Horoscope symbol

Each of the 12 horoscope signs has its own symbol and Horoscope symbol meaning. Most have slight variations on how they can be written or displayed, though the general shape is always consistent and typically represents the shape of the horoscope signs constellation.

Below are examples of the horoscope symbol for each horoscope sign. The links go to the relevant horoscope symbol article:

Aries horoscope symbol

Aries symbol 1 Aries symbol 2 Aries symbol 3 Aries symbol 4

Taurus horoscope symbol

Taurus symbol 1 Taurus symbol 2 Taurus symbol 3 Taurus symbol 4

Gemini horoscope symbol

Gemini symbol 1 Gemini symbol 2 Gemini symbol 3 Gemini symbol 4

Cancer horoscope symbol

Cancer symbol 1 Cancer symbol 2 Cancer symbol 3 Cancer symbol 4

Leo horoscope symbol

Leo symbol 1 Leo symbol 2 Leo symbol 3 Leo symbol 4

Virgo horoscope symbol

Virgo symbol 1 Virgo symbol 2 Virgo symbol 3 Virgo symbol 4

Libra horoscope symbol

Libra symbol 1 Libra symbol 2 Libra symbol 3 Libra symbol 4

Scorpio horoscope symbol

Scorpio symbol 1 Scorpio symbol 2 Scorpio symbol 3 Scorpio symbol 4

Sagittarius horoscope symbol

Sagittarius symbol 1 Sagittarius symbol 2 Sagittarius symbol 3 Sagittarius symbol 4

Capricorn horoscope symbol

Capricorn symbol 1 Capricorn symbol 2 Capricorn symbol 3 Capricorn symbol 4

Aquarius horoscope symbol

Aquarius symbol 1 Aquarius symbol 2 Aquarius symbol 3 Aquarius symbol 4

Pisces horoscope symbol

Pisces symbol 1 Pisces symbol 2 Pisces symbol 3 Pisces symbol 4


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