with physical distance, as much as it does emotional distance. As I've mentioned before, me and him have had a convo about things becoming more serious but he stated he just doesn't have the goods right now to be a good bf. I don't believe it to be an excuse (as most men are prone to using)...because in all reality, he has no stable job and still lives with his parents while finishing up his teaching credentials. Pretty much he doesn't want to be a loser boyfriend...I don't blame him and I don't want to settle for someone who can't be a good and providing boyfriend to me either. I could easily stick around and "wait" till he gets his shit together, but then I'd run the same risk of dealing with someone for numerous years and it still not leading anywhere because the same excuses are being used. Like I's all very complicated and I don't have the energy right now to try and figure things out. For right now, I have no desire to find a solution.

by: Aqua Girl

I can be all up tight and ticked off, but if I see him for 5 minutes I'm in the clouds and feel so much better!

What is really irritating is not knowing how he truly feels! And what doesn't make sense is, the closer he gets or feels towards me, the further away he gets! I mean I guess I get it, because I do it too so I do understand it, but I don't like it being done to me. lol

It's going to be a LONG road ahead, but I am hoping it will all work out. Somethings will be changing in both or our lives in the next few weeks and I'm hoping this will help things move along more smoothly.

I can tell he is scared! Hell, I am too more then anything. But I think he is worth it!

He truly is the only one that really gets me... We can talk for 10 minutes and have 20 different conversations all going on at once and understand each other completely. Then in mid-sentence bring up something from a month ago and jump right back into the current convo without any issue. lol I love it. Then when we get close to each other or say goodbye with a touch or hug, we both get nervous after-wards and get away from each other as fast as possible while mumbling randomness as we walk away. It's too cute.

So Confused
by: Scorp42

I am just so confused right now that I feel a bit numb. My Aqua and I see each other every other week sometimes every week. Here is where my confusion comes in. I know he loves me and I know he knows I love him, but I don't know if he thinks... Well hell I don't know what he thinks. LOL I know that there is another women that he talks to on the regular. She sends him a text sometimes early in the morning when I am at his place and usually text at night too. Okay usually 4 or 5 texts becuase he doesnt' respond. I don't send him text or call him at night anymore unless we have talked earlier in the day and I know he misses me. Every text he gets wakes us up a bit and with every text he holds me tighter and tighter. On nights that he gets text from other women if I get out of bed in the middle of the night or early in the morning to go to the bathroom he always asks me what's wrong. I tell him I am just going to the bathroom. I don't say anything about his other "friends" nor does he see any signs of jealousy from me AT ALL. We don't talk to each other the way we used to because his work hours this time of year are outrageous. I feel lucky to even see him during that time. He always manages to make time for me and I appreciate that. I don't know how to explain it but part of me feels like he is slipping away and another part of me feels like he is getting closer. I keep telling myself to wait until his hours go back to normal then maybe things will be a bit more clear to me. Lately I have been giving him a week to himself instead of us taking a day or two break. I don't why I started it because I don't like it. I know I sound like a crazy person today. LOL

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

Ok Chick!! Here it is. I can't explain the girl calling. But if he was trying to hide something he would be hiding his phone or shutting it off when you were there and he dang sure wouldn't answer it while you are there. She is probably someone that he is trying to let go in a nice way. She may be a little crazy and he is trying to be nice and hope she goes away OR they could just be cool...

Sometimes I do things just to see if the other person will get jealous or say something to see if they care. I feel like if they don't question me at all then they must not care! It's strange. We don't want someone to be all up in our business, but when they are not at all we wonder why...

The reason he is asking you if something is wrong all the time, is because something is wrong with HIM! He senses that you are getting distant or may be upset with him AND the fact that you have cut down the days that you spend with him is bothering him. He is wondering why all of a sudden you started spacing out your visits. He feels he is losing you and it probably makes him sick to his stomach. When you leave does he look sad?? It probably makes him sick when you leave wondering when or IF he will see you again.

I know this because it happened to me with my most recent EX. Things were great for the first few months, we seen each other every day almost and then all of a sudden he ditched me for a few months and then came back. When he came back I was so scared he was gonna do it again. So when i spent the weekend with him, I was so sick when I left because I was worried I wouldn't see him again. It kinda made me like him more that he kept his distance, but it was hurtful to me. He never called me unless he needed something. Then of course he did it again and I found out he was just using me and he was seeing someone else!

For Aquagirl
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, I wouldn't say that he looks sad when I leave because he is kind of rushing to leave for work. I agree that something is wrong with him. I do plan on saying something about his "friend" after his work hours go back to normal. I have been asking him lately if he wants to see me. The first time I did it he replied that he was really tired. I told him that it was no problem and gor him to get some sleep. I got a message the very next day while he was on his way home that he wanted me to come over and I went. I also asked a couple nights ago if he wanted to see me because I wanted to see him. He replied with "I know baby" and a half hour later he asked me to come over. I plan on telling him more about why I haven't been contacting him as much as soon as his hours go back to normal. I think he knows that I'm not going anywhere, but I also think that he thinks I am seeing someone else as well. I will address all these things with him later, I just have to come up with a crafty way to tell him. I want to be with him when I say these things and see if his behavior changes. I told him a couple weeks ago that I liked where we are with each other now and that I noticed how he always makes time for me even though his work schedule is outragous. The other morning before I left while he was getting ready/dressed for work he started talking about things that have been going on at his job. It was nice because that is what he used to do before. Little by little I think we are regaining some of what we had before. I told him last week that he was a fantastic man. Of course I didn't hear from him for a few days after I said that. When we did finally talk after that He was so damned sweet to me. Sex wise everything is still great so I am hopeful.

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

Well it sounds like everything is going well for you... I have a general question though.

I don't know if bringing up the girl thing is a great idea or not, but you can do what you want of course. I know when I was with my Ex, I use to take calls all the time when he was there from other guys at all hours of the night, but we were just friends. I didn't want them like that. I know it bothered him cause he would act strange, but never said anything to me. One day he did say something and I felt so bad about it, that I started hiding the fact that I talked to them. I wasn't doing it because there was anything going on, I did it because I felt bad and I didn't want to upset him by talking to them in front of him anymore, but I guess the way I did it made it look even worse. I was happy he finally told me though instead of walking around acting strange and angry all the time and me asking him what is wrong every 5 minutes. lol

Just a tought. I think you guys will be fine though. Seems like he really cares.

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

Yeh that didn't make sense. I left the Question out... lol

Have you ever upset him or made him mad and it was your fault? Did you apologize? Did he respond? Who contacted each other first after that?

For Aquagirl
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, to kind of comment on what you said. I don't act differently when he gets calls or text from other women. He doesn't answer the calls or text. He did take a call one morning while in bed with me. It pissed me off but I never said anything about it. I asked him once when I was at his home when the Gemini was still in the picture if he had a girlfriend. He said no. I said that is hard to beleive because of the phone calls and text from so many women. He told me he doesn't have that anymore, I pretty much took care of that. He said that women are crazy. I asked if he thought I was crazy. He looked me in my eyes and sad no and smiled. This is how I look at it. He barely has time to eat let alone anything else and he still makes time for me while his hours are so crazy. I feel I am the one that he has at his house every week and talks to me about things no one else knows about including his mom. So I don't give the other women much thought anymore.

Everytime we talk he always calls me by sweet pet names and shows me so much love that I don't worry about the others. I am just patiently waiting to see how this all unfolds.

To address your questions. I have made him mad 3 times. The first two times he got angry with me was because he misunderstood me. I explained myself and he said I was right. Once I made him mad because I thought he blew me off and I was angry about it. Well I was wrong. He didn't blow me off, it was one of his not knowing just how much time had past. He apologized to me and all was well. Oh I forgot one of the times he was angry at me because once again I thought he was blowing me off. He was so mad at me that he text me "good-bye." I text back "what do you mean good-bye?" I got no response so I called him. He answered and I said what I had to say and explained why I felt that way. He explained why he felt I was wrong and yes I said I was sorry and I misundertood him. He was still mad at me and I let him be. 2 days later he was back at my place like it never happened. He contacted me first. Things are a bit different now. We both act a bit like we are tip toeing around each other since the Gemini situation. To shed more light on the Gemini situation, the Gemini got into a situation and had to stay with me for a while. The first month me and my Aquarian had no contact with each other. Okay not entirely true. I did not respond to my Aqua. Later when my Aqua was in a bit of a panic about me not responding because it was not me to do that, I met with him and explained what was going on. That is when the fight in my Aqua came out. Looking at it now he went out of his way to see me every week and even did a few things I thought he would NEVER do. I knew then that being with Gemini was a mistake and I had to fix it. It woke both me and my Aqurian up. I changed for the better because of it and it seems my Aquarian has noticed.

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

Hey Girl. Thanks for explaining. I guess there is hope then. Speaking of HOPE.. Where the heck is she??

Anyway, I messed up a little bit and apologized for it, but never got a response. I figure I have done what I could, there is nothing left to do or say. I can't force someone to forgive me. I just look at it like this: If we can't over come this little mishap then we won't survive anything else.

I'm sick about it, but I will be fine!

Thanks again

by: Aqua Girl

I'm so over this!!

by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, don't give up! Remember patients?

Happy Valentine's Day
by: LIG

Hello Everyone!

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day!

To All
by: Aqua Girl


I would love to know what everyone got from their Aqua!!!

by: Scorp42

Oh Aquagirl, I see you've got jokes this year. LMBO. So what's been going on with everyone? Me myself I'm tired. I'm not mad, not bitter or even hurt. Just tired. I decided that a friendship is the best way for me to go with my Aquarian. It feels right to me on the inside. Of course he had his head down about it but I've had enough. I told him that I will always look out for him but the visits, text and phone calls have to end. I don't know what happened with me but I don't want to see him anymore. I mean physically see him too. This whole ordeal has just become a huge turn-off to me. I don't have the desire to see/date anyone else either. I went on a fast and things just clicked with me. I still love him like I have loved no other but I don't want it anymore. I was afraid this would happen. Oh well. I'm feeling good and I can't explain that one either except that God has been moving in my life. I did hear from my Aqurian yesterday (V-Day). He sent me a very sweet text message. I appreciated it because it was from his heart and addressed me as a woman and nothing else. I am sure I will have my weak moments where I will cry like nobody's business, but been there done that with him 1000 times. I'm not disappearing though. I will still read and comment like normal.

Love you guys for all your support this past year or so. I'm sure I will need your support with other things so don't drop me cause I dropped him. LOL

Re: Aqua Girl
by: LIG

I would love to know what everyone received also...
I no longer communicate with with my Aqua and it feels really good not to be all in a knot about it. I really wish everyone well with there Aquas.

by: Aqua Girl

HEY LIG!! Nice to hear from you. Sorry about your Aqua.

Scorp42- No I wasn't joking, I was serious. I know I am not in a relationship with him, but I didn't even get so much as a phone call! I didn't get a call on my Bday either. Oh well. Have you told him yet? What did he say? How did it all go?

I think things are getting to be too much for him and he is backing up! I thought we had a break through a couple weeks ago, but I see it wasn't!

Some things are going to be changing in my life soon and we will see how that plays out with him, but I am tired as well. I cried my eyes out thinking about it, but I can't do this anymore. If he wants to start trying and really wants me, he will have to work at it for once and then maybe I will go back, but at this point I refuse to put anymore effort into him. I have done all I could. I know it sounds crazy because we are not together, but I have a special place in my heart for him. If you like someone, you like them.. It's obvious he likes me too, I just don't know what is stopping him from going any further. I'm scared to death to go any further then friends with him, especially at this point, because now I have doubts if it would even work with how much he changes his damn mind! I don't want to let him go, but there is no point in holding on to someone that isn't ready or doesn't want me.

I have had so much fun with him and I love that man more than anything, but it's time to let it go. Again!! lol

I'm not giving up completely yet, like I said he will have to show me he wants me, but I'm done trying.

I wish the best for you all. You know I'm not going any where. You guys are my new pals.

by: Scorp42

I had a small talk with him but not full scale until just now. He is not going for it AT ALL! I will give you more detail tomorrow. He insisted that I come to his place right now. I will say that I got a chance to bring up lots of things I wanted to talk about this past month. He got really silent then he began to explain a few things to me. I'm still tired and I let him know that he has to prove a few things to me and bring more than he is bringing. We will see.

by: Scorp42

So I'm at his house right now. He had to run to the store and I want to run back home. I am so not feeling this. I won't leave because it's rude, but damn I sure want to. Just a feeling I have.

by: Scorp42

So I'm at his house right now. He had to run to the store and I want to run back home. I am so not feeling this. I won't leave because it's rude, but damn I sure want to. Just a feeling I have.

by: Aqua Girl

OMG.. You are too funny. I was just checking this before I went to bed.. What in the world. I would have never left you there without me after you said you wanted to leave me... LOL I would be afraid you wouldn't be there when i got back.

You have to fill us in on the details.. I can't wait to see how this one plays out...

I'm not telling mine anything. I'm just not going to call anymore. It's safer. lol

by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, I never said to him that I wanted to leave him. I told him that relationship wise what we have is not what I want and friendship is the better option. However I needed to end all contact if that was the way we were gonna handle it. I caught him totally off guard. I did end up leaving before he got back. I felt in my gut that he was not being up front with me on a couple things. Or rather he is playing down the other woman situation. Either way I let him know that I am not having that crap AT ALL!! I told him that he can see who he wants when he wants, however be upfront with me. That's all I ask.

Anyway, he called me when I let him know I was gone. Needless to say I have never heard what I heard in his voice. He was really, really hurt and really felt bad. He said things to me he never said before. He also did something totally unexpected. I went back and lets just say that things are good but I am still tired and things must change. He knows that things must change too. I said things to him last night that woke him up. It's funny how with time we stop guarding what we say and come with it real straight. I wish I could give you some real juicy detail and exact words of our conversations. It's far more interesting than what I am writing here.

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

I know. I wish we could text each other.. hehe

It takes something to ruffle our feathers to wake us up.. But if you are not careful we end up falling right back into the old routine. You gotta keep us on our toes, but not over do it.

I still don't have a clue what is going on with my situation. Only time will tell I guess. I am just tired of tip toeing around every situation. I'm not about to do that.

I would love to know what all went down. I can't believe you left.. You knew that wasn't gonna fly with him. lol

by: Dazed

Hello everyone...

My aqua is gone. We spent his last night here together and had a really fun time. Turns out he will be gone for 5 months, not 4. He wants to keep in touch while he's away and let each other know what's going on in our lives. Don't have much else to say on that topic.

Scorp42 - what prompted the change of heart with you and your situation? I'm actually glad you did what you did. It's good to stand up for what you want or feel is wrong.

Aquagirl & Dazed
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, welcome to the Aquarian rollercoaster ride! I had to leave the other night. With every passing minute I was getting more and more fed up. Just sitting there thinking about stuff. BTW I guess I should have said my Aquarians trip to the store included coming back home with something special for me. Funny thing is, it didn't mean all that much to me like it used to. I know that's sad to say but I can't help it.

Dazed, it wasn't anything in particular that prompted my change in feeling. It was sort of building up and it all came to a head. I needed to say why I didn't call or text him like I used to and why visits were not what they used to be. He gets a little mad when I tell him how I feel w/o explanation so explain I did. His behavior has changed dramatically since then but I know that this is just temporary. I don't look at him the same nor do I feel the same and he can sense it. The same way Aquagirl was surprised I left, he was in shock. It clearly knocked down his "Full of Himself" attitude a peg or two. Let the other women put up with his distant/ignoring garbage, not me. I love him and he knows I do. He also knows that I will only take so much. Hense the Gemini situation. I've delt with a lifetime of hurt from my family, I'll be damned if I deal with hurt from the people I chose to be in my life. I should have had this talk with him long ago but I was thinking of him and his work situation. I was trying to wait it out. For God's sakes we pray together and teach each other things about God and life. I think he realizes that he just may not want to loose me.

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

I KNEW IT!!!! I knew he was getting you something when he left, because what the heck else would he go to the store alone for. I would have asked you to come with me, unless I was getting you something. We try to surprise the ones we love and do anything we can to keep you around in a state of panic!

When everything is back to normal in a sense we chill out and go about our way. We don't try to hurt you on purpose and most of the time, we are so in our own minds that we forget the little things that matter to you, but it's not done on purpose. I was thinking about your situation last night and my Ex Fiance' came to mind. Your situation with your Aqua was reminding me of me and my Ex and then I thought about it, he is a Scorpio! Please don't take this the wrong way.. But things with him started out fine and then it seemed the harder I tried (in my eyes) to please him, it just wasn't enough. At first he wanted more time, then when I gave him time, he wanted MORE, then I couldn't take calls at the house without him getting all jealous and wondering what guy I was talking too. Most of the time it was my boss or just a friend. He would even go through the trash to see what I was throwing away and if they was any evidience of anything crazy going on. Blah blah blah the list goes on.

I don't know what exactly you expect from your Aqua or what all you need to be happy, and I hate to say this, but maybe you are right. Maybe it's better to be friends with him. Maybe he just can't give you exactly what he needs because it's just not in his make up.

I say that because, sure he is trying to please you now, and fix everything to make you happy, but sooner then later he is going to get tired of it himself and leave you in the dust! It took me 6 years of dealing with his crap to finally realize I was tired. I felt so bad, because I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I wrote him a letter and left it on the counter when I went to work.. Oooooh That was a crazy year. That man stalked me for 2 years and threatened to commit suicide because I was leaving him. Well you know that didn't fly with me!

I'm not by all means saying you are crazy like he is, I can tell you are not. I tend to look into the future a little more then most and I have been through this myself with someone. I just can't see him handling the "rules" of the relationship that you want for too long.

I have a bad way of stating things so Please please don't take that in a negative way. I hope you get what I am saying. I just don't want to see either of you get hurt in the long run.

And if you are not happy now and you know that you are done, I know you feel bad when you see him like that but you are going to have to be firm with him. He is NOT going to give up anytime soon, best believe that. Especially if you even give in just a little. He will think he has a chance. It's an awful hurtful thing, but usually someone has to ignore me for a couple months before I get the hint.

For Aquagirl
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, you had me cracking up talking about your Ex. Trust me my issues with my Aqua are not because of jealousy. I didn't take what you said personal. He knows what I am getting from him is exactly what I want. My issue is when he tends to put me in the same catagory as the others. The no responding thing won't fly with me. I don't contact him much, he gets all the space he needs and when he wants me I am there. I never bring up the other women in his life, he volunteers that information. My issue is if you are going to volunteer information at lease give me the credit I deserve and be real about it. Don't sugar coat the shit. I could care less about them, no threat to me and who I am. The garbage digging thing, that will never happen with me. He can have as many women as he pleases just don't put me in the same catagory and we don't have a problem. I don't call or text him all the time and when he wants me there I am there. Just don't do the no responce thing to me. I don't sweat him at all. He knows what's up. He said himself that he needs to communicate with me more so that is what he has been doing since our night. Everything else falls into place all by itself. I needed to let him know that I understand him better than he thought I did. I never once got mad at him or expressed unhappiness, what I did is show him don't get to comfortable with me if you can't continue to be the man I fell in love with. He doesn't want me to change and I don't want him to change either. He needed to know that I am not so in love with him that he can just do whatever as far as I am concerned and I will still be there. We already had the talk about him not being able to give me what I want. He knows good and damn well that what we have is good, don't go changing it around and take it for granted. Like you said I had to ruffle his feathers a bit and let him know that he was slipping and to pull it back in. He got it.

by: Aqua Girl

I get ya. Sorry just had a flashback.

Well It's over for me. I just broke it off. He said he doesn't want more. Nothing I can do about it. I'm crushed, but I knew what it was before. Just thought he was starting to come around and I got too hopefull I guess.

I love that man with my soul. OMG I am so sick but i will get through this. Always do!

by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, I sure hate to hear that and I know that crushed feeling. Thing is I have this deep internal feeling. You are broken down right now and only time will make it better. During this time you will have no contact with him. As soon as you start to feel better and pick yourself up is when he will realize what a big mistake he has made. It always happens when you don't want it to. I am sitting here like a big baby crying for you. Funny but it hurts me to hear you say that you are crushed. That feeling hurts so bad and so deeply. I'm here for you!

by: Aqua Girl

Thanks Girl. I appreciate that.

He apologized for hurting me, but I couldn't even respond. I couldn't even see through the tears to push the damn buttons. I know he told me before he wasn't ready, but it seemed like he was slowly coming around. Then when I got closer to him, he would back WAY up and act funny. I guess I should have just went with the signs. I just don't understand why the hell he didn't just let me go the last time I said I was done??? I told him before I didn't want to get hurt and he pulled me back in, now I'm freakin hurt and he is sorry. Kiss my ass!

I hear what you are saying about him coming back, but I don't see that happening this time. He is obviously set in his ways and would rather be alone the rest of his life then be with someone.
Or maybe I am not the one for him and he is letting me down easy. However it go. I'm done! I refuse to ride the roller-coaster any longer. This is Exactly what I didn't want to happen. Oh well. Lesson Learned.

by: Aqua Girl

I know I am just upset right now and I don't mean to sound cruel towards him at all. He was honest with me and he has always been good to me, however, when I wanted to let it go before, he should have just left it alone, instead of trying to pull me back in with no intentions of keeping me around! Of course I should have been smart enough to stay put!

It's my own fault really. I knew this was going to happen when I first got involved with him! I should have just kept my big mouth shut and kept walking!

I am hurt and I will be for a while, but it's a relief not having to wonder what is going on anymore. I do wish him the Best!

Re: Aqua Girl
by: LIG

Things are going to work out for you, just like its going to for me. God has a man picked out for us who will knock us off our feet and it will be in a good way...not with drama and struggles.

Keep your head up! :-D

LIG is right!
by: Scorpio29

LIG is right. After 6 years of "being" with my aqua it may hurt like hell not to have him around anymore.. but if we´re honest- it also hurt a lot WHEN they around as you never know what´s going on. They´re very lovely, then they dissapear, completely. I´ve found obe thing to be true: if you´re more than a normal "friend" it´s not easy to rely on them. At least I couldn´t . I guess he was so confused about all this emotions coming up that sometimes he shut me out completely- regardless of how I was/if I might have needed him. When HE wanted me to be there and I wasn´t- DRAMA in the sense that he was really really HURT. strange. And maybe that´s just me but this back and forth cost so much energy...
Ladies: there will be a happy end, For all of us ;-)

by: Scorp42

Hi Ladies. I'm telling you I have a heavy heart after reading what you three wrote. I'm not going to say much because now is a time of support. I have you all in my prayers and LIG you are so right, what GOD wants will come to pass. All is good on my end and I will just leave that subject alone for right now.

TO: Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

NOPE!! I wanna know what's going on with you. Maybe it will make me feel better!

I have been keeping myself busy and not thinking about it much so I am okay for now. Usually takes about 4-5 days before I really start losing it. lol

For Aquagirl
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, you really make me laugh. Things with me and my Aquarian are much better now. It seems as if he really needed what he got from me. I didn't know that he really noticed that I didn't contact him like I used to. Well he did. Now when I call him there is a sort of excitement in his voice. So I guess I will stop being so stubborn and give in a little because he has. I had almost forgotten how much I meant to him or I was too 'over it' to see. Either way we have both given it more effort and things are better.

I was just thinking about you and your ex Scorpio. When he asked for more of your time then he wanted even more. That's how we Scorpio's are. If we love you we want you around all the time. I was like that in the beginning of our relationship but have learned over time that it is so much better for the both of us to have apart time in between. It makes him so attentive and loving. It is a skill to learn how to read between the lines with an Aquarian man. His look says "I Love You" everytime I say something sweet to him. He gets this boyish look on his face and puts his head down and smiles. All that brut strenghth and manliness goes right out the door. Not too many people get to see that side of him. I have been with him and other women compliment him. He says thank you and moves on to the next subject. Behind all that masculinity and toughness is a creampuff on the inside and I know how to get to it. So I am taking it one day at a time and relaxing a little bit. I realized that our situation wasn't just his fault. But yous till have to ruffle those feathers from time to time or they get to comfortable.

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

That's awesome. I am glad things are finally coming together with you guys. It's been a long time coming and you have been very patient with him.

So what is your prediction for my situation? Seems like all the advice I have given you has worked for your situation, but I can't even get my own together. lol

I guess I really have to let it go this time, I just really miss him and can't understand why he is so darn stubborn!!

For Aquagirl
by: Scorp42

Okay Aquagirl here is how I feel about your situation. First thing according to what you said he said he doesn't want more. He didn't say he didn't want anything he just said he didn't want more. In my opinion I think you want too much too fast. I have only my experience to reflect on but remember me and my Aquarian were friends with benefits for an entire year before I said I wanted more. We saw each other rarely in the first year. I only called when I was in need. I would go weeks and weeks w/o contacting him. I also didn't have too may feelings for him at first either. He kind of pissed me off the first year because I didn't hear from him much so I was doing me. After a year past I prayed to God to send me who he wanted me to be with and at the same time I told my Aquarian I didn't want to continue on with him. I wanted more. That's when things changed.

With Aquarian men you can't have ANY expectations of them. You just enjoy what you get on get on with your life. I have forgotten how long the two of you have been hanging out together so you have to enlighten me. I waited to see some sort of sign from my Aqua before I sprung a relationship on him. I think if you would have kept it all casual for a long while his feelings would have grown more and more. So now that is all water under the bridge. If I were you I wouldn't contact him at all and after a while start casually dating again. I think when he see's that you moved on and don't contact him anymore he will come around. It's like you said, we always want something we can't have. You really didn't have to tell him it was over, actions speak louder than words. If he cared that he hurt you then it shows he cared. You will miss him but there is still hope.

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

Well it's almost been a year! 11 Months. I didn't really want to jump into a relationship, but I did want to see him more and get closer. I just couldn't take it anymore. My emotions were getting the best of me. My issue is my past relationships or whatever you want to call them started off with me always doing too much and getting nothing in return, then I would get irritated, even though it was my fault for putting too much into it. Then when I got sick of it I would walk and later they would realize they lost me and would fall in love with me, but at that point it was too late, I had already moved on.

I just didn't want that to happen again so I guess I was trying to prevent it, but when you look at it, that's exactly what happened! Again!

I was letting things go at a normal pace, but then it seemed like he was getting more distant. Then all of a sudden we had a moment and something ruffled his feathers, that made me feel like he really did care and he was coming around. Then he backed up again!.

I guess I just have to stop being a nice person. Maybe if I treat these guys like crap, they will love me for it.. haha.

I'm ok though. I feel much better now. Honestly I haven't thought much about it in the past 2 days. I'm not going to worry about it, because at this point I have already screwed everything up. Oh well. Time to move on.

For Aqua Girl
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, you did not blow anything. All you did was show him that you cared. Please if my crazy demanding didn't blow it last year then all is not lost with you. Like I said before, yes move on with yourself. Trust and believe he will contact you later for sure. If what you said you felt for him is real then you won't forget him nor loose what you have for him. You will just put it on hold. Have some fun girl!! Too bad you are not down here in the heat where I am, we could have some real take your mind off him time. LOL I make sure that I keep plenty of people in my life that fill my time with fun. I enjoy my life so much that I welcome sit down time at home relaxing. Like I said, when you least expect to hear from him he will resurface. I wonder Aquagirl, were you this way with any men in you past?

by: Aqua Girl

I have a ton of friends that I hang with as well and have enough to keep me busy for sure. Would be nice to get out with some NEW friends though. lol

To answer your question, No I have Never been this way with anyone before. Usually I am the one that walks away and ignores everyone. lol I think that's why it gets to me. I have never felt this way about anyone. I mean I'm not obsessed or anything, it's not like that, it's just different. Hard to explain. I would do anything for that man, but I also won't do so much that it's going to hurt me!

He "gets" me and that's probably because he is Aqua.. But no one ever got me before. They just kinda look at me like I'm crazy sometimes because they don't understand what I'm saying. Him and I can have half conversations and jump to 10 different topics in 5 minutes and understand what we are saying, or all of a sudden start talking about something from a month ago. Most people would be like HUH??? lol I have never met anyone that had the same energy as me either.

He is so sexy and it's so natural for him, but I will never boost his ego like that, even though he boosts mine. When he calls me sexy I can't even say anything, I just smile and look down. I freeze right in my tracks... LOL

I never demanded anything with him. I simply said this is what I want and since you don't feel the same, I'm out! That was pretty much it. I didn't give him any options. I figured if I was wrong, he would have stopped me in my tracks, but he didn't. He simply agreed that he isn't ready. I can't be mad about that. I'm not one of those crazy chicks that tries to force something. I just walk away and quick. lol

Everything will be fine. I just know now, I can't get too close or I will lose it again. I just have to keep MY distance.

Time will tell. Thanks for everything Girl!!

by: Aqua Girl

My Aqua Intuition is telling me some s**t is about to hit the fan!! I can just feel it in my bones... Something isn't sitting right some where! This isn't good.

Guess I will just have to wait and see what happens! I hate getting like this!

And Yes it has something to do with Aqua Boo, I just don't know what yet.... Uggg...

For Aquagirl
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, I know the feeling youare talking about. I don't usually get the something wrong feeling but I usually feel when I am going to spend time with my Aquarian early in the day. It happens to me a lot at work. I am already a happy person but on those days I am unusually happy. Just like clockwork later that day sure enough he contacts me to spend time with him. He still suprises me from time to time but usually I feel it. Please keep us posted and tell us what happened.

by: Aqua Girl

Nothing yet, but I still feel it.

Just in general I kinda figured I would hear something from him by now, but I haven't. Maybe he really didn't care.

On a side note, Someone else has their eye on me! I am working on a project with him so I see him often. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. He is cute and a very nice man, but I'm on the fence. Not really feeling it I guess. I think he is too nice! lol He jumps when I say jump and follows my lead, which really isn't one at all! I hate it! We will see how it goes, but I don't see it going too far. He has hinted around about some things, and I just kinda ignore it. lol

When I'm around him it makes me sick to my stomach and I can't stop thinking about Aqua Boo. I think it's just going to take time to let him (Aqua)go. But of course, as soon as I heal, he will Pop right back up and I will be a mess again. Some days I'm ok and don't even think about him because I have been keeping myself Overly busy on purpose, but during my down time I ball my eyes out! Oh and don't let me have a drink.... OMG. That makes it worse!!

I want to call him so bad and tell him how much I miss him, but I know it won't help! I'm the one that let it go and I'm sick about it and he is sitting over there just fine! I want to hug him so bad!!! I'm at work balling my eyes out. Gotta go.

I knew it!
by: Aqua Girl

Sooo, I had to spend some time with the new guy because of a project we are working on. We get along really well and I got to learn more about him. I started thinking about his personality and asked him if he was a Gemini.. and Of course he is...Go figure. That is my perfect match by the way. We talked a lot about relationships and where we both want to go in life. He told me about his ex and I told him about Aqua Boo. Ok not everything, just the important things. I almost lost it when I was talking about Aqua Boo. I teared up and it took all I had to hold it in. But Gemini asked so I had to be honest. The other issue I have with this is we all have a mutual friend... So I am not exactly sure if Aqua Boo and Gemini know each other, but they may know OF each other.. Not sure if that's breaking the rules or not. I don't think they are friends though. I hope not! OH NO! Maybe that's why I have a bad feeling... Oh Boy!

He was scaring me in the beginning because of how clingy he is, but Once I found out he is a Gemini, it all makes sense now. This is how they act in the beginning, then they chill out later in the game.

He said he is looking for "the one" and would give up anything to be In-Love! I didn't keep him on that topic long.. lol

This whole situation is uncomfortable for me right now, because of the Mutual friend issue and I miss Aqua Boo so much. I'm holding strong though. I haven't heard anything yet. I'm sure he has forgotten about me by now.

For Aqua Girl
by: Scorp42

I highly doubt he has forgotten about you. He's probably a bit crushed that you decided to end it. You were impatient and wanted what you wanted when you wanted it. Lord knows it's hard to be so patient but it is what it is. Don't put so much thought into the Gemini and just let life happen. I know you Aqurian's are always in your heads and analyze waaaaayyyy too much. Take is slow, your heart is still an open wound. I still have hope for you and your AquaBoo, if you both would stop being so darned stubborn. LOL

I swear I learn more and more every day how to reach my Aquarian. One thing he gets angry at me about is that I don't say when I want to see him. I used to either wait till he was missing me or see each other when one of us needed each other for something. By that time most of the time I would be irritated because I missed him so much. Well after our last issue he said to me and a little rudely for me to say that I wanted to see him.

So I sent him a message yesterday and said I wanted to see him. He replied back almost instantly with, "what's wrong?" I was thrown back by that. I told him nothing was wrong. He was accomidating and we had such a great time. We did so much laughing that my cheeks still hurt. He was also QUITE ROMANTIC last night. I was thinking to myself, duh... listen to the man! What he says can be in code at times but if you get the code it is pretty straight forward and to the point. I think he was very pleased that I was blunt and direct. Looking back at it I guess I was a bit of a beat around the busher. LOL

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

Yeh I am impatient and he knows it. I was being as patient as possible, but I was losing hope because it had been 2 months since we spent any time together. Ever since our emotional breakdown he didn't ask to see me anymore. I helped him out with a few things since that time, but he always was too busy to spend time with me. I let him know a couple times I wanted to see him and he kinda blew me off or changed the subject. That's what took me over the edge. I was doing nice things for him and being there for him and I think it scared him a little. We got into it a little and when I apologized he never responded. Then when I ran into him, he acted like I was some stranger or something. So I had to end it. I was so hurt. I never asked him for a relationship, I just wanted to see him a little more then every 2 months. I don't think that is asking too much! He knows I care about him because I told him a couple times and when I did, he would get distant. I think he thought I was trying to trap him into a relationship even though before he told me I wasn't and he didn't feel that I was.

I'm trying to let it go, but it hurts too much. I want to see him so bad, but I am making sure I don't run into him like I usually do. I'm not putting too much into the Gemini. He is nice, but I'm not into him right now. I miss Aqua Boo so much. I am usually the one that gives in and calls first or try to run into him, it is SO hard to hold back. This has been the longest we have gone in a long time with no contact with each other. I'm so sick about it. I know he is probably thinking I'm going to give in again and make the first contact, but I just can't do it. I'm trying to stay strong.

Do you really think I crushed him?? I doubt he even cared. When I accepted his apology he never responded. If he is so crushed why the heck isn't he calling me??? If he cares so much why isn't he coming after me?? I let it go because he wasn't ready... So he should be the one to make contact because at this point the ball is in his court. This sucks!!

by: Scorp42

Okay, after reading what you wrote I agree with you 100%. I don't know maybe it's just me but there is no way I could have waited a month or two before we got to see each other. I would have told him exactly how I felt about it too. After that then I would have let it go. Of course you two were on a different wave lenghth. I don't have to comment on the not responding thing, as I have already said how I felt about that. You did the right thing by letting it go. I must say that I am kind of angry at him for the way he handled it. It's like you said, when you told him before that you were done he should have walked away then. However I have noticed that Aquarian men have to be in control and THEY decide when it's over. I have heard countless Aquarian men say it's not ego, but yes part of it is all ego. We all do it from time to time. His damn loss if you ask me!

Wow and I thought I woke up in a good mood today. I know it cuts like a knife but remember time heals all wounds. I find that if you think about all the things he did that hurt you and made you mad, it helps and makes the healing slightly better and I do mean slightly.

Maybe my Aquarian and I are still hanging in there because we pray together and put a lot of focus on God. We spend a lot of time teaching each other what we have learned and it enhances everything between us. I strongly believe that God brought us together. I can't really explain it but the connetion we have is so much deeper than the two of us. When I stopped focusing on the relationship and focused on our Godly fellowship things started to change. I'm just saying everything happens for a reason and if we get the lesson, it's all so worth the pain.

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

It's not just the Aqua men that have an ego issue. It's ALL Aquas. lol We have to be the one to let something go first. We can't handle rejection at all so if we let it go first, it still hurts, just not as bad!! I felt that things were coming to an end, so I had to take over and quick! If we feel that WE screwed up and something was our fault, we have to do everything we can to fix it. It drives us insane if we hurt someone, because that was never our intention. Sometimes we jump right in and try to fix it, or sometimes we sit back and wait for them to contact us first, then we step up and do what we can. It just depends on the situation.

I know last time I removed myself from the situation, he did contact me, but he didn't ask to see me until I ran into him. As soon as I walked in the door where he was He acted like a wounded animal the whole time I was there and then asked for me to come over. Actually he didn't ask! He pretty much gave me money and a list of things to buy and bring to his house for dinner. I was like "Oh ok.. Didn't know I was coming over". lol But I just went with the flow. He was so good to me that night. So attentive. I miss that side of him. Everything was good for about 3 weeks after that until I had to break plans, that were not really made in the first place. He was a little irritated with me, but he got over it. Then we had our emotional melt down shortly after that and things have been rocky ever since!

Anyway, it doesn't matter anymore. It's over. If it's meant to be, it will be. It's been a couple weeks now with no contact. It's getting a little easier for me. I still have my days, but it is what it is. After going through all of this with someone, at this point in the game I am usually tired and I forget about the person. I still think about him everyday and I still feel the same. That's how I know it's real! But he sure makes me angry! lol

Glad things are going well with you and yours.

Hey where the heck is everyone????

For Aqua Girl
by: Scorp42

I don't know where everyone has gone to! Yesterday was a really hard day for me. I got some devistating news. Leave it to my Aquarian to make it into something positive. I swear I love that man more and more every day! He has been very supportive and that helps for sure.

I swear Murphy's Law always applies to me. Just when things are going so well with me and my Aquarian, I get contacted by someone that is showing such interest in me. I told him my situation and how much in love I am. I let him know that we can be friends but nothing more. I couldn't begin to try to see someone else now. Uhh... Why now???

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

Hey. I'm sorry something bad happened. Hope everything is ok.

The other guy is just a test!! After all you have been through with your Aqua and as far as you have come with him, I wouldn't let anything come between that. I would love to be where you are right now with him!!

Last night was very rough for me! I had a lot of down time, which isn't good for me right now. I think and analyze WAY too much during down time!

I wonder if he ever thinks about me or misses me!!? I know it hasn't been that long, but in the Aqua world, we can get over people very quickly if we want to. Just trying to take it day by day.

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

I have come to the conclusion this is going to be an endless circle!! I think there is a song for this.. lol

Us Aqua's have an amazing gift of being able to forget the past and act like nothing ever happened! Of course that gift doesn't work so well when the other person doesn't agree with it.. lol But when you have 2 people that are the same way, it works out pretty darn well. LOL
Hey, if you don't bring up the past... It can't haunt you right??! HAHA

So I was thinking. I get freaked out when other men want to settle down with me or they want "more"... I run! I am crushed and I mean CRUSHED when Aqua Boo runs for the hills, so I have decided.. I am not going to be happy in a relationship and I'm not going to be happy without Aqua Boo in my life Sooo. I will live with what I get!! It works for us. We both don't have to worry about being tied down, we can do what we want and if we want to date around, We can. We have no one to answer too. We can enjoy each other, but still have our lives and not deal with all the stress a relationship brings.. Like who you talking too, where you going... blah blah blah..

I know he cares about me, he is just scared to settle down. I get it. I am too.

As you can tell I got my Aqua Fix today. I just "happened" to run into him real quick.. LOL
His smile makes me melt. I was shaking the whole time! He could sense it too. We both talk a lot and really fast when we are nervous. People were looking at us like we were crazy! lol

I'm will be ok for a couple days anyway. lol

For Aqua Girl
by: Scorp42

See Aquagirl I told you! Enjoy what you get and as soon as you do the visits will become more frequent. If we are scared as women double that and that is what the men feel. Yeah they are physically strong but men can't handle emotional pain like we can! Let the man take it as slow as he needs to. I am still not where I want to be with my Aquarian but I am not complaining about where we are. I learn more and more each day how to make this work for me. It only takes a matter of time to get used to anything. It seems once I get used to the pattern we have he steps it up a bit. If he changes his mind or the pattern is broken I don't trip about it. I just go with the flow. It is what it is. If he wants more great and if he doesn't that's cool too. I have a life outside of him that is fulfilling and if I miss him a lot I tell him I want to see him. If he can't the day I ask then maybe tomorrow. As long as I don't have to wait too long I am good. If he takes my patients for granted I tell him about it and if things still don't change then I know where I stand and I move on. Simple as that.

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

Yeh. He is just going to have to realize, I am not making him my #1 priority anymore. If I'm not his, then he isn't mine! I have gotten to the point now, where I don't need to respond to his messages the second I get it. I don't trip if he takes a little longer to respond.. I'm starting to not care so much, but I still care. I know you get what I'm saying.

Basically we are switching roles.. LOL I am going to date other men and if he has a problem with that, there is nothing he can do because WE are not in a relationship. I am not obligated to him or anyone and that is exactly how I am going to live. We can have our fun, but when it's over, it's time to go!

I would rather have him around a little then not at all. But if I do end up finding someone else in the meantime, he is just going to have to understand. Take me or leave me alone! This past 2 months, especially the past 2 weeks have been a real eye opener for me as well as awful and emotionally draining. I seen that man for 5 minutes and didn't know how to act! lol
I hate it when he senses it too. He was a little nervous himself. I could tell cause he wouldn't shut up and he kept smiling at me like a Cheshire Cat on crack. LOL I love that man, but he is not about to get the Best of me!! Not yet anyway... LOL

It's funny when you look back at our posts. Mine and yours.. They sound the same as the time goes on. We are just at different stages in the game. You lead the way and I follow.. lol I'm glad you are still on here. Seems like everyone else has disappeared. : ( I don't know what I would do without you. My other friends probably would have put me in a looney bin by now... LOL

So does he ever come to your place or do you just always go to his? Just curious.

For Aquagirl
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, trust me I need your advice as much as you need mine. Yes he still comes to my place. Lately I have been going to his place because of his work schedule. He has to get up too early and he needs a little of my help getting things together for his job. I kind of like it better when I am at his place. I get more of his romance when I am there. He always sets the mood and atmosphere. It melts my heart, plus we get to sleep later when I am there. I think he really likes it when I am there becuase he goes about doing what he would normally do and I am there being a bit domestic. The last time I was there he was conducting business on the phone while I was getting his things ready for the next day. I noticed while he was on the phone he was standing there watching me. I knew then that I was in for a romantic night. he gets more and more intimate with every visit. When he is at my place he is much more relaxed and layed back. I try not to go around alot because he doesn't want to get out of bed on time and ends up rushing in the morning. It's cute to watch. Because I know he will oversleep a bit, the night before I secretly arrange his things so that it cuts his get ready time way down.

I remember being at the stage you are in right now. I sure could have used a "me" to get examples from back then. If I had that the Gemini would have never been in the picture. Oh well...

Wow just talking about it makes me miss him. I think I will have to request some time tonight. LOL

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

Awe. That sounds cute. That's cool. I was just curious where you guys spent more time.

Sounds like everything is going well. I'm still waiting and still on Cloud 9.... For now. lol

by: LIG

Hello Everyone
Just stopping through to say hello and see how everyone is doing. I have been very busy at work and haven't had time to comment. Glad to hear you're doing ok.

I was just thinking it's been a year since I started this post... And it seems that the cycle has come full circle. Plans are in motion for another birthday party for my friend who is sick and can't make it out to the functions we have. The same party a year ago that my Aqua left because he was a little upset because all my attention wasn't on him. Well I hadn't heard from him in a month after he had email me and I had responded. I asked him if there was a pattern starting. He responded with me finally speaking and that he had decided to WAIT ME OUT no matter how bad he wanted to call or email me. Now you know I wasn't too thrilled with this and it's been 3 or 4 days and I still haven't responded to his email. I'm a little ticked right That he thinks he has it like that. Yes I still love and miss him but I am not trying to go back down that path again. It's wayyy too much work!!! He said that he's staying this time and i am welcome to join him. He also said that the next time I decided to send him a Dear John mail..don't because he knew I didn't mean what I said. The heck I didn't! I meant every word...and he must have known I did or he wouldn't have responded after a month. Am I wrong for being guarded??? He can be so full of himself! Ugh!!! He said that now that we have both know where we are coming from we can start where we left off. Could someone please tell me where that is?? LOL

by: Aqua Girl

OMG!!! You're alive!! lol

Don't you dare run off like that again and then just pop back up because you are having Aqua Issues... We are your friends too ya know! LOL

Sooo What does he mean he is staying??? So he left the girl or what? She probably kicked him to the curb and needs you for back up and knows you will come back!! Yes, we do that. I'm not proud of it, but we do.

All I know is I wouldn't be so quick to take him back in. If he wants you he will fight for you! Don't make it easy for him to get back in. I know, I know I need to take my own advice and trust me this time I am!!

Yes we are very full of ourselves and we have it in our heads that... "Oh he/she will come back, They always do." That's exactly how we think! So, you have to counter that. He needs to be thinking "DANG.. She's not coming back. WTH??? "

You need to ruffle his feathers. You can flirt with him a little to make him think you are still interested, but keep your distance!!! And I mean Distance. Play him like he played you. Aquas HATE that. It messes with our heads.. Like "Why is she/he being so nice and flirty on the phone and says she/he wants to see me, but has been so busy and hasn't made any time for me???? " STAY BUSY!!

If you do this long enough, when he does see you he won't want you to go... But you have to balance it right.. If you blow him off too much, he will just walk away. You have to flirt and back off, flirt and back off.. I wouldn't answer him at all. I would wait until he contacts you again before you answer. It will take time, but he will! Soon enough it will drive him nuts that you didn't respond. (IF he cares that is) We usually can only go for 4-6 days. See if you contact us we will take our sweet Ol'time responding to you, but if we contact you and you don't respond... OMG. It's the end of the world. You could never imagine what goes through our heads.

I'm still having issues with mine, but I think we will be fine. I'm ready to play the game now. I'm not so head over heels anymore. I've got my head on straight now.

Let us know how it works out... Don't you contact him right now. Let him sit and wonder! Little SNOT.. He makes me mad! lol

by: Aqua Girl

Oh I forgot to Mention...

The reason we SEEM that we are so full of ourselves... That is how we hide our insecurities. We don't want to believe that person left us so we tell ourselves... Oh they will be back! It makes us feel better. We are still in control and we can still go on with our day without any emotional breakdowns... It's when the other person is showing NO SIGNS of coming back... Then we really start to believe that you are not coming back and we have a serious breakdown! That's usually when we start to fall in love with you. We have to feel scared to lose you and after all that, if we get you back, We probably won't be letting you go anytime soon.

My friends all think I am full of myself. I come off that way, but deep down I'm not at all. It's my way of not showing my true feelings. Aqua Boo does it too. Example, I was mad at him and he knew it. I ran into him one day and he gave me a hug, but when he did he said "I guess I can hug you real quick, I know you have been wanting me too"...
Translation.... He was wounded because I was mad at him and he really really wanted to hug me because he missed me so much! But of course he couldn't just tell me that.

Oh and I get an attitude sometimes too and get bossy. Like If I think you may not want to see me I will be like.. "Come on, lets go!" And just boss you around. I'm not about to ask you if you are coming, because you may say no... LOL

by: LIG

Hey AquaGirl!
I'm a Scorpio...I would never go off and leave without saying goodbye UNLESS I was truly pissed! LOL I have been really busy at work, especially since we have a new boss. Please pray for's a doozy!
As for Mr. Aqua, he's a hot mess! When he said he was staying, meant in the town where the party is being held. He said he's getting a room and I was welcome to join him. I don't think so...a lot has happened over the year and I am more grounded now. He said he was wondering why I had decided to cut all ties with him. He thought I was getting back with my ex or had met someone else and had decided that it wasn't a good idea to communicate with him.
I don't think she kicked him to the curb but it wouldn't matter because they do their own thing.
I said I was not going to email him back until a day or two before the party. Let him see how it feels to be ignored for awhile. He said he had been on the lookout for an email from me the closer we get to the party date.
Yes I know it's hard to take our own advice i really hope that you and your Aqua Boo can work things out. :-)
I told my Aqua that either he was straight with me about his feelings or else I was gone! I still mean it and he will see that too. I told him after the last bout, there would ne no flirting and what does he start to do??? SMH I am not going there with him this time...

by: Aqua Girl

OH oh oh... That changes EVERYTHING! Ok. I get it now. I was confused for a minute. WOW... So he can't contact you all this time, but as soon as he pops up in town he wants to say something??? No way!

I don't know about my Aqua. I change my mind everyday! lol If he really gave a darn about me he would have called me. I ran into him, so of course he was nice to me, but he still doesn't call.

Yeh, I broke it off with him, but if he cared, he would have called! Oh whatever! I don't know anymore.

by: LIG

Hey AquaGirl,
Remember we don't live in the same state. I very seldom go back to visit. He use to ask me had I thought about moving back when my ex and I were having problems.

For the last two years we still haven't slept together and now we are officially single. We have had some serious and fun talks. I have come to the point where I am just going to just do me and if it's meant to be...something more will happen only it it's meant to happen.

Will keep you posted.

by: Dazed

Hey everyone...

Scorp42 - I'm so glad to read you're doing well with your aqua. With all the ups and downs you've managed to work things out with him and vice versa. I think it says a lot. As long as he's giving what you're giving and you're not giving what he's not giving...then there will be an even keel with no one feeling they're putting into much. Does that make sense?

Aquagirl - Girl your aqua is a crazy one in deed. I'm not sure what to say about your situation other than it's important to see how your aqua acts when you're not together. In this case, he's absent and not there...doesn't reach out to you. That's not to say he doesn't care for you, but I feel he's made it clear this whole time what he does and does not want. Unless you feel you can wait around because you know or feel he will change his mind...then that's a decision for you to make. Otherwise, I think it's really time to let go. But again....I don't know what you two have, only you do.

LIG - I had a feeling he was going to come back around! We all knew it wasn't going to work. I don't think it's a bad thing he wanted to meet up while in town. I don't think it would be a bad idea not to...there's nothing wrong with having a friendly meet up. However, I would NOT join him in his room. Yea he waited so long to contact you after the last email, but in all reality...can you be mad at that? If you guys were STRICTLY friends, then ok it was wrong of him...because it sucks when anyone disses their friend all of a sudden because they got into a relationship. However, you guys had a little something more between you and you both knew it. He was in a relationship trying to work things out with his baby's I don't knock him for putting you off to the side for a little bit while he figured out what he needed to do. Now that he's single he reaches out...and I think that says something. I think you should meet with friends and keep it that way until you can feel him out and what his motivations are.

Re: Dazed
by: LIG

Hi Dazed,
Thanks for responding. This time around I'm just going to do me and feels and is right for me. He's been in unhealthy relationships and it's time that he experiences a healthy one. Im good with just being his friend. Life is Good!!!

by: Scorp42

Well my situation has taken a drastic turn, or shall I say we are both at a crossroad. We had a loooonnngggg talk the other day after I asked a serious question about us. He said he understood where I was coming from totally. What it boils down to is he is taking some time to seek God and what it is HE wants him to do. He said if God shows him we should be together then we will. He said the usual he would be there for me no matter what and there isn't anything he wouldn't do for me ever. So with all of that said I told him I wouldn't contact him anymore. I am sure he thought I meant during his God seeking time, but I meant permanently. I feel like he has kicked me while I was down and I have no more patients left. He has been going through a lot over the time we had been seeing each other and he felt because of his issues he was bringing me down. I think all of the bringing me down stuff is a bunch of crap! I asked him straight out if he wanted to let me go then say so or just go. He said once he takes this time if he is wrong he will take back everything he said to me that I didn't like hearing. I don't plan on ever seeing him again or talking to him again. I don't want his friendship or anything else he has to offer. I was hurt the day we talked and I undertand what it is he has to do, however the back and forth mess is too much for me. He said to me that after this break if my life (meaning me)is not better without him in it then he will retract everything he said. What in the hell does that mean? Anyway I feel like this. You hurt me once shame on you, you hurt me twice shame on me. Won't be a third time!

Am I reading into it wrong or am I being too hasty?

Oh I forgot to say...
by: Scorp42

After saying all of that he sent me a nice picture of himself. I don't get it...

Oh I forgot to say...
by: Scorp42

After saying all of that he sent me a nice picture of himself. I don't get it...

by: Dazed

Without knowing all the details it's hard to say anything...but one thing I've noticed and know for sure is that this man has a problem with serious commitment. I know he cares for you and loves you, but something about committing to you is spoking him. Even though he pretty much is committed to you and knows it, it seems like the "title" of it doesn't sit well with him. That's been the common theme of your relationship with him.

I don't buy the whole "God giving him a sign" bs either. Granted it has good intentions, but how tangible is that "sign" and how will he know when he gets it? How does he know he hasn't already been given 500 signs? I think it's another excuse to avoid the commitment issue and he's using God as an excuse, which is a real shame for spiritual morals.

I think you should call him out on his issue with commitment because that's all it is. Call him out on every excuse or reason he's ever given, and make him see he doesn't need a "sign" to decide to commit to someone. That's a personal choice that's made within someone...and God gives you that free choice - just like he gives you the free choice to love him (God). God brings people together but he doesn't force his will to love one another upon you.

Sorry....this just pisses me off and the excuse is sorry and manipulative. I feel he's playing on your belief in God to make you "understand" where he's coming from, as if it's ok because he throws God into it.... and that's just not at all right or fair.

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

Ok I have had a VERY awful day today!!!!! But I seen your post and I have to stop you!!

Oh HI Dazed. Good to hear from you. Sorry I am in tears right now with everything that is going on with me, but I have to butt in here.

Please, please, please do NOT freak out on him just yet! This is a TEST. I Think I know what he is feeling. I went through this with my Ex Scorpio that I told you about. He was getting to intense for me and with everything else that was going on in my life I needed a break from EVERYTHING. I had some things happen to me and I started feeling very insecure with myself and thinking I wasn't good enough for him. I told him that I had some things I needed to focus on and I needed to get my mind right. I wanted a 2 week break to see how I felt about him and to see how he felt about me. He got very upset and cried and thought that was my way of letting him down easy and I wasn't going to ever contact him again. But that wasn't it. I really just needed to step back for a minute and get myself together and be by myself. He gave me 2 days and couldn't take it anymore. He started calling and popping up at my place and sending me cards and gifts and anything he could think of! I was so angry! He wouldn't leave me alone, He wouldn't give me the time I was asking for. I told him again I needed to have this time with NO contact with him and he just couldn't do it. So that is pretty much what made me end it for good. It got pretty sticky after that which made it even worse, but not giving me the space I asked for was the end of it! If he would have given me my space, we would probably still be together.. Oh Boy.. I'm glad it worked out the way it did.. lol That's another story in itself.

All I can say is, I know exactly where he is coming from. I kinda seen this coming, remember we talked about this before. I don't know what you really want from him, but I know you are in love with that man. You may be angry right now and say things you don't mean, but you love him! I would just let him know, when he is ready, to contact you! Do NOT contact him right now. This is a VERY crucial time. Give him the space he is asking for and DO NOT be angry about it... Well to him anyway. HE knows you are hurt... Remember, we can sense anything. But he NEEDS this time. I can't say he will stay or not at the end of this, because I am not him. But trust and believe, if you get angry or don't willingly give him this time, he won't forget it!!! Just smile and hug him and tell him when he is ready, to give you a call.

To Dazed
by: Aqua GIrl

Hey Girl. Sorry I think we sent our posts at the same time. I didn't see yours until after I submitted.

I can understand why you would be upset, but it really doesn't matter what the reason is he is telling her. To HIM that is the reason, weather we believe it or not. If that is what he is telling her, then that is his story and he is sticking to it. Checking him about it isn't going to do anything, but make the situation worse! Checking him about a commitment and that he has issues with one really won't do anything, but make it worse. HE knows he has issues... That's why he is requesting this time.

During this time I have had with Aqua Boo I have called it quits with him 3 times and then turned around and felt bad about it. We have this internal emotional roller-coaster that we ride every single day of our lives. Some days I feel I'm not good enough for him and I would rather let him go, then stay and some days I want nothing but him and I to work out! Hell Every hour I change my mind. That's why it is important for us to have time away from the world once in a while.

Aquagirl & Dazed
by: Scorp42

Dazed, you feel the same way I do! I said to myself exactly what you said to me.

Aquagirl, I told him I was going to give him the time he asked for. I have no intentions on contacting him! To be honest I have no intentions on ever contacting him again. Yes he is the love of my life and he knows that. I also told him that I understood what it is he needs to do as I did it myself in the beginning of our relationship. In my mind he is no longer a factor. I think your Scorpio man was obsessed with you and a bit immature in the relationship area. As for me, I wouldn't think about contacting him. I don't want to see him or talk to him. If he showed up at my door right now he would be staying on the outside of it. I am beyond angry, I am fed up! He is too damned confused for me. He has told me twoce now that I deserve better than him. Maybe he is right. He can take six months if he wants doesn't make a difference to me. I think he is clueless. Let's say after he takes his time he decides he wants to make a go of it with me. Then something tramatic happens in his life, and it will that's the way life works. Then he will want to do this yet again. I am not living my life like this, it's crazy! What I want from him is the damn truth! If he has someone else that he wants to get to know then say so. If he thinks there is a better woman or match out there for him then have at it and leave me the hell alone. I am tired of being pulled in then pushed away. If he has life issues, which he does because he has called on me in his time of need then handle that stuff. I want him to stop talking to me in freakin code and just say what he has to say. Why try and protect my feelings now, he's already stepped all over those a couple times. I wasn't getting entense with him, I asked him one question that I wanted answered. I asked what I was to him and that was it. I'm sorry I sound so rude and angry. I am venting a bit right now. We will see if he contacts me when he said he would. In all reality I don't think he will. I think when the time is up I still won't hear from him. That is what I am prepared for anyway.

For Dazed
by: Scorp42

Dazed, I thought I should clarify that his time with God is really not about us or me. He is seeking for himself and his issues that he is working through. I am just one factor in his time with God. Trust me, even if everything was honkey dorey with us he still needs to do what he is doing for himself. I would probably not be so angry had he said to me that he needed to sort himself out before he even thought of any relationship. It's that damn code crap again. Anyway, it felt good to get all that stuff off my chest anyway. Now I can get back to the issues I have. Like I said, I got some devistating news just 4 days before we had our talk. I have some major decisions to make, which is the reason for me asking him what I was to him to begin with. This break or whatever you want to call it had made it even more difficult for me but I will survive and be that much stronger for it.

Hi Everyone
by: LIG

Hi Everyone,
Wow Scorp42, I'm so sorry to hear your news. I understand where you are coming from as well as where AquaGirl is coming from. It's amazing how we are going through similar things. All I can say is if you love him you will give him the te he asked and play the wait patiently game this LAST TIME. keep doing you, but don't count him out right now.I think AquaGirl is on to something. Just try to hold on for right now...this could be the breaking point for you two, but you have to be sure you are ready to move to the next step with him when he comes back. Take this time for you also...

I pray that we all can find peace within ourselves to deal with whatever comes our way with our Aquas. I'm sorry you are going through this BUT this could be the last piece of the puzzle for you and he to finally make a go of it. I'm praying that we all finally receive the true love we deserve.

by: Dazed

Scorp42 - I said, I don't know the whole situation and what was said....but it really did piss me off with the whole God excuse. But it's obvious I don't know the whole story. Aquagirl has valid points and it could be a test. In general, aqua or not...if someone wants time to themselves, it shouldn't be frowned upon and that privilege shouldn't be taken away from them. What doesn't sit well with me is his excuses for needing that time. Just leave him be and wait for him to come back, which he will.

by: Scorp42

I had time to sleep on it and absorb everything. Yes,I am going to wait it out and see where it takes me. Dazed it pissed me off too! I know Aquarian's are a different breed of people and do things quite differently. I realized that this is a test the day he talked to me. I am sure he is a little afraid that I will do what I did last time. However I revealed a few things to him this time around that I should have said last time. I am over my anger and will take this time to focus on me as well. I know if he didn't love me it would have been easy for him to just walk away for good. I thought to myself, if it were me I would want him to respect my wishes and give me the time I asked for. He has a lot of things to sort out and truly with me in his face it would have been impossible. A couple months ago he went through something similar and because he asked me to come around it made it very hard for him to keep his pledge. He did it but he had a really hard time with me around. I even felt a little bad about it. He is very serious about God and is taking his faith to a whole different level. In all reality that is the kind of man I would want for my life. Put God first and everything else falls into place. Whatever the outcome like I said I am prepared for it. I am on a spiritual journey myself. All things happen for a reason.

Thanks ladies for calming me down and making me think of the bigger picture that God has planned for me!

To All
by: Aqua Girl

Hello. Any word on anything? Just keeping quiet and to myself. Well trying to anyway.

It's pretty much over. He has no fight in him to get me back, so I would say it's done!

Oh well

Just don't know
by: Scorp42

Well, I am in a place now where I just don't know. I don't know if I am willing to put my self back in the position to get hurt by my Aqua again. As each day passes it gets easier and easier to walk away. I am sure he knows that and it's what he really wanted to begin with. I think he wants to end it for good but doesn't want to say that. I think I would rather have him quietly walk away and not contact me when his time is up. It will hurt me a lot less that way. Anyway, I am keeping my head up and living as if I never met him. I may be able to be his "friend" later in life but right now no contact is working for me.

Hello everyone
by: LIG

I have been very busy, but will respond later. Just wanted to say hello!!!

by: LIG

Had a 3 hour chat with my Aqua today. You know men can be a trip?? He contacted me...SMH...and boy did I have fun!! LOL He wanted to know where my new attitude was coming from. Oh well, if he don't know, he never will.

Hey AquaGirl, he had the nerve to pull one of your moves...telling me what we're going to do vs. Asking me!! All I could do was laugh. I told him that because of his previous record, I was guarding myself. He claims he's going to follow thru this time. We will see! I'm just going to go have a good time and help a friend celebrate his birthday. Mr. Aqua is second on my mind this year!

by: Scorp42

Wow LIG, seems he has a little fight in him. You are right, men are a trip in general and Aquarian men take it to a whole new deminsion. I;m sure he is thinking in his head now that you are for sure gonna stay with him at his room when he comes. The one thing about Aquarian men that makes me so mad is that, we are so weak when we are around them and they know that. They pull us in slowly and just when we think things are really going to change and be good this time, BANG!!!

I do know that if my Aqua contacts me(which I don't think he will), I for won't be so available for him. No more intimacy either. My heart just can't take any more.

Have some fun LIG and tell us all about it when you get back. Hearing you have some fun and turn the tables a bit on him makes me smile.

by: Aqua Girl

Wow. Yeh We do that sometimes... That's a good thing though. We just have issues asking, so we just tell you what you are going to do. That way you can't reject us.. Usually. lol

You just have to make him realize he isn't the stuff! It takes a while because they are stubborn, but it happens soon enough. If you really start ignoring him, he will probably start having tantrums. lol We are big baby's at heart.

I'm still waiting for mine to get to that point. The bad thing is, as the time goes on there are more and more days in between the times I think about him. If that makes sense. Some days something will trigger a nerve and I ball like a little baby, but it is getting easier by the day.
I say that is a bad thing because Once I'm done, I'm done and I can't get it back. I'm really trying not to get to that point with him, but it may happen. As long as I don't look at his picture or "run" into him, I'm okay. lol

I HATE it when I run into him because I have this big plan before I walk in that I will be in control and have my emotions in check and be in and out and to the point.... But Nooooo! As soon as I see him anything and everything that is going on around me disappears. It's like I enter a whole other world with just me and him in it. I get so nervous and he can sense it. It Boosts his ego so much! He just sits there and smiles at me. Then of course that makes it worse. lol

Ok enough of that.

by: Aqua Girl

Status anyone?

Nothing much this way.

by: LIG

I'm at a conference gaining Nothing much my way. My aqua is quiet on the set. Probably plotting his next move. I'm really not feeling him right now. :-( I wonder why???

by: LIG

I'm at a conference gaining Nothing much my way. My aqua is quiet on the set. Probably plotting his next move. I'm really not feeling him right now. :-( I wonder why???

by: Scorp42

Nothing going on my way either, from my Aqua anyway. I have been hanging out with a male Scorpio friend of mine. He makes me laugh but Oh Lord! So not gonna happen. I've been working hard to change my life for the better. I don't think of my Aquarian much anymore.

by: Dazed

Hey Everyone...

Not too much my way either, other than I totally flipped out on my aqua in a moment of drunk texting. Basically I told him that he can do him and I'll do me...he stated it doesn't have to be like that. I asked wtf he expected me to do when other guys hit on me....and that was the end of it - he stopped responding after that. I apologized to him a few days later and said I didn't mean any of what I response - still.

In all honesty, it's not that I'm even doing terribly bad without him here. Yea I think about him but I'm not dying. I think in the moment I was missing him and wishing I could see him, so the alcohol over-exaggerated my frustrations of not being able to. I'm just going to let it be....with the situation, him, me, and whatever else there is. The next day and even up until now, I still haven't went back and read what I wrote. I'm so utterly embarrassed by the things I do remember saying.

So yea...that's what's going on over here. Hope the rest of yall are doing well and keeping busy!

For Dazed
by: Scorp42

I looked at your post and had to smile. I stopped drinking a while before Mr. Aqua decided to take some time to himself. LOL Had I not I probably would have done the same thing. What in the world is going on here? Is this the Aqua male's vanishing time of year? Last year at this time things were so different. Anywho...

To All
by: Aqua Girl

It's almost been a year! Time has gone by so fast. You would think after all that time it would have meant something to him. Even a little bit! Oh well.

It's funny how they all disappear and come back at the same time. Must be the stars that do that. I have been kinda quiet myself with my other friends the past month or so.

Dazed- I believe your Aqua is hurt right now. He didn't want to hear what you had to say so he shut down. If you said anything to him that made him feel bad or think that he hurt you, he will resurface soon enough. It will drive him crazy for a couple days then he will have to check in with you. We can't stand hurting anyone or disappointing anyone. It drives us insane. It's really not a good feeling for us.

Scorp42- You crack me up talking about your Scorpio friend... You can't deal with another scorp huh? lol

LIG- I don't even know what to say. That man is crazy. Heck they all are! lol

I talked to my Old Gemini yesterday. The one that fell in love with me and then married someone else because I was being stubborn... I haven't talked to him in a few months and he finally called me to check in. He asked me how things were going and if I talked to Aqua Boo anymore. I told him the situation and I think he got upset with me. Well I know he got upset. He wondered why I was still messing with him. lol He knows there isn't anything he can do about it, but he still gets upset when I date other men. I knew he was mad cause he said he would call me RIGHT back and never did. He always does that, then I don't hear from him for 2 weeks. Then he will apologize. He is too funny.

I still think about Aqua Boo everyday, but it's so much easier now. He is starting to fade out.

For Aquagirl
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl, it's not that I can't deal with another Scorpio. I just can't deal with another man period. I just have no more to give to any man except a little friendship and I do mean little. The Scorpio was trying to lay it on thick as if I were gonna fall for that mess. He became very transparent. I'm done with the dating thing all together. I don't mean to sound really down about it because I'm not. Just a bit tired of it all.

I'm kinda broken right now and need to put the pieces back together.

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

Oh ok. I get ya. Yeh I know the feeling. I have been doing my own thing and trying not to worry about it. Of course doesn't make it much easier. Oh well. Time will tell.

Happy Sunday!
by: Scorp42

How is everyone doing? I am fantastic today! I have a new outlook on life an it feels soooo good! God has been putting me to work and I mean WORK! The most fullfilling time of my life.

Still haven't heard from the Aquarian and I am okay with it. I think of him from time to time but not in the way I used to. I hope his journey with God brings him as much joy and excitement as mine has brought me. Crazy thing is (and I knew it would happen) I don't miss him at all. I used to read our old text's and look at his pictures all the time. I don't do that anymore. I came across a couple pictures of him yesterday and it made me smile. It was a blessing to have had him in my life for the short time that I did, and I appreciate the guidance he gave me. All I can say is that I am so thankful that I got past the hurt and am excited about this new chapter in my life. I will forever be his friend through Christ, the way it should have been in the first place.

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

Now, he will contact you! lol

It's been a few weeks since I "ran" into mine. I still haven't heard anything and I probably won't.

I have been busy so I don't think about him as much, but when I do it's very painful. I miss him so much! I should have never said I was letting it go! Again! I guess I was kinda hoping he would react, but I was also done! If that makes any sense. I guess if he really cared he wouldn't have let me get far.

by: Dazed


So it seems as if all our Aqua relationships have hit a stand-still.

Scorp42 - I think it's wise to just do you and focus on yourself...taking care of what you need to. I do think he'll end up contacting you in the future (how soon, I'm not sure). I think you should just be your cool normal self & allow him to continue in whatever way he wants & make your determinations off that when he does reach out for you.

Aquagirl - I don't see any harm in just letting go of this one. I know that you've said repeatedly that when you finally do get over someone, that's when they all of a sudden what to come around but you're no longer interested. I don't see anything wrong with this on your part. You always seem to meet someone else you find interest in, so why continue holding on? Granted it'll take time to get over your feelings & meet someone who peeks your interest...but its a lot better than waiting in limbo for someone who is unsure & for a situation that is unsure to work in your favor.

Hope all is doing well.

What in the World???
by: LIG

I know I do NOT hear gloom and doom! LOL. I am here to officially change the title of this forum!!!!! It is now called:

Aqua Man gone?? Yes and they will be back...that's why I'M DOING ME!

It's been a rollercoaster ride with these men but we can handle it!!! They are the ones who can't! It's time for us to get off our rusty-dusty and enjoy life! When God waifs its time for us to meet our mates, we until then live life to the fullest and stop allowing these men to get the best of us. I KNOW I AM NO LONGER THINKING HEAVY ABOUT MINE AND IT FEELS SO GOOD....BECAUSE LIFE IS GOOD!

SN: I had a ball this weekend and can't wait until next year! Mr. Aqua stayed home and it didn't even phase me. My God is SO GOOD! It feels so good to be looking forwRd inure and not backwards. When I told him that I was emotionally and mentally ready for him this year , it threw him and I don't care. If he wants a relationship that is healthy and not deceitful with games and manipulations, he cam give me a holler. I'm no longer giving him a chance to just do him because I AM DOING ME!

So who is with me???!!!

by: Scorp42

I am with you!!! I can't say that my Aqua had ever manipulated me. He has been honest the whole time, just not telling me what I wanted to hear. I still some time left on our break and am hoping that he won't contact me at all.

You are right though, Life Is Good!

by: Dazed

Updates anyone?

by: Aqua Girl

Well after a few weeks of no contact I "ran" into him for a moment. I was dressed to the 9's and he was drooling! lol

Nothing came of it because it was not the time or place, but he made some comments. I have to stay strong. I did ok, but he could tell I was nervous.

Hey Everyone!!!
by: LIG

Hello everyone!

Just wanted to say hello! I heard from my Aqua a couple of days ago and he wanted to let me know why he didn't make it. I told him that he didn't need to give me an explanation but he did... AND AN EXPLANATION IT WAS!!! I wish I could share the details, but I can't. ;-(

Just say that I would not have expected him to show up, but do exactly what he did. I just wish he would learn to share with me first and not after the fact. Oh well...that's about it for me. Hope everyone else is well.

Get a life
by: Anonymous

You all need to get a life ... waiting around for telephone calls and 'chance meetings'. Aquagirl he is clearly not interested. If he was he would be with you, sorry if that upsets you but it's the truth, you need to hear it and find someone else, he isnt your Aqua and I dont think he ever was. Aquas are renowned for being Fixed and hard to get rid of, so if he wanted to be there he would, because he would be fixed in the 'relationship'. That is why you are finding it so hard to let go of, you're in fixed mode. Scorp42 I definately think your guy will be back but you are more clued up than anyone on here, plus I think he is your Aqua. Although Scorpios are Fixed signs more evolved souls have worked it out and understand that its fine to let people be. LIG etc are just getting on with things and so they should. This forum is part of the Fixed Signs Club ... that's why you are all still plugging into it, because you're fixed in it. I'm a Scorpio with an Aqua fella, so I know what I'm on about, I also have an Aquarius Moon before you ask why I'm on here and or say how dare I comment. Start a new stream PLEASE and just get over it. Blessings to you all.

For Anonymous
by: Dazed

Anonymous -

Thanks for commenting and welcome. Insightful things that you have said. I don't take offense to any of it beside the "get a life" part. I have a life, and a very successful one that's centered on me being in med school. Please don't make judgements. Constructive criticism is welcome.

There is More to Life
by: Anonymous

Dazed, I have looked at your posts, you are just getting on with your life ... Im not judging anyone but really, read over all the posts, to an 'outside eye' they really look as if your lives are centred around a man giving you the time of day. I think it's sad that such strong career women, with lots to give to someone who deserves your love, are obviously being acting out of fear. There are only two streams of feeling that all other feelings come from ie: LOVE gives a feeling of security, trust, etc etc, FEAR makes you feel insecure, needy, angry. Everything on here is driven by fear. Read over it, in it's entirety .... your a clever lady clearly. Im sure you will see what I mean. I apologise for the Get a Life comment and it wasnt meant in a derogatory way, maybe what I should have said is 'There is More to Life' than allowing someone else to control your life so much that you live in fear of him never contacting you .... giving so much control over yourself to someone who clearly isnt even in control of himself.

There is More to Life
by: Anonymous

Dazed, I have looked at your posts, you are just getting on with your life ... Im not judging anyone but really, read over all the posts, to an 'outside eye' they really look as if your lives are centred around a man giving you the time of day. I think it's sad that such strong career women, with lots to give to someone who deserves your love, are obviously acting out of fear. There are only two streams of feeling that all other feelings come from ie: LOVE gives a feeling of security, trust, etc etc, FEAR makes you feel insecure, needy, angry. Everything on here is driven by fear. Read over it, in it's entirety .... your a clever lady clearly. Im sure you will see what I mean. I apologise for the Get a Life comment and it wasnt meant in a derogatory way, maybe what I should have said is 'There is More to Life' than allowing someone else to control your life so much that you live in fear of him never contacting you .... giving so much control over yourself to someone who clearly isnt even in control of himself.

by: Dazed

Anonymous -

I get the point that you're trying to make and it's very much appreciated. However, I think my posts are misinterpreted as me waiting hand and foot for this man...when clearly I don't have too much time to give to the topic. I do care for him, and I do like frustrations spelled out on this forum are the same frustrations any woman who is in or out of a relationship talks to her girlfriends about. Does he frustrate the shit out of me, yes he does. But he also makes me feel loved and wanted, however, those instances aren't usually talked about because I'm not looking for advice in those situations...not to mention I don't particularly like to brag or boast so there's really no point in bringing stuff like that up. So yes, you will only read and hear of the negative.

My focus has been me and will always be me and what I need to do for my life. This aqua man comes second to that and always has. I enjoy having him around which is why I haven't stopped talking to him, however, I'm very open and have always been open to meeting someone else who I could possibly enjoy even more. This Aqua man doesn't take the cake until he can prove other wise. Do I prefer him, yes, will I settle for him, no.

I know you have the best intentions. I just wanted to clarify my standpoint of where I am with my aqua. I'm not naive or blind to anything that I have with him, and I'm very aware of the possibilities for women (including myself) to get delusional about things. My head is not in the sand when it comes to him. I know what he is/isn't willing or unable to provide/give me...whether it's intentional or not. I'm not out to prove my worth to him nor am I willing to give him anymore than he gives to me. I like him, so I will always be open to having him in my life but I'm well aware of where the boundaries are.

Hope this makes sense. I'm not trying to attack your advice because I really do appreciate it.

by: Dazed

Anonymous -

I get the point that you're trying to make and it's very much appreciated. However, I think my posts are misinterpreted as me waiting hand and foot for this man...when clearly I don't have too much time to give to the topic. I do care for him, and I do like frustrations spelled out on this forum are the same frustrations any woman who is in or out of a relationship talks to her girlfriends about. Does he frustrate the shit out of me, yes he does. But he also makes me feel loved and wanted, however, those instances aren't usually talked about because I'm not looking for advice in those situations...not to mention I don't particularly like to brag or boast so there's really no point in bringing stuff like that up. So yes, you will only read and hear of the negative.

My focus has been me and will always be me and what I need to do for my life. This aqua man comes second to that and always has. I enjoy having him around which is why I haven't stopped talking to him, however, I'm very open and have always been open to meeting someone else who I could possibly enjoy even more. This Aqua man doesn't take the cake until he can prove other wise. Do I prefer him, yes, will I settle for him, no.

I know you have the best intentions. I just wanted to clarify my standpoint of where I am with my aqua. I'm not naive or blind to anything that I have with him, and I'm very aware of the possibilities for women (including myself) to get delusional about things. My head is not in the sand when it comes to him. I know what he is/isn't willing or unable to provide/give me...whether it's intentional or not. I'm not out to prove my worth to him nor am I willing to give him anymore than he gives to me. I like him, so I will always be open to having him in my life but I'm well aware of where the boundaries are.

Hope this makes sense. I'm not trying to attack your advice because I really do appreciate it.

Break Time
by: LIG

Hey Ladies, just stopping thru for a mini break to see how you all are. ;-). I've had a very busy schedule lately and can't wait until I can have some serious ME time. I hope you are taking advantage of the no communication period that we have been blessed with to get our own thoughts into perspective. As we know and have learned from others, chose your battles and don't waste your time and breath on just anything and anyone because Life is Good!

To All
by: Scorp42

Good Sunday morning! Welcome Anonymous Scorpio.

Ladies, I just purchased a book at my church's book store that I just had to share with you. The book is called "Lady in Waiting" Becoming God's Best While Waiting for Mr. Right. It is by Jackie Kendall & Debby Jones. This book is a MUST HAVE for ALL single women! This book is so enlightening and puts a whole new perspective on life as a single woman. If you don't read anything else this year (besides the bible) you have got to read it! I can't put the thing down.

I have to make a comment to Anonymous Scorpio. I hope you and anyone else reading this thread doesn't get the wrong idea about the things we say on here. Of course what is said here is just a small fragment of what is going on in everyone's lives. I think this thread is used as a sounding board when things are not going so well or we just feel really down about the Aquarian men in our lives. A venting session if you will. Everyone needs someone to talk to when they are feeling down and this blog helps as it is filled with people that know and understand what it feels like. My feelings were a bit hurt at your comments to Aquagirl. The comments may or may not be true but it was surely direct and to the point. It is so much easier to make your comments anonymously because other's in our lives would tire of what we say quickly. We give encouragement and support here which makes all the difference in the world sometimes when feeling down. Don't stop commenting as you may have some advice/insight that could really help.

Enough of that. I am getting ready for my class at church and I am excited to absorb more and more. I get goosebumps just thinking about what I will learn today. :-)

Anonymous Scorpio
by: Scorp44

Hi, I am the anonymous Scorpio. I have actually commented on here before but because I agreed with a certain Gemini Lady who maybe said very similar to what I have said ... and she was basically attacked and thrown from the ball park ... no one even said hi.

Dazed, nothing said was meant as personal, it was an observation of everything. If it has made you stop and think that cant be such a bad thing. I'm glad you are getting on with your life though.

Scorp42, yes my comments are straight and to the point, I have a large circle of very good friends and family who really dont tire of truth, they also dont tire of me as a person because they know that I am a decent, kind person. Sometimes to be a true friend, sister, mother etc isnt always easy, I'm sorry if you feel that this isnt the way forward for Aquagirl but she seems to me to be a really decent person. Doesnt she deserve honesty?

It would have been easy to come on here and agree with everyone, but life isnt always about the easy option. Certainly in my beliefs to be honest and truthful is always the best way. Unfortunately, on here, to be too honest can seen callous. I wasnt being callous, I'm a Scorpio, very in touch emotionally and spiritually.

Thanks for your comments though and I hope this clarifies a few things for you. Love & Light

There is a Difference
by: LIG

Hi all!

I wasn't going to comment for the 2nd time to Scorp44 but.... In my 42 years of being a Scorp, I have learned sometimes the hard way....that there is a such thing called tact. The majority of us up here has been supporting each other for more than a year and have earned the right to be straight up with each other and it not be taken as an attack. Whether it be the Gemini, you, or anyone else..we would appreciate that courtesy that's all. Thank you for commenting though!

Hey Scorp42, I am on it! Will be checking on purchasing my copy!!!

AquaGirl, hope you are having a great day! ;-)

To All
by: Aqua Girl

Thanks Scorp42- You know I always appreciate you and things you say!

I know that man does not want me! I mean in a way he does, but he isn't putting in the fight yet! That's my issue, I fall for the guys that haven't fallen all the way. It's a challenge for me. The problem is, once I finally get them where I want them, I don't want them anymore because I have put so much into it, that I am tired and have nothing else to give.

I'm not worried. I am full of myself like most Aqua's are and I know he will be back!

Oh and trust and believe I do have a life! Scorp42 explained it pretty well. This page is more for venting when we need to. That doesn't mean we are stopping our lives.

No one has been thrown out here or attacked. This site is for everyone, but when you walk in, be respectful to others feelings. I don't have a problem hearing the truth. I know the truth and I speak it better then most!

to Anonymous Scorpio
by: Scorp42

Hi Anonymous. I think you missunderstood what I was talking about when I said making comment anonymously. I was refereing to all of us on here. I was also talking about all of us when talking about family. I know my family and friends would get tired of hearing about my issues with the Aquarian. You know what I am talking about when you talk on a subject and you can tell the person you are talking to is not really interested. I know I am completely honest here as I don't know how to be any other way.

I do have a question or two for you though. How long have you been seeing your Aqua and have you had to deal with some of the things that we have with him?

Have a great day!

For Scorp42
by: Scorp44

Scorp42 My Aquarian is the most beautiful man - I think all Aquarian men are, you are spoilt for anyone else once they are in your life. I adore him, I couldnt imagine him not being with me. Aquarians are notoriously aloof, I think it helped me in that I have an Aquarian Moon so I just understood that he needed space. We have had our ups and downs but we have remained consistent. The thing is Scorps and Aquas are both Fixed signs. So if you pull in the same way you will both be fixed in the same thing. The differences are Aquas Sun is Air (meaning everything goes on in their head, they think and think and think, they dont want to hurt anyone and they dont want to get hurt themselves, so they think things over too much sometimes) Scorpios Sun is Water so we are the ocean of emotion (we feel, we act on emotion so we cant understand when someone has to think about everything). We both obsess in similar ways although Scorps go deeper plunging the depths. Aquas are Positive signs and Scorps are Negative, so when they disappear, we obsess that its because we have done something, we cant understand, it doesnt compute because we feel it. There is an old saying 'if you love something, let it go, if it comes back its yours, if it doesnt it never was'. I use that as a rule of thumb. Once I worked out the 2 trains of feeling ie: LOVE or FEAR and understood all emotions come from those two things, when he did a disappearing act, if I felt fear I plunged the depths of the lesson and worked on where my insecurity was coming from, I just figured I didnt want the push and pull. I didnt want a relationship based on that and I also realised it was his problem and not mine. I have a lovely life, a great job, lovely home/car, great friends, family etc, I wanted someone who would enhance that, not someone who was taking my security from me. Once he realised it really didnt bother me and I wasnt playing the game ... it stopped, he doesnt do it now, maybe he is just secure in the fact that its ok for him to be himself. Life is too short to be sad, you all seem like really lovely people, wouldnt you like someone who is going to enhance your life ALL THE TIME ...

For LIG - Tact -v- Truth
by: Scorp44

Thanks for your comments LIG - how do you tell the truth tactfully by ignoring it? It would have been fine for you to ignore my comments for 'a second time' that is clearly tactful to some. Support comes in all forms, sometimes even in forms we dont necessarily like, understand or even want to hear. I'm glad your Life is Good because as strong women we all deserve that. Brightest Blessings to you

For Scorp44
by: Scorp42

~I have a lovely life, a great job, lovely home/car, great friends, family etc, I wanted someone who would enhance that, not someone who was taking my security from me. Once he realised it really didnt bother me and I wasnt playing the game ... it stopped, he doesnt do it now, maybe he is just secure in the fact that its ok for him to be himself.~

I totally understand where you are coming from. This is the same way I feel. He wanted his time to get closer to God and to get to know himself really. This is why I am giving him his space and moved on with my life. It took me a minute to get it but I did. I tell you, prayer helped me see "the truth." I think that is why I don't hurt about it. I have let him go and like you said if he comes back GREAT, and if not I am okay with that too. I hear ya on the beatiful man thing. I have never had ANY man in my life like him. Which is why I am thankful to have gotten to know him and see it as a blessing that he was even in my life at all. I had to grow myself and I realized what was REALLY important in my life. The time and effort I devoted to my Aqua in the beginning I have given that time and effort to God. All things happen for a reason and I think because of my Aqua and the things we shared has gotten me from the "lukewarm" stage with God to the "Hot" stage. He did comment to me before he decided to take this time that he wanted to be where I was with my happiness with God. And if he never contacted me again I would be okay with it, I just hope he gets to feel the joy I do.

It is because of conversations like these that I love this forum so much. God works in mysterious ways and my eyes have just been opened to something new because of this comment. I am so happy I could scream!!!!!

For Scorp42
by: Scorp44

I'm glad I could help. Just remember though Scorp42 GOD is a hard act to follow, your Aqua may feel a little intimidated by that, you are way ahead of him in the joy stakes - he may never catch up. Also remember your life is about you, only you know what enhances it. Have you read 'Conversations with God'? Makes for interesting reading. Blessed you are.

Re: Tact vs Truth
by: LIG

I have to say that I have enjoyed this forum, especially gaining insight from Scorp42, Hope, AquaGirl, and our male Aquas who have disappeared. LOL

When I give advice to others, I try to say it in a manner that doesn't seem as an attack, especially if I dont know them. As for being honest, oh I can be brutally honest if I have to. I for one have no reason to lead someone on or not share what Im truly feeling about a situation if I am asked my opinion. Aqua girl knows who she is and how she feels about her life and/or her relationship(s). As stated, we come up here to vent, socialize, and/or at times ask others' opinions. To just come up here and just start blasting someone because it's the way you think isn't fair.

Scorp42 asked you a question about your Aqua and to me you really didn't answer the question., but then again I might be looking to deep into the situation...being a fixed sign and all.

I think it's time for me to leave this forum, especially since I have decided that my Aquarian friend and I are just that, friends. My question has been answered by you all and him...No, he will always be there as a good friend. ;-D

Much love and blessings to you all! I am so happy to see that God is working in your hearts and minds! That's what I have been praying for fir a longgggg time! Remember LIFE IS GOOD!

Re: Tact vs Truth
by: LIG

I have to say that I have enjoyed this forum, especially gaining insight from Scorp42, Hope, AquaGirl, and our male Aquas who have disappeared. LOL

When I give advice to others, I try to say it in a manner that doesn't seem as an attack, especially if I dont know them. As for being honest, oh I can be brutally honest if I have to. I for one have no reason to lead someone on or not share what Im truly feeling about a situation if I am asked my opinion. Aqua girl knows who she is and how she feels about her life and/or her relationship(s). As stated, we come up here to vent, socialize, and/or at times ask others' opinions. To just come up here and just start blasting someone because it's the way you think isn't fair.

Scorp42 asked you a question about your Aqua and to me you really didn't answer the question., but then again I might be looking to deep into the situation...being a fixed sign and all.

I think it's time for me to leave this forum, especially since I have decided that my Aquarian friend and I are just that, friends. My question has been answered by you all and him...No, he will always be there as a good friend. ;-D

Much love and blessings to you all! I am so happy to see that God is working in your hearts and minds! That's what I have been praying for fir a longgggg time! Remember LIFE IS GOOD!

Re: Tact vs Truth
by: LIG

I have to say that I have enjoyed this forum, especially gaining insight from Scorp42, Hope, AquaGirl, and our male Aquas who have disappeared. LOL

When I give advice to others, I try to say it in a manner that doesn't seem as an attack, especially if I dont know them. As for being honest, oh I can be brutally honest if I have to. I for one have no reason to lead someone on or not share what Im truly feeling about a situation if I am asked my opinion. Aqua girl knows who she is and how she feels about her life and/or her relationship(s). As stated, we come up here to vent, socialize, and/or at times ask others' opinions. To just come up here and just start blasting someone because it's the way you think isn't fair.

Scorp42 asked you a question about your Aqua and to me you really didn't answer the question., but then again I might be looking to deep into the situation...being a fixed sign and all.

I think it's time for me to leave this forum, especially since I have decided that my Aquarian friend and I are just that, friends. My question has been answered by you all and him...No, he will always be there as a good friend. ;-D

Much love and blessings to you all! I am so happy to see that God is working in your hearts and minds! That's what I have been praying for fir a longgggg time! Remember LIFE IS GOOD!

To All
by: Aqua Girl

LIG- I love you, You are so funny... I had to laugh reading your post. ; ) I picked up on it.

I am okay now and I will be fine. It will just take time.

LIG you better not go any where. Hope already left us...

I'm having a moment right now so I can't say much.

Ya'll just better be here when I return!!!

by: Scorp42

LIG, I picked up on what you were saying too. No biggie though, it's easier to speak of the bliss.

You better not leave us!!!!!

by: Scorp44

Once again LIG, thanks for your comments. I did answer Scorp42's post. What did you want me to say, that my Aqua had disappeared constantly over the last 3 years but he still loved me? Well he hasnt done that and for me to say he has would have been a lie. I would have no reason to say it.

As for blasting someone I didnt. Although, I think if there is a blasting being handed out it's from your direction. Scorp42 has answered the post, did you see it, she knew exactly what I was talking about and thanked me in lovely terms. I'm sure if she felt I hadnt answered her question she would have said 'hey you didnt answer my question' or 'can you expand' - she didnt.

I see you liked the Fixed sign info and as we are both Fixed signs I dont think you are going to change your mind and nor am I so maybe we should just draw a line under this as 2 grown ups with differing opinions.

I'm glad you have resolved your situation with your Aqua - at least now you can move on with him in your life as a friend. Life truly is very good. Blessings to you.

To All
by: Aqua Girl

Can't we all just get along?? LOL

I DID IT!! I DID IT! I ran into Aqua Boo and Finally I wasn't nervous... And he knew it too!! He was so super nice to me! I could tell he was thinking a thousand miles an hour. I could just see the thoughts running through his head. Especially after I mentioned something that I shouldn't have... Oh well. I'm over it and he needs to realize that. He didn't step his game up so I moved on. Well trying to anyway. I was so proud of myself. This was a BIG step for me. I was able to turn things down a notch without completely losing my feelings for him. Usually when it's over, it's over for me... but it's different this time. I don't even know how I did it or how it happened, but it did. I am really ok with the whole "Whatever happens, Happens" saying. I could tell he was going crazy inside. Maybe I ruffled his feathers a little... Maybe not. Who knows, Who cares.. I'm so happy!

Re:AquaGirl and Scorp42
by: LIG

AquaGirl, I am so happy for you! I knew you would get there in your way and on your time. You have been a God sent with your personal advice/insight. You will find happiness because you genuinely do care about others and understand yourself and how you operate/have to work things out for you. I get you and appreciate you for your honesty when I needed it and all your support! Youre AWESOME!

Scorp42, it has been real thats for sure! You know I will be continuing to pray for you and your Aqua! I do think its going to work out for you two. ;-D

Now as for me continuing, I will continue to read if you two communicate and may come back from time to time to say hello but when I get the feeling to move on, that's what I usually do. Wish we had a closed forum in which we could communicate, but oh well.

Many blessings to you both!!! Thanks again for your honesty and support with MY Aqua!!!

Hey Dazed, you keep doing you! Thanks for everything! :-)

And Hope, wherever you are!!!! BE BLESSED ALWAYS!

Closed Forum
by: Scorp42

I have been thinking and praying on that subject. So this is what I propose to do. I was going to post an email address here, one I made just for this. Then have you ladies do the same and email me. Of course I know I may get emails from others, which is okay. However, I after a year of talking I know your styles of talking and have a few questions to ask that let's me know I am talking to one of you ladies. Once that is established there are a couple other things we can discuss after that.

I will still continue to post here and let all the people that read this know what's going on with me. I just need to disclose some things to Aquagirl, LIG, Dazed and Hope if she ever re-appears. Let me know ladies and I will put the email address here.

Closed Forum
by: LIG

I am in!

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

That is crazy! I was thinking the exact same thing. Ok I am in.

Here it is...
by: Scorp42

scorp42andfriends and it's at

to the ladies of '...gone forever'
by: SilentSupporter

hi there to the original gang of 'aquarius man gone forever'....

just wanted to say i've been a silent supporter of you gals for some time. let's just say I'm a recovering lover of an Aqua LOL.

I'll be sad to see y'all go. thanks for all your honesty -- you have been supporting & helping people that you don't even know about (i.e., me)!

To Silent Supporter
by: Aqua Girl

Thank you for the Comments. I know I have been on here for a year now. Well in 2 weeks it will be. lol We will still check in from time to time and of course if there are any major stories to tell we will share for sure. We just need to take a break right now. It's for the better.

Thank you so much for following and to all the other silent supporters as well. This site was very helpful for me and I am glad we were able to help others.

Take care and God Bless!

For Aquagirl
by: Scorp42

What's your problem? I have heard from LIG and Dazed and even silent supporter. Get the lead out. LOL

To Scorp42
by: Aqua Girl

Okay okay. I had to get home from work to get to my email... lol I am emailing you right now..

~M_P ; ) You will understand this in a minute.

Re: Silent Supporter
by: LIG

Thanks for the kind words. You see how that Aquarian started talking for everybody?? LOL...

But Yes, I will be back, I guess, from time to time to say hello. I don't like making promises I cant keep you know...

To the other people who have sat quietly in the background, I pray that you all are one day blessed with the mate that God has ordained for YOU!

by: Aqua Girl

HAHA. I didn't even realize I did that.. Oops.

by: LIG's all good! Did you respond yet?? We are waiting..... Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock! LOL

by: Hurt and Confused

Been with my Aquarius man for almost a year. Relationship started with dinner and I didn't hear from him for a month. Off a sudden, I did hear from him and he was ready to begin a relationship, next thing I know he wanted to move in together. We have lived together since. Mostly good times, however, and ex girlfriend tried to interfer and caused some lies/coverup on his part and anger on my part (however, the issue was just before my time and didn't matter really had I know). I confronted her, he wouldn't and we continued to work on our issues. He asked me to let him know if she had contacted me, but when I did he got extremely nervous. If made uneasy or mad felt the need to leave for a while no matter what time of night, which made me worry something might be going on. When I would ask he would tell me nothing is going on. Everything would calm down for a while and at the least little disagreement he felt like I was accusing him, in fact I wasn't because I knew he was so angry with her that he would return there. He told me for months that he loved me more than anything and I was his everything. About six weeks go wanted to get married. Two weeks after he asked me to get married we had a bad argument and he told me that this ex was better than me etc. The next day asked me to move out of his house or he would have me evicted. I looked for appt and eventually got one. Asked him to help me move and he told me it depended on what he had planned for the day. I hired a mover and left. It made him made that I hired the mover and he didn't know where I was. One week after I left, he met me to give me my mail, I hadn't been able to talk to him, touch him etc since the argument. I asked if I could have a hug, he said yes. Hugged me sincerely and asked me to be good. I told him I would be good if he would be. Then I talk to him and he gets mad because he lost his cell phone in the mist of the argument and had numbers that he can't get back. The contact has been back and forth since. Two days ago, he told me if I couldn't put that cell phone in his hand to not ever call him again and go on about my life. I love him and don't understand why he is reacting this way. Our relationship, communication sex and all good...What should I do and how should I read into this...should I just ignore him until he may be ready or is he gone?

To Oops The new post
by: Aqua Girl

Forgot what name you used sorry..

If you have read the posts, you know my story and I am an Aqua Girl.. ; )

We are screwed up in the head.. lol I actually acted like that once with someone. When I first met him I was distant with him and he was all over me, but when he got distant with me... I was all over him and right off the bat I wanted to move in with him and be with him forever... Well at the time that's what I thought. Sometimes we jump into things too fast without looking at what the situation really is. Then we realize we made a big mistake and we don't really want to be there. But of course that only happens if that person is running from us, because we are very insecure. However, in my case, When I was all over him and chasing him he was running. After about 2 years I got very tired of chasing him and started getting angry and having serious mood swings, but only when he was around. He thought I was nuts. lol One minute I would be fine and want to be with him, then if he didn't do things my way, I would get ticked off and kick him out or scream at him. It was awful. But in all reality I loved that man, I just couldn't say it and because he wasn't showing it back I would get angry. My story is way towards the top, but it may be hard to figure out.. lol

I can't say if that is your guys issue or not. I guess at this point I would try to play opposite. If you have been clingy with him or trying to spend time with him... DOn't. Get really distant and leave him alone for a while. If you have been distant with him for the most part, then try warming up to him a little. See if that works.

Oh and don't worry about him leaving in the middle of the night. We have no concept of time. If we get stressed or upset we have to leave and be by ourselves for a while no matter what time it is. Once we leave the house at 2am, we realize what time it is and sit in our damn car so we don't look like fools for turning right around and going back in the house. I use to do that too and I would drive on the other side of the apartment complex and park my car and cry for 2 hours and then go back home... lol

Confused or Hurt
by: Anonymous

Thanks Aqua Girl, this does help me understand a little. I had been trying to communicate and he would get mad and demand me to bring him his cell phone, which I do not have. He says it has numbers in there for work that is costing him a lot of money. I am worried about him wanting to pursue another relationship to just see, but he did tell me that if I left that house no other woman would be allowed in, then told me he may go hang out at the bar with his uncle or maybe take someone out for dinner but it wouldn't be a date. It had only been three weeks that he wanted to go get married, I have heard anything and have not contacted him in four days. All I know to do is leave him alone for now. Just wonter though him telling me I was his world and now quiet. For additional information though, when we were arguing he got a good scratch under his eye and I was a little bruised. When he wanted to see me a week and a half ago, he didn't want me to come close to work because his boss had seen his eye and to meet him down the road. He said it isn't any of their business what I am doing like he is trying to please the public. Can't figure out why a cell phone plays such a big part in fixing things, but he told me if I would bring it to him that he would be nice (and I DO NOT know where it is). Will he ever get past the cell phone issue and contact me??? PLEASE give me some advice.

RE: Hurt and Confused
by: LIG

I wasn't planning on commenting but I have too! Hun, please don't take this in the wrong way. I was in an abusive marriage and there was a time that I would make up excuses for my ex, not an Aquarian, but a Leo. Now I want you to look at this situation from an everyday situation, not that he is an Aqua, but a MAN!!! There comes a time in one's life that you have to stop and think what is best for YOU!! No one, male or female needs to be abused!!! If it happened this time, believe me...IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN!!! Love doesn't abuse...nor makes one feel less than a man or woman...nor keeps score! Let this situation go and learn to be content with you and wait for God to send you the husbandman He has ordained for YOU!!! God won't bless no mess and will give you what you need!!! I do understand why you came to this forum, but abuse, no matter the sign is abuse!!! A man isn't going to like the fact that he has a war wound and won't think about covering it up and lie like a woman would... Let this go and move on. If it's meant for you two to be together, it will happen. Don't run after this man because a word of warning... You will regret it!!! If you have his phone, give it to him and let him go!!!

New Lady
by: Aqua Girl

Sounds like you guys are younger... and are you the one initiating the abuse? Just curious....

Oh My...
by: Scorp42

To Hurt and Confused. It may take you a little while to get over him but trust me, let this one go. Been in a relationship like yours with the first man I ever lived with. We fought for real at times. If you feel the need to hit someone you open the door to be hit back yourself. Whomever hit first is REALLY not in love. I do not respect any man that hits women for any reason. If you hit him first he should have been a man and walked away. If he hit you first RUN!!!!!! Lord knows we as young women take so much crap because we think it is love. It is not love it is lust and the need to be wanted. He made the right decision by telling you to move out, the two of you together will only mean destruction. It won't last and you will be unhappy. Smarter but unhappy.

Hurt and Confused
by: Anonymous

I appreciate all of your comments but may not have explained this very well. We are middle age, and neither of us meant to hurt the other just happened in a struggle during an argument (not just taking up for him because I am really looking for advise). We are really in love, and had just talked about marriage. And, no I do not have his phone nor have I done anything with it. He thinks that I do because I had in my hands at one time. Trust me, if I had it I would have given it back the next day to stop all of this confusion. Confused about the whole situation, but would like to know if anyone thinks he will come back and why would anyone choose a phone over being in love??? Please send me advise soon, I am struggling. Thanks

Hurt and Confused
by: Aqua Girl

It's not about a phone over being in love. Things don't work like that with us. I can't tell you what to do or if he will ever come back... because once we set our mind to something, that's it! But from experience I can tell you, when I lose something or break something that is very important to me, I throw a very big tantrum! And if someone else had something to do with it, I am really bad! I don't like showing people that side of me, because it is pretty nasty and I don't care if I hurt your feelings or what. I will keep having my fit until the situation is fixed and it better be fixed soon! ; )

I would leave him alone for a while though. Let him come to you.

Hurt and Confused
by: Anonymous

Thanks Aqua Girl, you do help me understand. I told him early last week I would call him anymore that he knew where to find me. I do love him very much and can even understand him being angry. Don't understand not trying to resolve it so we can go back to very much in love. Although, I understand his frustration about the cell I know nothing and although I have told him this on many occasions I don't know how to get him to see this or believe me. He has never doubted me in anything before and it was a chaotic night for both of us. He just blames me cause he saw me with it at one point, honest I don't know. He told me unless I could put this phone in his hand it is over, if I can put the phone in his hand he would be nice and fix things. What does all of this mean?

Hurt and Confused
by: Anonymous

Thanks Aqua Girl, you do help me understand. I told him early last week I would call him anymore that he knew where to find me. I do love him very much and can even understand him being angry. Don't understand not trying to resolve it so we can go back to very much in love. Although, I understand his frustration about the cell I know nothing and although I have told him this on many occasions I don't know how to get him to see this or believe me. He has never doubted me in anything before and it was a chaotic night for both of us. He just blames me cause he saw me with it at one point, honest I don't know. He told me unless I could put this phone in his hand it is over, if I can put the phone in his hand he would be nice and fix things. What does all of this mean? dOES THIS MEAN HE DOESN'T LOVE ME.

Hurt and Confused
by: Anonymous

Thanks Aqua Girl, you do help me understand. I told him early last week I would call him anymore that he knew where to find me. I do love him very much and can even understand him being angry. Don't understand not trying to resolve it so we can go back to very much in love. Although, I understand his frustration about the cell I know nothing and although I have told him this on many occasions I don't know how to get him to see this or believe me. He has never doubted me in anything before and it was a chaotic night for both of us. He just blames me cause he saw me with it at one point, honest I don't know. He told me unless I could put this phone in his hand it is over, if I can put the phone in his hand he would be nice and fix things. What does all of this mean? dOES THIS MEAN HE DOESN'T LOVE ME.

Hurt and Confused
by: Anonymous

Thanks Aqua Girl, you do help me understand. I told him early last week I would call him anymore that he knew where to find me. I do love him very much and can even understand him being angry. Don't understand not trying to resolve it so we can go back to very much in love. Although, I understand his frustration about the cell I know nothing and although I have told him this on many occasions I don't know how to get him to see this or believe me. He has never doubted me in anything before and it was a chaotic night for both of us. He just blames me cause he saw me with it at one point, honest I don't know. He told me unless I could put this phone in his hand it is over, if I can put the phone in his hand he would be nice and fix things. What does all of this mean? DOES THIS MEAN HE DOESN'T LOVE ME.

Hurt and Confused
by: Aqua Girl

I asked if you guys were young, because it sounds very childish. One thing about us, is it doesn't matter if we love you or not, if we are unhappy and something is wrong or I should say ticked off, We show a side of us that people don't like. We will go back to normal, but it takes a while. If he is set on thinking you took it, then that's how he is gonna feel until he finds it some where else. I have done that too, where I just KNEW a certain someone had something of mine and I threw a fit and blamed him up and done for months!! Then when I found it some where totally unexpected I just started acting normal again, but I will be damned if I told him where I found it, or that I did find it... I wasn't going to look like a fool. lol

You say that you are much in love, and I know I don't know the whole situation, but I kinda doubt it.

I have a strange feeling about this one.. I can't put my finger on it, but something is fishy.

Tell me more of your past history with him in detail

For Hurt and Confused
by: Scorp42

One thing I know FOR SURE about Aquarian men is that they don't like drama AT ALL. He can love you with every fiber in his being and still walk away for you forever because of the drama and jealousy. The cell phone thing is just an easy out for him to walk away from you and not give you the real reason for walking. He is mad of course but with this one if he comes back will be a real miracle and I will eat my words.

Aquagirl, I feel you on the fishy part. Move in and propose so soon? There has got to be something more to the story.

by: Aqua Girl

Yeh There is something.... I just can't call it. I need more details. But I don't know about him using that phone issue as an out either, because when we are ready to go, we bounce and we have no problem telling you why... That is, if we don't care anymore.

It's hard to call.. Drama drama drama.. Don't like it.. lol

Confused and Hurt
by: Anonymous

Well, met in Feb his birthday dinner out everything was great and I felt a natural connection. It was about a month before I heard from him again, as he put ithe was trying to a previous girl that he had previously left when finances went bad. We had long conversation of ex's and past relationships, seems as he as honest for the most part. After six months of this girl sending me emails telling me that he was not trustworthy and was seeing her behind my back, I backed him and told her that he wasn't because one time she mentioned he was with me. She keep on and I confronted her with his blessing. It was quite heated. Finally, I receive emails that shows he was talking with her the same time he was considering making me the only one along with talking with his ex-wife. When I confronted him and showed him the emails that came from his email he came clean. Explained the only reason he talked with his ex-wife was because he needed paperwork from the divorce to buy his house, as to the other girl was trying to figure out what he wanted. I told him I understood and didn't hold any hard feelings toward him,I knew he was trying to buy the house and needed the paperwork. He told me he was trying to play head games to get it. As to the other girl, she was a girl he had seen on and off for over a year before me so I didn't have any hard feelings. I asked him why did he let us have such arguments based on his lies and not introduce me to his friends, much less let us go to a softball game watching his back for her and not just tell me the truth. He told me he was trying to protect us and not let it cause trouble that he knew he hadn't acted right. However, because the first argument after (remind you one week after I found out) when it got heated I repeated the email he had written her saying "hey baby baby I love you" (5 weeks before he wanted me to move in). He was furious, we talked all was good. However, ever argument after in his mind I was referring to her with ever sly remark, which wasn't true. He told me I was his whole world, and he loved me so much. We had planned to get married. Everything was good, finances our relationship except for the ten month lie which he seem to hold onto more than me. I miss him alot but I haven't called him because he told me he didn't want me to and to go on with my life; however, a week before he asked me to be good. Don't know if he is just thinking, has another women or what. However, once before I when he thought I was going to leave and I had looked for an apartment then he stated "that if I left there wouldn't be another women that he was done with relationships and I was his love". That he "could get sex anywhere, but would another woman live in his house". All that I know, we had a good connection I didn't fuss about alot really, but when we did. Please advise what you think, all I know. I am as sorry as I can be. confused. HELP

Confused and Hurt
by: Aqua Girl

Ok Seriously. Why would you want to be with someone like that... Please please please don't be one of those girls that over looks the 99.9 bad things and reflects on the .1 good things and calls themselves In Love... OMG. Get a clue! If that man wanted to be with you, he would be with you or he would act goofy and distant and still miss you to death... lol Not crazy, and violent and tell you to leave him alone. If he wants you to leave him alone, or not call him anymore, that is EXACTLY what he means. When we don't want to be bothered with you, we don't hold back. We let you know. It's when we like you, that we hold back a little... And if you continue to fight what he is saying and make contact with him, he will end up hating you and NEVER want to see you again. If you leave him alone, there may be a SMALL chance you two can be friends or at least talk.... but I don't see it going any further then that at this point. I think it's over. And that isn't just because he is Aqua... He is also a man.. When they are done, they are done.

For Hurt and Confused
by: Scorp42

Aquagirl is 100% right!!! You are hanging on to the "words" that he told you that you are his world and he only loves you yada, yada, yada. As much as it hurts and I know it does, don't you think he was telling the email girl the same crap. Aquarian men are charming as ever but you need to get out of your own way and read you posts over and over and over again. It will all come clear to you. It's easy for a man to profess his love to a women and not really feel that way or mean it. When Aquarian men say something to you bluntly they mean business. Wow, this must be the first time you have been in love.

Confused and Hurt
by: Anonymous

Thanks Aqua Girl, your info is helpful. I guess by your information I messed up and called tonight, he didn't answer but did call me back and I missed it. Tired.... I have a Virgo chasing me but my mind is so focused on my Aqua. Don't see what I have done wrong. He told me he loved me so much. I agree he was a little rough, and said hateful things. What do I do. You have such good insight, does he even love me anymore. I would just like to know.

Confused and Hurt
by: Anonymous

Thanks Aqua Girl, I really don't understand at all. I was home everynight despite what he needed to do, did laundry, cooked at all hours of the night to make sure he had a warm meal. This is the third or fourth time he has told me to get "out of HIS house", and he has talked me into staying. I really do love him, but am so confused. He is my first relationship after a very abusive relationship. I might have messed up, I called him tonight because I had a phone call that was for him to my phone to give to him. He didn't answer and I left a message. He called back but I missed th call, I called back to apologize for missing the call an asked him to call me back and told him that I missed him. He never called back.. After the last argument, I was hurting really bad went to the doctor and my Dr. told me that she thought it was anxiety but may need testing. I called to tell him and he told me to call my sister, he wasn't coming. Then, after the fact wanted to know what happened. Go figure.....I am so confused and hurt so much. What to do.....

For Aqua Girl
by: Scorp42

It seems the confused one doesn't want to hear anything unless it is from you so enjoy. I will keep reading though because even though you are telling her the deal and I have been agreeing she isn't listening to you. I will pray that she wakes up soon.

Hurt and Confused
by: Anonymous

Sorry Scorp 42, didn't mean it that way at all. Any advice would be helpful. Have an update though. Called to give him the number for the Home Warranty. He told me he didn't ever want to talk with me or see me again, and that he was seeing someone and happy. Unbelievable, we were going to get married a month ago. He says he doesn't love me anymore and go on with my life. So, guess I will......Scorp42 and Aqua Girl what do you make of this. I think he has lost his mind.

Hurt and Confused
by: Aqua Girl

This has got to be a joke!!! Someone must be messing with us.

The man just told you straight out that he doesn't want to be bothered with you and you continue to call and bother him. I can tell you now he is DONE with you. You even make my skin crawl. He thinks you are CRAZY and I am very serious. That is my take on it!

My guess is you weren't so clingy in the beginning and that is why he liked you in the first place. But now you have fallen for him and let your emotions get the best of you and when nuts on him. I know you don't see it that way, but that's the way it is. Leave him alone for good or he will have no problem calling the police to get a restraining order. MOVE ON and get over him. I can't continue to respond to this rubish.

Confused and Hurt
by: Anonymous

It is no joke, he really confuses me. He wanted to work on the home warranty so I tried to forward as he asked. He also was considering me going with him in May to see his son. Then, flips to something else. Wanted to see me hug and tell me to be good then tell me to go away.

Confused and Hurt
by: Anonymous

I am looking for advice. I am no joking, I really hurt. I wasn't clingy he would when I would suggest that he do something with his friends he would say no I want to be where you are. We would go spend time with family and have a great time. Now very mean and hateful. Can't understand, I have cooked, cleaned all hours of the night and done all of his laundry, took out the trash done all the painting and yard work. While he ran and did what he wants. The sex was only when he wanted, and wouldn't get a bath if he didn't want to and sleep in a chair. TRying to give a little more insight....

Love and Life
by: Anonymous

To Confused and Hurting, I see no one has responded to you and just wanted to say I feel you pain. Been with my Aq for 3 yrs, and he gets hurt very easy and then wants to say things to hurt me even if they are not true. I think that the harsh words are to allow him some space to where he can think. It appears he loved you very much, not sure how long it will take for him to deal with the darkness that Aqs can have and his confusion may keep him away for a long time. I would give him room to sort out his feelings.

Love and Live
by: Anonymous

Are their any Aq men on this site for a little insight?

Confused Pisces
by: Anonymous

Hi everyone!

I met this Aquarius man. 3 years ago, before we met, he stared at me across the room at a party with this penetrating stare. I stared at him back. He left the party early so I couldn't talk to him. In January of this year, I saw him again at a banquet. He saw me sitting with my date and he started talking to my parents. The whole evening, he kept his eye on me. Each time I got up from my table, he would follow me with his eyes. The 3rd time I got up, he followed me. When I got back to the ballroom entrance, he was already there. We were standing inches apart, he was staring deep into my eyes with puckered lips and I into his. I felt something like I never felt before. It was like we were the only ones there. I didn't know what to do so I went back inside.

Because of his profession, he has a website with a contact page. I sent him an email through there and he responded the next day telling me to add him facebook. I did just that and he accepted me. I saw him at a restaurant a few days later, he saw me too and did the penetrating stare. I thought he'd come up to me but he ignored me. I sent him a facebook message telling him I saw him. Before he replied my profile got hacked and deleted him and a few of my other friends. He replied an aloof message.

I made a new profile, messaged him about it, and never heard from him. It's been over a month. What's going on? Why is he acting so cold? Did I do something wrong?

Thank you for any advice you can give me. I really appreciate it.

dear sweet Pisces
by: Recovering Aqua Addict

Be careful...these Aquarius men are what the French call "facil a prendre, dificil a garder" - easy to get, hard to keep...

Your situation sounds like a situation I am having now with an Aquarius man. He might be attracted physically, but these men are addicted more to the 'game' than the love, or the person herself. Ignore him, and MAYBE he'll contact you. Like in months & months...and act like nothing happened.

If he stares like that, it's b/c he enjoys the role of 'misunderstood, lonely man.' He doesn't actually want that self-perception to be shattered, he enjoys this neurosis. This neurosis is an Aquarius' protection from the uncertainty of relationship.

He will believe/insist you deleted him off Facebook no matter how much proof you give him (photos, eye witnesses, a CIA-certified documentary) to the contrary. If you are available, loving...this is too easy to an Aquarius. he needs to feel you are a mental puzzle, which he will never solve.

Believe me, you will have to enjoy playing games (his rules, always- which he'll change w/out warning) to be with this guy.

My advice? Find another Aquarius (you'll know them by their helpless stares, they all do that shit--so they won't have to risk actually committing to anything--they leave that to the woman), and practice on him....

Interesting fact: Anais Nin (famous French-Cuban writer, and a PISCES woman), was married to TWO Aquarians at the same time, without EITHER of them finding out until AFTER she had died. Now that's what I call playin' a player, baby. ;-)

BTW, there's another forum on here (under plain old "Aquarius Man"), in which a Pisces woman (Pisces Dreamer?) involved with an Aquarius man recounts her story...maybe you'll find that one helpful. I think it's called "I'm an Aquarius man, do you have questions for me?" I think... You might feel connected to what she says--
but I warn you: it doesn't have a happy ending.

good luck--keep us posted now, ya heah?

TO: Recovering Aqua Addict
by: Anonymous


Thank you for your insight! I really appreciate it! ^_^
Before I received your answer, I emailed the Aqua today asking him about his family who is dealing with the storms in their state.

I just received his reply. His message was short and aloof..

I'm trying to befriend him but his aloofness isn't helping. How do I get him to open up?

go Zen
by: RecovAquaAddict

...only by seeming like you don't want/need him to open up.

by disappearing & letting him come looking for you.

by having a full life and seeming like you don't need to add anyone (i.e. him) to it...

trust me, your question is my question, but from what i've seen it's really the *only* thing that works--

you have to play it cool...forevah.

that's all I got, babe. it's the easiest & the hardest thing, at the same time. I bet you they give the ZEN students an Aquarius as their final test of Zen mastery. if they don't kill the Aquarius, then they graduate to 'Zen master.'

P.S. I think it's good he replied to your question, but don't put too much weight on that either...these loons can turn on a dime & start hating you again .

just disappear for a while, find a new beau, take up yoga ;-)

...then, maybe...

No Sure
by: Anonymous

Wanted to give my story and see the opinion of other Aq. I have been reading the post and it has confused me. I met a Aq man about 6 weeks ago and I am a Pisces woman. He was living with a lady that he had been with over a year. From what I was hearing they had been engage for some time (she Taurus) and after he told her he loved and wanted to get married they started to argue more often. I met him by accident at a social, he decided to cut ties with her and had her move out of the house at drop of a hat. Immediately started seeing me and wanted me to move right in. Tells me he has never been happier, sex is great and showed me a movie about making a relationship last. BTW, I am many years younger than he is and financial stable. I have heard him talk to her very mean and instantly tell her to get out of his life. Right now things are good, but I have spoken to this girl. He tells me that they briefly discussed marriage and she tells me it was in length several times, that he told her she was his world and watch the same relationship movies. Is this a normal pattern? And, from what I read it is great in the beginning with Aq and Pisces because of the sex but it does take long before we go our seperate was because that is really all we have in common? I am really concerned about him still caring about this other lady? Any have any insight?

finding this thread has saved my sanity :)
by: libra girl

from double libra

Hi all
boy was i glad to find this forum last night, the support you give each other on here is absolutely fantastic .
ok im a libra sun and moon but i do have venus in scorpio and im also madly deeply dippy about an aqua man.... heres my story thanks in advance for listening as i do tend to ramble lol any comments and advice greatfully received i can sooo identify with so much of what i've read on here ,
we we are both 48 and started chatting online about 8 and a half months ago being a libra i did tend to flirt with a lot of men but get bored very easily and move on but i was captivated by this aqua more or less from the word go and still am totally yet he so ties me up in knots at times
.we were going to meet up just before xmas last year but he blew me out , i did understand as he has got a lot of ongoing health problems and had an op coming up that he was petrified about,
continued ....

by: libra girl

anyway in november he added me to fb which he keeps pretty private but tho he kept leaving sweet and loving messages on my wall if i did on his he usually delted but always kept anything his ex from way back who still has a thing for him wrote on his wall , as his op got closer the more distant and nastier he became and he stopped txting me or replying to my calls i sent him a rose quartz angel to watch over him and that seemed to freak him so much he that a few days later he deleted me off his fb that was begining of march , i didnt try and contact him i just let him be missing him horribly then begining of may i could stand it no longer so forward him a joke txt and he txt me back after quite a few txt went to and fro he added me again to fb and we even changed our relationship status to married he said that would show other men that i belonged to him , he told me that he had contacted me and when i checked my emails i indeed found he had in april but i had somehow missed it the email said send me another angel baby mine's broke ....

continued 2
by: libra girl

we finally met up a month ago and spent the weekend together the first day was great but on the second day he was very distant and by the time i left on sunday to come home i was convinsed there would be a message from him saying thanks but no thanks ... how ever when i stopped half way home and checked my phone he had sent me a txt saying i was lovely and beautiful and he would love me for ever ... i cried
however since then he i cant get him to commit as to when we will see each other again he tells me he loves me but often wont answer txt ( ok having read all your posts i realise this is very normal of aqua's ) but he also still frequents dating sites i know this because a friend of mine saw saw him online and its always usually when ever he has gone quiet on me and usually when theres something on his mind , what i want to know is why cant he talk to me when he has something on his mind ? why does he ignore me yet go talking to other women ? two weeks ago i had this sixth sence that he was on there
and being as thats where i met him and im still a memeber i signed in and sure enough he was there so i sent him a wink he was quite shocked that i was there and asked me the hell i was doing on there ? i said i guessed the same as him , i didnt tell him i hadnt looked at any messages i received from anyone else as i am just so not intersted in any one but him but its killing me that he seems to show no interest in wanting to see me again ,on monday morning i txt and called him and got no reply a few hours later i did get a txt it said i have sent you something on the dating site , well i flipped and told him if you prefer going on a dating site than answering my txt or my call i dont flipping want it ( and a lot more besides :(
when eventually out of curiosity i did go and have a look at what he had sent me it was a ring and the message was i love you argh! if only it wasnt a flipping dating site he had sent me that on :(now i have written all this out i realise i am probally in a far better place with him that any of you are ? and that he does care for me and its just that im expecting far to much to soon ? but no man has ever made me lose control of my emotions as much as this one and there is quite a bit more to this story than i have said here....
i am a bit tempted to just delete it all , but i would please like to hear what your thoughts are and maybe you can help me get a grip on how to be with with him as i so dont dont want to lose him
thank you x

He is Back (somewhat)
by: LostScorpio

I sure hope you guys remember me. Its been several months, but my aqua and I have been spending some personal time together. I guess nothing is impossible even when it comes to the infamous - aquascorp relationship. Especially after our big tiff. He calls frequently, and comes to the apt. Helped me with the gardening, and most of all... always answers my calls. I really over reacted to everything that happened in the past between us. We do not talk about it. I hate you original guys arent here to help me along this very possible reconnection. The biggest problem is that I am so nervous around him now, where I didnt use to be.

Attn: "The Three Scorpiettes"--In love with an Aqua man!
by: Libra/Scorpio Female

Wow! Crazy how so many different aqua men act the same! Mine has been my friend for 5 1/2 years. He tells me he loves me all the time. I know it seems silly to say, but I feel like I have loved him since the first time I saw him and the first long get-to-know-you convo had me convinced I could see us as a couple. He's been in a few different relationships during our friendship. He also had 2 more children. I've went a year without seeing or hearing from him before. He just always shows up one day. We get closer each time we talk or see each other. I have dubbed him "the one I can't have". *sigh*

by: Dazed

Hey hun,

It's been a while hasn't it! I don't know how long ago you posted your comment, but how are things coming along now? Hope all is well!

by: LIG

Hi Dazed and Everyone!

Just stopping through to say hello. I pray all is well with everyone!

by: Dazed

Hey LIG!

How are things with you? Any updates worth mentioning :)

by: LIG

No, not really!! Things are going well.... That's all. Patience is always the key for anything in life, especially a relationship with an Aqua. ;-)

by: Dazed

Good for you! Glad to hear you're doing well! I know us scorps can be crazy patient even though we don't feel that way inside :)

Hey All
by: Aqua Girl

Hey there Dazed!!! Hope all is well with everything. Just stopping in to say hi.

Aqua Boo is still a goof ball and I met a Gemini.. He is a Goof ball too! Nothing really worth reporting as of yet. Still working on them. lol

by: Scorp42

Wow, It's been a long time. Hey Lost and Dazed! Things have gone to a very different level with me and my Aqua. We talk everyday and see each other 3 or 4 times a week now. It's as unconventional as anything I've ever gone through but it's all good.

well hello.
by: song-andanceman

I think I speak for all aqua men when I say that we are very flattered and humbled by all this attention. But on the other hand I have a few other things I would like to say.

1)Why do you ladies think one needs to be scorpio or have scorpio placements to be able to understand the emotion and depth you women hold dear? I also think the treatment that gemini fire lady got was not deserved at all seeing as well, seeing as i think she was very very spot on.

2)aquagirl, it might just be me but i actually do not personally identify with anything you have said as characteristic behaviour for aquariuses.. Now that may be my aquarius moon, venus in taurus, mars in scorpio, mercury in gemini and pisces rising all begging to differ, but differ i do.

3)i get a feeling this is a private inner circle for you ladies to update each other and discuss the whereabouts of your aquarius men and that's absolutely fine, but please label it as such and put a disclaimer up or something so people don't actually think you're really trying to decipher the mystery of the aquarius.. because frankly and i know this is going to kill a lot of aquas out there, but there is no mystery. we're spacey, that's all. i think a lot and i am VERY preoccupied with things that interest me. i also don't need checkups if you have given me no reason to doubt/mistrust you. if i am not intrigued or if i have figured all you have to offer out, i will not bother.. i am also looking for a woman to be my best friend first before she can have any solid profound deep emotional thing with me (it took me my whole 20s to figure out why women would get so angry with me for treating them like a buddy but i realized that i NEED that) it's that simple and on that fire gem was spot on. but this isn't an insult.. please don't take your aquas disappearances personally or as a slap to yor ego because that will destroy you and you give them unnecessary power they dont even know they have. i have a lot of aqua friends, male and female, my father is aquarius too so i understand the male aqua a little and to be honest, we are not all the same (i actually get along better with aquariuses born in february than in january).. some are more evolved than others but notwithstanding, i think i can say that every aqua goes through a period where they do not know who they are or what they want and they have to figure it out before they can make any decisions or commitments, before they can be able to really COMMUNICATE what they want and need in relationships or in their life to be happy.. that period can take some years to an entire lifetime. so if your aqua vanishes don't think it's your fault cuz most of the time it's not. it's them trying to get their shit together even though they might not know that that is what they're trying to do (i know, we suck).

by: song-andanceman

i dated a scorpio woman with taurus moon and mercury in gemini and in some ways, i think the scorp and aqua are similar in their need for space and freedom sometimes. ironically, i actually suspect fire gem had a scorp/taurus moon because it seemed like i was listening to my ex speak! minus the "fixededness" of the bull/scorpion of course but what do i know about astrology. i'm just a song and dance man.

(picks up banjo and waves goodbye to ladies)
kisses to all!

Song and Dance Man
by: LIG

LOL... thanks for your song and dance! You just described my Aqua friend to the T! If I didn't understand him, I would have cut all ties to him long ago!

Thanks again!! Come back and dance with us again real soon!

AquaMan still around so far...
by: LostScorpio

We see each other every week the last couple of months. (so far). He comes to the apartment each week (usually on friday) and stays until early the next morning. I dont know what to say about what is going on between us. I believe he must really have some love for me. Truthfully, since it has been so long since he moved out, I am confused on my feelings for him. Sometimes I wish he moved back and other times I dont. I really hate not having a relationship. Going places, and spending time with each other. We really dont communicate with each other either, and he does not want me to ask any questions as to what he is doing and I dont. I believe he is seeing someone else. One thing for sure, he does not want ANYONE to know he is spending time with me. But when I call him (so far) he calls me RIGHT back. Am I in a relationship or what?

Re: Lost Scorp
by: LIG

I'm not going to give my opinion about this situation. I think you should hear it from someone else like.... Sing and Dance Man.

I wish you well though.

by: Wakawaka

I met this Aqua dude about 6 years ago. I wasnt interested in him at first but he pursued me until I finally gave in. We had the best 1 month romantic experience ever, he even asked me 2 b his girlfriend officially. When I finally accepted, he just disappeared for about 3 years by not returning my calls or texts hence still maintaining the same number. I later on found out that he had been in a relationship with someone else. I cut all contact with him n moved on, bt for some reason I never 4got abt him. 2 yrs ago he sent me a friend request on a social network n we got back in contact. Ever since then he has been in and out of my life. He comes around for a certain period whereeverything seems blissful to me, and then he disappears upto 3-4 months. 5 months agoI told him I was getting into a relationship with someone else since he was barely there, and all of a sudden he came back n was constantly in my life again. When I told him last month that I broke off the other relationship so I could focus on him, he disappeared again and I havent heard from him since then.

I'm sooo confused I dont know what to do.

by: LIG

Drop that zero and Get yourself a Hero!!! Now others may say different... But this Is my opinion!!! Aqua or no Aqua... Don't ever allow a man to disrespect you!! If they want you in their life, they won't treat you like that!!!

For Wakawaka
by: Scorp42

Wakawaka, I know my friend LIG can be very blunt without the explanation but she's right. I am sure he has another if not several other women in his life. He comes around a lot while you have someone so he can get what he wants from you while making sure who you have doesn't take you completely away from him. When you drop who you have mission accomplished and he can move on to other things and people because you obviously are not going anywhere. Stop making him your main focus, that will make him run for the hills and never look back except to make sure you are still a friend. Don't EVER give up another man for "him." Give up another man only because you don't want the other man. Don't let an Aqua run your life and thoughts. Been there done that. It's almost 4 years for me and my Aqua and still closer than ever. The reason why is because he is not the focus of my life or my time. I barely have time for him which makes him make time for me. Hope you understand where I'm coming from.

Aqua Girl Here
by: Aqua Girl

Yeh Aqua's suck! LOL We are very difficult. Go with what Scorpio42 says.. She knows best. I am "playing" with an Aqua Male myself and hell I can't even figure him out and I am one!!! LOL I will say I love that man to death and when he finally gets his head out of his ass, we will be all good!

same as mine
by: Anonymous

i did the same as you did, told him how much i love him..he pulled away..
then we texted for again, i told him i love him so much, he told me, - " pls stop saying i love you, it makes me uncomfortable, that's the reason i dont like replying any of your messages "
that's my aqua

Re: same as mine
by: LIG

Hello Everyone!!

I hope this message finds you happy and content in a healthy and productive relationship and not settling!! I just want to share that my Aqua and I are still very good friends and I love him more today than I did when I first started this forum. We communicate everyday and I tell him I love him EVERYDAY!! And I get to hear it from him everyday also!!

If it's something that I've learned from Hope, Scorp42, Aquagirl, and others who have visited is... You have to be true to yourself first!!! Some things, meaning advice given to you by others and/or similar situations, you are going to know it's what you need to follow and there are going to be situations in which you are going to have to make your own decision based on your situation. Trust God with everything and you won't fail!!

Well I have to end!! My aqua's waiting!! :-). Be blessed!!

What ever the topic is... lol
by: Aqua Girl

I'm Baaaaack! lol

It's been 2 years since I met my Aqua Boo... It's been hard being the same sign because we go back and forth so much but this is it... When I get close he backs up and when he gets close I get crabby and distant. However, I do it to get a reaction out of him for being so distant and crabby with me... LOL We were on the Silent period for a while because I did special things for him and actually showed I cared. So I got the "treatment", now that I'm acting like I don't give a damn, he is starting to come around.

That is the Key to Aqua's Male or Female. You tell us you are interested and want to see us, but don't be so readily available. Kinda act like we matter, but we are not your top priority.. It will drive an Aqua crazy because we are so full of ourselves. We EXPECT EVERYONE to think about us ALL THE TIME and when they don't, we freak.

I must say it was a challenge dealing with my own kind, but I don't regret it. I love that man!! Even if I want to throw him over the ship every other day and all my friends agree!! Nope Not me. I'm keeping him! lol

Attn: Aqua Girl
by: Libra/Scorpio Female

I wrote a while back about my aquarius I call "the one I can't have". I ended up gettin together with him and we went on an overnite trip. The whole way home he was going on and on makin plans of what we could do last summer. A week after our trip he started dating someone and we were back to best friend status and him not bein allowed to talk to me. We ran into each other about a month and a half of him being with her and he ended up staying with me. Next day, right back to her and the silent treatment and I haven't seen him since : (. I got to talk to him the other day after bout 8mos n we ended the convo with I love you but he is still with her. I just wanted to say lucky you and happy for you! I hink my aqua will remain "the one I can't have".....

To Libra/Scorpio Female
by: Aqua Girl

Yeah we are tough to tie down, that's for sure. My Aqua gets on my nerves all the time... I'm still waiting for the day that we can be close... I just don't care anymore and I have interest in other things other then him and I think he is finally starting to realize that. He can stay or go... I'm not gonna lose sleep either way. We are very full of ourselves, so by you agreeing to see him while he is with someone else, is doing wonders for his ego and that is why you are not going anywhere with him... Tell him NO and NO again... Or and ignore his butt... See what happens... LOL

Attn: Aqua Girl
by: Libra/Scorpio Female

Thx Aqua Girl! I feel like I've tried EVERYTHING! Lol He is most definitely a very selfish person ansd yep the ego is pretty big! The person he is dating is actually more of a sugar mama and I guess she just doesn't see it. I know, why would I care for a guy that acts this way?! I don't understand why I can't just forget about him! It will be almost 7 years now! I have dated other people and have even been in an on and off relationship for almost four years. For some reason I still think of my Aquarius daily, miss him and wonder what could've been. I really wish I'd stop!

Wow, I'm not crazy
by: JB

Dated an Aquarius for 5 months and he came on fast and furious. Then, suddenly he vanished. I was hurt, being a Scorpio woman. Crushed really. After reading this I know to just let him go, no matter how much I cared for him.

I spent sleepless nights trying to figure out what I did to turn him off so suddenly. It probably wasn't anything I did.

Thanks for the info!

I would like to hear from hope,scorp, aqua girl
by: Anonymous

hi im sagitarius :)
i tottally confuse with my ex aqua he drives me crazy like a rollercoster! hes charming but he has sharp tongue he likes black joke! we live in different country so yea its abit hard for him i understand, he kept postpone his coming (bla bla bla many excuses) i cant handle it anymore so i broke up with him and he seems ok with that it makes me feel im nothing :( and then he bought plane ticket vacation for us, i mean he full of surprise (which is hard for me to not meltttt =.=) doh! and we had fun around vacation even he often sleep while vacation! im sagitarius i cant just sleep while vacation lol! so yea we argue a lil bit but most of the time he was very sweeet carried me when im tired and always smiling! how come? =.= and then he purpose me a ring i felt so highhhh! i mean he really got my heart! but the ring was too big! so he took it back to resize it, then we r long distance again, and u know what? i found out he is still in contact with his ex!! after he purposed me?? i mean his laptop on cus he wants me to speak with his mum, and he fall asleep and i got so mad at him! but finnaly he got me again =.= hes just like a puppy! a very cute "AHOLE" I felt guilty, his suffering he cried alot on phone and begged to come back, so we got back again, and then he forget my b'day! but then yeah he bought me bunch chocolate and tedy bear and flower with poetry i mean aquarians like casanova they r very good at words! but then when he come again, hed prefer hang out with my friend and her bf while im sick at work! i hang up the phone cus he went go kart and didnt care bout me, but next day he brought me flower to my office, that so sweeeet seems like nothing happened yesterday >.< he bought soup and take care of me T.T my weakness is innocent guy but u know what?? we broke up again after 1 week vacation with me he said he cant get married with me blablabla, and after 8months break up, he called me everyday i cant stand it and i think he is serious so i should give him another change, and after a month we got together, he said "we need to talk" he said i still same, i still funny and cute but he is just doesnt love me as much as before, he dumped me! yes! and after about 4days he said hes sorry, and we talked on the phone he said no other girl cus he just get interested in a girl at his friend cafe but he said yesterday he found out that this girl has a bf, so he felt stupid and oh yes i was so emotional and i said NO! and then he never called me again but he still send msg on fb =.= i still love him, what should i do? I replied it and then i just got one word like yep, and no or cool =.=

Just a question!!!!
by: LibGal

I'll be very happy if anyone answers my question. I think my Aqua friend likes me or maybe has feelings for me, but knows i don't have feelings for him. We know each other since 3 yrs & he's gone distant on me only thrice(longest was for a month). I have seen girls come and go in his life. But he never lets me go distant from him. He broke off with his girlfriend of 2 yrs last month and now he's dating another girl. I dont know how much alone time he spends with her but he brings her along to meet me pretty often. But somehow all this time i've been sensing a strange feeling around him. Like he's holding himself back coz he values our friendship and he doesnt want to lose me. But he never tries to know or ask whats happening in my life or never gives me a lot of attention or asks how i'm doin when we dont talk for a few days at a stretch. But i know i'm an important part of his life. What i'd really like to know is, can an Aqua guy date or be with another girl just so that he can divert his mind from me or just to show me that he's not interested in me? I would really appreciate if i get a reply from Aquarians. And LIG, Scorp42, Aquagirl, Hope, Dazed and all the old members of this blog, i'll be very happy to get suggestions from u guys!!! Cheers & best wishes to everyone dealing with Aquarians!!!

To All
by: Aqua Girl

Hey ya'll! Hope everyone is good. I have been thinking a lot about things in my life and I have decided that I can't think anymore! I am just letting things go with the flow. Usually as Aquas we want what we can't have! Soooo If we know or think you don't like us or maybe you will one day, we fight our asses off to get you. Then when we have you, we don't want you anymore... Unless you are really special. So in saying all this, MOVE ON!! If he wanted you, he would be with you. I know it sounds blunt, but I'm serious. I use to try and make excuses and say what if, but I know me and I know Aquas and I'm tired!! I have officially given up on my Aqua Boo! I love him like no other, but I am not getting what I need from him. He has been hurt and is not ready to go down that road again. He has already told me it would take someone really special to get him to marry them, so obviously I'm not that special one if he is telling me that. I know he cares about me and all, but it's not enough. I will always be his friend and be there for him, but I don't see it going further then that. Of course, when I get closer to the other guy (Sagittarius) that I'm dating, I'm 100% sure Aqua Boo will re-surface and fight for his life... Until I decide to be with him, then he will be MIA again. I just don't have time for the games that We as Aquas play... That's for Ya'll to deal with, Not me! LMAO

to AquaGirl
by: TruthSeeker

Aqua Girl, agree with everything you said in the post above. Aqua's get intrigued by the mystery of 'does she like me, does she not?'

but who doesn't?

otherwise life would be boring.

to that Libra Lady -- try disappearing for a while and see if it sparks his interest. but if you've already slept with him, and he doesn't contact you, it could mean that you already timed out your connection.

Friendship means a lot!
by: LibGal

To Aquagirl- Aquas can be soooo stubborn! It makes me mad. What can i say? U know it better. Lol. I'm a very stubborn person too. Maybe thats why i dont give up on what i believe in. I might be wrong but i have observed that Aquas dont let go easily the person who gives them attention or cares bout them. But they also take that person for granted! Its like, when they need u, u better be there. And when they want u to leave them alone u gotta do that too. They simply cant realise that, that person might expect attention & care in return. They do genuinely care, love, give attention & become affectionate. But only if they feel like. Not when the other person needs them to. And the worst part is u cant complain coz most of the times they dont do it intentionally. Weird or what?? Lol.. I really care a lot bout my Aqua friend & i'm not gonna let go of our friendship. He's not the centre of my attention. So i dont let myself get too upset.

To Truthseeker- No i havent slept with him & dont intend to either. We're attracted to eachother and feel it everytime we're together. But i dont want to do anything bout it. I'm not looking for anything romantic with him coz i dont want to lose the friendship. I just want to find out if he has feelings for me. If he doesnt, all ok. If he does i'll have to change my approach towards him & make sure he doesnt get any wrong signals from me. As of now, i'm going to distance myself from him. Lets see how it goes. Thanks for the suggestion! :)

Any more advice & suggestions are most welcome!

So confused...
by: AquaMarine

Hi everyone, I have been doing some research on aquarius men and I'm completely fascinated. I myself am a virgo involved with an aquarius man. We met while I was vacationing the Bahamas, as he is a native there. The chemistry was insane. We hooked up the first night & the next day again. I had to leave the next day & was bummed to have to go. But he called me right away, began emailing me, & texting almost every day..several times a day. He actually told me over the phone that he loved me one time & I was so baffled because we hardly knew each other! We knew this long distance thing was crazy because he lives in the Bahamas & I am in N.C. But after being so desperate to be together he actually booked a flight & we spent a fantastic weekend together. It was so amazing & our chemistry is off the charts!! He left on a Sunday, sent me a text message from the airport & left me a voice mail later that day. Fast foward to now...3 weeks later..I have hardly heard from him at all!! I am so confused. He has said he misses me when I do hear from him & he had an amazing weekend with me & he wouldn't have come all that way for nothing. He also has some pretty serious personal issues he's dealing with. Should I let it go as just an experience or does this guy really care for me? I'm trying to be patient, but my feelings are so hurt.

And it Begins
by: Aqua Girl

Aquamarine.. This happened to me too with Aqua Boo. Actually it has happened to all of us dealing with an Aqua man!! Or Aqua Woman. Aqua's start off really hot and heavy in the beginning and then it dies off. That's when reality hits! We love the excitement of something new and will give it our all until we get bored or realize what the hell we are doing. If you were distant in the beginning it excited him, but the more you showed you were interested, the more reality hit him. I'm not saying it's over, but now the games begin... IGNORE HIS BUTT!!! Until he calls, then ignore him again! Then you can call back... He will call... It will take a while, but he will resurface. Don't always answer the phone every single time he calls. It will drive him nuts. You may also get the Silent treatment for a while after ignoring him, but he will get over it in a few days and call back.

I messed up in the beginning with mine because we are the same way, so we played a lot of back and forth... We are still intouch with eachother and we haven't gone to the next level yet... Or have we??? Some things recently happened with us, so I have to get back with you after I figure it all out, but it seems to be FINALLY moving in the right direction. Slow and steady wins the race!! TRUST ME! After all the bitching and pleading and stating how I feel about him... it didn't do any good. Well, not right away anyway. It's okay to let him know how you feel. Actually I advise it but only in moderation. But just know when you do, it's going to take a WHILE for him to process and respond. And no matter how much he says he isn't the relationship type... Don't believe it! He was probably hurt at some point and it's going to take time. Just keep your distance and enjoy the ride! I'm going on year 3 my friend... You have a LOOOONG way to go.

thanks AquaGirl
by: Capricornia

Hey AquaGirl,

I've read your comments for a couple of years but never commented...thanks for providing the Aqua angle on all this.

I'm 'involved' with an Aquarius man...we are playing the same is REALLY hard for me to ignore him, really hard. I just always worry he'll forget about me. He def runs super-hot, and then disappears. He usually waits for me to contact him first, which drives me UP A WALL!!!

Any advice on how to tell whether he actually, y'know, cares, or is just receiving the attention?

thanx for your insights.

hope everything's going great w/ your AquaBoo.

by: AquaMarine

Thank you for the words of incouragement. I just don't understand how my aqua could have been so hot & heavy with me, traveled across the world & then BAM...he goes MIA for weeks with hardly speaking to me after he left. It's like he has this wall up & I can feel the distance. He sends me emails saying, I will call you baby, I miss you...but he never calls! I have been trying to be patient & hoping this is just a classic "aquaman" disappearance..rather than him just using & dissing me. That sure is how it feels. I have NOT chased him, told him my feelings other than how much fun I had with him & I have said I like him a lot. In 3 weeks he has called me once, emailed me a handful of times(mostly responding to my emails..some of which were ignored altogether) & sent me a random text. It feels awful to be treated this way & I keep wondering if he's scared or just doesn't care, does he miss me??..he says he does, but it's kinda hard to believe when I feel like he's avoiding me. How are things going with your AquaBoo?? Has anything transpired yet? I guess we can just keep our fingers crossed & hope for the best. In the meantime, I'm trying to keep busy & hope he will be in touch soon.

NC with my Aqua
by: Anonymous/Aloof Aqua

Hi Girls .... I just wanna know if my Aqua ex will come back :(
It's a long distance relationship a few hours away. I've known
him for over a year. We've met a few times. We broke up twice but got back together after me pleading and contacting him. It started out romantic and that we will move in together etc. then a couple of weeks back I contacted him and we were talking .....and he comes up with let's be friends if not I'll remove u off my fb and that's that. I was hurt didn't know what to decide and said ok friends. (he will only talk to me if I contact him first) the next day I talked to my friends didn't know what to think and decided to go NC .....I deleted him off my fb deleted anything that reminded me of him. He contacted me a week later ....I missed the call he left a voice message to see how I am doing. I didn't call back ....and I'm on no contact
Can anyone help me and tell me .....what is the best thing to do next? Is no contact good? Or just to be his friend for now?

NC with my Aqua
by: Anonymous/Aloof Aqua

Hi Girls .... I just wanna know if my Aqua ex will come back :(
It's a long distance relationship a few hours away. I've known
him for over a year. We've met a few times. We broke up twice but got back together after me pleading and contacting him. It started out romantic and that we will move in together etc. then a couple of weeks back I contacted him and we were talking .....and he comes up with let's be friends if not I'll remove u off my fb and that's that. I was hurt didn't know what to decide and said ok friends. (he will only talk to me if I contact him first) the next day I talked to my friends didn't know what to think and decided to go NC .....I deleted him off my fb deleted anything that reminded me of him. He contacted me a week later ....I missed the call he left a voice message to see how I am doing. I didn't call back ....and I'm on no contact
Can anyone help me and tell me .....what is the best thing to do next? Is no contact good? Or just to be his friend for now?

NC with my Aqua
by: Anonymous/Aloof Aqua

Hi Girls .... I just wanna know if my Aqua ex will come back :(
It's a long distance relationship a few hours away. I've known
him for over a year. We've met a few times. We broke up twice but got back together after me pleading and contacting him. It started out romantic and that we will move in together etc. then a couple of weeks back I contacted him and we were talking .....and he comes up with let's be friends if not I'll remove u off my fb and that's that. I was hurt didn't know what to decide and said ok friends. (he will only talk to me if I contact him first) the next day I talked to my friends didn't know what to think and decided to go NC .....I deleted him off my fb deleted anything that reminded me of him. He contacted me a week later ....I missed the call he left a voice message to see how I am doing. I didn't call back ....and I'm on no contact
Can anyone help me and tell me .....what is the best thing to do next? Is no contact good? Or just to be his friend for now?

by: Leo44

Hello everyone. It was great reading all the posts. Im a Leo woman but definitely feel the same as all of you. I have aqua in my life who is half my age. We started out as friends but then I found myself falling for him and fast. Not very experienced with serious relationships with the males since I have been in only one. The problem with me is that everythg was going great for the first year. Having fun and getting to know each other and getting closer to the point where we began saying "love you always n forever". But then I would get panicky and push him away and then beg him to stay. And he would. But for the last six months I felt things changing and him pulling away so we talked and I decided that we needed a break for awhile but the same day I panicked again trying to get info from him. He said we werent bffs anymore and I was crushed ans hurt. I asked when he would come back and he said someday. Now for the last three days I am still in a numbed state and dont know what to do. I am scared that I have lost him for good. And I just cant bare the thought of that. I havent texted him or called him in thethen last three days which is VERY HARD for me not to do because I am very patient. I did however accidentally sent him three text msgs this past Sat am n immediately told him to delete them and apologized. But othee than that I have not contacted him. What do I do? I am extremely scared I am going to lose him because we have so much in common! And I feel we are soulmates because I have never felt this eay towards anyone cud before. But first and foremost I want to save our friendship. HELP ME!

by: Aqua Girl

If an Aqua says they are done with you and they just want to be friends... That's pretty much it. At least in my world. I will tell everyone else and myself that I am done, but I won't tell that person, until I know for sure I'm done!!! Now, the other side of that is... My emotions got the best of me and I couldn't take it anymore so I did tell him I was done... A couple times actually, but that's because I was fed up with the distance and I was scared and didn't want to get hurt. So basically, if you are being too clingy with us and we say we are done... We really are done! If you are pulling and pushing us back and forth and we actually like you and say we are done, that's because we are hurt! If you keep pulling us in and then pushing us away because you are scared, we are 10 times as scared and will get very distant because we don't want to get hurt... The trouble is I did this to him and it put things on hold for a couple years. I didn't realize what I was doing... Now I get it. I will never ever tell him I'm done again!. I'm in it for the long haul now. He still frustrates me some times, but I don't let it get to me as much as I use to. I use to get so emotional and upset, I would make myself sick and he could sense it. It scared him. So now when he doesn't respond... I just let it go. I contact him once and wait until I hear from him. Unless a couple weeks go by, then I cave and call... then of course he is missing me so much by then we end up seeing each other. He isn't my main focus anymore and he knows that now so he is more comfortable. We don't always ignore you on purpose ya know. We are a little spacy and air headed so we really do forget sometimes. We have a lot going on ya know. lol However, I do "forget" to respond to him some times now and it drives him nuts.. lol

I love that man more then anything and I am learning now, that I have to be the first one to start things. I was the first to initiate the visits, so now he does it from time to time. I was the first to say I missed him, so now he starts that sometimes... It was the scariest thing ever, but I had to let my guard down, because he sure wasn't going to. They are scared so you have to be the one to start things sometimes and they will follow, (IN MODERATION) but they want to make sure they won't get rejected. I let him come and go when he wants and I NEVER question anything he does... Unless it affects me directly, then sometimes he gets cussed out! lol We are okay and doing better everyday! Things are finally moving forward. SLOWLY, but Forward! For months we were at a stand still.... We are actually becoming real friends. Now when I tell him I want something, I get it. It takes a little while, but I get it. Not material things, I mean like time, a visit, watch a movie together... stuff like that. I'm in no hurry anymore. But I can say this, if I ever get where I want to be with him, I'm not letting him get away!! I have worked too damn hard!

by: Leo44

Aquagirl thank you for your commenta. It has helped me see the light. To give u a little history my aqua came into my life when I feel God thot i needed someone. I just lost a brother to suicide and I was devastated bc he n I werent close but I took it really hard. And basically was walking around in a daze. Then my aqua appeared. It was like a whirlwind. The more time we spent together the more we spent together with both us wanting to see each other and hang out. We always had fun together. And Im the type of person who loves having fun and sometimes just vegging. Then I had another situation happen w my family and I felt lost lost and alone and I started panicking more scared of being alone. So a couple times he wanted to end it but then I would apologize for my behavior and he would stay. We never really had long periods of time away from each other. This will be our first. We have so much in common and he gets me to the tee. I get that he needs his space after researching tbe aqua behavior. We have so many similarities its crazy. We love the same things things he doesnt do all do with anyone else. But lately hes been pulling away and I havent even done anythg but give him his space. Just last week he wanted me to.come over and I was like shocked but i did and then we hung out another day as well. But still felt he was pulling away so we talked and i said that i felt we needed a break and he agreed nc he says its hard for him bc he cant tell others like his family that we hang out. Even though we were best friends. He has been to my place and loves my kids. I am married but i havent been happy in my marriage for a long time but cant leave bc of my kids n i cant affors it so ik that makes it hard for him. Plus being twice his age. But he says he still loves me. Ugh! I am hoping he will.come back in time.

by: Leo44

I guess u I am just looking for reassurance that he WILL contact me when he is ready. I really dont want to lose the great friendship we had. Very sad right now

by: Leo44

Sorry im rambling bc i havent been able to talk about how I feel and you girls help me do that. I guess too that for the most part our friendship has been drama free with regards to the two of us. I think what it has been is stress from my life with my job losing my brother and brother in law to suicide within an 18 month period and anothee friend between that time also passed away to issues with my family to the point where I dont have a family on either side just my kids. Dont get me wrong i do care n love my husband but i married him for the wrong reasons bc I was so young and now know what I want even before my aqua guy was anywhere near the picture. I guess all these stressers spilt over into my friendship bc of the feear of being alone. My aqua guy has always been there for me and says we r always friends n its not bc of me that he agreed to the break for awhile but for him. He said that be has "lost" what we had in the beginning and he needa to find that again. And I believe him bc he has never lied to me. He even hates it when i dont text him back right away. Just last week before we hung out and I didnt text him after the first three text msgs he says to me "i understand if you dont want to talk to me i wouldnt want to eithee" so right away i said dont be that way. I still love u and we joked around. And the day before he texted me i did text back on and off bc I was busy. I fugured dude u dont always text me back ya goof. But he wasnt mad. He has never gotten mad at me. A mittle irritated but he says its lasts about a day and he is over it. He doesnt dwell on stuff. Ik he doeznt like drama and neither do I. Tbats why I get along with guys better. Bc most the women ik live in drama world. Lol. Thank God I have some great gf that dont do drama. Who else do I pms with. Lol. So anyways i think thats it. Until i think of somethg. Im the type if i think i better say it. Lol. Gotta love life.just miss my bff. Btw i dont do patience. Lol.

He's Back!!!
by: AquaMarine

So, it's been a while since I posted on here... but my aqua came back to me. I started to try to get over him after he dropped me like a stone after a wonderful weekend together. We met in his native country(the Bahamas) while I was on vacation & totally fell for each other. After communicating hot & heavy for a couple of months he came to visit me in the states. It was PERFECT. Period. After he left he stopped calling, texting, responses to me whatsoever. I couldn't believe it, understand...comprehend..what the hell happened??!! Now, after about a month he has come back. He has confessed he meant every word he said, apoligized over & over, begging for my forgiveness(after me NOT responding to him at all because I was so upset from how he treated me). I guess we will see how it goes...but for now my heart is aching for him but my head is telling me to be VERY careful with the one who crushed my heart not so long ago... Time will tell & I will update when I have more to report:)

Express your feeling
by: A confident bug

I like an aquarius guy, and I told him that, and I told him that I want an honest answer that he has a right to say no. I really want him to say yes, but , at the same time I need the truth. If he said no, I won't waste my time on him.

by: Pisces143

I wanted to start off by saying I've been reading all the posts on this thread and you ladies are so strong! You ladies have been through blow after blow and you keep trucking along, not to mention the support you ladies offer each other. It made me want to post and share my aqua story.

I'm almost embarrassed to post this since my aqua and I are fresh, and I mean fresh into our relationship/friendship..whatever the heck this is lol and you guys have been at this for a while. Anywho, here goes..

My aqua and I have been seeing each other for 3 months. Everything was great at first. We talked every day and saw each other often. Then he dissapeared for a couple days and I was ok with it since I know aquas love their space. He contacted me apologizing for disappearing and explained how he likes his space. I told him I understood and not to worry. Everything went back to normal after that. He would come see me and we'd have a blast together. We were already intimate at this point but one night when were doing our thing it felt different..the connection was incredible. I've never felt that with anyone. I'm not saying I love him or anything, god no, but I did realize I really liked him and that connection I felt was like no other. After all was said and done we just layed there and he gazed into my eyes and cuddled me and that's sooo not an Aquarian thing to do lol! After that night he dissapeared again. I was ok but then a week passed and I didn't hear from him. Then 2 weeks and nothing. Me being a Pisces I started to freak out and against my better judgement I texted him asking if he was ok. He said all was well and that's it. Again, I know aquas need their space but I felt like something was up so once again I texted him 2 days letter explaining that I understand his need for space but if he's not interested in me anymore or wants to keep things platonic to let me know and I'd understand, no hard feelings. He texted me a couple hours later saying he's very much interested but has been distracted. He went on to say that perhaps we should keep things platonic since he doesn't want a serious relationship and doesn't like labels. Mind you I have not brought up anything about being in a relationship at all. I told him i agreed with him on keeping things platonic since i realized i really like him and don't want to end up hurt in the long run. He sent me back a smiley face and that's it. That was 4 days ago. Is this really it? I know aquas say what they mean and mean what they say but that connection I felt was so strong. I feel like I messed everything up by breaking the cardinal rule of contacting him but my curiosity got the best of me. I'm not saying I want a serious relationship right now but the option in the future would have been nice. Any chance he'll have a change of heart? Or mind I should say lol!

To Pisces
by: Aqua Girl

OMG! Your story made me tear up! This sounds Exactly like my story and probably everyone else's... lol Even the 3 month time frame... I'm so glad I am past that stage. That was the worst time ever! We went through the same thing. We were together at least 3-4 days a week for about 3 months, then all of a sudden we had a really good night/moment. It was that closeness. I could feel him really liking me. Then the next day we text eachother for a couple hours then POOF! GONE with the wind! He started getting really strange and that's when the Roller-coaster ride began... As you did, I text him about a week later and told him if he didn't want to be bothered with me anymore let me know and I would walk away. He said he really enjoyed my company and that wasn't it. I told him I was looking for more then a booty call and he thought I meant relationship and said he was NEVER going to be boyfriend material, but he did really like me. That made me angry of course, so I broke it off with him. 1 week later he text me saying that he kinda missed me. So of course I went back and that's when it all began. If you read all my stories you will get all the details. I don't have the energy to talk about it again. lol It sucked a lot of life out of me. When I did tell him I was done though, I found out much later that it broke his heart so bad! Anyway, Just give him time. Don't tell him how you feel just yet, let him come to you 99.9% of the time. Aquas want to be friends first before anything!! It's going to take him time to respect you. We tend to walk all over people that are push overs because we can, so make sure you don't back down if there is a little argument. If you don't like him ignoring you, tell him! and Stay firm with it, no matter how irriated he gets. Make sure he knows what you don't like as well as what you like. He will process it all. It won't be right then, but he will. They like Fiesty girls.. Not DRAMA or emotional chicks, but Fiesty. Someone that sticks up for themselves and doesn't back down! We as Aquas CANNOT handle emotion.. Our own or Yours!! We don't know how to process it well. If I see someone crying or upset, I run! FAST! Stay strong you will get through this. What are your plans for the next couple of years??? LOL
I'm seeing a trend with them. They don't start crawling out of their shell until about 2 years into it, then it slows down even more!. It seems he likes you. Now remember, we always have to have something going on in our lives, so he may have another girl or 2 in the line-up. That's normal, but it sounds to me like he has been hurt before and things are moving too fast for him.. He will be okay. Just keep all convos friendly and encouraging. NO EMOTIONAL TALK!! For now anyway. It's WAY TOO NEW. Unless he brings it up

Pisces 143
by: Libra/Scorpio Female

I feel for you! Your roller coaster ride is just getting started! I've been dealing with my Aquarius for seven years and still haven't got to "date" or start a relationship. Still carrying the label of "friends for life" and I'm still calling him "the one I can't have"! I haven't heard from him since June and when I did see him in June, he refused to be intimate with me because of my "feelings" but we have already been intimate off and on for seven years and he's known my feelings from the beginning! Ugh! Good luck to you!

by: LIG

Hi Everyone!!

I just stopped thru to say hello and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!! Who would have thought asking a question about my Aqua would spark such an interest?? It's 2 years later and this forum has grown.

I'm not into the "giving advice business". I leave that up to Aqua Girl and Scorpio42. lol. They know me pretty well and I'm the quiet one of the bunch. I only say things when there is a dire need. It's my makeup. ??

But I will share that my Aqua is still here and we share a wonderful friendship! The love we share is like no other and I'm truly grateful for him and us! If things are meant to be, it will happen. Just take things one day at a time, be honest, and MOST OF ALL... BE PATIENT!!! Well I have to go now!

Remember Life is Good!!!

Need Aquarius Man Help...
by: Anonymous

My Aquarian boyfriend (26) and I (cancer)(25) have been together for over 5 months in a semi-long distance relationship. I see him twice a week and we talk once every other day at most. He's been really distant and I pegged it off because he's been sick for over two months (recovering from a staph infection) and it got to the point where he was ignoring me when I was with him. I got pretty sick around the same time and still he ignored me. I was upset that after not seeing him in over a week that this continued and I told him that I was spending Christmas alone and at the time it hurt more being with him than alone and I left very upset. This was about a week ago.

We didn't talk for three days because i wanted to give him his space. He responded on the third day that he thought we shouldn't see each other until after Christmas. I called and he didn't pick up. He finally called me back and we talked about some of our issues which I'm finding are typical cancer/aquarian issues. I've told him I love him before and he's told me he isn't there yet, which was kind of what i expected.

I'll admit i was 'clingy' because I was sick and my family taught me that when we're sick you care for the ones you care about and he's the exact opposite. We met up three days before Christmas to talk about what happened. I apologized for what I said because I was upset and hurt. He said that when i said it something inside him 'snapped' and he doesn't know if we can be anything more than friends and that he needed space to figure things out. He was crying when he said this and said he's never been hurt this bad by a gf before and that he felt attacked by it and that he didn't think we were going to make it. He hugged me really tight and we held each other for about 15 out by my car as i was leaving and both of us were crying. I promised I'd give him his space. I told him I loved him before I left and he cried and said he wished he could say the same but couldn't yet.

The next day he wanted to have lunch with me before he went up with his family on Christmas Eve and everything was pretty good.

The thing is, I'm confused and I need some help with this. Everyone is telling me to ignore him but in my mind I'm worried that that will make him insecure. We're still together and I love and respect him enough to give him his space. Can anyone please give me some insight!

Aqua man..
by: 69Scorp

Hi, I came across this thread and was reading what was being said about the aqua man..OH boy did I get some insight from reading this. I also recently meet an aqua man and the chemistry, interest and lust was there and when we first met we spent 4 days back to back seeing each other.I was like wow this is what ive been looking for and deserve. We talked and texted one another he being quit attentive and me the Scorpio woman loving it. However, i notice the distance and I am like hhhmmmm. what is going on, since we are not boyfriend girlfriend he has all the right to go on dates with others as do I. So I asked him and he said no so, at this stage of the game he has no reason to lie. we are both in our 40's and childs play isnt what i want. Anyway in reading what you said about the aqua man I get a better understanding of how they operate. This is goingto be realllll hard for a scorp, because as you know once we get fixated on someone, we give them our all and to go a few days without seeing that person or hearing from them is a no we shall see.


by: Anonymous

I am an Aries woman- I love an aquarius man- about a month ago now he has stopped calling or texting me- I have emailed him saying I love him and cant cope without him but I am being ignored- he wont tell me if I have done anything wrong- does he love me enough to make contact- he said he wanted to marry me but was it just words

by: Anonymous

I miss my aquarian, I am aries
we havent spoken in nearly 4 weeks now- I have sent him an email and one text cos I dobt want to make him mad- he has ignored my communication- what can I do

What do.. What to say
by: Capri

Me and my Aqua man been together for two years.he has Saud he loved me a few times But. he recently told me he was unhappy with his life and being in a relationship, its nothing that I did..he doesn't know why. I sent a text for him to talk to his friends..and for him to take time to figure it out. He did text me Happy New Year and Happy Bday. I haven't heard from in a week. He has been distant sexually for 3 months and he says it not about that all the time.. I think I may over stayed my welcome on the weekends.. at the beginning of our relationship..his teenage son moved in with him . and you know how kids can be..Aqua man he gets frustrated and disappointed by his son behavior.. I would listen and I help him. but it has affected him in some way. He is not able to just pick up and go ad he chooses anymore.

I like my space, and need to focus on me. But if he had moved on.. it would be nice for him to end it in a mature way. I am a Cap. I rather be friends than be bitter. What shall I do or say.

What do.. What to say
by: Capri

Me and my Aqua man been together for two years.he has Saud he loved me a few times But. he recently told me he was unhappy with his life and being in a relationship, its nothing that I did..he doesn't know why. I sent a text for him to talk to his friends..and for him to take time to figure it out. He did text me Happy New Year and Happy Bday. I haven't heard from in a week. He has been distant sexually for 3 months and he says it not about that all the time.. I think I may over stayed my welcome on the weekends.. at the beginning of our relationship..his teenage son moved in with him . and you know how kids can be..Aqua man he gets frustrated and disappointed by his son behavior.. I would listen and I help him. but it has affected him in some way. He is not able to just pick up and go ad he chooses anymore.

I like my space, and need to focus on me. But if he had moved on.. it would be nice for him to end it in a mature way. I am a Cap. I rather be friends than be bitter. What shall I do or say.

the aquarian male and female
by: Anonymous

Some of us aqurians dont realize agood thing untill
It gone or the devestation we cause some of us
Are up no all the time than we get mad when
We have to confess to messing up we mean well
We mess up a lot of good relationships but if
We love you we are loyal we are a lot to handle
Flirtatious all in good fun fiery but we have
Good hearts,just ignore him or herand itdrives,us crazy
But we also can move on in blink of eye ego dont
Mean it.

aquarian,woman virgo male
by: Anonymous

Hey guys are there any virgo men out there im a aquarian woman he pursued me im some times out of control i did
Some thing he said i hurt him hella bad have
Not heard from him see i dont realize devestation untill
Its done have not heard from him is he okay or let it be
We were in the car and he stopped in the middle of street
He says i broughmemory for him

Wow! Love this page!! :) :)
by: Scorp30

So, I have been reading this whole thing over the last week as I have been EXTREMELY frustrated with my own aqua!! Yeah, I know, go figure right?? LOL!!! :D It has helped me with my "up and down moods" and I am sooo glad I found you guys! :) Being not only a scorpio, but also half greek I tend to care A LOT about the people in my life, so the whole distance-thing is very hard for me as well. But on a positive note I have learned so much about myself in the process. And as everyone here states: YOU have to put YOU first! Not him, no matter how much you may miss him or be scared of losing him. He WILL NOT respect you if you don`t stand on your own two feet.As for the whole mind game thing I guess scorpios maybe gets it a bit because we are also extremely wary creatures. Especially if we`ve been hurt before. Anyway, you are not alone :)

To Aqua Girl
by: HoldingOn

I just came across your stories and learned a lot of things from them...Just want to know if you guys (LIG, HOPE, Aqua Girl,Dazed, Scorpio42) are still around and can offer some advice or give me some insights with my Aqua guy...

Confusing aqua man behavior
by: LeoGal26

I dated an Aqua man for 6 months. things were going pretty good. We are polar opposites, there were struggles on my end, I studied his entire chart to accept many of his flaws (moods, distance, aloofness, non expressive etc). I found he kept me on my toes. I never over called him, text or anything, i let him come to me. I knew he was falling for me, he gave little hints, but out of nowhere once day he became mean, very distant and wasnt calling much. I finally sent a text of frustration and he never replied. I thought it was over and never contacted him again. 3 months later he started to send one liner texts every 3 weeks. then to every 2 weeks, then every week to every other day. I was responsive, but vague. He was begging me to go away with himn for a weekend and after 3 months of asking, i went. More for either closure or maybe rekindle. It didnt go as planned. He was mean, distant, told me all the qualities he hated about me. I couldnt understand his purpose of his trip. Was it to tell me off? Was it because i know Aqua's, they say the exact opposite of what they really mean for reactions... I know their testing games and all i did was call his bluff. I didnt not cave in. When he said "i like being single"? i said "good for you, at 44 if this is how you feel, enjoy). Meanwhile what he wanted to hear was "why? your worthy of a relationship etc". But im fixed and i wasnt going to play his game". After out trip, I decided if he contacts me again, he will not get one reply back, nothing. I am done with his games, im done compromising this aqua behavior and adjusting to his moods. I am told the more you ignore them the more they want you. If this is true.... as a LEO, if u want me will have to climb a few mountains

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